CRA Inspection
CRA Inspection
CRA Inspection
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Introduction Automated Ultrasonic Inspection of Pipeline Girth Welds is now common use in the On - and Offshore industry. It gradually replaces the globally used standard radiographic inspection technique. One of the reasons to use the AUT technique is due to its possibility to use acceptance criteria which are based upon ECA ( Engineering Critical Assessment ) instead of the so-called Good Workmanship. To use acceptance criteria based upon ECA, the weld imperfections as produced during the welding process shall be detected and sized with a high POD ( Probability Of Detection ) and sizing accuracy. Some pipelines are subject to strict environmental requirements and therefore the pipeline ID surface is equipped with a corrosive resistant alloy layer ( CRA ) for resistance against the corrosive fluid. An implication of this construction method is, that welds have to be made with an austenitic welding consumable. Due to the coarse grains and anisotropic structure of the austenitic weld material and the CRA layer, special designed ultrasonic probes and adapted AUT system application software is required to inspect those welds. There is limited experience in the Offshore Pipeline industry for this type of inspection and a special technique is required, deviating from the standard AUT approach which is described within internationally available inspection standards. Brazilian market In the near future SCR pipelines ( at water depths up to 3000 meter ) will be constructed in the Brazilian Offshore sector ( new Oil fields such as Tupi, Carioca and Jupiter Field), having a high pressure in combination with a corrosive environment condition, such as salt, H2S and CO2. To protect the pipeline against corrosion impact, CRA layer on the ID surface is a potential solution.
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Figure 1 Example Clad steel pipe Inspection set-up The Automated Ultrasonic Inspection set-up for Austenitic welds is similar to the standard inspection configuration set-up for ferritic girth welds in relation to the zone set-up whereby the wall thickness is divided into a number of depth zones, see Figure 2
The used inspection philosophy approach however differs, the selected probes are not related to the weld bevel configuration, as dictated by the applicable standards for AUT on ferritic girth welds, but designed to minimize and/or to exclude that reflections out of the anisotropic weld structure and/or interface are interfering with the inspection result interpretation. Instead of the traditional shear wave, dual crystal focused compression waves probes are used to enable the full penetration of ultrasonic waves through the weld volume, not hampered by the structure of the involved dissimilar metals and austenitic structure.
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In Figures 3 it is visualized that the weld is inspected from two (2) sides having the gate settings over the entire weld volume, passing the primary and coincidence interfaces. The inspection result of both probes either side of the weld ( US & DS) are used for detection and/or confirmation of defect locations.
Figure 3
Using this technique, the standard approach within AUT techniques to size the weld defects, as dictated by the conventional codes (API 1104 19th edition DnV2000 etc) cannot be used, since the detection of flaws are based upon diffraction rather than reflection, see Figure 4 Basic mechanisms for response.
Figure 4
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Physical aspects From Ultrasonic / Physics point of view the coarse grain structure of austenitic CRA welds is compared with the fine grained ferritic nature of classic Carbon Steel, see Figure 5a and 5b The differences in grain size, grain structure and sound velocity between Austenitic and Carbon steel, but also within the Austenitic weld volume itself, have a major impact on the design of the AUT inspection system. At the specified inspection levels, the coarse grain size and anisotropic weld material results in an increased noise level so called ultrasonic noise. This ultrasonic noise is more pronounced for shear waves than for compression waves. It will manifest itself particularly at high sensitivity levels required to reliably defect small weld imperfections within pipeline girth weld inspection.
To avoid this interaction, a low(er) ultrasound frequency can be considered. However, this will have a negative impact on the defect detection and sizing capabilities which will deteriorate with increasing wave lengths. Secondly sound beam deflection could also play a role in the examination of austenitic welds.
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A third aspect is the intrinsic reflection at the interface between the parent and austenitic weld due to small differences in sound speed. Reflection (R) against dissimilar materials (Austenitic weld material v0=v1+v R~ * v/v0 , see Figure 6 versus Carbon steel ), R=(v0-v1)/(v0+v1) and
v 0 m /s
v 1 m /s
Austenitic w eld
v1= v0 +
Figure 6
Example : v0= 6000 m/s ; v = 120 m/s = R~~ * 120/6000= 0.01 (only 1% of a reflection of an ultrasonic wave against a steel to air interface giving a reflection R=1.00) The coarse grain structure of Austenitic weld & Clad material and/or the unwanted reflections from dissimilar material interfaces, presents itself during ultrasonic examination in an increased noise, reducing the required signal to noise ratio. Compression waves suffer significantly less from these phenomena than shear waves which inevitable leads to the use of focused angle beam compression and creep wave probes instead of shear wave probes, see Figure 7.
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Figure 7
In Figure 8 an overview is given of the wavelengths corresponding to the wave modes (shear /compression) in use in an AUT system: when the grain size of the material under test is becoming in the order of magnitude of the wavelength of the interrogating ultrasonic wave than a significant interaction takes place resulting in an increased noise level material noise. This disturbing phenomena will happen as a rule of thumb when the largest grain size approach approximately 1/10 the wavelength. On the other hand the defect detection/ sizing capabilities will deteriorate with increasing wavelength too, as a rule of thumb when the defect size is smaller than 1 to 2 times the wavelength. In addition reflections will occur between dissimilar materials having slightly different sound speeds. It will manifest itself particularly at high sensitivity levels. The phenomena mentioned above should be considered as indicative.
