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Previous Issue: 28 J une, 2000 Next Planned Update: 1 J uly, 2003

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Engineering Procedure
SAEP-14 29 J anuary, 2003
Project Proposal
Document Responsibility: Project Support and Controls Dept.

Saudi Aramco DeskTop Standards

Table of Contents

1 Introduction..................................................... 2
2 Applicable Reference Documents.................. 3
3 Proposal Contents.......................................... 4
4 Project Improvement Effort........................... 13
5 Reporting and Review Requirements.......... 15
6 Approvals and Waivers................................ 17

Document Responsibility: Project Support and Controls Dept. SAEP-14
Issue Date: 29 J anuary, 2003
Next Planned Update: 1 J uly, 2003 Project Proposal

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1 Introduction
This procedure outlines the requirement for preparing the Project Proposal. The
procedure is not intended to give instructions on the engineering effort, but to cover
requirements that are important during the Project Proposal process. In summary it
Engineering specifications, standards and selected design requirements
Quality, cost reduction and schedule improvement techniques, i.e., CII,
benchmarking, value engineering and best practices
Reporting, review, approval & waiver requirements
1.1 Definition
The Project Proposal is a document, which establishes the detailed design scope,
cost estimate basis and schedule for a proposed facility from the conceptual
requirements included in the Design Basis Scoping Paper (DBSP). This
includes the proposed facility size, general layout and the appropriate functional
and performance specifications including the recently published applicable
standards & codes. Project Proposal shall be of sufficient detail to prepare a
10% accuracy ER estimate, provide sufficient technical information for
proponent review and (where applicable) provide sufficient information to
obtain Lump Sum Turn Key (LSTK) or detailed engineering contract bids.
1.2 Purpose
The Project Proposal documents the agreement on, and commitment to, the
project scope and design basis by the Saudi Aramco Project Management Team
(SAPMT), the Project Proponent and other technical support groups. This is
accomplished through careful evaluation of the project objectives during Project
Proposal preparation to ensure the optimum results. The Project Proposal
establishes the basis for Expenditure Request (ER) funding and is the
benchmark from which all subsequently considered scope changes are
1.3 Preparation Timing
Project Proposals must be completed and approved in time to support the
Expenditure Request Approval (ERA) date.
1.4 Application
With the exception of Master Appropriation projects, Saudi Aramco requires a
Project Proposal for all Capital, Non-Capital and Expense Projects, valued more
than $2 million, under the control of Engineering and Operations Services
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Next Planned Update: 1 J uly, 2003 Project Proposal

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(E&OS). The Project Proponent and the SAPMT shall agree and document the
level of detail needed prior to start of the Project Proposal. Projects that
combine the preparation of DBSP and Project Proposal into one effort shall
ensure that the requirements identified in this document, which are relevant to
the Project, are met at completion of the effort.
2 Applicable Reference Documents
Saudi Aramco Engineering Standards (SAESs)
Saudi Aramco Engineering Procedures (SAEPs)
Saudi Aramco Materials System Specifications (SAMSSs)
Saudi Aramco Drafting Manual
Saudi Aramco Standard Drawings
Saudi Aramco Library Drawings
Saudi Aramco Cost Manual
Saudi Aramco Planning and Scheduling Manual
Design Basis Scoping Paper (DBSP) and applicable Study Documents
Saudi Arabian Government Safety and Security Directives (SSDs)
Project Materials Manual/MSO User's Handbook
MVG076-01, DC Surplus Deferred Materials System
Saudi Aramco Materials System (SAMS) Excess Materials
Saudi Aramco Form 8362-ENG, Certification of Review of Saudi Aramco Materials
Source Documents
Saudi Arabian Manufactured Materials IDG 4A Report
Purchasing Department
SAER-5437, "Guidelines for Conducting HAZOP Studies"
GI-0005.002, "Loss Prevention Policy Implementation"
Project Management Loss Prevention Program
Saudi Aramco Safety Manual
Corporate Loss Prevention Manual
Guideline for the Preparation of ER Estimates
Construction Industry Institute (CII) Publications
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3 Proposal Contents
The following sections outline the items normally included in Project Proposals.
3.1 Table of Contents
3.2 Technical Requirements
3.2.1 Project Summary
This section provides a history of the existing conditions, a brief
discussion of the proposed facilities and their justification, outlines the
project objectives/scope, and briefly describes how these objectives will
be achieved.
3.2.2 Project Description
This section provides scope and design information that establishes the
process performance specification for the facilities process warranty
waivers or limitations. It shall address details concerning the design
basis, proposed facilities including sizes, capacities, location/layouts and
other project related information. The list below provides common
elements found in a typical scope.
a) Facility/plant location and layout
b) Facility/process description, design basis and performance
c) Process Flow Diagrams (PFDs)
d) Major mechanical, electrical, and utilities requirements
e) Electrical one-line diagrams and electrical area classification
f) Piping and Instrumentation Diagrams (P&IDs)
g) On-plot and off-plot facilities (on-plot underground facilities and
temporary construction facilities)
h) Site survey, topography and soil data
i) Modifications to existing facilities/plants
j) Operating variables (as required by OSPAS)
k) Corrosion control
l) Impact on and interface with other related projects
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Next Planned Update: 1 J uly, 2003 Project Proposal

