Saes A 102
Saes A 102
Saes A 102
1 Scope...................................................................... 2
2 Conflicts and Deviations.......................................... 2
3 References.............................................................. 2
4 Project Requirements.............................................. 4
5 Design Requirements.............................................. 4
6 Definitions, Abbreviations and Acronyms.............. 13
1 Scope
1.2 This standard applies to Saudi Aramco, joint venture and third party facilities.
1.3 This standard does not apply to gases that are injected into any reservoir.
2.1 Any deviation or difference between standards, the more restrictive standard
shall apply.
2.2 Any conflicts between this standard and other applicable Saudi Aramco
Standards (e.g., SAESs, SAMSSs, SASDs, etc.), and/or government standards
(PME, RC) shall be resolved in writing through the General Supervisor,
Environmental Engineering Division (EED), Dhahran.
2.3 All requests to deviate from this standard shall be made in writing to the
Manager of Environmental Protection Department who shall comply with the
requirements in SAEP-302, Instructions for Obtaining a Waiver of Mandatory
Saudi Aramco Engineering Requirements. The Saudi Arabian Government
Environmental Standards cannot be waived by Saudi Aramco.
3 References
The selection of material and equipment, and the design, construction, maintenance, and
repair of equipment and facilities covered by this standard shall comply with the latest
edition of the references listed below, unless otherwise noted.
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Document Responsibility: Environmental Protection Standards Committee SAES-A-102
Issue Date: 10 June 2018
Next Planned Update: 25 May 2019 Ambient Air Quality and Source Emissions Standards
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Document Responsibility: Environmental Protection Standards Committee SAES-A-102
Issue Date: 10 June 2018
Next Planned Update: 25 May 2019 Ambient Air Quality and Source Emissions Standards
4 Project Requirements
The ESS Statement shall include a discussion of any significant air quality
impacts and the controls required to meet the Ambient Air Quality and Source
Emission Standards in the applicable Saudi Aramco and Government
Environmental Standards.
The EIA (refer to SAEP-13) shall demonstrate compliance with Ambient Air
Quality Standards through an air dispersion modeling study, if required by ESS,
as per the procedures detailed under SAEP-340. The General Supervisor of
Environmental Engineering Division shall have the responsibility for the
technical review and approval of any air dispersion modeling study.
5 Design Requirements
The following are Saudi Aramco requirements which are in addition to PME and RC
5.1.2 All industrial facilities shall be designed to not discharge any toxic
substances or hazardous matter in such quantities or duration as to be
harmful to the health and welfare of humans, animals, or plants.
Evaluation of such facilities as to adequacy of controls and/or procedures
and emission potential shall be done on an individual basis by the EPD.
5.1.3 Best Available Control Technology (BACT) shall be used for new
facilities and Best Available Retrofit Technology (BART) shall be used
for existing facilities to control air pollutant emissions. Source specific
BACT and BART information are found at the USEPA database through
its website at
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Document Responsibility: Environmental Protection Standards Committee SAES-A-102
Issue Date: 10 June 2018
Next Planned Update: 25 May 2019 Ambient Air Quality and Source Emissions Standards
SH = H + 1.5L (1)
SH= GEP stack height measured from the Ground-Level
Elevation at the base of the stack.
H = height of nearby structure(s) measured from the ground-level
elevation at the base of the stack.
L = Lesser Dimension (height or projected width) of nearby
structure(s); OR
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Issue Date: 10 June 2018
Next Planned Update: 25 May 2019 Ambient Air Quality and Source Emissions Standards
5.2.2 Provide stacks with two sampling ports, 90 apart, if the stack diameter is
less than < 3.1 meters including the port length; or four sampling ports,
90 apart, if the stack diameter is ≥ 3.1 meters including the port length.
Locate all sampling ports at least eight (8) stack (or duct) diameters
downstream and at least two (2) diameters upstream away from any flow
disturbance such as a bend, expansion, contraction, stack opening, or
visible flame if the flue gas flow is cyclonic or swirling. If the flue gas
flow is not cyclonic, an alternative location may be selected at a position at
least two (2) stack (or duct) diameter downstream and a half (½) diameter
upstream from any flow disturbance.
5.2.3 The positions of the ports shall be placed at the same elevation and
separated by 90 degrees on the stack (Contact the EED General
Supervisor for technical guidance if a sampling port location cannot meet
the above requirements and an alternate sampling scheme must be used).
