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Tac Attack

January 1969

Spins 8
for efficiut tactical air ,ewer current interest

TAC ATTACK Who better watch what!

JANUARY 1969 A look at its parts
Vol. 9 No.1 Pg 16
He has a lot to do with flying
Them that's "in" and them that's "out"
About those wheels
Published by the Chief of Safety

Angle of Attack Pg 3

F Iight Leaders Pg 6

Crew Chief/ Maintenance Man Pg 15

Pilot of Distinction Pg 21
Chock Talk Pg 22
Aircrew / Unit Achievement Awards Pg 24
Lt Col John M. Lowery 2nd Look Pg 25

TAC Tips Pg 26
assistant editor
Don Reynolds Letters Pg 30
T AC Tally Pg 31
art editor
Stan Hardison
TACRP 127-1

layout & production Articles, accident briefs, and associated material in this maQazlne are non-direc-
tive In nature. All suQQestions and recommendatJona are Intended to remain within the
scope of existing directives. Information used to brief accidents and incidents does
TSgt John K. Miller not Identify the persons, places, or units Involved and may not be construed as Jn-
ctimlnatlnQ under Article 31 of the Uniform Code of Military justice. Names, dates,
and place& used In conjunction with accident stories are fictUious. Air Force units
are encouraQed to republish the material contained h erein ; however, contents are not
editorial assistant for public release. Written permission must be obtained from HQ TAC before material
may be republished by other than Department of Defense orQanlzationB.
Mariello W. Andrews Contributions of articles, photos, and Items of Interest from personnel In the field
are encouraQed, as are comments and criticism. We reserve the riQht to edit all manu·
scripts for clarUy and readability. Direct communication Is authorized with: The Edl·
tor, TAC ATTACK, HQ TAC (OS P), LanAiey AFB, Va. 23365.
Distribution F, Controlled by OSP • TAC Publications Bulletin No. 22
Hq T AC Field Printing Plant June 1966 Autovon 254·2937
Rngle of RTTRCK

our worst enem1es

The most common causes of our operator error accidents revolve

around four simple human frailties: pride, fear, haste, and
Pride is listed first because it is most often a factor. Take, for
example, our annual loss due to landing accidents. In almost every
case the pilot had an obviously bad approach, yet continued on to a
major accident because pride overruled his better judgment.
Emerson wrote, "Fear always springs from ignorance." And fear
is something all of us have known at one time or another. However,
thorough training provides timely responses to critical situations. It is
fear born of incomplete training and understanding that causes a man
to panic after a crash landing; take off his gloves, and receive severe
burns while releasing survival equipment an item at a time instead of
pulling the quick release handle. It is fear that causes a pilot to
blindly lock his brakes during a heavy weight aborted takeoff, lose
control and come to grief in the overrun. Adequate preplanning and
proper training should have led him to use brakes yet steer for a
centerline hookup with the overrun barrier.
I'm sure most fighter pilots have heard of the pilot who, being
late for a range mission, rushed out of operations, made a hasty
preflight, jumped in the cockpit and attempted to start his
engine-less aircraft. And it is haste that causes premature gear
retraction on takeoff, leading to a crash at the airfield boundary.
The record shows only too clearly that thousands of hours in the
air do not make a pilot accident-proof. On the contrary, experience
appears to breed complacency. We see this frequently when an
Instructor Pilot lets a student go too far and land short of the
runway or crash while practicing a simulated single engine approach .
Pride in our profession is absolutely necessary but it should be the
pride of competent performance. Fear is something we can recogn ize
and train against. And haste is usually born of some form of fear.
Complacency sets in when we allow experience gained from hours of
safe flying to make us careless. And then we become our own worst

R. L. LILES, Colonel, USAF
Chief of Safety

Let's keep it like this

countryside and, of those who survived, some

pretty hot fighter jocks who in turn littered the
by Colonel Daniel James, Jr. mountains, valleys and oceans of Europe and the
Vice Commander South Pacific with enemy aircraft blasted
33rd TFW, Eglin AFB, Fla. unceremoniously from the sky.
Now we all agree that this wasn't the smartest
way to get there . The increased cost and
many years, during the infancy of the complexity of the modern-day fighter, not to
fighter pilot business, jocks would choose sides, mention the inestimable value of the fighter
name an "I dare you to meet me place" and with pilot's life, make the old method of spawning a
no more of a briefing than a few hastily placed fighter pilot highly impractical.
bets, dash off into the blue to engage in the In the past, one method of preventing
ancient art of dogfighting- alias ACT, ACM. The accidents has been to eliminate whatever it was
results of these lusty encounters were a few the pilot was doing when the accident occurw
aircraft and bodies scattered across the think we had better watch it or we are goir

4 JANUARY 1969
('" + ourselves "preventive safetied" right out of ACM, climbing toward that unacceptable point
'ractice of aerial warfare . Okay, now before again. (And now I tell you "What you better
say "who better watch what," keep listening. watch .") Much too often we find the cause for
You will remember, if you have been around the accident located squarely underneath the big
through a couple of wars, that for a long time hard hat- the fighter jock himself who wasn't
ACM was stricken completely from the training flying smart .
syllabus for several reasons. One of these was a ACM within the guidelines that have been
. misplaced idea that we would not fight classic air established is not a dangerous phase. But like
battles in the classic way in future wars. Another other facets of the fighter pilot trade, it calls for
and very important reason was the increase in the utmost in application of professiona I ski lis
accidents attributable to ACM training. The loss that have been already mastered by the jock
rate was deemed unacceptable. before he reaches ACM. We are often too quick to
Somehow the MIG jocks over the North did cuss the bosses when they say " Okay, you can't
not get the word that there were to be no more do that one anymore." "There go our formation
nose-to-nose, air-to-air hassles like the ones we takeoffs." "There goes ourACM.""KEERIST!"
had in the Great Hate. So they kept on trying to Keerist, indeed! We blew it ourselves.
sneak up behind us to gain that old six o'clock Our leaders have no desire to cure the disease
advantage. by killing the patient. But they can't run blind
The result was- you guessed it- same old against statistics or turn a deaf ear to the charges
classic air battles necessitating our development of wastefulness from the people who foot the
and practice of sound air-to-air tactics to survive. bills, or make the laws, or question their control.
The people who sell and influence decisions on It is up to us, the individual fighter jocks, to be
such things sold some very-hard-to-convince constantly bright eyed and bushy tailed; to train
r onole that there was a definite requirement to to the limit, yet practice strict air discipline in
ice and perfect our techniques of aerial accordance with the spirit and intent of existing
\.__.oat in our own friendly skies before engaging regulations and directives.
in a game of "grabbies" with some glory hunting We do not have to fly scared, just FLY
MIG jock over the Hanoi Hilton . So we got the SMART . Let's keep our out-of-the-combat-zone
program back again . losses through pilot error (the worst kind) to nil .
And what's happening? With alarming This is the best way home and this is the only
frequency we see the accident rate attributable to way we can KEEP IT Ll KE IT IS! ~

Colonel Daniel (Chappie) James, Jr., actually

needs no introduction within TAC. A native of
Pensacola, Florida, he was educated at Tuskegee
Institute, Alabama, and became an aviation cadet
in January 1943. Since receiving his commission
he has had an almost continuing series of fighter
assignments which include combat in WW II,
Korea, and North Vietnam. In the typical pattern
of the career officer, Colonel James is also a
graduate of the Air Command and Staff College
at Maxwell and has served a Pentagon tour. He's a
fighter pilot's fighter pilot and TAC ATTACK is
~ased to present his guest editorial.

