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TAC Attack October 1987 Hosting a heavy pg.


NG A HEA --...:
Pg. 18 - .
Angle of Attack

Qne of the critical elements in preventing and mishap information, we will find history
future flight mishaps is the ability to repeating itself time and time again as the same
accurately determine what occurs in each mishap uncorrected causes are allowed to take their toll in
that we suffer. To do that with any assurance of additional aircraft and aircrews lost. It's our
success, each person having knowledge about the survivability that hangs in the balance. The
facts of a mishap must be able to relay that causes of peacetime mishaps will do the same
information and know that .. what I'm going to say thing during combat operations if we don't
is privileged." That is the whole purpose behind discover and correct them now. That will result
the privileged information provisions of AFR in aircraft and aircrews lost at no expense to the
127-4. enemy's air force. Those are losses that you and I
A mishap board must be able to call upon the are not willing to take.
mishap pilot (if available), other flight members, If you have questions about proper handling of
witnesses and technical specialists to provide as mishap reports and the information contained
much information as possible in order to within, look up AFR 127-4 or ask someone in
determine what caused the mishap. The flight safety to explain it to you. Don't just .. play
accumulated experience and insights of a it by ear."
technical specialist or the resources of an aircraft Let me close by recommending Lt Col Hank
manufacturer may be crucial to piecing together Goddard's article, ttFlight Leadership: It All
the available pieces of circumstantial and material Starts Here," for your reading. This is one of the
evidence. The willingness of witnesses to speak best articles I've ever read on the subject. Take a
freely might be compromised if they feel the few minutes to consider the thoughts he offers.
information is likely to be provided to
unauthorized persons.
We don't willfully violate the requirements to

protect privileged information. But, how many
times have you heard the facts concerning a
mishap briefed at a flying safety meeting and then
thought .. 1 can tell this information to whoever I USAF
want''? Chief of Safety
The thing we must always remember is what is
best for the fighter pilot community. If we are
unable to ensure the privileged status of testimony

2 OCTOBER 1987

4 Flight Leadership: It All Starts Here 29 Aircrew of Distinction
An essential ingredient for combat readiness. Major Billy J. Gracy, Sr.

1....__ Some Thoughts on Flight Safety

One way you can help TAC realize its potential
for flight safety excellence.

18 Hosting A Heavy
Some handy hints to consider when an AWACS 10 TACTips
is headed your way. 15 30 Safety Awards
16 In The Center
22 The University of Hard Knocks 20 Chock Thlk
Must we always learn things the "hard" way? 24 Weapons Words
28 Short Shots
26 "4 Level" Training
A new concept in maintenance technical

TACSP 127-1
TAC Attackis not directive in nature. Recommendations are intended to comply with existin g directives. Opinions ex-
pressed are those of the authors and not necessari ly the positions of TAC or USAF. Mishap information does not identify the
persons. places. or units involved and may not be construed as incriminating under Article 31 of the UCMJ. Photos and art-
work are representative and not necessarily of the people or equipment involved.
Contributions are enco uraged. as are com ments and criticism. We reserve the right to edit all manu cripts for readability
and good taste. Write the Editor. TAC Attack, HQ TAC/SEP. Langley AFB, VA 23665-5001; or call AUTOVON 574-3658.
Distribution F(X) is controlled by TAC/SEP through the PDO, based on a ratio of 1 copy per 10 persons assigned. DOD
units other than USAF have no fixed ratio; requests will be considered individually.
Subscri ptions for readers outside DOD are available from the Superintendent of Documents. Government Printing Office,
Washington. D.C. 20402. All correspondence on subscription service should be directed to the superintendent. not to


Lt Col Hank Goddard ron, you've got a long, hard row

33TFW to hoe ahead of you.
Eglin AFB, FL What is the most important
characteristic in a wingman
W ell, it's your big day.
Your flight commander
just told you you're finally go-
that reflects his potential as a
flight lead? Discipline. Plain
and simple. A wingman who's
THE AIR FORCE ing into FLUG (Flight Lead always where he's supposed to
Upgrade). After months of suf- be, when he's supposed to be
fering on the wing of flight there, doing what he's supposed
leads (most of whom weren't to be doing is a wingman who
doing nearly as good a job as has gone a long way toward be-
you could, right?), it's your ing a good flight lead. This in- ---"'
turn to shine. Doubtless, you eludes being in the right for-
are highly qualified and expe- mation, sanitizing your radar
rienced, and your peers will search responsibility, being on
soon stand in awe of your time when you've got mobile .
prowess. Maybe. Let's talk for a and pulling your load in the
COL JACK GAWELKO fe-yv- minutes on what it all squadron without whining. All
CHIEF OF SAFETY means-this flight lead of these things indicate you've
business. got the amount of self-
MAJ DON RIGHTMYER First, why have you been
EDITOR selected? TACM 51-50 says
your squadron commander
JANET GAINES selected you from "the most A wingman who's
EDITORIAL ASSISTANT highly qualified and experi- always where he's
enced pilots available." I hope
STAN HARDISON that's really true. Your experi- supposed to be, when
ART EDITOR ence better be 350 hours and
not 35 hours repeated ten
he's supposed to be
SSGT DENNIS WALLACE times. If you haven't used there, doing what he's
STAFF ARTIST every minute of that time to supposed to be doing
learn something, we're in
trouble. If you've used that is a wingman who has
TAC Attack USSN 0494-3880 ) is time effectively, then you fill gone a long way
published monthly by HQ TAC/SEP, the "qualified" part of the
Langley AFB, VA. POSTMASTER: equation. If you've been se- toward being a good
Send address cha nges to TA C
Attack, TAC/SEP, Langley AFB, VA
lected because it's "your turn" flight lead.
23665-5001. Second-class postage
or your squadron "needs flight
paid at Hampton, Virginia, and ad- leads," and not because you're
ditiona l ma iling offices. the best wingman in the squad-
4 OCTOBER 1987
discipline needed for yourself
and your wingmen.
When you pull a four-ship
onto the active, you've got sev-
eral million dollars' worth of
machinery and a group of
highly trained college gradu-
ates under your command. The
least of your responsibilities is
to ensure that the taxpayers'
dollars you're spending to go
fly are used efficiently. You
have to squeeze every drop of
effective, realistic training you
can out of every gallon of JP-4
and every quart of oil. The
greatest responsibility you
Leadership: it all starts here
have is for those aircrew lives
and the aircraft under your
control. This responsibility is
shared, of course, by the other
members of the flight, each of
whom is responsible for his
own jet, but your responsibility
is "first among equals." There-
sponsibility for accomplishing
effective, realistic training is
yours alone. If the training
your flights receive is inad-
equate or, worse, unrealistic
and doesn't relate to the threat,
you are wasting money and
So, how do you meet that re-
sponsibility? Before you fly
that first upgrade sortie, get a
grip on the written guidance
that's out there. Saying, "I read
all that stuff just last year, and
I hear it all the time" won't
hack it. Read it again from the

