100 Yer PM PPM 0777
100 Yer PM PPM 0777
100 Yer PM PPM 0777
PROJECT PROCEDURE MANUAL (PPM) 100-YER-PM-PPM-0777, Summary of Corrosion Prevention and Control Document No.: 100-YER-PM-PPM-0777 Revision No.: 0 Issue Date: 14 May 2008
PREFACE This procedure is a revision or an overlay to a Saudi Aramco Engineering Procedure (SAEP), for the scope of the Yanbu Export Refinery Project, YERP, unless specifically defined as a New document. A YERP procedure consists of a revision or an overlay and the Saudi Aramco (SA) document with the same name. An overlay establishes any required changes to the SA document and specifically defines the changes. If the SA document is to be used without any changes the overlay will state there are no changes required. If the document is a new YERP document, with no reference to a SA procedure, the overlay will state it. The YERP Procedure Index identifies which YERP documents are new and the ones that relate to SA documents that are unchanged, changed, or deleted. All references to SA procedures, specifications and standards are to be defined as references to YERP procedures, specifications and standards unless specifically stated otherwise in the overlay. All references to SA organizations are to be defined as the YERP Management Team. Interpret the following as specified: Revise A specific revision to a SA or other Code paragraph or sentence as noted in this specification Add continuation of an SA or other Code paragraph with an overlay requirement Substitute replace the SA or other Code paragraph in entirety by the overlay requirement New New paragraph number in the overlay with no corresponding SA or other Code paragraph Delete SA or other Code paragraph is deleted by the overlay REVISION This is a new YERP document that does not replace any Saudi Aramco Document. ATTACHMENT None
TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3 6.0 7.0 8.0 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 8.5 8.6 9.0 9.1 9.2 9.3 9.4 9.5 PURPOSE ............................................................................................................. 5 SCOPE AND OBJECTIVES ................................................................................. 5 RESPONSIBILITIES ............................................................................................. 5 REFERENCE PROJECT DOCUMENTS AND INDUSTRY STANDARDS .......... 5 YERP Engineering Procedures .......................................................................... 6 YERP Engineering Standards ........................................................................... 6 YERP Materials System Specifications ............................................................. 7 YERP Project Procedures................................................................................... 7 YERP Standard Drawing ..................................................................................... 7 YERP Industry Standards ................................................................................... 8 DEFINITIONS........................................................................................................ 8 YERP..................................................................................................................... 8 Company Project Management Team (PMT)..................................................... 8 Contractor or Contractors .................................................................................. 8 ABBREVIATIONS................................................................................................. 8 CONFLICTS AND DEVIATIONS .......................................................................... 9 EQUIPMENT AND PIPING ................................................................................... 9 Material Selection ................................................................................................ 9 Licensor Requirements..................................................................................... 10 Chemical Treatment .......................................................................................... 10 Corrosion Monitoring........................................................................................ 11 In-Line Inspection (ILI) required for pipelines only ........................................ 12 Coatings ............................................................................................................. 12 CIVIL, STRUCTURAL, AND ARCHITECTURAL ............................................... 19 Soil Conditions .................................................................................................. 19 Structural Steel .................................................................................................. 20 Fireproofing of Structural Steel ....................................................................... 20 Concrete ............................................................................................................. 20 Rebar and Concrete Embedments.................................................................. 20
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ELECTRICAL...................................................................................................... 21 Cathodic Protection .......................................................................................... 21 PRESERVATION OF EQUIPMENT, PIPING, STEEL, AND MATERIALS ........ 21 Site Environment ............................................................................................... 21 Export Shipping and Packaging ...................................................................... 21 On-Site Preservation Procedures .................................................................... 22
PURPOSE The purpose of this document is to summarize what has been done to prevent and control corrosion at the Yanbu Export Refinery during the FEED and to identify any corrosion related activities which need to be performed by the Contractor during the EPC phase of the project. The purpose of the Corrosion Prevention and Control Plan is to develop and maintain a dependable operating plant requiring a minimal amount of maintenance.
