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DLP in Science 5

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A. Content Standard
The learners demonstrate understanding of a simple DC circuit and the
relationship between electricity and magnetism in electro magnets
B. Performance Standard
The learners should be able to propose an unusual tool or device using
electromagnet that is useful for home, school or community
C. Learning Competencies
 Infer the conditions necessary to make a bulb light
 Identify the parts of an electric circuit

II. Learning Contents

A. Subject Matter: Parts of an Electric Circuit

B. References: Science Quarter 3 – Module 5

C. Materials: Manila paper, Pentel Pen, Picture/Images

D. Value Focus:

E. Integration: ICT

Materials : Learner's Material 3: Let's Explore Science for Daily Use

lll . Procedures


A. Reviewing previous lessons

Hello Class!

Hi/Hello teacher

Before we go on with our next lesson who

among you remember the topic we discussed
last week?
( learners will raise their hand as they recall
the previous lesson )
We discuss about the Materials that absorb,
block and transmit light
Correct! I’m glad that you remember

We have 3 different materials, what are they?

Opaque materials, Translucent materials and
Transparent materials
Good. Opaque materials are the objects we
cannot see through for example wooden door,

How about the translucent materials? Light may

pass through but, images on the other side are
not clearly visible.

What are the examples of translucent

materials? Anyone?
Shower door, car windows, sunglasses
Now, what about the transparent materials?

Unlike the translucent and opaque materials

transparent objects allows the light to pass
through and also, we are be able to see clearly
the every detail of the object that’s what
transparency means

What are the fewer example of transparent

Glass, and house windows

Now, let’s proceed to our next lesson

I have here an illustration

B. Establishing a purpose for the lesson

Bulb, Battery, Wire..

What do you see in the illustration? What else?

In the first picture we see that the bulb lights up

and in the second picture you see the bulb isn’t Yes, teacher

Yes, it lights up the bulb

Does electricity lights up the bulb? How?

Correct! Electricity lights up the bulb.

C. Presenting examples / instances of

the new lesson

Who among you has flashlight at home?

What is the use of flashlight?

We have flashlight at home

Okay. Very good.

Use in the dark to see things clearly
Do you think flashlight will work without
electricity? Yes , or No?

Correct. Flashlight will not work without Yes , it’ll work especially if the flashlight is
Electricity fully charged it’s light will remain longer.

D. Discussing new concepts and

practicing new skills # 1

We are going to discuss the components/ parts

of electric circuit

We have:

 Switch
 Battery
 Wire
 Load (bulb or buzzer)
 Switch
 Battery
 Wire
Again, who can repeat the components/ parts of  Load (bulb or buzzer)
electric circuit?

Very good

Now, I have here a diagram of electric circuit.

Let’s see.

This diagram represents the actual electric

circuit with the use of the symbols and signs. It
shows how do these components are
connected with one another.

As I’ve said a while a go we have components

or parts of electric circuit. We have Switch,
Battery, Wire, and Load.
The lights will remain close and the electricity
E. Developing Mastery will not pass through so that the bulb light will
remain the same
Individual Activity

Draw a simple electric circuit using the symbols

and signs in the illustration (make your own
style )

F. Application

What do you think will happen if there is no

switch, do you think the electricity will pass
through and make the bulb lights up?

Do you think the bulb will lights up if there us no

wire? Battery?

Correct! Even if there is one missing piece of

components the bulb will not lights up

G. Generalization

What are the components or parts of electric


lV. Evaluation

Direction: Write the letter of the correct answer

1 . A ____ uses signs and symbols to represent

the actual electric circuit. It shows how the
components of an electric circuit are connected

a. Circuit Breaker b. Circuit system c. Circuit

diagram d. All of the above

2. The following are the components or parts of

Electric Circuit except.

a . Gasoline b. Battery c. Wire D. Switch e.


3. The source of electrons is a____

a . Battery b. Wire c. atoms d. Electricity

4. A ___ conducts the flow of current in a circuit.

a . circuit b. switch c. load d. none of the above

5 . Connect one components of the circuit to

another so that electric current flows.

a . wire b. Battery c. charger d. circuit system

6 . It represents the actual electric circuit using

symbols and signs

a. Circuit timer, Circuit breaker,

V. Assignment

Bring the following.

Battery, light bulb, wire, tape, glue gun, scissor,

Prepared by: Al Mark Mirafuenres

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