It all starts here

thing is planned well in ad- you're not surprised by the

Before you fly that vance, including a hip pocket differences, if any). Now you've
full of fallback options. So, let's got the initial hack at who,
first upgrade sortie, talk about the first major part where and why. The first thing
get a grip on the of leading a mission-planning. to look at is who. What's the
experience level of your wing-
written guidance men? That doesn't necessarily
that's out. Planning The Mission boil down to stars on the
The easiest place to start is sleeve, either. What's each pi-
by filling out a lineup card, of lot's recent experience been? Is
perspective of a flight lead. You course (Check the board he just coming back from SOS?
now have to decide what is and against the printed schedule so Just out of MQT? Low GCC pi-
is not legal, what does and does lot in the squadron for the last
not meet the letter and spirit of two months? Is he a wing staff
the regs, and what you can and puke? Basically, you've got to ' )
cannot do in most circum- look at the lineup and tailor
stances. Nobody's going to hold your scenario to the lowest
your hand in this-you either common denominator. That
know it or you don't. If you doesn't mean he shouldn't be
don't, and you screw up, ignor- challenged, but you've got to
ance is no excuse. keep mission events below his
Another important mental saturation level. (This is espe-
flight leadership
exercise in preparation for cially critical at night.) Con-
flight lead upgrade is a little firm their weather categories
soul-searching. You are being and currency for planned
checked out as a flight leader, events (LOWAT, AAR, Dart).
with heavy emphasis on leader. Last, you need to check train-
The guys on your wing are ing squares. If it's the fourth
looking to you to lead them month of the half, and #2 still
out, bring them home, make needs 18 instrument ap-
the right decisions and provide proaches, perhaps you should
positive guidance when needed. reconsider the "four-ship-up-
You have to be mentally pre- initial" option. The bottom line
pared to make that leap from is to know all you can about
being told what to do to mak- your wingmen and tailor the
ing the decisions and telling flight to meet their needs and
others what to do. As the abilities. In short, be a leader.
leader, it's on your shoulders. The why is the mission.
Well, now you've mentally You've got to think about that
and academically prepared also, along with who you've got
yourself for FLUG. Successful on the wing and what the
flight leads don't ad lib. Every- weather is. Now is the time to

6 OCTOBER 1987
your boys what you're going to spect and awe when you're tap
The bottom line is to do and how you're going to do it. dancing. You must inspire dis-
cipline in your wingmen by
know all you can about Leading The Briefing showing them you have it
your wingmen and You're the commander from yourself. Start on time, keep up,
the time the briefing room door a good flow and be professional
tailor the flight to closes. Look and act the part, about every briefing item. This
meet their needs and or you're going to lose them is where a disciplined flight
early. Preparation is a big part starts. Here's the balance you
abilities. of that. It's tough to inspire re- ought to achieve: At the end of

change things if something

doesn't add up, rather than try-
·.,_g to ad lib it at 450 knots.
ou've also got to decide on al-
ternative missions and fallout.
This is an issue you don't want
to address while you burn up
gas and area time. Remember,
if you didn't brief it, don't fly
it. So, you need to think
through the alternatives before
you brief.
Last, review applicable
documents as a part of your
preparation. That may be as
simple as running through
your CAP (combat air patrol)
versus sweep briefing notes, or
it may entail a trip through
TACR 55-79 and your local
regs if it's a LOWAT, and you
haven't led one recently.
Now you're prepared. You've
built a logical, realistic sce-
nario which meets the needs
and capabilities of your wing-
men, makes sense given the
~nvironmental conditions and
1as do-able, well thought out
backups. It's time now to tell

...,...: "~~GHT LEADERSHIP:
It all starts here

the brief, when you ask for

questions, your wingmen ought
to be concerned that you'll be
displeased that they missed
something in the brief, but
they ask the question anyway,
because they know if they
screw it up in flight, you'll tear
their face off.
In your briefing, emphasize
mutual support. A four-ship
As the leader, it is employing against numerous
your responsibility to adversaries is no place to enter-
tain thoughts of free-for-all tac-
take immediate action tics. It's your job to make sure
anytime a wingman the wingmen understand their
roles, and it's your job to use
fails to perform as their abilities and firepower ef-
briefed. fectively. Sometimes the best
form of mutual support is to
reduce the number of bandits-
but if it were the wingie's
choice to engage, he'd be the
leader, not you. Stress mutual
support in the brief, and make
sure its direct connection to
discipline is clear.
Respect for you as a Keep it simple. Train like
you plan to fight . Anybody who
leader will diminish tells me they're going to do
if you don't point out some cosmic maneuver en route
to their first real merge is a
mistakes, and training fool , a liar or bot'"1. If your plan
will suffer. is too cosmic for your wingman
to understand it in the brief,
it'll fall apart in the air. If as-
pects of the mission are stan-
dard, say so. (Make sure that :
you and your wingmen are op-
erating from the same set of
standards, however. If in doubt,
brief it. ) Take a look at what

8 OCTOBER 1987
you intend to say beforehand waffie and leave your wingmen minimum, you ought to play a
and get an idea of how much hanging, waiting for direction tape from each side to assess
time you need. If it's going to and wondering who's in charge. comm and look at each shot
take you up to step time to taken by your flight members.
brief, you need to reconsider Any glaring errors, unusual de-
what and how much you're say- Be A Leader velopments or exceptionally
ing-or maybe you need to As the leader, it is your re- good details of the mission
move the brief time up. Set de- sponsibility to take immediate must be thoroughly analyzed.
finable objectives which relate action any time a wingman Leave your own thin skin and
to the scenario. Remember fails to perform as briefed. tender sensibilities about your
them or write them down to Don't let anyone chip away at wingmen's feelings outside the
use in the debrief. Leave your foundation of discipline; door. It's not a time to pull
enough time between brief and otherwise,the entire edifice will your punches. Be patient with
step for each pilot to comfort- fall down around your Mrs. It guys who made mistakes, ad-
J.bly prepare, mentally and is your responsibility to know mit them and learn from
physically, for the sortie. where everyone is at all times. them-but show no mercy to a
You have to know what every whiner. Respect for you as a
flight member's fuel is all the leader will diminish if you
Heading Out To Fly time. And you've got to be the don't point out mistakes, and
Step on time. Every facet of most disciplined member of training will suffer. This ap-
the mission is an opportunity your flight . You have to know plies to senior wing leaders as
to strengthen or weaken your when it's time to call "Uncle" well. If they screwed up, they
position as the leader. If your and pack it on home. And, know it, and they expect to be
flight's still mucking about you've got to be the hammer debriefed. 'Fess up to your own
aimlessly at step time, you've who makes the decision. It's mistakes as well, but don't turn
started to lose it and immedi- the toughest part, especially the debrief into a session of
ate corrective action is needed. when you're comfortable but True Confessions. If you were
A flight that is going to turn you know that four is wheezin'. that bad, maybe you shouldn't
into a can of worms usually But, that's why you got the be up there in the first place.
shows the symptoms early. The job-you're tough. You simply Are you ready? Probably so,
first one might be a wingman cannot stand idly by and watch or your squadron commander
missing step time. The next things deteriorate. wouldn't have put you in the
might be sloppy radio check- upgrade program to begin with.
ins. If that happens, do it over Go in with confidence founded
again until it sounds right. You Debriefing It All in your knowledge, be aggres-
have got to show your flight The debrief is the payoff for sive and demand the best from
through actions as well as the mission. Here's where the your wingman. Discipline is
words that you won't tolerate learning takes place. List the the key-have it' yourself and
any lapses. If Red Balls and objectives from the brief, and demand it from your wingman.
aborts start to cause problems, compare them to the flight's If you do, you'll do great, and
take charge, make decisions performance. You don't have to our combat capability will in-
and give directions. Don't relive every detail, but as a crease as a result. ~