SCOPE AND OBJECTIVES The corrosion prevention and control measures listed herein in shall be implemented during the detailed design, construction, operation, and maintenance phases of the plant.
3.0 3.1
RESPONSIBILITIES Contractor with design responsibility shall assure that adequate corrosion prevention and control requirements are being incorporated in accordance with the ITB, licensor requirements, project specifications and this document. These requirements include: Implementing design practices and selection of materials which minimizes corrosion. Use of cathodic protection to eliminate corrosion. Use of protective coatings to minimize atmospheric corrosion and to reduce the current requirements of cathodic protection systems. Use of chemicals and/or internal linings to reduce internal corrosion due to chemical attack.
Contractor shall provide input about corrosion prevention and monitoring as required by Sections 8 through 10. YERP PMT shall maintain this Corrosion Prevention and Control Plan. REFERENCE PROJECT DOCUMENTS AND INDUSTRY STANDARDS The following documents are referenced and cover various corrosion prevention and control methods and requirements. This list is not intended to be all inclusive but only a summary to aid Contractor during detailed design.
YERP Engineering Procedures YERP-SAEP-302 YERP-SAEP-332 YERP-SAEP-1135 Instructions for Obtaining a Waiver of Mandatory YERP Requirements Cathodic Protection Commissioning On-Stream Inspection Administration
YERP Engineering Standards YERP-SAES-B-006 YERP-SAES-H-001 YERP-SAES-H-002 YERP-SAES-H-101 YERP-SAES-H-003. YERP-SAES-L-105 YERP-SAES-L-132 YERP-SAES-L-133 YERP-SAES-L-136 YERP-SAES-L-310 YERP-SAES-L-410 YERP-SAES-L-420 YERP-SAES-L-450 YERP-SAES-L-460 YERP-SAES-Q-001 YERP-SAES-X-400 YERP-SAES-X-500 YERP-SAES-X-600 Fireproofing for Plants Coating Selection & Application Requirements for Industrial Plants & Equipment Internal and External Coatings for Steel Pipelines and Piping Approved Protective Coating Systems for Industrial Plants & Equipment Protective Coatings for Industrial Concrete Structures Piping Material Specification Material Selection for Piping Systems Corrosion Protection Requirements for Pipelines, Piping and Process Equipment Selection and Restrictions of Carbon Steel Pipe Design of Plant Piping Design of Pipelines Scraper Trap Stations and Appurtenances Construction of On-Land and Near Shore Pipelines Pipeline Crossings Under Roads and Railroads Criteria for Design and Construction of Concrete Structures Cathodic Protection of Buried Pipelines Cathodic Protection of Vessel and Tank Internals Cathodic Protection of Plant Facilities
YERP Materials System Specifications YERP-01-SAMSS-Y41 YERP-09-SAMSS-106 YERP-09-SAMSS-107 Injection and Mix Points Epoxy Coating of Steel Reinforcing Bars Qualification Requirements for Application Composite Fluoropolymer/Ceramic Coatings Atmospheric Services Project Coating Summary Fabrication of Structural Steel and Miscellaneous Steel Conventional (Tap Adjustable Rectifiers for Cathodic Protection Cathodic Protection Phase Controlled Rectifiers Galvanic Anodes for Cathodic Protection Impressed Current Anodes for Cathodic Protection Junction Boxes for Cathodic Protection Photovoltaic Power Supply for Cathodic Protection Impressed Current Cathodic Protection Cables Remote Monitoring System (RMS) for Protection Applications Cathodic of in
YERP-09-SAMSS-Y200 YERP-12-SAMSS-007 YERP-17-SAMSS-004 YERP-17-SAMSS-005 YERP-17-SAMSS-006 YERP-17-SAMSS-007 YERP-17-SAMSS-008 YERP-17-SAMSS-012 YERP-17-SAMSS-017 YERP-17-SAMSS-018 4.4 YERP Project Procedures Project Procedure 515 Project Procedure 630 4.5 YERP Standard Drawing AC-036915 190-YER-PE-GEO-0100
Material & Equipment Protection & Preservation 100-YER- PM-PPM-0615 Packing Specifications - 100-YER-PM-PPM-0130
Standard Drawing Fireproofing for Column and Vessel Skirts Feed Level Geotechnical Study
