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A Detailed Lesson Plan in Electricity For Grade 9: Department of Technology Teacher Education

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MSU-Iligan Institute of Technology

Center of Excellence for Teacher Education



Name: Amelaniah M. Casim Date:

School: Subject: Industrial Technology
Grade: 9

At the end of 60-minute period, students are able to:
1. Identify the different parts of an electric circuit.
2. Create an actual electric circuit.
3. Appreciate the importance of knowing the different parts of an electric circuit.


A. Subject Matter: Electric Circuit
B. References:
K to 12 Curriculum Guide in TLE: Electrical Installation and Maintenance
Johnson, Robert C. & Cox Robert. Electrical Wiring.1981 by Prentice-Hall, Inc.,
Englewood Cliffs, N.J. 07632
C. Instructional Materials:
Battery, wire, bulb w/ receptacle, on/off switch and visual aids
D. Skills to be developed:
Critical thinking , analyzing
E. Values Integration
Teamwork, appreciation, self-reliance
F. Teaching Strategies
Discovery method, lecture method, collaborative approach

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

A. Preparatory Activities
May I request everybody to stand for the
__________ lead the prayer. Good morning ma’am Amelaniah! Good
Good morning class! morning classmates good morning!

Before you take your seats, kindly arrange

your chairs properly and pick up pieces of
paper under it.
Is there any absent? No ma’am

Very good class nobody is absent.

B. Collecting and Checking of the

We have an assignment right? Yes ma’am
Exchange paper with your seatmates and
we will check it as we go through the

C. Review of Past Lesson

Last meeting we discussed the different
types of electrical tools right? Yes ma’am
Now, who can give me at least three
electrical tools? Pliers, multi tester, hammer, wire stripper,
Very good class it seems that you have
understood our past lesson. I really hope
so because our lesson for today has
something to do with what we discuss last

D. Motivation
Class what do you see in this picture?

Exactly, what is a battery in your own Student1: battery


What else do you see in the pictures?

Switch, bulb and wire
E. Presentation of the Objectives
Very good class!
Alright, based on this pictures I have
presented what do you think will be our
lesson for today
Electric circuit

Class our lesson for today is about is
electric circuit.
Before we go through the discussion let
me first present to you the objectives for
today. Class at the end of the discussion,
you will be able to :
Everybody read:
First, identify the different parts of an
electric circuit. Second, create an actual
electric circuit. And lastly, appreciate the
importance of knowing the different parts
of an electric circuit.

F. Unlocking of Difficult Terms

Here are some of the difficult terms that
you might able to encounter as we go
through the discussion.
Stable sub atomic particle with a negative
What is an electron? charge found in all atoms.

Electron is tiny particle containing negative

charge. We cannot see electron.
Is the continuous movement of free
2.Current- electrons through a conductors .

Is the flow of electrical charge carrier

(electron). A complete and closed path around which
circulating electric current flow.
3. Circuit -
The force motivating electrons to “flow” in
4.Voltage- a circuit.
It is a conductive path which would allow
5.Conductor- for the movement of (electron) charges.
Ex. Wire

G. Presentation of the Lesson

K-What do you know about electric circuit?
Anyone, who wants to share their opinion? __________________________
Do you agree with his answer or would
you contradict, then justify your answer.
Can you judge their answer which one
would you like to agree?
W-what do you want to know about electric
circuit? ____________________________
L- what I have learned?
And the last question will be answered ____________________________
right after the discussion.

H. Lecture
Everybody read the definition of electric
circuit. An electric circuit is a set of electrical
components that are connected together in
a loop with a power source, which allows
current (electrons) to flow through them.
Is somehow a path containing an electrical
components that enable current flow from
source to generate electricity.
Everything you see that has to be plugged
in contains electric circuit. Anything that
has a battery also contains electric circuits.

Who will go to the board and identify the

different parts of an electric circuit?
1. Source
2. Path
3. Load
4. Switch

Very good class you have identified the

different parts of an electrical circuit.

