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The provided line chart shows the percentage of income earned by top 1% of 7 different
nations’s population in 40 years (from 1975 to 2015).
Overall , there were the significant changes of the US , Canada ,
Germany.Besides,Distribution of the other countries were more equal and insignificant increase.
America's growth was most exceptional during this period ,although it was just under 10%
from 1975 to 1985 , there was a increase rapidly to 16,5% between 1985 and 1990.After that ,
the US had continuous increase in the several next years , and in 2015 its data is about 19%.In
some countries like Canada , Germany and the UK , there were also the rises of their income but
lower and insignificant.Especially Germany , although its percentage between 1975 and 1980 is
the highest in the chart , in 2012 it ends at around 13%.
In other nations , their percentages started under 9% in 1975 and fell between 1980 and
1985 .After that they recovered and increase intermittently . At the end of this period , there were
some countries with percentages just near 10% like Japan and France.
In contemporary society , some people believe that old buildings which are historic should
be attracted and preserved significantly , others say that we must treat them equally . In my
opinion , I completely agree that we should preserve old buildings carefully .
On the one hand , it is true that preserving an old building requires spendings for restoration and
taking care of construction.It costs a lot of money for us if we invest money for preserving and
restoring process of all old buildings.Therefore , it causes a waste of money and has bad impacts
on the economy of each country.Moreover, not all old buildings have historical value.There are
many contructions which are useless and have negative impacts such as taking up living space ,
causing some bad rumors . For example , many old buildings in Viet Nam are imposed with
several rumors like ther are some ghosts , soul of the dead ,…
On the other hand , I still believe that old buildings always play an important role in our
society .They have historical value and importance which are extremely helpful for us in
researching the process of evolution of human in the past. In addition , Old buildings have
significant contributions to the economy. For example , Tourism , a smokeless industry which is
popular and have positive effects on economy , is most related to old buildings .Tourists come to
some old building beacause of their curiosity about the secret of that buildings.That is the clear
reason for the contribution of old buildings to economy.Lastly, old buildings also are the
resource of information for the next generation in the future.
In conclusiom , with this clear reasons , I completely agree that we should take care of old
buildings carefully.
P1 The provided bar chart shows the number of aboard tourists visiting country X from many
countries around the world in 2007 and 2008 while table chart shows the income of various areas
of businesses in this country in 2019 and 2020
Overall , in 2007 , the number of tourists is clearly more than in 2008 and most travellers
from China and Japan .Besides , all types of revenue was decreased , especially hotel and resort
in 2020.
In 2007 , there were more than 2000 tourists(in thousands) from Europe and The US and
Canada but The US and Canada’s one is higher than Europe’s one . A number of tourists from
East Asian countries like Japan and China account for nearly 3000 , the number from Australia is
similar but less.By 2008 , All visitor numbers significantly decreased . The number of visitors
from the US and Canada was less than 400 while Japan and China’s one is just 2000.
In 2019 , Hotel and Resort earned 3.5 milion dollars and were higher than Restaurant , bar
and souvenir shops which just contributed about 2.4 milion dollars. The other areas were only
about 1.3 and 1.4 milion dollars.By 2020 , there was a serious decline in all of the above
areas,Hotel and Restaurant dropped to half milion dollars , transportation and Travel Agent was
only 0.4 milion dollars while restaurant, bar and souvenir and tour guides , small vendors and
other services were more than 1 million dollars.
P2 In most countries , quantity reduction of plants and animals is a serious problem which they
are facing nowadays . In my opinion , this is a result of many human activitiess and it can be
solved by some suitable ways.
It is true that the decline of flora and fauna is mainly caused by human activities,especially
hunting.The fact that hunting is a activity which is necessary for human throughout the
evolutionary process . However , this is also the main reason for the decline and extinction of
animal species.Many hunters break the law and hunt animals for their trophy and sell it for
gaining financial benefits.This is the major threat for all animals in the world , especially rare
species.In addition, the second reason is climate change which is caused by human activities in
development now.People exploit and overuse natural resources to support industrialization.This
action has bad impact on our environmet , changes living habitats of plants and animals around
the world and threats rare species.
This problem can be solve by some suitable and effective ways.Firstly , industry leader
must pay attention to the impact of activities on the environment around us.They need to make
appropriate and sustainable development decisions for human,plants and animals.The second
solution is that the government should adopt policies to protect rare plants and animals
species.For example, in some countries in the world , Illegal hunting is always severely punished
by government , hunters have to pay fines or be arrested for their actions.
In conclusion , the decline of number of plants and animals is a pressing issue that we have to
face nowadays. We must take responsibility and address it immediately.
P1 The provided line chart show the unemployment rate and the number of people who left
Ireland in a period which is from 1988 to 2008.