YERP Industry Standards NACE RP0178, Fabrication Details, Surface Finish Requirements, and Proper Design Considerations for Tanks and Vessels to be Lined for Immersion Service Corrosion Preventive Compound, Solvent Cutback, Cold-Application
The Yanbu Export Refinery Project (YERP) as used in this procedure, shall also mean the Yanbu Export Refinery Company and its affiliated companies. It is also named as the COMPANY. 5.2 Company Project Management Team (PMT) The Company Project Management Team (PMT) is the group responsible for the management of the entire project and is dedicated to the overall success, development and execution of the work and to ensure alignment across the numerous project interfaces. The PMT consists of Aramco Services Company and ConocoPhillips team members, partner(s), agency personnel, and contractors. These project management resources will form a cohesive, seamless team responsible for the project execution. 5.3 Contractor or Contractors Any Design, Construction or Service Contractor(s); Manufacturer(s); Vendor(s); Government Agencies; and other similar organization(s) having a contractual relationship or a prospective contractual relationship with the Company. 6.0 ABBREVIATIONS APCS CIFDS CMP CP CPCP Approved Protective Coating System Coating, Insulation, and Fireproofing Data Sheet Corrosion Monitoring Plan Cathodic Protection Corrosion Prevention and Control Plan
Ferrous materials, e.g., carbon steel, low chrome (1-1/4 Cr through 9 Cr) and chrome-moly alloys. Corrosion Under Fireproofing Corrosion Under Insulation Dry Film Thickness In-Line Inspection Isometric Drawings On-Stream Inspection Process Flow Diagrams Project Inspection Books Process & Instrument Diagrams Rohrback Cosasco Systems Austenitic stainless steel materials, e.g., 304, 316, 321, 347, Alloy 2205. Thickness Monitoring Location
CONFLICTS AND DEVIATIONS Any conflicts between this document and other applicable YERP Engineering Standards (YERP-SAES), YERP Materials System Specifications (YERPSAMSS),YERP-Standard Drawings (YERP-SASD), or Industry Standards, Codes, and Forms shall be resolved by the YERP Management Team. Direct all requests to deviate from this specification in writing to the YERP PMT who shall follow internal project procedure YERP-SAEP-302
EQUIPMENT AND PIPING Material Selection Material Section Diagrams (MSDs) show the generic materials of construction, minimum required corrosion allowances and special treatments applied to these materials for all major equipment items and piping. Material selection for auxiliary utility equipment and piping are derived from the project Piping Line Class Index for the corresponding service, which are also listed on the Piping Line List and P&IDs.
The following Engineering Standards shall be used for material selection and corrosion control: YERP-SAES-L-310, YERP-SAES-L-132, YERP-SAES-L-133, YERP-SAES-L-136, YERP-SAES-L-105, Design of Plant Piping Material Selection for Piping Systems Corrosion Protection Requirements for Pipelines, Piping and Process Equipment Selection and Restrictions of Carbon Steel Pipe Piping Material Specification
Licensor Requirements Information provided by the licensors was incorporated into FEED documents as appropriate for the FEED scope of work. Contractor shall verify the need for any additional licensor requirements that may be needed during detailed design, operation or maintenance of the plant. Applicable licensors are listed below by Unit: Unit Unit 111 DHT Unit 112 HCK Unit 113 DCU Unit 114 MRU Unit 116 NHT Unit 117 ISM Unit 118 CCR Unit 119 BEU Unit 120 HGU Unit 121 MRS Licensor UOP Chevron Lummus Global LLC ConocoPhillips UOP UOP UOP UOP UOP Technip UOP
Chemical Treatment YERP PMT has chemical treating companies on their approved vendors list that provide chemical treatment services. The contractor shall consult with YERP PMT to establish the chemical treating requirements. The design, installation, operation and inspection of injection points and process mix points shall meet the requirements of YERP-01-SAMSS-Y41 Injection and Mix Points.
