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Globalization Assignment - Himal Basnet

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1. What is anti-Americanism? Has it increased or declined over the years?

Negative attitudes and sentiments toward the United States and its culture, policies, and
actions are referred to as anti-Americanism. It covers a broad spectrum of views, from
opposition to politics, particular initiatives, and more generalized criticism of the industry.
Several factors, including historical events, cultural differences, and foreign policy options,
were talked about in relation to the trend of anti-Americanism. Because attitudes in the
United States vary greatly around the globe and can be affected by a variety of factors, it
is difficult to say absolutely accurately whether anti-Americanism has increased or reduced
over time.
However, as the US has taken a more active role in promoting international efforts and
addressing global concerns, anti-Americanism has dropped in other regions, such as
Europe and East Asia, in recent years.
Overall, there is a complex and shifting anti-American trend that's also influenced by a
wide range of factors including historical events, cultural differences, and foreign policy

2. Are globalization and neoliberalism two sides of the same coin?

Globalization refers to the flow of goods, services, capital, people, information,
technology, and other things. It connects the world because of the interdependence and
trade relations between countries. Whereas, neoliberalism, is full liberty on markets, trade,
capital, and labor. In another sense, it is the removal of all sorts of restrictions on market
Globalization and neoliberalism both in sense can be seen as two sides of the same coin as
neoliberalism promotes the globalization of markets through its ideologies of free markets,
removal of barriers on trade, investment, capital, and labor flows, and facilitates the
integration of the world’s economies. Globalization is going on and will go on even without
the implementation of neoliberalism but neoliberalism has the power to take globalization
to the next level. Nowadays, we can see that globalization has already reached its peak and
going to go down because of the different types of barriers.
In this sense, we can say that globalization and neoliberalism both are the two sides of the
same coin as neoliberalism provides the ideological policy framework for globalization
and globalization provides the context in which neoliberalism can be pursued and
implemented. However, globalization and neoliberalism are complex phenomena and their
effects on the world economy can be both positive and negative.
3. What is media imperialism? How do global flows of technology affect media
Media imperialism is the domination of one country’s media by another country, usually
from a more powerful country. The domination can be of anything such as; content,
ownership, distribution channels, and others. Media imperialism is growing with increased
globalization, especially with the increased flow of technology, media content, and the
development of advanced tools and technology.
Global flows of technology, growth of internet technology, distribution channels, and
digital media have notable impacts on the growth of media imperialism. On the other hand,
these technologies have made it possible for media companies to publish and distribute
their content across borders within minutes, which has increased the dominance of foreign
media content in our locality. But in the same way, it has also empowered our local media
outlets to travel across borders digitally, and spread their content to various global
audiences through different media platforms.
In summary, global flows of technology have helped foreign media outlets to create
dominance in our media and also equipped local media outlets to reach wider audiences
worldwide, reducing the dominance. Thus, it has both reinforced and challenged media

4. How is social networking changing the ways people relate both online and
Social media has a significant impact on our lives and the way we interact or relate with
each other in both ways whether online or offline. Online social media has provided people
with powerful tools, technology, and platform to increase connectedness and
communication. The online platform has made it easier to talk, and share information with
each other regardless of distance, and geography creating communities and networks of
friends all over.
While offline social networking has a different impact on the way people form and
maintain relationships with friends, family, and colleagues. Offline social networking
strengthens relationships, increases the quality of talks, and forms strong relationships. But
online social networking reduces face-to-face talks, and the depth and quality of the
relationship reduce as people rely more on online social media.
Overall, social networking has profound impacts on the lives of people, has raised the
question of privacy, has formed a new form of behavior called social comparison, and has
negative impacts on the well-being of people.
5. Has globalization facilitated or obstructed greater labor migration?
In my opinion, globalization has significantly facilitated greater labor migration but like
everything else, everything has its two sides it also has obstructed it in some way.
Globalization has brought the expansion of multinational companies and investments, and
integration between different economies which has pushed the demand for labor in
different parts of the world as a result, many people from countries like Nepal, India, and
others are moving across the borders in search of good employment of opportunities.
According to the recent data published by the department of foreign employment of Nepal,
every single day 3000 Nepalese young travel abroad for work. Not only Nepal, but
thousands of people from other countries also migrate to another country for the purpose
of getting employed.
However, globalization has also led to an increase in competition for jobs, many workers
are facing difficulties adapting to new cultures, languages, and working environments.
Domestic workers are getting replaced by global talents.
Overall, globalization has uplifted the greater labor migration, created millions of job
opportunities, and helped in the migration of labor without any doubt.

