Non Destructive Testing
Non Destructive Testing
Non Destructive Testing
Definition of NDT (NDE)
The use of nondestructive testing techniques to
determine the integrity of a material, component or structure
or quantitatively measure some characteristic of an object.
i.e. Inspect or measure without doing harm.
A Composite material is a material system composed
of two or more macro constituents that differ in shape
and chemical composition and which are insoluble in
each other.
Aerospace industry
Sporting Goods Industry
Automotive Industry
Home Appliance Industry
Composite flaws can occurs
1.In the matrix or fibre matrix bond
2.During production
3.During service
4.Fibre and ply misalignment
5.Fibre wrinkling or waviness
Detection of surface flaws
Magnetic Particle Inspection
Fluorescent Dye Penetrant Inspection
Detection of internal flaws
Ultrasonic Testing
Eddy current Testing
24 Nov 1998
The emission of energy as electromagnetic
waves or as moving subatomic particles.
-Heat from the sun warming your face
-Heat from a light bulb
-Heat from a fire
Also there is ultraviolet, infrared, gamma,
microwave, X, alpha, beta, visible light
Radiation is a way in which energy moves from
one place to another. Thus, the energy released
when a stone is dropped into water radiates
away in circular waves.
Sound energy radiates from a speaker's mouth
to a listener's ear;
light and heat energy radiate from the sun to the
Electrons, radiating from a hot wire, provide the
energy that forms the picture in a television set.
In the first four examples the radiation consists
of waves--water waves, sound waves, light
waves, heat waves.
Gamma radiation and X-rays are
electromagnetic radiation like visible light,
radio waves, and ultraviolet light. These
electromagnetic radiations differ only in the
amount of energy they have. Gamma rays and
X-rays are the most energetic of these.
Gamma radiation is able to travel many meters
in air and many centimeters in human tissue. It
readily penetrates most materials and is
sometimes called "penetrating radiation.
producing an image on a radiosensitive surface
by radiation other than visible light.
Radiography involves the use of penetrating
gamma- or X-radiation to examine material's
and product's defects and internal features
Radiation is directed through a part and on to
film or other media. The resulting shadowgraph
shows the internal features and soundness of
the part. Material thickness and density
changes are indicated as lighter or darker
areas on the film. The darker areas in the
radiograph below represent internal voids in
the component.
x-ray source
X-rays are electromagnetic radiation with very short
wavelength ( 10-8 -10-12 m)
The energy of the x-ray can be calculated with the equation
E = h = hc/
Production of X-rays
X-rays are produced whenever
high-speed electrons collide
with a metal target.
Two of the most commonly used sources of
radiation in industrial radiography are x-ray
generators and gamma ray sources. Industrial
radiography is often subdivided into X-ray
Radiography or Gamma Radiography,
depending on the source of radiation used.
The radioactive
material will leave
and return to the
camera through this
opening when
performing an
A drive cable is connected
to the other end of the
camera. This cable,
controlled by the
radiographer, is used to force
the radioactive material out
into the guide tube where the
gamma rays will pass
through the specimen and
expose the recording device.
Unlike gamma rays, x-rays are produced by an X-
ray generator system. These systems typically
include an X-ray tube head, a high voltage
generator, and a control console.
X-rays are produced by establishing a very high
voltage between two electrodes, called the anode
and cathode.
To prevent arcing, the anode and cathode are
located inside a vacuum tube, which is protected
by a metal housing.
The cathode contains a small High Electrical Potential
filament much the same as in a
light bulb. Electrons
Current is passed through the + -
filament which heats it. The
heat causes electrons to be X-ray Generator
stripped off. or Radioactive
The high voltage causes these Source Creates
free electrons to be pulled
toward a target material
(usually made of tungsten)
located in the anode. Radiation
The electrons impact against Penetrate
the Sample
the target. This impact causes
an energy exchange which Exposure Recording Device
causes x-rays to be created.
A spectrum of x-ray is
produced as a result of the I
interaction between the characteristic
incoming electrons and the radiation continuous
inner shell electrons of the radiation
target element. k
Two components of the
spectrum can be identified,
namely, the continuous
spectrum and the
characteristic spectrum.
SWL - short-wavelength limit
Fast moving e- will then be deflected or
decelerated and EM radiation will be
The energy of the radiation depends on
the severity of the deceleration, which is
more or less random, and thus has a
continuous distribution.