8.4 8.4.1
Corrosion Monitoring Scope YERP shall develop an on-stream inspection (OSI) program that can be used by YERP PMT to monitor fixed equipment and piping during operation of the plant. YERP-SAEP-1135 On-Stream Inspection Administration describes the methodologies necessary to develop an OSI program. YERP will provide input on marking up the PFDs and P&IDS, classifying the equipment and piping, identifying the circuits in the program, and selecting coupon and TML locations in the 3D model. Contractor shall locate TML coupon locations in the 3D model. It is contractors responsibility to complete inspection isometrics as per YERP-SAEP1135. Insulation plugs for monitoring piping/equipment thicknesses shall be provided at all TML locations. Inspection ports shall be in the form of appropriate density snugly fitting removable insulation plugs. The metal cladding shall be cut to afford seating of flange and O ring assemblies. Inspection ports manufactured by NDT Seals Inc or a Prior Approved alternative will be used in corrosion monitoring program. The following documents provide guidance on setting up the baseline OSI program: YERP-SAEP-1135 YERP-SAES-L-133, On-Stream Inspection Administration Corrosion Protection Requirements for Pipelines, Piping and Process Equipment
Corrosion Coupon Monitoring The corrosion monitoring plan (CMP) shall include the use of corrosion coupons that will be used while the equipment is in operation. Access fittings for coupon installation shall be Class 300 NPS 2 fittings (such as Cosasco NPS 2 high pressure fitting) and block valve. A retraction device is required to remove and reinstall coupons while the equipment is in service. The type of corrosion monitoring access fitting used on the project shall be approved by YERP PMT. An example data sheet for corrosion coupon is provided in Attachment A.
The CMP shall include the number and approximate location of corrosion monitoring fittings. YERP shall review process conditions and/or historical data to determine areas of high corrosion/erosion for coupon placement.
Permanent safe access is required for all locations where corrosion coupons need to be access while the unit is online. Corrosion coupon data sheets shall be prepared by vendor and filed with the base line readings in the Plant Inspection Books. IN-LINE INSPECTION (ILI) REQUIRED FOR PIPELINES ONLY In-Line Inspection shall be used to determine the extent of corrosion damage in pipelines. Baseline inspection shall be performed on all new pipelines prior to commissioning. Pipelines shall be designed with permanent scraping facilities with launcher and receiver to accommodate in-line scraping tools and intelligent scrapper for the detection of internal and external corrosion. COATINGS Project Coating Summary YERP-09-SAMSS-Y200, Project Coating Summary, is a summary of the project coating requirements for Contractor and Vendors.
8.6 8.6.1
Selection of Coating Systems The selection of coating systems is based on the maximum expected operating temperature, including regeneration conditions. Steam injection applications are process conditions and shall also be taken into consideration. Conditions which are not scheduled; such as failure of air coolers, fire cases, steam-out, and design conditions are not considered for coating system selection.
APCS Coating Systems Coating systems referenced in project documents and data sheets are in accordance with project standards and YERP-09-SAMSS-Y200, Project Coating Summary.
New APCSs have been developed to cover the following applications: APCS-30 APCS-31 APCS-1G APCS-1H Specialty Coating System for stainless steel up to 649C. Specialty Coating System for Insulated carbon steel and low alloy materials up to 649C. Specialty Coating System for flare stacks operating up to 260C and requiring aviation colors. Specialty Coating System for flare stacks operating up to 538C and requiring aviation colors.
Contractor shall update coating overlays to include APCS-32 Temperature Indicating Coating system for refractory lined piping and equipment requiring a temperature indicating coating system, such as the Transfer Line and the Process Gas Boiler 120-E-1014 in Unit 120. APCS-32 Surface Prep: Primer Finish Temperature Indicating Coating Sa 2.5 producing a uniform anchor profile of 38 to 50 microns Dampney Thurmalox 835 applied to a DFT of 38 to 50 microns. Dampney Thurmalox 260C-42 Blue applied in two coats to a DFT of 50 to 63 microns per coat for a total DFT of 140 to 178 microns.