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Not only the ratio of wavelength to grain size causes scattering noise. The grains in the austenitic welds are anisotropic whereby the lattice directions of the individual grains are distributed randomly. The dependency of the sound velocity on the direction of the incoming waves causes a difference in acoustic impedance. This impedance is the cause of this scattering. The difference between the minimum and maximum velocity of shear waves is bigger than for compression waves, hence, shear waves will scatter more than compression waves and this explains the choice to use focused compression transducers. The effect of scattering on the ultrasonic beam can be demonstrated with the use of numerical simulation software based on finite difference. This modelling approach takes all wave phenomena like mode conversion and scattering effects into account. Figure 9 illustrates three snapshots of a focused compression wave probe and a focused shear wave probe. The grain structure of the weld and clad layer are modelled according to Figure 5a. Top snapshot ; Incoming compression/shear wave. A focused compression beam (left) and a focused shear beam (right). Middle snapshot ; Scattering and intrinsic reflection due to the acoustic impedance. Bottom snapshot ; The compression wave penetrates the weld, assuring complete volumetric inspection.
Note that the compression wave probe also has a shear wave component. In the figures, the intrinsic reflections and the scattering are clearly visible. The compression wave generated by the focused probe penetrates the weld whereas the focused shear wave is distorted significantly.
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Qualification process The inspection concept for AUT CRA inspection shall be qualified as dictated by most of the international and / or client specifications. The main objective of such program is to demonstrate that the RTD CRA inspection system is fulfilling the inspection requirements. As a guideline as per DNV-OS-F101-AppE Reliably detect all imperfections in the CRA pipeline girth welds For those imperfections that are potential defects; to determine the circumferential and through wall heights. Fulfil applicable DNV statistical requirements length
After the interpretation of the inspection results, see Figure 10a Rotoscan inspection result, all defect locations are reported into a site report together with all relevant information such as Start and End scan position, location within the weld volume, defect height and whether the defect is acceptable given the related acceptance criteria, see Figure 10b.
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Selected areas are used to compare the AUT CRA inspection results with the evidence out of the metallurgical macro sectioning. The metallurgical report is identifying the exact location within the weld volume and the associated defect height. In addition, on defect positions, a micro detail was made for additional information on characterization and orientation, see Figure 11.
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DNV OS-F 101 has specific requirements to Probability of Detection (PoD) of defects of non-allowable sizes, as determined by ECA or other approaches followed, to establish defect acceptance criteria, and requirements to uncertainty margins on sizing of defects: The given condition is ; At least a POD of 90% (to be shown at a 95% confidence level, designated 90%|95%) of detecting relevant defects, and less than 5% probability of under sizing a defect. Because the AUT inspection system, as set up and used for clad pipe austenitic welds, does not really provide height sizing, but uses the echo amplitude information only (via a translation table in combination with length), the POD 90%|95% requirement can be replaced by a 85%|95% POR requirement. ( Combined requirement Probability of Rejection (Detection and not under sizing) of a defect of = 0.85 ). An example to relate the 85%|95% POR in function of the used rejection threshold is given in Figure 12
Figure 12
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Explanation to the example graphical presentation ; Using a Rejection Threshold of 20% FSH, Using a Rejection Threshold of 20% FSH, Using a Rejection Threshold of 40% FSH, 0.7 mm high root defects will be rejected 1.3 mm high Cap & Emb defects will be rejected 2.0 mm high root defects will be rejected
The ApplusRTD Rotoscan AUT inspection system, as it has been configured for CRA applications, has proven to be an adequate inspection system on several pipeline projects having metallurgical bonded and welded overlay cladding. The system was capable to detect all relevant weld defects in conjunction with very stringent acceptance criteria. Based upon extensive CRA qualification activities carried out, specific inspection procedures were developed, dealing with all the novelties of this inspection technique.
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Biography of the Author ; Jan van der Ent Technical Manager RTD Quality Services Project Services Group ApplusRTD Delftweg 144 Rotterdam The Netherlands Tel: +31-10-2088123 Fax: +31-10-4158943 E-mail: Authors Contribution: Primary Author
Jan van der Ent is the Technical Manager of the Applus RTD Project Service Group, having a mechanical engineering background. Employed by the Applus RTD Group since1975, Jan is one of the original pioneers in the global development of Automated Ultrasonic Testing applications used within todays Nuclear and Oil & Gas industries. In the field of pipeline girth weld inspection, he has performed several industry studies, including the PRCI (American Gas Association report nr PR-220-9123 ) investigating the incentives of advantaged computer imaging, now applied as the global standard for AUT systems and owner company specifications. Jan continues to provide innovative design, development, and technical leadership of the RTD Rotoscan AUT Systems within the RTD Group and industry for the ultrasonic inspection of girth welds. For the Bonga project Jan designed and developed the successful AUT inspection technique for the inspection of Steel Catenary Risers having an internal CRA layer, overcoming the traditional difficulties associated with coarse grained anisotropic structures. This techniques innovative nature has resulted in a patent being filed for this application. Jan is contributing in sub committees of several international specifications and a active member of the PRCI
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