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Sikabond-T55 For Self Levelling

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PRODUCT DESCRIPTION ▪ Fast-curing: unfinished wood flooring can be sanded

after 12 hours of cure time
SikaBond®-T55 is a low-VOC, super-strong, one ▪ Suitable for most common types of wood floors
component polyurethane adhesive for full surface ▪ Especially good for problematic woods such as beech
woodfloor bonding. Along with its physical and bamboo
▪ Bonds solid wood flooring up to 19 mm (¾ in.) thick
characteristics, including permanent
and 203 m (8 in) wide, and engineered planks up to
elasticity, SikaBond®-T55 has been specifically
355 mm (14 in) wide directly to concrete without
formulated to be exceptionally easy to trowel,
length limitations
preventing arm strain and increasing productivity. ▪ Suitable for in-floor radiant heat installation
▪ Permanently elastic; allows planks to expand and
WHERE TO USE contract without reduction of bond.
▪ Does not contain water
▪ Bonding of solid and engineered wood flooring (strips, ▪ Suitable for bonding wood floors directly onto old
longstrips, planks, panels, boards) mosaic parquet, ceramic tiles eliminating need for removal
industrial parquet, wood paving (residential) as well as ▪ Footfall-sound-dampening adhesive, helping to
chipboards create a quieter environment
▪ Eliminate sleepers and plywood over concrete


▪ Reduces stress on the substrate: the elastic, material-
compatible adhesive reduces transverse stress ▪ VOC Content: 53 g/L - SCAQMD, Rule 1168 compliant
between the wood floor and the substrate (100 g/L limit for Wood Flooring Adhesive Category)
▪ Extremely easy to spread, helping to accelerate
installation and increasing productivity

Packaging 18.9 L (5 US gal.) pail
Colour Tan
Shelf Life 12 months from date of manufacture, if stored in undamaged, original,
sealed containers.
Storage Conditions Store dry at temperatures between 10 and 25 °C (50 and 77 °F) and protect
from direct sunlight.

Product Data Sheet

May 2022, Version 01.01

Density 1.34 kg/L (11 lb/gal)

Shore A Hardness 35 (28 days at +23 °C (73 °F) and 50 % R.H.)

Tensile Strength 1.5 MPa (217 psi) (28 days at +23 °C (73 °F) and 50 % R.H.)

Elongation at Break ~400 % (28 days at +23 °C (73 °F) and 50 % R.H.)

Shear Strength ~1 MPa (145 psi) using 1 mm adhesive (28 days at +23 °C (73 °F) and 50 %
thickness R.H.)

Service Temperature -40 °C to +70 °C (-40 °F to 158 °F)

Consumption P5 Trowel: approx. 1.23 m2/L (50 ft2/US gal.)
In cases of bonding of long, wide boards or of uneven substrates, it may be
necessary to use a trowel with larger notches to increase the thickness of the
adhesive layer. Avoid hollow sections or bare patches. Excessive amounts of
adhesive may cause the wood flooring to slide.

Sag Flow Consistency: Spreads very easily, holds ridges after troweling.
Substrate Moisture Content Moisture requirements are set forth to protect the wood flooring products
that can expand and contract with different moisture levels. SikaBond®-T55 is
not affected by moisture or vapor transmission. The guidelines below are
included to provide the best practices in moisture vapor testing that exists
today. Permissible substrate moisture contents are listed on the chart below.
For more information on the use of the CM method please contact your Sika
Canada Technical Sales Representative.
Application Moisture level Moisture level
requirements using requirements using CM
Tramex method (%) method (%)
3/4” solid or engineered 4% 2.5 %
over concrete
3/4” solid or engineered 6% 4.0 %
over concrete with Sika®
MB layer
3/4” solid or engineered 3% 1.8 %
over in-floor heating
over concrete

Product Data Sheet

May 2022, Version 01.01

The National Wood Flooring Association recommends the use of moisture
testing devices that identify actual moisture content in percentages (%). For
best results in measuring the moisture levels in cement based subfloor use
the Tramex measuring device to find the highest reading in the application
area and then run the CM method at that highest point to determine the
worst case. As a general guideline for floors with no in-floor heating if the
Tramex is below 4 % the Sika® MB will not be necessary and between 4 % and
6 % Sika® MB will be required - however, the CM method must be used to
make final determination of concrete moisture levels – use chart above. For
moisture content and quality of substrates the guidelines of wood floor
manufacturer must be observed.
Curing Rate 4 mm /24 hours. Floor may accept light foot traffic after 4 hours and be
sanded 12 hours after installation (depending on installation conditions and
adhesive layer thickness).
Skin Time / Laying Time ~45 to 60 minutes (at +23 °C (73 °F) and 50 % R.H.)

BASIS OF PRODUCT DATA to ensure accuracy of application.