Coating Insulation and Fireproofing Data Sheets (CIFDSs) have been created for most major equipment items. These data sheets define the coating, insulation and passive fireproofing requirements for each item. Contractor shall verify the information on the CIFDSs during detail design and maintain these documents. These documents are intended to be used to defined the extent of coating, insulation and passive fireproofing on equipment for shop and field subcontractors.
The materials of construction on the CIFDSs only reflect the general type of material. e.g., CS or SS, for coating system selection and does not represent any specific grade of material.
Equipment Subject to Deluge or Wash Downs Since most equipment will be subject to deluge or wash downs, painting has been specified for all insulated carbon steel equipment operating over 150C. There have been some serious failures, some of them catastrophic, due to corrosion under insulation and fireproofing for such applications. On equipment subject to deluge or wash-downs, it is very important that: A quality coating system shall be used under the insulation and fireproofing systems. All cementitious fireproofing located within 3 m vertical from grade, or protected by a fixed firewater spay, deluge system or subject to wash downs shall be topcoated in accordance with YERP-SAES-B-006, Section 8.5, using topcoat materials approved for APCS-1B. Top edge of fireproofing on equipment supports shall be properly flashed as shown in Standard Drawing AC-036915. Termination of cementitious fireproofing on structural columns and beams shall be sealed with polysulfide caulk or equivalent. Proper installation of insulation weather jacketing and sealing of jacketing at insulation terminations to prevent water ingress.
Shop Fabricated Equipment Shop fabricated equipment shall be completely finish painted in the shop.
Field Fabricated Tanks Uninsulated CS field fabricated tanks shall have a shop applied preconstruction primer applied to external surfaces per APCS-17A or APCS-17B. Inorganic zinc is not permitted on tank internal surfaces which will require linings. A pure epoxy preconstruction primer would be acceptable but has to be completely removed by blasting per Sa 3 in the field prior to application of lining.
Internal Listings Internal linings have been specified on the tank CIFDS Data Sheets for: Water tanks Hydrocarbon tanks which may contain water
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Contractor shall ensure that internal cathodic protection be provided for tanks which will contain water or that may accumulate a layer of water or sediment on the bottom for linings in accordance with YERP-SAES-X-500, Cathodic Protection of Vessel and Tank Internals. Contractor shall ensure that tanks having internal linings (except rubber) have internal surfaces design and fabricated to comply with NACE RP0178. All internal welds shall comply with NACE Weld Designation C. NACE Weld designation D is acceptable provided all weld defects are repaired. Contractor shall ensure that tanks requiring rubber linings shall have internal surfaces design and fabricated to comply with NACE RP0178. All internal welds shall comply with NACE Weld Designation A. YERP documents do not cover rubber lining requirements, so these requirements have been added to the equipment CIFDS data sheets. Stainless Steel Piping and Equipment All shop fabricated stainless steel piping and equipment shall be shop painted per APCS-30 to prevent pitting and chloride stress corrosion cracking.
Manufacturers Standard Coating Systems Minimum requirements for manufacturers standard coatings have been added to the following YERP Standards. Contractor shall ensure that packaged equipment vendors comply with these requirements. YERP-09-SAMSS-Y200, YERP-SAES-H-001, Project Coating Summary (Section 8.3) Coating Selection & Application Requirements for Industrial Plants & Equipment (Section 7.1.P) Approved Protective Coating Systems Industrial Plants & Equipment (Section 5.8) for
Flare Stacks Requiring Aviation Colors Two new high temperature coating systems have been created for uninsulated flares requiring aviation colors. contractor shall use APCS-1G or APCS-1H for these applications.
