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Progress Gramma S Test Fil Ar, Vocabu Es 1-5 Ulary, and D Pronunc Ciation B B

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The document discusses a variety of topics including education, activities, food and transportation.

Some of the topics discussed include school, sports, music, food and cities.

Some activities mentioned include playing with toys/games, dancing, and cycling.


s Test Fil es 1–5

Grammaar, Vocabu ulary, and
d Pronunc
ciation B


1 Com
mplete the
e sentence
es with on
ne word.
mple: Wha
at a great story!
1 D
Didn’t they ________
_ to
o have a dog g called Woolf? Now theey have a ccat called Lion.
2 I llove the sum mmer. I enjoy _______ __ able to le
eave the hoouse withoutt a coat.
3 Id don’t go runnning _____ ____ more. I prefer sw wimming.
4 Please can you y play ___ ______ qui etly? You’re e too loud!
5 She’s _____ ____ best sttriker we’ve ever had.
6 R
Reggie ____ _____ afford
d a car so h he took the bus
b everywhere.
7 Ip promise I __ _______ foorget to call you from thhe airport.
8 I tthink hospittal care ___
______ be ffree for everryone.
9 He’s been a translator ________
_ th
hree years now.
10 I rreally think you ______ ___ to tell yyour parentss about your debt.

2 Und
derline the
e correct word(s).
mple: I wa
as reading a book whe n I heard / was
w hearing
g a noise.
1 I’m
m really sorrry, I won’t beb able to / can’t come e.
2 The last match was terrible, but thiss one was better b / less
3 It’’s the tallest skyscrape er of / in Chiicago. You can see it from miles aaway.
4 Will / Are you
W s Molly latter?
u going to see
5 K
Kris loves the e football / football
f . He
e’s a big fan
n of Man City and Rom ma.
6 Has the new y / just ? I don’t want to know the
ws finished yet e football sccore.
7 Id don’t have asa many / so s many Faccebook friends as you.
8 I tthink / I’m th
hinking this pasta is am mazing. What’s in the sauce?
9 Joordan can / could swim m really welll when he wasw little.
10 D
Did you have e to / had to
o wear a uniiform at you ur school?


3 Com
mplete the
e sentence
es. Use the
e correct form
f of th
he verb in brackets.
mple: Yassmin and Diana have kknown (know
w) each other for yearss.
1By the time we
w arrived, the film ___ ______ (staart).
2I’mm saving fo
or a new bik
ke. I ______ ___ already ________ (get) £200.
3‘MMarion _________ (leavve) the Neth herlands tommorrow and driving bacck to the UK K.
4Iu usually ___ m English homework on Tuesday
_____ (do) my y nights.
Ryan is going to ______ __ (retire) w
when he’s sixty. At leas
st, that’s whhat he says.
While you __ _______ (play) outside e, I was tidying the house.
7‘JJim? Where are you?’ ‘I ________ _ (make) coffee in the kitchen.
k Woould you likeea
cu up?’
8 ‘_________ yo ou ever _________ (eatt) real Engliish fish and chips?’ ‘Noo, I haven’t.
9 A
As soon as I left the stadium, I real ized that I _________
_ (lose) my pphone.
10 W
What time __ _______ yoou ________ __ (wake up) after your busy Fridayy night?

English File fourth edition Inte

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able © Oxforrd Universityy Press 2019
s Test Fil es 1–5
Grammaar, Vocabu ulary, and
d Pronunc
ciation B

4 Put the words

s in order to make q
mple: like you do food vegetaria
an ?
Do you
y like veg
getarian foo
he how have
1 th e guitar bee
en you long learning ?
__ _________ __________ __________ __________ _________
2 I sshall water you a glasss of get ?
__ _________ __________ __________ __________ _________
3 w
work have we w to do eve ening this ?
__ _________ __________ __________ __________ _________
4 m
much inherit you money y how did ?
__ _________ __________ __________ __________ _________
5 yeet tickets yo
ou have the bought ?
__ _________ __________ __________ __________ _________

