RSR NDT For Ut-II 2022
RSR NDT For Ut-II 2022
RSR NDT For Ut-II 2022
Non-Destructive Testing (NDT)- Definition
Surface &
Surface Volumetric Performance
Examination Examination Test
Liquid Ultrasonic
Penetrant Eddy Current Leak Testing
Conventional :
PT (Penetrant Testing).
MT (Magnetic Particle Testing).
ET (Eddy Current Testing).
RT (Radiography Testing).
UT (Ultrasonic Testing).
LT (Leak Testing).
Non Conventional :
NRT (Neutron Radiography Testing).
AET (Acoustic Emission Testing).
Vibration Analysis.
Advanced NDT Methods/Techniques
• (1) Optical Holography
• (2) Acoustic Holography
• (3) Real Time Radiography (RTR), Fluoroscopy
• (4) Flash Radiography
• (5) Radiometry
• (6) Digital and Computed Radiography
• (7) Tomography
• (8) Phased Array UT
• (9) Time of Flight Diffraction Technique (TOFD)
• (10) Synthetic Focus Aperture Technique (SAFT)
Videos cope
Records images & seen on monitor
• Misalignment of parts in the equipment
• Corrosion, erosion, cracks, fractures etc.
• Defects in the new / repaired weldments such as gross surface cracks, lack of
penetration, tear cracks, excess reinforcement, porosity etc.
• Minute discontinuities with the help of optical aids.
• Inspection of plant system / component for any leakage, abnormal operation etc.
Inspection of bores
Rigid Flexible
Bore-scope Bore-scopes
Bores not having
Inspection of straight passage way
straight bores
Fibre-scopes Electronic image
Optical image transfer
Flexible Borescopes
Magnetic particle testing is a very useful method for detection of surface & sub-surface crack in ferrous
material components. In this method, when the part being inspected is first magnetized, there is flow of
magnetic lines of force on the portion under test. At this stage magnetic powder is sprayed on the surface.
If there is any discontinuity or flaw in the surface or just below it, the flow of magnetic lines is interrupted
& intermediate poles are induced at either side of discontinuity. These interpoles attract the sprinkled
magnetic powder. This forms an exact image of the flaw. The image is more sharp if the flaw is closer to
the surface. One thing to be kept in mind during magnetic particle testing is that the discontinuities
parallel to the line of magnetic force will not show any indication.
Leakage Flux
• At surface breaking crack in a bar magnet, north and south poles are created. The magnetic field
spreads out when it encounters the small air gap created by the crack because the air cannot support
as much magnetic field per unit volume as the magnet can.
• When the field spreads out, it appears to leaking out of the material and, thus, it is called a flux
Formation of an Indication
If iron particles are sprinkled on a cracked magnet, the particles
will be attracted at
(a) At the poles at the ends of the magnet and
(b) At the poles at the edges of the crack.
This cluster of particles is much
easier to see than the actual crack.
Transverse and longitudinal defect
Longitudinal Magnetic Field
Producing a Longitudinal Magnetic Field Using
a Coil- Indirect Method
Portable Coil
Circular Magnetic Fields
Circular magnetic fields are produced by
passing current through the part (direct
method) or by placing the part in a strong
circular magnet field (indirect method).
A headshot on a wet horizontal test unit
and the use of prods are several common
methods of injecting current in a part to
produce a circular magnetic field (direct).
Placing parts on a central conductors
carrying high current is another way to
produce the field (indirect).
Yoke and prod techniques
Yoke is an electromagnet which creates Prods are a current carrying electrodes
longitudinal field between legs. (+ & -) which create circular field.
Yoke technique for plate examination. Prod technique for testing butt weld.
Both Yoke and Prod can be manipulated to change the direction of field
relative to orientation of the flaw for its detectability.
Magnetic particles
• The magnetic particles can be applied in powder form or as liquid suspension
known as ‘magnetic ink’. Like PT it has two variants- visible and fluorescent
magnetic powder/ink, later being inspected under UV light.
