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The Governments Should Help Improve

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, the governments should help improve

Exercise (C)

Good morning ladies and gentlemen. I’m Tong Ho Hin, speaking on behalf of the
African delegation.

23 years ago at the United Nations Conference in Rio, the little girl Severn
Cullis-Suzuki gave an impressive speech concerning various environmental issues
and urging for actions. Her strong words embarrassed all the adults sitting in front of
her. 23 years have passed and her speech is still powerful and justified today. The
issues she mentioned still exist and the environment of this beautiful planet still
suffers because of humans’ behaviours. I’m not here today to blame anyone. I just
want to raise your awareness, again, towards the critical environmental issues that
we’re facing and that have to be dealt with prudently.

Pollution is a major crisis that we’re facing now. Industrial and vehicle emissions are
polluting the air that we have to breathe every day. Although there are now different
new types of energy, like solar energy and wind power, that do less harm to the
environment, they are too expensive for most countries, especially developing
countries, to afford. The use of fossil fuels is still widely adopted around the world.
And that’s a main cause of air pollution. Besides, water pollution is another worrying
problem. The oil spill and the waste people produced contaminated the valuable

Pollution is not just a single problem and it’s also related to another greater crisis,
which is global warming. This is an issue that everyone has been talking about and
everyone has been experiencing for years. Yet, it seems that the problem is still going
on and on. The excessive emission of greenhouse gases seriously accelerated the rise
of the temperature every year. It also leads to lots of other consequences, such as the
rise in sea levels, unnatural weather patterns and more natural disasters. Global
warming is not only threatening the environment, but also all of our lives. And a very
ironic fact is that, some countries, probably in Africa, that have the lowest emissions
of greenhouse gases, seem to be suffering from the worst consequences of global
warming. All of us should work together to bring this phenomenon to an end!
The following and the last issue I’d like to cover is deforestation. In fact, many
environmental problems are correlated. The production of pollutants, like carbon

dioxide, results in global warming, which is then further deteriorated by deforestation.
The woods ought to be our natural treasure as they absorb carbon dioxide and make
fresh air for us. However, the forest area is minimizing every year. People hunt the
tress down for food, for resources and for more space to develop and urbanize.
Imagine that we’ll only have concrete jungle in the future, isn’t it a pity?

All the problems that I’ve or haven’t mentioned not only affect us, human beings, but
also all the other creatures that are sharing the beautiful world with us. They are the
innocent ones. They do nothing but they have to bear the consequences with us. They
lost their habitants, they can’t find food, their lives are disturbed and interrupted and
they become endangered species. It’s unfair to them.

We claim that we are the most superior creatures here, but what we’ve been doing is
destroying our home. We pay no respect to the environment. One day, it’ll return
everything back to us, which will be something we can’t afford. When that day comes,
it’ll be too late for us to regret. Please make the change starting from today, for
youself, for the world and the next generations.

Thank you for listening.

Exercise (D)

Conflict is not good for the development of a country. Take a look at the countries that
are infamous for high conflict rates, such as Afghanistan, Pakistan and Nepal, their
developments are much lagged behind other countries nearby. The countries with high
conflict rates usually share some common national characteristics, like low per capita
income and being outside of the global economic development. Conflicts can harm a
country’s development economically and socially. When a country is in a conflict, it
will deploy lots of resources on military. As a result, the production of the country
will drop due to a lack of money. And the number import products will also be
decreased. Thus it will probably lead to inflation because of the shortage of supply.
Besides, the country will have to spend extra money to repair destruction.

Conflicts increase the mortality rate of the country and the country will lose the
people for the future development. Children will be deprived of the chances to go to
schools and it will raise the illiteracy rate of the country. Conflicts force people to flee
to other places to avoid all the consequences of the conflicts. It will also be
detrimental to the country’s future.

In this men-dominated world, women are often neglected. It is true that the advocate
of gender equality has been more common and public in the past decades, but there is
still a long way to the genuine achievement. Generally speaking, men are still the
majority at the senior management levels in companies. Men’s domination in some
ways stifles women’s chances to mobilize upwards. And the capabilities of women
are not fully utilized. In many countries, especially Asian countries, women are still
stereotyped as housewives and their responsibilities should be taking care of the
families. These kinds of old-fashioned thoughts limit women’s potential and are not
good for the developmental process. Besides women, children are also the crucial
parts in development. They are the future of the society. They need and deserve to live
in a healthy, safe and peaceful environment. The most important thing for children is
education, both from their families and schools. Children would only have a bright
future with education.

There are different types of governments in this world, some are democratic and open,
but some are conservative and autocratic. Every human deserves his rights to do what

he wants to, as long as it does not violates the law. No government should deprive its
people’s rights and freedom. Even if a country enjoys rapid economic development,
with the absence of human rights, her people are still ‘underdeveloped’. Take China
as an example, it is now one of the most powerful countries in the world, but people
there have poor freedom. They cannot criticize the Communist Party; they are kept
away from Western news and thoughts; they cannot (or do not dare to) resist when
there is any injustice. Development is not only about economy, infrastructure or
welfare system. The society and the people also have to be developed and civilized. If
they cannot even enjoy the most fundamental rights, their visions and minds will also
lag behind others.

It is almost impossible to develop without peace. Wars, riots, chaos, all these events
make the society unstable. An unstable society cannot establish a good business
environment for local people or foreign investors. In the short run, labour efficiency,
production output and quality of life will all suffer. In the long run, a turbulent society
can bring long-term psychological impacts on people, especially on children. Every
government ought to build a peaceful environment for their people and as the base of


1. Barefoot College | Barefoot Approach. 2015. Barefoot College | Barefoot

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2. What is Human Trafficking?. 2015. What is Human Trafficking?. [ONLINE]

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4. Human Trafficking is a Problem 365 Days a Year | Polaris | Combating Human

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5. IRIN Asia | Analysis: Southeast Asia’s human trafficking conundrum | Indonesia

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