TAC Tips

Pain in the ear

T he F-15 pilot closed his canopy before taxiing to

the runway but noticed, after a minute at idle
power, that the cabin pressure was increasing rapidly
Thke time when you complete a job to make sure
you've done everything correctly. Ask yourself if you
left anything out or accomplished anything out of the
above the normal level. As he pulled back on the prescribed order. But don't just rely on your mental
canopy control handle, a loud bang was accompanied double check; give your work a visual once-over again
by the canopy popping open about a foot before it set- as well.
tled back on the sill. If you're responsible for inspecting someone else's
work, expect mistakes. That's why you're required to
inspect completed work. A healthy attitude of caution
and skepticism can go a long way in ensuring that
when you sign a job off, you know it's been done right.
True teamwork should help us catch each other's mis-
takes before they become problems; not reinforce mis-
takes that have already been made.

Being aware is half

the battle

The cockpit pressurization problem was caused by

A recent physiological incident resulted in
the death of the pilot flying a USAF fighter.
The pilot flew for 35 minutes with no cockpit
the pressure regulator which was incorrectly safety pressurization at an altitude of 28,000 feet. He
wired in the test position. The regulator switch had experienced symptoms of decompress!on sickness
mistakenly been secured in the wrong position during and landed, but died of the "chokes" several
a recent canopy change. Both the environment control hours later despite treatment in a hyperbaric
system specialist who did the test and the supervisor chamber.
who signed off the work thought the switch was in the Decompression sickness often occurs with
flight position. A closer examination of the switch varied severity from exposure to altitudes as low
found that the flight and test positions are color-coded as 18,000 to 25,000 feet. Although most cases
and there was a 90-degree difference between the two usually involve joint pains due to the "bends,"
settings. Both the specialist and the supervisor should any decompression sickness can become ex-
have been able to readily detect the error if they had tremely serious if not treated. Awareness of
given the task the attention required. cockpit pressure is an important part of every

10 OCTOBER 1987
fighter pilot's crosscheck. Remember, your day-to-
day flying does not include pre-breathing with
oxygen like altitude chamber training does. All
that nitrogen in your body is just waiting to give
you trouble if you let it. Also, don't ignore the
rule about not flying within 24 hours of scuba
diving. If you do, even your pressurized cockpit
won't help you.
L If you lost or don't have cockpit pressure, get
below 25,000 feet ASAP, the lower the better.
Report any symptoms of decompression sickness
from any altitude to the flight surgeon. It's not
worth dying for .

Got the shakes

A n F-16 pilot was flying his second mission of the
day. About an hour into the mission, he began to
feel bad. He suddenly felt tired, and his legs seemed
ing from viral infection.
The virus infection was compounded by poor nutri-
tion: the pilot hadn't eaten in 20 hours. Dehydration,
to be very heavy. He returned to his home field and fatigue from a long day and the stress of adverse
landed OK; but while taxiing back, he began to shiver weather and demanding missions contributed to the
from the chills. He parked the jet and climbed out, severity of his symptoms.
continuing to feel worse. As he was walking in, a The pilot recovered from the virus with no complica-
squadron van offered him a ride. He climbed in the tions. But if the weakness and shakes had come upon
van and asked to go to the hospital instead of the him during a more demanding phase of the mission, he
squadron. might have become one of those "unknown cause''
At the hospital, he was admitted for observation. A losses.
check of the airplane's oxygen system showed no dis- Maybe we can't do anything to protect ourselves
crepancies. Initial evaluation of the pilot in the emer- from viruses, but we can see to it that our bodies are
gency room also ruled out hypoxia, along with properly nourished. And even a minor ailment
hyperventilation and hypoglycemia. Continued obser- deserves a visit to the flight surgeon. In our business,
vation in the hospital showed that the pilot was suffer- complications can really be severe.


