Tac62 03
Tac62 03
Tac62 03
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TAC Attack March 1962 A Matter of Discipline
ongle da t ing back long before the doys of Icarus and Daedalus
and their fateful flight.
Problems encountered by the early pioneers were mony
and varied, yet in a way, have changed but little. The
forces affecting flight, being physical, certainly haven't
changed. Control problems haven't changed too much
either. The old crates yawed when you kicked rudder,
of climbed when you applied aft stick and stalled when you
applied too much. So does the F-100, the F-105 and the
For this reason, many of the earlier aviators have
experienced and solved problems that exist and plague
others to this day. Much of this information remains locked
in their minds because they are reticent or too modest to
volunteer information on their achievements.
I hope to tap this vast reservoir of knowledge by re•
questing many of these individuals to relate some of their
experiences. I am certain that we can all profit from
lessons they have learned. In addition, I plan to make
simi lor requests of our current pioneers, these great pi lots
who are dedicating themselves and thereby advancing our
profession toward space.
angle of attack
On Guard
SK ANY EXPERIENCED approach . . . that this will characteristic of the old F-86F
PILOT instructing gun- cause them to concentrate too and the F-100. Lighting the AB
nery at Nellis or Luke and hard on getting lined up and can start it, or it can result
he'll tell you that the final result in pressing in too close ... from over-controlling while
approach is the most dangerous and that one reason target trying to maintain proper alti-
phase of any weapons delivery. fixation is more common with tude. Excess speed and rough
He can't cite accident statistics inexperienced pilots is because air both help induce it. Once he
or other data to prove this, but they misjudge more runs. over-controls, a pilot soon finds
he knows it's true just the True, there a r e other himself out of phase with his
same. He's flown enough hazards. For instance, the final machine.
patterns, had enough thrills and approach on a skip bomb or If he is lucky, he'll stop the
watched enough gunnery stu- napalm run is never without foolishness by aborting the run
dents to know. He doesn't need risk. From the time the pilot with a judicious amount of firm
statistics. levels at an estimated fifty back stick. A few orbits of the
Press him for details and feet until he initiates his pull range may give him sufficient
he'll tell you that target fixation up, he is in danger of running composure to complete the
is the chief reason for this into trouble. mission, but one thing is for
belief. He knows that even the Usually trouble is caused by certain, if he continues to fight
old timers have to guard against porpoising . . . getting into the his aircraft once a JC has
trying to salvage a bad dreaded JC maneuver so developed at 50 feet, he will
2 MARCH 1962
never fly another run. his full attention to getting had parked on the ramp!
In addition to target fixation, aligned with the target and Experienced pilots usually
an air-to-air gunner has to initiating his run. don't have too much trouble
guard against getting too low. However, just recently a judging their height above the
For some reason this is when gunnery student pulled out too ground, even at skip bomb
the target always seems to get low while turning final on a skip speeds. For this reason they
shot off, falling into the attack- bomb run and clipped several consider this type flying to be
ing aircraft. Easily avoided ... telephone wires. essentially routine. This mis-
but on a grey day firing on an The wires were just a few hap should serve as a warning
over-water range, it takes an feet above target and some 9000 that it is not. That it is danger-
expert to tell when a run is feet short. Damage was slight ... ous, and, as with otherportions
high, low or level. but the accident potential was of the gunnery pattern, that it
The next most hazardous not; particularly since the stu- requires complete concentra-
point in gunnery patterns is the dent never realized that he had tion and attention.
pull-up onto downwind. Fre- descended too low until after he
quently this is the point where
an inexperienced or careless
pilot looses sight of the bird
ahead, locates the second one
ahead, takes appropriate
spacing and pulls into the same
patch of sky being occupied by
the aircraft he's supposed to be
following. If he misses it, a
good scare is had by all. If he
hits ...
The same thing can happen
during the turn from downwind
to base. On downwind, a pilot
usually shifts his attention to
the pattern as a whole.
Occasionally he loses sight of
the aircraft ahead and makes
his turn to space himself be-
hind the next one ahead . . . It
is easy to criticize and warn
against this hazard, but until
you've had it happen, you can-
not appreciate how difficult it
is to always avoid it-especially
during a hazy day when staring
into the sun.
The last and least dangerous
area in the pattern is the turn
onto final .. . even on a skip
bomb or napalm run. By this
time, spacing is well estab-
lished and the pilot can devote
,..., '
Old Tat
are taken care of with a quick glance in the
as scratching paint. The other pilot on board cockpit during initial approach. Speed brakes (on
had almost as much flying time. Then he this particular bird) are extended on the pitch.
called on the pitch and was told to report base. Gear is lowered on down wind after speed
Approximately two minutes later he called turning decreases below limit speed.
base with three down and locked. Shortly there- Generally, smart pilots watch the indicators
after he was sliding down the runway with change from 'up' to 'unsafe' to 'down' during the
3442:35 hours of flying time and, sob, a gear up lowering process, then check their position in the
landing to his credit. pattern, start flaps down, and begin their turn
onto base. They re-check gear indicators, check
If you think it can't happen to you, guess
brakes for feel, and call turning base .
again! Two pilots waiting to take the active noticed
Absurdly simple, quite logical and rather
the gear up approach and radioed to take- it-
di'fficult to understand why someone would leave
around. Apparently he was concentrating too hard
out an item. Failure to use a check list? The
(probably having trouble getting slowed down) and
pattern itself acts as a check list .... besides,
did not hear their calls.
pilots have been known to slide multi-place air-
Cause? Technically, it was failure to follow craft in, even though one read off the check list
the pre-landing check list. A list that consists of and the other supposedly accomplished the checks
checking the zero lanyard to see that it is attached, and actions.
then observing fuel quantity and hydraulic Generally, most gear up landings result
pressure, then extending speed brakes, gear and because something unusual occurs that interrupts
flaps, followed by a check of the gear position the sequence at a critical time. The copilot has
indicators and brake pedal pressure. just called off gear down. The pilot reaches for
R~view that check list. The first three items the gear handle as the tower cautions him of
4 MARDi 1962
another aircraft in the landing pattern. He looks
for this aircraft, finds it and presses the mike
button to advise the tower that he has it in sight.
Meanwhile, his ever lovin' copilot has proceeded 0
to the next item on the list. Turning base he
glances at the indicators, ''UP'' appears in each
window, but all he notices is that they are all
alike without a barber pole .....
Or our hero is flying a fighter that is new to ~ 1
him. He has hundreds of hours in a bird where
speed brakes are extended on the break, gear
extended on downwind and flaps extended on base.
The new bird he's flying requires takeoff flaps on
the pitch, gear on downwind, full flaps and speed
brakes on base. The wind has whipped up quite a
bit of dust and he has trouble getting lined up on
initial due to reduced visibility. On the pitch he
kicks out speed brakes, concentrating mostly on
TAT READ this reportfromasistercommand
keeping the runway in sight. On base he remembers
with just a touch of nostalgia ... "the aircraft
he's supposed to have takeoff flaps and selects
struck the runway right gear first in a tight
them, still giving most of his attention to keeping
descending right turn." Hoo boy, we're back to the
the runway in sight. On base he selects full flaps
days of the 20-second pattern--lessee wha'
and concentrates on correcting for a nasty cross-
hoppen. Yup. Right tire blew, both wings buckled,
wind ... holding plenty of power because of a larger
both props ... BOTH PROPS! What kind of fighter
flatter pattern. The landing is a surprise.
is this? Ulpl a U-3A. How about that?