5 Writte the sentences in the negattive form.
mple: You
u must tell Hanif.
u mustn’t telll Hanif.
1 W
We won the match.
___________ __________ __________ __________
2 I’m
m going to go
g over there and talk to him!
___________ __________ __________ __________
3 Y
You have to leave your phone outsside.
___________ __________ __________ __________
4 W
We’ll see youu at the con
___________ __________ __________ __________
5 Iuused to enjo
oy dancing in public.
___________ __________ __________ __________
mmar total 40
6 Com
mplete the
e sentence
es with on
ne word on
mple: It’s a long journ
ney so I thin
nk we shoulld set off as
s early as poossible.
1 Sue and Ericc went out __________
_ b they’ve broken up.
__ for severral months but
2 He was talkin ng _______ _____ Zola the ninetee enth-centuryy author, noot Zola the Italian
3 They lived __ __________ _ very little money while they look ked for neww jobs.
4 W
We got ____ ________ in n a traffic jamm for 45 minutes. It wa
as so boringg!
5 I llent my esssay _______ _____ Fran ncine and noow she’s losst it.
6 I’m
m really prooud ______ ______ you,, son. Well done!
7 I_ _________ ___ out two or three tim mes a week at the gym opposite m my office.
8 ‘D
Do you like yoga?’
y ‘It de
epends ___ _________ the teacherr.’
9 Id don’t have the
t money right now. C Can I pay yoou _______ _____ tomoorrow?
10 D
Daniel _____ _______ forr dinner lastt night. It waas very gennerous of hi m.
English File fourth edition Inte
ermediate Photocopia
able © Oxforrd Universityy Press 2019
s Test Fil es 1–5
Grammaar, Vocabu ulary, and
d Pronunc
ciation B

7 Commplete thee sentence

es with the
e words in
n the box. There aree three wo
thatt you don’t need.

bill couple crowd

c ex flatmate goal insurrance loan rank
sallary stadiu
um stepchildren ump
pire zone

mple: Thiss is my flatm
mate Malik. Colin’s mov
ved out and
d Malik has his old room.
1 Please don’t cycle in the
e pedestriann ____________.
2 W
We need to buy
b some trravel _____ _______ be efore we go on holiday.
3 Ja
ames has tw wo _______ _____. His wife Jasmin n was married before.
4 Excuse me, is there a taaxi ____________ near here?
5 O _________ but we still lost the ma
Our striker sccored a ___ atch.
6 They’re build
ding a new __________
_ ___ for the World
W Chammpionship.
7 Eddie is Leah’s _______ _____ but tthey have a lot of the same
s friendss.
8 Her new job has a bette er ____________ than her
h last job.
9 Everyone in the ______ ______ chee ered when the referee gave a pennalty.
10 A
Are Adrian and Amina a ________ ____ or are they friends s?

8 Circ
cle the corrrect adjec
ctive to co
omplete th
he sentenc
mple: Irene can be patiient / sociab
ble / stubbo
orn . She do
oesn’t often change her mind.
1 D
Dad’s so pleased / prou ud / interesteed with his new car.
2 M
My friend Allyy is close / single / bussy right now w but she’s looking for a partner.
3 D
Dominic’s flaat is very tiny / huge / ssmall.
4 Eliza prefers to work on her own. S She’s very tiidy / charmiing / indepeendent.
5 A
Are you nearrly ready? I’’m tired / ru ude / fed up of waiting for
f you.
6 I’m
m reliable / anxious / spoilt
s about the situation but there’s nothing I can do.
7 Nahla is so mature
m / immmature / afffectionate. She
S needs to t grow up.
8 W
We love frozzen / ready / spicy food like Indian curry.
9 Freddie is tottally terrified
d / amazed d / fascinatin
ng of big dog
10 The tennis players were e tiring / exh
hausted / fit after the match.

9 Matc
ch 1–11 with
w a–k.
1 cuut _e_ a in commmon
2 w
warm up __ __ b of petro l
3 saave ___ c money ffrom a relative
4 eaat out ____ d anotherr team
5 ru
un out ___ _ e down on n chocolate
6 beeat ___ f with sommeone
7 lo
ose ___ g before a match
8 haave a lot ___
_ h money ffor a holiday
9 geet on ___ i at a resta
10 sppend ___ j money o on clothes
11 in
nherit ___ k touch w ith someone
Vocabuulary total 40
English File fourth edition Inte
ermediate Photocopia
able © Oxforrd Universityy Press 2019
s Test Fil es 1–5
Grammaar, Vocabu ulary, and
d Pronunc
ciation B