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m) Environmental assessment (see SAEP-13 "Project Environmental
n) Security, fire protection & safety provisions (if required; Hazard
Identification Plan of Major Hazards, fire hazard zone drawings,
and fire system layout drawings)
o) Communications, and any government approvals if required
p) Control systems (including SCADA)
q) Project schedules
r) Training requirements
s) Land use permits for new facility sites or addition of facility within
existing plants
t) QA/QC strategy for projects compliance with inspection
3.2.3 Scope Change from DBSP
SAPMT shall document all significant scope changes from the approved
DBSP. Project Proposal milestone review submittals shall include a
special section listing major scope changes from the approved DBSP.
A list of all significant scope changes with justification and the cost
impact shall be included in the Project Proposal book. SAPMT shall
inform FPD of all major scope changes with the cost impact and
justification as soon as they are identified. This allows timely
assessment by FPD of the impact of these changes to the project. Based
on FPD's assessment, SAPMT and Proponent will determine if the
change should be incorporated in the project scope.
A scope change shall be recorded if it meets any one of the following

Major Scope Changes
to be Reported to FPD
Scope Changes
to be Recorded in PP Book only
Cost deviation in excess of 5%
of the BI budget estimate or $1
million whichever is less
All major changes as reported to FPD
Change in facility unit capacity
greater than 10% where
quantities are stated in DBSP
Cost deviation between 1% and 5% of the
BI budget estimate or between $100,000
and $1,000,000 whichever is less
Change in process, functions or
location from that which was
identified in DBSP
Any change that has a schedule impact of
more than one month on the project
proposal or project execution durations.
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Next Planned Update: 1 J uly, 2003 Project Proposal