Next we have Lt Oblivious who, unknowingly,
Some arrival, no? Reading on, we findthatour
has been skating on thin ice for each of his twelve
hot hero was making his third landing in the little
rated years. Formal checks are for the sissies.
critter and was flying as first pilot! We'll be kind
He believes in playing it by feel. Anyone who
and make no smart remarks about the lack of
lands gear up just ain 't got that feel. He pitches as
skill and cunning--instead will direct your beady
number four of ·a flight, puts flaps to takeoff,
gaze to the lack of supervision which preceded this
finds himself a bit closely spaced holds back
exhibition. Apparently there are those who con-
power and proceeds blithely on around the pattern
sider this little machine to be somewhat less than
with gears fully retracted. All the way thru the
an aircraft. This, obviously, was hardly a proper
FEB he keeps shaking his head. Seems he can't
attitude and the machine gave its all to prove it.
figure out why the bird had a normal sink rate on
final when gear was up. True, he flew final a WHEN THINGS START coming apart at the
shade below recommended speed in order to seams it really helps to know what's going wrong.
keep from overrunning number three . . . Many emergencies get loused up beyond repair
The list goes on. Most gear up landings because the pilot misguesses the cause of his
involve a distraction, a break in sequence, care- trouble. Sometimes he just doesn't have enough
less checking of indicators, reversion to old information available. At other times he takes the
habit patterns, a malfunction, or a combinationof wrong route even tho information for a correct
these factors. Cure? Make sure your pattern analysis is available ... reacted too quick. We've
contains two or more definite gear checks. Then gnawed on that bone before and we cheerfully admit
accomplish these checks deliberately, and that 'tis far easier to see these things from the
conscientiously. Never permit any of them to relative calm of a swivel chair •.. but we have
become automatic. You can't afford to. had our share of inflight eye openers . . . scary
vibrations and noises-you know, the usual harm- pertinent emergency procedures ... then get air-
less minor malfunctions. The only one of any real borne and go into a full scale flap when the air
consequence went virtually unnoticed until the conditioning unit lets out a low moan (just because
engine blew up under us. it's in a jovial mood).
We firmly believe that most of the problems One other way to separate the dangerous from
encountered while airborne are like that ... the the harmless is to cram. You listen to the other
truly dangerous items are apt to go virtually troops, study the accidents and pay close attention
unannounced until complete failure occurs. to what happened before they met their moment of
Reminds us. Have you ever launched on a crisp truth . This will give you a preview on what to
cold day when the tires had become 'set' from the expect should you start down a similar road. To
cold? Sure can shake a bird, feels like the engine pay for all this free knowledge, you are under
had shed a bucket or two. We knew one troop who obligation to pass on your own unusual experi-
had this happen and pretty well wrecked his ences ... do this with incident reports, OHRs, or
machine aborting the takeoff. He swore he'd had by cornering your safety officer.
an engine failure until he watched us skeptical One other way to prime yourself with infor-
types run the unit on the test block. mation is thru the Form 781. Quite often it will
How do you separate the dangerous from the contain clues to potential trouble-but you must
harmless? Well, it rather helps to have a real study it and use your imagination or it's no help.
optimistic approach to the profession. You know, We have a for-instance on that one. Seems Old
things start to happen and you say to yourself, Head weqt out to fly an F-100 as number two in a
''Now what piddling thing is cutting up now?'' and two-ship flight. His bird was on a red dash be-
then start checking the clocks. This helps keep cause the AB mechanical shut-off had been re-
you cool during the analysis stage. To keep cool connected in accordance with a T.O. change but
during the action phase you have to have the hadn't been checked on the ground or during the
opposite approach . . . to be so pessimistic that test hop which preceded this flight. The red dash
you have developed conditioned reflexes by requested a check of the AB cut-out point.
planning for every conceivable emergency and by Apparently this troop didn't realize that a red
drilling yourself on the appropriate corrective dash is more serious than a red diagonal and
either didn't read this entry ... or just didn't put
two and two together. Old TAT pays almost as
much attention to a red dash as he does to a red
cross ... so should you.
Getting back to our story, shortly after kicking
in the AB on the takeoff roll Old Head found him-
self overrunning his gallant leader. He pulled back
the throttle a bit-which is a reasonable reaction-
and promptly found himself being left behind. He
pushed the go handle forward and was kicked in the
pants as the AB relit. This boosted him up where
he was starting to overrun his gallant leader
again . . . so he eased off power-this second
reduction wasn't a reasonable reaction.
Had he studied the Form 781, he should have
action. Believe it or not, it is possible to combine suspected the cause . . . besides, what's so
these two opposing approaches. Unfortunately too terrible about overrunning one's leader on take-
many troops combine them the wrong way. They're off? There do be times when gallant leaders are
optimistic on the ground and seldom crack the forced to abort takeoffs and get too busy to tell
good book or make a cockpit dry run of the more anyone . . . this wasn't one of those times, and
6 MARCH 1962
once again Old Head fell behind and re-applied machine. Shortly after takeoff he called his wing-
power. Well, the AB was tardy and so was the man and reported a FORWARD FIRE WARNING
light that was now starting to dawn. He pulled the LIGHT. He declared an emergency, thenreported
throttle inboard and then put it outboard to try single phase inverter failure, utility system
for a relight. No light. He recycled it again (which failure and SMOKE AND FUMES IN THE COCK-
is poor procedure) ... too late to abort, he made PIT!
a heroic effort to lift the machine over the bird A friend read us the report over the phone and
net but snagged it with the stabilator . . . . Fortu- at this point we asked if the pilot ejected. He
nately, he'll fly again, but the bird won't. Ya get said, "No."
our point? We said, "The bird blew up?"
"Not right away, the main control system failed
and it flamed-out. Then two or three minutes
later he restarted it."
"You're kidding! Then it blew up?"
"Why you so sure it's going to blow up?"
''He had a forward light and more than enough
evidence to confirm a PTO leak and fire. It's
bound to blow up just as soon as the fire gets to
the forward fuselage tank. The guy was riding a
"You're right, he was. And it took him along
when it blew."
''Too bad. But doggone it, the Dash-One doesn't
mince words on this one. If you have a forward
fire warning light and confirm it with smoke or
other failure you get out and you get out quick.
What was this fella trying to prove?"
By the way, the reason he was having trouble
"I don't know TAT, his wingman said he was
overrunning his gallant leader was because that
on fire and with all the other evidence . . . Maybe
worthy was trying to be just that, gallant! He
he was trying to be a hero. If he was, he made a
heard Old Head's AB light when he'd lagged back
poor trade altho he almost made it. He went in just
that first time . . . so, pulled his own throttle
two miles from the runway.''
back into minimum AB range to help him catch
Like we said, you have to make your decisions
from the facts at hand. You get into trouble if you
Trying to help a wingman during a formation
react too fast to incomplete information. With an
takeoff usually has an opposite effect. More
actual failure you get into worse trouble if you
better to select a takeoff power setting about two
don't add up the symptoms and react at all.
percent below max, ignore the guy, and con-
Roughly, we don't make a decision until the first
centrate on keeping your own flying smooth and
sign of a failure is confirmed by something else.
precise. This will give your wingman something
While we wait for that something else, we try to
definite. Something he can count on and correct to,
reach a favorable ejection altitude, then try to
not for. There do be a difference.
Just as we were about to s~nd this to the get in position for a landing. If our confirmation
printer a preliminary report came thru on another doesn't materialize we make a precautionary
pilot who had ample information, but found fatal landing-if it does, we follow the handbook pro-
trouble because he couldn't believe the situation cedure as closely as we can. The handbook is the
was as serious as the symptoms indicated. best guide we've got and it is generally correct.