de Havilland 4
Jhe first completely American-built combat to enemy fighters. Aircrews of the pictured 11th
'-.-plane to fight in World War I, the de Havilland Bomb Squadron, easily recognized by its famous
4 (DH-4), arrived in France in May of 1918. Four comic-strip-character insignia, "Jiggs," logged 13
hundred and ninety-eight more reached combat of the DH-4's combat kills.
air squadrons of the American Expeditionary The Liberty engine series reflected American
Force before the Armistice. Considered by many mass-production thinking and technology. Until
as the finest day bomber of the war, the versatile design of the inline 4 and 6, V-8 and V-12 of the
DH-4 doubled as a reconnaissance type. On four engines in the Liberty series, Americans
occasion, it filled the role of a fighter bomber. manufacturing European power plants were faced
Manufactured in the U.S. under British patent with handmade engines, non-interchangeable
license, and powered by America's outstanding parts, and metric measurements used on all
contribution to aeronautics in the war - the technical drawings. For the first time in World
Liberty Engine - the DH-4 supported a major War I, the Liberty aircraft engine series gave the
share of the A.E.F.'s aerial bombing effort. Allies a standardized power plant with
Production totaled 3431 airframes up to war's interchangeable parts, all mass-produced. All four
end, with about 2100 shipped to A.E.F. and engines of the series used standard-size steel
Allied units. The DH-4 continued as a primary cy I i nders, heavy-duty aluminum pistons,
weapon system in America's air arm late into the crankshafts, and crankcases. The only parts not
post war period. standardized were those affected by the number
Actually, both tactical and long-range strategic of cylinders.
bombers were latecomers in the war. Fighter By the time mass production began on the
planes were born early in the conflict to combat Liberty, combat demands for higher horsepower
hiqhly successful recce airplanes pinpointing front dictated almost exclusive manufacture of the
Flight Leaders strengths and weaknesses. They had to be
V-12. Cylinders of five-inch bore, with their
'--...-<.> pped and denied access to battlefield seven-inch stroke pistons were set at a 45-degree
intelligence. So the airplane's mission widened included angle. At 1800 rpm the early
quickly and advanced from reconnaissance, to twin-ignition V-12 cranked out 400 hp, later
fighting, to bombing . .. with a few variations beefed-up versions reached the 450 to 500 hp
along the way. In fact, nuisance levels of aerial range. Fully equipped for flight the power plant
bombing in the form of hand-dropped grenades weighed about 900 pounds, achieving the
and finned metal darts preceded serious air-to-air long-hoped-for lightness with high horsepower
combat between fighters and recce types. output needed for combat success.
However, building of really effective bombers The pictured fighter escorts, N ieuport Scouts,
such as the DH-4 had to wait for advances in were hard pressed at times to fill their air cover
aircraft design and power plant improvement. mission. Their 120 hp Le Rhone rotary engines
They weren't long in arriving. gave them a then-slow top speed of 110 mph.
Increases in horsepower and greater reliability When throttles hit the firewall in a hassle, fighter
of water-cooled in-line and "V" engines, such as pilots depended on their air combat maneuver
the Hispano-Suiza and Liberty series, spawned a training to protect the high-tailing de Havillands.
new generation of bigger birds carrying larger With advances in air-warfare technology,
loads, over longer distances, at higher airspeeds chivalry among airmen as practiced at the war's
and altitudes. With its V-12 Liberty at full beginning died ... at least the "friendly enemy
blower, DH-4s pegged their airspeed at 124 mph, approach" between fighter pilots no longer
often outrunning intercepting German fighters. applied to bomber and recce crews on either side.
Forced into a stern chase, enemy pilots faced the World War I aircrews found that survival in
ring-mounted twin Lewis guns of DH-4 observers. combat depended on superior equipment,
- rprisingly, DH-4 squadrons of the A.E.F . training, maintenance, tactical doctrine and air
·ed 59 aerial victories while losing 33 aircraft discipline. It still does. _.:::....

by Maj John P. O'Gorman
Anatomy of a spin and
Lt Col John M. Lowery

The information presented here was gathered and post-stall gyration problems since World We...
from a variety of sources; USAF's Aero Space I. The reason is that fighter pilots must
Research Pilot School, NASA's Langley Research necessarily maneuver their aircraft throughout the
Center, Lockheed, North American Rockwell, entire spectrum of its designed performance
and McDonnell Douglas. Our hope is that envelope. To be aerodynamically competitive in
pilots may find some bit of information which will combat, a fighter must have flight controls
help keep them from encountering an accidental capable of a wide ranqe of inputs at both high and
spin. Ed. low speeds. In other words, control surfaces must
be both sizeable and have large deflection angles.
The Korean War introduced jet fighter versus This usually means they are capable of being
jet fighter to aerial combat. During that conflict it maneuvered into a spin.
wasn't uncommon for an Air Force pilot to be In the early days of jet fighters and trainers we
credited with a Mig kill not because he actually discovered that large elevator deflections could
shot a Mig down, but because the Mig snapped cause a wing to reach an angle of attack that
and spun-in while they were maneuvering. blanketed the tail -causing pitch and yaw
Significantly, in North Vietnam, our fighters have instability. This was true with the T -33, which
been forced into offensive and defensive combat also had a sometimes asymmetrical wing root
with late model Migs. Again, cases have been stall.
reported of enemy aircraft spinning . We may After a considerable number of loss of control
never know how many of our aircraft snapped or tumbling accidents, Lockheed's Tony LeVier
out of control and were "lost" in combat. But
history shows this happens in every war and to
both sides alike.
Fighter pilots have had spin, loss of control,
discovered the T-33 had too much elevator throw

angle from 38 degrees to 22 degrees (+0,

recambered the wedge stall fillets and insta i
-1 '
or "up" travel. So they restricted the up-elevator

8 JANUARY 1969
sh"'rp edge stall strips. This, according to Mr. about the fuselage predominate over inertial
3r, made the T-33 a new aircraft. (Air Force moments about the wing. As a result, spins
'-....J's were later modified to 26 degree up entered from a one-G condition all exhibit
elevator.) basically the same characteristics throughout the
Meanwhile, fighter pilots had become quite incipient and steady state phases. To amplify, this
wary of spins. As a result, usable information and means the T -33, F-84, F-1 00, F-4, F-1 05, and
pilot experience with this maneuver has become F-1.04 all spin with similiar characteristics. (The
quite rare. F-1 04 spin must be entered from pitchup and the
From 1 January 1966 to 15 November 1968, F-4 has two identified upright oscillating modes.)
thirty-two TAC aircraft have been lost to some Upon application of pro-spin controls the
form of spin. Many of our accidents today are no gyrations go something like this: the nose pitches
doubt due in part to a lack of understanding . up and over in the direction of intended spin,
This discussion is intended to increase pilot then drops sharply below the horizon .
knowledge of the various spin modes. Frequently, spin rotation will appear to pause, as
First of all, a stall always precedes a spin. if stopped. Then the nose pitches downward 50
Therefore, stall warning is also spin warning, to 60 degrees and completes the first half turn.
unless of course, you abruptly apply controls and (Fuselage loaded aircraft have a strong nose down
go directly into an out-of-control condition. pitching moment in a spin.) Yaw and rotation
All of our TAC fighters are recoverable from rate then build rapidly and the nose whips back
normally encountered spin modes by sole use of up toward the horizon. Here again, the aircraft
aerodynamic controls. Only exception to this may tend to hesitate as it reaches a level
statement is that on rare occasions the F-4, condition.
F-1 00, and F-1 04 have a seldom encountered flat In heavier aircraft, F-1 05s, and F-4s, the nose
sr>i'l mode, from which there is no known generally swings above the horizon during the
ery outside of a spin chute or retro rockets. first few rotations. In an F-100, nose rotation is
"'---'<'n TAC our chief concern centers on the usually about level with the horizon. A T-33 may
upright and inverted spin. vary from 10 degrees below to 10 degrees above
First, let's clarify some spin terms: depending on C.G. of the individual bird.
Generally though it's 10 degrees below.
1. "Incipient phase" is the transient In all subject aircraft, nose oscillations are
motion between stall and a fully developed spin. lower to the horizon and rotation rate accelerates
For example, in the T-33, this stage in its with each succeeding turn until a steady state spin
extreme, may begin as a tumble. In other aircraft develops. Number of turns required to reach
it may be labeled the "Thing," post-stall gyration, steady state rotation varies with each aircraft and
or out of control condition. The point is that the depends on G loading at spin entry.
gyration leads to a steady state spin. A steady state spin results from a balancing of
2. "Steady-state phase" is that portion of a aerodynamic and inertial moments and forces .
spin from the commencement of a predictable Using a full stall, one G entry, a T-33 requires
pattern of motion (balancing of aerodynamic and about three to four turns to reach steady state.
inertia moments) until application of recovery A two G entry, at say 160 knots, requires five
controls. turns or more. NASA wind tunnel data indicates
3. "Recovery phase" covers that period of an F-4 can reach steady state in as little as two
a spin from the moment recovery controls are turns .
applied until level flight is attained. A steady state spin is characterized by
stabilization of airspeed -- with roll, yaw, and
UPRIGHT SPIN pitch rate oscillations becoming fairly constant in
Most modern U.S. fighters are fuselage loaded. amplitude . In the T-33, airspeed will peq at about
means aircraft weight is distributed primarily 145 knots, having built up from a low of 80 to
"-----"" the fuselage . Therefore, inertia moments 110 knots and increasing 10 or more knots with