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All changes shall be recorded to include, as a minimum, the following
data: Item; Reason for Change; Cost Impact; Schedule Impact; Initiator
(Proponent, Loss Prevention, SAPMT, etc.); Reference Document (if
prepared); Date Initiated/Approved.
3.2.4 Communication Requirements
Saudi Aramco construction projects normally require both temporary
(during construction) and permanent communication systems. As
procurement approval for radio frequencies and materials involves long
lead times, communication systems require early identification and
coordination between Information Technology organization and
SAPMT. To facilitate these requirements, the Project Proposal shall
contain the following:
a) Summary of temporary and permanent communication system
requirements. Identification of additional communication facilities
and/or modification to existing facilities necessary to meet the
project requirements.
b) Identification of communications requirements to be handled by
Information Technology organization and those, which shall be
provided and funded by the project.
c) Schedule of communication material requirements with an
estimated site required delivery date.
d) Identification and implementation plans of all communication
disaster recovery aspects of the projects.
3.2.5 Safety and Security Directive (SSD)
The SSD (reference SAES-O series) shall be adhered to by all projects in
accordance with the directives given to Saudi Aramco by the Saudi Arab
Government's Supreme Commission for Industrial Security. The
SAPMT shall contact Consulting Services Department, Dhahran and the
Safety and Industrial Security organization to obtain current safety and
security requirements before proceeding with Project Proposal
engineering. A separate section in the Project Proposal shall be devoted
strictly to safety and security requirements.
3.2.6 Preliminary Hazard Analysis (PHA)
The objective in performing PHA studies is to improve process safety
and/or minimize operability problems. The SAPMT in conjunction with
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the Loss Prevention Department (LPD), and Environmental Protection
Department shall decide which projects and specific facilities require
PHA studies. Duplicate facilities shall not require a new PHA study.
Only new or upgrade facilities that use, produce, process, transport, or
store flammable, explosive, toxic or reactive substances in large
quantities are candidates for PHA studies. The PHA studies shall
normally be conducted during the Project Proposal stage. The Hazard
and Operability (HAZOP) studies, if required, shall be performed during
the detail design when the facility design is firm and no major design
changes are forecasted.
3.2.7 Environment Assessment
SAEP-13, "Project Environmental Impact Assessments," establishes the
procedures necessary to prepare environmental assessments and shall be
included in all Project Proposals. An environmental assessment
describes and quantifies project actions; identifies those discharges and
emissions regulated by environmental standards; predicts the
environmental changes resulting from the project; and demonstrates
compliance with applicable Saudi Aramco and/or Saudi Arab
Government environmental standards and policies.
The full environmental report with appropriate calculations is to be
included with the Project Proposals issued to Process & Control Systems
Department, Environmental Protection Department, Technical
Information Center (TIC) Dhahran, and Corporate Information Center
(ASC) Houston. All other volumes will contain a summary only.
3.2.8 Obtaining a Waiver from Saudi Aramco Engineering Standards and
Materials System Specifications
Identify standards, procedures, equipment and materials that will require
a waiver prior to incorporation into the facilities. Projects shall meet the requirements of Mandatory Saudi
Aramco Engineering Requirements (MSAERs), which are in
effect on the Project Proposal approval date. Changes to
MSAERs approved after the Project Proposal approval date
shall be mandatory only when:
Changes that affect safety, health, environment or security
that are highlighted by the concerned organization. In this
case, the impact of the changes on the project should be
reviewed by the Proponent with Loss Prevention, Industrial
Security Operations, Engineering Services, Information
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Technology, Project Management and others to determine
applicability and extent of implementation.
Changes that result in cost savings to the project. In this
case, SAPMT, Proponent and Engineering Services shall
review and decide on implementation.
A Project Change Request (PCR) shall be initiated to document
and obtain approval to implement changes after project
proposal approval date. Include waivers (reference SAEP-302 - "Instructions for
Obtaining a Waiver of a Mandatory Saudi Aramco Engineering
Requirement") that shall reduce project cost without impacting
design, safety or operational integrity of the facility. Describe
the variation in sufficient detail to permit technical evaluation
by the appropriate reviewing agency. Include copies of waiver
applications and approvals. Deviations from SSD requirements shall be submitted in a
letter format as per SAES-O-100 that describes the variation in
sufficient detail to permit technical evaluation by the
appropriate reviewing agency.
3.2.9 Drawing Index and Drawings
This section provides a list and copies of the drawings that define the
scope of the project. It shall include key drawings such as PFDs, P&IDs,
plant and equipment layouts, electrical one-line diagrams and other
necessary drawings that are required to establish the design basis and
assist in producing an ER quality estimate.
3.3 Materials Related Requirements
3.3.1 General
The Project Proposal provides a table of major materials and equipment
identified for the project. During preliminary engineering, the
engineering contractor with guidance from the SAPMT, shall review the
Company DC Surplus and SAMS Excess to identify all acceptable or
substitute materials which are available in Saudi Aramco inventories for
possible use on the project, with the objective of:
a) Incorporating materials, which require the least new cash outlay to
Saudi Aramco.
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b) Making maximum economic use of the materials available from
DC surplus and SAMS excess inventories.
c) Make maximum economic use of locally manufactured materials.
d) Provide full justification for any proposed purchases of contingent
quantities or non-installed spares.
During Project Proposal preparation, the SAPMT shall request
review, and may request assistance from the Materials Supply
(MS) on all portions of the plan that involve materials related
aspects of the work. SAPMT will continue to be responsible to
ensure that the purchase order is in acceptable technical compliance
with relevant MSAERs during the time the Contractor is handling
the order.
If procurement of major equipment and materials is on the critical
path of the project schedule, SAPMT may elect to consider
"novation" of these items to reduce their impact on the project
schedule. "Novation" typically involves; 1) placement of purchase
order by the Management Contractor or Project Proposal
Contractor with commitment only for engineering; and 2) after
ERA transfer the purchase order to the successful LSTK Contractor
on contract award. The purchase order transferred to the LSTK
contractor will cover the complete scope involving engineering and
manufacture. Use of novated purchase orders should be approved
by SRC either as part of the contracting plan or as an individual
3.3.2 Material Source List
The materials source list identifies major equipment and material items.
Where possible, an estimated dollar value and quantity required shall be
indicated. Also indicate responsibility for inspection, expediting, traffic
and transportation. The Project Proposal effort shall develop Quotation
Requests (QRs) for major engineered equipment and critical items, and
issue these QRs to vendors on a "For Development Only" basis to
determine prices and delivery schedules. For purpose of preparing the
ER Estimate, the major equipment list shall include account number, the
item number, a brief description, the data sheet, a requisition number if