End of sermon.
The bird was an F-86F. The pilot was well
experienced and had almost 1,500 hours in the TAT
sports car down the line of
parked cars in the Ops
parking lot. "Damn," he
muttered, ''no parking places as
A little farther down he
spotted an open slot and turned
in to park. There on the curbing
was stenciled-R E S E R V E D
A quick glance at his watch
and Bill slid into the spot.
Better to get a parking ticket
than a chewing from the old man
for a late takeoff, he thought as
he slammed the door and headed
for Ops. Seems like they could
frustration in paradise
make some place available for
flight crews to park near Ops. officers to a hurry-up high charts on the flight planning
There never is one within shout- priority conference on the table, Bill noticed that they were
ing distance. coast. Bill knew it was dated almost two months
Rushing through the locker important and he didn't mind e arlier.
room, Bill noticed that every making the trip, but just that ''Hey, McGuire!'' he yelled
desk jockey who flew eight hours morning he had been assured by at the airman in charge, ''are
a month had a personal locker. the Ops officer that there would these the latest charts we
Fuming a bit, he slung his hat be no trips for a couple of have?"
at the top of the open clothes days. On the strength of this McGuire dropped the copy of
rack. This is a:t;lotherplacethey promise he had made arrange- the pulp magazine he was read-
forget the flight crews, he ments to take care of a few ing into the desk drawer and
mused. Wonder why the duty pressing personal problems, replied, ' 'I was going to get
crews around here can't have a those things you just can't get those new charts up today but I
little of the convenience too . done after five or on Saturday. couldn 't find a razor blade to
His clothes changed, Bill Oh well, he thought , they will trim them . I'll get them done
started the serious business of have to wait until the next time tomorrow , captain.''
flight planning. This was aper- I am home, whenever that might It's always tomorrow around
sonnel transport mission in a be. this place, Bill muttered to
T-29 carrying several staff Carefully checking the l atest himself. Wonder how many
8 MARCH 1962
times he has used that story
since the charts were changed
last? Hope there haven't been
any frequency or route changes
since the last trip. I still have
a flight log left over from that
one. At least it's more current
than Mac ' s charts.
"Hey, Sam!" Bill yelled at
the clearance officer, "who's
my copilot?"
''We got you a major out of
Personnel who needs flying time
and is checked out for c arrying
passengers, " Sam answered.
''He should have been here
fifteen minutes ago.''
Bill decided he might as well doubt about that. Finally the "Let's see, mm1mum altitude
do all the planning himself. Even w e at he r m an convinced the along the route-hmm, how
if the major had been on time, character on the phone that the about 12,000, would that be any
he didn't know the guy and he picnic would be nice and dry and better?'' he asked.
wasn't trusting anyone he hadn't then hung up. About that time the phone
flown with before. Guess I'd ''Good morning, Captain rang again. The forecaster ex-
better check the weather and get Tyson," he said with a big cused himself and started giving
the winds, he decided, heading smile, "where can we tell you another picnic report. With this,
for the weather office. about today?" Bill slammed out oftheweather
" Yes sir," he heard the " Need a little p l ann in g office and headed back to the
weatherman say into the tele- weather and the winds from here planning room. To hell with that
phone, "we expect to have fairly to LA by way of El Paso and guy, I'll figure out my own
good weather here through to- Tucson . Guess about 14,000 feet weather. Metro will at least give
morrow. The t em p e r at u r e would be a good altitude.' ' me their full attention if I call
should be in the 70s and there's The forecaster turned and on channel13.
no precip in sight.'' studied his charts . ''Probably Where the heck is that co-
Bill looked over the surface have a lot of turbulence at that pilot he wondered. Thirty min-
maps and thought, it may be altitude along the route. A utes later the major still hadn' t
good around here, but from the higher altitude would be better, shown-but neither had the pas-
looks of that map I'll have a something about 40,000 ," he sengers. A call to flight
little fun going through some of said. scheduling got little informa-
that stuff. Looks like we're in Funny boy, Bill thought. He tion. They suggested he call the
for a rough ride. hoped someday to get his hands major's office and find out ifhe
The weather forecaster was on a '135 or one of the other had left. ''Thanks a lot, •' he
still on the phone giving some- new jet transports; they would snarled into the phone .
one the weather they could ex- be a big improvement over what The third try got the major's
pect on a weekend outing at the he h~d been allowed to fly- office but he was in the colonel's
lake. Bill glanced up at a car- Gooneys, B-26s, C-54s andnow office and couldn't be int er-
toon on the wall outlining the T-29s. Allgood airplanes, but in rupted. ''Could I have him call
duties of the forecaster. The them you had to g e t right down you ?" asked the girl on the
flight crew was last in line, no there with all the weather. phone . At least the voice was
nice and he wondered whether go on out to the airplane. At ance.
she was blonde or brunette. least I'll have the preflight com- ''Roger, Stone 19, clearance
"Yeah," Bill answered. "He's plete when you get there.'' He is on request. Taxi to runway
supposed to be over here to fly . headed for the door. 36. Winds are light and vari-
How about getting him to the able."
As the yellow truck pulled
phone?" Bill took a look at the wind
up at the airplane, Bill noticed
"Sorry, I can't disturb him sock at the end of runway 18, a
that the tie-down ropes were
when he's with the colonel, but few hundred feet away. ''Tower,
still fastened. He turned to the
just leave your number and I'll how about a south takeoff? We
sergeant driving the truck and
have him call as soon as he are on the north end of the
said, "Doesn't look like they
comes out,'' the silky voice ramp.''
are expecting us, does it?"
assured him. "Negative, Stone 19, traffic
''Never mind,' 'snapped Bill, Getting out he realized that is on runway 36," the tower
"I'll get somebody else to fly." the airplane wasn't ready for answered. ''Are you ready to
Fifteen minutes later the preflight. Jumping back into the copy clearance?"
Ops officer puffed into dispatch. truck he headed for the mainte- Bill rogered their query and
He had combed the base for a nance office. The sergeant there proceeded to copy almost all of
copilot without success. There was sympathetic, but no one the complicated low-altitude
was nothing to do but wait for had notified Maintenance Con- airways clearance. There
the major. Another call to the trol. The airplane was in-com- wasn't one change from what he
silken-voiced secretary got the mission but it would take at had filed. Why couldn't they just
information that the major was least half an hour to get it clear me flight-plan-route, he
on his way. Thirty minutes later ready to fly. Bill sent him and wondered as he carefully read
he wandered in. his troops running for the bird back the clearance.
I'm sure lucky that the full
colonel passenger is a good
Joe, thought Bill. He could
really be raising hell.
Bill dialed the motor pool.
"Need wheels at Ops for twelve
to the T-29s," he stated into
the phone.
''Sorry, sir,'' the voice on
the other end advised, ''we
haven't a thing right at the
moment. Should be able to get
you in fifteen minutes. ''
By this time things had
really started to get to Bill.
Unplanned trip, no place to
park-probably get a ticket in
that slot, no locker, no copilot, and then used Mr. Bell's in- With the preflight completed
no charts, no weather, and now vention to give the scheduling at the warmup pad, Bill called
no transport . The longer he troops a few thousand words. It for takeoff clearance.
thought about it the madder he didn't get much action and it ''Hold your position, Stone
got. made Bill even madder. After 19," the tower came back. "We
"I'll grab the alert truck, another long delay they started have a tanker in position on
sir," he told the colonel, "and engines and called for clear- runway 18 for a controlled take-
10 MARCH 1962
off time of five ei~ht, time now
five three. "
This last little gem just
about did it. By now Bill was so
mad he was boiling. Afewwell-
.. .:::::::::.-
chosen words to the tower about
their ''excellent cooperation
and service'' didn't help his dis-
position either. The copilot's
offer of the pre-takeoff check-
list was quickly rebuffed with,
"I don't need a checklist to fly
this beast!''