8.6.12 Minimizing the Number of Coating Systems on Equipment The number of coating systems on equipment, especially exchangers, shall be kept to a minimum. This may be accomplished by following the examples below: On partially insulated CS exchangers operating up to 150C all external CS surfaces shall be painted with System APCS-2C. On fireproofed supports (saddles, skirts, legs and lugs) APCS-2C may also be used under cementitious fireproofing materials. On CS steel air cooler headers having operating temperatures up to 150C and fireproofed supports shall have headers and support legs coated per APCS-1B. On CS equipment having wide temperature variations, e.g., 60C on top, and 260C on bottom may have the entire pressure shell coated per APCS-31.
Underground Piping Underground piping shall be protected by external coatings and Cathodic protection. For shop fabricated underground ISBL piping use System APCS113a. This system is easily applied in the shop and repaired in the field. Cathodic protection system shall be used for all underground
Bulk CS Valves The preference is to have all bulk CS valves (except socket welded and threaded) shop primed with inorganic zinc in accordance with APCS-17A. This requirement has been added to the following YERP Documents: YERP-09-SAMSS-Y200, YERP-SAES-H-001, Project Coating Summary (Section 8.3) Coating Selection & Application Requirements for Industrial Plants & Equipment (Section 7.1, subsection O) Approved Protective Coating Systems Industrial Plants & Equipment (Section 8.4) for
YERP-SAES-H-101, Bulk CS socket welded and threaded valves should be purchased bare and painted the same as the adjacent piping.
8.6.15 Corrosion under insulation (CUI) is a major industry problem for operating temperatures below 150C and for cyclic/intermittent operating temperatures that cyclic below 150C. Insulated equipment and piping operating in the CUI temperature range <150C shall be coated with the appropriate coating system(s): APCS-2C for insulated CS up to 150C APCS-31 for insulated CS normally below 150C with cyclic or intermittent temperatures 151C to 649C. The use of external insulation for personnel protection should be kept to a minimum. Alternative designs for personnel protection such as stand-off metal shields or restricted access should be used. The primary means of preventing corrosion under insulation is through good surface preparation, proper coating selection, and good insulation design and installation practices. Proper installation and maintenance of insulation systems is important to prevent the entry of water into the insulation systems. The following Coating Systems have been specified to control CUI: APCS-2C is used for insulated CS surfaces having operating temperatures up to 150C. APCS-17A or APCS-17B is used on insulated CS operating continuous over 150C because most equipment will be subject to deluge or wash-downs. APCS-31 is used for cyclic or intermittent conditions ranging from below 150C up to 649C. APCS-30 for all insulated and uninsulated SS piping and equipment.
Preventing Entry of Water into Insulation Systems Except for a few applications, hot service piping and equipment shall be insulated with cellular glass for operating temperatures below 121C. Contractor shall ensure that insulation subcontractors follow the insulation specifications and pay particular attention to proper installation of insulation weather jacketing and sealing of jacketing at insulation terminations to prevent water ingress.
Corrosion Under Fireproofing (CUF) Corrosion under fireproofing (CUF) can result from poor designs that allow water to get behind the fireproofing through cracks or poor flashing and from water/moisture being absorbed through porous fireproofing materials. Since nearly all equipment will be subject deluge or periodic wash downs the following methods are used to avoid corrosion under fireproofing: Coatings under cementitious fireproofing materials shall be either APCS-1B or APCS-2C. All cementitious fireproofing installed within 3 m vertical from grade, or protected by a fixed firewater spay or deluge system, shall be topcoated per YERP-SAES-B-006 Section 8.5 using the topcoat materials approved for APCS-1B. Top edge of fireproofing on equipment skirts shall be properly flashed as shown in Standard Drawing AC-036915. Termination of fireproofing on columns and beams shall be sealed with polysulfide caulk or equivalent.
