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EF3e Upper Endtest Answerkey

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End of Course Test A

Grammar, Vocabulary, and Pronunciation


1 1 hadn’t asked
2 has been run over
3 sending / having sent
4 ’d been writing
5 hadn’t bought
6 ’ve been practising
7 ’ll have learnt
8 ’ve discussed
9 ’d already left
10 was being redecorated
11 wouldn’t be sitting
12 is reported
13 get
14 ’ll still be working
15 have spent

2 1 wouldn’t
2 blame
3 like
4 does
5 if / whether
6 didn’t
7 if
8 nor
9 use
10 such
11 having / getting
12 no
13 must
14 get
15 better

3 1 often play music

2 The unemployed
3 so as not to
4 Despite
5 (–)
6 lovely little wooden
7 (–)
8 None
9 the furniture
10 Petra lives
End of Course Test A


4 1 runway
2 conductor
3 overwhelmed
4 fisted
5 baggage
6 pillow
7 choir
8 yawn
9 loose
10 lungs
11 witness
12 colleague
13 blizzard
14 editor
15 waterproof

5 1 account
2 sick
3 fast
4 encores
5 confusing
6 blisters
7 censored
8 suits
9 made
10 nearly
11 with
12 chain
13 raise
14 relieved
15 absent

6 1 unbreakable
2 vandalism
3 changeable
4 especially
5 homeless
6 loneliness
7 immature
8 embarrassed
9 allergic
10 lightning
End of Course Test A


7 1 leather
2 bilingual
3 choke
4 hooded
5 linen
6 heart
7 drought
8 baggage
9 machine
10 blood

8 1 neigh|bour|hood
2 ob|jec|tive
3 co|mmen|ta|tor
4 eye|brow
5 vi|o|li|nist
6 ex|port
7 tur|bu|lence
8 mul|ti|na|tio|nal
9 au|to|ma|ted
10 un|con|scious

Reading and Writing


1 1 B
2 A
3 C
4 D
5 D


Student’s own answers.

Task completion: The task is fully completed and the answer easy to understand.
(4 marks)
Grammar: The student uses appropriate structures to achieve the task. Minor errors do
not obscure the meaning. (3 marks)
Vocabulary: The student uses a sufficient range of words and phrases to communicate the
message clearly. (3 marks)
End of Course Test A

Listening and Speaking


1 Speaker 1 – E
Speaker 2 – B
Speaker 3 – D
Speaker 4 – C
Speaker 5 – F

2 1 need to show that they are able to meet its demands

2 confident in her ability to do well
3 worried that no particular role was mentioned
4 is improving her dancing.
5 she hopes she’ll be able to make a living by dancing


Interactive communication and oral production: The student communicates effectively

with his / her partner, asking and answering simple questions, and where necessary
initiating conversation, and responding. The student uses appropriate strategies to
complete the task successfully. (10 marks)
Grammar and Vocabulary: The student uses a sufficient range of vocabulary and
structure to communicate clearly. Minor occasional errors do not impede communication.
(5 marks)
Pronunciation: The student’s intonation, stress, and articulation of sounds make the
message clear and comprehensible. (5 marks)
End-of-course Test B

Grammar, Vocabulary, and Pronunciation


1 1 didn’t
2 wouldn’t
3 if
4 like
5 such
6 nor
7 use
8 if / whether
9 blame
10 does
11 having / getting
12 no
13 must
14 get
15 better

2 1 Despite
2 (–)
3 None
4 Petra lives
5 (–)
6 The unemployed
7 lovely little wooden
8 so as not to
9 the furniture
10 often play music

3 1 ’ve been practising

2 hadn’t asked
3 ’ll have learnt
4 sending / having sent
5 was being redecorated
6 ’ve discussed
7 ’d already left
8 hadn’t bought
9 has been run over
10 ’d been writing
11 wouldn’t be sitting
12 is reported
13 get
14 ’ll still be working
15 have spent
End-of-course Test B


4 1 homeless
2 loneliness
3 immature
4 changeable
5 lightning
6 embarrassed
7 allergic
8 unbreakable
9 vandalism
10 especially

5 1 nearly
2 censored
3 relieved
4 with
5 absent
6 chain
7 made
8 raise
9 sick
10 account
11 encores
12 blisters
13 suits
14 fast
15 confusing

6 1 baggage
2 pillow
3 choir
4 overwhelmed
5 lungs
6 yawn
7 loose
8 runway
9 conductor
10 fisted
11 editor
12 waterproof
13 witness
14 colleague
15 blizzard
End-of-course Test B


7 1 vi|o|li|nist
2 ex|port
3 tur|bu|lence
4 co|mmen|ta|tor
5 un|con|scious
6 mul|ti|na|tio|nal
7 au|to|ma|ted
8 neigh|bour|hood
9 ob|jec|tive
10 eye|brow

8 1 heart
2 leather
3 drought
4 choke
5 blood
6 baggage
7 machine
8 linen
9 bilingual
10 hooded

Reading and Writing

1 C
2 B
3 A
4 A
5 D


Student’s own answers.

Task completion: The task is fully completed and the answer easy to understand.
(4 marks)
Grammar: The student uses appropriate structures to achieve the task. Minor errors do not obscure
the meaning. (3 marks)
Vocabulary: The student uses a sufficient range of words and phrases to communicate the message
clearly. (3 marks)
End-of-course Test B

Listening and Speaking

1 Speaker 1 – E
Speaker 2 – F
Speaker 3 – C
Speaker 4 – A
Speaker 5 – B

2 1 must prove they’re up to the challenge of the course

2 had a lot of belief in herself
3 concerned that she hadn’t been told about a specific role
4 developing her dancing
5 hopes she can earn her living by dancing


Interactive communication and oral production: The student communicates effectively with
his / her partner, asking and answering simple questions, and where necessary initiating
conversation, and responding. The student uses appropriate strategies to complete the task
successfully. (10 marks)
Grammar and Vocabulary: The student uses a sufficient range of vocabulary and structure to
communicate clearly. Minor occasional errors do not impede communication. (5 marks)
Pronunciation: The student’s intonation, stress, and articulation of sounds make the message clear
and comprehensible. (5 marks)

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