.... Bill Barber

Flight ety

"'~That? Who me? You want Perhaps you or someone you

"YY me to be a safety officer? know bas reacted that way to
Sh; you\Te got to be kidding. I'm a being chosen as a safety officer. (I
dariDg, Clmrling, aki1lful fighter must confess; I did.) Or you might
pilot. In fact, I'm the best pilot I
know. You carit put me into safety.
Only nerds work in safety.' 'lbe TAC emmmder Is
detanniDed to put our
Jlllbe cplfled people In
fllgbt Slfety, IDd be bas
put 18e1b IBm tbat policy.
wonder what your peers would
think ifyou became a ••• a •••
a. •• (come on, you can say it) a
safety oftlcer.
'\\WI, lat's set the record
straight. The TAC commander is
determined to put our highest
quality people in ftight safety, and
he bas put teeth into that policy.
For example, chiefs ofsafety now
oomehmthe TAC squadron com-
manders' list and FSOs at ftghter
~nee at tbeflilhtcom-
.mancleror.assistant opa oflicer
tMLltlll&J bavealwaysbeen
tbatWIIf, but. going to be that
.,., in the future.
I'd like to share my thoughts on addition to learning how to man- Know The Procedures: Of
how to make this assignment an age a safety program, you'll learn course, you already know the pro-
opportunity and how to achieve what makes our hardware fail, cedures for operating your air-
excellence in flight safety. I firmly how to tell whether it failed in craft, but you should start getting
believe that we can all do a better flight or on impact and how to familiar with maintenance proce-
job if we share our good ideas. In identify the causes so it doesn't dures. If you find a problem, sing
addition to my own experience as a happen again. out right away and make sure the
squadron assigned flight safety When you get back to the home proper paperwork is submitted to
officer (SAFSO), my job here at drome, there are three important change it. Remember, those proce-
TAC Flight Safety gives me an dures are being used worldwide;
opportunity to visit with a lot of and if they caused your outfit a
FSOs and see their programs. If Your knowledge of your problem, they may cause someone
you're not a flight safety officer tmit's aircraft needs to be else a mishap.
(FSO), read on anyway. FSOs don't deeper than those pilots There are two ways that proce-
have a corner on detecting hazards dures cause mishaps. Either the
or fixing problems. Actually; were
who just operate it. procedure is incorrect or it is not
all in the safety business together being properly followed . We all
every time we fly. areas of knowledge to concern like to find shortcuts, and often
For aviators, safety is not a yourself with: getting to know the maintainers see valid ways to do a
career field, but a temporary aircraft, the procedures and the job more efficiently before the tech
assignment that broadens our people (both Operations and order writers do. The problem is
careers. Your turn in the flight Maintenance). that what appears to be a good
safety barrel can be a great oppor- Know The Aircraft: Your shortcut may cause problems that
tunity to learn and perform with a knowledge of your unit's aircraft the maintainer doesn't see. When
\...., aigh degree of visibility. And, needs to be deeper than those someone finds a ''better way;' you'll
pilots who just operate it. If you want to see that it's submitted for-
really understand what makes mally and evaluated promptly. If
There are three key elements things work, it will be a lot easier the idea is valid, we'll make it avail-
to your perfonnance as a to get to root causes when some- able to everybody. By making the
thing doesn't work and that can system responsive to our inputs,
fHght safety officer: help prevent a mishap. In addition we avoid the temptation to dis-
knowledge, attitude and to knowing how the individual regard the written procedures.
action. parts work, you need to know how Know The People: People are
they fit together. This can be much more than mere components
you'd better believe you'll be doing invaluable when you're looking at of the system. They are not alike
at least as much as anyone else in an airplane spread across the and they are not interchangeable.
the squadron to increase your desert in little pieces. Heres a Each person is a unique individual
squadron's chances for success in good way to learn your aircraft's and each one contributes to the
combat. inner workings. Go to your local mission in his or her own way.
There are three key elements to phase dock and find an aircraft Time spent getting to know indi-
your performance as a flight safety with all the panels off and the viduals pays great dividends in the
officer: knowledge, attitude and engine(s) out. Thke your time and longrun.
action. really get to know the machine. Attitude: Attitude is the most
Knowledge. The first thing After you've stared at the thing important element in safety
you'll want to do is learn the basics for a while, grab a maintainer and because it affects everything we
of the job. As soon as you can, get ask him a couple thousand ques- do. As my job takes me around the
to the USAF Flight Safety Offi- tions. Where are the hydraulic command, I find that each unit has
cer's Course conducted by the pumps? Is this the throttle link- what could be called a "unit atti-
University of Southern California age? What does this accumulator tude?' Each person contributes to
1t Norton AFB, California. It's do? In a word, become an expert. it, but the commander makes the
certainly one of the finest safety The result will be well worth the greatest contribution. Here are
schools anywhere in the world. In time you invest. my rules on attitude:

Some thoughts on flight safety excellence

~,.. -.:;,,"""'ELLEN CE

1. ''A 'can-dd attitude, diligent people highly motivated and alert. important part of mishap preven-
effort, and hard work result in two Action: Along with knowledge tion. It's up to you which ones you
important achievements- mission and attitude, you have to do some-
accomplishment and flight safety?' thing! Of course, you'll keep up
2. ''A 'must-do' attitude, strained with the administrative details
efforts and overwork achieve such as making sure meeting The most wlnerable time
neither!' notes are posted and reports go in for your UDdt is vvhen
3. "If you don't see the difference, on time, but don't let those things there is a change.
you need to take another look!' dominate your time. There is so
much else you could be doing.
The basics are laid out in appli-
Attitules can change in cable regulations and the inspec- brief, so pick those that are most
a hurry so this area tion guide, but they intentionally applicable. Be sure you always
leave a lot of flexibility. The key to emphasize the most important
deserves constant vigiJance. a truly excellent safety program is thing: the ''lessons learned" for
in your innovative ideas. There is your troops.
Unfortunately, many people in no way to keep interest in safety The most vulnerable time for
the second type of unit think high with the same old stuff your unit is when there is a
they're in the first type. Both repeated over and over each change. The bigger the change,
types of units work just as hard. month. If you want to hold people's the greater the potential for trou-
Attitudes can change in a hurry attention, you have to keep think- ble. You'll do your commander a
so this area deserves constant ing up new ideas all the time. Keep great service if you'll thoroughly
vigilance. The nature of this task it new, interesting and exciting. think through all the implications
dictates that your observations You don't have to do all this by of the change and help him antici-
will be subjective. Look constantly straining your own brain. There pate the potential problems.
for signs of dissatisfaction or bore- are plenty of sources of good ideas. How good a safety officer you
dom. People who have fallen into a Other units' UE I reports and the become is up to you. Your unique
routine and no longer have their TIG Brief will describe other folks' contribution to your unit's combat
minds on their work are far more best ideas. The writeups for both capability is to preserve the peo-
likely to make mistakes. Feed your individual and unit safety awards ple and machines that will perform
observations to your boss, the in TAG ATTACK are also full of the mission through mishap pre-
commander, often. Be an exten- gems. vention. How well you do that will
sion of his eyes and ears. His The briefing of mishap reports depend on your knowledge, atti-
leadership is the key to keeping can be a dull, boring routine or an tude and actions. __;;::-

14 OCTOBER 1987
TSgt Richard M. Thornton
23 CRS, 23 TFW
England AFB, LA

SSgt Randall F. Money

116 CAMS, 116 TFW
Dobbins AFB, GA

T Sgt Richard M. Thornton was

notified that a liquid oxygen
(LOX) cart was leaking on the
S taff Sergeant Randall F.
Money was performing end-of-
runway inspections on several
flightline. Arriving on the flight- F-15s scheduled for a BFM mis-
'ine, he discovered the cart was sit- sion when he detected a small hole
ting next to an A-1 0 aircraft and punctured in the engine augmentor
the build-up valve had worked nozzle support assembly on one
loose and would not shut off. The aircraft. Further investigation
cart still had about 35 gallons of revealed major damage to the
LOX in it. Realizing the potential engine augmentor area. A slider
danger, he immediately instructed pressure and alleviated the bracket had broken on a divergent
another individual to notify the danger to aircraft, personnel and nozzle segment causing the con-
fire department, evacuate the area equipment. Had the LOX come in trollinkage to bind and jam on the
and stand by in case of fire or contact with petroleum, hot tar on convergent nozzle segments with
explosion. the ramp or the aircraft, it could the resulting puncture damage.
While the fire department and have resulted in a catastrophic Had this damage gone unde-
primary crash net were notified of explosion. tected, the aircraft could have
the situation, TSgt Thornton TSgt Thornton's decisive action experienced an engine stall/
worked around the leaking LOX and timely efforts to prevent a stagnation, augmentor blowout or
cart, trying to hand tighten the serious explosion earned him the an augmentor "burn through" with
build-up shaft nut in order to slow TAC Outstanding Achievement in some serious damage to the
the leak and minimize the danger Safety Award. aircraft.
of explosion. To do this, he had to SSgt Money's discovery of this
manually regulate the vent valve discrepancy was noteworthy
between the open and closed posi- because the damage was in an area
tions to prevent an explosive not highly visible and was discov-
pressure build-up while simultan- ered during a brief inspection
eously making several minute which does not allow time for an
hand adjustments to slow the leak- in-depth inspection. His alertness
age enough to tighten the nut with and attention to detail have
a wrench. He finally succeeded in earned him the Outstanding
stopping the overflow, relieved the Achievement in Safety Award.
Funny fotos