available, the estimated value and other pertinent information. The
following areas shall be segregated:
a) DC surplus materials
b) SAMS excess materials
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c) Locally manufactured materials and vendor warehoused materials
d) SAMS allocation
e) DC purchases
f) Contractor procurement Lump Sum Turnkey (LSTK) or Lump
Sum Procure/Build (LSPB)
g) Sole source materials & equipment
3.3.3 Use-up Target Values
The DC Surplus Inventory and the SAMS Excess Listings shall be
reviewed to prepare the listing and estimated values of possible DC
surplus and SAMS excess usage. During the Project Proposal
development this list shall be further refined to set the target values for
use-up of those items that shall be reported during the life of the project.
LSTK or LSPB contracts shall use the same format and shall estimate
total commodity (SAMS) and engineered (DC) material costs (regardless
of originator) as the basis for determining use-up values. The target
values are goals requiring extra effort to achieve rather than just a
restatement of the original major items listed in section 3.3.2.
3.3.4 Locally Manufactured Material
During Project Proposal development, the SAPMT shall obtain a current
list of approved locally manufactured products and sources from MS.
This list shall be provided to LSPB & LSTK contractors to encourage
use of locally manufactured materials.
3.3.5 Critical Plant Equipment Unit Spares
A list of proposed installed spares for critical plant unit equipment and a
list of non-installed spares proposed for entry into SAMS Class 19
(CU24.6) shall be provided along with the estimated cost for each item
and justification for purchase. Comparison shall be made between
spares specified in the Design Basis Scoping Paper and spares specified
in the Project Proposal.
3.3.6 Start-up Spare Parts
Proponent and SAPMT shall identify the start-up spares required which
shall be concurred by MS.
Construct-only project materials furnished by Saudi Aramco need not
address this subject because spares shall be furnished per SAEP-31
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(Corporate Spare Parts Data Requirement). For Procure/Build contracts,
the SAPMTs shall specify start-up spare responsibility including how
they shall be provided, the financial impact of purchase and final
disposition of residual spares.
The LSTK contractor is responsible for providing start-up spares.
Residual and/or unutilized start-up spares remain contractor's property;
such spares may not be purchased from the contractor by Project
Management. Proponent at their discretion has the option to purchase
these residual spares against their Operating Budget for future use.
Operations shall communicate with MS (Materials Control Department)
to ensure the spares are reviewed against overall inventory needs, and do
not adversely affect existing supplies. Defined start-up spares may be
turned over to Saudi Aramco in accordance with the contract
requirements provided that the quantities and types are in accordance
with the Saudi Aramco stocking policy. For LSTK and LSPB contracts,
start-up spares responsibility for "free issue" equipment provided by
Saudi Aramco shall be stated clearly in the contract.
SAPMT and the respective contractors are responsible for the spare parts
as outlined under SAEP-31. In all cases the SAPMT/Contractors shall
provide complete and accurate spare parts data packages necessary to
support Saudi Aramco procurement of operating spare parts.
3.4 Scheduling & Estimating Requirement
3.4.1 Project Summary Schedule
This section contains a project summary schedule that shall be developed
during the Proposal phase based on information from the Project
Milestone Schedule developed during the DBSP. Project Summary
Schedule serves as a "working" tool in the absence of a detailed schedule
by Contractor. The Project Summary Schedule shall be used as a guide
during technical evaluation of contractors and start-up planning.
Project Summary Schedule addresses all the project life cycle activities
in a summary format. It must be logic driven, based on the Critical Path
Method (CPM). This schedule shall form the basis for the original (Rev.
0) Project Completion Schedule (PCS). The Project Summary Schedule
further expands the level of detail while still supporting critical and key
milestone dates defined and prescribed in the contract (Schedule "B").
Project Summary Schedule is expanded to include critical milestone
dates as well as any other key milestones that are provided by
Contractors. The schedule shall include review time requirements
specified in SAEP-303. Contact, Scheduling Engineering
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Unit/PCD/PS&CD for more detail information on Project Summary
3.4.2 Estimating Support Coordination
Final ER estimate and Saudi Aramco 56D forms are required by the
Budget Director eleven to thirteen weeks before the ER Approval date.
The final ER estimate package shall be prepared and jointly reviewed in
parallel by SAPMT and Project Support & Controls Department
(PS&CD) at least three weeks prior to the required submittal date to the
Budget Director.
An important part of PS&CD's charter is to take an active role in setting
out Saudi Aramco ER estimate preparation requirements and providing
basic information to the contractor early in the Project Proposal phase.
This normally takes the form of a kick-off meeting in the contractor's
office, where the ER Preparation Guideline package is presented and
discussed. ER estimate progress milestones are agreed upon with the
contractor and SAPMT and progress is monitored as a basis for judging
when it is appropriate for the PS&CD estimating team to participate.
PS&CD shall be involved at the intermediate Project Proposal reviews to
endorse the ER estimate.
When the ER estimate is over or under by more than 10% of the budget
estimate, a cost comparison between the approved budget and the
established ER estimate shall be prepared in conjunction with PS&CD.
The cost comparison shall include a list of the scope changes and other
changes and shall be included in the ER package.
3.5 Appendix
The Appendix shall include letters, minutes, land use permits and other pertinent
documents written during Project Proposal development.
3.6 Numbering Project
All Project Proposals shall be numbered by the issuing office as follows:
Saudi Aramco APP Series (Numbers assigned by the Technical Information
Center, Dhahran)
ASC TPP Series (Numbers assigned by the Corporate Information
Center, Houston)
APP or TPP numbers shall be on the Project Proposal cover sheet.
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4 Project Improvement Effort
This section comprises of activities that on implementation would optimize project cost
& schedule, improve quality of the Project Proposal and assure project execution
4.1 Value Engineering
SAPMT shall initiate a formal Value Engineering study during the Project
Proposal development stage when:
The estimated BI value exceeds $50 million, or
The estimated BI value is between $10 - $50 million and a VE study was not
conducted during the pre-planning or DBSP development stage, or
The estimated BI value is between $10 - $50 million, and the pre-planning or
DBSP stage VE report has recommended that a Project Proposal stage VE
study is required.
Proposals resulting from VE studies that are accepted by the Proponent
Organization and SAPMT, are to be reviewed by FPD, and shall be incorporated
into the Project Proposal scope of work.
Value Engineering studies conducted in-Kingdom shall be coordinated with the
Value Engineering Unit of the PS&CD. For OOK VE studies, Value
Engineering Unit shall be given the opportunity to participate if time/resources
permit. Otherwise a copy of the final report shall be distributed to the Manager,
4.2 Benchmarking
The objective of the benchmarking analysis, during the Project Proposal stage, is
to identify high project risk, compare the projects with the industry against key
project parameters and recommend changes to enhance project execution.
For all projects $100 million and greater, SAPMT shall initiate a formal
benchmarking analysis unless Vice President, Project Management has
approved a waiver. The analysis shall be done at the appropriate stage of the
Project Proposal development, but no later than 70% Project Proposal progress,
