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ELTE 305 Activities

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Explanation of Irregular and Regular Verbs:

1. I am giong to explain to you again what a present simple and past

simple are.
 Present Simple: When you use a verb to tell about things that
happen continually in the present. E.g. Play. He loves to play
 Past Simple: The form of a verb used to describe an action that
happened before the present time and is no longer happening. It is
usually made by adding -ed: E.g. Study Michael studied hard all
year. E.g: Was I went to the movies.
Explanation of Irregular and Regular Verbs Continous:

1. A regular verb is one that conforms to the usual rule for

forming its simple past tense and its past participle. In
English, the "usual" rule is to add "-ed" or "-d" to the base
form of the verb to create the past forms.
 E.g. laugh-laughed, die-died
1. An irregular verb is a verb in which the past tense is not
formed by adding the usual -ed ending.
 E.g. Sing-(sang), go (went).
Write Sentences Using Irregular and Regular Verbs:

1. You going to write five sentences using regular verbs and write
five sentences using irregular verbs in your notebooks.
2. Here are some examples:

 Regular verbs in a sentence. Irregular verbs in a sentence.

She walked slowly back He drank hot tea
to the classroom. from a glass.
Fill In The Blanks
Fill in the blanks with the verbs in their regular and irregular verb forms.
1.You always……. (invite) me to your parties.

2.I should have.......... (know) that you would eat all of the leftover pizza!

3.She…… ( bring ) cupcakes to class.

4.Luciana and Simone……..(travel) to Egypt two years ago.

5.He ……(spray) the furniture with paint yesterday.

6.He…….. (think) it was true love.

7.The two men……..( shake ) hands.

8.I …….. (work) in a bank six months ago.

9.You have to wait until the juice has……. (freeze) before you can eat the
It……(rain) yesterday.

Circle the Correct Answer
You going to circle the correct past tense form of each verb.

1. I (teared / tore) my knee ligaments playing basketball.

2. Tom (sweeped, swept ) the floor.
3. She ( cleaned, cleant ) her room.
4. I cannot believe that I (forgetted, forgot) to bring my rock collection for the show!
5. I (rided / rode) the horse around the stable.
6. Kim (braided, broid) her hair in the morning.
7. I (scram, screamed) in the haunted house.
8. Mom ( drived, drove ) us to the store.
9. We ( hiked, hake ) in the woods.
10. He (saw /see) how much we enjoyed the show.
1. Write the past tense form of each verb and next to it you going to
write if it is regular or an irregular verb.
2. By using these verbs you are going to write a sentence.
3. One has been done for you.
 E.g. Improve: Improved = Regular verb
 My grades have improved significantly.
1. Examine:
2. Rise:
3. Branch:
4. Fight:
5. Advise:
6. Wander:
7. Stand:
8. Cling:
9. Vanish:
10. Draw:

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