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TAC Attack

November 1979

Night Work.. pg 10






Angle of Attack 3
TAC's Newest Members, Part II 4
TAC Tips 8
Night Work 10
Aircrew of Distinction 13
Chock Talk 14
Problems to Anticipate With the CHIEF OF SA FETY
Growth of Marijuana Smoking 18
Safety Awards 23 MAJ PETE ABLER
Weapons Words 24 EDITOR
Leadership, Discipline, Airmanship 26


TACRP 127-1
Material in this magazine is nondirective in nature . All suggestions and recommendations are intended to remain within
the scope of existing directives. Articles published in this magazine represent the opinions of the authors and do not
necessarily reflect the position of Tactical Air Command or the USAF. Information used to brief accidents and incidents does
not identify the persons, places, or units involved and may not be construed as incriminating under Article 31 of the Uni -
form Code of Military Justice . Written permission must be obtained from HQ TAC before material may be republished by
other than Department of Defense organizations.
Contributions of articles and photos from personnel in the field are encouraged, as are comments and criticism . We
reserve the right to edit all manuscripts for clarity and readability . Direct communication is authorized with the Editor, TAC
ATIACK, HQ TAC/ SEPP, Langley AFB, VA 23665; AUTOVON 432-2937.
Distribution FX. Controlled by SEPP
Authority to publish this periodical automatically expires on 26 Jan 1980 unless its continuance is authorized by the ap-
proving authority prior to that date .

task saturation
When the computer was invented, our ca- training , we are able to increase our ability to ac-
pability to store, recall , collate, and otherwise uti- cept more tasks. But our increasing capability can
lize information was greatly expanded . The ad- only go so far, and we will reach a maximum
vances in this and associated fields of data level. When that level is exceeded, one or more
processing have been phenomenal. The future in inputs will go unnoticed, unheard, and will not be
this area appears to be limited only by one 's acted upon . If this happens at a critical time, an
imagination . Our own human capability to incident or accident can result .
process data has not come close to advancing at Only in the past several years have we begun
this remarkable pace . to effectively examine the problems of task satu-
We are, after all , human beings with definite, ration, and we have only scratched the surface .
definable capabilities. The very essence of our We are all subject to physical and mental
capabilities also serves to define our limitations. limits. We need to know what these limits are--
One set of limitations which each of us has is for both ourselves and those we work and fly
imposed by our sensory capabilities . The senses with - -before we can hope to eliminate accidents
of hearing , sight, smell, taste, and touch con- caused by "task saturation ."
tinually send messages to the brain, messages
that require action, storage, collation, or thought.

Pure physical reactions ordered by the brain are
easy--almost automatic. Actions requiring judge-
ment are much more difficult, especially if there
is an excess of inputs. Chief of Safety
We, as human beings, can only handle a finite
number of sensory inputs . Through continuous

onth'silAue, we said hello to the active duty Air Defense units
which were incorporated into Tactical Air Command. This month, we feature
the new TAC- gained Air National Guard air defense units. All of the TAC-
gained interceptor units have a full time alert commitment at their location.

111 FIS/147 FIG, Ellington AFB, TX

The 111 FIS was originally activated as the
111th Observation Squadron in 1929 at
Houston, Texas, flying JN4-H "Jennies." During
WWII the squadron was called to active duty
and saw considerable action throughout the Eu-
ropean theater. At the end of WWII the unit
moved back to Ellington AFB, Texas, and took up
an air defense mission equipped with F-51s.
During the Korean conflict the unit transitioned
to F-84s and served the UN Forces flying out of
Taegu, Korea, as a fighter bomber squadron. It
returned to Houston at the close of the war and
once again assumed an air defense mission with
F-80s. In 1960 the squadron transitioned into F-
101 FIS/102 FIW, Otis AFB, MA 102s, and in 1970 it became the training unit
The 101 FIS originated shortly after WWI for F-102 pilots. In 1971 the squadron received
when the 101st Observation Squadron, Massa- F -101 Bs and assumed an additional role of
chusetts National Guard, was activated in 1921 training "Voodoo" aircrews. Today the 111 FIS,
at Boston. In 1927 the unit provided facilities to under the 147 FIG, continues an air defense
Charles Lindberg to prepare the Spirit of St.
mission in F -101 s.
Louis for its historic flight to Paris. The unit was
called to active duty during WWII and served in
Europe. In 1946 the unit was reformed and
reopened operations at Boston's Logan Field
which it had built earlier. The 101 FIS saw ac-
tive duty during the Korean conflict and
deployed to Europe during the Berlin crisis. In .

1962 the unit returned to Boston with a tactical

mission, but in 1968 it moved to its present
home at Otis AFB. In 1971 the 101 FIS, under
the 102 FIW, was reassigned an air defense
mission and equipped with F-106s. The unit has
flown a number of aircraft throughout its history
including P-47s, F -51 s, F-84s, F-94s, F-86s,
and F-100s. Today the unit is flying F-106s.
and equipped with F-51 s. taking up an air
defense mission back at Portland. It was called
to active duty during the Korean conflict serving
under the Western Air Defense Force. In 1952
the unit was returned to Oregon state control
and continued its air defense mission . Aircraft
that have been flown by the 1 23 FIS include F-
86s. F-94s. F-89s. and F-1 02s. Today the 123
FIS. under the 142 FIG. maintains an air defense
mission in F-101Bs.

119 FIS / 177 FIG, Atlantic City lAP. NJ

The 119 FIS was initially activated in 1928 as
an observation squadron. After seeing service
during WWII . the unit was assigned an air
defense mission in 1946 . The unit had a TAC
mission from 1962 to 1972 and saw action dur-
ing the Vietnam conflict. The unit has flown P-
47s. P-51s. F-86s. F-84s. F-100s. and F-105s .
In 1972 the 119 FIS. under the 1 77 FIG. 134 DSES / 158 DSEG. Burlington lAP, VT
received F-1 06s and was reassigned to an air The 134th Defense Systems Evaluation
defense mission . Today the unit continues this Squadron was activated in 1946 as the 134th
mission in the Delta Dart. Fighter Squadron and was assigned an air
defense mission with P-4 7s at Burlington. Ver-
mont . It was called to active duty during the
Korean conflict and maintained alert at Burl-
ington. The uni t has maintained an air defense
mission throughout its history, flying nearly all
the fighter interceptors in the inventory: F-51 s.
F-94s. F-89s. and F-1 02s. In 197 4 the unit's
mission changed somewhat from that of the
"good" guys to "bad" guys. The 134 DSES tran-
sitioned into EB-57 Canberras and became a
target force which has provided valuable ECM
training to interceptor aircrews throughout the
world. Today. the 134 DSES. under the 1 58
DSEG. remains the only U.S. unit still flying
Canberras providing targets for training .
123 FIS / 142 FIG . Portland lAP, OR
The 123 FIS was initially formed in 1941 at
Portland. Oregon. and was equipped with L-1.
BC-1 A. and 0-4 7 aircraft. It flew submarine
patrol flights off the West Coast during the early
stages of WWII. Later. after receiving P-38s. the
squadron flew reconnaissance missions out of
India and China as the 35th Photographic Re-
connaissance Squadron . After WWII the unit
was redesignated the 123d Fighter Squadron