This should help clarify why spin recovery in
anatomy of a spin the wing loaded T-37 is almost opposite to .----.......
century series birds. The F-1 04 as mentic
before, is an exception because of its high tail.
each turn. For century series aircraft, rotation (See "The Thing," June 68 TAC ATTACK .)
rate will be fast ... in the neighborhood of one There are aircraft which have a neutral or zero
turn every four seconds, maybe faster depending inertia. However, thev are predominately general
on fuel weight, C.G., and type aircraft. The F-4 aviation aircraft. Their recovery is neutral stick
completes one turn in 5 to 6 seconds in a normal and opposite rudder.
upright spin ... 3.5 seconds in a flat spin. The T -33 is a borderline case. With full tip
Many pilots are unaware that an aircraft can tanks the inertial formu Ia produces a positive
go almost directly into a steady state spin without value indicatin~ the aircraft is wing loaded.
prolonged pitching and oscillating motions Recovery controls then are similar to the T-37 .
characteristic of an incipient stage. This is why With tips empty, a T-bird's moment of inertia
you sometimes hear reports of an aircraft that becomes a negative value, making it fuselage
appeared to be in a nose low spin but was not loaded and becoming more so as wing fuel is
oscillating in the usually expected (extreme) consumed. Spin rotation and recovery controls
manner. Here's what happens. then become quite similar to our heavier fi~hters.
When you find yourself at low airspeeds, You may wonder why aileron-with recoveries
frequently lower than stall speed, say from a near are not recommended in the T-33 Dash One. The
vertical ACM maneuver, or from a yo-yo off the reason is that rudder alone provides enough force
dart, any sudden control input, especially aileron, to stop the spin . Therefore, aileron is
can cause you to fall almost directly into a nose unnecessary. In addition, any hesitation to
low, steady-state spin . .. because you have no neutralize aileron during spin recovery can lead to
remaining energy and very low G. excessive yaw angles with the possibi I ity c
This can be easily demonstrated in a T-33 secondary spin. While this is not dangerous, .
using a Zero G, low airspeed entry. The incipient uncomfortable. The full aft stick requirement
stage wi II be mild and short . keeps the spin rotation rate slow, and reduces
Conversely, a high G entry at a relatively high possibility of an inverted spin (because of the
airspeed will cause the aircraft to remain in an innate nose down pitch) .
incipient stage spin for a longer period. Entry will One word about neutral or hand-off
be violent- a snaproll- and oscillations may be recoveries. This technique can be effectively used
confusing and uncomfortable. during incipient stage spins in most all our
aircraft. The idea is to pause and determine
direction of yaw or spin. Recovery will usually be
prompt. However, upon releasing or neutralizing
Engineers use a mathematical formula for controls (unloading angle of attack) you may find
calculating control inputs necessary to recover that rotation rate sometimes increases
any given aircraft from a spin . If this inertial momentarily. This is a temporary thing and
formula, (lx -~2) , which figures moments of results from a change in aerodynamic moments
inertia abot7t! the longitudinal and lateral axis, due to streamlining of flight control surfaces.
results in a negative sign, the aircraft is considered When the spin does break you may end up doing
fuselage loaded. Spin recovery controls are : ( 1) rolls. But some opposite rudder, or in a T-bird
control stick aft, (2) rudder against, and (3) aileron, will stop this.
aileron-with spin rotation. Spin recovery is critical in all aircraft . Like
If the inertial formula results in a positive most aerobatic maneuvers, it's best done by feel.
algebraic value, then anti-spin controls are ( 1) Release recovery controls too soon and the spin
stick forward, (2) rudder against, and (3) aileron will resume. Release too late, and you've got a
against . .. which in most aircraft may be full blown secondary in the opposite direction
optional. The T-37 uses it in incipient stage only . When you approach a stall in the T·

10 JANUARY 1969
airframe buffet increases significantly. After you guaranteed to erase all doubts about the value of
and exceed a wing's maximum coefficient of the turn needle in determining spin direction and
'-.....-- buffet diminishes. During spin recovery you'll leaves considerable doubt about pure eyeball
notice a distinct build in buffet which reaches cues ... " The turn needle, in any spin, becomes a
maximum intensity just before the spin is broken . yaw direction indicator and always indicates spin
This may be a useful clue to help you recognize (yaw) direction. The ball, of course, is useless.
when to release recovery controls. However, An inverted spin is relatively easy to
visual reference to the ground is the best aid in encounter. However, many aircraft won't enter an
judging when a spin is broken. inverted spin using a conventional, inverted entry .
Recent NASA wind tunnel studies have Therefore, a yaw-roll-pitch-coupled, entry is
uncovered some significant facts of interest to required.
F-4 pilots. To illustrate, let's take an actual case where an
To be effective as an anti-spin device, drag F-1 00 pi lot attempted to perform a 150 knot
chute deployment must be at almost the instant aileron roll . With the aircraft pointed about 20
loss of control occurs. This is, of course, done in degrees above the horizon he applied fu II left
conjunction with an attempt to unload to 10 aileron. As he rolled he began adding forward
units angle of attack . Deployment at a later time stick to hold the nose up ... producing negative
will accelerate spin rotation. G. The large deflection of aileron caused a left
As mentioned before an F-4 reaches roll as planned; however, the nose yawed right
steady-state spin conditions very fast .. . about because the down right aileron produced a strong
two turns. Drag chute deployment in the steady right (adverse) yaw. As he reached an inverted
state phase will cause an increase in pitching position more forward stick was required to hold
moment which is balanced by an increase in spin the nose above the horizon.
rotation rate . Now, one roll is not necessarily hazardous. But
-his occurs because a spinning aircraft is he let the aircraft continue to roll a second time.
,ally like a large gyroscope. In a steady-state The roll, pitch, and yaw inertial forces continued
spin, rotation moments have an established to build while airspeed dropped off . At the
pattern and become balanced . Draq chute inverted point, almost full forward stick was
deployment disturbs the rotating "gyroscope" in required to hold the nose up. Aware of the
pitch . And the aircraft reacts dangers of adverse yaw at low speed the pilot
gyroscope-like . .. the applied (drag chute) force attempted to stop his left aileron roll (right
reacts 90 degrees to the applied direction thus adverse yaw) with right rudder. At that moment
producing an increase in yaw or spin rotation he completed all the requirements for a
rate. yaw-roll-pitch-coupled entry into an inverted
NASA found that to be effective as an spin ... yawing right and rolling left. Because of
anti-spin device in the F-4, a drag chute canopy his low airspeed (energy) he fell quickly into a
must be 70 feet from the aircraft attach point in steady-state inverted spin .
order to avoid disturbed effects of the aircraft On the other hand, a pilot can very easily
wake. enter an inverted spin by not holding enough aft
stick when initiating recovery from an upright
This is perhaps the most thrilling of the In a recent TAC accident an F-100 pi lot
recoverable spin modes. It is also more confusing snapped out of control (upright), held neutral or
and difficult to master because roll rate is both slightly forward stick and hit trim-for-takeoff in
faster and opposite to yaw rate. These factors an effort to unload angle of attack . When the
combine to make it extremely disorienting even aircraft did not recover he continued to hold
to pilots experienced in inverted spins. According forward stick. This coupled with the F-1 OOs innate
'\Javy test pilot Commander D. Z. Skalla, nose down pitch caused the aircraft to enter an
.ng in COCKPIT magazine, "This maneuver is inverted spin . In fact, recovered wreckage showed