8.6.17 Cyclic and Intermittent Operating Conditions Corrosion protection for cyclic conditions, as well as equipment having temperature variations (e.g., top-to-bottom), APCS-31 has been created for insulated CS that operates below 150C on a cyclic or intermittent basis. APCS-31 is suitable for temperatures up to 649C. 8.6.18 Fireproofing of Equipment Supports YERP-SAES-B-006 allows dense concrete, light weight concrete or Intumescent materials to be used for fireproofing. Dense concrete can be applied to all equipment supports. However, light weight and intumescent materials have maximum temperature limits for continuous exposure and are not suitable for substrates with temperatures exceed 60C to 90C depending on the material selected. Equipment supports to be fireproofed shall be coated with APCS-1B or APCS-2C for corrosion protection. All cementitious fireproofing installed within 3 m vertically from grade, or protected by a fixed firewater spray or deluge system, shall be topcoated per YERP-SAES-B-006 Section 8.5 using topcoat materials approved for APCS1B.
Bolting for galvanized structural steel shall be hot-dip galvanized in accordance with YERP-12-SAMSS-007, Fabrication of Structural Steel and
Miscellaneous Steel. Plated bolting shall not be used for any applications. Bolting for field fabricated tanks, underground applications, and for offshore and marine applications shall comply with YERP-09-SAMSS-107, Qualification Requirements for Application of Composite Fluoropolymer/Ceramic Coatings in Atmospheric Services
Pipelines Corrosion protection of pipelines shall be in accordance with the following Project Standards & Specifications: YERP-SAES-L-133, YERP-SAES-L-410, YERP-SAES-L-450, YERP-SAES-L-460, Corrosion Protection Requirements for pipelines, Piping and Process Equipment Design of Pipelines Construction of On-Land and Near Shore Pipelines Pipeline Crossings Under Roads and Railroads Pipelines have been specified to be coated externally with fusion bonded epoxy in accordance with YERP-SAES-H-002, Internal and External Coatings for Steel Pipelines and Piping, (System APCS-104.) All field girth welds shall be externally coated in accordance with APCS-113A. Pipelines shall be cathodically protected in accordance with YERP-SAES-X-400, Cathodic Protection of Buried Pipelines. 9.0 9.1 CIVIL, STRUCTURAL, AND ARCHITECTURAL Soil Conditions The soil at the Yanbu site has high concentrations of chlorides and sulfates with a shallow groundwater level that varies with the tide. The soil is Sabkha which is aggressive to all types of substructures including steel and concrete. See 190YER-PE-GEO-0100, Feed Level Geotechnical Study, Section 13, Soil Corrosion Potential for details.
Structural Steel Structural steel should be hot-dip galvanized in accordance with YERP-12SAMSS-007, Fabrication of Structural Steel and Miscellaneous Steel. The option for painting structural steel shall only be used when galvanizing cannot be done, subject to YERP Approval. Fireproofing of Structural Steel Fireproofing on structural steel may be dense concrete, light weight concrete or Intumescent. Galvanized steel shall be sweep blast cleaned and coated per APCS-1B or APCS2C prior to application of cementitious fireproofing. All cementitious fireproofing installed within 3 m vertical from grade, or subject to water spray (e.g. firewater) or wash downs, shall be topcoated per YERP-SAES-B006, Fireproofing for Plants, Section 8.5, using the topcoat materials approved for APCS-1B. Concrete Concrete in contact with the ground shall be coated in accordance with YERP-SAES-Q-001. Coatings for concrete shall comply with YERP-SAESH-003. Contractor shall determine the need and extent of coatings required for protection of above grade concrete from chemical exposures.
Rebar and Concrete Embedments Rebar shall be epoxy coated in accordance with YERP-09-SAMSS-106, Epoxy Coating of Steel Reinforcing Bars.
