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A. Content Standard
The learners demonstrate understanding a simple DC circuit and the relationship between
electricity and magnetism in electromagnets.
B. Performance Standard
The learners should be able to propose device using electromagnet that is useful for home
school or community.
C. Learning Competencies/Objectives
At the end of the 50-minutes lesson, at least 80% of the pupils are able to:
1. Describe current electricity and electric circuit.
2. Identify the parts/components of an electric circuit.
3. Constructs a series circut. S5FE-IIIg-7

Series Circuit
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages
2. Learner’s Material pages
Science V, Quarter 3-Module 5
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Material from Learning Resource (LR) Portal
B. Other Learning Resources
Images from the internet.
Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity
Oh God Almighty, behold us thy loving
children, offering thee today our works and
Help us dear Lord to be obedient to our
teachers, kind to our companions, diligent to
our studies. So that we may merit the
blessings to ourselves, to our school, and to
our beloved country, Philippines. In Jesus
name we pray, AMEN.
Good morning, Grade V!
Good morning, teacher.
Who is absent today?
None, teacher.
A. Reviewing previous lesson or presenting
the new lesson.
Before we proceed to our next topic, may I
ask if you still remember our topic last week?
Yes, teacher.
What is it all about?
About how electricity is produced.
What is the best conductor for electricity?
Copper wires, teacher.
So, how is electricity produced?
It is produced through heat and energy
coming from different sources in our planet.
That’s right, very good!
B. Establishing a purpose for the lesson
Class, look around our classroom. Can you
site some things that uses electricity in order
to function?
The electric fan, teacher.
Anything else?
That’s right, very good!
C. Presenting Examples/ instances of the
new lesson
I have a picture of a circuit. Can you guess
what kind circuit is it?
I think it is a series circuit, teacher.

Yes, teacher.

It has parts, right? Wires

Can you name its parts?

Correct, very good!

D. Discussing new concepts and practicing
new skills #1
The word electricity is derived from the
Greek word “elektron” which means amber.
Electricity is thought to have been discovered
in ancient Greece when someone rubbed a
piece of amber and it picked up light
materials such as feathers and hair. This is
possible due to the fact that friction can
generate electricity.
Again, what language does electricity
come from?
From Greek word, teacher.
What is the Greek word for electricity?
Elektron, teacher.
So, what does “elektron” mean?
Very good, let us now move on to the
kinds of electricity.
There are 2 kinds of electricity, static
electricity and current electricity.
Static electricity is produced when
electrical charges build up on the surface of a
materials, usually as a result of friction or
rubbing of materials together.
Current electricity id produced by the
continuous flow of electron.
Again, what are the 2 kinds of electricity?
Static electricity and current electricity.
Alessandro Volta, an Italian scientist,
discovered current electricity. It is made up of
moving electrons that flow through electrical
wires connected to lights, machines, or
appliances to make theses devices work.
Current electricity is the kind of electricity
that we often use in many activities. It flows
through a complete circuit.
Again, who discovered current electricity?
Alessandro Volta
An electric circuit is a network that has a
closed-loop, giving a return path for the
current. There are two types of circuits, the
series circuit and parallel circuit. We will
discuss first the series circuit.
So before we start discussing the series
circuit, let us familiarize some basic terms
Current- it refers to the flow of electrons.
Electricity has work to do, and when the
electrons are flowing around a circuit, that’s
current at work.

Do you understand?

Circuit- a closed continuous path for Yes, teacher.

electricity to flow. It is composed of power
source, connecting wires, load, and switch.

Resistance/resistor- the restriction or Yes, teacher.

opposition to the flow of electric current. This
is what electricity encounters when it flows
along with physical material.


Voltage- it is the measure of work required to

move a unit charge from one location to
another, against the force which tries to keep
electric charges balanced. In the context of
electrical power sources, voltage is the
amount of potential energy available per unit
charge, to move charges through a conductor.
Do you understand?
Yes, teacher.
Very good! Let us now move on to the
parts of an electric circuit.
A circuit has three components. These are
the conductor, the source and the load.
1. Conductor- serves as the pathway for
the electrical current to pass from the
source to the different
parts/components in a circuit. (ex.
Connecting wires) Yes, teacher.

2. Source- contains positive and

negative electrons. It is the source of
electrical energy in the circuit. (ex.
Dry cell or batteries)

3. Load- it determines if the electricity

that flows in the circuit is closed or
complete. (ex. Bulb)

Do you understand?

Again, what are the three components of a


Correct! Very good!

There are 3 kinds of electric circuits based
on the connections;
1. Series circuits
2. Parallel circuits Yes, teacher.
3. Combination circuits
For our lesson, we will just focus on the
series and parallel circuit. Conductor
For now, we will discuss first about the Load
series circuit.
A series circuit is a circuit that allows
electric current to flow through a single path.
The available electric current flows through
each load but there is only one complete path.

