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I. Objective: A. Topic: Electricity Circuits B. Sub-Topic: Series Circuit C. Materials/Tools/Gadgets

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Republic of the Philippines

Region IV-A
Division of City Schools
Bucandala III Imus, Cavite


I. Objective
At the end of the lesson, 100% of the pupils with 85% of proficiency should be able to:
A. Identify and explain the parts of an electrical series circuit,
B. Apply the equation in series circuit through Ohm’s Law,
C. Demonstrate the construction of a simple series circuit,
D. Value the importance of teamwork in constructing a simple series circuit.
II. Subject Matter
A. Topic: Electricity Circuits
B. Sub-topic: Series Circuit
C. Materials/Tools/Gadgets:
1. Learners Materials:
 Battery, Light Bulb, Copper Wire, Electrical tape, Switch
2. Teaching Materials
 Laptop, Power point Presentation, Instructional Materials
D. References:
 Physics IVScience and technology textbook for fourth year
Authors: Eulalia N. Bentillo and Josefina Ll. Pabellon
pp. 153 – 156.
III. Procedure
Preliminary Activities
Teacher’s Activity Pupil’s Activity

A. Preparation
1. Daily Routine
(Entering of pupils with Welcome

“Let us all stand up and feel the presence of the Lord.” (One student will lead the prayer)

“Good morning, class!” “Good morning, Ms. Anit. Good

morning, classmates and good
morning, visitors.”

(Checking of attendance) (The class leader will tell who is

“Mr. /Ms. Leader may I know the attendance for today?” absent)

a. Review of the Past Lesson (Collaborative: Analyzing the

Direction: The class will be divided into three Picture)
groups. They will answer and identify what kind of
electrical symbol is posted. The first group who Battery
answer the question will earn a point.


“Excellent! It seems that you fully understand our past

topic. Let’s now move on to our next lesson.”

B. Presentation
1. Motivation
“Symbol Decoder”
(The students will work by group
Direction: The student will decode a passage using to decode the passage using the
electrical symbols to reveal the lesson for today. electrical symbols.)


Battery- A-E
Bulb- N-R
Switch- S-W
Resistor- H-L

“Based on the passage that you decoded, what is our “It is all about Series/ Series
topic for today?” Circuit”

2. Raised-up Questions “What are the parts of an

“What do you want to learn for our lesson for electrical series circuit?”
“What is Ohm’s Law?”

“How to construct simple series


“All of that will be answered during our lesson”

3. Definition of Terms

Circuit- a roughly circular line, route, or movement that (Pupil will read the definition of
starts and finishes at the same place. terms)

Ampere- symbol I to represent the current.

Omega (Ω)- Greek alphabet that symbols resistance.

Voltage- the force that causes current to flow in a circuit.

4. Lesson Proper

Whenever you turn on your television or computer or flip

a light switch, you have completed an electrical circuit.
We use the word 'circuit' when we talk about something
that goes around and starts and stops in the same place;
for example, you might run a circuit, or a lap, around a
track. To have a complete electrical circuit, you must
have a cell that provides the electrical current, a
conductor to carry the current, and a resistor to use the
current. More than one cell put together is called a
battery. The conductors can be anything that allows
electricity to pass through it easily; usually these are
There are several different kinds of electrical circuits.
One of these is called a series circuit. The word 'series'
means a number of things that follow each other; for
example, you might read a series of books or watch a
television series with many episodes.

Series Circuit:

 Type of circuit where loads are connected end to end

along the path in a single closed loop. In series
circuit, if one bulb is busted, all bulb goes off.
 The current through series component is equal
because there is only one path for electrons to flow in
a series circuit, and because free electrons flow
through conductors.

Ohm’s law states the relationship between voltage (V),

current (I), and resistance (R). The equation is simplified
as V = I x R. This law explains the how the most
important concepts of electricity relate to each other. It is
beneficial to us because it helps us calculate currents
and voltages in circuits.
The following rules apply to a series circuit:
A. The total resistance in a series circuit is computed by
adding all resistances.