Each port shall consist of a 4-inch to 6-inch inside diameter (I.D.)
opening. The sampling port shall be installed with a pipe extending
approximately 6 inches beyond the outside stack wall and at 90 degrees
to the stack. The pipe shall be threaded on the outside and ended with a
bolted flange installed. The flange shall be capped when not in use.
Install at each sampling point a hook to support monorail system.
2 HW
De (2)
(H W )
5.2.5 Provide access to the sampling ports with work platforms 1.1 m to 1.25 m
wide at approximately 1.5 meters below the installed sampling ports and
capable of supporting 3 adults (300 kg) plus 100 kg of sampling
equipment. Equip the platform with a safety handrail and ensure there are
no obstructions within a one-meter horizontal radius on the platform
beneath the ports. The platform shall be equipped with grounded
weatherproof dual 120 VAC/240 VAC/30-Amp electrical service with
multiple outlets at the platform and base of the stack. For more detail refer
to EPA Methods 1-5, these methods appear in title 40, part 60 of the Code
of Federal Regulations (referred to as 40 CFR 60).
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Issue Date: 10 June 2018
Next Planned Update: 25 May 2019 Ambient Air Quality and Source Emissions Standards
5.3 Boilers, Process Heaters, and Other External Stationary Combustion Units
5.3.1 Design gas fired boilers and process heaters to operate at 10% to 15%
excess air (equivalent to 2% to 3% excess O2) and oil fired boilers
between 10% to 25% excess air (2% to 5% excess O2).
5.3.2 NOx emissions from external combustion units with heat input capacity
equal to or greater than 100 MMBtu/hr shall not exceed 0.06 lb/MMBtu
or 26 ng/J(97 mg/m3). NOx emission from external combustion units
with heat input capacity less than 100 MMBtu/hr shall not exceed
0.08 lb/MMBtu or 34.4 ng/J (128 mg/ m3).
5.3.3 Utilize the Best Available Technology (BAT) for reducing NOx emission
(ex: Ultra Low NOx Burners, Flue Gas Recirculation, Selective Catalyst
Reduction, etc.).
5.3.4 For units with heat input capacity greater than 100 MMBtu/hr, NOx
emissions shall be monitored using continuous emissions monitoring
systems (CEMS or PEMS). NOx emissions from units with heat input
capacity less than 100 MMBTU/hr shall be controlled by keeping the
excess O2 within the specified limit as listed under 5.3.1.
5.4.1 CGTs shall not exceed the NOx emission limits as follows:
For plant with more than 50MWth Fuel Heat Input (Sales Gas) NOX
emissions shall not exceed 25ppm (dry at 15% oxygen)
For plant with more than 50MWth Fuel Heat Input (Liquid Fuel)
NOX emissions shall not exceed 75ppm (dry at 15% oxygen)
For plant with less than 50MWth Fuel Heat Input (Sales Gas) NOX
emissions shall not exceed 60ppm (dry at 15% oxygen)
For plant with less than 50MWth Fuel Heat Input (Other Fuel) NOX
emissions shall not exceed 75ppm (dry at 15% oxygen)
Note: In remote areas, where there are technical difficulties, such as
scarcity of water and unavailability of gas, the EPD Manager can
authorize a deviation from this standard - provided there are no
significant environmental concerns.
5.4.2 Provide excess O2, NOx and CO analyzers. For NOx monitoring,
Predictive Emission Monitoring System (PEMS) or Hardware
Continuous Emission Monitoring System CEMS can be used as per
USEPA Methods 7 and PS 16.
Saudi Aramco: Company General Use
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Issue Date: 10 June 2018
Next Planned Update: 25 May 2019 Ambient Air Quality and Source Emissions Standards
5.5.2 Types of Particulate Emission Controls for the FCCU Regenerator stack
include but not limited to the following:
Caustic Venturi Wet Scrubber
High Efficiency Cyclone (HEC)
Electrostatic Precipitator (ESP)
5.6.1 All SRUs shall comply with the PME Source Emission Standards.
The required End-of-Run (EOR) SRU efficiency shall be determined by
consulting with P&CSD.
5.6.7 Sulfur plants shall be designed with multiple trains having excess
capacity. The excess capacity shall be able to handle the additional
throughput resulting from the failure/shut down of any SRU train.
