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EF3e Uppint Filetest Listening Scripts

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Listening Scripts Upper-intermediate

Listening 1 Listening 2
Speaker 1 I’m quite easy-going actually so there’s not much Interviewer I’m delighted to say that today in the studio with us
that annoys me. The thing that I really can’t stand we have Graeme Rushton, who’s going to talk to us
though, is bad manners – that lack of polite about his experience of being interviewed and I’m sure
behaviour – you know like someone interrupting he’ll have some great tips to share with you. Welcome
me while I’m speaking. I mean there’s just no Graeme, and thanks so much for joining us.
excuse for that really. Anything else, say being a Graeme Hi … well, thanks for inviting me.
bit late for an appointment, is fine, but not that! Interviewer Now, there were a lot of strong candidates and the
Speaker 2 Erm … I suppose people who don’t seem to four who got a second interview all said that they found
respect or care about other people’s things. And the interview especially challenging. What was the
I’m thinking mainly about my brother here when hardest thing about the interview for you?
I say this! He’s always borrowing my stuff and Graeme I’d done a lot of preparation … you have to, really … so,
then either losing it or breaking it. And if I refuse I was very confident that I knew what I was talking
to lend him something, he says I’m selfish of about. And I had quite a few examples ready, too, of
course. I can’t win! things I’ve achieved, because I knew they’d ask for that.
Speaker 3 Well, that’s easy to answer! You see I share a Keeping my answers short and to the point was difficult
bedroom with my sister, and you can’t imagine at times, because generally speaking I have a lot to say!
what it’s like in there. There’s stuff everywhere! Interviewer Well, you got the job, and that’s all that matters!
She has loads of books and folders, and she’d There were five people interviewing you. Did that make
need an empty room just for her clothes and you nervous?
shoes alone. The wardrobe’s about to burst. In Graeme Yes, definitely. In the past, I’ve had interviews where
fact, it’s difficult just to walk through the room. there have been two, or even three, people on the other
None of this is a problem for her, of course. She side of the desk, but never five! So that was a bit scary.
just tells me to chill out and take it easy! One thing I can say for sure is that nobody smiled very
Speaker 4 Well, I’m not the most patient of people so lots of much. But I know that they were just doing their job
things annoy me! The usual things – bad really, and after all, with so many huge companies
manners, messiness, and so on. I’d say that between them, I suppose they know what they’re doing
people who only think about themselves make when it comes to business!
me really mad though. It’s nice just to consider Interviewer Now, were there any questions that you couldn’t
others sometimes, isn’t it? It’s not all about you! answer during the interview?
Speaker 5 I think jealousy’s a really bad thing in a person – I Graeme Erm … not really, no. As I said, I’d done my homework
don’t like that at all. But thinking about it again, and I pretty much guessed what type of things they’d
even worse is a person who doesn’t do what they ask. There were a couple of places where I could have
say they’re going to … you know the type … done better, but overall I was pleased with the answers I
they’re never on time, they cancel plans at the last gave.
minute … that kind of thing. I’ve had arguments Interviewer OK. So, how did you think it had gone when it was
with people in the past because of this. all over?
Graeme You know, the funny thing is that even though I believed
in myself, I knew that the other applicants were both
clever and experienced, perhaps more so than me. I
knew that I could do the job, and that I had most of the
qualifications needed, but I couldn’t help thinking that
they’d go for someone who’d had a different type of
Interviewer Finally, if you could offer one piece of advice to
anyone out there going for a job interview soon, what
would it be?
Graeme Only one thing? Well, it’s obviously important to look
the part, you know, be neat and tidy. And of course,
being late is never recommended! But I’d say the main
thing to remember, though, is to be yourself on the day.
Interviewers can tell if you’re acting and that just won’t
work. And make sure you read as much as you can about
the company before you go.
Interviewer Right, well thanks for coming in today Graeme, and
I hope you’ll be very happy in your new role.
Graeme Thanks very much.