▪ Cutback or other asphaltic based residue should be
Product properties are typically averages, obtained removed.
▪ Chemically treated woods (ammonia, wood stain,
under laboratory conditions. Reasonable variations can
timber preservatives, etc.) and woods with high oil
be expected on-site due to local factors, including
content must be tested for adhesive prior to
environment, preparation, application, curing and test
methods. Properties tested at +23 °C (73 °F) and 50 % ▪ Adhesive should be kept above +15 °C (59 °F) for best
R.H. unless stated otherwise. workability.
▪ Sufficient ambient moisture is necessary for proper
▪ When bonding solid wood Sika Canada recommends
▪ SikaBond®-T55 is suitable for experienced applicators. the use of straps to fully connect tongue and groove –
▪ Maximum wood size: solid wood < 203 mm (< 8 in) especially when wood pieces are not perfectly straight
wide and engineered wood < 355 mm (< 14 in) wide. – ensure starter rows are set and properly cured to
▪ Room temperatures should be between +15 °C (59 °F) handle tension from straps.
and +32 °C (89 °F) during installation unless otherwise ▪ Installations over in-floor radiant heating require that
specified limitations by wood flooring manufacturer. slab temperature be kept below +20 °C (68 °F) during
▪ Do not use on wet, contaminated or friable substrates. installation and for 48 hours after installation - then
▪ When needed, Sika Canada recommends the use of raised slowly up to final desired temperature
Sika® Level patching and levelling compounds for best (Maximum allowed temperature is +29 °C (84 °F). Sika
results. recommends raising floor temperature +1 °C (2 °F)
▪ Below grade installations are typically more difficult to every 48 hours until desired temperature is reached.
control moisture and room humidity levels - if this ▪ Do not use on PE, PP, TEFLON, and certain plasticized
cannot be done sufficiently then below grade synthetic materials. Some primers can also negatively
applications should use structurally sound engineered influence the bond of SikaBond®-T55. Carry out pre-
hardwood only. start trials on unusual substrates and where existing
▪ Do not use in areas subject to hydrostatic head or in primers remain to assess compatibility and adhesion.
areas subject to secondary source of moisture. ▪ Wood floors in non insulated areas such as basements,
▪ Do not apply or cure in the presence of uncured or other areas without a damp proof membrane, must
silicone sealants, alcohol and other solvent cleaners. only be installed after the application of Sika® Primer
▪ Do not use over concrete with curing compounds, MBCA to control the moisture, if within product
sealers or other surface treatments that could impact limitations. For detailed instructions, consult the Sika®
the adhesion. Primer MBCA Product Data Sheet or contact your Sika
▪ This adhesive will not prevent moisture related
Canada Technical Sales Representative.
damage to wood flooring installations.
▪ Sub-floor should be level - do not use adhesive as a
▪ In case of an uneven substrate, it may be necessary to
use a notched trowel with larger notches (avoid hollow User must read the most recent corresponding Safety
sections or bare patches). Improper trowel angle may Data Sheets (SDS) before using any products. The SDS
prevent proper coverage. Coverage must be monitored provides information and advice on the safe handling,
storage and disposal of chemical products and contains

Product Data Sheet

May 2022, Version 01.01

physical, ecological, toxicological and other safety- Substrate Temperature: During laying and until
related data. SikaBond®-T55 has fully cured, substrate temperature
should be greater than 15 °C (59 °F) and in case of in-
APPLICATION INSTRUCTIONS floor heating systems, less than +20 °C (68 °F). For
substrate temperatures, the standard construction rules

