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Prescribed Screed Technical Data Sheet

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Ver Nov 2020

Product Data Sheet No. 110/02

INTRODUCTION time, normally usable for 8 – 12 hours from the

Tarmac prescribed ready-to-use cement:sand time of mixing.
levelling screed is a correctly proportioned factory • Water conforming to BS EN 1008, to give the
produced levelling screed for flooring and roofing optimum semi-dry consistency for easy laying
applications. Available from factories situated and thorough compaction.
throughout mainland United Kingdom, Tarmac
screeds normally contain a retarding admixture in Where it is intended to pump the material, notify
order to remain workable for 8 – 12 hours. your local sales office allowing reasonable time
before work is due to commence.

Tarmac traditional prescribed ready-to-use DENSITY
cement:sand factory produced screed materials Typical Test Results Density kg/m3
conform to in house quality and operating
standards. Produced screed materials conform to Fresh wet un-compacted 1,850 – 2,000
the requirements of BS EN 13813. Compacted set and air dried 2,000 – 2,200

Prescribed screed should be used in accordance

with the recommendations of Codes of Practice BS
8000:Part 0/9 and BS 8204:Part 1.
Results based on prisms made, cured and tested in
accordance with the requirements of BS EN 13892-
Tarmac prescribed ready-to-use cement:sand
Tarmac traditional prescribed screed, Results based
screeds are thoroughly mixed accurately controlled
on cubes, made, cured and tested in accordance
blends of the following materials:
with in-house standard operating procedures.

• Well-graded fine aggregate (sand) conforming

to BS EN 12620/ BS EN 13139.
• Portland cement conforming to BS EN 197-1.
• Limestone fines for use with Portland Cement
conforming to BS 7979.
• Retarding/water reducing admixture conforming
to BS EN 934-2/3 giving the optimum working

The information given in this technical data sheet is based on our current knowledge
For more details contact: and is intended to provide general notes on our products and their uses. Tarmac
03701 116 116 endeavour to ensure that the information given is accurate, but accept no liability for its
use or its suitability for particular application because of the product being used by the
third party without our supervision. Any existing intellectual property right must be

Strength In cold conditions adequate precautions must be
Minimum taken against freeze thaw. No antifreeze chemicals
or accelerating admixtures should be added to the
strength at
Designation prescribes N/mm2 to screed material.
28 days
proportions BS EN
N/mm2 to BS
EN 13813 Compatibility
Tarmac prescribed ready-to-use cement:sand
A 1:3 30 3
levelling screed is compatible with all normal
B 1:4 20 2 building materials, but wet cementitious materials
may attack certain metals e.g. aluminium.
C 1:5 16 1
Table 1 – Screed material strength classes. These results are
indicative and may be subject to change.
No problems should occur if the correct screed
Typical Hardening Times material has been specified, but Tarmac prescribed
Light foot traffic 4 days. Site traffic 7 days*. ready-to-use cement:sand levelling screed is not
designed as a wearing surface and should always
*Where site trafficking is anticipated from following trades before be covered with a flooring material.
flooring is laid, protection must be provided. Levelling screeds are
not wearing surfaces, therefore the surface should be given
adequate protection against damage or wear during subsequent
building operations and until the flooring is laid, this protection HEALTH & SAFETY
would be in the form of plywood boards. There is a real danger of contact dermatitis or
serious burns. To prevent skin coming into contact
For information regarding point loading of screed the please refer
with wet cement mixes such as fresh concrete,
to our Site Guide No.8.
mortar or screed ensure that suitable protective
clothing and eye protection us worn. Where skin
Typical Drying Times
contact occurs either directly or through saturated
Allow approximately one month per 25mm of
clothing wash immediately with soap and water. For
thickness. Where the screed is above 50mm, any
eye contact, immediately wash out eyes thoroughly
thickness above 50mm should be allowed to dry for
with clean water. If swallowed wash out mouth and
two months per 25mm of thickness. Where the
drink plenty of water.
concrete base has excessive moisture content these
For further information please refer to Tarmac
times should be increased. High humidity or low
Material Safety Data Sheet – Screeds.
temperature will also delay the drying out process.
As the drying times indicated apply from the
completion of any curing operations, the flooring
contractor must check the moisture content of the
Suitable for use on the following bases:
screed prior to laying the final floor finish**.
1. Solid concrete ground floor slabs:
a. Directly in contact with the slab
**NOTE: Do not use hot air blowers, underfloor
heating, or any other means of accelerating the
b. With suitable damp proof membrane
drying of the screed. In all cases the room
between slab and screed (unbonded)
should be heated and not the screed.
c. Over insulation layer to isolate the
screed form the base (floating).
Fire Protection
2. Precast concrete units or beams with
Tarmac prescribed ready-to-use cement sand
levelling screed contains less than 1.0% organic
3. In situ suspended floors.
material and is non- combustible.
4. As a topping to lightweight screeds based on
perlite or other lightweight aggregates.
Effect of Freeze Thaw
5. Certain other situations – refer to the technical