10 Cirrcle the wo
ord with th
he differen
nt sound.
mple: friend
ds comics busy lose

1 aw
ra basketbball jar partner
2 ammbitious organizzed inveest pitch
3 stteamed earn bee etroot coffee
4 le
earn work turnn mean
5 im
mportant home praw wns afford
6 doone young note e brother
7 m
match machinne pea ach charge
8 prrofessional bridge jokee generous
9 ussually courgettte deccision practise
10 suugar sensitiv
ve fish
h patient

11 Write the words in the correc
ct column

ernoon cooach hone est horrible
e cook
socciable food
d leftover responsibble full

/ɒ/ /əʊ/ /ʊ/ /uː/

clock phone bull boott

Pronunciaation total 20
ammar, Vocabulary, and Pronunciaation total 100

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able © Oxforrd Universityy Press 2019
s Test Fil es 1–5
g and Writting B


1 Rea
ad about fa
avourite to ck () A, B,
oys and g ames. Tic B or C.

When I was growing up p my favourrite toy was s my bike. Luckily,
L beccause of wh here I
livved and be ecause my parents let me have a lot of free edom, I couuld ride it a lot. I
reemember co oming home from scho ool and goiing out on my m bike to the park, or o just
arround the streets.
s Noww I’m a pa rent myselff, and I worry that chiildren can’tt play
ou utside in thee same way y I used to.. There is so much mo ore traffic — it just isn’tt safe
or them to cycle
c by themselves. I decided to t start a ‘P Playing Outt’ session in my
sttreet. We close the roa ad for three hours once e each fortn night. Then the children n can
pllay in the rooad, like I us
sed to. Theyy ride bikes s, they skip, they draw on the road d with
ch halk. It’s am
mazing. Som me local ressidents werren’t sure ab bout it at firrst, but now
w they
ca an clearly see
s the ben nefits. Even n people who
w don’t ha ave childrenn come into o the
sttreet and jo oin in. ‘Pla
aying Out’ iis quite diffficult to org ganize beccause you need
pe ermission from
f local government
g t to close the
t road, and
a you ne ed at leastt four
ad dults to be responsible
r e for the chilldren, but it’s definitely
y worth the ttrouble.
You could always
a tell I was going g to be an engineer. I loved connstruction bricks,
evven when I was very small.s That’ s one of the e best thinggs about thee toy, of co
It doesn’t ma atter if you’v ve got tiny hands, you u can still build a castlee, or a car,, or a
obot … and d then you can make e something g complete ely differentt with the same
piieces. Som me boxes off bricks com me with a sets of instru uctions to hhelp you bu uild a
paarticular pla
ane or build ding. I usedd to build th
hat once, an nd then all the pieces went
nto a big plaastic tub in mym bedroom m. I spent many
m hours building myy own creattions.
I think consstruction brricks have changed since I wa as little. T
There are more
sppecialized pieces,
p like
e different wwheels and d connectorrs. And I reeally don’t think
here should be ‘pinkifie ed’ boxes o of bricks ‘forr girls’, whe
ere the coloours are diffferent
annd the speccialized piec ces are flow
wers and pe ets. They should be bannned!
m the youn ngest child in my fam ily. Perhaps I’m a little bit bossyy and a little bit
sppoilt. Anywa
ay my favou urite gamess always inv volved telling people whhat to do! I used
o make my parents
p andd my older ssisters hide my soft toyys around thhe house. I used
o pretend thhe toys weree in trouble and my sisters were th he ‘baddiess’. Then I’d dress
upp as a sup perhero and d run aroun nd rescuingg them. Or, if my fam ily were bu usy, I
would play hospitals
h with the softt toys. I waas the docto or, of coursse, and thee soft
annimals used d to have lo
ots of injurie
es and illnesses. I usedd to put banndages on them
annd put themm in bed. I really
r loved those toys and I even took one sspecial bearr with
me to university.

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able © Oxforrd Universityy Press 2019
s Test Fil es 1–5
g and Writting B

mple: Shrriyan regularly rode his bike in the streets afte
er school.
A True 
 B False  C Doesn’tt say 
1 Shriyan had a lot of indeependence when he was w a child.
A True  B False  C Doe esn’t say 
2 Shriyan visiteed another ‘Playing Ou ut’ session to
t get ideas s for suitablee games.
A True  B False  C Doe esn’t say 
3 Shriyan didn’t have to ask permissiion to close e the road.
A True  B False  C Doe esn’t say 
4 AAlison doesnn’t think very
y young chi ldren should use construction briccks.
A True  B False  C Doe esn’t say 
5 AAlison’s gam
mes show that she was an imagina ative child.
A True  B False  C Doe esn’t say 
6 AAlison didn’t use to build
d anything uusing the instructions.
A True  B False  C Doe esn’t say 
7 AAlison doesnn’t think therre should be
e so many specialized
s bricks.
A True  B False  C Doe esn’t say 
8 Frank’s favou urite games s matched h his personality.
A True  B False  C Doe esn’t say 
9 Frank made his sisters dress
d up wiith him durin
ng the supe erhero gamee.
A True  B False  C Doe esn’t say 
10 Frank didn’t use to play by himself..
A True  B False  C Doe esn’t say 