anatomy of a spin
In some T -tail aircraft (F-104), this may not hold
the trim had been run full nose down. true.
"Unloadin9" is a valid recovery procedure Despite increased rudder effectiveness, some
only in the incipie!)t spin stage. If recovery is not aircraft may still require anti-spin aileron for
immediate, then aft stick and anti-spin controls recovery; but as we said before, inverted spins are
are an absolute must. Aft stick normally slows different. NASA spin tunnel experience has
down the rotation rate and prevents an extreme shown that for inverted spins in fuselage loaded
nose down pitch. aircraft, aileron effect is reversed . Therefore, if
This nose down pitch of fuselage loaded anti-spin aileron is required, you must place
aircraft, coupled with neutral or forward elevator aileron against direction of yaw. Again, for
control, also presents the possibility of airframe emphasis, this means with a turn needle
overstress due to negative G. deflection full left, you must use full right stick
Recovery techniques for inverted spins may to get help from anti-spin aileron.
vary for different aircraft, but full rudder Perhaps this would be easier to understand if
opposite direction of yaw is always the first step. explained in terms of wing tilt relative to the
Many of our century fighters are known to have a ground. A NASA report explains, "If the rolling
marginally effective rudder in an upright spin . moment is such that the inner wing is tilted down
Anti-spin aileron is therefore required to help (relative to the spin ax is), it is considered an
stop spin rotation. Loss of rudder effectiveness in aileron-with setting . .. in an inverted spin
an upright spin is caused by partial airflow rotating to the pilot's left, the inner wing would
masking in the wake of the horizontal tail or slab. be the left wing; moving this wing down relative
(See Figure 1.) to the ground would be brought about by mov ~
An inverted spin is different. Rudder is much the stick laterally to the pilot's right."
more effective in stopping rotation because Unless your Dash One specifies, best policy is
airflow is clean and undisturbed. (See Figure 2.) ailerons neutral.

An inverted spin results from forward stick (attempting to unload angle of attack) in a steady state upright spin.

12 JANUARY 1969
Figure 1 FLAT SPIN

This is the most hazardous condition a pilot is

likely to encounter because it's an unrecoverable
spin mode, unless you are rigged with an anti-
spin chute. When fully developed flat spins are
characterized by an apparent lack of pitch and
roll oscillations. This mode consists almost
entirely of yaw about the spin (vertical) axis. At
entry you may experience yaw, accompanied by
some pitch and roll oscillations; however,as the spin
develops yaw increases and pitch-roll oscillations
stop . Rotation rate may then become exceedingly
fast and confusing .
Navy tests have shown that an F-4 may
oscillate in the same manner for both a
recoverable upright and non-recoverable flat spin
during the incipient stage. A pilot would
therefore be unable to tell which type spin he was
entering until he reached the steady-state phase.
Usual prerequisites for getting into a flat spin
AIRFLOW appear to involve high angles of attack, very low
air speeds (often lower than stall) accompanied
by sudden large deflections of aileron and rudder.
It stands to reason then that to avoid flat spins
Figure 2 you must avoid sudden control inputs at low
speed. Instead, just hold controls neutral and let
the nose fall thru to build airspeed. Then use your
controls as needed.


Experience has shown three very common and

consistent pilot errors in spin recovery:
( 1) Moving aileron against the spin. This is an
almost universal reaction of pilots with whom we
have flown . Stick opposite to roll is a natural
pilot reaction due to both centrifu!lal force and
ingrained habit patterns.
(2) Failure to recognize when a spin is broken
and holding recovery controls, then entering a
secondary spin in the opposite direction.
(3) High speed stalls during pullout . This
often results in a secondary spin and is invariably
accompanied by some unconscious aileron
movement . .. which gives direction to the
ensuing secondary stall and helps precipitate a
secondary spin .

anatomy of a spin Spins are always preceded by a stall, so ~
warning is also spin warning.
If you get into a gyration you can't idem ...
Pilots frequently tend to look for rapid quickly neutralize controls to unload angle of
response from anti-soin control inputs. Accident attack and determine yaw direction . Chances are,
reports indicate that if recovery isn't immediate a it'll stop. Use both hands on the stick, so you
pilot usually selects a different flight control don't unconsciously apply opposite aileron during
setting . In a well developed spin it's not unusual recovery. Perhaps most important : USE YOUR
to hold recovery controls thru two or more TURN NEEDLE TO DETERMINE SPIN
complete turns before any recovery effect is DIRECTION. This is absolutely essential when
noticed. If you have selected proper anti-spin spinning inverted. Remember too, in our
controls the spin will stop. However, you must fuselage-loaded fighters, anti-spin aileron effect is
remember you are applying a relatively weak reversed when inverted. Unless your tech order
aerodynamic force to a gyroscope. The reaction is says otherwise, keep ailerons neutral .
necessarily slow. Accidental spins need not be disasterous. They
Most all of our fighters are recoverable from do require respect and understanding. Fly smooth
erect and inverted spins. In fact, the F-100won't and stay within your proficiency level, and
spin without pro-spin aileron (except flat spin). chances are you'll never have the ex perience. ~.,~.-.~

Your turn needle tells you spin direction


1. Neilhouse, Anshal 1., J<'

Walter J., Scher, Stanley H., "
of Spin Research for Recent Airprone
Designs." NASA TRR-57 1960.
2. Bowman, James S. "Airplane
Spinning," Astronautics and Aero-
nautics Magazine, March 1966, NASA
Langley Research Center.
3. Zirbel, William D. Lt Cmdr, USN,
"T-33A Limited Spin Evaluation,"
19 Jan 68, Aerospace Research Pilot
4. Roberts, J. 0. "Spinning The
ICE NEWS, NAA, January 25, 1957.
5. Skalla, D. Z. Cdr, USN, "A Look
At The Inverted Spin," COCKPIT
Magazine, May 1968.
6. Rhodes, James M., Capt., USAF,
"Spin Theory," Chapter IV (Revised)
Aerospace Research Pi lot School,
Stability and Control, FTH, August

14 JANUARY 1969

Technical Sergeant John L. Schroff of

Detachment 1, 831 Air Division, Edwards Air
Force Base, California has been selected to receive
the TAC Maintenance Man Safety Award.
Sergeant Schroff wi II receive a letter of
appreciation from the Commander of Tactical Air
Command and an engraved award.

TSgt Schroff

SSgt Wheeler


Staff Sergeant Ervin L. Wheeler of the 524

Tactical Fighter Squadron, Cannon Air Force
Base, New Mexico, has been selected to receive
the TAC Crew Chief Safety Award. Sergeant
Wheeler will receive a letter of appreciation from
the Commander of Tactical Air Command and an
engraved award.

by Don Reynolds

Crew Chief

Keeping an aircraft ready for successful missions and safe return of its crew is
the responsibility of one man- the crew chief. He has plenty of help from
systems specialists, · supervisors, and even the aircrews, but he's the one person
who says, "She's ready to fly." And when a pilot pulls the gear off the
runway, it's done with complete dependence and trust in his crew chiefs
Awareness of this particular bond between aircrew and crew chief is one of
the first impressions felt by a new man on the flight line. Getting assigned to a
bird soon becomes his most important goal. Most crew chiefs will not tell you
this in so many words, because few are the kind to air their hopes for all men to
hear. One of these men is Sgt. William P. Citty, Jr., with the 4537th Fighter
Weapons Squadron at Nellis AFB.
"I wanted to be a fighter crew chief since my early teens. In fact, by the time
I reached high school, my hopes had resolved into simply believing that it would
happen: like summertime- you know it's going to come."
During Sgt Citty's little more than two years service, he has graduated from
three Jet Mechanic Courses at Sheppard AFB, has completed a tour in Korea,
and is now keeping his F-105F ready for two to three Wild Weasel training
missions a day.
During a recent month, his aircraft flew 38 sorties, was maintained at a 93
percent OR rate, and did not miss one sortie because of abort or non-delivery.
The 22-year old airman was named T AC's December Crew Chief of the Month.
Along with this outstanding performance, he is aiming for a BA degree by
attending Nevada Southern University.
In this article, Sgt Citty tells about his aircraft, his mission, and his

Crew Chief Sgt William Citty, Jr., inspects, Lights of Las Vegas glitter on the Nellis AFB
during preflight (above), a maze of electrical skyline as Sgt Citty sets up his cockpit (above)
and hydraulic connections in the forward engine for ground tests. Below: Citty and other chiefs
bay, and makes a checklist stop (left) at the await return of their F-lOSs.
arresting gear precharge pressure gauge.