Overall , both figures have intermittently decreased over the years.But in there were a
difference of changes between two figures at final period of chart which is from 2004-2008.
In 1988, there was about 17% of Ireland’s people who were in unemployment.After that,
those figures were all down clearly . The rate of employment decreased to 13% in 1990 but it
increased again by 15% in 1992 and it decreased continuously until 2000 when the rate was just
5%.In the several next years , there was no change of this rate and at the end of this period , it
increased about 1% and ended in 2008.
The number of people who left this country was about 60000 which was highest number in
this period.After 1 year ,this number decreased by 5000 and continuely fell down into 35000
people. There was an insignificant increase in the following year and after that it continuely
decreased until 2002 when it was between 20000 and 30000.At the final stage, this number
increased again and stop at 50000 in 2008.
P2 In the contemporary, there is a argument about the main goal of music for people.Many
people believe that music mainly play a role as helping people decrease stress and anxiety.In my
point of view,I strongly disagree with this opinion because of some reasons.
On the one hand , it is true that music play an important role in entertainment. Most people
nowadays use music as a entertaining way. They listen to music when they are stressed , tired
and exhausted after a hard-working days.Moreover, Some people see music as something that
can improve their emotions when they feel sad, worried, scared.Therefore many people start
getting into a habit of listening to music as a way of entertaining and only pay attention to that
On the other hand, I strongly believe that music has more roles than that.Music also have
important impact on various areas in the world , especially economy.The fact that music have
significant contribution to economy of nation in the period of rapid development of
technology.There are many countries,for example, make use of music and rely on music to
develop such as Korea where there are the most famous music and dance group in the world
likes Blackpink or Big Bang . They all have a great influence on society and contribute greatly to
the economy based on their music.In addition, music is considered a way for many people to
have the oppurtunity for making new friends and learning about new culture in the world.
In conclusion,although music is a good way of entertaining to reduce stress and anxiety , I
believe that it also have more benefits for people in many areas of life.
Test 4
P1 The provided pie charts show major reasons for immigration to and emigration from the UK
in 2007
Overall the migration of this country mainly associated with their work , study ,
accompany/join ,etc….While definite job and formal study are main reason for immigration ,
locals moved away mainly beacause job and accompany/join .
In 2007 ,there was about 30% of the number of people who travelled to The UK for their
definite work while 26% of them for formal study.By 6% of immigration , the number of people
who immigrate with no reason had the lowest rate , and the rate of people looking for work was
double that rate.
Until 2007 , definite job was also the main reason for emigration with 29% which was less
than 1% compared to immigration.Looking for work became the second main reason for
emigration by 22%.However studying reason had the lowest rate just 4%.Besides,18% of
emigration moved away beacause no reason which was 3 times higher than it in immigration.
P2 While some people argue that professoinal athletes are positive model for young people in
society , others believe that their behaviors ,which not only in a competition but also in their life,
have bad impact on youth. In my opinion , despite of its bad effects , athletes still play a positive
role in society.
On the one hanđ , it is true that there are many negative actions of some athletes which are
harmful for all young people. For example , when they lose a game or some unexpected
situations happen , they may have some negative emotions such as angry , annoyed and several
negative behaviors likes cursing , bad play, even fight. Besides, some athletes want to win their
competition easily , they choose some evil ways such as using stimulant, money for buying
prizes.As a result , there are many young people follow them and have negative behaviors in
their life.
On the other hand, professional athletes still become a positive example for young
people. Many famous players inspire a lot of youth and help them become a success person in
various areas in their lifes.For example , many famous football players such as Cr7 ,
Messi ,Mbape have motivated and helped many poor children through their victories. Many
fundraising programs have been carried out based on their goals and champion. These actions
not only make them more famous but also make them positive role models for many young
In conclusion , I completely believe that professional athletes always are positive model
for all people in the society , especially young people.
P1 The provided diagram shows the proccess of making a kind of jam from fruit.
Overall in this proccess, jam is made from strawberries.This berries is gone through 8
stages from preparing ingredients to finishing strawberries jam and delivery it to family who
This diagram started with preparing and cleaning main ingridient.In this state , 4 kg
strawberries is prepared and washed clearly to remove dirty before it is crushed into smaller
pieces by masher in a bowl.After that , this material is cooked in 5-10 minutes while it is mixed
with a quarter cup of sugar.Then that mixture is cooked in high temperature in 10 minutes
In the following step, 4 cups of sugar are added and then cooked mixture of strawberries
and sugar will be put in a glass jar. This jar is opened to allow the mixture inside to cool during 1
hour.After this period , these jar of jam is closed with a lid and ready to serve family.This
proccess is finished.
P2 Peer pressure is a situation where many youngsters influence one another behaviours.
