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The document discusses a radio remote control system for cranes and vehicles, including details on the hand controller, decoder, and safety features.

The control system is CE-marked and approved according to machinery directive 2006/42/EG. It also conforms to safety category 3 PLd of ISO 13849-1:2006.

The main components are the hand controller, radio decoder, and radio connection between them. The hand controller sends control signals to the decoder via radio.

MultiDrive 2

Display Controller 6F

Technical description
Olsbergs radio remote control system has been devel-
oped to provide operators with continual feedback via
its display whenever they activate a lever or button on
the hand controller. The hand controller’s standard
menu selection system utilises the display to provide
the operator with real time information about the
chosen menu, battery status, reception conditions etc.

The hand controller contains a two-way communication

radio enabling information to be sent both to it and from
it. The radio decoder contains a corresponding unit to
handle traffic at the other end.

The hand controller utilises bluetooth radio and therefore

operates in the 2.4GHz band, which is a free band that
has been approved practically worldwide. This means
that no license is needed and the radio can in principle be
used everywhere including over national boundaries.

The side displays show the symbol for the function each
lever activates in the chosen menu. When the operator
changes menu, the symbols change to the functions that
become active.

The centre display provides information about which

menu has been chosen, as well as indicating the radio
reception conditions, battery status, fault information,
micro, manual extension and so on.


The control system fulfils stringent safety

requirements in terms of reliability and
operational safety.

The products are CE-marked and approved

in accordance with machinery directive

The system conforms to ISO 13849-1:2006

category 3 PLd.

Radio Decoder Controller
The radio decoder contains one of the radio units. The hand controller is the device that the operator
The decoder translates the radio traffic, consisting uses to control his crane and his vehicle.
of lever and button data from the hand controller,
to the CAN bus. The hand controller has six levers. The functions of
each lever may be the same or different in different
For safety reasons, it is extremely important that data menus, however only one function can exist per lever
is not corrupted, therefor the decoder has dual micro- at any one time.
processors which monitor each other to ensure accu- If a lever is faulty, or if it is deflected on starting, it is
racy in the translation. The controller and the decoder disabled. The other levers operate as usual.
must be “paired” with each other to establish a connec-
tion. A unique code is loaded and stored in each unit. Activating the micro-button enables the operator to set
The pairing procedure is described elsewhere in this the levers to 50% or 20% of normal speed thus enabling
documentation. the crane to be operated with increased precision.

A relay box is normally mounted on the bottom

of the decoder. More information regarding
the relay box and its function is provided by
a separate brochure.

Cable connector Battery
Fault status

Radio commu-
nication status

Radio control on



Blink mode for each LED in different operating cases:

Decoder on,
under initialisation. Cable operation.

0,6s 1s 0,6s 1s osv 20Hz

Blink: Flicker:

Decoder powered, Radio connection present, Normal operation.

no radio connection. safety requirements not met.
0,6s 1s 0,6s 1s etc 20Hz
Blink: Steady: Steady:
0,6s 1s 0,6s 1s etc
Blink: Flicker:

Teach-in procedure in Teach-in procedure Internal error or failed

progress. complete. teach-in procedure.

Centre display

”Twilight relay”

Side display, left

Lever 1 to 6
(display symbol shows
direction of operation
with lever forward)
Info button for Side display, right
showing error
codes in the
centre display


Stop button
Buttons for main menus

Horn Micro

Getting started!
The procedure for starting the system is described below.


Install a fully-charged battery in the hand controller as
shown on the right. (Figure 1)
The battery must be installed correctly or the hand con-
troller will not start.
A fully-charged 1700mAh battery provides approximately
8 hours of operation.


To turn on the crane’s control unit press the on button
on the Power Display Box, PDB. The LED above the Figure 1
button will then start to flash. (Figure 2)
Then press the remote control button on the PDB, the
LED above this button will light and stay on. (Figure 3)
The decoder starts when remote control operation is
selected and the decoder’s yellow LED starts to blinks.
The crane’s control unit is now ready to be connected
with the hand controller.