"Thud chiefs work by the same TO s, part num-

bers and checklists but you'll n ever convin ce
me that all our aircraft are just alike. Being a
"The best pilot in the world isn't worth a damn little corny about it, each has it s own c hara c -
without a good bird. That' s why I like my job - teristics - like women, some "walk" with a
somebody's really dependin' on me. I've been special gait, others may "giggle" in stead of
schooled, drilled, and sometimes cussed, but laugh. And mine, right now s h e i s popping a
I've got my own bird. And it's worth it .. Keeping few rivet s regardle ss of how often they're re -
her flying is a lot like driving drag races when placed. Yeah, it's frustrating, but I'll find out
I was a kid. I soon l earned that winning required why. Not just because its my job, I want
a top performance car. That' s why I replaced to know. Maybe that's why th ey say chiefs are
her transmission 19 times. My Thud's the same born and not made. Like chiefs s itting on the
way, and she can put-o ut 100 percent every day ramp waiting for their bird to re turn, look s to
with the right kind of care - like prompt, outsiders like a real piece of cake. You'll nev er
thorough checklist inspections and service, convince m e that, even during a ramp bull ses-
oiled with a few drops of worry. You u s ually s ion, some chief isn't thinking about those more
don't hear this kind of chatter from chiefs, I than 65,000 parts he keeps glued tog e ther for
know, but I'm not the least bit ashamed - and the sole purpose of k eeping a crew alive to do
most others aren't either if you ask 'em." their job."

Launching their Thud on a Wild- Weasel range

mission (right), Sgt Citty and his assistant
clear the crew for a cartridge start. Below:
Citty watches as an armament crew loads his
F-lOS's Vulcan with 20mm ammo. An Arkansas
Razorback, the pride of his home state, is
the only personal marking on the crew chief's
supersonic fighter.

"When I was a 'Ned New Guy' on the line,

launching was the most thrilling moment! And
it stil/ is, but it's different now. Here, most
of my pilots were flying airplanes long before
I was driving a car. That puts me in a bind,
because with a/1 that experience in the cock-
pit, the probability of a realistic alibi is slim
if something goes wrong in the air. So now,
when my aircrew is headed for the taxi strip,
no matter what I'm doing, that check list rolls
through my mind with the clickety-click of a
torque wrench. Don't get me wrong. She
doesn't fly unless I'm sure ... I learned that
the hard way. But it stil/ goes clickety-click.
That's probably why I like to be around when
specialists are working . Sure, they know more
about their job than I do, but I still like to
be there. Once when I was an assistant, my
chief said I was wasting time standing around
watching. Maybe he was right, but I sti/1 like
to be there. When someone was working in
the guts of our bird, I always felt better after
she was a/1 buttoned up. And I still do. I
don't ever want to have my razorback dug
from some muddy hole in the ground 500 miles
from home."

A Crew Chief's paperwork not only supports maintenance
scheduling and supply but, at command level, helps in
spotting fleet wide 'soft' areas that may require R&D atten-
tion. Above: Flight Chief, TSgt Gary Bailey reviews
Citty's Form 391. Right: Citty keeps a full set of tools in
his kit. He says it isn't always easy because some wear
longer than others. Below: At the end of a mission, Citty
debriefs his pilot Maj James O'Neil, noting any variations
in aircraft performance which can be adjusted before its
next flight.

•tting the Crew Chief of the Month citation is

~ an ego builder of course, but at the same
~ -'• a little embarrassing because a/1 those
TJtetty sounding words boil down to just doing the
job that was assigned in the first place. And be-
sides that, every chief has plenty of help if he
rea/ly wants it. Like me, I'm still a young fe/la
with lots to learn so I walk around with open eyes
and ears. I hope I never change in that respect
'cause I'/1 dry up. TSgt Bailey proves that to me
every time he shows me a change in the TO . ..
and I haven't seen a TO change yet that wasn't
intended as an improvement. This doesn't mean
my own ideas can't be used and I like to think that
chiefs are capable of suggesting improvements. It
just takes a little time and paperwork to get them
in the TOs, that is if they're good enough. The
hardest part is to keep from using a good idea
until it's approved. Before then it's ca/led im·
provising, which can turn out good and sometimes
bad. Like when I was draggin', I remember times
when the engine needed rod bearings but the bank
was broke. I won races with bearings cut from my
leather belt. A great idea. Not a scratch on the
bearing races either. But trying to get two races
out of one belt was asking for a piston smack
against the head. The same thing goes for proce-
dures. I'/1 bet there isn't a chief in the world who
hasn't varied the checklist order . .. the easiest
way I know to tie a guy's memory in knots while
watching his bird on takeoff ro/1. On this job I
learn from people and I depend on people. And in
the process, I learned not to depend on some. As
a chief, I hope I can always hold the trust that
my pilots have given me. Like when a pilot said
to me as I was strapping him in the seat, "Is she
ready to fly?' and I said, 'As good as she'/1 ever
be.' He stared at me and said, 'Maybe you'd like
.;de in the back seat in case she needs you.' I
't have to say 'no' ... I hope I never do."_...:::..

by Lt Col Robert L. Hill Hq TAC (OI)

two kinds of airplanes

"You see, Lootenant, there ain't but two this here airplane's out of commission ."
kinds of airplanes . . ." Well, I wasn't about to give up such an
He was talking to me ... educational trip so easily. "What's broke? Is it
Come back with me about '22 years, and something we can get along without?" I
hear the rest of this conversation, between me demanded. Sergeant Williams pondered a
and the brown-shoe master sergeant who was moment and then, in a tone which expressed
crew chief on our one and only post-war great sorrow for my abysmal ignorance,
administrative type B-17 at Panama Air Depot patiently explained: "You see, Lootenant,
in the Canal Zone. there ain't but two kinds of airplanes ... them
I had steamed into the hangar with a that's in and them that's out of commission.
pocket full of borrowed gold and a kitchen Them that's in commission, you fly, and them
pass for a scheduled overnight trip to that's out of commission, you don't. This here
Guatemala City, (which in those days was a airplane happens to be one of them that's out
pretty good place to RON). As I threw my of commission, and you oughta be darned glad
B-4 bag up through the hatch, I shot my best you got a pilot that knows which is which."
official-aircrew-member-look at the old sarge It was some years later that the full impact
and asked, "Where's the pilot? Why isn't this of Master Sergeant Williams' homespun wisdom
crate ready to go?" He looked me over penetrated the walls around my thinking
carefully, making note of my new wings and muscle. He had, in his own inimitable way,
my gleaming brass bars, and then resignedly spelled out for me one of the most basic
hoisted himself to his feet, shifted his wad of secrets of survival in this flying business. Think
Kentucky Twist to the other cheek, and it over. I pass it along to you as I got it from
replied, "He was here a while back, sir, but he him ... for free.
left .. . we ain't goin' nowheres anyway 'cause

20 JANUARY 1969


Maj Desing

Maj Bonner

Major Richard M. Desing and Major Otis L. being alerted. Major Desing and Major Bonner
Bonner, Jr., of the 478th Tactical Fighter evacuated the aircraft and saw two to three feet
Squadron, Homestead Air Force Base, Florida, of flame coming from the left auxiliary air door
have been selected as Tactical Air Command near the main fuel manifold. Major Desing
Pilots of Distinction. signaled his wingman to alert the crash crew.
They landed their F-4D after completing an They then ran to the sides of the taxiway,
ACM mission, and while taxiing to the ramp shut grabbed fire extinguishers, and put out the fire .
down the right engine. Shortly thereafter, the left The crash crew arrived and prevented the fire
engine auto accelerated. Instantly, both pilots from restarting.
brought the throttle to idle and the engine flamed The rapid evaluation and coordinated action
out. The aircraft stopped between a row of B-52s of both pilots during this emergency readily
and fully loaded KC-135s. Smoke was coming qualify Major Desing and Major Bonner as
' beneath the aircraft. Radio failure, caused Tactical Air Command Pilots of Distinction.
.mgine flameout, prevented crash crews from

.... incidents and incidentals

chock talk

cavitating pumps ready to perform their lifesaving function.