136 FIS/ 107 FIG, Niagara Falls lAP, NY 171 FIS / 191 FIG, Selfridge ANGB, Ml
The 136 FIS. "New York's Finest." was initially The 1 71 FIS began in 1925 when the 1 07th
formed in 1 942 as the 339th Bomb Group Observation Squadron. Michigan Nationa l
Guard , was formed at Detroit. In 1927 the unit
began flying "Jennies" and later 0-38s and 0-
4 7s during the 1930s. The unit was called to
active duty and served in Europe during WWII
flying F-51 s. The unit returned to Michigan in
1945 and was designated the 1 71 st Fighter
Squadron . The unit was recalled to active duty
during t he Korean conflict and trained pilots in
F-84s and F-86s at Luke AFB. Arizona . The unit
returned to Michigan in 1954 and resumed an
air defense mission along with its sister 107 FIS
under the 127 FIW. In 1958 the unit assumed a
(Dive) and saw action in WWII. The unit was
deactivated after the war. but in 1 946 it was
reformed as the 1Oth Fighter Group, and in
1948 it assumed an air defense mission in P-
4 7s at their present home. The unit has seen ac-
tive duty during the Korean conflict. Berlin
crisis. Pueblo crisis. and Vietnam conflict. Other
aircraft which have been assigned to the unit in -
clude P-51s. F-94s. F- 86s. and F-100s . In 1971
the 136 FIS. under the 107 FIG. received F-
1 01 Bs and. since then . has continued its
outstanding record in air defense with the
Voodoos .
tactical mission and later a reconnaissan ce
mission . Th e 1 71 FIS , under the 1 91 FIG, was
reassigned an air defense mission in 19 7 2 and
w as equipped with F- 1 06s . The unit has fl own a
number of aircraft including RF-84s. F-89s. and
RF-101s . In 1978 the 171 FIS, under the 19 1
FIG. transitioned into F-4Ds.

159 FIS/ 125 FIG, Jacksonville lAP, Fl

The 1 59 FIS was initially activated in 194 7 at
Jacksonville, Florida. with F-51 s. A year later it
received F-80s . The 159 FIS was called to active
duty during the Korean conflict and deployed to
Misawa, Japan . The unit returned to Jac ksonvill e
in 1952 and resumed its air defense mission in
F- 51 s. During its history. besides the F-51 s and
F-80s. the unit has flown F-86s. F-84s. F- 1 02s. 178 FIS /11 9 FIG, Hector Field, Fargo, NO
and a number of support aircraft. In 197 4 the The 1 7 8 FI S "Happy Hooligan s" loc ated at
1 59 FIS. under the 125 FIG. converted to the F- Hect o r Fi eld. Fargu, North Dakota. w as formed
1 06 which it maintains alert with today. in 194 7. It began its air defense missio n flym g

F-51 Mustangs . Sin ce those beginnings. the unit 194 FIS / 144 FIW, Fresno ANGB, CA
has trans itioned through nearly all of the fighter The 194 FIS was initially activated in 1949. It
interceptors in the inventory. It has flown F-94s . had been a part of the 144th Fighter Interceptor
F-89s. F-102s . and F-101s . Today. the 178 FIS. Group stationed at Oakland Airport unde r the
under the 119 FIG. maintains its air defense 61 st Fighter Wing . In 1955 the 194 FIS moved
alert in F-4Ds . It was the first ANG unit to to its present home at Fresno. California . Since
assume a dedicated air defense mission with F- its formation . the unit has flown F-51 s. F-86s.
4s and has co ntinued its outstanding re co rd . and F-1 02s. Today the 194 FIS. under the 144
FIW. continues an outstanding air defense tradi-
tion with F-1 06 Delta Darts.

WE GOOFED . In last month's issue. we listed

the active duty air defense units which were be -
ing incorporated into TAC. In that list we omitted
one of the active duty squadrons because we
didn 't know they existed. Our sincere apologies
to the men and women of the 46 FTS . Here 's
their story.

186 FIS / 120 FIG, Great Falls lAP, MT

The 186 ~IS was initially organized in 1 94 7 at
Great Falls . Montana . It was equipped with F-51
aircraft and had an air defense mission . During
the Korean conflict the unit was called to active
duty and served at Moody AFB. Georgia . and
George AFB . California . Returning to Great Falls
in 1953. it maintained a tacti ca l mission until
1956 with F-86 aircraft. At that time it transi-
ti oned to F-94s and F-89s and resumed an air
defense mission . The unit began flying F-1 02s
in 1966. and in 1972 transitioned into F-1 06s--
the fir st ANG unit to do so. Today the 186 FIS.
under the 120 FIG. co ntinues this mission.
46 FTS, Peterson AFB, CO
On 14 October 197 4 . the squadron was acti-
vated at Peterson Field (now Peterson AFB).
Colorado . as the 4600th Flying Training
Squadron. with a mission to provide targets for
NORAD / ADCOM exercises and to support the
Air Force Academy Airmanship Programs . In
April 197 5. the squadron was redesignated the
46th Flying Training Squadron . Aircraft flown by
the squadron were the T-33 . T-37. U-4. and the
UV- 18B which replaced the U-4 in support of
the USAFA parachuting programs Currently. the
squadron flies the vene rable T-33 in support of
NORAD air defense exercises throughout the
CONUS and Canada.

...interest items,
TAC Tips
mishaps with
morals, for the
TAC aircrewman
A poor preflight could
mean no postflight.
The Phantom arrived on initial with 3000 lb of
fuel. Landing and dearm were normal; but as the
pilot taxied to the parking area, he noted a rapid
decrease in the fuel tape indicator. The right
SMOKE GETS IN YOUR EYES engine was shut down with 100 lb remaining;
During a pilot proficiency flight in another and as the aircraft entered the chocks, the left
command, the pilot in the back seat removed his engine flamed out. Approximately 2000 lb of
oxygen mask. The airplane was on final ap- fuel had transferred from the fuselage cells back
proach and the intercom was on "hot mic," so into the external tanks.
he stuffed one of his gloves in the mask to hold The defuel valve was the culprit. A wire to the
down the noise. But he didn't turn the oxygen closed side of the valve was disconnected from
off. the cannon plug pin. With the defuel valve open
and weight on the gear, fuel will flow back into
the external tanks under 30 psi from the boost
pumps. The same thing would happen in flight
with the in-flight refueling door open.
The defuel valve is still not "Murphy proof,"
and reverse transfer can occur if things go
wrong. If you get reverse transfer in flight, here's
what you can do to help yourself:
1. Close the IFR door.
2. Turn the external transfer switch off.
3. Select "internal only" on the refuel select
4. Pull the boost pump circuit breakers (LH
0111. only on AC 68-495 and up).
The pilot leaned back and decided to light up 5. Land at the nearest suitable airfield, cause
a cigarette. Unfortunately, the cigarette wasn't you're running on internal fuel only.
the only thing that got lit up! A flash fire burned
the mask, glove, and pilot's right hand.
Fortunately, the pilot suffered only second GOTCHA !
degree burns to his right palm and wrist. Now,
for you guys who don't think you can wait until The F-4 was returning from an exercise
landing for a cigarette, do you think this will mission after both generators had failed. The
help? And how about washing the grease out of crew regained use of the left generator but had
the gloves? problems with aircraft handling due to the lack