To activate the hand controller pull the stop button out
by turning it clockwise. The hand controller is powered
up and starts to establish a radio link with the decoder
on the crane. While radio contact is being established a Figure 2
flashing hourglass and the text “Wait” is shown on the
centre display. (Figure 4)
Remaining battery power is displayed and the signal
strength symbol flashes when radio communication is
established but the hand controller and decoder are still
exchanging connection data.

Connection time for a cold-start can be up to 5 seconds.

A cold-start occurs when the hand controller or decoder
on the crane have been off for the last 10 minutes. When
restarting within 10 minutes of turning off the hand
controller, the radio link is still established and the hand
controller is ready for use immediately.

The factory setting for the period of time the hand con-
troller maintains contact with the decoder after pressing Figure 3
the stop button is 10 minutes.

When the radio connection is established the yellow
LED on the decoder shines steadily and the green
LED blinks rapidly. (Figure 5)
The hourglass symbol on the hand controller disap-
pears and the text “Wait” (Figure 4) is replaced by
“CRANE 1”. (Figure 7)
The radio signal strength is now shown without

If the radio connection is disrupted for longer than

0.5 of a second, then “CRANE 1” is replaced by the
“RESTART” symbol and the signal strength symbol
will either disappears or start blinking. (Figure 6) Figure 4

If the hand controller has been turned off it will
always restart in “CRANE 1”. (Figure 7)

Figure 6 Figure 5

Figure 7

Menu system
Olsbergs hand controllers are equipped with a In each of the main menus the operator can select sub-menus
menu selection system as standard. There are by repeatedly pressing the same button, e.g. 1-2-3 and then
three main menus which can be easily accessed back to 1 again.
via three push buttons.
As standard, up to 4 menus with 6 proportional functions
The main menus are: together with 12 on-off functions, can be programmed.
the CRANE menu
the EXTRA menu The system with main menus enables the operator to change
the ON-OFF menu quickly from crane operation to outrigger operation and
back again.
The hand controller always restarts in menu CRANE 1.


menu 1,2,3

Lever 4 Lever 5 Lever 6

Lever 3
Lever 2
Lever 1
menu 2,3,4
Lever 4 Lever 5 Lever 6
Lever 3 6
Lever 1
Lever 2 4
menu 1,2,3,4
for m ain men


Main menu ”CRANE”, proportional functions
The sub-menus in “CRANE” mode are configured The symbols are stored in a symbol library. If the library does
when the crane is fitted to the vehicle. The right and not contain the required symbol, a description of the function
left side displays show symbols representing the can be written instead. Only Arabic numerals and letters from
functions controlled by the corresponding levers. the English alphabet can be used.

When the crane menu changes, the symbols and Symbols and texts can be configured via the safety system if it
texts change to match the functions available via the is an EU crane. “OS” cranes can be configured by a computer
current menu. or delivered with a default configuration set in the factory.

Left side display Centre display Right side display

Outer Extension
Inner Winch
Slewing boom

Outer Extension
Inner Rotator
Slewing boom Grapple

Outer Extension
Inner Jib
Slewing boom Jib
boom extension


The left-hand button in the top row on the bar, facing

towards the operator. When the operator pulls out the
start button on the hand controller, it always starts in
menu CRANE 1.

Main menu ”EXTRA”, proportional functions
The “EXTRA” main menu contains additional Here too, there is a symbol or text describing the function
hydraulic proportional functions that do not being used; the symbol is logically positioned in relation to
belong to the crane itself, such as outriggers the lever. Only Arabic numerals and the English alphabet
front and rear, boat supports, levelling etc. can be used in the descriptions.

The symbols and descriptions are configured in the same

way as the “CRANE” main menu and the same method is
used for stepping between the sub-menus.

Left side display Centre display Right side display

Outrigger Outrigger
Outrigger extra extra Outrigger
extra Left out Right out extra
Left down Right down

Outrigger Outrigger Outrigger
Outrigger crane
crane crane crane
Left out Right out Right down
Left down


The centre button in the top row on

the bar facing the operator activates
the EXTRA menu.