I need four volunteers again to find the

corresponding meaning of these parts of It is sometimes called as “source of emf”,
an electric circuit. refers to a generator, a battery of cell or a
1. Source transmission power line. The function of
the source is to establish difference from a
high (+) to low (-) potential point.

It is here where the current starts to flow The Path is made up of conducting
materials “conductor”. These are materials
2. Path that conduct electricity and allow electrons
to pass through.
Example of path is wire
Red and black
Alright, what colors of wire do you see in the
circuit? positive
Exactly. Red wire represents positive and black
the black wire represents negative.
Again what did I say? Red wire represents?
Negative is what color of wire

3. Load
Load is a device that consumes electricity
on its operation.
Can you give me an example of load?
Light bulbs, television set, electric fan,
radios and many others.
And other appliances which are current
4. Switch
The means of control allows us to control
the entire circuit operation. It enables us to
Allows us to control the flow of current.
regulate electricity.
By means of turning it on or off.
If I turn it on what probably will happen?
It will light
Therefore we have created an electric
circuit, because we have these electrical
components as stated in the definition and
there is the path for current flow.

Switch has four terminals, the terminal

containing this sign ( ) is going to be
connected to the load using wire(red) and
the next terminal below, one of them is
going to be connected to the source it is
intended for the source.
Class, is it important for us to know the
different parts of an electric circuit? Yes ma’am
In your assignment you are asked to give Yes ma’am
the parts of an electrical circuit right?
If you have same answer as this then
check it. Count the number of correct
I. Generalization
Do you have any questions?
No Ma’am
Alright, what are the different parts of an
Source, path, load, switch
electric circuit?
G. Application
I will group you into 2 groups. Using the
given materials to each group, you are
tasked create an actual electric circuit.
IV. Evaluation

I. Multiple Choice
Directions: Read each statement and encircle the letter of the correct answer

1.It is a device that consumes electricity on its operation.

a. circuit b. wire c. load
2. These are made up of conducting materials “conductor”.
a.voltage b. current c. path
3. This part of an electric circuit allows us to control the entire circuit operation. It
enables us to regulate electricity.
a. switch b. load c. bulb
4. It is sometimes called as “EMF”, refers to a generator, a battery of cell or a
transmission power line.
a. source b. current c. switch

5. Is a set of electrical components that are connected together in a loop with a power
source, which allows current (electrons) to flow through them.
a. electric circuit b. simple circuit c. parallel circuit

II. Identification
1. Given the diagram, identify the different parts of an electric circuit? (5pts.)

V. Assignment
Directions: Answer the following questions. (Based your answers on the activity
“Electrical Circuit”
 Did you get the bulb to light?

 In what order did you connect the parts?

 How did you know that electricity flows?

 Can you trace the path of electrons in your circuit?

Beginning Developing Accomplished Exemplary
1 pt. 2pts. 3pts. 5pts.
The members The members The members The members
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teachers close teacher’s of the time. the time.
Cooperation/Teamwork supervision supervision is Cooperation
needed. among the
members is
The team is on The team is The team is on The team is on
task but they on task but task most of task all the
need the the members the time. They time. Members
teacher’s full need more do little do the task
On Task supervision. supervision supervision independently.
They keep on from the from the
asking help teacher. teacher.
from the
The The The
The representative representative representative
Delivery representative has a louder has a louder has a louder
has a low voice voice. He and well- and well-
and pronounces modulated modulated
mispronounced 2-3 words voice. He voice. He is
lot of words. incorrectly. pronounces 1-2 able to utter
words words with
incorrectly. correct
They were not They were They were able They were able
able to able to to assemble the to assemble
Content assemble the assemble the given the given
given given components components
components components to create an to create an
to create an to create an electric circuit electric circuit
electric circuit electric correctly with
circuit with 2- extra creativity.
3 lacking part

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