6. Compare the “brain drain” and “brain gain.” Are these comparable processes?
Do they affect different parts of the world differently?
Brain drain means the migration of highly skilled, talented, and educated manpower to
developed countries from developing countries. Where brain gain is the exact opposite of
it, the inflow of highly skilled, educated, and innovative individuals into a developed
country. Yearly thousands of skilled doctors, tech persons, engineers, athletes, and startup
founders from countries like India, Nepal, and Bangladesh migrate to developed countries
such as the United States, United Kingdom, Canada, and other European countries in
search of better opportunities. The current CEOs and other top-level employees are from
developing countries, for example; Alphabet’s CEO is of Indian origin.
Yes, these two processes are comparable and associated with the migration of educated
individuals from developing countries to developed countries, and affect both countries in
the opposite way.
These two processes affect differently to different parts of the world. For developing
countries brain drain is a huge loss as their most skilled, talented, and educated human
resources left them, to migrate to developed countries which is harmful to their economy,
and development efforts and negatively impacts their country as a whole. But for the
developed countries, it is good for their economy, as they gain brains from other developing
nations which results in a positive response to their country’s development and prosperity
7. In what ways are global environmental problems a result of modernization?
Everything comes at a cost. In the last few decades, we have seen that global warming has
increased, Antarctica has started to melt down, and rapid changes in weather in every part
of the world. With the rapid growth of industrialization and modernization in the 19th
century global environmental problems such as the depletion of the ozone layer, rise in
global temperature, climate change, and decrease in biodiversity have started to appear.
The growth of manufacturing & agricultural industries has increased pollution, greenhouse
gas emissions, and resource depletion, the rise of a consumerism lifestyle, where people
are encouraged to consume more goods and services, has resulted in growth in resource
consumption, waste production, and environmental degradation. The growth of
transportation systems and increased use of fuel has caused water and air pollution, and
noise pollution. The conversion of natural landscapes for human purposes has contributed
to the extinction of habitat, soil degradation, and biodiversity decline.
These global environmental problems are the result of modernization where in pursuit of
economic growth and prosperity has taken precedence over the sustainable use of natural
resources and environmental concerns.

8. Do you think that the world may someday “collapse” because of accelerating
environmental problems? Why? Why not?
As we all know, global environmental problems are accelerating day by day and we are
facing problems that none of our previous generations have ever thought of. The continuing
environmental problems have posed threat to human civilization and It has affected us in
every possible way.
The increasing temperature of our plane earth, climate change, loss of biodiversity, ozone
layer depletion, and water scarcity has already had remarkable impacts in many regions
and parts of the world and are expected to get worse in the coming decades. These problems
could have many consequential effects such as a rise in sea levels, extreme weather events,
shortage of water and food, and other kinds of natural disasters.
However, whether the world will collapse or not because of environmental problems is an
open question and depends upon various factors such as the ability of government and other
international agencies to effectively implement conventions and solutions to mitigate the
effects of human activities that cause environmental issues.
Thus, in my opinion, due to the consequential results of human activity created
environmental problems the world can be collapsed.
9. Are environmental problems likely to bring the world’s nations together or drive
them apart?
Environmental problems like climate change, global warming, and the decline in
biodiversity have impacted not only a single country but the whole world. For example,
global warming – not a country only itself reduces carbon dioxide and other gas emissions
to solve the problem, all of the countries in the world must be united to contribute to solving
this problem.
Environmental problems have the potential to bring the world together, as they are global
in nature, require a collective approach, and cooperation to solve. However, countries may
also be driven apart if they prioritize more on their own national interests and economic
growth over global interests. Ultimately, it depends on the political will of countries to
work jointly to find sustainable solutions for the planet and act on solving environmental
problems in a cooperative manner.
It seems like environmental problems have brought the world together to act on them. For
example, the Paris agreement has 195 signatory members who are collectively working
together to reduce their carbon footprint. International environmental agreements like the
Paris agreement, Kyoto Protocol, Vienna Convention, and United Nations’ sustainable
development goals have hundreds of signatory members and every other country has set
its own goals to protect the environment and mitigate the effects their activities have
Thus, in my opinion, environmental problems are likely to bring the world together but
before it, we need to work-out out lots of things, promote international agencies, should
have a shared vision for environmental protection, and developed countries need to take
lead and offer help to poor and developing countries.