Main menu ”ON-OFF”, on-off functions
The “ON-OFF” main menu contains functions such The hand controller is prepared for the use of symbols
as start, stop and throttle. for the ON-OFF functions. Only Arabic numerals and
The functions are configured at the bodybuilder. the English alphabet can be used in the descriptions.

No symbols are used for these functions at present, The ON-OFF functions are controlled by the 4 levers
instead, a description matching the respective function located in the middle of the controller. Thus function
and lever is shown in the display. 1 is controlled by lever 2, function 2 by lever 3 and so
on. The ON-OFF functions are activated irrespective of
which direction the lever is moved.

Left side display Centre display Right side display

Light 1 Light 2 Pump 1 Pump 2

Stop RPM up
Start RPM down


The right-hand button in the top row

on the bar facing the operator enables
the ON-OFF functions.

Centre display, view modes
The centre display is the system’s information
centre. It shows information that is not directly
related to the crane’s operation.

The symbols used for this information are described in

detail below.
The image to the right shows the appearance of the
centre display during normal radio controlled operation
of the crane.


A symbol of a spanner is shown when the The text shows which main menu has been
safety system discovers a fault in the system. selected while the number shows which
sub-menu of that main menu applies. The
main menus are:
NOTE! The first menu number in EXTRA
MICRO is one higher than the highest in CRANE.
Indicates that micro operation has been ON-OFF is numbered from 1.
selected. Micro operation changes the
sensitivity of the levers as follows:
At full lever deflection, μ50% yields 50% ADC (Automatic Duty Control)
of normal speed and µ20% yields 20% of Indicates that the ADC function is on.
normal speed for the crane.
JDC (Jib Duty Control)
Indicates that the JDC function is on.

SERVICE HDC (Hoist Duty Control)

Indicates that the crane requires service. Indicates that the HDC function is on.


Indicates that MEWP-mode (operation Manual extension is selected by pressing
from cage) has been selected. the horn and release buttons at the same
This requires greater stability and lower time. The safety system acknowledges
speeds for crane movement. by showing this symbol.


The number of bars shows the signal The battery symbol shows the battery
strength. Optimum reception is when power remaining. When the system starts
all the bars are filled. When the symbol to blink there is only a few minutes of
flashes the radio is connected but the operation left. Information is sent to
start criteria have not been met. the safety system which can then emit a
warning signal.
If the system is run until the battery
power fails the hand controller will auto-
matically lock.


When one of the above functions is selected the symbol

is enlarged (Figure 1a) for 3 seconds before returning
to its normal size (Figure 1b) so as to alert the operator
that a change has occurred.

Figure 1a Figure 1b


An enlarged image of the fault symbol (Figure 2a)

appears and the crane stops when a critical fault is
detected. To continue, the fault must first be con-
firmed by pressing the release button, only then will
the spanner go back to normal size. (Figure 2b)

When a non-critical fault is detected by the safety

system an enlarged image of the spanner is shown
(Figure 2a) for 3 seconds before returning to normal Figure 2a Figure 2b
size. (Figure 2b)


The safety system sends error codes to the hand control-

ler. By pressing the info-button on the left hand side
under the display handle (Figure 4) the centre display
changes window to show the error codes. (Figure 3)

Error codes scroll up on the display at the same rate as

the safety system sends them, once every half second.
Figure 3
If there are more than 6 error codes at the same time
the 6 most recent are shown.

Button for changing

the centre display window.
Figure 4

Overload protection ”OLP”, warning signals
Inner boom Outer boom up
100% blocked

Extension out

Outer boom
up blocked Extension
out blocked

Figure 1

Olsbergs hand controllers can provide informa- VSL-OLP

tion about the pressure in cylinders equipped
with pressure sensors. This information is linked VSL-OLP means that the stability limit of the crane/vehicle
directly to each function. has been reached and VSL is indicated on the centre display.

