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IELTS Writing Task

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The two above graphs elucidate the enrollment number of overseas and local students in

Australian universities from 2001 to 2010. The graph comprises of total and commencing students for
overseas and local .

Commencing number of overseas students accrues year by year from 2001 to 2010. at the
beginning, it was under 20000 and at the end, it was around 40000 students. This commencing increase
makes the total overseas students growing significantly over that period, growing from 20000 to 80000.
On the other side commencing number of local students is relatively stable at around 200000 in that
time, and this phenomenon makes the total number of local students growing slowly compared to
overseas students, start from 400000 in 2001 and grow until 60000 in 2007, then this number is stood
relatively stable until the end of period.
Hosting an international sports event is prestigious for some countries. By hosting the event many
countries can show their ability in organizing the event, attract many visitors to witness the history
made from an international sports event, and also increase the country's income.

Hosting an international sports event is fruitful to keep good relationships between many countries by
inviting them to contribute to that event. The event can bring many visitors who will increase the
tourism economy and lead to the country's income increases.

Hosting an international sports event can also bring disadvantages, in building facilities to support the
event, countries must expense much cost for just single held. Moreover, land to build facilities is ignored
and not productive

I think investment born by a country to build international sports event facilities is too much and
investment land can not be used productively to increase country's income.

I assume the ideal solution for advantages and disadvantages of hosting international sports events are,
the countries build a venue in specific location together to conduct sports event and provide space to
show their culture and tourism that can attract visitors coming to their country for unfolding country’s
economy. The income from holding the event can be divided among the country investing in the venue
That statistical bar gives information about the number of prisoners (in thousands count units) among
five different countries around the globe for 50 years from 1930 to 1980.

From that bar, it could be inferred that The United States had a relatively high number of prisoners from
1930 to 1980. In contrast, Great Britain had a relatively low number of imprisoners in the same period.

Moreover, imprisoners in Great Britain made an incremental amount every year over 50 years period

Talking about the trend, amount of prisoners in Canada gradually declined from 1930 to 1970, just a
little jump happened in 1980, becoming 90 thousand. On the other side, Great Britain experienced a
different event, amount of prisoners there gradually rose to 85 thousand in the same period, there was
only a slight dip occured in 1950 at 40 thousand. Meanwhile, the number of prisoners in Australia, New
Zealand, and the United States was fluctuating during that period.

- The table shows information about 6 different Australian family types In terms of the proportion
of people living in poverty in 1990

- The table shows information about the percentage of society classified living under the poverty
line in 1990 from 6 different household categories in Australia


- From the table, it could be inferred that the family type of aged couple had four percent (54000)
of society living under the poverty line, this is the lowest percentage. On the contrary, the
household type having the highest percentage in the terms of people living in the poverty was
sole-parent with 21 percent (232000). Overall, the number of society classified living in the
poverty level was 11 percent (1837000) of all household types in total

Body of Paragraph

- Table data gave detail that the type of households having children in their family had a relatively
higher percentage in terms of people living in poverty, household types categorized as these
were sole-parent with 21% and couple with children with 12%. Not only families with children,
but families without children also had a noticeably high percentage of people living in poverty,
such as the single no-children family that had 19 percent of the poverty level
- While the single no-children family type had a high percentage in poverty level, the other types
of households with no children included in their family had a relatively low percentage in terms
of the number of people living in poverty. For these categories, the poverty level was about four
percent to seven percent
- Those three different pie charts give data about three different methods from each country in
handling their malignant dump
- Information given by three different pie charts clarify that The United Kingdom exploiting four
different techniques to handle harmful materials, those technique are recycling, incineration,
dump to landfill sites, and dumping at sea. Between the four techniques used, the most
dominant technique used by the United kingdom is dumping the waste to landfill. For Republic
of Korea and Sweden only three methods are employed, those are incineration, dumping to
landfill, and recycling. Republic of Korea dominantly use recycling as the main method and
Sweden loves to use dumping to landfill technique
- With comparison, it can be seen that the United Kingdom and Sweden have the same method to
handle harmful waste problem, they dominantly dump those litters to landfill, the percentages
are 82% for the United Kingdom and 55% for Sweden. On the contrary, employment of this
technique in Republic of Korea is only 22%
- In Republic of Korea the most dominant method is recycling with 69%, while the lowest
percentage of used method is incineration, and this method also has the lowest usage
percentage in the other countries.
That diagram depicts the flow of the diamonds chains, from mining sources to retailers to be sold.
The rough diamonds are classified into two types of grade, those types are low grade and high grade

Low grade diamonds are processed in four steps. The processing steps are comprised of cutting and
shaping, testing diamonds hardness, pricing, and delivery process to retailers.

whilst high grade diamonds are processed in more steps compared to low grade diamonds, those are
processed in five steps. The five steps are pricing, best cutting analysis using computer, cutting process,
polishing cut-diamond, assessment for the result of polishing, if it needs improvement it will be
repolished, after it complies to standard of assessment it can be delivered to retailers to be sold.