comparing key parameters of the project with an external industry wide
database. The Project Team should utilize the assistance of a consultant to carry
out the quantitative analysis. The analysis would address key project outcomes
and associated risk based on the Project Proposal effort to-date. As a minimum,
the following areas should be addressed and compared to industry norms and
best case:
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Status of front-end loading (FEL), i.e., project definition, at the time the
benchmark analysis is prepared,
Use of value improvement practices,
The projected total installed cost (TIC) of the project,
An analysis of the contingency requirement based on project scope and FEL,
Engineering as a percentage of TIC,
Time required for total project execution (ERA through Onstream),
Time required for the construction phase, and
Expected time required for start-up
For projects less than $100 million, Project Management Department Manager
may request a formal benchmarking analysis as required. If no formal
benchmarking analysis is performed, SAPMT shall utilize the PDRI rating
system to assess the Project Proposal scope definition for completeness. In
addition, the Project must prepare the Project Leading Metrics report. These
metrics are tools to provide visibility for possible areas of concerns and
improvements. Instructions for completing this report can be found on the
PS&CD/PCD Intranet web page.
A section shall be included in the Project Proposal book to include the summary
benchmarking report prepared by an outside consultant, the final PDRI
worksheet, and the project leading metrics report.
4.3 QA/QC Plan
SAPMT shall establish an overall QA/QC plan for the project. The QA/QC plan
shall cover engineering, procurement, construction and pre-commissioning
phases of the project. It shall prescribe the level of QA/QC required for specific
stages of the project and cover details such as:
Minimum inspection level required for each equipment type or grouping
guided by Saudi Aramco Form 175 for that type of equipment
Minimum number or percentage of the inspection workforce required for
each class of activity (i.e., welding, structural steel, equipment, etc.)
Special qualification requirements for inspectors inspecting special
equipment and/or materials
Key quality performance indicators to track and evaluate the Contractor
(e.g., non-conformance reports, welder reject rate, repair rate, etc.)
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Special receiving inspection requirements for critical equipment.
Identify equipment for which site inspection will be required if Contractor is
not using Saudi Aramco approved vendors.
Special inspection or quality requirements not covered in contract schedule
"Q". These requirements shall be included as attachment 4 to Schedule "Q"
for the contract.
4.4 Other Best Practices
Saudi Aramco is a member of the Construction Industry Institute (CII), which
has developed best practices for its members with the mission to improve the
safety, quality, schedule and cost effectiveness of the capital investment process.
Saudi Aramco Project Management has piloted five of the most effective
practices to be implemented for its projects Pre-Project Planning, Scope
Definition & Control/Change Management, Constructability, Schedule
Optimization, and Planning for Startup. According to the project's unique needs,
other best practices may be substituted or added.
As a minimum, the Project Definition Rating Index (PDRI) (from Pre-Project
Planning) and Constructability concepts shall be implemented during Project
Proposal development. SAPMT shall take full advantage to implement other
CII best practices as necessary in developing the Project Execution Plan (PEP)
to gain the maximum benefit from them.
When implementing CII best practices, SAPMT shall refer to the CII library of
publications, as well as Saudi Aramco's database of lessons learned on previous
projects. Saudi Aramco Project Management Organization maintains both of
these resources and will help the project teams in their facilitation.
5 Reporting and Review Requirements
5.1 Project Proposal Distribution for Review and Meetings
Draft Project Proposals shall be distributed for review to the appropriate
members of Saudi Aramco Management and attendees of the Technical Review
and Project Proposal Meetings. Distribution of the Project Proposal narrative
shall be in electronic format (in Microsoft Word), and the drawings shall be
distributed electronically where feasible. SAPMT should utilize on-line
electronic reviews by key reviewers wherever possible. The SAPMT and
proponent are responsible for determining the recipients. As a minimum, the
following represents a list of various organizations that shall be considered for
receipt of the Project Proposal. However, only those organizations with direct
involvement shall receive the Project Proposal.
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Executive Management:
- Proponent Organizations, i.e.,
Ras Tanura Refining
Northern Area Producing
Southern Area Producing
J eddah/Riyadh Refining
Yanbu Refining
Distribution Operations
Abqaiq Plants & Pipelines
Gas Operations
- Information Technology
(for projects requiring communications, SCADA, DCS, and
- Petroleum Engineering and Development
(for production-related projects)
General Management:
- Industrial Security Operations
- Proponent organization
- Oil Supply Planning and Scheduling Department
(for all proposals related in any way to oil, gas, NGL and/or refined
product movement and handling)
- Computer & Communications Engineering Department
(for all projects involving communications)
- Purchasing Department
- Power Distribution Department
(for all projects related to power facilities at 2.4 kV and above)
- Abqaiq, Dhahran or Ras Tanura Utilities Department
(for the area community projects only)
- Facilities Planning Department (mandatory)
- Project Support & Controls Department (for information only)
- Consulting Services Department
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- Inspection Department
- Loss Prevention Department
- Environmental Protection Department
- Process & Control Systems Department
- Roads & Heavy Equipment Department
- Medical Services Organization
(for all projects related to Medical Organization)
5.2 Technical Review Meeting
The Technical Review Meeting shall be held no sooner than fifteen (15)
working days after distribution of the Project Proposal for review. Location,
date, and time of the meeting shall be announced in the cover letter distributed
with the Project Proposal. The Technical Review Meeting shall discuss all
technical aspects of the Project Proposal, resolve technical questions, address
environmental issues and review the Project Summary Schedule. Interim
technical review meetings shall be conducted as required by SAPMT depending
upon the type and complexity of the project. Items not resolved at the final
technical review meeting shall be addressed in the Project Proposal Meeting.
Substantive changes resulting from the technical review meeting shall be
incorporated as appropriate into the Project Proposal documents.
The SAPMT shall prepare minutes of the Technical Review Meetings and
distribute the minutes, electronically whenever possible, to all persons who
either received the Project Proposal or attended the Technical Review Meeting.
The minutes shall include the estimated cost and schedule effects of major
changes from the DBSP/Project Proposal as originally prepared. Refer to 3.2.3
for definition of major scope change.
The subject of critical plant equipment unit spares (capital spares) per section
3.3.5 shall be addressed, and proposed purchases shall be reviewed.
5.3 Project Proposal Meeting
The purpose of the Project Proposal Meeting is to resolve any outstanding items
remaining after the Technical Review Meeting and to finalize the project scope.
The Project Proposal Meeting shall be scheduled no sooner than five (5)
working days after distribution of the minutes of the Technical Review Meeting.
The delegated representatives of the Project Proposal approval authorities
(section 6.1.1) shall attend this meeting in order to make decisions on matters
not resolved in the Technical Review Meeting.
Document Responsibility: Project Support and Controls Dept. SAEP-14
Issue Date: 29 J anuary, 2003
Next Planned Update: 1 J uly, 2003 Project Proposal