Hosting a heavy

Lt Col Rich Favela so red exercise. Recent experience

Maj Charlie Suther has shown that interjecting our
552 AWACW/DOV big airplane into your "turf'
Tinker AFB, OK presents some differences that you
may not be used to. We would like

T he E-3 Sentry (AWACS) has

just celebrated its lOth
anniversary of flying operations.
to take this opportunity to pass
along some information that could
make our next visit to your base
Many of you are familiar with the easier for both you and us. The
E-3 and its distinctive rotodome. point is, we want to maximize
Perhaps you've seen it flying safety and training, and minimize
around your base in the radar pat- our impact on your flying and sup-
tern or parked out on the ramp. port activities.
Like the rest of TAC, E-3 crews Let's take it from the top. An E-3
spend a lot of time TDY because is inbound to your airfield for a full
one of our primary goals is to effec- stop landing. Our procedures call
tively train with all ofTAC's for en route descents to maintain a
fighter pilots. Th do that, we often nominal descent rate of 2000 to
fly an E-3 into a base for two to 2500 feet per minute. Most high
four days of scheduled training or altitude approach procedures
to participate in a locally spon- require higher descent rates to

18 OCTOBER 1987
ing the brakes. (You guessed it- no 29-pax bus wit h 30-plus crewmem-
thrust reversers.) bers, overnight bags, and so forth.
Okay, were down, off the active Departure day is another area
runway and cleared to taxi to the where "heavies" often encounter
We would like to take parking ramp. If we follow your problems. Our missions usually
taxi lines, well need 100 feet either require takeoffs at or near maxi-
this opportunity to side of the taxi line to clear any mum takeoff gross weight which
pass along some obstacles or parked aircraft with- means using the longest runway
out a marshaller; 85 feet with a available and taking off into the
information that could marshaller. Visibility aft of the wind. Again, because of barrier
make our next visit to wing tip is restricted, and we are setups, ATC constraints or noise
always relieved to see marshallers abatement procedures, some fight-
your base easier for waiting to help. The E-3 is 16 feet er bases will maintain a primary
both you and us. wider and 18 feet longer than a runway direction with a tailwind.
KC-135 so what was adequate There are some limited conditions
parking space for a tanker can be a under which an E-3 can take off
tight fit for us. Moreover, your with up to 10 knots of tailwind
flight line vehicle drivers often (light gross weight, no obstacles);
think in terms of fighter wing however, our Dash One recom-
arrive at mandatory altitudes at spans and, unknowingly, become mends against it. So, please bear
\........- esignated points. If we are to fly obstacles to a taxiing E-3. Parking with us when we insist on taking
penetrations, we have two options: us over'a refueling pit will simplify off into the wind; to us, it's a matter
fly at higher airspeeds which the refueling process as we can of safety.
cause difficulty in configuring the easily tie up all of the available fuel
E-3 due to flap limits or fly with trucks (100,000 pounds is a normal So, t hat's our pitch. We look for-
flaps extended at a slower speed refuel). As a Priority B security ward to paying you a visit as the
which may disrupt your fighter resource, we'll need to have the air- benefits of being able to conduct
flow spacing, thus interrupting craft roped off with a 24-hour secu- face-to-face briefs and debriefs are
your training. That's why it's bet- rity guard posted. Because of the well worth the extra effort of com-
ter for us to be radar vectored to large crew we have on-board, a big ing to your base. If you have any
intercept final outside the final 45-passenger bus is requested as questions, give us a call at AV
approach fix (FAF) for an ILS or we can easily "cube out" a standard • 339-2200/2326. ____-:,..
PAR pickup. Once past the FAF,
we'll be maintaining 125-140
KIAS on final, depending on gross
weight. The minimum runway
length/ width we can accept is
7,000 x 135 feet but we prefer a
longer runway. While some fighter
bases routinely recover aircraft
with tailwinds due to barrier set-
ups or noise abatement con-
straints, we prefer headwind land-
ings. High pressure altitude
locations like Holloman, Nellis,
Jill, etc., can sometimes make us
.......-wonder if we will get that heavy
stopped in time without overheat-

chock talk

Incidents and
Incidentals with a
Maintenance Slant

Don't get in my way

D uring climbout following a normal takeoff, an
OV-10 pilot noticed that he could only move his
rudder pedals in either direction with great difficulty.
tioned to prevent future problems.
Have you been working around wire bundles that
aren't neatly secured like they should be? Next time
Everything had checked out fine on the ground , but you get around some, take a few extra minutes to
now something serious was wrong. An inflight con- make sure everything's tucked away and not likely to
trollability check was performed, and everything conflict with any moving parts.
seemed OK except for the jammed rudder pedals. The
pilot brought the Bronco back for an uneventful
straight-in landing.
Like a giant vacuum
A fter landing, an F-4 went to the dearm area for a
.fthot brake check and to get the remaining bombs
pinned. After the aircraft was chocked, two weapons
troops were cleared by their team chief to go ahead
with the dearming. When one of them walked forward
from underneath the left side of the aircraft, he sud-
denly felt a large pin bag that was strapped around his
neck being pulled toward the engine's intake. The pin
bag went down the intake, pulling the weapon loader's
head in as well. The team chief helped the loader get
free from the intake but not before a pin came loose
from the bag and caused extensive damage to the
The intake of any running jet engine should be
treated with utmost respect. The F-16 engine is par-
ticularly noteworthy for the amount of suction
The problem turned out to be a wiring bundle that created, but every jet engine is just like a giant
ran along the fuselage near the top of the right rudder vacuum cleaner. In this instance, the warning for the
pedal. When the rudder pedals were at an intermedi- F-4 engine was to remain a minimum of five feet away
ate position, the right one snagged on the wiring bun- from the intake; the weapon loader was within three
dle. The wire bundle was hanging in the way because feet. Common sense would dictate that you stay as far
the string ties that it was secured with had loosened away from the intake as possible. Don't press your luck
with age. The wiring bundle was subsequently retied with an engine's suction power or you just might get
with plastic ties and a restraining clamp was reposi- ".taken in'' for "y our trouble.
20 OCTOBER 1987
Bent out of shape
A n F-4 was being placed on alert status, and all of
the Aero 7 rack and rocket motor safety pins were
in place. About 50 seconds into the missile tuning
process, the crew chief notified the aircrew that smoke
and hydraulic fluid were coming from the left forward
AIM -7 guidance and control unit. They immediately
shut the aircraft down and hopped out.
Inspection of both the missile and the aircraft after
the incident revealed that some bad connections had
caused the problem. Following maintenance on the
11ircraft radar system, the radar set control box was
'--- emoved and replaced. When it was reconnected,
several connector pins were bent, allowing incorrect
voltages to be present in the system.
Electronic connecting devices don't take kindly to
brute force treatment. When a plug doesn't seem to
fit, ask yourself why. Is a part of the connection out of
proper alignment or are you trying to put a ''square
peg into a round hole?" If you succeed in forcing the
plug or part into place, you may end up with more seri-
ous results later on.

nine people are waiting

The University of hard

Mr. Cal Faile higher, sat back in my easy chair ator and just opening the doors. At
TAC/SEG and awaited a corresponding rise that point, I didn't think he was
in the temperature. Nothing hap- very funny.