These radiation is called white
radiation or bremsstrahlung (German
word for braking radiation).
I0 , I
I I 0 e x I 0 e
electron source
electron acceleration potential
target for X-ray production
The major components of the modern X-ray tube are:
24 Nov 1998
Filmis a media that makes a
permanent record of the
Image recorded on film is
caused by exposure to
An interaction of a light wave with an
object that causes the light to be
Scattering is a general physical process
where some forms of radiation, such as
light, sound, or moving particles, are
forced to deviate from a straight
trajectory by one or more localized non-
uniformities in the medium through
which they pass.
Scattering can be broadly defined as the
redirection of radiation out of the original
direction of propagation, usually due to
interactions with molecules and
Reflection, refraction, diffraction etc. are
actually all just forms of scattering
1 - Thomson scattering
2 - Compton scattering x-ray scattering
3 - Raman scattering
Compton scattering is observed in x-
rays passing through a solid or gas. The
essential interaction is between higher
photon energy and individual electrons.
whether or not that electron is bond to
atomic nucleus.
24 Nov 1998
Principles of Sound
A mechanical vibration
The vibrations create Pressure Waves
Sound travels faster in more elastic
Number of pressure waves per second is
the Frequency
Speed of travel is the Sound velocity
Wavelength :
The distance required to complete a
Measured in Meter or mm
The number of cycles per unit time
Measured in Hertz (Hz) or Cycles per second (cps)
How quick the sound travels
Distance per unit time
Measured in meter / second (m / sec)
Wavelength Velocity
Sound Waves
Sound waves are the vibration of particles in solids liquids or gases
One cycle
Sound cannot travel
in vacuum
Sound energy to be
transmitted /
transferred from one
particle to another
5 M Hz
What is Ultrasonic?
Very High Frequency sound above 20 KHz
20,000 cps
Frequency : Number of cycles per
20 KHz = 20 000 Hz
5 M Hz = 5 000 000 Hz
Very High Frequency
5 M Hz
Low Frequency Sound
40 Hz
The higher the frequency the smaller the
The smaller the wavelength the higher
the sensitivity
Sensitivity : The smallest
detectable flaw by the
system or technique
In UT the smallest detectable flaw is
(half the wavelength)
Ultrasound is generated with a transducer.
A piezoelectric element
in the transducer
converts electrical
energy into mechanical
vibrations (sound), and
vice versa.
The transducer is
capable of both
transmitting and
receiving sound
waves are introduced into a material
where they travel in a straight line and at a constant
speed until they encounter a surface.
Atsurface interfaces some of the wave energy is
reflected and some is transmitted.
The amount of reflected or transmitted energy can
be detected and provides information about the size
of the reflector.
The travel time of the sound can be measured and
this provides information on the distance that the
sound has traveled.
Ultrasonic testing is a very versatile inspection method,
and inspections can be accomplished in a number of
different ways.
Ultrasonic inspection techniques are commonly divided
into three primary classifications.
Pulse-echo and Through Transmission
(Relates to whether reflected or transmitted energy is used)
Normal Beam and Angle Beam
(Relates to the angle that the sound energy enters the test
Contact and Immersion
(Relates to the method of coupling the transducer to the test
Piezoelectric transducers are used for
converting electrical pulses to
mechanical vibrations and vice versa
Commonly used piezoelectric
materials are quartz, Li2SO4, and
polarized ceramics such as BaTiO3 and
Usually the transducers generate
ultrasonic waves with frequencies in
the range 2.25 to 5.0 MHz
Wave Propagation Direction
Longitudinal or
Shear or transverse
Rayleigh waves
or Lamb
Symmetrical Asymmetrical
Longitudinal waves
Similar to audible sound
the only type of wave
which can travel through
Shear waves
generated by passing the
ultrasonic beam through
the material at an angle
Usually a plastic wedge is
used to couple the
transducer to the material
Surface waves
travel with little attenuation in the direction of
propagation but weaken rapidly as the wave
penetrates below the material surface
particle displacement follows an elliptical orbit
Lamb waves
observed in relatively thin plates only
velocity depends on the thickness of the
material and frequency
Piezoelectric Transducers
The active element of most acoustic
transducers is piezoelectric ceramic.
This ceramic is the heart of the
transducer which converts electrical
to acoustic energy, and vice versa.