As the tanker roared off,
Bill headed for the runway,
accelerating into the turn for a
rolling takeoff. "One nine
rolling," he called as the
Convair gathered speed. The
copilot was yelling something to
him but the tower transmission ''Stone 19, you were not never happen again.
was blocking out the copilot and cleared on the runway,'' the Bill picked up the tab for this
the copilot was blocking out the tower operator replied. "We and rightly so. As a pilot in-
tower. advised you to hold your trusted with the lives of others,
As the transport approached position. Are you having any he could ill afford to let his
the edge of the runway, the difficulty?'' temper get outofhandno matter
throttles· were yanked back and how strong the provocation.
''Looks like we have a blown
the brakes applied for a hard But Bill is human and
tire," Bill replied. "Better get
stop. Bill felt the sudden humans have limitations. How
the maintenance troops down
deceleration and the sharp turn about the others? Will they con-
here and send some transport
to the left as the tire on that tinue to establish and enforce
for us too."
side let go. petty rules designed for their
It was a much subdued Bill
' 'What the heck do you think own convenience? Will they con-
Tyson who stood in front of the
you're doing?" he screamed at tinue to ignore the true purpose
base commander.
the copilot. He was just launch- of their job--support of the
ing into a scalding tirade when ''Capt ain, what were you flying mission--thru laziness,
out of the corner of his eye he trying to do, s h o w your oversight, misplaced preced-
saw an F-100 touching down at passengers what a hot rock you ence, or ignorance? In short,
the spot he would have occupied are?" the colonel started. "You will the. people who caused Bill
had the takeoff continued. almost wound up as a real hot to lose his self-control continue
''I tried to tell you there was rock. Had it not been for your to harass other pilots? Look
one on final but you weren't copilot, we would have un- around. See if they are still at
listening,'' the copilot declared. doubtedly been attending your it. If they are, start corrective
funeral. ' ' action ... and the best place to
Punching the mike button,
Bill called the tower, ''How Bill could do little but start is with a cold calmhonest
come you cleared us out on the mumble apologies and prom- analysis of how YOU are per-
runway in front of that landing ises-apologies for what he had forming YOUR own job.
fighter?'' done and promises that it would ~--
The Card's No Joker
OU ARE CLEARED," the is Fruitless ground control. accept non-standard climb,
voice said, ''to the Home- ATC is unable to give you a ready to copy.''
drome airport via Victor standard jet departure at this "Roger Glib one. Left turn
16 to Virtue, Victor 9 to Love- time, will you accept a non- after takeoff to intercept the 95-
nest, Victor two, Homedrome. standard one? Over." degree radial of the Fruitless
Maintain Flight Level 290, read It didn't take long to come to omni, climb to 3,000 before
back." a decision, so I keyed the mike reaching Fruitless then climb to
No sweat, they gave me my and replied, "Glib one here, 4,000 feet. Maintain 4,000 feet
flight planned route to the letter. negative.'' until crossing the Bi Joe inter-
I read back, wiggled a finger at section. Home on the Surprise
"Roger Glib one, suggest
the Tech Sergeant leaning low frequency beacon crossing
against the power unit and pro- you return to your parking area,
Surprise at flight level240. Call
expect considerable delay be-
ceeded to nurse the old mill to reaching 240 and leaving 10, 15
life . fore I can get your ATC re-
and 20 thousand. Contact
Three minutes later I was Garbageville center as soon as
taxiing toward the active Blackmail, pure and simple practical after takeoff on 248.8
humming a tune, fat dumb and blackmail. Once again, a deci- squawking mode 3 code 56, read
happy when the voice broke the sion wasn't hard to reach. back please."
spell by saying, "Glib one, this "Understand Fruitless, will There was a distinct smug-
12 MARCH 1962
ness to the "read back please," strictly coincidental. Anyway, help correct some of the
as if the voice dared me to get when the radio went out, I problems you encountered. Be
everything correct. I've de- realized that some other people sure to tell 'em about being
veloped a pretty good shorthand were operating on a less than given a non-standard climb and
system, so the voice sounded professional basis too. My don't fail to include the dangling
just a little incredulous when it climbout clearance wasn't com- clearance.
answered my next transmission plete. How was I to get from ''FAA is trying to improve
with, ''Read back is correct! Surprise to my flight planned their air traffic service, and you
Cleared to runway 25 for im- route? They'd left me hanging can help by using these cards to
mediate takeoff go channel248.8 and I'd been sucker enough to call their attention to problem
monitor guard, over.'' buy the clearance! areas. It's better than the OHR
I started checking the low When I got to Homedrome, for this purpose because it goes
altitude chart trying to find wiser and far less gullible. straight to the people who can
Surprise beacon and what was I told my tale of woe to the base correct the problem."
it . . . oh yeah, Bi Joe inter- ops officer . . . who's a right He's right too. These cards
section. Fortunately, I had the steady type . . . and doggone if are supposed to be kept handy
foresight to get this chunk of he didn't hand me a little yellow in base ops. If you can't find 'em
paper out right after I'd saddled card along with a few words of let the base ops officer know
up. advice. "Fill this out ," he said, about it. We're all missing a bet
"It's addressed to FAA's air if we don't use 'em.
The voice again, impatient.
traffic service branch and will
"Glib one, are you having diffi-
My next thought was hardly
fit to transmit, so I checked the
impulse and replied, "Negative
Fruitless I'm just polishing my
''Request you expedite, your
release time is only good for COMMAND DECISIONS.
another minute.''
"Oh fine," I thought, You hove been cleared for a VOR penetration and
approach and are s tarting your penetration turn at 14,000
''nothing like having someone
feet indicated when Approach Control advises that the air-
keep things to themselves. Well, patch is below GCA minimums. You have ample fuel to
I'd located Bi Joe, Surprise permit dive rsion to your alternate provided you don't
could wait.'' dawdle •••
Somewhere between Bi Joe Paragraph 40e, AFR 60-16 stotes, "An instrument
and Surprise my receiver went approach will not be started or, if started, not continued
whenever the pilot is advised that weather conditions at
out. Weather was somewhat less the airfield to which the approach is being made are below
than terrible but worse than minimums for the approach being made or contemplated
field grade. I'd finally located except when on emergency exists."
Surprise homer on the map. It Adding to the problem is the fact thot, although you
was some distance from my made a complete preflight inspection, you forgot to bring
your skyhook----Comments, please!
flight planned route.