10. What actions can be taken globally to deal with borderless diseases?
Borderless diseases are the kind of diseases that spread across nations and affect the lives
of thousands of people, no matter where they live. It is often caused by highly infectious
bacteria or viruses such as Coronavirus, Ebola, SARS, and Swine flu, and others that spread
rapidly through human-to-human transmission, travel, and globalization. The type of virus
causes recent pandemics we faced like one a few years back because of coronavirus.
Because of their nature borderless diseases require a coordinated global approach to
prevent and control their spread.
As far as we have learned from our previous experience with covid-19, worldwide
lockdowns, and health crisis around the world, there is not any exact and defined method
to completely stop the borderless diseases but there are several measures we can apply to
prevent it from spreading across the globe. Such as;
a. Advanced Surveillance System – Well functioning advanced surveillance system
can quickly detect and respond to outbreaks to stop them from spreading.
b. Strong Health coordination – Strong coordination and cooperation between global
health agencies like the World health organization and other states can also work
as measures to prevent the spread.
c. International Travel Regulations – Establishing and enforcing international travel
regulations such as quarantine, and travel restrictions are also can be an effective
Besides above mentioned there are other different measures like an improved health care
system, strong public health care structures, global cooperation, and investment in health
& research development that can be good measures to deal with borderless diseases.
11. Examine the gap between rural and urban areas across the globe. How is that
gap affected by global flows?
The gap between the rural and urban areas in developed countries is very low in comparison
to that of developing countries like Nepal and India. The gap is existing because of the
slower rate of development in developing countries. Urban areas have a high level of
economic development, access to resources, and a high level of living standard whereas,
rural areas lack of infrastructure, access to resources, and other things of quality life that
urban area people have.
In developing countries and rural areas, people do not have access to proper healthcare
facilities, education systems, and economic activities which causes them to have poor
living standards, but in developed nations people in urban areas or rural areas both have
almost all kinds of facilities.
However, the global flow of goods, services, technology, and people has helped to narrow
down the gap. A country needs resources to develop its rural areas, build hospitals, start an
education system, create jobs, and connect rural areas with the proper transportation
system, they are getting that resources by exporting their produce, services, technology, or
Thus, the global flow of goods or services has helped poor countries to earn resources to
invest in the rural parts of their nations to build physical infrastructures, offer proper
healthcare and education, train their population, and narrow down the gap.

12. What strategies have local organizations adopted to shape how global processes
affect them?
Local organizations can adopt various strategies to reduce the effects of globalization
which affects them. First of all, they can coordinate with other local organizations and start
economic development committee on their behalf to ensure that they also get to participate
in global trade through various channels. They can also lobby with policymakers to make
policies that will increase their capability, and provide them with government assistance to
trade globally.
In my country Nepal, local small organizations which produce cardamom have their own
organization which promotes their businesses, equipped them with needed resources,
lobbies with policymakers, and help them with digitalization to make sure that they won’t
get affected because of globalization and the same time they can benefit from the
In the end, I would like to add that there are various measures that local organizations can
adopt according to their business needs to cope with globalization, and benefit from it.

13. What is your ideal vision of the future of globalization?

Whatever many countries around the globe want, there are things that globalization has
which are not reversible or even resistible, count it or not but globalization has become the
need of the world, without globalization, countries may fail to survive on their own. There
are many debates, and political polarization still going on about globalization. But we all
know that we want some changes in the current form of globalization, which will make it
more beneficial to all parties, uplift poor countries, and prevent the dominance of world
powerhouses such as China and the United States.
In my opinion, the future of globalization should be partial neoliberalism as it helps every
country to gain more from globalization. Some countries have a competitive edge on labor,
some have on raw materials and some have on logistics, if all of them don’t collaborate
they won’t be able to produce a nice product at an affordable price for all, and if we ensure
free flow of investment and labor resources it will make more affordable to a person living
in the rural village of South Sudan to the person living at the advanced cities like Tokyo.
Besides that, to become ideal globalization it should be more focused on uplifting poor
economies and preventing the dominance of developed countries using different economic
Finally, in my opinion, the ideal version of future globalization should be built on
cooperation, balanced and equitable distribution of cost and benefits, leading toward
sustainability, fairness, and promotion of human rights.

14. How might global flows help minority groups to resist the negative effects of
Globalization is the flow of goods, services, technology, and other across borders. It can
help minority groups to resist the negative effects of globalization in numerous ways
through increased awareness, strengthening local economies, promoting cultural diversity,
and others. The flow of people and information across borders can be aware of concern
people and groups about the effects of globalization on minorities, which may force them
to take action to mitigate such effects.
A few months back, when I visited Bangkok, I show their cultural dances, eat local foods,
tried to know more about their cultures, and brought some gifts that represent their culture,
thus in this way minorities can promote their culture, benefit from globalization and sustain
in long run.
All in all, there are several ways that minorities can use not only to resist the effects but
also to benefit from globalization and live with prosperity.