Formula: Rt= R1 + R2 + R3… (formula depends on the

number of resistors)
Solution: Rt= 100Ω + 200Ω + 300Ω
Rt= 600Ω

B. Computing the total voltage in series circuit:

Example: In a toy car, 3 batteries were connected end to
end or in series to supply the motor. Each battery has the
voltage of 2.5 volts. Find the total voltage.

The sum of all individual voltages will give the total

Formula: Vt= V1 + V2 + V3… (formula depend on the
number of battery)
Solution: Vt= 2.5V + 2.5V + 2.5V= 7.5V

C. Computing the total current in a series circuit.

The total current in series circuit is equal to the flow of

current in each loads.
Formula: It= I1 = I2 = 13
Solution: It= 0.5A = 0.5A = 0.5A

Safety Precautions:
 Avoid horse playing
 For girls, tie your hair
 Wear your Personal Protective
Equipment (PPE)
 Always use equipment/tools safely
and properly

“To avoid accidents and to finish

“Why should we follow the safety precautions during our our work correctly and neatly”
Step-by-step Procedure:
1. Gather the necessary materials- to
build a simple circuit, you will need a
power source (battery), insulated
wires, a light bulb and a light bulb
holder, and a switch.
2. Strip the ends of the insulated
wires- in order for your circuit to work
properly, the wires needed to be
totally exposed so you must strip at
least 2.5cm at the end of the wires.
3. Fasten one end of the wire to the
metal screw of the bulb holder,
switch, and battery.
4. Connect the wires of your
components. (Follow the schematic
diagram of series circuit)
5. Test your circuit- if the bulb doesn’t
light, check to make sure the wires
are touching the ends of the battery
and in contact with the metal of the

5. Application

Group Work (Collaborative Activity) (The students will work as a

group to construct electrical
(The teacher will observe if the pupils are following the series circuit)
right steps while constructing electrical series circuit.)

Rubrics for constructing electrical series circuit :

Following They follow all 1 or 2 3 or more
Procedure (25%) procedure in procedures are procedures are
making a not followed not followed
project. The
quality and
enhance are

Room Management The work place Have some The working

(25%) is always clean garbage or place is not
and conducive waste materials conducive to
to learning inside the learning
working area because of so
many garbage,
waste and are
not properly
Safety Work Habits Highly Self-motivated Self-motivated
(25%) self-motivated and observes and observes
and observes most safety safety
all safety precautions all precautions
precautions all the time sometimes
the time
Cooperation (25%) All of the pupils Some of the The pupil has
willingly pupils No cooperation
participated in participated toward the
necessary enthusiastically, assignment.
preparation performed more Complained,
or work for than assisted in
classroom adequately, preparation and
. assisted in cleanup when
preparation and asked.

“The four basic parts of an

C. Generalization electrical series circuit is source
(battery), conductor (wire), load
“What did you learned in our lesson for today?” (bulb), and controller (switch)”

“Ohm’s Law explains how the

most important concepts of
electricity relate to each other”

“Thank you for your participation. Get ready for your

short quiz”

D. Evaluation
Multiple Choices

Instruction: Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. What happens when one light bulb in series circuit burns out?
A. The rest of the bulbs continue to work
B. Nothing will happen
C. The rest of the bulbs become dim
D. All bulbs goes off
2. Which law can be used in a series circuit?
A. Pavlov’s Law
B. Law of Relativity
C. Ohm’s Law
D. Law of Inertia
3. Which of the following is a correct statement of Ohm’s Law?
A. R= VI
B. V= IR
C. V= I/R
D. I= I/V
4. Calculate the effective resistance of the following combination.

A. 39Ω
B. 12Ω
C. 49Ω
D. 52Ω
5. A 10 ohms resistor is powered by a 5-V battery. The current flowing through
the source is:
A. 10A
B. 50A
C. 2A
D. 0.5A
Answer Key:
1. D
2. C
3. B
4. C
5. D

IV. Agreement
a. Follow-up Assignment:
List down the advantages and disadvantages of using series circuit
b. Advance Assignment:
1. Research about parallel circuit
2. How is parallel circuit applied in home?

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