of stab augs and no-flaps. The pilot planned
a flat approach with an approach-end BAK- 1 2
The pilot was not aware that the MA-1 A was
disconnected and lying across the overrun. or
that the BAK-9 was connected and in place 45
feet short of the threshold . So. on his approach.
the tail hook cut through the MA-1 A and caught
the BAK-9 cable. At this time the aircraft was
still 6-12 inches in the air .
The aircraft then touched down on the runway
and pulled the cable out about 400 feet before
it failed . The Phantom con tinued down the
runway and contacted the BAK-12 with the BAK -
9 cable still engaged in the hook shoe- -the BAK-
12 cable failed almost immediately. The pilot
brought th e aircraft to a safe stop on the
runway .
It is an accepted procedure to leave overrun
cables and barriers connected or laying across
the approach-end of active runways. If you don't
want them in your way. you should notify the
tower in enough time to have the cables
removed . At the very least. you should know
where all the cables are--not just the one you
intend to use .
One other note--the BAK-9 is not compatible
with the F-4 for approach-end arrestments. The
combination of gross weight and speed will ruin
the barrier as it did in this case .

When you have a problem with your aircraft.
thinking too fast can get you in almost as much
trouble as not thinking at all. .. The pilot touched down at 180 KIAS and be-
The aircraft was on PAR final for a planned came preoccupied with the landing roll. It
low approach . After the flaps were lowered. the seemed to take forever to reach the midfield
crew noticed that it took almost full left stick to cable. and the pilot misidentified the midfield
maintain wings level. Suspecting split flaps . the cable as the departure end one and lowered his
p1lot raised the flaps. but still noticed an hook. The cable snapped almost immediately,
excessive amount of lateral trim . The crew damaging the stabilator. Thinking he had missed
declared an emergency and elected to continue the cable. the pilot selected full AB for a go-
the approach to a full-stop landing. around .
Meanwhile at the aerodrome. midfield cable Almost immediately after liftoff. the hook en-
engagemen t recoveries were being made due to gaged the departure-end cable and the aircraft
the runway being wet. Since the aircraft was a ca me to a rather abrupt halt in the overrun with
planned low approach in sequence with recover- the MA-1 A wrapped around the nose. (The pilot
ing aircraft. the barrier crew didn't have enough did pull the go levers out of AB as things slowed
time to reset the BAK-1 2 for the emergency air- down.)
craft. The tower notified the c rew of the loose Very few emergencies require an immediate.
cable; and they decided to land and lower the gotta-land-now approach . Having all your ducks
hook. once past the midfield cable. and take the lined up is a lot better than what happens if you
departure-end cable. try to go too fast--and miss something.

night wotk

quiet--if the enemy finds the team , the night

could get exciting . The CH-3E had the task of
By Capt Pete O'Day
getting the team out--from deep in enemy terri-
"One minute to Foxtrot. Team call sign:
Cougar. The team will authenticate FE with PA.
--Our Hornet escort just checked in--they're Heading 's good. instruments are good."
standing by if things get hot." "Stil l no concentrated fire on us--random--
"Tracers, small arms. four o'clock--no threat." they can't see us ."
"I have intermittent strobes at two o'clock-- How do we make this mission happen? We
keep her low on the trees." know the enemy threat- -tough, deep, and so-
It's a good night, scattered middle clouds and phisticated. However. we are keenly aware of its
clear half-moon. The helicopter maneuvers limitat ions; we use them. Radar is subject to line
gently at treetop level, rising and falling as the of sight and ground clutter problems. Standard
pilots use the terrain for concealment . It is not optics don't fare too well at night. The tactical
visible in the darkness. No exterior lights are on , solution is obvious . Fly low, hide behind trees
the cockpit is dark. and rocks ; fly at night using the darkness to ad-
"Come left five, we're looking for big rocks in vantage. Obvious? Yes. Easy ? It can be.
the river at twelve. " The "S tar Wars " look-alikes in the accompany-
"Small arms fire at three--shooting at the ing photographs are crew members of the 20th
sound--they can't find us ." Special Operations Squadron of the 1st Special
"Two minutes out from Foxtrot. " Operations Wing at Hurlburt Field, Florida. Their
" Should be power lines in 20 seconds." job is unconventional warfare, a joint force-mul-
'Tower at one." tiplier that depends on a high level of training,
"Comi ng right ." planning. and in novation to achieve success .
One hour prior. an enemy radar site disap- Success. in this business. is measured by get-
peared in an explosion. The special forces team ting in (and out) of enemy territory undetected.
has completed its mission. Twelve men are now unharmed , and with a full complement of crew
moving carefully and swiftly toward a point and passengers. The 20 SOS is charged with
identified by eight digit coordinates. So was the that concise mission.
CH-3E. Chances are things will not remain Their helicopters, CH-3Es and UH-INs, are

10 NOVEMBER 1979
Photos by SSgt Clifford Nation
Capt Pete O'Day
is this month's
relatively unsophisticated. low and slow. ma- Fleagle T-shirt winner
chines that hold no surprises or answers . How
to beat the threat then? The answer is not a new
one--good people. thorough training. and a lot
of "can do" attitude. Add a device called Night
Vision Goggles (NVG) to the "advantages" of low
speed machines and the answer begins to ap-
pear . Not new. but it works. it's simple. it's
cheap. and it's here .
The NVGs (officially AN-PVS-5) are light ampli-
fication devices fitted into a battery-powered
unit consisting of two monocular assemblies .
The goggles are fitted to a standard Air Force
helmet and weigh 28 ounces . Providing
passive vision at night. the NVGs amplify exist-
ing astral illumination (starlight and / or moon-
light) giving the pilot and crew the ability to dis-
criminate obstacles and terrain features during
the hours of darkness just as they would in the
The world is seen through a 40° field of view.
as with binoculars . Images are sharp and clear.
Depth perception is good in flight at 200 feet
above ground level (AGL) and below. Most pilots LEFT- A night view through NVGs.
feel comfortable flying at very low altitudes. due
to increased clarity of the terrain . Prominent ter-
RIGHT- A night view unaided by NVGs.
rain features are recognizable at up to two
miles . Depth of perception and resolution allow
crews to perform all tactical maneuvers exactly
as they would in the daytime . Defeat the threat--
fly at night. but do it very low level and hide be-
hind those rocks and trees.
There are specific steps in preparing for a
night flight with NVGs. but it is important to em -
phasize that normal flying procedures and tech-
niques are not changed--only new ones added
that are required for effective employment of

Night Vision Goggles (NVG) A 20 SOS "GREEN HORNETS" UH-lN Pilot

wearing NVGs.

NVGs. Since the copilot is the only one who will
have access to a map for navigation. special at-
tention is paid to planning th e route and mark-
ing the map. The entire four-man crew must be
familiar with turnpoints. hazards. and threats.
Next. the goggles themselves are checked.
Lenses are cleaned and minor adjustments
made for comfort and focus. accommodating in-
dividual differences.
The goggles are checked in a dark room and a
spare battery is tucked into the flight suit sleeve
pocket. Due to the light amplification abilities of
the NVGs. no aircraft lighting is used . Lights that
routinely illuminate during flight (landing gear.
aux fuel low. and AFCS) are covered with tape .
(A small hole or slit is used to allow sufficient
light for identification.)
Cockpit and instrument lights are turned on.
then all light circuit breakers are pulled. Effec-
tively. there is no light in the aircraft; the crew
doesn't need it. and the enemy is denied lights
for acquisition.