Large Bolt with
Service Induced Crack
Test Probe
Eddy Currents
Generation of Eddy Currents (cont.)
Eddy currents flowing in the material will generate their own “secondary” magnetic
field which will oppose the coil’s “primary” magnetic field.
Generation of Eddy Currents (cont.)
This entire electromagnetic induction process to produce
eddy currents may occur from several hundred to several
million times each second depending upon inspection
Any thing that affects the strength
AC Test Probe of the eddy currents will affect the
(coil) impedance of the coil, and thus be
detectable by the test circuits.
Primary Mag. Field
Secondary Mag. Field
(Test piece)
Eddy Current
Impedance (Z)
Resistance - The opposition of current flow (mainly to DC),
resulting in a change of electrical energy into heat or another
form of energy.
Inductive Reactance (XL) - Resistance to AC current flow
resulting from electromagnetic induction in the coil.
Impedance (Z) - The combined opposition to current flow
resulting from inductive reactance and resistance.
Magnetic Field
From TestCoil
Magnetic Field
Eddy Currents
Eddy Currents
Depth of Penetration
Eddy currents are strongest at the surface of the
material and decrease in strength below the surface.
The depth that the eddy currents are only 37% as strong
as they are on the surface is known as the standard
depth of penetration or skin depth. This depth changes
with probe frequency, material conductivity and
Standard Depth
(Skin Depth)
1/e or 37 %
of surface density
Eddy Current Density Eddy Current Density
High Frequency Low Frequency
High Conductivity Low Conductivity
High Permeability Low Permeability
Materials’ property
Three fundamental properties of materials that affect
the eddy currents are
• A) The conductivity of the material (property)
– B) The amount of solid material in the vicinity of the test
coil i.e. dimensions of the material.
• C) The permeability of the material (Permeability
creates problem in testing Ferro-magnetic material.)
Materials’ property
Sound travel path
IP horizontal
BE sweep
work piece
Block diagram: Ultrasonic Instrument
Test Techniques
Pulse-Echo Through-
Basic Principle of Ultrasonic Testing
• Signal travel time can be directly related to the distance traveled by sound
wave in side the material. From the signal, information about the reflector
location, size, orientation and other features can be gained.
probe BE
Couplant F
50 0 2 4 6 8 10
Back Wall
IP = Initial pulse, F = Flaw Echo
BE = Backwall echo
Basic Principle of Ultrasonic Testing
BE-Backwall echo
25 F-Flaw
0 2 4 6 8 10
thickness = 50 mm Back Wall
X axis scale, 1 div = 10 mm
Flaw Detection in Welds
• One of the most widely used
methods of inspecting weldments
is ultrasonic inspection.
• Full penetration groove welds lend
themselves readily to angle beam
shear wave examination.
Applications of Ultrasonic Examination
Defect Detection in material
Thickness Measurement
Bond Testing
Online monitoring of material for acceptance
Corrosion Mapping
Pre-Service Inspection (PSI), In-Service Inspection (ISI) and
Life Extension of Components
Stress analysis by velocity measurement
Advantages of Ultrasonic Examination
Single side accessibility is enough.
Very good for planner defect.
Depth positioning is possible.
Sizing is accurate.
Discontinuity of different orientation can be easily identified.
Good & High sensitivity of defect detection – Immersion Technique.
Used for In-Service Inspection (ISI) and life predication of components.
Limitations of Ultrasonic Examination
Specimen shape - Odd & irregular shape difficult to examine.
Specimen, Metallurgy - Coarse grain difficult to examine.
Data & single acquisition may not be possible in the conventional
analog / digital equipment.
Technical Knowledge is required for interpretation
Principle of Radiography
= less exposure
= more exposure
Top view of developed film
Principle of Radiography
Fractional Change
in thickness=Δt/t
I0 C=I2-I1=ΔI
t Δt C=ΔI∞ Δt/t
X-ray film
I1 I2
I1 = less exposure
I2 = more exposure
Top view of developed film
Electromagnetic Radiation
The radiation used in Radiography testing is a higher energy
(shorter wavelength) version of the electromagnetic waves that we
see every day. Visible light is in the same family as x-rays and
gamma rays.