Overall, high grade diamonds mostly are used for cosmetics industry, meanwhile low grade diamonds
mostly be found in industrial use, and high grade diamonds needs more process.
The picture illustrates how the compost is created and gives information about the materials
needed to do the creating process.

Many materials are needed for the compost-creating process like plastic container with 2m3 of
volume, waste (newspaper, grass, and food), water, and nitrogen. These materials are processed in five

The first step of compost creation is providing a plastic container that has many holes for air
circulation. After this process, wastes are stacked inside the container, each stacking has 15 cm height.
The third process is pouring hot water and nitrogen into the container, and make a mixture with the
litters. The later step is wrapping the main hole on the top of the container, thus the heating can occur
and make air evaporate through the container wall holes, and at this phase, the mixture is overlooked
for over six months. At the end of the sixth month, the compost is ready to be brought to the garden.

Overall compost-creating process needs a few materials and steps before the compost is ready
to be used.
Ways of people damage environment

Government’s solution

Individual’s solution

As time goes by, many activities are done by humans, some of them are beneficial and some are
harmful to the environment. People ravage the environment by polluting water, air, and land. Many
people throw litter away into river which can cause floods. People also run businesses without notice
the environmental health, some mining companies make many lands damaged, and steam-based
electricity power plants burn tonnes of coal that emit pollutants into the air.

The sources of environmental threat are individual and groups of people (organizations or
companies) actions that are unresponsible to the environment. Unresponsible actions like polluting
rivers with wastes can lead to many problems like flood and water quality decreased. All consequences
of environmental damage will be accounted for by humans. The damage will make human’s life harder.

In order to reduce the number of environmental damages, the government should map out
what kind of environmental threats happen in its area and their cause. Furthermore, government can
collaborate with researcher and consultant to make good policies that rule how people act to
environment. These policies can include rule about land usage, environmental damage punishment, and
business authorization. These policies are based on environmental preservation.

Whilst, each individual holds the same role as government to preserve the environment. Each
individual has to be aware of environmental health. They can start to nurture environment by trying to
dump waste on the right place, using efficient device with low carbon emission, doing a recycling,
reminding each other to keep environmental healthy, and helping government in doing its
environmental preservation program.

In my opinion, government and people have to work together to tackle environmental threats.
The government create environmental policies with help of society and society implement the policies.
This collaboration will help in preserving environment.
That picture shows a bar chart and a pie chart that contain statistical information on the evening
courses participant at the adult education center in 2009. The bar chart gives information about the
number of people joining evening courses at the adult education center and the pie chart gives details
about course participants' range of ages.

From the bar chart, in 2009, there were four evening courses at the adult education center,
those courses were drama, painting, sculpture, and language. Most men participated in the painting
class with 25 people. On the contrary, most women participants were in the language course with 40
people. Drama, painting, and sculpture classes were dominated by men. Meanwhile, only the language
class was dominated by women.

The language class had the most number of participants with 40 women and 20 men. On the
contrary, the sculpture course was the least participated course with only 10 men and 5 women.

Moreover, from the pie chart, statistical information on the 2009 evening courses participants'
range of ages could be obtained. The most dominant range of ages joining the evening course was over
50 years old with 42 percent. on the contrary, the least number of the course participant was under 20
years old with five percent. While 40 - 49 years old participants contributed 26 percent, part
participants with ages between 30 - 39 years old gave a percentage of 16 percent, and only 11 percent
of participants came from a range of ages between 20 and 29.

As time goes by, human characteristics and mindset change as well. Nowadays, there is a
mindset emerging toward gay marriage which in the past was something taboo in the social paradigm.
Past people thought it was not aligned with the social norm and would bring many adverse effects on
society. On the other side, there are people who think that it is a form of natural expression of natural
human desire and it is a human right to opt for what kind of marriage they want, including gay marriage.