5.6.8 Design sulfur handling and loading facilities with appropriate emission
control techniques to minimize direct atmospheric H2S, SO2, and
sulfurous particulate releases.
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Issue Date: 10 June 2018
Next Planned Update: 25 May 2019 Ambient Air Quality and Source Emissions Standards
5.7.2 Flare height shall be determined based on air dispersion modeling studies
but shall not be less than 30 feet in height. For other design
requirements, please refer to SAES-F-007.
5.7.3 All Saudi Aramco facilities with flares/burn pits shall maintain a
comprehensive facility specific Flaring Minimization Plan (FMP) and
Flare Monitoring System (FMS) by utilizing the Corporate Flaring
Monitoring System (CFMS). The FMP and FMS shall be maintained
and updated quarterly. Refer to Appendix I for the scope of FMP.
5.7.5 Facilities are responsible for monitoring and reporting their actual flaring
data through CFMS. Facilities shall update their CFMS database on a
regular basis to avoid any discrepancy in the flaring data.
Note: Exemption from 5.7.2 minimum height requirement may be granted for
multi-tip flares flaring sweet gas provided the proposed design
demonstrate compliance with both source and ambient air quality
requirements. The design must be approved by P&CSD and EPD.
5.8.1 The usage of burn pits is restricted to Emergency Cases only. A liquid
hydrocarbon recovery system shall be provided to eliminate non-
emergency liquid hydrocarbon burning. Emergency burn-pit usage shall
be reported to EPD within 24 hours. Liquid Hydrocarbons generated
during pipeline scraping shall be recovered. Liquid Hydrocarbon
generated during pipeline scraping shall be recovered and a portable
elevated flare shall be used to burn the unrecovered gas.
5.8.2 The installation of new burn pits is restricted to burning liquids during
plant emergency shutdown only.
Commentary Notes:
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Issue Date: 10 June 2018
Next Planned Update: 25 May 2019 Ambient Air Quality and Source Emissions Standards
Hydrocarbon gas and NGL recovery facilities are not required for remote
locations where there is no power and no nearby destination to gather the
recovered products.
5.8.3 Burn pits shall be located at least 1 kilometer from major roads and
sensitive receptors.
Open burning is prohibited within Saudi Aramco properties and facilities except
as noted in Section 5.8.
5.10.1 Storage Tanks for hydrocarbon liquids with TVP greater than or equal
to 1.5 psia shall be designed with floating roof and secondary seal.
Storage tanks for hydrocarbon liquids with a TVP greater than 11 psia
shall require vapor recovery as part of the design of the storage tank.
5.10.2 All Floating Roof Tanks shall have seal inspections at the initial fill
and at least once per year thereafter. The initial seal inspection report
of new tanks shall be provided to the General Supervisor of EED.
5.10.3 Storage Tanks with a True Vapor Pressure (TVP) >1.5 psia, shall
maintain a record of the petroleum liquid stored, the period of storage,
and the maximum true vapor pressure of that liquid during the
respective storage period.
5.10.4 Slotted Guide Gauge Poles shall not be used on storage tanks
containing VOC material having a True Vapor Pressure (TVP) of
greater than 1.5 psia unless the poles are equipped with Pole Wiper on
Sliding Cover, and Well Gasket on Top of Fixed Plate, in addition to
Pole Sleeve Seal or Float with Wiper Seal.
5.10.5 External floating roof tanks used for crude oil storage with a capacity
greater than 1,000 bbls shall be equipped with a secondary roof seal.
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Issue Date: 10 June 2018
Next Planned Update: 25 May 2019 Ambient Air Quality and Source Emissions Standards
5.11.2 Vapor emissions from the vapor control system are limited to no more
than 35 grams hydrocarbon per cubic meter (1000 liters) of loaded
5.12.2 Land Use Permit (LUP) requests for crusher sites shall be approved as
5.13.2 Periodic stack/RATA testing (at least once every two years) shall be
conducted on all regulated units and on units with CEMS/PEMS.
The RATA shall be performed using USEPA approved methods.
Periodic stack/RATA test results shall be reported to EPD.
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Next Planned Update: 25 May 2019 Ambient Air Quality and Source Emissions Standards
5.13.4 A written stack performance test report shall be provided to the General
Supervisor of EED within 60 days of the test summarizing the results.
A new facility shall not be considered in environmental compliance
until the initial stack test results have been accepted by EED.