This supervisor's failure to catch a gross error
could have cost a pilot his life. Too often there is
An R F-4C pilot placed the gear handle down. a tendency to get careless and rationalize, "Aw, I
The gear extension cycle began but seemed know old Joe does good work"- then sign off the
unusually slow- in fact the nose gear and left work as inspected . .. from the office or
main wouldn't lock down. A check of the maintenance truck.
telelights showed several warning lights In this case no one was hurt ... and the egress
illuminated, "check hydraulic gauges," "left and maintenance crew "rebriefed." From here it
right aux airdoors," and "speed brake out ." When appears everyone concerned was lucky.
he checked gauges the pilot noticed utility
hydraulic pressure reading 700 psi and falling.
Thanks to the emergency extension system all
gear were locked down. And a successful
approach-end barrier engagement followed.
careless conscience
Subsequent maintenance investigation showed
that both hydraulic pumps had been damaged in a Sometimes disciplinary action seems to be the
manner which indicated prolonged operation dry only way . An inspector signed off red-X items
- or while cavitating. Looks like a case of after mechanics nad completed work on an F-1 00
improper purging after system maintenance. Or flight control system .
could it be poor system servicing? The plane completed two missions. On the
third, during takeoff the pilot added back
pressure for rotation but received no response.
supervisory inspections The I P took control, pu lied the stick back, but
the nose wheel stayed glued to the runway. Abort
While preflighting the ejection seat, an F-4 procedures ended with a successfu I barrier
pilot discovered the canopy 1n1t1ator engagement at about 130 knots.
disconnected. A records check showed that egress Inspectors could not locate the casti II ated nut
personnel had recently completed some seat and cotter-key which is supposed to hold the
maintenance. An oversight such as this could be control rod to the horizontal stabi Iizer actuator
labeled "human error" and forgotten . However, control bungee. To make a bad situation worse,
our maintenance system is designed to catch just the 781 A did not note that this nut had been
this sort of thing. removed during the flight control maintenance,
The maintenance action involved was cleared two flights previous.
by an authorized seven-level supervisor. By his Had the linkage separated during a critical
signature he certified that the seat and canopy portion of the previous flights, mainten2 ~
ejection systems were properly installed and personnel and the sign-off inspector may have ,

22 JANUARY 1969
with a maintenance slant.

more on their conscience. More, that is, than an the unit requires an entry on the 781A when
upcoming disciplinary session requiring answers work is done in this area. Before the supervisor
about leftover parts and short-sighted inspections. signs off, it is mandatory that he not only check
the trim actuator cannon plug but must also
perform a trim check. Sure, its more work, but
high priced junk their birds are not making as many unstable
emergency landings.
The pilot pushed his F-4 over the top of a
more than 70-degree climb to check the AFCS
cutout. At about 10 units angle of attack, he paper maintenance
heard a thump and both outboard wing tanks
· · ;soned. Two 37MM bursts near the cockpit area forced
rouble shooters found the electrical circuits an F-40 into uncontrollable flight . The SEA
\,.,<. However, there was a slight burn on the aircrew bounced between forces of from 8
screw ends holding wire terminals to the wing positive Gs to 3.5 negative Gs until the AC
station jettison switch. And aluminum drill ordered the pilot to eject . As the rear seater left
shavings lay under the pilot's left console .. . the aircraft, the AC pulled the lower handle. His
junk, which cost two wing tanks. canopy released just after the rear seater
During the zero-to-negative G maneuver, the catapulted out. But the AC's seat stayed
shavings floated against the terminals closing the with the pitching Phantom. As he pulled the
circuit. A couple of minutes with a vacuum handle two or three more times to its full
cleaner probably would have saved the tanks. extension, the bird flipped over on its back where
Good housekeeping is the key, but one electrical the pilot regained control and flew home.
shop also sprays a layer of insulation (clear Ground tests proved that had the cable been
varnish or shellac) on exposed, switch terminals pulled one more time, it may have fired the
under consoles. catapult gun, leading some to believe that battle
damage may have caused delay in canopy jettison

aileron trim solution with corresponding lag in removal of the interlock

block. Nevertheless, they also found excessive
A T AC unit flying F-4Ds has been clearance between the firing link trip lever and
experiencing aileron trim problems traceable to the sequence actuator clevis pin - it was .007 of
broken wires in the aileron feel trim actuator an inch, or .027 greater than the maximum .050.
cannon plug. The wires break while connecting Investigation proved that TCTO I F-4-816, in
the plug because of its tight fit near the centerline which this adjustment is required, had not been
stores cannon plug. Working space in this area is complied with even though aircraft forms
fficient, and a pendinq TCTO may result in certified it had been done prior to the aircraft's
"----"" 3ition ing one of the plugs. In the meantime, arrival in SEA. Paper· maintenance!

Major Solomon Harp, Ill, and 1st Lieutenant Roland J.
McDonald, Jr., of the 16th Tactical Fighter Squadron, Eglin
Air Force Base, Florida, have been selected to receive the
Tactical Air Command Aircrew Achievement Award.
Major Harp and Lt McDonald were Number Two in a
flight of three F-4Es. After a low level navigation leg they
began the gunnery portion of the mission. On their third
rocket pass using pop-up tactics, the aircraft passed 7500 feet
MSL and yawed sharply to the left. The "Off" flags appeared
on the ADI and the gyro tumbled. Major Harp began an Maj Harp
immediate dive recovery. A quick check of the instruments
disclosed a double-engine flameout with both tachometers at
35-40 percent. He initiated an air start of the right engine.
Light-off was immediate and the throttle was brought
forward from idle to military power. With return of electrical
power Lt McDonald alerted the range officer and flight leader
of their emergency. Major Harp then made a successful air
start of the left engine while Lt McDonald maintained radio
contact with the tower. They aborted the remainder of the
mission and made a successful landing without placing either
throttle near the idle stop.
The immediate corrective action and professional
teamwork demonstrated by Major Harp and Lieutenant
McDonald merit their selection for the Tactical Air Command
Aircrew Achievement Award. 1st Lt McDonald


UNIT 39 Tactical Airlift Squadron, Lockbourne AFB, Ohio
ACHIEVEMENT 61 Tactical Airlift Squadron, Sewart AFB, Tenn.
AWARD 182 Tactical Fighter Group, Peoria, Ill.
188 Tactical Reconnaissance Group, Fort Smith, Ark.
317 Tactical Airlift Wing, Lockbourne AFB, Ohio
430 Tactical Fighter Squadron, Homestead AFB, Fla.
431 Tactical Fighter Squadron, George AFB, Calif.
430 Tactical Fighter Squadron, Homestead AFB, Fla.
522 Tactical Fighter Squadron, Cannon AFB, N. M.
777 Tactical Airlift Squadron, Pope AFB, N.C.
778 Tactical Airlift Squadron, Pope AFB, N.C.
910 Tactical Airlift Group, Vienna, Ohio
4432 Air Transport Squadron, Chanute AFB, Ill.
4433 Air Transport Squadron, Dobbins AFB, Ga.
4434 Air Transport Squadron, Randolph AFB, Te
4435 Air Transport Squadron, Hamilton AFB, C<

24 JANUARY 1969
a 2nd look at a ....


by Don Reynolds

Pre-takeoff checks completed, an f7 -4 a1rcrew generous portions of human error.