A thin wafer vibrates with a
wavelength that is twice its thickness,
therefore, piezoelectric crystals are
cut to a thickness that is 1/2 the
desired radiated wavelength. Optimal
impedance matching is achieved by a Direction of wave
matching layer with thickness 1/4 propagation
Characteristics of Piezoelectric Transducers
Transducers are classified into groups according to the application.
Contact: are used for direct
contact inspections. Coupling
materials of water, grease, oils, or
commercial materials are used to
smooth rough surfaces and
prevent an air gap between the
transducer and the component Contact type
Immersion: do not contact the
component. These transducers
are designed to operate in a
liquid environment and all
connections are watertight.
Wheel and squirter transducers
are examples of such immersion
Dual Element: contain two independently
operating elements in a single housing.
One of the elements transmits and the
other receives. Dual element transducers
are very useful when making thickness
measurements of thin materials and when
inspecting for near surface defects.
Dual element
Angle Beam: and wedges are typically
used to introduce a refracted shear wave
into the test material. Transducers can be
purchased in a variety of fixed angles or in
adjustable versions where the user
determines the angles of incident and
refraction. They are used to generate
surface waves for use in detecting defects
on the surface of a component.
Angle beam
Test Techniques - Pulse-Echo
In pulse-echo testing, a transducer sends out a pulse of energy
and the same or a second transducer listens for reflected energy
(an echo).
Reflections occur due to the presence of discontinuities and the
surfaces of the test article.
The amount of reflected sound energy is displayed versus time,
which provides the inspector information about the size and the
location of features that reflect the sound.
back surface
0 2 4 6 8 10
UT Instrument Screen
Digital display
showing signal
generated from
sound reflecting
off back surface.
Digital display
showing the presence
of a reflector midway
through material, with
lower amplitude back
surface reflector.
The pulse-echo technique allows testing when access to only one
side of the material is possible, and it allows the location of
reflectors to be precisely determined.
Test Techniques Through-Transmission
Two transducers located on 11
opposing sides of the test
specimen are used. One T R
Digital display
showing received
sound through
Digital display
showing loss of
received signal
due to presence
of a discontinuity
in the sound field.
Pulse-echo ultrasonic measurements can
determine the location of a discontinuity in
a part or structure by accurately
measuring the time required for a short
ultrasonic pulse generated by a
transducer to travel through a thickness of
material, reflect from the back or the
surface of a discontinuity, and be returned
to the transducer. In most applications,
this time interval is a few microseconds or
d = vt/2 or v = 2d/t
where d is the distance from the surface
to the discontinuity in the test piece, v is
the velocity of sound waves in the
material, and t is the measured round-trip
transit time.
Angle Beam Transducers and wedges are typically used to
introduce a refracted shear wave into the test material. An
angled sound path allows the sound beam to come in from
the side, thereby improving detectability of flaws in and
around welded areas.
Tools include
borescopes, magnifying
glasses and mirrors.
(b) Electromagnets
the Sample
good poor
High definition: the detail portrayed in the radiograph is equivalent to
physical change present in the part. Hence, the imaging system
produced a faithful visual reproduction.
Can be used in any situation when one wishes to view
the interior of an object
To check for internal faults and construction defects,
e.g. faulty welding
To see through what is inside an object
To perform measurements of size, e.g. thickness
measurements of pipes
ASTM E94-84a Radiographic Testing
ASTM E1032-85 Radiographic Examination of Weldments
ASTM E1030-84 Radiographic Testing of Metallic Castings
There is an upper limit of thickness through
which the radiation can penetrate, e.g. -ray
from Co-60 can penetrate up to 150mm of steel
The operator must have access to both sides of
an object
Highly skilled operator is required because of
the potential health hazard of the energetic
Relative expensive equipment
Cracking can be detected in a radiograph only the crack is
propagating in a direction that produced a change in thickness that
is parallel to the x-ray beam. Cracks will appear as jagged and
often very faint irregular lines. Cracks can sometimes appearing as
"tails" on inclusions or porosity.
Burn through (icicles) results when too much heat causes
excessive weld metal to penetrate the weld zone. Lumps of
metal sag through the weld creating a thick globular condition
on the back of the weld. On a radiograph, burn through
appears as dark spots surrounded by light globular areas.
Gas porosity or blow holes Sand inclusions and dross
are caused by accumulated are nonmetallic oxides,
gas or air which is trapped by appearing on the radiograph
the metal. These as irregular, dark blotches.
discontinuities are usually
smooth-walled rounded
cavities of a spherical,
elongated or flattened shape.