All duties remain the same. However. crew
coordination becomes extremely important. For
example. the pilot can see the altimeter. air-
speed indicator. torque gauge. and triple tach
(engines and rotor RPM) with enough accuracy
to discriminate nominal readings (airspeed 90-
The NVGs, 1n general use by US Army
100 knots). He cannot. however. clearly read the COBRA oircrews.
smaller engine instruments or RMI markings;
these become the copilot's responsibility. En - member. What one sees is a circle. like using
route navigation is accomplished by the copilot binoculars. with the world portrayed in green
giving instructions. "turn right." "turn left." "roll and shades of grey. This 40° field of vision
out." much like a no-gyro GCA. The pilot main- eliminates part of the peripheral vision that heli -
tains constant airspeed and terrain clearance. copter crew members are accustomed to using
The copilot navigates. directs course changes for flight.
and co rrections . and monitors aircraft perfor- How does this loss affect the safe operation of
mance . the aircraft? Not at all. The crew compensates
Flight mechanics or aerial gunners in the for lack of peripheral vision by head movements .
cabin verify navigation. operate weapon You must increase your "field of scan." That is.
systems. and provide normal clearance informa- the crew members move their heads to perceive
tion for confined area operations . NVGs provide what they normally would without NVGs .
normal clearance information for confined area Increasing the field of scan is the last element of
operations . NVGs provide the capability; training successfully uti li zing NVGs . Pre-flighting the
and crew coordination translate that capability goggles. preparing the aircraft. soli d crew coor-
into safe and effective missions . dination and team work. and head movement
As mentioned previously. the night vision gog - co mbine to give a c rew the ability to see and
gles provide a 40° fi eld of vision to th e c rew emp loy practiced low leve l tactics at night. ___....:::....

12 NOVEMBER 1979
1Lt James F. Holler
On 19 July 1979, First Lieutenant Jame 71 TFS/1 TFW
F. Holler departed Langley Air Force Base, Vi Langley AFB, VA
ginia, in an F-15B on a 2 vs 2 Air Combat Train-
ing sortie. Approximately 30 seconds after
takeoff, cabin pressurization was lost followed roll to the left to 30-45 degrees of bank occurred.
shortly by a master caution and left generator This roll was quickly corrected and with less than
lights. Lieutenant Holler cycled the generator two miles to landing, Lieutenant Holler was
switch and also cycled the air source knob in an forced to decide between landing or going
attempt to regain cabin pressurization and cockpit around. A quick assessment of aircraft control
air conditioning that was now also noticed to be was made, and Lieutenant Holler safely landed
missing. Neither action had any effect on the the aircraft.
generator or Environmental Control System. Investigation revealed a power supply problem
Lieutenant Holler declared an emergency, to the Environmental Control System which
advised his wingman of the problem, and turned allowed water to be sprayed into the avionics
onto the radar downwind in preparation for a bays. Subsequently, a power failure occurred to
straight -in landing. The radar and RWR were the left generator control unit, left and right air
turned off to preclude possible heat damage al- inlet controllers, in addition to other substantial
though the ECS light had not illuminated. The damage to the avionics. Had flight continued, loss
emergency vent handle was also pulled to of the right generator control unit and the
provide relief in the now very warm cockpit. As emergency generator control unit would have oc-
the aircraft approached a five mile final, the curred resulting in total electrical failure, loss of
airframe began to violently shake. Lieutenant fuel boost pumps, and possible double engine
Holler noticed that both engine ramp systems flameout due to fuel vaporization.
were cycling full up and down at approximately Lieutenant Holler's quick reactions and cau-
two cycles per second. The demand on the utility tious approach to an unknown malfunction--one
hydraulic system was such that pressure fluc- never before experienced in the F-15 community
tuated between 0 and 3000 PSI. Lieutenant - -prevented possible loss of a valuable combat air-
Holler rapidly selected the emergency ramp posi- craft. His exemplary airmanship and
tion which stopped the cycling. As the ramps professionalism during this unusual and demand-
moved to the full up position and utility hydraulic ing situation qualify him as the TAC Aircrew of
pressure reached 3000 PSI, an uncommanded Distinction

... iltddeltu utd iltude~ttait
wil,i a mailtttMttU da~tt.
tank and left inboard pylon and MER . Luckily, no
one was injured .
The safety officer arrived shortly thereafter
and noticed that there weren't any safety pins
installed in the equipment. Expended carts were
also found in the jettisoned items .
The safety pins had been removed at an un-
known time by persons unknown. and the
chock talk weapons crew admitted to not checking for the
safety pins or the jettison carts.


Four armament technicians were dispatched Two aircraft technicians were working on an
to the flight line to reconfigure two F-1 05s . The A - 1 0 . replacing a TV monitor . The job
job on the first Thud went without a hitch . Two proceeded uneventfully . A discussion then
of the four technicians proceeded to the next developed between the electrician and the crew
airplane to install a multiple weapons pylon on chief concerning the aircraft fire extinguisher
the right inboard station. system .
When their supervisor arrived. the pylon had The crew chief thought the aircraft fire extin-
already been hung and was ready . for a con- guisher system could not be activated when the
tinuity check on the jettison circuit . One of the cockpit battery switch was in the off position . He
technicians went to the cockpit while the super- then proceeded to prove it to the electrician.
visor stayed under the right wing with the test The crew chief then pulled the auxiliary power
equipment The supervisor directed the unit (APU) fire handle and activated the agent
technician to hit the emergency jettison button - - discharge switch.
which he did. jettisoning the 650-gal centerline Does anyone want to guess what happened

- - ---------o--:==-

BER 19 7 9
Some of our bases feel the unfriendly blast of
the north wind before others. all bases
experience some cold weather during the winter .
The weather variance--especially the large
temperature changes--makes a big difference in
personal performance. as well as the aircraft
and supporting equipment. It's time to take stock
and prepare now for the real battle with winter
weather .
One of the first items we think of when we
mention a change in climate is clothing. Here
are a few things to keep in mind when "winteriz-
ing " yourself against cold weather.
Dead airspace makes insulation . The more
layers of clothing . the more insulation . Several
layers of clothing are better than one bulky thick
The neck should be covered by either a loose
fitting scarf. buttoned up coat collar. or turtle-

neck sweater . static ports. vent lines . fuel drains . engine in-
Openings at the wrist . neck. ankles. and waist takes . c hock placement. etc .
areas permit body heat to escape . Protect these Cold. dry air increases the problem of static
areas. electricity. Be extremely careful of this hazard
A pair of loose fitting winter gloves provides while working around aircraft. explosives . or
more warmth than skintight gloves. flammable liquids.
Your feet stay warmer if you wear a pair of Keep fuel cells and tanks filled to reduce
light cotton socks under a pair of wool socks . condensation .
Other items also must be considered because Use extra caution when climbing ladders and
of temperature changes ... walking on wings ; slippery surfaces have
Moving powered ground equipment requires resulted in many nasty falls .
more room for turning and stopping on ice and A little preparation can make working on the
snow. flight line more tolerable during these cold
Greater attention must be g1ven to the months .
maintenance and inspection of such items as Good luck and think spring!
Adapted from A TC Safety Kit
--F-101 Voodoo--------
condensed fr om ori gina l articl e

By Hardin B. Jones, Ph.D .