I might add that the search
for Surprise had caused con-
siderable deviations in altitude
and heading and any semblance
to a professional climbout was
considered. The four pilots
you're responsible for are
gathered around. A mental note
is made as you smoke them
over for experience. Thomason,
Richardson and Harrison all
HANCES ARE you've experience you have been placed have over 1,000 hours total
always had a slight dis- in charge. You have been given time. Richardson and Harrison
taste for the word disci- the authority and automatically have less than 50 hours in the
pline. You've heard it all of your the respons ibility for success- unit bird but they have a con-
military life either in the form fully completing the m ission. A siderable amount of century
of a noun or an adjective. It's a mission, incidentally, which in- time. Lt Josephs has less than
necessary part of an orderly volves almost four million the magic 1,000 hours total
life and yet, like insurance, no dollars worth of aircraft. It time but he has over 400 hours
one really misses it until it's must be conducted in an orderly in the aircraft. All are safe
needed. manner. Will discipline help? although all are not combat-
Let's put you in the position ready.
of having to move five century- Keeping this question in
You're no nit-picker when it
mind let's follow your planning
type birds from west to east for comes to briefing. You give
a special headquarters directed and execution from start to
them the bare facts in afriend-
mission. You've been told what finish.
ly, informal sort of way. Hell,
you have to do, what youhaveto You start your preflight they're all rated pilots. Be-
do it with and when it must be planning in plenty of time. Dis- sides, you can still remember
done. This is basically all you tance , headings, frequencies, how bored you were with the
need. Because of your rank and forecast weather, have all been discipline and formal briefings
14 MARCH 1962
a matter of discipline
and the troops stand by while the haven't seen or heard Tight AFB penetration. When he
forecaster briefs you and fills Three since the collision. looked out of the cockpit again
in section D. After reporting the accident he saw that either he or
On the way out to the aircraft to center and requesting a fix Thomason was banking into the
you give the troops a few more you realize that there is nothing other and though he broke
aspects of the flight. You advise more you can do at the scene so immediately to the right it was
them of the let-down you intend you proceed to Vips AFB and too late.
to make, depending on the land. Richardson said that im-
weather of course, and which It is some few hours after mediately after the collision he
element will penetrate first. you land at Vips that you receive momentarily lost control, low-
Generally the techniques and the word that Richardson, un- ered the nose to regain it, then
procedures will be about the injured, has been picked up by extended his takeoff flaps and
same as were planned for helicopter. However, Thomason established a 240Kglide. At this
yesterday 's flight. Actually it's was found dead in the cockpit. point his engine flamed-out. He
a real no-sweater so why not He was apparently killed in the tried several airstarts to no
let the boys sort of hang loose initial collision . avail and seeing no place suita-
and play it by ear. Remember, As soon as you s e e ble for a forced landing, ejected.
you're no nit-picker when it Richardson you ask him what At this point thoughts of
comes to briefing. happened. He tells you that Thomason again cause that
Takeoff, join up and climb to shortly before the co ll is ion sinking feeling in the bottom of
flight level 340 are uneventful. Thomason had dropped back out your stomach. You mentally
You level at 340 and cruise of position. Not wishing to lose review the entire operation ask-
climb as planned to flight level mach and have to regain it, ing yourself if you failed in any
380. You are now VFR on top. Richardson elected to hold respect.
Looking the formation over you position on you rather than on Perhaps this is the time for
note that Tight Two i8 on your his element leader. This placed a little reminiscing. Go back to
left wing, Tight Three, Four and him ahead of Thomason and it the time when the troops you
Five are more-or-less in was from this position that the flew with had marched on the
echelon off your right wing. collision occurred. drill field as students or cadets.
There is a little jostling around He also said that just prior They responded quickly to
in the formation but all-in-all to the accident he had taken his authoritative commands. They
not bad for a route formation. let-down chart from his G-suit held their position in formation
About three-fourths of the pocket and looked over the Vips accurately, remained alert and
way from Clarenceton to Round
Stone VOR you hear a trans-
mission that shakes you.
''Tight One one, we got a
mid-air between two and three.
No it must be three and four. It
looks like one of them is coming
You ask, "Where are they?"
"Down below us."
You start a turn to the right
and catch a glimpse of Tight
Four as he goes into the under-
cast. Moments later he advises
you that he is ejecting. You
16 MARCH 1962
attention and in a manner that
demanded their attention. Thus
he prepared them psychologi-
, ... , . \,l I
cally for any abrupt maneuver
he might order. This was basic
Air discipline is no different
in principal. It too must begin
on the ground. Ifyoubriefpilots
properly and prepare them psy-
chologically they will fly the
mission in the same manner and
sequence that you brief.
It must be presumed that
pilots do not deliberately com-
mit errors that lead to disaster.
Yet as a supervisor you must
fully realize that if discipline is
demanded from your subordi-
nates as a matter of daily
routine it will permeate every
they looked proud. Their super- another promptly and in an phase of operations and will
visor, or drill instructor, could orderly manner. He gave them reduce avoidable accidents.
move them from one area to commands from the position of
eyebrow he causually asked, the road's dry that's safe trying to say is this; we replaced
''How'd you sneak this big rig enough. In fact, you could make the number four engine and we
out on a test hop without us it at 50. To me, that speed sign installed a new prop governor on
noticing it?" is to be used as a guide. As a number three. The people who
"We didn't. Shucks, T.O. driver, I use it to decide how did most of the work had never
1-1-300 lets us big bird boys fast I want to go. I don't have looked at the innards of a C-124
fly without a test hop for minor to drive it at 45 and I certainly before. I trust 'em andi'msure
stuff like an engine change." wouldn't drive it that fast when they did a good job. But if they
The crew chief's tone of voice the road's icy. Far as I'm con- didn't ... "
as much as added an unspoken cerned, T.O. 1-1-300 is pretty He paused, waiting for are-
'what's the matter dad, don't you much the same. The fine print ply. This time the engineer was
dig the T.O. ?' ... "Besides," he on page one says that the com- the one who studied his shoe.
added, "the transient mainte- mander, thru his maintenance Both he and the aircraft com-
nance officer has given his officer, must determine wheth- mander glanced back at the
blessing." er or not a functional check crate, then at a tumble weed that
The Old Sarge carefully flight is required. This makes it was blowing across the ramp,
studied the toe of his GI shoe, a maintenance engineering de- and finally at each other. The
then glanced at the heavy crate cision and the T.O., along with crew chief pursed his lips and
three airmen were waiting to the Dash-Six, is a guide to help gave a single nod of his head.
move into position. Looking the 'em make that decision." The aircraft commander sighed
crew chief straight in the eye he He looked over at the air- sadly and said, "Sarge, you're
said, ''I recollect reading the craft commander and went on, right. It would be one thing to
T.O. and you're right, it does "I've been to town too and I have a couple of failures when
give you the go-ahead. By the can't blame you people for want- Old Shakey is nice and light and
way, did you get into town while ing to get out of here . . . I another to have the same things
you were here?" imagine you're pretty well go wrong when she's loaded to
experienced, 'cause Capt Mack the brim . . . the, ah, policy
The crew chief made a face wouldn't release this machine to section has just reversed its
and nodded an affirmativewhile an inexperienced pilot even tho decision." He grinned and said,
the aircraft commander smoth- it was legal. "You know, it's possible the
ered a slow grin. But, it's my men and my extra time lost on a test hop
"Then," continued the Old equipment that will be on board could be some of the most
Sarge, ''you probably noticed when you go . . . and altho I valuable time spent toward
the S curve just before crossing wouldn't mind losing the equip- getting the mission accom-
that bridge over the creek. That ment I certainly don ' t want to plished.' '
curve is marked 45 mph. When lose any of the men. What I'm
18 MARCH 1962
Chock Talk
explosion in the left auxiliary fuel tank. When a
newly installed boost pump was checked out, the
"B" and "C" circuit breakers popped. The tank
exploded when the booster pump switch was turned
off and the circuit breakers reset.
chock talk
To keep this from happening again, the
electrical conduit within the tanks has been modi-
fied, a Safety of Flight supplement has been
published, and Technical Order 1C-130-2- 5,
them. A tight feel is not an indication that the m aintenance p rocedures for fuel system electrical
locking device is working. It's poor economy to components, has been revised. Maintenance per-
r isk a million-dollar aircraft and its pilot just to sonnel should be cautioned to follow maintenance
save the price of a nut. directives precisely and to use extreme care when
And there are also rules about using short repairing fuel system electrical components .
bolts. After a nut has been tightened, round or
chamfer-end bolts or screws must extend the full
round of chamfer through the nut. Flat-end bolts REFUELING.
or screws must extend at least 1/32-inch through To help prevent servicing errors, one organi-
the nut. zat ion is painting the refueling inlets on their
Sawed-off bolts that have rough ends should aircraft and the hose nozzles on their servicing
have all burrs filed off before a nut is installed. trucks th'e same color. The color used matches
Now getting back to rules about elastic stop the color of the appropriate fuel. In addition, they
nuts. Never tap the fiber collar. The self-locking require both the crew chief and the truck driver to
action of elastic stop nuts is accomplished by certify to the type fuel delivered.
impressing bolt threads in the untapped fiber. One more attempt to insure a "fuel" proof
Elastic stop nuts should never be used in system of servicing aircraft. What measures are
areas where the temperature is higher than you taking to guard against servicing errors ?