The above applications are subject to the minimum APPLICATION
thicknesses given in the section on
Construction/Sitework Bonded Construction
(Minimum thickness 40mm)
Economics The bond between the base and levelling screed will
One tonne of screed material will have an depend on the thoroughness with which the base
appropriate volume of 0.43 – 0.48m3. Table 2 shows has been prepared. A bonding agent such as
the approximate coverage area per tonne for a Tarmac SB Admixture can be used to obtain a good
range of thicknesses. bond. The bonding agent should be used in a slurry
with cement in place of the normal cement and
Coverage Coverage water (3 volumes cement: 2 volumes Tarmac SB
Thickness Area Area Admixture) and the screed is laid before the slurry
Thickness dries or sets.
mm m2/tonne m2/tonne
(approx.) (approx.)
Unbonded Construction
10 45.0 45 10.0 (Minimum thickness 50mm)
15 30.0 50 9.0 When no bond is possible between levelling screed
and base, the screed should be at least 50mm thick
20 22.5 55 8.2
or, if containing heating pipes a minimum of 65mm
25 18.0 60 7.5 thick.

30 15.0 65 7.0
Floating Screed
35 13.0 70 6.5 (Minimum thickness 75mm / 65mm for light
40 11.0 75 6.0
A levelling screed that is laid on a compressible
Table 2: Approximate coverage area of screed material
Note: Slight variations in sub-base levels will affect the coverage
layer such as thermal or sound insulating material
should be at least 65mm thick or, if containing
heating pipes a minimum of 75mm thick. All conduits
CONSTRUCTION/SITE WORK should be firmly fixed covered with suitable crack
control mesh and given a minimum cover of 25mm.
Site storage BS 8204-1 recommends that where possible pipes
Tarmac ready-to-use cement:sand screed should be and conduits should not be laid within the thickness
tipped on to a clean banker board with a sealed of a levelling screed.
base and sheeted to protect it from the elements.
Do not tip new deliveries onto the remains of the NOTE: Levelling screeds should be divided into
previous load. bays only if they are to contain under floor heating
pipes or are intended to receive an in situ floor
Preparation finish.
The base concrete must be clean and in particular
free from lime, gypsum, plaster, dust, soil, clay, oil or Topping to Lightweight Screeds
grease. The base concrete should be swept to A smooth surface can be given to lightweight
remove all loose material and wetted with clean screeds which will enable point loadings to be
water, where the levelling screed is to be placed in carried.
direct contact with the base. Just before laying the The normal thickness will be of the order of 10-
screed, an appropriate bonding material should be 15mm and if necessary the suction of the lightweight
brushed into the surface, care being taken that this screed should be controlled by wetting with clean
neither forms deep pools or dries before the screed water
is placed.