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The Project Proposal Meeting shall include a review of the critical plant
equipment unit spares (capital spares) list agreed upon during the Technical
Review Meeting, and the list shall be endorsed or revised as appropriate. The
minutes shall include this list.
The SAPMT shall be responsible for preparing and distributing the minutes of
the Project Proposal Meeting to those persons who either received a copy of the
Project Proposal or attended the Project Proposal Meetings.
5.4 Distribution & Storage of Approved Project Proposals
Following the approval of the Project Proposal, a final approved copy shall be
distributed as follows:
5.4.1 ASC
An electronic copy of every Project Proposal shall be sent to Corporate
Information Center (CIC), Houston.
5.4.2 Saudi Aramco
SAPMT shall send copies of the approved Project Proposal to:
- Facilities Planning Department (FPD) - one hard copy, to be used as
a "working" document for five years or for the duration of the
project, whichever is longer.
- Technical Information Center (TIC), Room E-3100, EOB, Dhahran -
one electronic copy and one hard copy, for archival purpose.
- Project Support & Controls Department - one electronic copy, for
input in the Electronic Image Document Management System.
The electronic file submissions shall be on CD-ROM and contain an
index at the beginning of each file medium to facilitate retrieval of stored
data. The electronic text, spreadsheet, and graphical data shall be in
Microsoft format; and CADD data shall be in the approved Saudi
Aramco standard of Intergraph Microstation DGN format. Scanned
documents shall be in TIFF format in accordance with the corporate
standard maintained by EDSD.
6 Approvals and Waivers
6.1 Approval Process
6.1.1 Approvals
Document Responsibility: Project Support and Controls Dept. SAEP-14
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Next Planned Update: 1 J uly, 2003 Project Proposal