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Listening Scripts Upper-intermediate

Listening 1 Listening 2
Speaker 1 Yeah, of course I like to look fashionable. Doesn’t So, you’ve decided to set up your own fashion company. My
everyone? And it doesn’t have to cost a lot if you’re sister Anna started her own company a few years ago, so I can
clever about it, but one thing that really annoys me tell you what I’ve learned through watching her and hearing
is that the shops on the high street usually have the about her problems. Well I won’t tell you that this is an easy job,
same clothes at the same time. That means because it’s not.
customers don’t exactly have a lot to pick from. There are several things you have to consider carefully if you
Speaker 2 Well not every colour works for me because of my want to be successful from the very beginning. You need to think
skin colour, so I wish that the designers would about what kind of clothes you want to sell. Men’s or women’s?
think about that when they’re planning their Both? Children’s? What you decide at this stage will make a big
collections. What suits one person doesn’t difference further down the line, so it’s important to make the
necessarily suit everyone! I like to wear well-made right decision. Most people say that it’s best to stick to selling
clothes too, so I don’t mind spending a bit more on just one thing and really thinking about it long and hard, in the
them. end, my sister went for kid’s clothes.
Speaker 3 I spend most of my money on clothes, and I don’t
feel guilty about it at all! I wish that the designers Obviously you’ll need money to set the whole thing up and to get
would consider people like me a bit more though. going. Many people use their own savings to begin with, but they
I’m really tall and it’s hard to find clothes that fit me usually find that they need much more than that. And that’s
properly. I suppose I’m lucky in that I can wear where family comes in useful, you know – for lending money for
most colours well. some time without charging interest on it. Neither of these were
Speaker 4 I think most people my age want to look good and an option for Anna, but she was very lucky to have a close family
wear fashionable clothes. And it’s not hard because friend who offered to lend her the money to get started.
the shops are always full of the latest trends. I The business started off very small, and it took her some time to
mostly shop online and can even have something build up her customers. So she didn’t need a lot of space to begin
delivered the next day. I do a lot of shopping so that with. I mean, there was no need to rent an office or anything like
means that my bank account’s not exactly in great that. In the early days, though, she just used her own bedroom!
shape. But, hopefully I’ll find a cheaper way of Actually, she still works from the garage at our house because
staying fashionable. it’s not used for anything else.
Speaker 5 I love clothes and I always try to make sure that I’ve She’s doing really well now, and we’re all so proud of her. It
got the latest fashions. I buy most of my stuff in the certainly wasn’t easy for her, but we all helped out with anything
local shops in town, just because that’s easier for we could. We packed boxes and prepared labels, or went to the
me. I don’t spend a fortune on clothes, but it makes post office for her. All of that helped of course, but I’ve no doubt
me mad when I get something and discover that it’s that the main reason for her success is the amount of hard work
poor quality. she put in – she worked all day every day and hardly took a break.
She also had quite a few contacts from the days when she worked
for a large fashion store, and they were definitely very useful.
I was also thinking about starting up some kind of business
myself, though I’m not sure exactly what kind of thing I want to
do yet. Anna’s given me lots of advice. She said I should do a lot
of research to begin with, you know – about the product I want
to sell, and other companies selling the same thing. She also said
that the most important thing was to get a bit of business
experience. I’m doing a course at my local college at the moment,
and through that I hope I’ll be able to go and spend time with
some companies for a few weeks – like a placement. And, of
course, that’ll give me a qualification. After that, we’ll see. Who
knows? I might have my own company someday soon too.

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Listening Scripts Upper-intermediate

