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EF3e Uppint Progresstest 6 10a EDITABLE v2

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Progress Test  Files 6–10 ENGLISH FILE
Grammar, Vocabulary, and Pronunciation   A

GRAMMAR 11 I’m ________ to this kind of heat. I lived in Egypt

before I moved here.
1 Complete the sentences. Use the correct form of
the verb in brackets. 12 Do you have a ________ of scissors? I need to cut
some wrapping paper.
Example: We don’t fancy going (go) out tonight.
13 That sounds ________ a really bad idea.
1 Dogs must not ________ (bring) into the park unless 14 I don’t want a coffee, I’d ________ have a tea.
they are on a lead.
15 I have good chats with my hairdresser while I’m
2 I enjoyed the film, despite ________ (see) it before. ________ my hair cut.
3 Carla denied ________ (leave) the car window open. 15
4 It ________ (think) that the gang escaped in a black
4 x 4. 3 Underline the correct form.
5 People used ________ (give) longer prison sentences
Example: It took me a long time to be / get used to
in the past.
being retired.
6 The art thieves are believed ________ (take) two
priceless paintings. 1 I know it’s difficult with this noise, but please try
to go / going to sleep.
7 I’m so sorry – I completely forgot ________ (buy)
any milk. 2 We used to live / living in Scotland. It was nice, but
the weather wasn’t great.
8 I remember ________ (play) volleyball in the garden
when I was little. 3 Do you feel as if / like watching a film tonight?
9 Janet convinced me ________ (not go) straight to 4 I’m going to get my car serviced / get serviced my
university after finishing school. car tomorrow.
10 The business is going to ________ (sell) next week. 5 I’m going to (–) / the hospital tomorrow to visit my
10 6 All the staff in this restaurant is / are incredibly
2 Complete the sentences with one word. 7 There’ll be (–) / a terrible traffic if you leave now.
Example: This packet of biscuits has already been 8 Every / All room in the hotel has a wonderful view.
opened – take it back to the shop. 9 Any / None of the children wanted to go ice-skating
1 ________ of my sisters are older than me – I’m 23 so we went bowling instead.
and they’re 26 and 29. 10 Winter is a great time to go to the / (–) Canary
2 Please close doors quietly so ________ not to disturb Islands.
other residents. 11 You can’t / may have seen Gary here yesterday. He
3 You ________ have spoken to your father like that, it took the day off.
was very rude. 12 We’re going for a walk this weekend, whatever /
4 My brother’s with me – he insisted ________ however the weather is like.
coming. 13 Despite / In spite of setting off late, we arrived in
5 Deirdre ________ have gone home – her coat is still good time.
on her chair. 14 I bought a book and a magazine in the shop. The / A
6 We love India, but we can’t ________ used to eating book is for my sister.
spicy food every day. 15 I recommend to visit / visiting the new Acropolis
7 I loved the music, even ________ it was a bit too loud. Museum in Athens.
8 ________ the cold, we had a brilliant time exploring 15
Grammar total 40
9 Sally looks ________ if she’s had some really bad
news. Is she OK?
10 We’ll have to leave that box. There’s ________ more
room in the van.

English File Upper-intermediate Photocopiable © Oxford University Press 2014 1

Progress Test  Files 6–10 ENGLISH FILE
Grammar, Vocabulary, and Pronunciation   A

VOCABULARY 6 Underline the correct word.

4 Underline the odd word out. Example: I never raise / rise my voice in an argument.

Example: rash  blister  toothache sunburn 1 The drug was withdrawn because of its harmful side
results / effects.
1 point wave kneel scratch
2 We’re looking for volunteers / donors to work in
2 biased accurate sensational censored the charity shop on Saturdays.
3 robbery evidence blackmail fraud 3 We’ll have to cut carbon emissions sooner or later /
4 heel calf wrist ankle now or never.
5 judge verdict jury witness 4 Did you notice / realize whether the supermarket
6 duvet pillow yawn blanket was open when we drove past?
7 commentator newsreader advert presenter 5 Remember / Remind me to buy some stamps
8 stalking robbery mugging burglary when we’re in the newsagents.
6 My wallet was stolen / robbed from out of my
jacket when I went to the toilet.
7 I hope / expect Helen will come on Saturday. It
5 Complete the sentences with the correct word(s).
would be a shame not to see her.
Example: The boys were really tired after their journey. 8 It was a long and difficult journey, but we arrived
In fact, they were exhausted. safe and sound / sound and safe.
exhausted desperate stunned
9 This branch did / made the biggest profit last year.
1 The film tells the story of a bank ________ that goes 10 It’s hard to find biased / objective journalism that
horribly wrong. isn’t obviously left- or right-wing.
burglary theft robbery
11 I’ve had plenty of downs and outs / ups and
2 Government plan to ________ thousands of public downs in my 20-year career.
sector jobs.
12 Prices have raised / risen by over 10% during the
clash axe quit last year.
3 There was a big advertising campaign to ________ 12
their latest mobile phone.
produce launch manufacture
4 The conferences are ________, in June and
multiannual postannual biannual
5 A ________ is somebody who studies rocks.
physicist geneticist geologist
6 Have you ever asked for advice from the ________ in
this newspaper?
agony aunt critic paparazzi
7 I have to wake my brother up when he ________
because it’s so loud!
snores sleepwalks yawns
8 We ________ most of our manufactured goods from
import expands export
9 Two men have been ________ with bribery.
charged arrested questioned
10 My neighbours won’t ________ if you park your car
in front of their house.
notice mind matter

English File Upper-intermediate Photocopiable © Oxford University Press 2014 2

Progress Test  Files 6–10 ENGLISH FILE
Grammar, Vocabulary, and Pronunciation   A

7 Complete the words in the sentences. PRONUNCIATION

Example: You should brush your teeth at least twice a 8 Underline the stressed syllable.
Example: pre|sen|ter
1 You’re such a h________ – you’re always imagining
that you’re ill! 1 co|mmen|ta|tor
2 I’ve sent Jenny a lovely b________ of flowers for her 2 lone|li|ness
birthday. 3 black|mail
3 I l________ on the sofa all afternoon yesterday 4 me|ga|ci|ty
watching TV. 5 or|ches|tra
4 I’m so tired, I can’t stop y________. 6 com|pa|ny
5 The audience clapped so long that the singer gave 7 sci|en|tist
another e________. 8 con|vince
6 I’d hate to suffer from i________ because I love 9 a|sto|nished
10 eye|brows
7 The traffic going past the hotel kept me a________
all night.
8 This hard drive is so small you can hold it in the
p________ of your hand. 9 Match the words with the same sound.
9 The men were tried, but a________ because of a lack advertisement heart refuse court  branch
of evidence. jury theory tongue antisocial violin grow
10 I always enjoy his reviews – I think he’s the best film
c________ around. Example: axe  branch
10 1 guilty _________________
2 deny _________________
Vocabulary total 40
3 judge _________________
4 market _________________
5 journalist _________________
6 comb _________________
7 law _________________
8 review _________________
9 lungs _________________
10 volunteer _________________

Pronunciation total 20

Grammar, Vocabulary, and Pronunciation total 100

English File Upper-intermediate Photocopiable © Oxford University Press 2014 3

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