212 degrees C (2 50 degrees F). The effectiveness
of the elastic self-locking nut is greatly reduced
above that temperature. SCRATCH ONE CANOPY.
Metallic and other types of self-locking nuts Maintenance men didn't follow the proper T.O.
are available for high temperature areas. How- procedures when blending out scratches on a
ever, the same rules apply for the installation of canopy. As a result they weakened the canopy and
these nuts as apply to the elastic stop nuts. it later failed . If you follow the T.O. and the part
Self-locking nuts should not be used to connect fails, you can blame the book . . . if you don't
control systems since their movement may result follow the book, you'll be blamed. It's as simple
in the nut moving on the surface it bears on. as that.
However, they may be used with anti-friction
bearings and control pulleys, provided that the
inner race of the bearing is clamped to the
supporting structure by the nut and bolt.
Remember . . . when in doubt, check T.O.
1-1A-8. It gives strict and explicit rules for use
of self-locking nuts ... and pass the word when
you see these items being misused or abused.
A C-130B was destroyed by fire following an
20 MARCH 1962
To determine the extent that electrical wiring SAAMA is conducting an evaluation of seat and
has deteriorated in C-124A aircraft, WRAMAhas cargo floor stresses, and has requested each
directed that Aircraft, SN 49-250, be delivered to Command to furnish complete identification data
Hayes Corporation, 2 February 1962, for a com- on passenger seats used in C-131 and T-29 air-
plete wiring inspection. Results of this inspection craft.
will be sent to all C-124 units. Data gained from this evaluation will be used
to identify those seats that are suitable for side
installation as opposed to the normal forward
facing installation.
A C-124 had a bad interphone, so a couple of
communications specialists were sent out to fix
it. They received clearance from the aircraft
commander and boarded while the big bird was on
the ramp with the engines running. After making a
preliminary trouble check, they left the aircraft
and the crew taxied it out for run-up.
Just as the crew was getting ready to taxi
back to the ramp, in popped the two Com men.
PLEASE DON'T FEED THE "BIRDS". Now Old Shaky is a huge bird and it takes
It's amazing that our birds aren't all dead excellent crew coordination to taxi her safely . . .
considering the rate we've been feeding them a but even with the best of coordination it is very
diet that is impossible to chew or digest. It's doubtful if anyone would have spotted this pair had
true, they are a hearty flock and we haven't had they tried to enter just as the machine was start-
too many just up and die, but the medical bills are ing to roll. In other words, had this pair tried to
staggering! The majority of these ailments (FOD) get on board unannounced, just a few moments
are normally discovered during periodic physical later, they may have been killed or badly mangled.
examinations (scheduled maintenance inspec.- No one, absolutely no one, should try to board
tions). In reviewing medical reports for the past an aircraft when its engines are running unless
year, we find that the most frequent ailment is the man in charge knows about it and gives
excessive dental damage. This requires, at m ini- definite approval.
mum, a partial plate and often a complete new
set of teeth (compressor or turbine blades). Do
you realize what a new set of teeth for one of our .•• An unacceptable number of discrepancies are being
thoroughbred fowls cost? It' s in the neighborhood deferred to periodic inspection. It is my opinion that the
of $90,000 and that ain't bird seed! Specialists basic concept of the periodic inspection hos been distorted
sometimes prescribe an authorized mixture of to the extent that it has become a major overhaul opera t ion,
rather than an inspection phase of our maintenance system.
peach seeds, apricot pits, or walnut shells to
A s a resu lt, preventive and minor maintenance on the fl ight
correct some bird disorders. This approved line has become practically nonexistent.
treatment is called carbo blast. It cleans the By increasing flight line maintenance, periodic in-dock
teeth and innards of birds and makes them feel time will be considerably reduced, existing workloads will
good again! These crazy birds will eat imything be more equitably distributed and weapon system reliability
within reach, so let's be careful and ke ep them will be greatly increased.
-General Coiner in a message to 9th A F Units
from eating things they can't digest. Take stock
of the flock, and keep a clean bowel in the fowl.
Mr. Andre' is an F-104 Production Test Pilot for Lockheed
Ajrcraft Corporation at Palmdale, California. He is familiar with
Air Force flying, having spent a few years steering some of
Uncle's birds around. We think you'll find his article an acceler·
ation interesting and thought provoking.
35891 ~~
·,_c,_oo• -. . "\R FORCE
he best testofanairplane's erative force in the T-33 will average v e 1o city during the
performance comes during only be reduced about 800 lbs period. Since velocity will in-
the takeoff roll, because because as the takeoff speed in- crease 32 feet per second each
this is when a pilot has measur- creases thrust is reduced ap- second during the period of
able parameters to judge the proximately 400 lbs, drag in- acceleration, velocity can be
power output of his engine. Since creased approximately 600 lbs, calculated at any time lapse by
a number of accidents occur and rolling friction is reduced multiplying the time period by
during this phase of flight, let's by approximately 200 lbs. (400 the acceleration. (32 feet per
take a look at the mathematical lbs plus 600 lbs minus 200 lbs second2 x 10 seconds equal 320
relationships involving accel- equals 800 lbs.) From this we feet per second.) To illustrate
eration during the takeoff roll. know that a uniform acceler- let's assume that arepresenta-
Only a few variables are in- ation is calculable and predicta- tive acceleration in a T-33 is 8
volved in these relationships; ble at any point in the takeoff feet per second2 . Twenty-five
however, they are extremely roll. seconds after brake release the
important and can affect the An airplane will accelerate aircraft would have a velocity of
takeoff quite drastically. Since with a certain "g" force, de- 121 knots. 8 feet per second2 x
the T-hird has been around long pending on the power available. 25 seconds equals 200 feet per
enough for us to predict its take- Since most of us are familiar second or 121 knots.
off performance with a high with a falling body let' s review
degree of reliability, let's use it some basic facts concerning the The distance traveled per
to make some for instances. forces involved. A body drop- second increases every second
Acceleration during the ping under the force of gravity because the average speed is
takeoff roll is uniform because will accelerate 32 feet per increasing. At the end of five
the thrust of a turbo-jet engine second. This means that in one seconds the velocity would be
is nearly constant with speed second, the object will achieve a (5 x 8) 40 feet per second, and
and only a small amount of velocity of 32 feet per second. at the end of six seconds (6 x 8)
aerodynamic drag is intro- It will travel 16 feet in that one 48 feet per second. The distance
duced. We know that the accel- second because that is the traveled during the sixth second
22 MARCH 1962
is 44 feet and the average speed The takeoff speed is the key QOnstant rate the distance re-
is 44 feet per second. It is variable defining the runway quired to attain takeoff speed
important for the pilot to realize needed for a successful takeoff. increases at a much faster rate.
that it took only 4 feet to gain a Suppose we compare the takeoff Acceleration rates for the
velocity of 8 feet per second at roll of a T-33 with anotherbird T-bird on a standard day will be
brake release while six seconds that has a wing large enough to about 6 to 8 feet per second2 ;
later it took 44 feet to increase get it airborne at 60 knots or however, on a hot day at Lowry
rolling velocity by the same half the normal T-33 takeoff we might have accelerations as
increment. speed. From the formula low as 3 feet per second2 .
