Conbextra EP120: High Strength, Epoxy Resin Grout
Conbextra EP120: High Strength, Epoxy Resin Grout
Conbextra EP120: High Strength, Epoxy Resin Grout
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Conbextra EP 120
Mixing Limitations
- Grouts should not be placed in any unrestrained situation,
The entire contents of the hardener can should be poured i.e. base plate plinths, etc. Failure to comply may lead to
into the base container and mixed until homogeneous. crack development in the grout.
Place the mixed base and hardener into a suitable forced
action mixer making sure that the entire volume is poured Estimating
in. Add the aggregate and mix for 2-3 minutes or until
uniform colour is achieved. Once mixed, the material must
be used within the specified pot life (see under Properties). Supply
After this time, unused material will have stiffened and Conbextra EP120 : 10 litre packs
should be discarded. Nitoprime 25 : 1 and 4 litre packs
Fosroc Solvent 102 : 5 litre packs
Note: Immediately prior to placement, all surfaces must be Coverage
dry. Nitoprime 25 : 4.0 t0 5.0 m2/litre
Placing Storage
Ensure that the grout can be placed within its pot life. When stored in warehouse conditions below 35°C,
Continuous grout flow is essential. Sufficient grout must be Conbextra EP120 will have a shelf life of 12 months.
available prior to starting and the time taken to pour a batch
must be regulated to the time taken to prepare the next one. Precautions
Pouring should be from one side of the void to eliminate air
entrapment. The hydrostatic head must be maintained at all
Health and safety
times so that a continuous grout front is achieved.
Some people are sensitive to epoxy resin so gloves and a
Cleaning barrier cream such as Kerodex 71, Rozalex 9, Debba-Wet
Work or similar should be used when handling these
All tools and equipment should be cleaned immediately after products. If contact with the resin occurs, it must be
use with Fosroc Solvent 102*. removed before it hardens with a resin removing cream
such as Kerocleanse 22 or Rozalex 42. Follow by washing
Hot weather working with soap and water.
Important note
Fosroc products are guaranteed against defective materials and manufacture and are sold subject to its standard Conditions for the
PT.FOSROC Supply of Goods and Services, copies of which may be obtained on request. Whilst Fosroc endeavours to ensure that any advice,
recommendation, specification of information it may give is accurate and correct, it cannot, because it has no direct or continuous control
over where or how its products are applied, accept any liability either directly or indirectly arising from the use of its products, whether or
not in accordance with any advice, specification, recommendation of information given by it.
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