Sources of radiation
• Both X-ray and Gamma rays can be utilized for RT. X-rays and
gamma rays differ only in their source of origin.
• X-rays are produced by an x-ray generator and gamma radiation is
the product of radioactive atoms. They are both part of the
electromagnetic spectrum.
• They are waveforms, as are light rays, microwaves, and radio
waves. X-rays and gamma rays cannot been seen, felt, or heard.
• They possess no charge and no mass and, therefore, are not
influenced by electrical and magnetic fields and will generally
travel in straight lines. However, they can be diffracted (bent) in a
manner similar to light.
Radiation Sources
Two of the most commonly used sources of radiation in
industrial radiography are x-ray generators and gamma ray
sources. Industrial radiography is often subdivided into “X-
ray Radiography” or “Gamma Radiography”, depending on
the source of radiation used.
• The unstable isotopes which undergo radioactive decay
are known as radioisotopes or simply radionuclides.
• Radioisotopes continuously gets transformed into new
element along with emission of particulate radiations.
Quite often, this is followed by the emission of gamma
For example, 192 Ir 77 , 60 Co 27
• X-rays are just like any other kind of
electromagnetic radiation. They can be produced
in parcels of energy called photons, just like
light. There are two different atomic processes
that can produce X-ray photons.
• One is called Bremsstrahlung and is a German
term meaning "braking radiation."
• The other is called K-shell emission. Both can
occur in the heavy atoms of tungsten. Tungsten
is often the material chosen for the target or
anode of the x-ray tube.
A device called a “camera” is used to store, transport and
expose the pigtail containing the radioactive material. The
camera contains shielding material which reduces the
exposure to radiographer during use.
• The cathode contains a small filament
much the same as in a light bulb. High Electrical Potential
Image Quality Indicator (IQI)
• One of the methods of monitoring the quality of a radiograph is through
the use of image quality indicators (IQIs).
• IQIs, which are also referred to as penetrameters, provide a means of
visually informing the film interpreter of the contrast and definition
(sensitivity) of the radiograph.
• The IQI indicates that a specified amount of change in material
thickness will be detectable in the radiograph, and that the radiograph
has a certain level of definition so that the density changes are not lost
due to un-sharpness.
Image Quality Indicator (IQI)
• Image quality indicators take many shapes and forms due to
the various codes or standards that invoke their use.
Generally, two IQI styles are prevalent: the hole-type and the
wire type IQI. IQIs comes in a variety of material types. So
that one with radiation absorption characteristics similar to
the material being radiographed can be used.
Image Quality (cont.)
Penetrant testing (PT) A liquid containing visible or Virtually any solid Relatively easy and materials Discontinuities open to the
fluorescent dye is applied to nonabsorbent material having are inexpensive. Extremely surface only. Surface condition
surface and enters uncoated surfaces that are not sensitive, very versatile. must be relatively smooth and
discontinuities by capillary contaminated. Minimal training. free of contaminants.
Magnetic particle Test part is magnetized and All ferromagnetic materials, Relatively easy to use. Only surface and a few
testing (MT) fine ferromagnetic particles for surface and slightly Equipment / material usually subsurface discontinuities can
applied to surface, aligning at subsurface discontinuities; inexpensive. Highly sensitive be detected. Ferromagnetic
discontinuity. large and small parts. and fast compared to PT . materials only.
Radiographic testing Radiographic film is exposed Most materials, shapes, and Provides a permanent record Limited thickness based on
(RT) when radiation passes through structures. Examples include and high sensitivity. Most material density. Orientation of
the test object. Discontinuities welds, castings, composites, widely used and accepted planar discontinuities is critical.
affect exposure . etc., as manufactured or in- volumetric examination. Radiation hazard.