The pressure is shown as a percentage of the maxi- If outrigger-OLP and VSL-OLP occur at the same time, VSL
mum pressure permitted, furthermore it also shows is indicated in the same symbol as the outrigger OLP.
if a particular motion is prohibited or if the crane is At all types of OLP the crane/vehicle stops and all levers
subject to overload protection, (OLP). must be moved to neutral position before the crane/vehicle
There are three types of OLP: can be operated out of OLP position and the central display
Crane-OLP: means that the crane is under returns to normal.
maximum load.
Outrigger-OLP: means that one of the outriggers
of the crane or vehicle is under
maximum load.
VSL-OLP: means that the stability limit of the
crane or vehicle has been reached.
Overload is shown on the hand controller’s displays <=>
as follows.

Regardless of which menu is active Outrigger – OLP Outrigger-OLP
Indicated by showing 100% for those functions that will be shown. Here outrigger-OLP ”-mid left”. ”front left”/”front right”
have pressure sensors in the cylinders. Any movement
that would increase the load is blocked. (Figure 1)

Outrigger-OLP means that one of the outriggers is
under maximum load and a symbol is shown in the
centre display with the actual outrigger crossed.
At outrigger-OLP this symbol is shown irrespective
of which menu is shown in the centre display. Out-
rigger-OLP ”front left” or ”front right” are indicated VSL-OLP Outrigger-OLP”mid left”
occured at the same time
at the same spot on the symbol in the centre display.

BLOCKING ON MAX LOAD/RELEASE The hand controller must be configured specifically
for the particular crane or vehicle if it is to show the
When a function has been blocked due to an OLP, a correct symbol or text.
cross is shown in the relevant lever’s display when an
attempt is made to activate it. Default settings for the crane symbols are set in the
factory during final testing.
If the crane has got stuck the release button must be
activated to enable it to be moved from this position. Configuration of other functions and tools is conducted
(Figure 2) by the coach builder when mounting the crane on the
If the OLP release is accepted this is shown by an un-
locked padlock in the centre display. (Figure 3) Cranes that have a safety system can utilise the termi-
The crane will then operate at reduced speed for a nal program to configure the crane. “OS” cranes with-
limited period of time. out a safety system can be configured via a computer
or be adjusted in the factory.

Figure 3

Button ”Release”
Figure 2

WARNING AT 50%, 70%, 90% and 100%

Some of the crane’s functions are connected to pres-

sure sensors which show the pressure in these cylinders
as a percentage of maximum permitted pressure when Figure 4
it exceeds 50%.
The percentage is shown as 50%, 70%, 90% or 100%
alternating with the lever’s symbol, once per second.

When a pressure sensor reaches 100% all motions

that would increase the load can be blocked. These 100%
configurations are set by the crane manufacturer.

If the operator attempts to activate a blocked function

a cross replaces the symbol. The cross disappears and
the symbol returns when the lever is returned to the
neutral position. (Figure 4 and 5)
Figure 5

Other instructions
The hand controller can be locked to prevent unauthorised
persons, such as children, from starting the hand controller
and operating the crane. (Figure 1)

Locking the hand controller

- Press the EXTRA button and the ON-OFF button

when the stop button is pressed in.
Figure 1
- Continue to hold the buttons pressed at the same time
as the stop button is pulled out.
The centre display will now show a locked padlock.
If battery power drops too low the hand controller will If a fault develops in communication with the safety
lock automatically. system during operation, the system stops the crane. The
centre display shows the spanner symbol to indicate that
Unlocking the hand controller there is a fault. The crane can only be operated manually
under emergency conditions if this occurs.
- Press the EXTRA button and the ON-OFF button
when the stop button is pressed in.
- Continue to hold the buttons pressed at the same time
as the stop button is pulled out.
The hand controller is ready for use. REPLACING A HAND CONTROLLER OR DECODER

Every system has a unique controller/decoder pair which

only communicates with each other. If one unit has to be
replaced, a special procedure must be followed to make
the new pair communicate. The procedure is as follows:
The LCD-type displays on the hand controller are
somewhat slow in changing state in low temperatures. 1. Switch off the PDB’s system.
At 0°C, it will take approximately 1 second, and at 2. Unscrew the left-hand connector on the decoder and
-20°C it can take up to 8 seconds before the symbols remove it.
have completely updated.
3. Connect the hand controller with the accompanying
cable (E0781) to the decoder.
For safety reasons, quick shifts within a menu are
not possible at temperatures below -10°C; though 4. Switch on the PDB and select “remote”.
shifting between different menus will still be possible 5. Hold down the release button on the hand controller
as normal. while pulling out the stop button.