Listening 1 Listening 2
Speaker 1 This is an announcement for all passengers Interviewer Welcome back everyone. Now, holidays are big
travelling to Manchester Central. The 10.02 will business these days, and one type of holiday that’s
now depart from Platform 9B, not 8B as becoming more popular with the 18–30 age group is the
previously announced. Passengers should make adventure holiday. With me in the studio is Kim Dawson,
their way to this platform, where the train has now who’s just returned from this kind of holiday, and she’s
arrived, using the stairs at the end of platform 8B. going to tell us what’s involved. Thanks for joining us, Kim.
Thank you. Kim Thanks for having me!
Speaker 2 Welcome to London Euston Station. This is a Interviewer So, tell me first of all why you were interested in
reminder that many platforms are no longer in use going on an adventure holiday.
due to modernization work being carried out in Kim Well, I was bored of going on the usual sunshine holiday,
the station. Please check travel boards carefully for you know, lying on a beach sunbathing for a week, and so I
information about all departures. wanted to try something different. I also wanted to learn
Speaker 3 Due to severe weather in the north of the country, some new activities. I’m quite sporty anyway, so I thought:
Network Rail is sorry to announce that the 6.50 why not try something different. And I knew I’d meet lots
service from Newcastle to London Paddington of people who are interested in the same kind of things as I
has been cancelled. Could all passengers please am. There’s nothing wrong with the friends I’ve already
listen for further announcements about later got, of course – I just wanted to meet some like-minded
services? Thank you. people too.
Speaker 4 Welcome to London Kings Cross station. Due to Interviewer Sure. Where did you go on your adventure
today’s weather, surfaces may be icy, so holiday?
passengers are advised to take care on all Kim Oh, I spent ages researching that and changed my mind
platforms and while using the steps in the station. SO many times. The US is one of the most popular places
Please allow extra time to reach your platform. for adventure holidays, mainly because there’s so much
Thank you. you can do there and I was very keen to go. But the price
Speaker 5 We are sorry to announce the 7.15 to London put me off in the end. Canada’s great too, but it’s not cheap
Paddington has been delayed by approximately 23 either. So, I went for Ireland in the end – it’s not too far
minutes. Could all passengers please check travel away and we saw some beautiful scenery while we were
boards on the platforms or in the waiting room for there. The weather wasn’t great, but we sort of expected
updates, as there will be no further that!
announcements about this service? Thank you. Interviewer Yes, indeed. So what was your favourite activity
while you were there?
Kim My favourite? Hmm … To be honest, I liked everything we
did and we did SO many things. I learned how to surf – the
waves are just right for that. We had a few sailing lessons
too and they were fun – hard work but enjoyable. One
thing which was really great, though, was horse riding
along the coastal paths – just miles and miles of peace and
quiet and lovely sea views. That was very relaxing!
Interviewer Did you spend all of your time at the coast?
Kim No, the holiday started off inland. We camped in the
mountains and learned how to manage without all the
modern bits and pieces that we’re used to at home. Then
we travelled to a completely different area and explored
some caves. It was only the last four or five days that we
spent near the sea.
Interviewer Was everyone able to manage all the activities they
were asked to do?
Kim Yes, they were actually. And that’s because we were divided
into groups according to our abilities. The guides wanted
us to push ourselves and try hard, but they were realistic
about what we could and couldn’t do. We had a big age
range on the holiday too, but we all had to try everything.
Interviewer Well, it sounds like you had a great time and thanks
for sharing your experience with us here today.
Kim Thanks.

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Listening Scripts Upper-intermediate

Listening 1 Listening 2
Speaker 1 We all know the importance of Interviewer Hello, I’m Louisa Fielding and this is Environmental Corner.
wearing seatbelts of course, but my With me today is Rick, who volunteers for an environmental agency.
number one tip would be to keep an Rick, welcome to the programme.
eye on your speed when you’re Rick Hi … thanks very much.
behind the wheel of your car. The Interviewer Now you’ve done some voluntary work for an environmental
limits are there for a reason, you agency in Asia, haven’t you?
know! And it’s better to leave 15 Rick That’s right. It was for a diving and marine conservation group in
minutes early and take your time, Thailand.
than to have an accident and not get Interviewer So, what exactly is marine conservation?
there at all. Rick It’s basically anything to do with things that live in the sea.
Speaker 2 Well, because of the weather we Interviewer How long did you spend in Thailand?
have in this country, one thing that’s Rick Oh, it was quite a long time actually. Hmm … let’s see. I’d already
really important is to check that you decided to take a year off before going to university, but didn’t want to
have the right clothes on before you spend the full 12 months working on the project … I wanted to, er, you
go out in the dark. And that applies know do a bit of travelling too, and I had to work to earn some money as
if you’re walking, jogging, or cycling. well. So, I spent about half my gap year there.
You should always have something Interviewer What type of things did the volunteers on this project do when
on your upper body that can be they were there?
easily seen and that reflects the light Rick Most of us were involved in diving surveys where we helped to identify
– it could save your life. sea horses – there were so many different types. And that’s what I was
Speaker 3 Many accidents happen because involved in. A few people worked with local fishermen – they looked at
people are so distracted by chatting which kinds of fish they catch and taught them about keeping certain
on mobiles – even when they’re fish safe for the future. Others helped with cleaning up the beaches in
using hands-free kits. I’d say just the area, and they got local kids to help out with that.
avoid them completely. It’s best to Interviewer How many days a week did you have to work? It sounds like you
concentrate 100% on the road in were very busy.
front of you. You never know what’s Rick There was a work schedule each week so we know what was happening
coming up ahead. and when. The schedule varies, depending on the time of year, the
Speaker 4 I think there’s so much more to weather, and the number of volunteers on the project. We normally
being a good driver than knowing worked five days a week and did some diving each day. We had two days
the traffic laws and speed limits. You to ourselves to relax, travel back to the mainland or get involved in some
have to drive according to the of the other activities that there were, like diving or boat trips.
weather – that’s really important! Interviewer That sounds like fun! What were the living conditions like?
Give yourself more time if it’s Rick Well, we shared wooden bungalows with other volunteers – 4 people to
raining, for example, because that each one. The accommodation had electricity provided by a generator
slows traffic right down. And keep for a few hours in the evenings, and each bungalow had an attached
your distance from the car in front bathroom with a bucket shower – basically that’s just where you use
of you because the road surface will buckets of water to wash yourself. The bungalows are just a few metres
be more dangerous. from the beach, so the sea views are amazing! Everyone ate together in
Speaker 5 Apart from all the obvious things the area that we all share. It had a kitchen and large dining area and had
like not driving fast and not chatting plenty of space to study or just enjoy the view and relax. The
on the phone, I’d say planning your surrounding garden had an equipment room and in the evenings staff
trip is pretty important. Especially and volunteers went there to play cards or watch a DVD.
in winter. Make sure you have Interviewer Hmm … not bad. So, do you need experience if you want to
everything you need in the boot of work on one of these projects?
your car because you never know Rick Obviously it would be a big help if you already knew something about
what might happen. I mean things marine biology, but no, volunteers don’t need any previous experience.
like a blanket and some food, in case One of the first things everyone is taught, is how to dive to the necessary
you get stuck, or even medicine. level. There are lots of qualified instructors there. You’ll actually leave
Thailand with lots of experience under your belt – a few of the guys even
learned how to do building work and you might even have the chance to
study some tropical plants in the nearby jungle.
Interviewer It certainly sounds like a valuable way to spend your time, if you
have that kind of time to spare of course.
Rick Oh definitely … I’d recommend it to anyone with an interest in
environmental issues and (… fade …)

