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ME 231 Gomes Whharris 2-8-18SOLUTION

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Two kg of Refrigerant 134A undergoes a polytropic process in a piston-cylinder assembly from

an initial state of saturated vapor at 2 bar to a final state of 12 bar, 80oC. Determine the work for
the process, in kJ.

KNOWN: Refrigerant 134A undergoes a polytropic process in a piston-cylinder assembly.

FIND: Determine the work.


m = 2 kg .2 12 bar
80oC pvn = constant

ENGINEERING MODEL: 1. The refrigerant is a

2 bar

closed system. 2. The process is polytropic: pvn =

constant. v

ANALYSIS: The work for the polytropic process is determined using Eq. 2.17, with pvn =
constant. Following the procedure of part (a) of Ex. 2.1

W= (*)

In order to evaluate this expression, we need to determine the specific volumes and the
polytropic exponent, n.

State 1: From Table A-11; v1 = vg1 = 0.0993 m3/kg

State 2: From Table A-12, at 12 bar, 80oC; v2 = 0.02051 m3/kg

The polytropic exponent is found from pvn = constant as follows.

→ → n = ln(p1/p2) / ln(v2/v1)

n = ln(2/12) / ln(0.02051/0.0993) = 1.136

Inserting values in Eq. (*) and converting units, we get


W= = -69.88 kJ (in)

Determine the volume, in m3, occupied by 2 kg of H2O at 100 bar, 400oC, using (a) data from the
compressibility chart, (b) data from the steam tables.

Compare the results of parts (a) and (b) and discuss.

V = ??
m = 2 kg
p = 100 bar
T = 400oC

(a) Using the compressibility chart, first we need to determine the reduced pressure and
temperature. From Table A-1:
pc = 220.9 bar and Tc = 647.3 K

pR = p/pc = (100)/(220.9) = 0.45

→ (Figure A-1): z ≈ 0.86
TR = T/Tc = (400 + 273.15)/(647.3) = 1.04

Now, we can calculate the specific volume as follows.

v= = (0.86) = 0.0267 m3/kg

So, the volume is: V = m v = (2)(0.0267) = 0.0534 m3

(b) From Table A-4 at 100 bar, 400oC; v = 0.02641 m3/kg

Thus, V = m v = (2)(0.02641) = 0.05282 m3

Comments: The compressibility chart gives a fairly accurate value considering the relative
imprecision of reading values from the chart. The percent difference is approximately 1.1%.

Note also that the value of z is 0.86. Hence, the ideal gas model is not particularly applicable at
this state. The ideal gas model would predict a volume of 0.03105 m3, which is about 15% low.

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