The total distance traveled V = at, we find that with constant Since jet accelerations are
during the takeoff roll can be acceleration it will take the bird virtually uniform a precise
expressed by the form u 1 a, with the large wing exactly 1/2 graph of the entire acceleration
2 the time to reach takeoff speed has been plotted. From this
D = 1/2 at (a= acceleration
rate, t = time). The following as the T-33, or 12.5 seconds. graph, Figure A2-4 in the flight
chart shows how the takeoff Plugging 12.5 and 25 seconds handbook, the desired lAS can be
distance and velocity varies in into the formula for distance computed for any point in time
relation to time in a T-hird with (D = 1/2 at ) we find that the or distance during the acceler-
an acceleration of 8 feet per takeoff roll for the T-33 is not ation. This chart is an in-
second2 . twice, b.ut four times as long as valuable aid in determining
Velocity Distance for the other aircraft. The dis- engine performance. When used
2 tance then varies as the square properly with the other charts,
Time (V =at) (D =1/2 at )
-- of the velocity. sub-standard engine perform-
1 sec 8ft per sec 4 ft
2 " 16" " " 16 " This is all good, based on the ance can be discovered early in
3 " 24" " " 36 " representative acceleration of 8 the takeoff roll . . . if you are
4 " 32" " " 64 " feet per second2 , but acceler- ten knots slow at the 2,000-foot
5 " 40" " " 100 " ation on the takeoff roll will marker you will still have pl enty
6 " 48" " " 144" vary with increasing pressure of runway left to abort.
7 " 56" " " 196 " altitude and runway tempera- Many accidents have re-
8 " 64" " " 256 " ture. From the formula sulted because pilots did not
- y2
9 " 72" " " 324 '' D- --- consider the variables involved
2a we learn that the dis-
10 " 80" " " 400 " tance required to accelerate to and their effects on takeoff per-
The takeoff speed for the takeoff speed varies as the formance. I recommend that we
T-33 is 120 knots lAS with full acceleration (a) changes. Since hide some of the handy gadgets
tip tanks and crew of two. This takeoff speed for the T-bird is for picking out takeoff rolls to
is true as long as recommended 200 feet per second let's com- jot on the DD-1 75 and get back
takeoff procedures arefollowed. pute some distances for various to old fashioned computing. If
We all know that the bird can be values of a c c e 1 e r at i o n we do, pilots will soon have a
pulled off at lower speeds but a D= (200) 2 better knowledge of how the
look at the accident reports will ~ takeoff roll is affected by what
show that this technique isn't a Distance appears to be u n i m p o r t ant
always satisfactor y. Perhaps 8 feet per second2 2500 feet items.
the term "lift-off speed" should 7 " " In summary---jet acceler-
" 2857 "
be dropped from our vocabu- 6 " ation is virtually uniform. A
" " 3333 "
lary, because technically we 5 " pre-computed a c c e 1 era t ion
" " 4000 "
don't lift the airplane off the " check is positive. If you don't
4 " " 5000 "
ground . . . we establish a take- 3 " have it, you'll never get it. If you
" " 6666 "
do, only a thrust l os5 will hurt
off attitude and allow it to FLY We can see that although the
OFF. acceleration decreases at a you, so GO-GO-GO!
above glide path. 21 7 is your glanced out to cross check for
heading. Thirty feet above your the ground after proceeding to
glide path as you pass through continue his letdown about two
minimums. 217 is the heading. seconds after being given the
Right to 220. Two-twenty . . . missed approach. He saw the
You are too far left at this time, ground approaching rapidly,
make a go-around." immediately hauled back on the
As he released his mike stick and applied full throttle.
button the GCA controller heard The aircraft responded rather
Able two transmit, ''Roger on briskly, but not briskly enough
the go-around," this was to miss the posts.
followed by what sounded like a The accident was attributed
quick indrawn breath. to both a malfunction in the GCA
Shortly afterwards , the con- equipment and to failure of the
troller heard the sound of Able pilot to execute an immediate
two's engine as he passed over pull-up when GCA told him to
TINUED to monitor the
the GCA shack. He appeared to go-around.
instrument panel as he
listened to the clipped voice be at full throttle. Then, he During the course of the in-
heard the voice of the mobile vestigation many century series
over his headset. "Able two,
controller say, "Able two, you fighter pilots were questioned.
John GCA with latest John
weather. Measured 300 over- OK?'' Most admitted that they had
The pilot answered, sound- adopted a practice of relying on
cast, visibility now one mile
ing quite calm, ''Rodge, but I GCA for minimum altitude data,
with light rain and fog. Ceiling
think I messed up the gear. I'm rather than monitoring the air-
is ragged, mobile advises full
going to my alternate. Switching craft altimeter. They contended
stop landing."
to departure control." that the aircraft instrument in-
''A little worse,'' he thought,
Able two completed the di- stallation caused too many
then transmitted. "Rodge ... able
version to his alternate without errors. Apparently no one had
two understands."
incident, except that his right taken action to get the system
A different voice came thru,
brake was inoperative and he made more accurate. By living
"Two, Able lead here. I broke
couldn't keep the big machine on with the discrepancy and placing
out just about minimums.''
the runway during the latter part their life completely in the GCA
"Rodge, understand,
of his landing roll. The runway operator's hands, all of these
thanks." He wasn't worried. He
shoulder was smooth, and no pilots short circuited the
had gotten quite proficient at
damage was done at this time. system making it impossible
weather flying, and John Air
for anyone to fix the equipment.
Base had an excellent GCA. Getting out of the cockpit,
For this reason, the cause of
He was transferred to the he looked over his aircraft and
this accident should have been
final controller who gave him found three nasty looking gashes
attributed to all pilots who had
very few corrections. Airspeed in the wing plus a long rip that
noticed this deficiency and kept
was close to the money and opened up the whole underside of
quiet. It was inevitable that a
everything indicated an excel- the fuselage. Both wing spars
GCA unit would eventually mal-
lent approach. The Lieutenant were broken. This damage re-
function at a critical time with
concentrated on maintaining sulted from contact with four
one of these pilots who had, for
headings and rate of descent concrete fence posts that
one reason or another, ignored
while the calm voice con- formerly held up the perimeter
the altimeter d u r in g an
tinued . . . ''You are one mile fence at John Air Base.
from touchdown approaching Good reason for the quick
minimums, now going 20 feet drawn breath. Able two had
24 MARCH 1962
low, low go
tac tips
The gooney' s left engine carne unglued and then When faced with an emergency the earlier
refused to feather. The aircraft commander wisely you tell the tower, the better the preparations
ordered everyone to put on their chutes-and will be . . . and this can well be the difference
turned toward the nearest airfield. between life and death for YOU!
The copilot went into the main cabin so he A few seconds advance notice gives the fire
could put his chute on without bumping his elbows department and crash rescue team time to start
and saw that the engineer was having trouble with their vehicles and get into position where they can
the jump door. He went back and helpedhim. Just monitor your approach and landing. Then should
as soon as they got it open, the engineer leaped you fail to cope with the emergency, they will be
out. He later said he looked around and saw the able to respond immediately, instead of two or
copilot with him and assumed that they were three critical minutes later.
abandoning the old bird. Instead, the reduced crew
proceeded to make a successful approach and WAISTLINE WATCHER.
landing while the engineer hitch-hiked his way in. Conversation between two pilots overheard at
Proving that you want to make sure it's two and a coffee break:
two before you do your adding up! "Have another donut?"