5.14.1 Each oil-water separator tank, slop oil tank, storage vessel, or other
auxiliary equipment subject shall be equipped and operated with a fixed
roof, which meets the following specifications:
5.14.3 Slop oil from an oil-water separator tank and oily wastewater from slop
oil handling equipment shall be collected, stored, transported, recycled,
reused, or disposed of in an enclosed system.
5.14.4 Each oil-water separator tank, slop oil tank, storage vessel, or other
auxiliary equipment that is required to comply with paragraph (5.13.1)
of this section, and not paragraph (5.13.2) of this section, may be
equipped with a pressure control valve as necessary for proper system
operation. The pressure control valve shall be set at the maximum
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Issue Date: 10 June 2018
Next Planned Update: 25 May 2019 Ambient Air Quality and Source Emissions Standards
pressure necessary for proper system operation, but such that the value
will not vent continuously.
5.14.6 Sewer lines shall not be open to the atmosphere and shall be covered or
enclosed in a manner so as to have no visual gaps or cracks in joints,
seals, or other emission interfaces.
Note: For details about closed vent systems and control devices, refer to
USEPA document 40 CFR Part 60, Subpart QQQ.
5.15.2 H2S discharges to the ambient air from wastewater lagoons and ponds
shall be controlled as per design parameters found in the SAES-A-104
engineering standard.
5.15.3 Fugitive Emissions from components (valves, flanges, pump seals, etc.)
shall be controlled by implementing Leak Detection and Repair
(LDAR) survey in accordance with EPD LDAR Protocol.
5.16.1 Major new facilities (e.g., refineries, gas plants, major crude oil
processing facilities) shall include the installation of at least one new
AMMNET station to monitor regulated pollutants (SO2, NO, NO2,
Ozone, THC, etc.) to be located in the prevailing down wind direction
of the facility. EED shall approve the location and interface with Saudi
Aramco’s existing AMMNET system.
To limit particulate matter (PM2.5 and PM10) emissions into the ambient air
during construction/site preparation phases, an appropriate Dust Control Plan
shall be developed and implemented prior to any dust-generating activity.
The Dust Control Plan shall be in accordance with the EIA recommendations for
controlling fugitive dust emissions.
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Issue Date: 10 June 2018
Next Planned Update: 25 May 2019 Ambient Air Quality and Source Emissions Standards
6.1 Definitions
Acid Gas: A byproduct from a natural gas or LPG sweetening process and
contains primarily H2S and CO2.
Actual Emissions (Tons/Year): This is the amount in tons per year of the
pollutant emitted at the emission point described.
Air Pollutant: Any substance emitted to the atmosphere that causes or has the
potential to produce adverse impacts on human health or the environment.
Ambient Air: It is defined as any air on the external side of a pollution source’s
boundary fence to which the public has access. This includes industrial areas
neighboring a pollution source.
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Issue Date: 10 June 2018
Next Planned Update: 25 May 2019 Ambient Air Quality and Source Emissions Standards
Breathing Loss: Breathing loss occurs daily when a liquid is stored in a tank.
Breathing loss for a product such as gasoline is due to evaporation and
barometric temperature changes. The frequency with which gasoline is
withdrawn from the tank, allowing fresh air to enter and enhance evaporation,
also has a major effect on the quantity of emissions.
Burn Pit: Any ground-level combustion area that is designed to burn off liquid
and/or gas.
Bulk Loading: Any gasoline facility which receives gasoline by pipeline, ship
or barge, and has a gasoline throughput greater than 75,700 liters per day.
Gasoline throughput shall be the maximum calculated design throughput.
Claus Sulfur Recovery Plant: A process unit that recovers sulfur from acid
gas by a vapor-phase catalytic reaction of sulfur dioxide and hydrogen sulfide.
Combustion Gas Turbine (CGT): A fired gas turbine supplied with liquid or
gas fuel and used to generate electricity or drive a pump.
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Issue Date: 10 June 2018
Next Planned Update: 25 May 2019 Ambient Air Quality and Source Emissions Standards
Criteria Pollutant: An air pollutant for which an air quality standard with a
specific set of ambient air concentration limits has been established by the Saudi
Arabian government based on specific health criteria (i.e., SO2, O3, NO2, CO.
Emission Source: Any facility, process, or operation that releases air pollutants
to the atmosphere.