T he approach of winter brings

back memories of times long
forgotten. Some were good and
pened. I checked the furnace and
found, to my dismay, that it had
quit working.
Several hours passed and still no
repairman. At least we had been
able to finish our evening meal
some were bad, but all were After several frantic telephone before it froze. Thinking ahead,
received from the University of calls, I found a repairman who was my wife dressed the kids in their
Hard Knocks which has the best willing to venture out in the cold snow suits just in case we had to
educators in the world. through a blizzard that was devel- vacate the premises.
I am a firm believer that experi- oping outside. He was the last A little after 10:30 at night, the
ence is the best teacher. For repairman listed in the bright yel- repairman arrived with a look on
instance, take the time I was sta- low pages of the phone book, so I his face that sent a chill up my
tioned at one of our northern thought my luck wasn't too bad. spine, breaking off what little per- ,_._
bases in the cold of winter. How As we waited for him to arrive, the spiration had frozen in that area.
cold was it? It was so cold, icicles temperature inside the house He explained that he had gotten
had to be brought inside the house dropped considerably and we won- stuck in the snow three different
so they could form properly. One dered where it was colder- inside times. All I could think to say was
evening as the temperature or out. John, our oldest son, that I didn't think it was that bad
plunged below the 32-degree quipped that we could save elec- out. He mumbled something about
mark, I pushed the thermostat tricity by unplugging the refriger- "I should take a look outside:' I did

and then I knew what a "whiteout" thought, "this shouldn't cost too ended up costing me roughly $700.
meant. It was like looking at a much after all?' Then he turned the I got stuck with the full bill
white bedsheet held in front of screw a little more with, "It will because I failed to properly read
your face, resulting in zero visibil- take about two weeks to get the the fine print in the rental contract
ity. I was amazed that he actually part because it has to be ordered which placed responsibility for
made it to our house. from the manufacturer?' Dollar maintaining furnished appliances
The repairman examined the signs started to rise before my and equipment on me. This was an
furnace and, peering over his eyes. expensive, but very valuable, les-
shoulder at me, asked, ''When was The sad fact was that the part son for a "three-striper'' with three
the last time you had this furnace would not have failed when it did if kids.
checked, boy?" This guy was six it had been maintained properly, The moral of this story is- be
feet, four inches and weighed i.e., a minor adjustment during a prepared. Plan for all contingen-
around two hundred pounds so I preseason check that would have cies before the winter season
wasn't about to question him call- prevented its failure from burn- arrives. This applies not only to
)" me "boy?' I responded with a out. In addition to the twelve dol- heating systems, but to other
'-......- "'
weak excuse that we had only lar part, we had to spend over six equipment you use as well. When
moved in two months before. He hundred dollars for lodging and was the last time you had your car
replied that that was plenty of food. The service call was fifty tuned up and your tires, brakes,
time to have it checked before cold bucks so the twelve dollar part fluid levels, battery and wind-
weather set in. Continuing to seek shield wipers checked? Going
ways to justify my procrastina- hunting this season? Have you
tion, I thought to myself that the maintained your weapon prop-
landlord should have seen to that. erly? If not, have a qualified
As he removed more parts from weapon repair specialist check it
the furnace and shook his head, I out. Where do you store the gaso-
got the feeling we were in for more line and oil for the lawnmower? If
than I had expected. He continued they're in close proximity to the
to mumble something indiscerni- furnace, a leak could give you a
ble, but I got the message and sent very enlightening experience.
the kids back to the living room in Remember, the lack of proper
case he decided to air his thoughts planning, preventive maintenance
in plainer English. and reading the fine print has
About an hour later, he lowered resulted in the needless loss of
the boom with "I can't fix the fur- many hard-earned dollars. I
nace until I get a new safety valve couldn't afford it back then and I
assembly?' This valve regulated couldn't afford it now. Even more
the flow of fuel to the burner important, I cannot and will not
assembly and was sensitive to place my life or anyone else's in
temperature. Things could have jeopardy. I've learned many les-
)en real serious had the valve sons from the University of Hard
ailed in the full open position. It Knocks. This was one of the most
cost twelve dollars. "Great;' I valuable. _...::::.....

Good news? /Bad news?
SMSgt Ed Hartman
Chief of Explosives Safety

e've all heard the comedy routine that asks the

W question, ''Which do you want to hear first- the
good news or the bad news?" The good news and bad
news are jokingly linked to an object in the compari-
son, and the end result is usually an amusing anecdote.
Sometimes in the safety field we use the good news/
bad news routine to show appreciation for a job well
done that prevented a mishap (good news) or to high-
light lessons learned from an actual mishap (bad
news). The reader usually applies the good news/bad
weapons words news labels unconsciously to the stories.
In the following passage about A-1 0 weapons main-
tenance and load crew actions, I have taken the liberty
to assign the labels to each step ofthe mishap
sequence. Interpret the "good news" items as favora-
ble conditions or actions that could have stopped the
mishap chain of events. The ''bad news" entries are
unfavorable conditions or actions which lended them-
selves to or were causes of the mishap. ~
Looks ain't everything GOOD NEWS: Aircraft returned from phase inspec-