To avoid the inconvenience that may be caused by When the yellow LED on the decoder starts to blink, let
the above, the hand controller should be stored at a go of the release button. When the procedure is complete,
temperature above +10°C when not in use. the yellow LED goes out. If the procedure was successful,
only the green LED remains lit, if not, the red LED is lit.
The procedure can take up to half a minute.


The hand controller is normally used in radio mode This function must be activated so that the safety system
but it is also possible to operate it via a cable. can calculate the capacity when manual extension is used.
This is done by pressing the release and horn buttons at
A four-metre cable (E0781) is supplied as standard with the same time until the manual extension symbol appears
the hand controller. The cable is intended to be used for on the centre display.
short-term operation and when pairing in conjunction Use the same procedure to disengage the manual exten-
with the replacement of hand controllers or decoders. sion function.
The cable connects to the vehicle via the decoder’s left-
hand CAN bus connector. (See Figure 3)

If the hand controller is to be wired permanently or for

a long period, an adapter cable (E0837) is run from the
PDB and installed at a suitable location on the vehicle.
To give the operator greater freedom of movement, a
15-metre cable (E0782) is used between the adapter and
the controller. (See Figure 4)

When the cable is connected to the hand controller,

the centre display shows that the controller is in cable
operation mode. The symbols for signal strength (radio)
and battery capacity are replaced with the symbol for
cable operation. (See Figure 5)
Figure 5

Figure 3 Figure 4

Controller - MD2 6F 2
Spare parts


1 13



17 3




Pos Part NO Description Note

1 1218 987 3015 Controller MD2 6f

2 E1193 987 3384 Handle, Display complete

3 E1390 988 0984 Handle, Push button complete
4 E1198 987 3406 Controller MD2 6f, Top incl. levers
5 E1200 987 3431 Controller MD2 6f, Bottom incl. stop button, contact chassis and cap
6 0498 983 0022 Lever, Black incl. screw and packing
7 0499 983 0031 Lever, Red incl. screw and packing
8 S2831 981 1656 Screw M4x12 MC6S A4 black nickel
9 E0447 983 0863 Packing lever

10 E1197 987 3414 Top box, controller excl. levers

11 S2920 987 3449 O-ring Ø224,0x2,62 NBR 70
12 S2939 988 0038 O-ring Ø6,0x2,0 NBR 70 (4 pcs)
13 S2532 985 7338 Cap, controller
14 S0238 983 0898 Screw M5x45 MC6S A4 black nickel
15 S2938 987 5816 Screw T40x25 TX
16 S2912 983 9101 Screw M5x40 MC6S A4 black nickel
17 E1377 988 0992 Fittings, carrier strap
18 S2940 988 0046 O-ring Ø45,0x2,0 NBR 70

19 1201 983 6721 Battery NiMH, 7.2 V

Decoder / Radio - MD2, MDMMX
Spare parts


2 3 4

Pos Part NO Description Note

1 1296 988 2499 Decoder / Radio MD2, MDMMX incl. aerial

2 S3152 988 3045 Screw M6x40 MC6S A4

3 S2556 995 6328 O-ring Ø5,28x1,78 NBR 70
4 S3183 988 3053 Aerial, ½ wave lentgh RSMA
5 S2948 988 6087 O-ring Ø8.0*3.0 EPDM
6 E0854 985 7290 Strapped plug, decoder

Possible bottom modules

Pos Part NO Description Note

1293 988 2481 Relay Box PLUS, MDMMX incl. o-ring
E1431 988 2588 Bottom box, high incl. o-ring

Olsbergs Electronics AB
Box 267
SE-186 24 VALLENTUNA, Sweden
Phone: +46 (0)8-511 858 50
Fax: +46 (0)8-511 750 05

Olsbergs Hydraulics AB
Issue 2, MDMMX - 2012-05-31

Box 17
SE-575 21 EKSJÖ, Sweden
Phone: +46 (0)381-150 75
Fax: +46 (0)381-140 71

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