closed their canopies, ready to move toward the The drogue gun fired on schedule. The
runway at a SEA airbase. As the AC applied time-release mechanism released the scissors
power, violent over-pressurization of the cockpit shackle and unlocked seat restraints. Th e 22-inch
caused him to stop his Phantom, and the rear controller drogue extracted the 5-foot main
seater called for him to dump pressure. The AC drogue- but it didn 't deploy. Investigators found
reached for the dump valve. But before pulling that the controller drogue shrouds and
the knob he heard a loud explosion and, a few connection line were misrigged and tangled with
seconds later, saw his pilot and the rear ejection shrouds of the 5-foot drogue.
seat strike the ground about 200 feet ahead at And even though the controller drogue pulls
eleven o'clock. The pilot rode the seat to his more than the maximum rotation pressure (5 to
death. Why? 15 pounds) required to open the scissor shackle,
This accident was triggered by the victim's it remained closed, blocking extraction of the
own error. But failure of the life support system pilot's personnel chute. Investigators found that it
to perform within its design zero/zero limits was required more than 60 pounds of pull to rotate
due to errors of others. open because someone had coated it with
The accident was setup initially by the utility more-than-ample spray paint for anti -corrosion
· ..,m ground crew who failed to reset the cabin protection.
ure regulator valve. It was left in the "ground This fumbling of correct procedures led to a
~ only" position and is not a part of, nor wing-wide inspection of all aircraft egress systems.
accessible for, preflight inspection. The front seat main drogue of the ill-fated
This oversight set the trap for the rear seater Phantom was found to have the same tangled
who used an unauthorized procedure to rei ieve misrigging. And more than that, inspectors could
cockpit pressure. As he called to his AC to not open the 5-foot canopy until they removed a
actuate the pressure relief valve, he also moved long strip of wide adhesive tape. It was the type
the canopy control selector to "open." With the wrapped around drogue line ferrules prior to TO
canopy unlocked, overpressure forced it up, 13A5-32-50 1, and should have been removed
shearing the canopy shear pin. The canopy raised prior to completing the modification. It evidently
several inches above the stationary aircraft. had been dropped inside the drogue when the
It fell back, slightly right of center, causing the seats were upgraded to H-7. Nevertheless, this
actuator rod attachment bracket to strike and error should have been discovered on subsequent
dislodge the interlock block. Then the cam roller drogue chute repacks if TO 13A5-32-3 had been
struck the rear of the banana links, firing the followed.
ejection seat through the canopy. Other discrepancies found were : four scissors
The power reel retraction mechanism, firing mechanisms required more than maximum pivot
out of sequence, failed due to excessive Gs. The pressure; four drogue chutes with anti-squid lines
pilot's neck was broken during canopy wrapped around several shroud lines; and on all
penetration. For the rear seater, this was the end. aircraft, the parachute withdrawal and arming
But for those of us still flying, the fact that the lines were routed incorrectly.
seat landed with the pilot still attached and chute Along with a touch of hurried thoughtlessness
neatly stowed, could give rise to a credibility gap, in the cockpit, this accident had ample help from
1grading the whole egress system . No sweat! supervisors, inspectors, and specialists. ~
.orked as advertised, but was foiled with


TfiC TIPS ... interest items, mishaps with mt.



cold nose emergency gear trap

After leveloff the Herky's extra crewmember Utility hydraulic pressure went to zero
checked out the driftmeter, scanning the terrain immediately after takeoff. The F-40 pilot noted
below. Looking forward, he was surprised to see gear and flaps only partially retracted, radar out,
the nose gear staring back, hanging in the breeze. both auxiliary air door malfunction lights, and
The crew checked gear indicators; they showed all speed brakes partially extended. He dumped fuel ,
wheels up and locked. Deciding to try again some extended gear and half flaps with the emergency
other day, the pilot returned to base. When they system, and made a successful landing with an
lowered all gear for landing the nose gear didn't approach end barrier engagement.
move. But, all gear indicators cycled from up Investigators suspect the emergency landing
through "barber pole" to down and locked. gear system had been inadvertently actuated ~
Landing was routine. reset prior to the mission . This caused ai
Maintenance inspectors found a bad micro landing gear down lines to be routed to the utir,, 1
switch on the nose gear uplock. Replacement reservoir and forced hydraulic fluid overboard -
cured the Herky's rare cold nose complaint. causing the utility failure.
Experience has shown that inadvertent pull
and reset by ground crew will ,not introduce air
gauge gazers into the lines, unless committed while on jacks
with gear cycling. So, pilots, if you think if may
Th e C-11 9 pi lot orbited the paradrop initial have happened, write it up. Today 's doubt will be
point and noted unbalanced fuel quantities. proved during tomorrow's flight .
Tanks selected for right engine operation showed
fuel amounts decreasing rapidly. Fuel flow and
fuel pressure checked within limits so he changed
fuel tanks to verify fuel quantity gauge operation .
t-39 toe trippers
They checked out okay. Right wing fuel An Air Force T -39 made a routine GCA
decreasing rapidly, he feathered number two approach and touchdown at a Navy air base. Both
engine and landed at an alternate. main gear doors were damaged when the plane
Fuel system specialist found two rear engine passed over the mid-field barrier at an estimated
studs stripped. These secure the fuel pump speed of 25-40 knots. Maximum height for AF
diaphragm cover to the pump body. This allowed arresting gear pendants is three inches; for the
the diaphragm cover to hang about one-fourth Navy, tolerance is from two to five inches. At AF
inch from the pump body . The gap permitted fuel bases, the T-39 gear door ground clearance of six
to be pumped overboard at about 8000 pounds and one-eighth inches allows a good three-inch
per hour. The boxcar crew is convinced that it gap or clearance between gear doors ~
pays to be a "gauge gazer." pendants. At Navy and Marine bases, clean.

26 JANUARY 1969
the TAC a1rcrewman.

may be only an inch. Recommendations have at rotation speed . An abort was in itiated but the
been made to either standardize on a three-inch aircraft ran out of runway and burned . The
pendant height, or modify gear doors so they arresting system installed at the end of the
retract after gear is down and locked. But until runway was not compatible with the aircraft. It
action is taken, T -:39 supervisors and pi lots best was for tailhook-equipped aircraft, but the
beware if their mission calls for landing over a aircraft had no tailhook .
Navy barrier ... or be prepared for gear door The Air Force has provided jet fighter and
repairs. some jet trainer aircraft with a distinct safety
feature - the opportunity to takeoff and land

barrier plate ramps toward an aircraft arresting system in the event of

an emergency. Though the systems are located
At some bases a ramp has been placed in front primarily at Air Force bases, some civil airports,
- \1A-1A anchor plates to prevent aircraft tail especially the joint use type, have arresting
.s from tearing out the plates and sending systems installed .
~ hurtling down the runway at high velocity. In line with the barrier regulation, AFR 55-42,
These ramps were recently responsible for a tail commanders and their operations officers should
hook bouncing over a BAK-9 cable, thus carefully review the mission requirement when
preventing a successful hook-up. Current thinking scheduling aircraft on cross-country flights.
is that the high-velocity plates are more dangerous Unless the mission dictates otherwise, it is wiser
than the chance of an unsuccessful barrier and safer to insure that barrier capable aircraft
engagement. Therfore the ramps stay, as does the land at destinations with appropriate arresting
chance of hook bounce. systems.
F-4 crews should be aware of this possibility From TIG BRIEF 21, 1968
and if the hook misses- take it around and try
hot seat
no margin for an Recently, a Martin-Baker M K H7 seat rocket
initiator cable was found crushed and frayed. The
emergency cable, damaged in the area immediately forward
of the cable dispenser housing, appeared to have
The pilot of a jet fighter was not thinking been crushed by lowering the seat onto an
about an emergency situation at his destination, obstruction beneath the seat bucket.
when filling out the flight clearance for his To . avoid inadvertent firing of the rocket
cross-country navigational training flight to a civil motor and possible injury, all personnel should be
airport . . . neither had the operations officer, aware of the dangers involved when obj ects are
nor the commander concerned. placed under or around the seat structure.
~he pi lot arrived safely . But when he started Maybe thi s should be another
Jff for his return trip, the control stick froze before-strapping-in preflight item.

a screech-job

forward airstrip. About 20 miles out they

received weather, field condition, and security
info. They finished their descent checklist ab~
10 miles out, but held up on starting the jets.
At four miles the pi lot called, "Start jets" ar 1u
by Lt Col Carl E. Pearson
asked for the Before Landing Checklist. He set
landing flaps himself and drove down final. One
jet engine started very slowly. That delay, plus
stowing a loose navigator's seat occupied the
flight engineer thru touchdown .
You've heard these pilot laments thru the Distracted by necessary radio calls, briefing his
years we've enjoyed retractable landing copilot on terrain obstructions, and concern
gear : "I didn't know my wheels were up until I about a crosswind complicating the landing on
tried to taxi off the runway." Or, "I the short, narrow runway, the busy and tired IP
congratulated myself on the smoothest landing of ran the checklist items quickly. Meanwhile, he
my career. Couldn't feel the wheels touch. Then I monitored his student's approach and flare. Later,
heard and felt the tick-tick-ticking of props slicing he didn't recall lowering the gear.
grooves in the runway." It would've been a good landing with gear
How do pilots, high-time and low-time, in down. A maintenance recovery team jacked up
single or multiplace birds, forget something as the bruised-bottom bird, lowered the gear
basic as "gear down" before landing? With a normally, inspected and cleared it for a one-time
check I ist reminder? And especially pilots flight home. However, a different crew this trip.
supported by a copilot (even better, an IP) and a Forgetting the gear usually involves breaking
flight engineer? flight-manual established check I ist patterns when
Here's one way, unfortunately, a too frequent your span of attention and control is
way. The Provider I P had his copilot in the left saturated -and you're distracted. Fatigue
seat on their ninth airlift sortie of the day. They contributes to setting the stage. For example, · ......---...,__
were lined up on a long final into an uncontrolled delay your jet start, accomplish it late and ou