Senior Scientist, Un iversity of Californ ia

T oday. many adults smoke marijuana . Some

start using marijuana to help themselves stop
drinking. Some use it in an attempt to revive
their failing sexual powers. Some find marijuana
a substitute for tranquilizers or other medica-
tion. Although the reasons users smoke
marijuana may differ. the deleterious effects are
much the same.
For more than a decade, we have been sub-
jected to a flood of articles . books. and reports
supporting the idea that smoking marijuana is
simple fun and has no serious consequences .
Earlier observations that marijuana is linked to
mental disorders. to the use of narcotics . and to
personality changes have been declared
"obsolete" or "exaggerated ." That these early
observations are now supported by scientific
studies and that many of the early studies were
carefully conducted have been ignored.
There are problems with many of the reports
supporting the harmlessness of marijuana . First.
examinations of marijuana smokers early in their
use do not reveal the long-range effects .
Second. as marijuana causes adverse behavioral
changes that the user cannot recognize in
himself, some investigators may have been de-
ceived by their own experiences with the drug .
Because they cannot feel the ill effects
themselves. many investigators have assumed
that marijuana would turn out to be as free of
long-term effects as most well-tested medicines .
Marijuana is an unusual drug in that the active
ingredient. tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) , is
retained in the body for long periods of time .
One study. conducted by Louis Lemberger of the

18 NOVEMB ER 197 9
Indiana University School of Medic ine . has indi-
cated 30 percent of the THC is retained in the
body at the end of a week. Similar retention oc-
curs whether the users are heavily or lightly
exposed to marijuana . With repeated exposure .
THC accumulates in the body.
THC is changed only slightly by metabolism In
this process . some is converted to a more
psychoactive form . {There are about fifty can-
nabinoids in marijuana; those that have been
stud ied retain their basic cannabinoid structure
and fat solubility even though partly altered by
metabolism .) THC is highly fat soluble and is.
therefore . deposited in the fatty outer membrane
of cells . THC appears to have adverse effects on
all body cells . but there is reason to be espe-
cially concerned about its effects on brain cells
and on the reproductive process.
An important source for information on the
toxic effects of THC on cells is the report of a
symposium on mariJUana presented at the Sixth
International Congress of Pharmacology held in
Helsinki in 1975 .
More recently W.D .M. Paton. Professor of
Pharmacology at Oxford. and Robert G. Heath. found that these synaptic structures were also
Chairman of the Department of Psychiatry and altered .
Neurology at Tulane University. and their Two major studies have shown genetic and
colleagues have shown the profound changes developmental damage in laboratory rodents
that occur in the surface membranes of brain after exposure to marijuana. One unpublished
cells in animals exposed to doses of marijuana study. conducted by de Paul Lynch of Saint
within the range of typical human doses . John 's University. New York. examined the trans-
Changes have been found to occur in the mission of defects to succeeding generations .
membrane of brain cells . red and wh ite blood Excessive abnormalities appeared in two genera-
cells . liver and lung cells . and sperm. tions after exposure of the original animals . In
Marijuana appears to injure the fine . hairlike this instance only two generations were studied .
extensions of the brain cell membranes that The other study conducted by Peter Fried of
communicate with the other brain cells. Such Carlton University. Canada . establishes a variety
damage is critical . for although each cell has of genetic changes in offspring of rats exposed
tens of thousands of these connectors . the brain to marijuana. Developmental abnormalities were
needs them all . They are the mechanisms of the found to be equally frequent after the exposure
mind . of either male or female parents.
That marijuana can cause brain damage has There are indications that the risks involved
recently been confirmed by Robert G. Heath . In with "normal " marijuana use probably exceed the
his study. Heath exposed monkeys for six genetic risks associated with exposure to sub-
months to doses of marijuana corresponding to lethal levels of radiation .
moderate and heavy human doses . Before the The correlation between cigarette smoking
brains of the monkeys were examined . they were and lung cancer. emphysema . and other respira-
taken off marijuana for eight months . The site tory problems is well known . Emphysema is
and degree of brain atrophy in the monkeys
were similar to those in the young men in the Reprinted with the permisa1on of E)(ECUTIVE Ht:ALTH
Campbell study . 1 Heath also examined the hair- REPORT,
like extensions of the brain cell membranes and P.O. Box 6•• Rancho Santa Fe, California 92087

the two drugs are not at all alike. THC. the prin-
WITH THE GROWTH OF cipal active ingredient in marijuana. is highly
soluble in fat and insoluble in water . THC
MARIJUANA SMOKING remains in the fatty structures of cells for long
periods and. with repeated use. accumulates
there . Alcohol is a water-soluble food and is me-
tabolized to provide cell energy. It leaves the
body rapidly and completely. There is no
residue .
Molecule for molecule. THC is 10.000 times
stronger than alcohol in its ability to produce
mild intoxication . For example . one drink
containing 10 grams of ethyl alcohol is me-
tabolized in an average-sized person in about
one hour into carbon dioxide . water . and
acetone; 50 grams of alcohol produces mild in-
toxication and is metabolized in about five
hours . Only 5 milligrams (0 .005 gram) of THC
are required to produce the same degree of in-
toxication . THC is removed slowly from the
body. and many months are required to recover
from its effects. The marijuana user is under the
influence of the drug even between highs .
It takes decades for irreversible brain changes
to appear in the heavy drinker . In the marijuana
smoker. irreversible brain changes may appear
within three years . Comparing alcohol and can-
found in 52 percent of those who smoke more nabis. W . D . M . Paton. Professor of
than a pack of cigarettes a day; only 3 percent Pharmacology. Oxford University . said : " The
of nonsmokers develop emphysema . The death price (in health) for (marijuana) overuse is pa id
rate among cigarette smokers exceeds that of in adolescence or in early life; the price for al-
nonsmokers by 83 percent. cohol overuse is paid in later life ."
Tobacco smoking diminishes lung capacity . Along with cancer and cardiovascular disease .
The amount of oxygen transported in the blood which are linked to cigarette smoking. alcohol-
is decreased when some hemoglobin unites with ism is another of the major health problems of
molecules of carbon monoxide rather than this country. With the increasing use of
oxygen . In addition. the lungs are irritated by the marijuana. another major health problem has
smoke and become inflamed. now been added. The problem is increased
With marijuana. because fewer cigarettes are when marijuana is used with alcohol. as it often
smoked. less carbon monoxide is taken up in the is . The two drugs in combination have a greater
blood . However. the lungs of the marijuana effect than the sum of their individual effects .
smoker become more irritated than those of the Contrary to many reports and popular belief.
tobacco smoker . The irritation is greater be- marijuana is chemically addictive . It is addictive
cause THC is more tightly bound to the carbon because the user can develop tolerance to its ef-
particles in the smoke than nicotine is; and . in fects and suffers withdrawal symptoms when he
order to get an effect. the marijuana smoker abstains. The withdrawal symptoms are mild . so
must inhale deeply and hold the smoke in his mild. in fact. that until recently they were not
lungs. After even a short period of exposure. as recognized as withdrawal symptoms. The mild
the carbon particles accumulate. the lungs of symptoms include irritability. restlessness. and
the marijuana smoker change permanently from sleeplessness . More intense withdrawal
pink to black. symptoms have been observed i n persons
Marijuana is often said to be like alcohol. but exposed for a few weeks to high doses of THC :