T he F-16 Falcon was cruising away from base

at 400 knots and 5000 feet when a BDU-33
just fell off the left TER. No switches had been
tion due for a 36-round check of the gun by weapons
maintenance before ammo uploading.
BAD NEWS: When the load crew arrived to upload
thrown. No pickle button depressed. Another ammo into the aircraft, the AFTO Forms 781 were
dropped object. The bomb exploded when it hit missing.
the ground but nothing was damaged. GOOD NEWS: They contacted the shift supervisor.
Back on the ground, maintenance troops BAD NEWS: The shift supervisor, after being briefed
started taking the armament system apart to de- on the 36-round check by the preceding shift, failed to
termine the problem. The ejector cartridge hadn't check the forms but informed the load crew that the
been fired, so an electrical malfunction was ruled aircraft was safe for loading.
out. When the TER was bench checked in the ar- GOOD NEWS: Realizing his error halfway through
mament shop, the culprit came to light: some the upload, the supervisor informed the load crew to
rivets used to secure the breech retainer clip to download the ammo, allowing the maintenance crew
the rack housing were too long. They hadn't been to perform the 36-round check.
installed according to tech data and prevented BAD NEWS: When the maintenance crew chief
the breech from seating fully. The breech, in arrived, he informed the weapons load crew that the
turn, prevented the lock/unlock linkage from 36-round check could be performed without down-
seating properly. Despite all of the pieces that loading the ammo.
didn't correctly fall into place, the safety pin GOOD NEWS: The maintenance crew backed
could be installed which indicated a locked condi- approximately ten rounds out of the gun, pulled the
tion. Regardless, the forward hook was not fully gun safing pin and disconnected hydraulic power to
engaged and allowed the bomb to drop off at the check the gun safing solenoid operation. The solenoid~
wrong time. did not operate.
Tech data works every time-but we must use BAD NEWS: Reapplying hydraulic power, the main-
it properly first. tenance crew reinstalled the gun safingpin, cycled the
24 OCTOBER 1987
\.._...- .
ammo into the gun, backed approximately 10 rounds
out again, then checked the circuit breakers.
Lines everywhere
GOOD NEWS: The maintenance crew discovered the
GAU -8 circuit breaker pulled.
BAD NEWS: The maintenance crew reset the circuit-
A missile maintenance crew was just completing
periodic inspections and required paint touchup
on a group of AIM-7F missiles. The frfth missile was
breaker. finished, and the crew was placing it back into the
BAD NEWS: Forgetting that the hydraulic power storage container with the assistance of a 21/2-ton
was applied, the maintenance crew pulled the gun saf- hoist. While they took the missile across the bay, the
ingpin. crew didn't notice a grounding cable that was attached
BAD NEWS: The maintenance crew depressed the to a warhead lying some distance away. The warhead
trigger to check the gun safing solenoid operation. was drying after being painted, and the grounding
BAD NEWS: With the trigger depressed, the gun wire was strung across the bay in the path of the hoist.
rotated, cycling the ten empty elements and firing As the maintenance crew concentrated on aligning
three live rounds before the trigger was released. the missile into its container, they didn't notice the
GOOD NEWS: The bullets impacted in a grassy area cable as it snagged the warhead and dragged it off onto
approximately 140 feet in front of the parking spot. the floor.
BAD NEWS: The bullets ricocheted into a relatively The people performing the missile maintenance
unpopulated area. were the same ones that had laid the grounding cables
GOOD NEWS: No one was injured and no property for their painting work. Unfortunately, they didn't
was damaged. properly preplan their grounding cable positions,
placing them in direct conflict with the movement of
V~ the hoist. The workbench for drying the warheads
should also have been placed well clear of any missile
movements, particularly away from the path of the
Do you have any obvious hazards in your workplace
that you p'ut there? Don't be in such a hurry to get the
job done that you set yourself up for a mishap. These
folks may have maneuvered around that grounding
cable successfully on the first four missiles but on the

..1::. ..& last one just forgot that it was in their way. Then,
There is no amusing anecdote here. A serious poten- instead of the job being finished, they had a broken
tial for a catastrophic mishap existed. One other "good warhead to send back to the depot for repairs.
news" item that could be added was that the aircraft
was parked so it was pointed in a relatively safe direc-
tion for its forward-firing ordnance. (Probably the
result of a previously assigned, safety-minded
There were several opportunities for this scenario
to end as a routine operational check and loading of
ammunition. Each of the "bad news' conditions should
have alerted someone that something was wrong.
Why didn't they? Some of the reasons include: lack of
communication between shifts and individuals; com-
placency about the job at hand and poor supervision.
The big culprit, however, was the "proverbial"
ever assume that your years of experience can replace
the need for a T.O. The maintenance technician in this
lishap had over eight years experience working on
he 30mm gun system of the A-10 aircraft. May all
your news be good news.
4 level training

SMSgt Gongaware

L imited or insufficient main-

tenance training is a key area
that has the potential for leading
to mistakes and possibly a mishap.
The only way to guarantee against
that is to ensure we make no mis-
takes. Unrealistic? It doesn't have
to be, and one way we can work
towards that goal is through bet-
ter training.
In October 1987, a new program
will come on -line that will change
how Air Training Command trains
our people. Known as "4-level"
training, this initiative is designed
to graduate students from USAF
technical schools who are more
proficient and better able to per-
form necessary maintenance tasks
when they reach your unit in the
field. The jet engine maintenance
course at Chanute AFB, Illinois,
has been selected as the "test bed"
for this new training concept.
"Four-level" students will spend
about four extra weeks at Chanute
and get more experience in the fol-
lowing areas: engine installation,
troubleshooting, working with
test equipment, jet fuel starters
(not currently taught), engine
teardown and systems training.
The goal of the training is to give
your unit a technical school gradu-
ate who is more immediately pro-
ductive when he or she arrives in

26 OCTOBER 1987
on the horizon
the shop or on the flightline.
As the 30-year old technology of
the J57 engine is rapidly being
replaced by the high technology of
the FlOO engine and an Fl00-220
derivative found in the F-15 and
F-16, "four-level" students will
have the training necessary to
keep the Air Force flying into the
21st century. They will be able to
do far more than just identify
arts; they will be able to tear an
'-engine down with minimum
The "4-level" initiative will be
funded by the reinvestment stra-
tegy, where information proces-
sing skills training is converted in
whole or part to computer-based
training. The resulting savings in
decreased student and instructor
man-years will be reinvested in
weapons specific training which
can be provided when and where it
is most needed- the school house,
the field training detachment or
the work center.
If you have any questions or
need more information about this
initiative, please give me a call at
AV 574-2102/3688.
Next time you shop for a new car, ask about
these safety features. They're available, but not
always standard equipment.
• Airbags.
• Antilacerative windshields.
• Electronic antiskid brake control.
• Special side-door reinforcements.
• Lap belts for center front and center rear posi-
• Rear shoulder belts.
short shots
• Third-generation energy absorbing steering
• Fully padded instrument panel.
• 5 mph bumpers.
• Audible wear indicators for brake disc linings.
• Childproof rear-door locks.

Read any good tires lately? The Federal

Good Poison News. During the past 25 years, Government has brought treadwear ratings back.
the number of children younger. than 5 who died They were discontinued for a while because of
from swallowing medicines or household chemi- controversy over accuracy. But so far, consumer
cals declined 88 percent, according to the U.S. ' groups seem happy with the new ratings, which
Consumer Product Safety Commission. The major have been in effect since September 1985.
factor attributed to this decline is the child- Treadwear ratings are intended for use as com-
resistant cap. Next time you cuss at those caps, parisons. For example, a treadwear rating of 200 ..--..,
remember that they've saved some kids' lives. can be expected to last twice as long as a tire
with a rating of 100. To estimate expected tire
mileage, multiply treadwear rating by 200.
Here's how to read your tire: from left to right,
the first rating, an A, B or C, is for traction re-
sistance. An A tire will stop on wet pavement in
a straight-ahead braking position in a shorter
distance than a B or C tire-something to con-
sider if you live in a rainy climate. The next
rating, represented again by an A, B or C, is
temperature resistance and tells how hot a tire
will get. An A tire stays cooler than a B or C tire
which is good for hot climates or long-distance
Six rules for proper lifting: drivers. The last is treadwear rating, a number
1) Get comfortable. anywhere from 90 to 330. Experts say that you
2) Bend your knees, not your back. should consider your individual needs; it might
3) Keep the load close to your body. not be necessary for you to have an A A 330 tire.
4) Lift steadily and smoothly, don't jerk.
5) Avoid twisting your body as you lift, move
your feet instead.
6) Get help with a load that weighs more than a
third of your body weight.