28 JANUAR Y 1969
sequence, and you're even later starting the results in collision with the ground or, at best, a
Before Landing Checklist, wa1t1ng for a controlled crash. You can't grease them in flying
last-minute decision on landing or go-around . Add instruments to ground contact; that's sometime in
to this upgrading a copilot during a combat airlift the future.
mission into a hazardous, minimum-facility strip Because landing still requires visual reference,
on the day's ninth sortie. Tired, tense, and you've got to get your head out of the cockpit in
already behind the checklist power curve, you sufficient time . That's why checklists are
hurry. Then miss some responses while crew subdivided into phases of flight . Accomplished in
coordination collapses- if it ever existed. The proper sequence at the right time and place they
earlier checklist hangup starts the sequence of ready you for your next flight event, thereby
events leading to landing gear-up. ruling out memory lapses and emotional reactions
When you reach that most hazardous phase of to critical i nfl ight problems. Check I ists are a
flight, close-in on final, it boils down to which rational and proven system of aircrew and
stimuli score in the fierce competition for your airplane management. They avoid the possibility
attention and reaction . Normally, at this stage of three crewmen each mounting a horse and
you've completed your cockpit checklist galloping off in all directions.
chores- or should have. Except for onspeed Logical lifesavers, checklists serve as a unifying
readings you're concentrating on things outside of device, coordinating what would otherwise be
~ · . ., cockpit that demand your close separate actions of an aircrew. Complete them at
1tion : Lining up, missing an overrun or the time and place called for in the flight manual.
~ay lip, clearing a raised barrier, flaring on That way you and your bird will be ready for a
time, touchdown, reversing, rollout, and reindeer wheels-down grease job. And you'll avoid the
on the runway . Close-in, you're responding to most embarrassing pilot accident in the books- a
outside influences and have to . Anything less screech-job. ~

Interrupted checklist -


Dear Editor:
LETTERS The item titled " Hazardous Lag" regarding F-4
altimeter lag may be misleading to many of our
to the units. The aircraft model types were omitted.
lag is applicable only to the F-4E and RF -4C. A
EDITOR is being engineered to correct this deficiency as
soon as possible.
Paragraph 4 of the item indicates that replace-
ment of the CADC fixed the problem. In fact, it did
" The 8th Tactical Fighter Wing Reunion will be not. It appeared to because the chase aircraft on this
held January 31 - February 1, 1969, at the Sheraton- FCF was another F-4E where previous chase aircraft
Park Hotel, Washington, D.C. For reservations or were F-4Ds. Subsequent flights comparing the F-4E
further information contact Major James D. Covington, altimeter against an F-4D again verified the existence
4315 Majestic Lane, Fairfax, Virginia, 22030 ." of the lag in the F-4E aircraft.
Request your readers be informed of the facts in
Dear Editor: order that they don't start looking for problems that
Reference your article " Chucking Chock Inci- do not exist. For further reference we refer them to
dents," the TO as quoted could lead some of us to 15 Toe Ftr Wg message (C) P261659Z Sep 68 which
believe that all wheel chocks used on the flight line was addressed to all F / RF-4 units worldwide.
require reflectorization. This " bright" idea could
Lt Col Jack Robinson
develop into an extremely costly program.
Hq TAC (DMMA2), Langley AFB , Va.
Para 2-15, TO 35-1-3, 10 June 1968 requires re-
flectorization of wheel chocks applicable to specific Dear Editor:
aircraft. I believe clarification is warranted in one of I noted a small error in the October 68 issue of
your forthcoming issues. TAC ATTACK, in the " How High is Up?" article. It
Thanks for a fine magazine. states that errors can " be minimized using the pro·
cedure for altimeter corrections as outlined in AFM
TSgt Thomas Clavin 51-37." A recent change to 51-37 deletes the r
1st SOW, England AFB La enced correction procedure. You fly the a ircraf
Y ou've got a sharp eye for TO s Sarge. We were the current altimeter setting as long as the err ... . .>
caught in th e middle o f a TO change by quoting th e less than + 75 feet.
15 Dec 67 order which s imply s tates, ·"Wh eel chock s It is a -;imple matter for maintenance to adjust the
used on th e flight lin e will be painted with yellow altimeter to within + 5 feet of proper altitude. I be-
re fl ec ti ve paint color 7211. " By publishing time, th e lieve the + 75 feetis a carry over from the old days
TO was changed s pecifying minimum markings for and it sho-;;-ld be changed.
variou s aircra ft chocks. It al so includes an interes t- David E. Raley, Major, USAF
ing note, "In the event condition s warrant, re- Chief of Safety, Williams AFB Ariz.
fl ectorizing of the whole wheel chock may be accom-
pli shed at the di scretion of th e us ing authority. 11 Many thank s Dave for catching our error. We'll
re fer y our s ugg estion to our fli ght safety ty pes for
Ed. con sideration. Ed.

PEANUTS Court esy of Ooi ly Pres s , Newport New s, Vo .

~ Un ited F e ature Sy nd icate , Inc . 1966



30 JANUARY 1969


MAJOR ACCIDENT RATE COMPARISON (per 100,000 flying hrs) 52.0
15 15 Al .
- TAC _ 25.0
10 A-37
so rim NO ..*
*a ......
5 RB-66


I we emi im ,,

41. gm on ow low = s am NI
NW MN ION 44...
M. ... - F-86
14.9 28.4

Ow 10
10 1 _ 0 8.4
- 1 38.8
i ,6.8 =
5 0
- F-100
_AP 14.3 19.4
AFRes - 16.1 0
10 10 29.7 18.4
26.9 0

17 F-105
15 2
Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Out No, Dec
Feb Mar 9.5 77.2
19641 F-104
oo 1967 4.7
1967 1968 1967 0

9.3 C-47
9 AF 5.7 6.7 12 AF 10.0 4.3 0
12.4 0
4 TFW 8.8 5.2 23 TFW 25.3
12.2 0
15 TFW 8.6 20.8 123 TRW 11.6
0 1.7
7.2 8.0 27 TFW 7.8 10.1 C-119
33 TFW 0 0
113 TFW 18.5 12.4 140 TFW 5.0 16.8 12.8
4531 TFW 14.6 0 479 TFW 9.8 8.3 4.5
363 TRW 5.4 8.2 474 TFW 32.6 0 C-130
3.3 67 TRW 8.5 10.2
64 TAW o 0 0
o 18.4 T-29
316 TAW o 0 75 TRW 0 0
2.1 9.1
o 313 TAW o 0
317 TAW 4.4 1-33
o o
464 TAW o 2.4 516 TAW
4442 CCTW o 6.2 4453 CCTW 13.4 6.1 T-39
4510 CCTW 5.0 8.9 0
5.5 5.2 4500 ABW o 0 0
4410 CCTW 15.4 10.7 4440 ADG o 0 OV-10

4409 SUP SQ o 0 4525 FWW 28.1 18.7

o 28.5
RB-5 7
4416 TSQ 42.2 0 o 0
1. Always file a flight plan. It may mean the difference
in life or death.
2. Mountain flying is safest in the morning.
3. Obtain accurate wind information.
4. Avoid flying the passes with winds greater than
25-30 knots . Stronger winds produce intolerable

~ 7 ~
5. Fly the ridg~s.Stay
yons downdrafts.
o~ ,of .can¢s¢~
. R i~s
. .,.. ' ,.
vide7 p afts; can-
.:) , . . ~
/ ' ~ v

6. If you must fly iq a canyon, fly a g one side, not i . the middl ,t("
so you' II have room to make a 180 degree turn to get out. .f·
.,. 4' . .

7. Approach passes and ridges at 45 ~egree angles. l~en' lfyou can't .... -
get over, a 90 degree turn wiII get you out of trouble. //

8. In a downdr~t don't try to climb out Maintain airspeed and fly thru
it or turn ouf'of it. .-

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