20 NOVEMBER 1979
restlessness. sleeplessness. rapid onset of ir-
ritability. loss of weight. nausea and vom iting .
diarrhea. salivation. sweating . hot flashes . runny
nose. hiccups. and electroencephalographic
changes during sleep.
The mildness of the marijuana withdrawal
symptoms is explained by the fact that THC ac-
cumulates and is retained in the brain and body
fat. Other sensual drugs that are not stored in
the body produce more marked withdrawal

We have all seen examples of the trag1c ef-

fects of marijuana on the mind . Marijuana
smokers seem to suffer from distorted emotional
responses . disordered thinking . dullness. and
slothfulness . Early in the use of the drug. these
behavioral changes appear to be reversible. but
as exposure continues. recovery is less and less
complete . Those most severely affected are
usually not employed . There are. however. many
marijuana users in factories and offices who ap-
pear to be normal but who suffer chronically
from an altered judgment that may affect the
quality of their work.
The most extensive study of the lingering ef-
fect of the hemp drugs was conducted at the
request of the Egyptain government by Professor
Soueif . Over a period of 25 years. he observed
850 cases of hemp-drug users . which he
matched against control cases . Both the users
and the controls were given standardized tests
of mental function . The tests showed that "those
with a higher level of education -- and / or in -
telligence -- show the largest amount of de-
terioration from marijuana use ." It appears that
the cumulative detrimental changes induced by
marijuana result in impaired judgment and a
diminished capacity to take responsibil ity .
Marijuana has an adverse effect on the perfor-
mance of high-level jobs . The user is frequently
lethargic. lacks motivation . is prone to error. has
trouble remembering important details . and can -
not think practically about the future . These
transformations are gradual and are not marked
by the obvious signs of impaired ability; it is

PROBLEMS TQ ANTICIPATE of its dangers are ignored. The political move-
ment to "decriminalize" (legalize) marijuana has
WITH THE GROWTH OF distracted attention from the health hazards.
MARIJUANA SMOKING There are those in government, education, and
science who have chosen to cope with the
marijuana problem by making light of it or by
condoning the use of the drug. For example, the
following statement was treated merely as a
footnote in the 1976 Annual Report to the
President by the Domestic Council Drug Abuse
Task Force:

"Recent research indicated that marijuana is

far from harmless, and chronic use can
. . .

produce adverse psychological and physio-

logical effects. Therefore, its use should be
strongly discouraged as a matter of national

When such statements as this are buried

in footnotes, it is easy to see why people
become confused.
believe that if people know the evidence indi-

cating the real dangers of marijuana, they will

be discouraged from using it. In my teaching of
drug abuse courses at the University of
California, and in my counseling around the
easy to spot the alcoholic, but not so easy to world, have found that by explaining how the

spot the marijuana user. brain functions and how marijuana affects this
Studies of the influence of marijuana on functioning, I was able to help people stop using
drivers have shown that marijuana impairs judg- the drug and to keep others from experimenting.
ment and reduces the driver's ability to gauge They are usually surprised to learn that these ef-
distance, speed, and road conditions. The fects occur in the brain and that, although fas-
severely altered behavior typical of the chronic cinating, they are indications of disturbed brain
marijuana user suggests that driving perfor- function.
mance would be impaired even between uses: Our thoughts and perceptions as normal
the user is never free from the burden of the ac- persons cannot be improved by drugs. All that
tive material. we are is in the interactions of our brain cells.
There are other reasons for believing that the With this understanding of how our brains work,
judgement of marijuana smokers is impaired. the false notion that the mind is expanded by
Marijuana users often accept the use of LSD, drugs can be replaced by a more profound ap-
heroin, or cocaine, while the nonusers reject preciation of the complexity of our being.
these more powerful drugs. The adverse effects
of marijuana ranks next to the adverse effects of 'The late A.M.G. Cambell of the Department of Neu-
opiates as the reason given for admission to rology, Bristol University, conducted a study of ten
federally financed treatment centers. Marijuana consecutive cases of young marijuana users who
showed marked behavioral changes. X-ray examinations
use interferes with practical success and of their brains revealed that they all suffered from
produces alienation, sometimes mild, but some- cerebal atrophy. The degree of atrophy correlated with
times severe enough to be called paranoia. the duration of marijuana use.
The belief that marijuana is safe has become
so entrenched that the steadily mounting proofs

22 NOVEMBER 1979


Airman First Class Steven F. Labonte, 355th
Component Repair Squadron, 355th Tactical
Training Wing, Davis-Monthan Air Force Bas:
Arizona, is the recipient of the Tactical Air Com-
mand Individual Safety Award for November
1979. Airman Labonte's safety consciousness is
evident in his initiation of an intensive inspection
of electrical mockups that had been relocated
within the Comm-Nay shop. During this inspec-
tion he identified and corrected several major
safety discrepancies. In addition, his active
interest in all aspects of the safety program has
created a safer environment for himself and his
Al Wen F. Labo


Staff Sergeant Larry E. Oehm, 49th Aircraft
Generation Squadron, 49th Tactical Fighter Wing,
Holloman Air Force Base, New Mexico, is the
recipient of the Tactical Air Command Crew Chief
Safety Award for November 1979. Sergeant
Oehm's superior performance and rigid
adherence to safety practices in all aspects of his
job are commendable. His thoroughness and
technical ability are evident in the exemplary
manner in which he maintains his aircraft. He
continually provides pilots of the 49th Tactical
Fighter Wing with safe, mission capable aircraft.
SSgt Larry E. Oehm