5.1 Introduction
In ultrasonic testing, high-frequency sound
waves are transmitted into a material to
detect imperfections or to locate changes
in material properties.
The most commonly used
ultrasonic testing technique is
pulse echo, whereby sound is
introduced into a test object and
reflections (echoes) from internal
imperfections or the part's
geometrical surfaces are returned
to a receiver. The time interval
between the transmission and
reception of pulses give clues to
the internal structure of the
High frequency sound waves are introduced into a
material and they are reflected back from surfaces or
Reflected sound energy is displayed versus time, and
inspector can visualize a cross section of the specimen
showing the depth of features that reflect sound.
back surface
0 2 4 6 8 10 plate
Oscilloscope, or flaw
detector screen
Electrical currents are generated in a conductive material by an
induced alternating magnetic field. The electrical currents are
called eddy currents because the flow in circles at and just
below the surface of the material. Interruptions in the flow of
eddy currents, caused by imperfections, dimensional changes,
or changes in the material's conductive and permeability
properties, can be detected with the proper equipment.
Eddy current testing can be used on all electrically conducting
materials with a reasonably smooth surface.
The test equipment consists of a generator (AC power supply), a
test coil and recording equipment, e.g. a galvanometer or an
Used for crack detection, material thickness measurement
(corrosion detection), sorting materials, coating thickness
measurement, metal detection, etc.
When a AC passes through a
test coil, a primary magnetic
field is set up around the coil
The AC primary field induces
eddy current in the test
object held below the test
A secondary magnetic field
arises due to the eddy
Mutual Inductance
(The Basis for Eddy Current Inspection)
The magnetic field produced by circuit 1
will intersect the wire in circuit 2 and
create current flow. The induced current
flow in circuit 2 will have its own
magnetic field which will interact with
the magnetic field of circuit 1. At some
point P on the magnetic field consists of
a part due to i1 and a part due to i2. These
fields are proportional to the currents
producing them.
Eddy current's
magnetic field
Depth of Penetration
Eddy currents are closed loops of induced current circulating in planes
perpendicular to the magnetic flux. They normally travel parallel to the
coil's winding and flow is limited to the area of the inducing magnetic field.
Eddy currents concentrate near the surface adjacent to an excitation coil
and their strength decreases with distance from the coil as shown in the
image. Eddy current density decreases exponentially with depth. This
phenomenon is known as the skin effect.
The depth at which eddy current density has decreased to 1/e, or about 37%
of the surface density, is called the standard depth of penetration ().
Thetest coils are
commonly used in
three configurations
Surface probe
Internal bobbin
Encircling probe
6.3 Result presentation
Signals produced
by various
amounts of
Electromagnetic devices
and visual inspections are
used to find broken wires
and other damage to the
wire rope that is used in
chairlifts, cranes and other
lifting devices.
Robotic crawlers
use ultrasound to
inspect the walls of
large above ground
tanks for signs of
thinning due to
Cameras on
arms are used
to inspect
storage tanks
for damage.
Nondestructive testing is used
extensively during the
manufacturing of aircraft.
NDT is also used to find cracks
and corrosion damage during
operation of the aircraft.
A fatigue crack that started at
the site of a lightning strike is
shown below.
Aircraft engines are overhauled
after being in service for a period
of time.
They are completely disassembled,
cleaned, inspected and then
Fluorescent penetrant inspection
is used to check many of the parts
for cracking.
Sioux City, Iowa, July 19, 1989
A defect that went
undetected in an
engine disk was
responsible for
the crash of
United Flight 232.
The failure of a pressure vessel
can result in the rapid release of
a large amount of energy. To
protect against this dangerous
event, the tanks are inspected
using radiography and
ultrasonic testing.
Special cars are used to
inspect thousands of miles
of rail to find cracks that
could lead to a derailment.
The US has 578,000
highway bridges.
Corrosion, cracking and
other damage can all
affect a bridges
The collapse of the Silver
Bridge in 1967 resulted in
loss of 47 lives.
Bridges get a visual
inspection about every 2
Some bridges are fitted
with acoustic emission
sensors that listen for
sounds of cracks growing.
NDT is used to inspect pipelines
to prevent leaks that could
damage the environment. Visual
inspection, radiography and
electromagnetic testing are some
of the NDT methods used.