2 Writte S for Sh
hriyan, A for
f Alison , F for Fra
mple: I wa
anted my ch
hildren to pl ay the games I used to
o play. S
1 M
My favourite toy matche es my choicce of job. __ ____
2 I lliked dressing up and pretending
p tto be differe
ent characte
ers. ______
3 Id don’t agree with some recent cha nges to my favourite to oy. _____
4 Iu used to make my familly join in witth my game es. _____
5 Iw was worriedd about my children’s ssafety. ___ ___
Rea ding total 15

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s Test Fil es 1–5
g and Writting B


Writte about a favourite

e toy or ga
ame from your
y child
dhood (1000–150 worrds).
swer the questions:
• W
What did the
e toy/game look like?
• How did you play with th
he toy? / Ho ow did you play the game?
• W
Why did you like it?
• W
Where did yoou use to play with it?
• W
Would you give a toy/gaame like thiss as a gift to
o a child tod
day? Why?//Why not?
Wrriting total 10
ding and Wrriting total 25

English File fourth edition Inte

ermediate Photocopia
able © Oxforrd Universityy Press 2019
Progresss Test Fil es 1–5
Listening and Speeaking B


1 Listen to an in
nterview and
a comp lete the se
entences. Write two
o words only.
1 A
According to Maxim, proofessional m
musicians spend
s _______________ ______ prep paring
or each concert than am
mateur mussicians.
2 M
Maxim comp pares his job
b and the jo
ob of a ____ __________ ______.
3 M
Maxim says orchestra musicians
m haave to be __________
_ _________ aand
4 A
Apparently, __________
_ _________ _ is less of a problem in
n orchestrass than it use
ed to
5 Since the changes in the 1980s, M axim says somes music
cians have bought
____________________ tot help themm in audition ns.

2 Listen to five conversa ck () A, B,

ations. Tic B or C.
1 A
Annalise sayys that ____ _______ are e surprising
gly healthy.
A frozen veg getables  B tinned d vegetablees  C bags b of salaad 
2 Laatif tried to eat more __
_________ _.
A fruit and vegetables
v each
e day  B local food  C vegetariaan food 
3 Eve offers to o _________ __ for Frida
A book a tab ble  B change
c the plan  C lend Rub by some mooney 
4 D
David thinks his family __________
_ _ bottled wa
A drinks too much  B should drink more  C ca an afford to drink 
5 In
nge and We es disagree about ____ _______.
A food websites  B where to sshop  C shopping g lists 
Listeening total 10


1 Mak
ke questio
ons and as
sk your pa
1 W
What transpoort / use / get here toda ay?
2 What / most expensive thing
W t / everr bought?
3 W
Who / favourrite sports star?
s Why?
4 W
Where / use to / holidayy / when / a child?
5 W
Where / eat out
o / most recently?
6 W
What / nicestt dessert / ever
e eaten? ?
7 W
Which familyy member / closest to?
8 What sport / most enjoy
W y / watch on TV? Why? ?
9 W
Would / cycle
e / centre off London? W Why?/Why not?
10 W
What new language / most
m like / leaarn? Why?
w answer your
y partn
ner’s ques

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able © Oxforrd Universityy Press 2019
Progresss Test Fil es 1–5
Listening and Speeaking B

2 Listen to your partner talking

t ab
bout a stattement. Do
o you agreee with him

3 Talk
k about on
ne of the statements
s s below, saying
s if you agree o
or disagre
e reasons.
‘Fruit and vegettables are to oo expensivve compare ed to junk fo
‘All sschools shoould teach children a m musical instrument.’
‘Parkking in citiess should be
e free for ele
ectric cars.’

Speakking total 15
g and Speaaking total
Listening 25

English File fourth edition Inte

ermediate Photocopia
able © Oxforrd Universityy Press 2019

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