Some people think that gay marriage will lead to many negative impacts on societies. They think
gay marriage is out of the religious and social norms which they think women should marry to men.
They are afraid of there will be no future generation that will manage the world if gay marriages go on.
Furthermore, from a point of view of family stability, there are father and mother roles, and each of
them has its own impact on the family, such as a father will be a breadwinner, teach children to become
liable individuals, and give examples of doing many fruitful technical skills. Meantime, a mother will
teach children about empathy, affection, and sympathy, and complement what the father can not teach
to children as well. If gay marriages happen family stability will be messed up and the growth of the
children will be vexed.

On the other hand, there are people who think that gay marriage is a natural desire of humans
and it is a human right to have a liberty to choose what kind of life they live. People with this ideology
seek bliss in that relationship, they only want to suffice their natural desire. However, this kind of
marriage has an immense impact on society, it will be better to take into account many of its effects.

Although gay marriage is a natural desire and human right, but it brings catastrophic impacts on
society and it violates social and religious rules. Hence, it must be illegal.
those presented graphs provide information about the production amount of energy by many sources in
the US for 1980 and 1990.

In 1980, Oil fuel source produced the most energy in the US with a 42% contribution of the total
country's energy production. Oil fuel energy was the highest percentage in 1990 with 33%, even though
it had a decrease compared to the production in 1980. On the contrary, in 1980 and 1990 hydroelectric
energy had the least contribution to the total energy production with 5%. In those years, there were
little changes in the contribution of each source of energy.

In 1980 the oil source energy contribution was 42% and in 1990 the contribution dropped to 33%. Even
though there was a drop, oil-based energy source still had the most contribution to the total amount of
energy. On the other hand, hydroelectric power gave the lowest percentage of contribution with 5% in
1980 and 1990.

Besides that, there were changes in energy contribution for each source of energy. Natural gas source
had a slight decrement from 26% in 1980 to 25% in 1990. Moreover, there was an upsurge in
contributions from coal and nuclear power. Coal power contribution increased from 5% to 10%, while
nuclear power contribution accrued from 22% to 27% between 1980 and 1990.
The given bar chart bring information about the amount of boy and girl children doing many sports in
English town in 2012.

There were six sports played at that time. Those sports were tennis, badminton, cycling, swimming,
football, and hockey. From six sports played, four sports were dominated by boys, and just two sports
were dominated by girls. Most of boys joined football and most girls joined swimming. Interestingly,
hockey had the least children participant.

In regard to male-dominated sport, football boy participants of 60 were triple of girl participants of 20.
In terms of tennis, cycling, and hockey there was a little difference in the number of boys and girls
participant. The number of boys joined tennis, cycling, and hockey were 50, 35, and 15 respectively.
While the number of girls joined tennis, cycling, and hockey were 35, 20, and 10.

Concerning girls’ favourite sports, there were two sports which were badminton and swimming. In those
sports, the number of girls and boys was almost similar. In badminton there was 40 girls and 30 boys.
Meanwhile, in swimming there was more boys and girls, the number was 45 and 50 for boys and girls.
Those pictures give information about construction design of cool climate and warm climate house.

Cool climate house construction design has one plan only, on the other hand warm climate house
construction design has two plans one for day and the other for night.

Cool climate house construction design needs building material that can store heat. This material has a
role as insulation that can trap the heat. This insulation will cover the inside wall the In this type of
design and there is one window only.

For warm climate house construction design, there will be reflective roof material. The roof will be two-
directed type. Moreover, in this design, there will be two windows. The windows will be closed at day
and open at night to make an air circulation come into the house. Besides that, this construction design
also has roof overhangs to give shades that protect people inside house from sunlight at the sunny day.


Obesity is a condition that human has overweights. Even though that is not contagious, it brings
many negative impacts. Obesity can make body operations messed up. It will lead to cardiovascular
problems and also makes some human organs can not operate well according to many scientific

Some people think obesity happens because of the government's fault. They think government
can not make any policy that can control obesity, such as controlling high-level sugar food and
beverages distributed to the market and giving education about the danger of obesity. But actually, this
problem is rooted in individual awareness on how they keep their health.

Obesity comes from the bad habit of overconsuming meals with high calories. When many
calories are consumed, the body can not process all that calories at the same time and unprocessed
calories will be stacked in the body if a person is not aware to control their calories. To control the
consumed calories, people can carry out many activities such as exercising, doing their work, and
dieting. By doing a diet or controlling eating time, it compels indirectly the body to use calories for many
activities and leads to no calories hoarded. This type of activity can help people to avoid obesity.

Government can help people to avoid obesity by giving education about the danger of obesity.
Education about the danger of obesity can be delivered in schools or in public healthcare. Moreover, to
reach out more audiences, the government can create advertisements regarding the obesity danger and
deliver the advertisement using many types of media. So society can understand the danger of obesity
and try to avoid it.