weapons words
By Maj Fred Higaki

Over the past eight months we've abused AIM-9s in almost every
imaginable way. The following is the hit list of TAC AIM-9s maimed or
killed from 1 January - 31 August 1979:
Date of
Victim Occurrence uries Circumstances
1 AIM-9B 15 Jan 79 BAW) Umbilical Hit and Run, Person/
Block Persons Unknown
2. AIM-9E 16 Jan 79 Blown Gas Grain Prophylactic Adapter
Generator Removed by Person/
Persons Unknown
3. AIM-9 Broken Umbilical Hit and Run, Person/
Block Persons Unknown
4. AIM-9 2 Mar 79 Broken Seeker Head' Hit and Run, Person/
(IR Dome) Persons Unknown
5. AIM-9R 12 Mar 79 Broken Seeker Head Bludgeoned by Cockpit
(IR Dome) # Access Ladder
6, AIM 9J 27 Mar 79 Fatal Departed for Undeter-
mined Reason; Possible
Suicide due to Fatigue
7. AIM 9';° 17 Apr 79 Broken Seeker Head Dropped on Head While
(IR Dome) Being Manhandled
8. AIM-9°. 21 Apr 79 Broken Seeker Head Pelted by Heavy Pre-
(IR Dome) cipitation
9, AIM -9E 1 May 79 Broken Seeker Head it and Run, Person/
(IR Dome) Persons Unknown
1Q. AIM-9J-1 14 11/lay,79 Broken Seeker Head attering Ram Contest
(IR Dome) With a Bug. Bug and
Missile Lost
11. AIM-9 Rear Hanger Separated ulled Apart by High
from Inert Motor ''G" Loadsi Fatigue
'MK .17
12 AIM-9J 1 Jun 79 Fatal atigue/Shear Overload of
Launcher Mounting Bolt
Blown Gas Grain Prophylactic Adapter
Generator Removed by Person/
Persons Unknown
14. AIM-9P 2 Jul 79 Blown Gas Grain Shorted by Painted
Generator Contacts
Blown Gas Grain Pilot Accepted Victim
Generator Without Prophylactic
Adapter Installed
16. AIM-9P 8 Aug 79 Broken Seeker Head Suspected Collision
(IR Dome) With Bug
17. AIM-9 14 Aug 79 Blown Gas Grain Gen- Prophylactic Adapter not
erator Used
18. AIM-9P 4 Aug 79 Broken Seeker Head Hit and Run, Person/
(IR Dome) Persons Unknown
Victim's affiliation with specific organizations
has been omitted to protect the innocent and
promote rehabilitation of those victimized.
Seriously. the number of mishaps involving
AIM-9 series missiles shows an upward trend.
We experienced four more mishaps this year
than last year for the same period . To put it into
perspective. three of the 18 mishaps were
caused by materiel failure/deficiencies. Three
other mishaps were caused by meteorological
conditions or collision with foreign objects dur-
ing flight. Twelve mishaps. or 67%. were caused
by personnel error of some type. Each mishap
has extenuating or mitigating circumstances--no
one knowingly removes captive adapters or
bangs on the IR dome; perhaps there was ice on
the ramp; the floor of the shop was slippery: the
crew chief just didn't think when he swung his
speed wrench around: the loadcrew was under
pressure to cross load the missile at "o' dark
30" and the weather was lousy to boot. The
variations to the same theme play on like an
endless fugue. Is there really something that can
be done to prevent those mishaps? Or are they
considered acceptable losses /damage?
The answer is yes to both questions. Some
fairly simple preventive actions are: slow the
pace down to adjust for slippery conditions. use
at least three bodies to move the missile. make
sure the IR dome cover is installed when the air-
craft is parked. and visibly check that a captive
adapter is installed. Do these even though the
m1ssile shop has not sent a captive AIM-9 out
without one installed for the past three months;
even when we 're only crossloading the missile
which supposedly worked fine the other day;
even though crew #4 always loads their ammo
nght; and even when it's dark. wet. and the line
supervisor is on your "you know what."
On the other side of the coin. there are times
when mishaps can be taken as acceptable
losses. Examples are; (1) running into big. hard
bugs during flight. (2) running into weather
phenomenon unexpectedly or as necessary to
recover or maintain safety of flight. and (3)
losses due to materiel deficiencies which
Identify problem areas not previously identified
and which can then be corrected by engineering
or procedural fix .
Tell us what you think about the preventive ef-
fort. Is it worth it in terms of time and money?
Any ideas? ~


\ ...

been easy. Units have spent many hours training

By Colonel Robert D . Anderson
at their home stations. Red Flag exercises.
HQ TAC/000
dep loyments to planned operating locations .
composite force training, and joint Army / Air
As we examine the degree of readiness TAC Force exercises all play an integral role in this
has recently achieved. we can be proud of our improved training. Unfortunately, our advances
achievements. We are able to surge and fly have not always had positive aspects.
more sorties than were ever envisioned several From August 1978 to July 1979 . we lost 26
years ago . Our professional munitions crews can aircrew members from the TAC active force.
load-out our "bi rds" in record time while over- Thirty-eight combat aircraft were lost during this
coming countless obstacles such as adverse same period. The dollars and cents figures of
weather . airplanes " breaking," delays in getting our losses, while staggering, are somewhat
necessary parts. and many other factors. Our meaningless. Whil e some of our aircraft cannot
aircrews have developed delivery techniques be replaced. our ai rcrew members are priceless.
resulting in more accurate bomb deliveries . It is impossible to rep lace a pilot or WSO with
Realistic air-to-air training increased the num- 2,000+ hours flying time , a decade of flying
bers of "·kills" of simulated enemy aircraft . There experience. and one or two combat tours . The
is no question we are ready to fight and win. real tragedy of our mishaps is that operational
Reaching this high state of readiness has not factors were involved in 27 of these accidents--

26 NOVEMBER 1979
AIRMANSHIP The key to accomplishing both of these objec-
tives is planning. The planning that should take
place before the mission--the type of planning
where the leader and his flight members analyze
factors over which you and I and the aircrews the mission. target. defenses. and numerous
had control. other contingencies before deciding just how
These factors can be categorized into three the mission will be flown . If the planning is done
broad areas--leadership. discipline. and basic properly. the execution is easy.
airmanship. Flight leaders who failed to fully Our job in TAC is the selective application of
realize or accept their responsibilities. break- tactical airpower. You as present or future flight
downs of individual and/or flight discipline. and leads are key figures in that mission. You de-
a seeming lack of basic flying skills were causal termine how a target should be attacked based
or contributing factors in 92% of the aircraft on your time over target. ordnance utilized.
losses. Can we do anything to reduce this need- target defenses and other considerations. You
less loss? must also analyze your capabilities and the ca-
I believe we can indeed cut our losses . Not pabilities of your flight members and take care
only can we reduce them. it is imperative that not to exceed them . You might as well have
we do. To that end. I've written a series of arti- stayed on the ground if you lose one or two
cles covering these areas. hoping that they will flight members on ingress and end up missing
serve as thought-provoking material for our the target or only damaging it. because you or
aircrews. They will appear in succeeding issues someone else will have to go back to the target
of TAC ATIACK . This month. let's talk about again.
fl ight leaders and tactical aviation. Furthermore. the mission isn't complete until
• • • you're back home on the ground. Whether
We have all flown with different flight leaders you're on a local training mission. cross country.
who possessed a variety of capabil ities . Some exercise or in combat. your second task is to
exercised strong control of the entire mission. bring your flight home. As I stated in th e
while others were loose in many respects . W e previous paragraph. if you don't exceed the ca-
have come a long way from the "light on the pabilities of your wingmen. they should make it
star. two. bingo . and mayday" days of operation. through the mission--every mission . One of the
But one fact remains. the flight leader is in Japanese aces of WWII when asked what he
charge. He's the one running the show and the deemed his greatest accomplishment did not
one responsible for the overall success of his speak of his air-to-air victories but simply stated
flight. Let's take a look at what ca n happen when that during the war he never lost a wingman .
the man in c harge doesn't fulfill his responsi - How good a leader are you? How well do you
bilities . handle your flight? What can you do to be more
- A flight of two aircraft elected to make a VFR effective? An introspective examination of your
recovery in marginal weather over mountainous capabilities using questions like these can help
terrain . While attempting to maintain VMC. the you improve and be as effective as possible . We
flight entered a steep dive from which they can't all be flight leads. but we want every leader
never pulled out. we have to be a good leader--one that will make
- During an exercise mission. th e flight leader th e difference between mission success or
failed to fully brief formation procedures and failure. Your hard work can make our missions
contingencies. An unbriefed maneuver led to a more effective and reduce our aircraft mishaps
loss of flight integrity and a midair collision. at th e same time .
There are other examples of a breakdown in Next month we'll talk about aircrew discipline .
leadership. but I won't take your time to discuss
them . I cou ld also spend a great deal of energy Colonel Roben D. Anderson, Dire!:tor of Fightef/fte..
listing th e traits of a good leader. but these connaissance Operations at Hesdquartem: TAC, has had-
characteristics should all be evident to anyone a long and ~inguished career in tactical fighters. His
who has been in tactical aviation for any length 1nitutl ass~ was in F-84s at Taegu, Korea, where
he flew 100 ClOI1'Ibat missions. His other assignments in•
of time . Basically. flight lead ership can be
elude a tout with the Thunderbird&, two stints in SEA
broken down into two principles : accompli sh with a MIG·21 to his credit, and command of the 20
the mission and bring your wingman home. TFW (USAFE).

