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Speaking 5:

**What do you think is the biggest environmental issue in your country?

Deforestation, Deforestation is a growing problem in the world today, especially concerning the
amazonian rainforest. In recent years deforestation has increased and deforestation now causes about
18% of green house emissions. Peru has the fourth largest area of rainforest in the world, which covers
nearly 60% of its territory (70 million hectares). Unfortunately, the deforestation rate in Peru
is .35%-.5%, which is approximately 250,000 hectares cut down annually.

**Do you think goverments need to do more to protect the environment? If yes what do you think
should be done?

In 2020, Peru increased its commitments to the Climate Change Convention and set its goal to reduce its
emissions by 2030 at 40%, as well as reach zero carbon by 2050. However, the level of deforestation
reached in 2020 and that could be repeated in next years, put at risk the fulfillment of the commitments
assumed. I think that this evaluation of what was happening during the pandemic and what will happen
in the post-pandemic was not available. More deforestation though, is caused by both legal and illegal
logging, mining, illegal coca crops.

However, Peru has taken important steps to deal with deforestation and illegal logging in our Amazon
through the implementation of a satellite monitoring system, strategic and intersectoral planning, and
more adequate regulations to intervene and sanction illegal logging.

**Do you do anything to help protect the environment?

Communities that lives nearby and activists could increase the value of the forest through sustainable
forest management in the different forest management units in coordination with the regional
governments as well as strengthening the prevention, control and sanction of activities that generate
deforestation and forest degradation. “If it is possible to reduce deforestation, only if we act jointly as
was done in other countries like Brazil.

**Do you think you have a responsibility to help people in a different country?

I think we can, because many of the crises we face have an impact globally, but I think it is more
important to try to solve the problems as a country that we have been facing

Speaking 7:

**Is design important in our lives? Why?

Design is one of the most powerful forces in our lives, whether or not we are aware of it, and can also be
inspiring, empowering and enlightening. Good design is so much more than creating a good-looking
product. It is about creating a positive experience for users at every touch point and with every
interaction. Design influences what we think, the way we feel and the decisions we make.

**How the design affects our lives?

In the times of modern design, art and design has already become a part of our life and plays important
roles in our society. Design not only decorates our society and living places, but also brings us a well-
rounded life and makes our life become more colourful. Design is a great benefit that would not cause
any negative issues to our society.

Design is very important in our daily life because it makes people have the opportunities to change their
life become better and more fun. People, when encounter something that is poorly designed, we can
usually pinpoint its failings, and we’ll go out of our way to avoid using that product, service or
environment in the future.

**What makes a design fashionable?

Is fashionable when the design can conceptualize a collection based in an inspiration. They don’t really
necessarily have to know how to sell well or at all. But designer might be able to communicate their
ideas or concepts in their pieces.

**Is important to you to have unique or personalized things?

Typically, its easy for people to buy a present from gift shops or just deliver one to their loved one’s
place. Such gift shop presents can cheer up people as well, but not as much as a personalized one. This is
mainly because there are not the same level of emotions attached to the store-bought gifts. Those gifts
do not guarantee personal love and joy associated with individuals which is the crux behind getting
someone a personalized gift.

There’s nothing complicated about expressing your feelings towards loved ones. Just make sure you
won’t forget about the special occasions – create a birthday calendar to mark the important dates. You
can either customize a pre-designed template, or add your artistic touch and design it the way you like,
e.g. add photos, insert captions, use different colors, etc. Such a calendar will allow you to prepare your
gifts in advance and never miss a single birthday or any other occasion.

**Do you think is more important for products to be affordable or top quality?

Depends of the product that you wanna buy. For example, if I’m looking for a new car, top quality is
important a good brand that satisfied my requirements: security, prestige, performance, warrantyes. On
the other side, if I am looking for some product that I consider not relevant, like the cheap stuff i always
buy on aliexpress, and most of them are purchases that I make on impulse, I really don’t care the

Speaking 8:

**Which humanitarian causes do you feel are most important in the worl today? Why?

Agricultural crisis for the increase of fertilizers prices. today between a third and a half of food
production for humanity depends directly on the application of nitrogenous fertilizers.

According to experts, the effect of the war will be felt for months, and in a wide range of crops,
especially due to the increase in fertilizer prices. "It's going to affect all of the world's production. The
problem is that the high prices of gas and energy, a crisis that the world has been dragging on since
before the war, directly affect the production of fertilizers. For example, to produce ammonia and urea,
key components of nitrogen fertilizers, large amounts of natural gas are required. And for example, and
big international company of fertilizer giant, said it has cut production to cope with rising energy.

According to them, 80% of the manufacturing cost of nitrogen-based fertilizers comes from energy.
“Nitrogen is the nutrient most used by crops and mineral nitrogen fertilizers, the most used by farmers.
This is mainly true for cereals, which receive more than half of nitrogenous mineral fertilizers and on
which much of the nutrition of people and animal feed depends”.

Taking into account that Russia represents 15% of the global production of nitrogenous fertilizers and
17% of the global trade of potassium fertilizers, "the lack of these fertilizers could lead to a rise in food
prices, with unpredictable consequences. Several countries in Europe and Central Asia depend on Russia
to supply 50% of the fertilizer supply. A problem that Latin America does not escape. For Peru, fertilizers
from Russia and Ukraine represent 85% of its imports.