If one bulb is loose or does not work, the

circuit is open, and the current is open, and
the current does not flow. The rest of the
bulbs will not light. The defective bulb has to
be replaced, or the loose bulb should be
screwed tight for the current to flow again.
Do you understand?

For the devices in a series circuit to work,

each device must work. If one goes out, they
all go out.
Changing the type of components in series
circuit has an impact on the circuit’s all over
performance. When it comes to how current
and resistance operate in series circuit, there
is universal rule to remember: the more work
(resistance) a series circuit does, the more its
current will decrease.
Advantages Disadvantages
 More power  Only one Yes, teacher.
source can pathway for
be added to an electric
increase the current to
voltages. (ex. flow
Batteries/dry through.
cell)  When one
 Does not bulb burns
require lots out, the other
of wiring bulbs will
connections. not function
 Increasing
the number
of loads,
decreases the
current that
through each
Do you understand?

What will happen if we increase the

number of bulbs in a series circuit?

Correct! Very good, students.

Yes, teacher.

More power will be decreased form the

E. Discussing new concepts and practicing
new skills #2
To test if you truly understand our topic
today, you will be having a group activity. I
will divide you into 2 groups. Each group will
have to create a series circuit.
Materials needed:
 Two 1.5 V AA dry cells
 Two pieces of 6 V bulbs (used in
 1meter copper wire or connector wire
 Electrical tape
 Pliers
What to do:
1. Gather all the materials needed.
2. Cut the wire into 4 pieces
3. Carefully remove approximately ½
inch of the insulation from both ends
of all your wire pieces.
4. Attach one of the wires to the positive
terminal of the dry cell. Connect the
other side of the wire to the either side
of the bulb socket.
5. Attach another wire to the other side
of the bulb socket to connect another
bulb socket.
6. attach another wire to connect either
side of the last bulb socket.
7. Attach another wire to connect the
other side of the bulb socket to the
negative terminal of the dry cell.
8. Observe and study the light of the 2
9. Detach any of the bulb form a socket.
Observe what will happen to the other
10. Without disconnecting the bulbs,
connect another dry cell to the first dry
cell. Observe the flow of energy when
another dry cell was added.
F. Developing mastery (Leads to Formative
Study the picture. Put a label on each part
of the series circuit. Identify whether it is the
conductor, the source, or the load.
1. _______
2. _______
3. _______

G. Finding practical applications of

concepts and skills in daily living
As a student, what is the importance of
learning series circuit in your everyday life?
We can use our knowledge about series
circuit in some situations, like for example,
when a power shortage occurs. I will be able
to create an improvise light using only
batteries, wires and bulbs.
That’s right! What else?
We can also use our knowledge about it in
order to save electricity.
Very good!
H. Making generalizations and
abstractions about the lesson
Again, what is our topic for today?
About electricity and series circuit, teacher.
Where does the word electricity come
From the Greek word “elektron”.
Which means?
What are the 2 kinds of electricity?
Static and current electricity.
Who discovered current electricity?
Alessandro Volta.
What are the 2 kinds of circuit?
Series and parallel circuit.
What is series circuit?
Series circuit is a circuit that allows electric
current to flow through a single path.
Series circuit has 3 components, right?
What are those?
Conductor, source and load.
Can you give me an example of
Copper wires
How about source?
How about load?
What will happen if you add more bulbs in
a series circuit?
The light gets dimmer because the more bulb
you add, the more current will decrease.
Very good! All of your answers are correct.
I. Evaluating learning
Identify the right answers. Write your
answer on the blank.
_____1. It serves as the pathway for the 1. Conductor
electrical current to pass from the source to 2. Series circuit
the different part of the circuit. 3. Source
_____2. It is a kind of circuit that allows 4. Static electricity
electric current to flow through a single path. 5. Current electricity
_____3. It contains positive and negative 6. Series circuit
electrons. It is the source of electrical energy 7. Parallel circuit
in the circuit. 8. Alessandro Volta
_____4.-5. Give the two kinds of electricity. 9. Load
_____6.-7. Give the two kinds of circuit. 10. Bonus
_____8. He discovered current electricity.
_____9. It determines if the electricity that
flows in the circuit is closed or complete.
_____10. Bonus

J. Additional activities for application or

A.No. of learners who earned 80% in the
B.No. of learners who require additional
activities for remediation
C.Did the remedial work? No. of learners
who have caught up with the lesson
D.Nof learners who continue to require
E.Which of my teaching strategies worked
well? Why did these work?
F.What difficulties did I encounter which
my principal or supervisor can help me
G.What innovation or localized materials
did used/discover which ai wish to share
with other teachers?

Prepared by: Shiella Mae O. Cardona

Prepared for: Mrs. Jorie C. Cacho

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