Even if you don't like to eat them, keep a bag of

frozen peas in the freezer because it makes a
great ice pack. Not only is it cold, but a bag of
frozen peas can be easily molded around a strain
or sprain.

28 OCTOBER 1987
aircrew of distinction

ajor Billy J. Gracy, Sr., was

M leading a flight of two F-16s
on a surface attack tactics sortie.
retarded the throttle slightly and
the compressor stalls stopped
with RPM set at 75%. Shortly
While orbiting over the low- level thereafter, the engine compressor
entry point, a large bird suddenly stalled again and finally seized.
t ppeared in front of his aircraft, Still over 32 miles from MacDill Major Billy J. Gracy, Sr.
'--leaving no time to maneuver or at 18,000 feet, Major Gracy real- 61 TFTS, 56 TTW
take evasive action. The bird was ized he would be unable to glide to MacDill AFB, FL
ingested into the engine, which a landing there. With Thmpa Inter-
immediately developed a loud national Airport approximately
whine and filled the cockpit with seven miles closer, he advised and broke out of a low cloud deck
smoke. Thmpa Approach his only hope at 3500 feet MSL. Slightly lower
At low altitude and over 50 miles would be to make a straight-in than desired, he delayed blowing
from any suitable recovery field, approach at TIA. Even then, he down the gear until a safe landing
Maj Gracy immediately jettisoned would be operating at the edge of was assured. He then lowered the
his external tanks, left the throttle the F-16 glide performance enve- landing gear with the alternate
at its current setting and began to lope. At best, he was faced with a extension system and gradually
climb. Next he directed the rear straight-in, flameout approach slowed the aircraft for touchdown.
cockpit pilot (flying only as an over a densely populated area. With no arresting cables or bar-
observer) to select 100% oxygen, Competing with inbound civil riers at the airport, his decision
placed the environmental control traffic, Major Gracy forcefully not to activate the jet fuel starter
system to RAM to clear the smoke communicated the seriousness of with the engine seized preserved
and declared an emergency with his emergency and the necessity brake accumulator hydraulic pres-
the controlling agency. Shortly to have sole use of the approach sure and allowed the backup brak-
thereafter, the hydraulic/oil pres- frequency. With the airport Ing system to stop the aircraft on
sure warning light illuminated and obscured by low clouds, he the available runway.
the oil pressure decreased to zero. requested Thmpa Approach pro- Major Gracy's time-critical deci-
Major Gracy left the throttle set vide vectors to and distance out sion making and superb airman-
at mid-range and continued his from the runway. The FAA Sector ship were responsible for the safe
climb toward home. Approaching Controller skillfully supplied recovery of a valuable combat
'.8,500 feet MSL, the engine Major Gracy with accurate bear- resource and have earned him
'=-experienced several severe com- ing and distance information. recognition as the TAC Aircrew of
pressor stalls. Major Gracy Major Gracy continued his glide Distinction.

~~iill5illillillSfAC CREW CHIEF5ill5ill5ill525"252illill5ill525illllii~~
S enior Airman Albert A.
Koester's safety consciousness
and dedication as an F-15 assistant
crew chief have contributed to the
overall safety awareness of the
59th Aircraft Maintenance Unit
(AMU) and the 33d Aircraft Gen-
eration Squadron.
During a deployment to Cars-
well AFB, TX, an F-15 pilot
noticed a knob drop from the UHF
radio panel inside his cockpit dur-
ing a DAcr sortie. When the air-
craft returned from the mission, During another deployment,
SrA Koester scoured the cockpit in SrA Koester demonstrated his
search of the knob for an extended safety mindedness during the ini-
period of time, mostly during tial FOD walk by identifying
darkness, to no avail. The follow- numerous areas of ramp deteriora-
ing morning he returned, deter- tion which required the dispatch
mined to locate the knob before it of a ramp sweeper. His coordina-
became necessary to dispatch an tion with the appropriate sections
egress crew to the TDY location. ensured the flightline was cleared
Through his persistence and well ahead of the first F-15 arrival.
determination, he was able to Airman Koester's perseverance,
locate the knob as well as a washer professionalism and dedication to SrA Albert A. Koester
which might also have lodged in safety have earned him the TAC 33 AGS, 33 TFW
the aircraft's flight controls. · Crew Chief Safety Award. Eglin AFB, FL

. t there
illion stortes ou
There are a. ml Air Command.
. th e Tacttca of them.
Send me some
Editor, TAC Attack
Hq TAC!SEPVA 23665-5001
Langley AFB,
Atvn 574-3658
thru Aug thru Aug AUG thru Aug
AUG 1987 1986
AUG 1987 1986 1987 1986
ClASS A MISHAPS 0 10 16 0 4 4 0 3 0
AIRCREW FATAliTIES 0 11 7 0 5 0 0 4 0
TOTAl EJECTIONS 0 8 11 0 2 6 0 2 0
SUCCESSFUl EJECTIONS 0 6 11 0 2 6 0 0 0

TAC'S TOP 5 thru AUG 1987

1st AF 9th AF 12th AF
class A mishap-free months class A mishap-free months class A mishap-free months
84 318 FIS 54 33 TFW 76 USAF SO
31 325 TTW 27 507 TAIRCW 52 366 TFW
19 57 FIS 18 31 TFW 36 355 TTW
5 FIS 354 TFW
~: 9 13
34 27 TFW
10 48 FIS 4. TFW 30 58 TTW


class A mishap-free months class A mishap-free months class A mishap-free months
217 182 TASG 84 482 TFW 131 28 AD
201 110 TASG 74 924 TFG 1 USAFTAWC
176 138 TFG 62 906 TFG 1 USAFTFWC
158 177 FIG 36 507 TFG
153 114 TFG 23 917 TFG



1987 3.5 2.7 2.2 2.0 1.6 1.9 2.3 2.0

TAc 1986 4.8 6.8 5.4 4.4 4.1 3.7 3.6 3.2 3.4 3.9 3.9 3.8
1987 0.0 0.0 4.4 3.2 2.6 2.8 2.4 2.1
G 1986 4.3 2.4 3.1 2.3 2.7 3.0 2.5 2.2 2.4 2.6 3.2 3.0
1987 23.1 12.7 8.1 6.0 14.2 11.9 10.2 8.9
AFR 1986 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 2.5 4.6 4.2 3.9

U.S. Government Printing Office: 1986-1987 625-031/10

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