Tarmac provides a comprehensive sales and
technical advisory service to specifiers and
Laying customers.
Reference should be made to Code of Practice BS A quality system has been implemented throughout
8204-1. the company since 1975 and quality procedures are
in conformity with BS EN ISO 9001:2015
The material should be spread on the prepared All Tarmac factories hold third party certification
base with adequate surcharge, it is important to from the British Standards Institution. Details of the
compact the screed thoroughly and evenly over the certification status of individual factories may be
whole area, either by tamping or by mechanical obtained from the Technical Helpdesk.
means and then level with a screed board. For
many floor finishes the screed must be finished with
a steel trowel to give it a smooth dense surface. For PRICES AND CONDITIONS OF SALE
such a finish the screed should be allowed to stiffen Prices vary according to mix design, quantity and
slightly and then worked with the trowel which will delivery point. For specific quotations contact your
make a ringing sound when the correct action is local Tarmac representative or call our National
being used. Excessive towelling should be avoided Sales Helpline on 03701 116 116.
as this brings a layer of cement laitance to the
surface where it may craze and dust. All quotations given, orders placed and materials
supplied are subject to the Conditions of Sale
To aid compaction of thicker cement:sand levelling available via download from the Tarmac website
screeds, i.e. over 50mm thickness, the screed may or upon request from your nearest
be laid in two layers. Both layers should be of Tarmac Regional Office.
approximately equal thickness and the identical mix
and water content.
The first layer should be thoroughly compacted Tarmac ready-to-use cement:sand levelling screed
using heavy tamping or a weighted roller. The is available direct from Tarmac factories located
second layer should be laid as soon as possible, i.e. strategically throughout mainland United Kingdom:
within 2 hours after compaction of the lower layer contact your nearest Tarmac Building Product
(monolithically). Regional Office for further details

The most common cause of screed failure is

poor compaction. ORDERING
When ordering state product designation, quantity,
Curing date and time of delivery, 24 hours should normally
Screeds should be protected from damage after be allowed for deliver.
laying. To achieve the full performance of Tarmac
ready-to-use cement: sand levelling screeds
adequate curing is essential and the screed must be DELIVERY
covered with plastic sheeting or other suitable Bulk loads in tipper road trucks generally up to 10-
material to retain moisture for at least seven days. 20 tonnes or 7-8 tonne steel skips (where available).
Whilst damping down of the surface before covering The skips reduce wastage and prevent
is acceptable, saturation of the screed, e.g. by contamination.
prolonged hosing is not recommended.


British Standards Institute

BS EN 197-1:2011 Cement Part 1: Composition, specifications, and conformity criteria for

common cements

BS 7979 : 2016 Specification for limestone fines for use with Portland cement

BS EN 1008:2002 Mixing water for concrete – specification for sampling, testing and
assessing the suitability of water, including water recovered from
processes in the concrete industry, as mixing water for concrete

BS EN 12620:2002+A1 2008 Aggregates for concrete

BS EN 13139:2002 Aggregates for mortar

BS EN 934 Part 1: 2008 Admixtures for concrete, mortar and grout:

Part 2: 2009+A1:2012 Concrete admixtures – definitions,
requirements, conformity, marking and labelling

BS 8000-0: 2014 Workmanship on construction site. Introduction and general principles

BS 8000-9: 2003 Workmanship on building sites. Cementitious levelling screeds and

wearing screeds. Code Of Practice.

BS 8204 Screeds bases and in situ floorings.

Part 1: 2003+A1:2009 Concrete bases and cement sand levelling
screeds to receive floorings – Code of Practice.

BS EN 13501 Fire classification of construction products and building elements

Part 1: 2007+A1:2009 Classification using test data from fire reaction

BS EN 13813:2002 Screed material and floor screeds – screed material – properties and

BS EN 13892 Method of test for screed materials (A multipart standard)

Part 2: 2002 Determination of flexural and compressive strength

British Cement Association*

Publication 48.46 Construction Guide: Laying floor screeds


Product Data Sheet no. 110/05 Tarmac Truscreed and Truscreed HD

Product Data Sheet no. 110/06 Tarmac Tufscreed

Product Data Sheet no. 110/03 Tarmac Truscreed 5

Product Data Sheet no. 110/01 Tarmac Screeds

Site Guide No. 4 Tarmac SB Admixture for Masonry. Screed and Rendering

Site Guide No. 2 Tarmac Screeds, Truscreed and Truscreed HD

Site Guide No. 8 Tarmac Point Loading Guidelines

Tarmac Safety Data Sheet Screeds

Withdrawn British Standards Institute References

BS 4721 : 1981 (1986) Specification for ready-mixed building mortars.

*Current version applicable to all references


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