In conclusion, obesity happens because of human ignorance of its danger. Thus, society should
increase their knowledge about obesity and find out the way to keep their body off obesity. Besides
that, government can help them to avoid obesity by giving education about the danger of obesity.
The given bar chart provides statistical information about the number of trips made from and to school
by students at ages 5-12 in 1990 and 2010.

It is noticeable that there are five methods used by students to travel from and to schools. Those
methods are car, walking, cycling, walking combined with taking a bus, and taking a bus. In 2010 the
most favourite method to travel from and to school was by car. On the other hand, in 1990 the most
favourite method.

In 2010, car usage to trip from and to school was the most dominant method with around 11 million
trips. While in cycling was the least used method to trip with only 2 million trips. Moreover, trips using
bus, walking, and walking combined with bus taking had 3 million trips on that period.

in 1990, the most favourite method to trip was walking with about 13 million trips. The number of trips
of cycling, walking and bus taking, and bus in 1990 actually were bigger than the number of trips of
these methods in 2010. In 1990 those trips were more than 5 million trips.
World is continuing to make changes including changes in life. This life change plays important role in
humans' health. Some people argue that in the future people's health will be degraded. I actually
disagree with this statement.

Currently, many people have to trip more hours working than before because of the population
increase. With this rise in population, people have to look for housing that is far enough with their
offices. More distance means more hours spent on trips to go to and come back from the office. With
the condition of more hours used to work and trip, people eventually have less rest and exercise hours.
Moreover, they do not have enough time to cook healthy food and finally they have to choose instant
food that is unhealthy. This situation will degrade their health level in the future.

However, with the development of science and technology, many beneficial products are invented to
help humans be more productive and efficient in working. With the internet, people can curtail distance
to hold a meeting. They can use an internet-based video conference service to hold meetings. This will
save their time to travel to the office. Many works also can be done using computers and other devices.
Besides that, those inventions bring many new employments, thus people have options to look for a job
near their houses. All of these conditions will give people enough time to rest and keep their body
healthy. Moreover, development also happens in the food sectors. Many companies will create
nutritious and healthy food, this also support humans' health in the future.

In conclusion, even though there are problems in people population increase, time consumed in
traveling to offices, and ubiquitous junk foods, the development of science and technology will help
people to keep their body healthy in the future.
The given pictures provide two different site maps that show the condition of the site in 1995 and

From the pictures, it can be seen that there are many changes in the site map between 1995 and
present. Those changes are in street, landmark use, and infrastructures.

In 1995 there was a street in west of housing area and now the street is discarded. Besides that, there
was a fishing sport in south, exactly in the sea, but today the fishing sport is vanished. Moreover,
currently, there are replacements of forest park to be tennis area, shop to be restaurant, and fish
market to be apartments.

On the other hand, the remaining parts are housing in the north-west, hotel in south-east, and main
street in that site map.

The given diagram provides information about water cycle which is the process of water conversion
from water to steam to rain in natural process.
From that diagram, it is noticeable that are four stages in water cycle. Those stages are evaporation,
condensation, cloud formation, and precipitation.

The first, water body from snow, lakes, and water source on the earth surface will be evaporated by sun
heat energy. This heat from the sun can contribute about 80% evaporated water in the air. After
evaporation process, there is condensation process that is a process of collecting vapored water in the
cloud. In the cloud water is condensed because of relatively low termprature. Thereafter, condensed
water will lead to cloud formation. In this cloud formation, condensed water become more heaver and
finally cloud can not contain the heavy condensed water. This condition makes condensed water drop
down to earth surface, in travel to the surface, hot temperature make condensed water into rain as
precipitation process. The rain will drop onto snow, lake, and other earth surface areas.

The given picture provides information about the infrastructure developments in a village of
Chorleywood near London since 1868 until 1994.

From the picture, it can be inferred that there were many constructions that happened in that period.
The constractions in that period were motorway and building construction in four areas. And there was
no change for main road and railway that were built before 1868.
The first construction stage happened from 1868 to 1883, in that period there was an area constructed
as building. The location was north of the railway. Afterwards, the local government developed
Chorleywood Station that was divided by the railway and was close to the buildings constructed in 1868.
Near the Charleywood Station there was land that was converted into two building areas from 1922 to

More than that, there were other developments. In 1970, there was a construction of motorway on the
eastern. After the construction of this motorway, the government built residential areas around there
from 1970-1994. The residential areas were divided into two side, one was in the north, and the other
was in the south.

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