Teenagers, one of the crucial ages in the community, are often seen to have peer pressure in
order to have friends. This event can be beneficial for them but at the same time, some negative
manners can happen.
On the one hand , peer pressure can be a source of motivation and for high schoolers.
In the exam week, they are often trying to compete in a positive way. For instance, a group of
students will study together and motivate each other to complete the exam week. This is proof
that peer pressure can have a good outcome.
On the other hand, some individuals are trying to influence one's to do negative
actions. This incident will lead to bullying. For example, a schoolboy tried to be friends with a
certain community in his school but ended up getting bullied because he was not rich enough.
This is a true reality we are often seen these days. Moreover, it will affect the boy's self-esteem
and can hinder his personal growth. Take a look at another example. Children with high curiosity
will continually find risky behaviours attractive. Some will lead to doing drugs or even worse.
In conclusion, I think the disadvantages of peer pressure can outweigh the
advantages of it because some attitudes will guide one to danger. Children will be more
influenced by this event. However, few groups can motivate one another
P1 The process illustrates the stages and apparatus involved in the manufacturing and shipping of
pineapples for eventual retail.
Overall, the growth process includes 4 stages, from small crowns to ripened fruits. Once
harvested, pineapples undergo the production process, starting with the preparation and size-
based categorization and ending with 3 different products, including juice, canned pineapples
and fruits for exports.
The natural process begins in natural climates, where temperatures is between 23°C and
30°C. During this period , pineapples are grown using crowns and after 7 months, ethaline is
introduced to help the fruits reach their maximum size for an additional period of 5 months. The
pineapples are harvested at different heights, ranging from 26cm to 30cm (2kg).
According to the production process, the pineapples undergo cleaning step and are sorted
into three groups. The smaller and medium-sized ones undergo the removal of their tops and
peeling of their skin. The former then proceed through a juice extractor for the making of juice
cartons, while the latter ones are sliced and prepared for canning. Meanwhile, the 30-centimeter
pineapples undergo a simpler process of coating with wax, then packing into crates, and finally
being shipped via freight overseas.
P2 In recent years, there is a debate about the roles of famous people on social media. While
some people may argue that such individuals should clearly expose their personalities online, in
my point of this view, I strongly agree with the statement and believe that this phenomenon may
cause various drawbacks.
On the one hand, it is true that famous persons always have note-worthy impact on
society.So sharing of their private lives may become a positive way for young people to learn
many good habits, behaviors from their idols and grow up.Therefore, famous people can be a
good example for their fan and they can build a sustainable and good community on social
media.Moreover, well-known people can build fan’s trust and become more famous and vocal in
On the other hand,I still believe that sharing of private lifes of famous people can
cause some serious problems.This is due to the fact that there are several well-known people who
have unclear lives.They could have some unsuitable behaviors or speech in the past which brings
many bad consequences for them.In additon, one of them might break the law and have illegal
activities.This can cause a war between their fan and goverment on social media , even there will
be a demonstration if their idol have enough fame and power in a areas.
In conclusion, some people think that sharing the personal lives of celebrities in the media
may have significant contribution to sociaty . I, however, agree that they should not open their
lives to social beacause of its disadvantages
P1 The chart illustrates the way in which electricity is manufactured by using water power.
Overall, the process has six stages, beginning with the water evaporation and culminating
in supplying electricity for usage.
Initially, the sea water evaporates and forms clouds. After that , the clouds containing
great amount of water cause rain to a reservoir with a large dam which is built to stop the water
flow. In the next stage, the water flows to a turbine through a system of valve which can open or
close. Then, the turbine starts running and generating eletricity by using the power of the water.
At the same time, the water is pumped back to the reservoir from the turbine for latter use.
Following this, the electricity flows to a transformer station through a high voltage
cables system. In this station, the electricity is change to be suitable for daily usage before being
provided for families, hospitals or schools through underground cables.
P2 In the contemporary society, there is a argue that books should be replaced by
computers,films, even games in schools. In my point of view , I completely disagree with this
opinion because of some reasons.
On the one hand, it is important to recognize that technology plays a necessary role in our
society , especially schools. Films, computers, and games offer many advantages in education.
For instance, films provide platform to present historical events, help students access to
knowledge easily.Moreover, computers also help students have more opportunities to get may
useful information and educational materials on the Internet.Besides, games also motivate
student to be interested in learning.
On the other hand,it is true that replacing books by computers,films and games is a bad
idea.Books are still important materials for students.The major books are written by
professionals or experts in subjects.Therefore, they can learn more high-quality information
which is helpful and necessary for them.In addition, Using books also helps students improve
many important skills such as reading and researching which are extremely essential in their
learning and life.
In conclusion, despite of many benefits of technology , I strongly believe that books always
play an important role in education and can not be replaced by computers,films and games.

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