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The SAPMT shall be responsible for obtaining Saudi Aramco approval
for the Project Proposal from the appropriate individuals listed.
Executive Management may delegate the approval authority to General
Management level. Obtaining these signatures constitutes full Project
Proposal approval. The recommended order for routing and approval
will be as follows, however SAPMT may seek parallel approval from
more than one organization at the same time where appropriate.
- Manager, Facilities Planning Department
- Manager, Loss Prevention Department
- Manager, Power Distribution Department (for all projects related to
power facilities at 2.4 kV and above)
- Manager, Consulting Services Department
- Manager, Oil Supply Planning and Scheduling Department (for all
proposals related in any way to oil, gas, NGL and/or refined product
movement and handling)
- General Manager, Industrial Security
- Vice President, Information Technology (for all projects requiring
communications, SCADA, DCS, process computers, and
- Vice President, Petroleum Engineering and Development (for
production-related projects)
- Vice President, Engineering Services
- Vice President/Executive Director, Proponent Organization
- Vice President, Project Management
6.1.2 Unresolved Items
If unresolved items exist that would preclude obtaining approvals as
described in section 6.1.1, the SAPMT shall refer any unresolved item(s)
through appropriate channels of authority until resolution is obtained.
The Project Proposal minutes shall show the estimated cost and schedule
effects of any major changes from the DBSP/Project Proposal as
originally prepared. Refer to 3.2.3 for definition of major scope change.
6.1.3 Obtaining Changes to an Approved Project Proposal
For a project with an approved Project Proposal but which has not yet
received Expenditure Request (ER) approval, scope changes shall be as
Document Responsibility: Project Support and Controls Dept. SAEP-14
Issue Date: 29 J anuary, 2003
Next Planned Update: 1 J uly, 2003 Project Proposal

