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Cemtop 400SD

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Cemtop 400SD* constructive solutions

Cement based, self levelling, industrial floor surfacing

system - 6mm to 12mm

Uses Properties

Cemtop 400SD is designed as a thin layer industrial wearing The following results have been derived under laboratory
course for use in areas that are subjected to both foot and conditions, and may vary slightly from those achieved on site:
forklift traffic. Typical uses are for reinstatement of existing
floors or as a final wearing course on new concrete floors Compressive strength : 20 N/mm² @ 1day
where specified floor tolerances have not been achieved or (40 mm cubes cured at 35°C) 35 N/mm² @ 28 days
where, for speed of installation, the concrete floor has been Flexural strength : 9 N/mm2 at 28 days
left with a tamped finish. (Rectangular prisms cured
at 20°C and 65% RH)
It is suitable for use accross a wide range of industrial
BRE Impact Resistance : Class A at 28 days
environments, such as:
BS 8204:Part 1:1987 Highest rating
! Warehouses Minimum thickness : 6 mm
Maximum thickness : 12 mm
! Light to medium engineering operations
Traffic time @ 20-30°C :
! Car parks Foot traffic 2-4 hours
Light traffic 24 hours
Advantages Heavy traffic1 7 days

! Rapid application/installation - very fast application

Note : Excessive loading should be avoided for 7 days
enables large areas to be installed in a working day.
after application.
! Rapid strength gain and curing - allows speedy access
and minimises disruption and downtime. Specification

! Economic - more cost effective than equivalent resin based Floor areas so designed should be covered with Cemtop
systems. 400SD manufactured by Fosroc. The product shall achieve a
compressive strength of not less than 20 N/mm² at 1 day and
! Simple installation - eliminates time consuming and
not less than 35 N/mm² at 28 days plus a minimum flexural
labour intensive sand cement screeds.
strength of 9N/mm² at 28 days when tested to Fosroc approved
! Stable - can be installed in large jointless areas. test methods. It should also achieve an “A” rating for the BRE
(BS8204) test for Impact Resistance. The floor shall be
! Versatile - can be applied on floors subject to rising damp.
prepared as per the manufacturer’s current data sheets.
! Consistent performance - single pack eliminates need
for site batching and ensures consistency of mixed product. Design criteria

! Self levelling - minimal finishing required. - Cemtop 400SD is designed for application to concrete
substrates and sound sand-cement screeds at a
Description minimum thickness of 6mm to a maximum thickness of
Cemtop 400SD is a blend of selected cements, hard-wearing
graded aggregates modified with polymers and flow agents. - The substrate should have either a compressive strength
It is supplied as a dry, grey powder which requires only the of 25 N/mm² or a surface tensile strength in excess of
addition of water to produce a self smoothing, free flowing 1.25 N/mm² and a relative humidity not exceeding 75%
material, that can be laid to a chamfered edge. at the time of installation. The relative humidity must not
be greater than 80% if a Nitoflor resin based coating is
Cemtop 400SD may be applied by hand or by use of a
applied. Cracks and holes should be repaired with
continuous mixer pump.
recommended Fosroc products.
Cemtop 400SD*

- When installed, the product will follow the existing floor

gradient. If a floor with a particular slope is required it will
be necessary to use levelling equipment to obtain the
desired gradient.
Cemtop 400SD*