**Rol ambassador

The Ambassadors are volunteers that serve the chamber in the areas of public relations, member
retention, new member recruitment, and event hosting. Ambassadors serve as liaisons to both existing
and new chamber members and spread enthusiasm and goodwill about the chamber's mission, member
benefits, services, programs, and activities. For an Ambassador is important to develop business
relationships through networking with other Ambassadors, chamber members, and the business

** Best way to help refugees

Hire refugees. In some countries, refugees are seen as guests and are not permitted to work. But in
others, they can. Employ 300 refugee workers in factories or companies. I know that Starbucks pledged
to hire 10,000 refugees globally and Refugees in Berlin are working as tour guides in museums showing
tourists cultural riches from home. I think most of them have qualified talent.

Help to integrate into a new culture. The feelings of isolation that refugees can feel when they are
relocated to a new country and then try to get over their trauma and restart their lives. Even small
gestures of friendship can mean a great deal for them.

Hold awareness and fundraising events. You can do this wherever you are, in your communities, schools
or workplace. Run a half marathon, do a sponsored swim, a yard sale. Online websites make it easy for
your supporters to donate — just register your event, spread the word, and your friends, family and
colleagues can all donate securely online.

**What about people who live in poverty?

people who live in poverty need assistance and good programns to cover the basic needs: healthcare,
education, and economic well-being. Women and children are especially vulnerable, is important
support many programs focus on them.

**What kind of Social injustice is most serious in Peru?

I think is water and health service. There really is no quality health service. They might have a rural
medical centre in some places – in some places there is not even that – and if there is, they do not even
have doctors; they do not even have the materials; [they do not even have] supplies… They [the health
services] are not equipped.”

Water is acknowledged and globally recognised as a human right. And its an obligation for governments
to ensure that adequate access to healthcare without discrimination is provided.

Globally, Into onluy in Peru indigenous people struggle with fundamental societal inequalities in their
everyday life. For example these communities are unable to follow prevention measures to slow down
the spread of COVID-19 – in the middle of pandemic, one of the recommendations to avoid the spread
was hand washing, 33% of Indigenous Peoples didn’t have access to a water network,.

Access to water is a key concern for Indigenous communities, and the consequences of river
contamination from runoff and tailings compounds these issues and results in an even more dire
circumstance for Indigenous Peoples during the crisis.

Contamination has led to people suffering from heavy-metal diseases that compromises their health,
putting them at greater risk during the COVID-19 pandemic. Aside from the direct impact on
communities’ health, the contamination of rivers, wetlands and streams also damages the ecosystem,
thus diminishing fish populations. As a result, communities face increased food insecurity, leading to
increased malnutrition and compromising their ability to be self-sufficient in securing food for their

**Dou you agree or disagree with people who are unemployed should get financial support from the

I disagree, firstable, I think is a good cause help people who lost their jobs. In fact, Unemployment
Assistance has been more important than ever, given that we are experiencing an unprecedented
emergency, and therefore, governments must do everything possible to help those most affected by the
crisis. Pandemic crisis in Peru had led to millions being without jobs, and since the pandemic began, the
peruvian state has implemented many programs of this type of support with different names to relieve
the pockets of people affected and the objective is to inject money into households in poverty to pay for
the basic family basket –affected by rising prices–, debts, or even boost consumption for the reactivation
of the macroeconomy. BUT this financial support is a temporary alleviation of poverty that will not solve
underlying problems, such as the increase in unemployment and informality. The Government will have
to fine-tune its strategies to revive the economy in the long term.

This may be fine in emergency contexts and that support must be only those who need it most – but it is
by no means a sustainable policy in the medium term. It is important to understand that the policy of
financial support to the most vulnerable already exists , and is given through Pension 65, and other
smaller programs. If we want to solve the underlying problem, the sustainable solution is to improve
competitiveness and promote investment.If at some point the government will evaluate implementing
this financial support, I think that they have to put several penalties and controls to prevent a possible
fraud because not all unemployed workers could be honest with their information that declare to
receive this financial support and even if they get a job, they could be still continue to claim this financial
support. Finally, I think the government is not yet ready to implement this type of financial support.
Speaking 6:

**Describe you family traditions

Christmas we celebrated in family with all the decoration in the house, lights, big Christmas tree, and
lots of decoration in the living room and the reestroms. One day before, on december 23th , all the gifts
are wrapped, they put them for whom they are going, on the 24th they put the gifts on the tree, We
gather together on December 24th, the night before Christmas, la misa de gallo, we go to church ,read
the Bible verses and meditating on them.

Of course we eat turkey and hot chocolate recipes and the paneton. It’s a tradition of course, the
Peruvian national cocktail, Pisco Sour.

Around 11 o'clock we all sit down to Christmas dinner, while we are eating it is already 12 o'clock, we
laugh and talk among all of us, 10 minutes before at 12 o'clock, we collect everything, and we all do the
counting, when it is already 12, we wish each other a Merry Christmas, we all hug each other, and when
that happens, we open the presents, we give thanks for everything, and when all that happens, each
one goes to wish their friends and others a Merry Christmas relatives, and in an hour we all meet again
in the same house

**Comparing two pictures

The first photo shows…..I think they must be…..and judging by the scenary I would say they are

In the second picture, I’m not sure of exactly the right word of describe but its…

It looks as If

The photos are both similar in some ways, in that they were taken indoors/outdoors …and both of then
have…Another thing they have in common is that they both show…

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