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a) Scope changes that are not major shall be documented by SAPMT
in meeting minutes (refer to 3.2.3 for definition of major scope
change). Where applicable, representatives from Proponent, FPD,
and other involved organizations shall approve the meeting
minutes. The meeting minutes shall describe the proposed
changes, the justification, and the cost and schedule impact. The
required minimal approval authority for the meeting minutes is
supervisory level. Approval of the meeting minutes by all
concerned parties constitutes inclusion of the minor scope changes
into the project scope.
b) Major scope changes shall require an addendum to the approved
Project Proposal (refer to 3.2.3 for definition of major scope
change). The addendum shall describe the proposed changes the
justification and the cost and schedule impact. Approval of the
addendum shall be obtained from the original signatories before
design work starts. The addendum shall be distributed to all those
that received the original Project Proposal.
6.1.4 Contract Bid Package
After the approval of the Project Proposal, the SAPMT shall revise the
Project Proposal's narrative, drawings, and specifications to incorporate
substantive changes resulting from the Technical Review and Project
Proposal Meetings before issuing the project bid documents. If this is
not practical, an addendum to the bid package shall be prepared and
issued to bidders at the earliest possible opportunity.
6.2 Project Proposal Waiver
6.2.1 Request
For selected projects, Project Management may request to waive the
requirement for a Project Proposal and proceed directly with detailed
design using TC-68 funds. This request will permit SAPMT to use TC-
68 funds to carry out detailed design, perform selected project proposal
requirements and to prepare an ER quality estimate for funding approval.
6.2.2 Approval
The following steps are required to obtain a waiver of project proposal
and proceed with detailed design:
SAPMT Department Manager shall prepare a formal letter requesting
to carry out detailed design during Project Proposal. The letter shall
Document Responsibility: Project Support and Controls Dept. SAEP-14
Issue Date: 29 J anuary, 2003
Next Planned Update: 1 J uly, 2003 Project Proposal

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be addressed to Vice President, Project Management and Vice
President Proponent. The letter should state the present situation,
scope of work, justification for the waiver and identify what project
proposal requirements, if any that will be performed during detailed
design, i.e., value engineering, CII concepts, etc.
SAPMT shall obtain Vice Presidents, Project Management and
Proponent approval for this request.
On receiving approval SAPMT shall prepare an Engineering Work
Order Authorization for Project Proposal Preparation (Form 6891-
ENG) to request approval of TC-68 funds to carry out detailed
engineering and contract preparation based on GI-0202.451
(Engineering Work Order Authorization for Project Proposal
Approval is accomplished on obtaining the signature on Form 6891-

Revision Summary
28 J une, 2000 Major revision.
29 J anuary, 2003 Editorial revisions.

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