- New concrete floors should be at least 21 days old, prior When the first coat of the primer is touch dry, a second coat of
to application of Cemtop 400SD. Nitoprime 33 (1:3; primer to potable water ratio by volume)
should be applied to the substrate in the similar manner. For
- The substrate onto which the Cemtop 400SD is to be
highly porous substrates, a third coat of the primer may be
applied must be generally clean, sound and free from oil,
applied with Nitoprime 33 diluted at a ratio of 1:3.
grease and other contaminants.
Ponding of primer must be avoided as this can lead to failure
- Consult local Fosroc office for suitability of other floor
at the bond line.
substrates and floor repair products.
Installation by hand
Instructions for use
Areas smaller than 50m²
Surface preparation
New concrete floors
Only full bag mixing is permissible. Do not part mix, or add
These should normally have been placed for at least 21 days
further water to the mixed material in order to prolong
and have a moisture content of less than 5%. Floors should
workability. Either of these actions will result in an incorrect
be sound and free from contamination such as oil and grease,
water:powder ratio, and will compromise the final material
mortar and paint splashes or curing compound residues.
Excessive laitence can be removed by light mechanical
scabbling, grinding or grit blasting followed by thorough It is essential that Cemtop 400SD is thoroughly mixed and
washing with clean water, vacuum cleaning and allowing the that the temperature of the mixed material should not be
surface to dry. Light laitence can be removed by grinding or allowed to exceed 30°C.
blasting followed by vacuum cleaning to remove dust debris.
Measure out 4.75 litres of cool, potable water, into a suitably
Light oil and grease staining can be removed with degreasers
sized mixing vessel and mix a full 25 kg bag of Cemtop 400SD.
followed by washing with clean water.
It is suggested that the temperature of the water should not
Old concrete floors exceed 20°C, so that the temperature of the final mixed mortar
is not greater than 30°C.
Where deep seated contamination has occured, mechanical
methods such as blasting, grinding or scabbling should be Always add the powder to the water. Mix for 3 to 5 minutes
used to provide a suitable clean surface. until fully homogenous, using a 1 KW, slow speed drill (400 to
500 rpm) fitted to a Fosroc Mixing Paddle (MR3) attachment.
Any necessary repairs should be carried out using Renderoc
SXtra*† or Renderoc FC*†. Application
Priming Pour the mixed material, immediately upon completion of
The substrate should be thoroughly prepared as detailed mixing, on to the dry, primed surface, spread with a trowel and
above. allow to ‘self-level’.

The substrate should be presoaked with clean water for 4 Roll the surface with a spiked roller to promote the release of
hours immediately prior to application of Nitoprime 33*. Before any trapped air. Rolling should be done immediately after
proceeding with the application of Nitoprime 33, the surface placement of the material. Do not over roll and do not attempt
should be in a saturated surface dry condition, with no free to float finish the setting surface.
standing water. The required thickness must be achieved in one application.
The objective of priming the substrate is to ‘seal’ it, and thereby For best results, the pouring and levelling should be a
prevent release of air, rising from the substrate, and thus continuous process.
forming bubbles or pinholes in the surface of the Cemtop Note: If the mix stiffens, it should be discarded. Do not attempt
400SD. Additionally it aids adhesion between the two surfaces. to re-mix with water.
The substrate must be primed using Nitoprime 33 (1:5; primer
Installation by pump
to potable water ratio by volume) and allowed to dry. The primer
should be brushed into the floor by broom. Spray or roller This is a highly specialised activity and requires the use of an
application is not recommended as insufficent material will approved applicator, who has been fully trained in the use of
be applied. product and equipment, supplied by Fosroc.

Cemtop 400SD - Page 2 of 4

Cemtop 400SD*

Expansion joints (iii) Try to avoid application during the hottest times of
the day.
Expansion joints in the existing substrate must be retained
and continued through the Cemtop 400SD. Fosroc has a range (iv) Make sufficient material, plant and labour available to
of joint sealants specifically designed for flooring, consult your ensure that application is a continuous process.
local Fosroc office for more details.
- Concrete slabs onto which Cemtop 400SD is to be applied
Tools and equipment should be cleaned immediately by flushing must have a surface temperature of at least 5°C, with the
with water. Cured material can only be removed by mechanical air temperature maintained at 10°C, or more, during
means. application.
Curing - For temperatures above 35°C refer to Hot Weather
In normal conditions, Cemtop 400SD does not require curing, Working.
but in harsh climatic conditions of direct sunlight, drying winds - Prevent freezing of Cemtop 400SD for 48 hours from
etc., freshly hardened surfaces should be covered completely placement.
with a polythene sheet for 2 days.
- Cemtop 400SD should not be applied to asphalt
Coating substrates.
In areas that are subject to regular water immersion or chemical - If the substrate onto which Cemtop 400SD is applied
attack from acids or organic solvent, it will be appropriate to moves or cracks, reflective cracking may occur.
protect Cemtop 400SD with an epoxy floor coating such as
Nitoflor FC130*† or Nitoflor FC140*†. - Only suitable for use out of direct sunlight and/or drying
winds during application and initial curing period
The first coat of the epoxy floor coating should be applied within
2-6 hours of installation of Cemtop 400SD and the second coat Technical support
should be applied after the first coat is dry, typically 12-18 hours.
In areas where high chemical resistance is required, the first Fosroc offers a comprehensive technical support service to
coat shall be Nitoflor FC130 with the second coat being Nitoflor specifiers, end users and contractors. It is also able to offer
FC140. on-site technical assistance, an AutoCAD facility and dedicated
specification assistance in locations all over the world.