Concrete embedments shall be coated as required in YERP-SAES-Q001, Criteria for Design and Construction of Concrete Structures
ELECTRICAL Cathodic Protection Cathodic protection system shall conform to Engineering Standards YERP-SAESX-400 thru 600, Cathodic Protection Documents, YERP-17-SAMSS-004 thru 008, 012, 017, and 018, Materials System Specifications, and YERP-SAEP-332, Cathodic Protection Commissioning. Each contractor shall be responsible for design, engineering, procurement, installation, testing and commissioning for units included in scope. Cathodic protection systems shall be furnished for corrosion protection of underground structures, piping and equipment. The type of cathodic protection system, impressed current or sacrificial anode type shall be finalized during detailed design. Temporary anodes required during construction phase shall be provided by the Unit contractor. Cathodic protection system shall be tested in accordance with YERP Standards and Specifications and the recommendations of cathodic protection supplier. Contractor shall provide CP calculations and studies to others for review. Operation and Maintenance manuals shall be consolidated and provided to others for incorporation into a Refinery wide reference. PRESERVATION OF EQUIPMENT, PIPING, STEEL, AND MATERIALS Site Environment The Yanbu Export Refinery site is located on the west coast of Saudi Arabia on the Red Sea which is one of the most corrosive environments in the world. The site is subject to blowing sand, salty air, low rain fall, hot days, and cool nights with high humidity. Morning humidity deposits moisture and salts on all surfaces, and the moisture evaporates during the day leaving the additional salts on all surfaces and crevices.
11.0 11.1
11.2 11.2.1
Export Shipping and Packaging General shipping and packaging requirements are contained in project standards for the equipment and materials specifications. Project specific shipping and packaging requirements are contained in Project Procedure 630.
Contractor shall ensure that the following minimum requirements are included in appropriate requisitions for stainless steel equipment, piping and materials: All SS machined surfaces, such as flange faces and valve stems, must be coated with a long term corrosion inhibitor in accordance with MIL-C-16173 Grade IV, e.g., Cortec 368 or approved equal. This corrosion inhibitor is also suitable for carbon steel and ferritic alloy steel materials. Packing dunnage which absorbs moisture such as pressed wood, cardboard shall not be used in direct contact with machined surfaces.
11.3 11.3.1
On-Site Preservation Procedures On-site preservation procedures are covered in Project Procedure 515, Material & Equipment Protection & Preservation
Notes: These are advisory, for construction of the engineering data sheet, and need not be included in the final engineering data sheet that is sent to the vendor for inquiry purposes. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Pick Option. If mixed phase, provide percentage (by volume) of liquid phase. Density @ process temperature & pressure should be given. If mixed phase, liquid & vapor density should be provided. AISI, ASTM, UNS, designation, or % composition (by weight). Flanged connections, as opposed to threaded connections, may be specified for branches of greater than a certain size in the general engineering specifications, especially in sour service. The general engineering specifications should be consulted prior to specifying the process connection type. If flanged connections are not specifically called out, the NPT threaded connection is preferred for convenience & cost. This defines access valve bore, and the Flange / NPT connection size (e.g. 1, 1, 2, etc. . . . . ). The minimum valve bore clearance must be, at least 1.0 and, if flanged connections are used, it is preferred that the flange size does not exceed 2. Applicable only to flanged process connections. This is the distance from the o.d. of the pipe, to the point of attachment of the coupon holder stuffing box (see figure I, attached). In single phase process fluids, or in vertical lines, irrespective of the number of phases, the precise positioning of the weight-loss coupon is not critical so, by default, center of line monitoring is normally chosen. In horizontal lines, that carry multiple phase process fluid, with liquid water as a minority liquid phase, bottom-of-line monitoring is the required coupon positioning. In horizontal lines where a significant proportion of liquid is present, but the active corrosive phase is condensing vapor, top-of-line monitoring is preferred. The default material for weight-loss coupon holders is AISI 316 stainless steel and, for most refinery applications this is more than adequate. However, in very high chloride environments, or low pH (> 2), it may be advisable to use Hastelloy C-276 for construction of the coupon holder. If the line pressure exceeds 100 psi, a retractor tool will be required for insertion / removal of the coupon holder. However, since the retractor is moved from monitoring location, to monitoring location, as required for insertion / removal operations, only one retractor tool will be required, irrespective of the number of monitoring points. If the piping alloy is any grade of carbon steel, then the material of coupon construction is AISI 1018 carbon steel.
7. 8. 9. 10.
X NPT x 1 NPT reducing nipple (5 min. length) X flanged X NPT ball valve Access Valve Standoff