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DLP Electricity

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Region XI Grade Level Grade 8

GRADE 8 Teacher NIÑO G. COQUILLA Learning Science

DAILY Area Force, Motion and Energy
LESSON Teaching Dates
LOG Quarter 1ST Quarter
and Time

Session 1
A. Content Standards The Learners demonstrate an understanding of current- voltage-resistance relationship, electric
power, electric energy, and home circuitry

B. Performance
Not indicated in the Curriculum Guide
C. Learning The learner should be able to:
Competencies /
Objectives a. infer the relationship between current and charge; (S8FE-Ih-30 )
Write the LC code for b. construct a model of simple circuit
each c. describe the difference between closed and open circuits as applied to real life situations


A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide
TG pp. 35 – 46
2. Learner’s
LM pp. 53 - 61
Materials pages
3. Textbook pages Science and Technology IV: Physics Textbook for Fourth Year. Rabago, Lilia M., Ph.D., et al. 2001.
pp. 290-293.

PHOENIX: Exploring Life through Science pp. 380-388

4. Additional DLP (Distance Learning Program) Science and Health

Materials from Constructing a Model of an Electric Circuit Module 31
Resource (LR)
portal Project EASE - Experiencing Electricity Module 6
Project EASE – Electric Circuits Module 7
B. Other Learning

A. Reviewing previous ELICIT

lesson or presenting
the new lesson Option A. Option B. (Word Association)
(5 minutes)


B. Establishing a ENGAGE
purpose for the lesson

C. Presenting examples/
instances of the new
(20 minutes)

Each group will give their “#Hugot

Lines” about ELECTRICITY
Activity A.
Constructing a Model of an Electric Circuit

1 flashlight bulb
1 dry cell (1.5 V)
1 25cm insulated wire with end scrapped (or alligator wire)

What to do:
Part A.
1. Using the materials, arranged a circuit to light a bulb
2. Arrange the circuit as many as you can
3. Draw the diagram of the circuit you have just constructed and label it
4. Compare your circuit with other group
5. Note: use only one wire to light the bulb
D. Discussing new EXPLORE
concepts and Activity B.
practicing new skills What’s Inside the Circuit?
E. Discussing new Using Phet Simulation, try to manipulate the icons and construct your own model
concepts and of electric circuit. Try to trace the direction of the flow of charges in the circuit.
practicing new skills
#2 (15 minutes)

Answer the following:

1. What do you think is inside the circuit?
2. From what direction does it flow?
3. How does it relate with current?

F. Developing mastery EXPLAIN

(Leads to Formative
(5 minutes)
G. Finding practical ELABORATE
applications of
concepts and skills in Using the three basic principles/quantities of electricity, illustrate the relationship of electrons or
daily living more specifically known as the charges to each one of it. Expound your idea using the concept map
(10 minutes) below.
H. Making
generalizations and
abstractions about the ELECTRONS


I. Evaluating learning EVALUATE

(5 minutes) Answer the following in a ¼ sheet of paper
1. Which of these is a source of electrical energy?
a. Battery b. light bulb c. switch
2. Which of these controls the flow of electric current?
a. battery b. switch c. light bulb
3. When the switch is “ON” the electric circuit is…
a. open b. closed c. broken
4. How does the electric current move in a circuit?
a. From source to device and back to source
b. From the source to the source and back to the device.
C c. Both A and B.
5. Which of the circuits will current flow?
a. closed circuit b. open circuit c. short circuit

J. Additional activities EXTEND

for application or Activity C.
remediation Circuit Analogy

What you will need:

o Small marbles or perfectly rounded and smooth stones
o Transparent hose, with hole size big enough to accommodate the marbles or stones.

What to do:
Try stretching the hose over a flat surface. Initially, insert the marbles inside the
hose and label the positions of the marbles. Now place an additional marble on one end
of the hose. What do you notice? The marble on the other end moved, right? In other words,
the marbles “flowed”. This flow of marbles is analogous to the flow of electrons.
Before an electron moves from one place to another in a conductor, it needs to be
displaced by another electron.

Now, what should you do if you want a continuous flow of the marbles? One way is
to catch the marble that exits on one end and insert it again in the other end of the
hose. Surely, this is very laborious! There is another more practical way. Try creating
a loop using the hose, that is, connect the two ends of the hose. Create a movement
of the marbles. What do you notice now? Have you created a never ending loop?
This is the concept of electrical circuit: if we take a wire, or many wires joined end to
end, and loop them around so that they form a continuous pathway, we have the means to
support a uniform flow of electrons without having to resort to infinite sources and
destinations. Each electron advancing in a certain direction in a circuit pushes on the one in
front of it, which pushes on the one in front of it and so on. All we need to do is maintain this
flow by continuous means of motivation of these electrons.


A. No. of learners who
earned 80% on the
formative assessment
B. No. of learners who
require additional
activities for
C. Did the remedial
lessons work? No. of
learners who have
caught up with the
D. No. of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well?
Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or supervisor
can help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials did
I use/discover which I
wish to share with
other teachers?

Prepared by:

Tagum City National Comprehensive High School

Please write comments/suggestions for improvements


Evaluated by:

_______________________ _______________________ _______________________

____________________ ____________________ ___________________
Process Observer Process Observer Process Observer

Approved by:


Name : ________________________________ Grade/Section : __________________ Date : ___________

Activity A.
Constructing a Model of an Electric Circuit

1 flashlight bulb
1 dry cell (1.5 V)
1 25cm insulated wire with end scrapped (or alligator wire)

What to do:
Part A.
1. Using the materials, arranged a circuit to light a bulb
2. Arrange the circuit as many as you can
3. Draw the diagram of the circuit you have just constructed and label it
4. Compare your circuit with other group
5. Note: use only one wire to light the bulb

Answer the following:

a. What should the circuit be in order to light the bulb?

b. Why is it possible to light a bulb even though one wire is used?

Part B.
1. This time you add 2 connecting wires, a switch and a bulb holder
2. Create another model of an electric circuit
3. Close the open parts of the switch.

Answer the following:

1. What happened to the bulb? Why?

2. Describe the connections that made the bulb light up.

3. What components are needed to make an electric circuit that works?

4. How does a switch function?

5. Differentiate open circuit from a closed circuit

Name : ________________________________ Grade/Section : __________________ Date : ___________

Activity B.
What’s Inside the Circuit?


Using PhET Simulation, try to manipulate the icons and construct your own model
of electric circuit. Try to trace the direction of the flow of charges in the circuit.

Answer the following:

1. What do you think is inside the circuit?

2. From what direction does it flow?

3. How does it relate with current?


Using the three basic principles/quantities of electricity, illustrate the relationship of electrons
or more specifically known as the charges to each one of it. Expound your idea using the
concept map below.



Assignment :

Activity C.
Circuit Analogy

What you will need:

o Small marbles or perfectly rounded and smooth stones
o Transparent hose, with hole size big enough to accommodate the marbles or stones.

What to do:
Try stretching the hose over a flat surface. Initially, insert the marbles inside the
hose and label the positions of the marbles. Now place an additional marble on one end
of the hose. What do you notice? The marble on the other end moved, right? In other words,
the marbles “flowed”. This flow of marbles is analogous to the flow of electrons.
Before an electron moves from one place to another in a conductor, it needs to be
displaced by another electron.

Now, what should you do if you want a continuous flow of the marbles? One way is
to catch the marble that exits on one end and insert it again in the other end of the
hose. Surely, this is very laborious! There is another more practical way. Try creating
a loop using the hose, that is, connect the two ends of the hose. Create a movement
of the marbles. What do you notice now? Have you created a never ending loop?

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