Where Cemtop 400SD has not been overcoated, it may be Estimating

cleaned with a proprietary rotary scrubbing machines. It should Supply
not be cleaned with strong alkaline based cleaning agents.

If Cemtop 400SD has been overcoated with any of the Nitoflor Cemtop 400SD : 25 kg bags
range of resin floor coatings, contact your local Fosroc office for Nitoprime 33 : 25 lt containers
cleaning procedures. concentrate

Hot weather working Coverage

It is suggested that, for temperatures above 35°C, the following
guidelines are adopted as good working practice: Cemtop 400SD : 14.8 litres per 25kg bag
Nitoprime 33 : 5m²/ltres per 2 coats
(i) Store unmixed materials in a cool (preferably concentrate 3m²/ltres per 3 coats
temperature controlled) environment, avoiding
exposure to direct sunlight. Note: Coverage figures given are theoretical - due to wastage
factors and the variety and nature of substrates,
(ii) Keep equipment cool, arranging shade protection if
practical coverage figures may be reduced, this will
necessary. It is especially important to keep cool those
vary with site and application conditions.
surfaces of the equipment which will come into direct
contact with the material itself.

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Cemtop 400SD*

Storage Additional Information

Shelf life Fosroc manufactures a wide range of complementary

products which include :
Cemtop 400SD has a shelf life of 6 months and Nitoprime 33
has a shelf life of 12 months, when stored in warehouse ! waterproofing membranes & waterstops
conditions below 20°C in the original, unopened packs.
! joint sealants & filler boards

Precautions ! cementitious & epoxy grouts

Health and safety ! specialised flooring materials

Cemtop 400SD contains certain powders which, when mixed Fosroc additionally offers a comprehensive package of
with water or become damp, release alkalis which can be products specifically designed for the repair and
harmful to the skin. refurbishment of damaged concrete. Fosroc’s ‘Systematic
Approach’ to concrete repair features the following :
During use, avoid inhalation of the dust and contact with the
skin or eyes. Wear suitable protective clothing - eye protection, ! hand-placed repair mortars
gloves and respiratory equipment (particularly in confined
! spray grade repair mortars
! fluid micro-concretes
The use of barrier creams to provide additional skin protection
is also advised. In case of contact with the skin, rinse with ! chemically resistant epoxy mortars
plenty of clean water, then cleanse thoroughly with soap and
! anti-carbonation/anti-chloride protective coatings
! chemical and abrasion resistant coatings
In case of contact with eyes, rinse immediately with plenty of
clean water and seek medical advice. If swallowed seek For further information on any of the above, please consult
medical attention immediately - do not induce vomiting. your local Fosroc office - as below.


Cemtop 400SD is non-flammable.

For further information, please refer to the respective Product

Material Safety Data Sheet.

Excessive loading should be avoided for 7 days after

* Denotes the trademark of Fosroc International Limited

See separate data sheet

Important note
Fosroc products are guaranteed against defective materials and manufacture and are sold subject to its standard
Conditions for the Supply of Goods and Service. All Fosroc datasheets are updated on a regular basis. It is the user’s
responsibility to obtain the recent version. Refer to

Head Office
Al Gurg Fosroc telephone: (+9714) 2039699 fax: (+9714) 2859649 email:
LLC Regional offices
Abu Dhabi, Al Gurg Fosroc telephone: 673 1779 fax: 673 1449 email:
Post Box 657, Dubai Bahrain, YBA Kanoo telephone: 17735454 fax: 17732828 email:
United Arab Emirates Kuwait, Boodai telephone: 4817618 fax: 4832124 email:
Oman, Al Amana telephone: 24815080 fax: 24817554 email:
Qatar, Tadmur telephone: 4500607 fax: 4500543 email:


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