"No thanks, Haven't had my physical . . . be-
GAY BLADES. sides, these jet cockpits aren't getting any
A number of the J-33 engines beingprocessed bigger.''
under Project Queen Bee have required 100%
turbine blade replacement because of turbine rub. GET THE POINT.
Turbine blades stretch when engines are over- Spring and summer weather will bring an
temped and then the blades rub. Too many of us increase in temperatur-es. Since temperatures
do not use correct procedures or techniques to definitely affect tire performance, it might be
start engines and exceed temperature limitations. well to take an extra good look at those boot s
Important too, is that many of us are guilty of before you blast off. Also, you F-100 pilots should
over-temping an engine and not recording it. This look at the Form 781 to checkpoints accumulated.
exposes us, as well as our friends, to possible This is particularly important when leaping off for
engine failure, serious accident, or incident. We the other coast. A total of 39 points is one too
should review the operating procedures and limi- many for even a local fli ght. ln other words , be
tations in the flight handbook and then follow the sure you have the money in the bank before you
procedures and record all over temperatures. write the check.
A few of you still are not following instructia.ns
when you fill out the cause factors on an aircraft
accident report. Your cause factor analysis does
not jibe with the categories in block 20 of the AF
tac tips Form 711b . . . you're being non-standard, are
compromising the system and causing excessive
head scratching. Don't try to beat around the bush.
The factors in block 20 are complete and go
straight to the point, so should you.
The F-lOOD Dash-One lists airspeeds that
should not be exceeded when you have a known or T-BIRD TROOPS.
suspected failure of the electronic equipment Are you reporting inflight communication
cooling turbine. These airspeeds are based on trouble? You are supposed to record this data on
temperature and pressure of an Air Force Summer the AFTO Form 781 even if the difficulty seems
Day (AFSD). A careful search of the Dash-One did to correct itself. This will help FAA and the USAF
not produce the criteria for this type of day. resolve air traffic control communications
Several pilots were asked if they knew the problems. The earlier survey of this problem has
temperature and pressure of an Air Force Summer been extended to 31 July of this year. Special
Day. All knew that the NACA Standard Day was emphasis is being placed on T-hirds.
59°F and 29.92 HG at sea level, but only
two pilots had ever heard of an AFSD. TAT was
querried, and mumbled something about short,
short shorts.
The pilot was taxiing back from an aborted
Since this criteria concerns operating limi-
takeoff when his century series fighter blew a
tations, you as .an operator, should know the
tire. The wheel and brake were still cool so it
answer. Just in case you don't, you'll find it
appears that under-inflation was the cause of the
somewhere in this issue of the TAC ATTACK but
you'll have to look for it.
Here in T AC we've learned the hard way that a
tire failure at the wrong time can be difficult to
control. On at least two separate occasions well
experienced pilots were killed when they experi-
An airline captain 'reports considerable
success at combating fatigue by eating frequent enced tire failures during takeoff.
snacks--low calorie biscuits--while enroute. An Failures are generally caused by under-in-
hour before landing he walks the length of the flation, by running over a hard object, or by both.
cabin, washes his face, drinks water and eats a Summer weather increases probability of a
gumdrop or chocolate bar for quick energy, then failure ... tire temperatures are increased, take-
takes oxygen for 15 minutes. His procedure off rolls are substantially longer and aircraft
appears to be a great deal more positive than the must reach higher true airspeeds in order to lift
usual discussion on the affect of fatigue, how to off. Now is the time to tighten up on overall air-
measure it, etc. drome cleanliness and to review tire handling
Fighter pilots on long hauls will have trouble procedures. Make certain that the point s ystem is
walking the length of the cabin, washing, etc. But being followed and that pressures are properly
can follow the biscuit, candy and oxygen (100 %) m aintained and checked using accurately cali-
routine, and can substitute a good foot stomping brated gauges. The hazard is real and well-known.
session for the walk. Let's not re-emphasize it with an accident!
26 MARCH 1962
A recent near-accident involved a pilot who A T-33 from another command ran into a
was enmeshed in a great deal of family cares, crash truck on takeoff and killed three men. The
sickness and dispute. This man carried his aircraft was being tested after having its right
troubles into the air, devoting time to his problems wing changed. The new wing had been received
that should have been employed for his own from the depot with the aileron rigged in reverse.
immediate welfare. By doing so, he set himself The error had slipped thru quality control at the
up for an accident. Leave your problems at home. overhaul depot, had been missed by the mechanics
Worries of a personal nature must be "Grounded." who installed the wing and was overlooked by
Your only problem when airborne is to get safely maintenance inspectors, the crew chief and the
home again. If problems become insurmountable, test pilot . Obviously, it should have been impossi-
or seemingly so, see your flight surgeon. ble for this to slip thru--and itwouldhave, if just
-USA Aviation Digest. one man in the sequence had done his job proper ly.
About to have an upper rear molar removed? REMINDER.
Don't fly afterwards--at least, not without dis- The Flight Safety Officer at Robins Air Force
cussing it with your dental surgeon. Base, Georgia, has developed a handy card called
The Armed Forces Medical Journal tells about a "Remy Aide" (remedy, reminder, requirement)
a service man who recently had two molars to be handed to a transient pilot by the alert crew
extracted. As is fairly common, some of the as he straps into the cockpit. The card reminds
jawbone around the socket of his molars was the pilot to check the attachment of safety belt,
removed; he was told not to blow his nose or shoulder harness, automatic parachute key, zero
sneeze afterwards. He complied. Trouble is , no lanyard, survival kit, arm and leg restraint and
one told him not to fly. About a week later he did helmet connections. The card was devised because
just that and quickly wound up in oral surgery a trend in aircraft accidents indicated that proper
with a ruptured sinus lining. attention was not being given to cockpit preflight
Technical Sergeant David U. Shumate of the For his commendable devotion to duty and
4529th Organizational Maintenance Squadron, capable pt?arrance, Staff Sergeant Robert M.
Nellie Air Force Base, Nevada, has been McCord has been selected as the Tactical Air
selected as the Tactical Air Commend Crew Command Maintenance Man of the Month. During
Chief of the Month for the superior manner in the past year Sgt McCord, as Chief of the Engine
which he has performed his duties as an F-105D
crew chief. He has consistently been able to
1 Dispatch Section; has aYetassi4 more than three
hours of overtime a clay in order to meet ever
achieve a high-In-commission rate for his air- increasing demands, on his section. Because of
craft, and as a result, it ranks among the highest
in hours flown. On inspections, his aircraft has
831 AD 1 34
832 AD 35
4 TFW 1
108 TFW 1 3
113 TFW
1 JAN - 31 JAN
117 TRW
121 TFW
122 TFW 1
131 TFW 2
401 TFW 2
354 TFW
4510 CCTW 1 2
4520 CCTW 1 23
839 AD 2
64 TCW 5
435 TCW
442 TCW
464 TCW
4505 ARW I
4504 MTW
F-101 76.9
F-100 7.3
F-86 222.2 JET
474 TFW 10 38 123 TRW
C-123 21.7 4430 ATG 38 62 434 TCW
C-124 0 314 TCW 30 53 302 TCW
C-130 a 464 TCW Er 51 94 TCW
LAris 2.5.3
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