It was one o'clock in the morning,
The rain was cold as hell,
Should I pencil whip this preflight?
No one could ever tell.

I'll slide on down the intake,

To give those blades a check.
The first stage has a couple of nicks,
But it's late, so what the heck.

I put a gage on the t ires,

They're low and soft as toffee,
I'll give them a shot of air later on,
I need a cup of coffee .

A crew chief

I've got a leak in the right gear well ,

I saw it just by chance,
I'll check it when we crank her up,
I'll give it one more glance .

So I looked the rest of her over,

And wiped off a leak on the wing ,
The aircrew made the walk-around,
They didn't notice a thing .

We got both engines turning,

Oil 's low on number one .
Give me a " red ball " expediter,
And get them on the run .

28 NOVEMBER 1979
I pop a salute as she rolls out,
I make it sharp and snappy.
The GIB smiles and holds up his thumb,
Man they sure look happy.

She rolled onto the taxiway,

I rubbed my hand on the wingtip .
Everything is looking good,
I'll catch her after the trip.

I see her rolling down the strip,

From the corner of my eye,
The nose is starting to come up,
But look at those sparks fly.

Looks like the engine's come unglued,

The pilot's sure trying to stop her,
The hook's been dropped, but she's off the
I hope they miss that bunker.

The aircrew made it out alright,

Which helped my conscience a bunch,
But I never will forget that day,
That I bought an aircraft's crunch .


s ignal. A co ntrolled functioning within sa fet y

parameters is possible a nd would be beneficial to
personnel who handle these bombs. Surely the wing

commanders would agree to a demonstration which
would instill respect for these bombs.
TSgt Norbert J. McNally
• Lu~e AFB, AZ

Dear TSgt M cNally,

Thank s f or the leff er and the iriformation. Hope-
ful~\ ', our readers who handle BDU 33 and M K 106
amunitions will realize the p otent .force contained in
the explosive power.
Your suggestion concerning the MK 4 signal
dem onstration lo cally has m erit, and I'll pass the
suggestion on to the appropriate people here at the
headquarters. Meanwhile, why not suggest that such
a demonstration be conducted at your unit ?
• • •
;t> Stan Hardison, 1977
Dear Editor ,
The article, Risk Assessment, by Major Alan Reid ,
in your August issue has very good intent. Someth-
Dear Editor, ing is definitely needed to help reduce accidents--in
I just finished reading "Mission or Safety .. . or all services. Major Reid's ideas are sound and worth
Both" in the September 1979 TAC ATTACK . exploring. I know in Naval Aviation, steps are being
For many years, we in the EOD career field have taken somewhat along the lines of Major Reid's. For
handled the BDU 33 and MK 106, both on and off instance, if a pilot hasn't flown at night in a couple
the bombing range , in the unfired , fired , and of weeks, squadron ops officers don't schedule him
dudfired condition. It is always unfortunate to read for a night , low-level ordnance delivery hop until he
of accidents where a fellow airman has been sense- has had a recent night fam I instrument type hop . It's
less ly injured by a "practice" bomb. Carelessness is definitely a tough job for the operations people to
most always involved ; drop the bomb and it will stay on top of, but a job that's a must if we in avia-
function . After all, the Air Force spend s lots of tion are to eliminate accidents--particularly the un-
money developing bombs that do function as called for mishaps.
designed. Like the automobile ad says, " ... a better idea!",
The signal contains red phosphorus, no less and it appears that Major Reid has one. I , for one,
hazardous than the white phosphorus mentioned in hope it works . Good luck!
the article , but the reference to the small charge is Joe Homer
inn ocently misleading. The expelling charge consists Fixed-wing Writer
of three grams of smokeless powder, which figures to APPROACH
be better than 46 gra ins of powder. When compared
to the less than 30 grains found in a magnum Dear Mr. Homer,
shotgun load , this amount takes meaning. Maybe a Thanks .for the letter. I expected an uproar from
change in the designation to "Bomb , Spotted" would the operations troops accusing Major Reid of heresy .
bring this hazard to the minds of routine handlers of Yours was the only letter I received on the subject.
these bombs . Hopefully, the article has pro vok ed some thought in
I wonder how many 46XXX's have seen the M K 4. all our aircrews.
signal function. An accidental firing is much too
strong a lesson to teach the effects of a functionin g

30 NOVEMBER 1979
TAC Tally

I. 1979 1978 1979 1978 1979 1978

CLASS A MISHAPS 6 32 25 0 6 11 0 3 2
I.I•• 2


class A mishap free months class A mishap free months
33 347 TFW 94 84 FIS
20 479 TTW 80 57 FIS
19 33 TFW 33 5 FIS
12 1 TFW 30 48 FIS
11 31 TFW 16 318 FIS


class A mishap free months class A mishap free months class A mishap free months
56 156 TFG (ANG) 86 191 FIG (ANG) 115 193 TEWG (ANG)
37 184 TFTG (ANG) 67 102 FIG (ANG) 102 USAFTAWC (TAC)
36 123 TRW (ANG) 63 177 FIG (ANG) 98 919 SOG (AFR)
21 121 TFW (ANG) 42 158 DSEG (ANG) 90 105 TASG (ANG)
21 108 TFW (ANG) 29 125 FIG (ANG) 71 1 SOW (TAC)


1978 16.0 12.4 8.3 7.5 5.8 6.3 6.1 6.7 6.5
c 1979 6.9 7.0 5.9 6.6 7.4 6.2 7.2 7.1 7.7
1978 0 3.4 4.0 5.9 8.1 7.4 7.9 6.9 6.7
G 1979 0 11.4 9.0 9.7 7.6 6.2 5.4 4.6 4.1
1978 0 0 10.9 7.8 6.0 4.8 8.1 7.1 6.3
R 1979 0 0 19.9 23.1 17.0 13.4 11.6 9.9 8.8

--tr U. S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE: 1979-635..037I 6
Bombs are smarter than pilots.. they always know where the ground is.

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