Major NDT Methods- A Comprehensive Overview
Method Principles Application Advantages Limitations
Ultrasonic testing High-frequency sound pulses Most materials can be Provides precise, high- No permanent record
(UT) from a transducer propagate examined if sound sensitivity results quickly. (usually). Material
through the test material, transmission and surface Thickness information, depth, attenuation, surface finish, and
reflecting at interfaces. finish are good and shape is and type of flaw can be contour. Requires couplant .
not complex. obtained from one side of the
Eddy current testing Localized electrical fields are Virtually all conductive Quick, versatile, sensitive; Variables must be understood
(ET) induced into a conductive test materials can be examined for can be non-contacting; easily and controlled. Shallow depth
specimen by electromagnetic flaws, metallurgical adaptable to automation and of penetration, lift-off effects
induction . conditions, thinning, and in-situ examinations. and surface condition.
conductivity .
Thermal infrared Temperature variations at the Most materials and Extremely sensitive to slight Not effective for detection of
testing () test surface are measured / component where temperature changes in small flaws in thick parts. Surface
detected using thermal temperature changes are parts or large areas. Provides only is evaluated. Evaluation
sensors / detectors related to part conditions / permanent record . requires high skill level.
instruments / cameras . thermal conductivity .
Acoustic emission As discontinuities propagate, Welds, pressure vessels, Large areas can be monitored Sensors must contact test
testing (AE) energy is released and travels rotating equipment, some to detect deteriorating surface. Multiple sensors
as stress waves through composites and other conditions. Can possibly required for flaw location.
material. These are detected structures subject to stress or predict failure. Signal interpretation required.
by means of sensors . loading.
Comparison of Destructive & Non Destructive Tests.
Destructive Testing is generally mechanical test of material where certain specific characteristics
of material can be evaluated quantitatively. The information obtained is quite precise. The
specimen being tested get damaged & unlikely be used further. Destructive tests provide useful
information related to material design consideration. Following properties can be determined :
Structural Materials : I to IV
Electronic Materials : V
Crystal Structure
I Castings
Melting - Pouring into Mould Cavity - Solidification
* Gas Defects – Blow Holes, Porosities
* Shrinkage Cavity – Piping
* Non-Metallic Inclusion – Exogenous, Indigenous
* Chemical Inhomogeneities – Segregation
* Contraction Defects – Hot Tears, Cold Cracks
* Shaping Faults – Misrun, Cold Shuts
Forging Rolling
* Central Burst * Laminations
* Laps * Stringer
* Hydrogen Flakes * Seams
* Improper Flow Lines
Heat Treatment
* Quench Cracks
* Undesirable Phase
* Coarse Grain Size
Cracks in Weldments
* Cold Cracking
- Hydrogen Absorption
* Hot Cracking
- Segregation at Grain Boundaries
- Low melting point Eutectics
* Intermediate Temperature Cracking
- Stress Relief Cracking or Reheat Cracking
- Precipitation within Grains
- Localization of Creep Strain at GBs
* Lamellar Tearing
- Laminations Opening under Thermal Stress
Welding Defects Weld Cracking
Porosity Reheat
Sub-surface Flaw
Surface Flaw
Sub-surface Flaw
• Flaw size should never exceed the critical flaw size decided by the
operating stress & fracture toughness, with adequate safety margin
• It refers to through wall dimension & length for crack like defects and area
for laminations
• Most important flaw characteristics and also most difficult to predict
accurately by conventional NDT methods
Important Flaw Characteristics for
Fitness-For-Service Assessment
• Flaws with sharp tip like crack more severe than flaws with smooth
• If two flaws are very close, they influence the stress intensity
associated with each other
• Two flaws shall be separated by the length of the longest flaws, or
else they shall be considered together as a singe flaw including
the sound region in between
Important Flaw Characteristics for
Fitness-For-Service Assessment
• Weld Flaw
- Operator: Porosity, lack of fusion, slag inclusion, undercut
- Metallurgical origin: Cold crack, Hot crack, laminar tearing
• Planar or Volumetric Flaw
• Planar flaw more severe than volumetric flaw
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