Preparation is a critical step in the installation process Air Temperature: Room temperature must be between
and will ensure a successful, long-term, tenacious bond. +15 °C (59 °F) and +32 °C (90 °F). For ambient
Substrates must be structurally sound, clean, dry, level, temperatures, the standard construction rules are
free of voids, projections, loose materials. They must be relevant. Follow all wood floor manufacturer’s
free of oil, grease, sealers or any contaminants or acclimation and room temperature requirements.
conditions that may affect adhesion or overall product
performances. They should be thoroughly cleaned with Substrate Humidity: Moisture requirements are set forth
an industrial vacuum fitted with a brush attachment. For to protect wood flooring products that can expand and
substrates with old, non-water soluble well-bonded contract with different moisture levels in the
adhesive or adhesive residue (other than adhesives with room. SikaBond®-T55 is not affected by moisture or
pressure-sensitive characteristics), use Sika® Primer MB vapour transmission. The guidelines below are included
CA. See relevant Product Data Sheet for application
to provide the best practices in moisture vapour testing
instructions and proper details. that exists today. Permissible substrate moisture
contents are listed below:
SikaBond®-T55 can generally be used without priming on Application Moisture level
properly prepared, structurally sound - concrete, cement requirements using
floors, chipboards, ceramic tiles, plywood and Tramex method (%)
hardwood. For on-grade sub-floors Sika recommends 19 mm (3/4 in) solid or 4%
the use of Sika® Primer MBCA for best protection against engineered wood over
sub-floor moisture For best results with the wood concrete
flooring products, moisture testing is required by the 19 mm (3/4 in) solid or 6%
wood flooring manufacturer. Below grade applications engineered wood over
are generally not recommended unless proper concrete with Sika® Primer
precautions are taken to protect the wood flooring from MBCA layer
extremes of sub-floor and in-room humidity. 19 mm (3/4 in) solid or 3%
engineered wood over in-
For application over ceramic tiles, it is necessary to grind floor heating over concrete
tile surfaces, removing any glaze and producing a matt,
fine gripping surface and then clean thoroughly with an The NWFA (National Wood Flooring Association)
industrial vacuum with a brush attachment. recommends the use of moisture testing devices that
If surface contains asphalt (cutback) adhesive, follow the identify actual moisture content in percentages (%). For
Resilient Floor Covering Institute’s “Recommended best results in measuring the moisture levels in cement
Work Practices” for removal. When the asphalt based sub-floors, use a Tramex moisture meter to find
(cutback) adhesive is sufficiently removed, use the Sika® the highest reading in the application area. As a general
Primer MBCA to help promote adhesion to the sub-floor, guideline for floors with no in-floor heating, if the
or use a Sika Level primer and levelling compound over Tramex reading is below 4 %, the Sika® Primer MBCA will
the cutback residue. SikaBond®-T55 will adhere to most not be necessary; and between 4 % and 6 %, Sika®
common patching/levelling compounds. Due to Primer MBCA will be required. For moisture content and
differences in asphalt based adhesive types and quality of substrates, the wood floor manufacturer’s
performance capabilities; applicator must verify that guidelines should be observed.
preparation of the surface is sufficient prior to using
Sika® Primer MBCA or the Sika Level compound. For Relative Air Humidity: Between 40 % and 70 %
unknown substrates, contact your Sika Canada Technical
Sales Representative.

Product Data Sheet

May 2022, Version 01.01

Read this Product Data Sheet completely prior to
starting installation. SikaBond®-T55 is applied to the The information, and in particular, the
properly prepared substrate directly from the pail and recommendations relating to the application and end-
uniformly distributed by notched trowel. Take care to use of Sika products, are given in good faith based on
place only enough adhesive to allow sufficient time to Sika’s current knowledge and experience of the products
place wood flooring into adhesive while adhesive is still when properly stored, handled and applied under
very wet. A general rule is to apply the wood flooring normal conditions in accordance with Sika's
within 20 to 25 minutes of applying the adhesive under recommendations. In practice, the differences in
normal temperature and humidity conditions. materials, substrates and actual site conditions are such
The SikaBond®-T55 is a moisture cured adhesive and will that no warranty in respect of merchantability or of
cure faster in more humid environments. - Do not let a fitness for a particular purpose, nor any liability arising
skin form on the adhesive prior to applying the wood out of any legal relationship whatsoever, can be inferred
flooring. Press the wood floor elements firmly into the either from this information, or from any
adhesive so that the wood floor underside is sufficiently recommendations, or from any other advice offered.
wetted. The elements can then be joined together using The information contained herein does not relieve the
a hammer and an impact block and/or rubber mallet. user of the products from testing them for the intended
Many types of wood floors have to be tapped from the application and purpose. The proprietary rights of third
top. Leave gaps at room perimeters and at any floor wall parties must be observed. All orders are accepted
partition to allow wood flooring to move naturally The subject to our current terms of sale and delivery. Users
wood floor manufacturer’s laying instructions, as well as must always refer to the most recent issue of the local
standard construction rules, must be observed. Product Data Sheet for the product concerned, copies of
which will be supplied on request or may be
Note: Wood floor manufacturer’s requirements for downloaded from our website at:
room humidity levels and environmental control along
with wood flooring acclimatization requirements must
be strictly followed. For solid wood installations, Sika
Canada recommends the use of clamps to keep joints
tight and weights to rest on the wood while the
adhesive cures.
All tools should be cleaned immediately after use with
Sika® Urethane Cleaner and Thinner. Any adhesive that is
permitted to cure on the tools will need to be removed
by mechanical means. Use a dry cloth and Sika® Hand
Cleaner towels to remove adhesive from pre-finished
wood surfaces before it cures. Finger prints or small
amounts of adhesive residue can be removed from pre-
finished wood using the Sika® Hand Cleaner towels. Sika®
Hand Cleaner towels use a citrus based cleanser that will
not harm the floor finish.

Note that as a result of specific local regulations the
declared data and recommended uses for this product
may vary from country to country. Consult the local
Product Data Sheet for exact product data and uses.

Sika Canada Inc. Other locations

Head Office Boisbriand (Quebec)
601, avenue Delmar Brantford; Cambridge;
Pointe-Claire, Quebec Sudbury; Toronto (Ontario)
H9R 4A9 Edmonton (Alberta)
1-800-933-SIKA Surrey (British Columbia)


Product Data Sheet

May 2022, Version 01.01


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