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Flare Gas Recovery System (FGRS): A system to recover the daily normal
continuous flare gas, and direct it back to the processing facility using a
Fuel Gas: Any gas generated at a facility that is used to sustain a combustion
process to generate power, steam, or additional heat for other processes.
Fuel gas includes natural gas that is combined and combusted in any proportion
with another gas generated at facility.
Fugitive Dust: The particulate matter not collected by a capture system, that is
entrained in the ambient air, and is caused from human and/or natural activities,
such as, but not limited to, the movement of soil, vehicles, equipment, blasting,
and wind.
Industrial Area: The area inside a facility’s officially recognized property line
that excludes non-employees or other unauthorized personnel.
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Issue Date: 10 June 2018
Next Planned Update: 25 May 2019 Ambient Air Quality and Source Emissions Standards
New Facility: Any facility designed and constructed as a wholly new facility.
All new facilities must be meet all current and anticipated environmental
standards and regulations.
Opacity: The degree to which emissions reduce the transmission of light and
obscure the view of an object in the background; the percent of opaqueness of
the exhaust gas of a stack or flare. (Note: the higher the opacity number, the
darker or more opaque the exhaust gas). Opacity measurement techniques are
specified in USEPA Method 9.
Open Burning: The intentional combustion of any material for the sole
purpose of disposal or recovery of specific products, and which produces air
pollution that cannot be controlled.
Reid Vapor Pressure: The absolute vapor pressure of volatile crude oil and
volatile non viscous petroleum liquids except liquefied petroleum gases
(ASTM D323). Equivalent to true vapor pressure of volatile organic compounds
at 37.8 degrees Celsius (100 degrees Fahrenheit).
Royal Commission for Jubail and Yanbu: The jurisdictional authorities that
administer industrial activities within the Madinat Jubail Al-Sinaiyah and
Madinat Yanbu Al-Sinaiyah areas.
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Issue Date: 10 June 2018
Next Planned Update: 25 May 2019 Ambient Air Quality and Source Emissions Standards
Spent Caustic: Caustic (NaOH) is used to treat light hydrocarbons and remove
Mercaptans and H2S. The caustic purge from these processes is referred to in
this document as Spent Caustic.
Stack Testing: The manual sampling and analysis of stack gases during normal
operation to determine the emission rates of specific pollutants. Stack testing is
part of the performance testing required at the initial start-up of a new process
and may be required periodically thereafter if mandated by the regulatory
Tanker ship Operations: All ship operations that may release fumes and gases
to the ambient air due to loading, discharging, tanks inerting/venting activities,
tube cleaning, sounding, manifold/loading arms connecting and disconnecting,
and tanks topping procedures.
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Issue Date: 10 June 2018
Next Planned Update: 25 May 2019 Ambient Air Quality and Source Emissions Standards
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Document Responsibility: Environmental Protection Standards Committee SAES-A-102
Issue Date: 10 June 2018
Next Planned Update: 25 May 2019 Ambient Air Quality and Source Emissions Standards
Revision Summary
25 May 2016 Revised the Next Planned Update, reaffirmed the content of the document, and reissued as
major revision.
10 June 2018 Editorial revision to change standards committee from Environmental to Environmental
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Issue Date: 10 June 2018
Next Planned Update: 25 May 2019 Ambient Air Quality and Source Emissions Standards
All Saudi Aramco facilities with flares/burn pits shall maintain a comprehensive facility specific
Flaring Minimization Plan (FMP). The FMP shall be updated annually. Flaring Minimization
Plan (FMP) shall consist of the following major elements:
o Policies and procedures adopted to minimize flaring;
o Measuring, monitoring and recording of flared gases;
o Causes of Flaring; and
o Implementation of preventive measures.
A. Policies and Procedures to Minimize Flaring
This procedure shall state facility policy and procedures for various categories of flaring
that include flaring due to process upsets, unanticipated equipment failure, plant start up
and shut downs and T&Is.
B. Measuring, Monitoring and Recording of Flared Gases
All flares at Saudi Aramco Facilities shall monitor the flared gases and prepare a monthly
report containing: 1) the total daily and monthly volumetric flow of the vent, pilot and
purge gas, and 2) the weekly average molecular weight of the vent gas.
C. Causes of Flaring
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Issue Date: 10 June 2018
Next Planned Update: 25 May 2019 Ambient Air Quality and Source Emissions Standards
Description of the completed FMPs capital modifications and a list of the remaining
activities along with their milestones.
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