15. What is a global city? Why might cities be major beneficiaries of globalization
but also be most severely affected by global problems?
The global city refers to the giant city which is the center for everything such as economic,
political, cultural, social, and technological activity on a worldwide scale. The cities such
as Singapore, Tokyo, Dubai, New York, Paris, and London can be termed global cities.
Cities are the major beneficiaries of globalization because they attract a large portion of
the investment and economic activity. They have proper management of all kinds of
resources and facilities which transform human life and offer a high standard of living.
Because of the advanced facilities of schools, hospitals and countless job opportunities
cities attract more population which in turn generates more economic activity.
However, cities are areas that are densely populated, everything is going on a system and
is vulnerable to disruptions. Besides that, they are severely affected by climate change,
economic downturns, and pandemics. So, as cities get more benefits from globalization,
they are the ones who get more affected by global problems as well.

16. What impacts do flows of oil have on the global economy?

Oil accounts for 3% of the world’s GDP and it is one of the most important commodities
in the world. Oil products can be found everywhere from personal protective equipment to
medicine, clothing, and fuel for transportation. Oil has become the backbone of
globalization as it is a major source of fuel for transportation, production, and sources of
other items such as plastics and, all.
The fluctuations in the supply and demand of oil impact majorly energy prices, which starts
a trickle-down effect, and when energy price drops logistics cost reduces and everything
become cheaper, but when it increases the cost of transportation rises and inflation happens,
and all of us are facing right now all over the world. Oil is the major driver of international
trade and also fuels trade and investment which creates more jobs.
As every oil-producing country not following the OPEC rules, which creates geopolitical
tensions, Besides, oil extracting, transporting, refining, and use as fuel have a significant
impact on global warming.
Thus, oil has multifaceted effects on the economy, affecting global economic growth, and
stability, creating geopolitical tensions, and environmental effects.

17. How might responses to the Great Recession support the view that the power of
the nation-state is in decline?
The way in which the Great Recession was handled provides evidence that the nation-
strength states are declining in a number of ways. The response to the Great Recession
underscored the necessity of global coordination and cooperation while showing the
shortcomings of national governments in tackling global economic issues. In tackling the
crisis, international organizations like the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the
European Union (EU) played a significant role, indicating that their influence is expanding
in comparison to that of nation-states.
The Great Recession made clear how interconnected the world's financial markets are, as
well as the considerable influence that cross-border capital flows may have on national
economies. The way that nation-states responded to the crisis demonstrated the tremendous
impact that non-state entities, like transnational firms and financial institutions, have over
world economic processes.
The response to the Great Recession is generally in line with the theory that nation-state
power is dwindling as global economic difficulties and interdependence expand, as well as
the significance of international institutions, non-state actors, and cross-border capital

18. How Nepal is affected geo-politically in the context of globalization?

The geographic position of Nepal between China and India, two of the world's largest and
fastest-growing economies, has effects on the nation's geopolitical situation as well as its
economy. Nepal may gain from both of its neighbors if properly planned and managed. As
a result of increased commerce and investment in the area brought about by globalization,
Nepal may have more opportunities to access new markets and diversify its economy. As
a result of competition for natural resources like water and minerals brought on by
globalization, Nepal may find it more difficult to sustainably manage its resources and
maintain its environment.
Because of its tiny size and low resources, Nepal is susceptible to political influence from
its larger neighbors, especially India and China. Therefore, Nepal must retain its
impartiality and improve relations with both of its neighbors. The threat of terrorism and
international crime are two additional security issues that globalization has brought to
Overall, Nepal faces both opportunities and problems as a result of its geopolitical position
in the context of globalization. The capacity of Nepal to forge solid ties with its neighbors,
gain access to global markets, and safeguard its security and resources will determine how
successfully it can overcome these obstacles.
19. Analyze the McDonaldization thesis as a perspective on globalization? What are
the advantages and disadvantages of utilizing this approach?
The McDonaldization thesis is a way of looking at globalization that interprets the
proliferation of American fast-food restaurants and other franchises as a sign of how
rapidly global culture is being homogenized. According to this perspective, globalization
is causing American-style mass production and consumption patterns to spread over the
world, which is causing local cultures to disappear and standardization and similarity to
The thesis offers a clear explanation of the factors allowing local cultures to vanish and
American consumption patterns to spread. The thesis offers a critical examination of how
globalization has influenced society, highlighting the possible consequences of rising
standardization and conformity. The thesis draws attention to the ways that mass
production and consumption are reshaping the global by emphasizing the role that
consumerism performs in globalization.
The argument oversimplifies the multifaceted processes of globalization by focusing only
on the expansion of fast-food restaurants from the United States and ignores the
significance of other elements like modern technology and economic growth. The thesis
adopts a pessimistic approach to globalization, emphasizing its homogenizing effects while
neglecting its potential advantages, like faster economic growth and the dissemination of
new technologies.
Overall, the McDonaldization thesis provides a useful perspective on globalization as a
process of cultural homogenization and the distribution of mass production and
consumption behaviors led by the U. S. It is essential to be aware of its limitations and to
add to it with other opinions that consider the range of peoples and cultures as well as the
potential advantages of globalization.

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