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Listening Scripts Upper-intermediate

Listening 1 Listening 2
Speaker 1 What would I do if I found a wallet on the street? Interviewer As part of International Explorer’s Week, I have a
Well, I could ask people in the street, if there were young man in the studio today who’s going to talk about the
any around … But, I think that actually – no; I British explorer, Sir Ranulph Fiennes. Now Joe, I know that
wouldn’t touch it. I’d just walk past it and let Sir Ranulph’s one of your heroes, and you’ve also just
someone else worry about it. Life’s too short, I have completed a study of him and his achievements for your
enough of my own things to worry about! Geography course. Is that right?
Speaker 2 Oh, I’d definitely pick it up and see what was inside. Joe Yeah, that’s right. I really admire him and that’s why I
The person who dropped it might have left an wanted to do my project on him. I think he’s amazing
address or phone number, or I could maybe find because he’s achieved so much.
them through Facebook if there was something Interviewer So, tell me more about that.
with their name on it. But, to be honest, I’d Joe Well, he’s got courage and he doesn’t give up easily. He
probably just put it back if there was no address. didn’t reach the top of Everest the first time he tried
What else can you do? Maybe the person who because he had a heart attack. In fact, he attempted it three
dropped it might come back and look for it. If you times before he made it. The second time didn’t work out
took it away, they’d never find it again. because he was just so exhausted.
Speaker 3 I suppose you should take it to the police, that Interviewer I didn’t know that. Does he have any fears at all?
would be what you’re supposed to do. I suspect, Joe Oh, he’s actually afraid of all sorts of things! I know he’s not
though, that I’d probably just pick it up and spend too keen on very cold weather, which is strange if you want
all the money on shopping! That’s not very honest to climb Everest. He also had a bit of a thing about getting
of me, is it? lost up there and never being found. And the thing that
Speaker 4 Well, I wouldn’t believe my luck for a start! But you worried him most, apparently, was his fear of heights – he’s
couldn’t possibly keep it though, could you? I’d had that since he was little.
take it to a police station, of course, and let them Interviewer So, an amazing achievement considering that …
sort everything out. But I’d hope that the person Has he ever spoken about the view from the top?
who owned the wallet would give me some money Joe Yes, I remember chatting about that. He said that it was like
for being so honest! something from a fairytale! He felt he could practically
Speaker 5 I wouldn’t give it to the police. I don’t think the reach out and feel the clouds, and that there were what
person who lost it would ever think to go to the looked like millions of stars in the sky. And apparently the
nearest police station. I think I’d put up some moon looked magical, shining just above the clouds.
posters in the local area instead, you know like a Interviewer Hmmm … that does sound amazing. I wonder
sign in a shop window or on a lamppost, things like how he felt when he did reach the top?
that … I’d ask them to call my mobile, and if they Joe You’d think that most people would be so glad to have
could describe the wallet and tell me what was in it, made it, wouldn’t you? Or they’d just feel really proud of
then I’d meet them and give it back. I might get a lot what they’d done. He had so many problems though, health
of joke calls though … issues I mean, he just felt awful and couldn’t wait to get
back down!
Interviewer So, does that mean that he didn’t actually do
anything up there at the top after all that hard work?
Joe Oh no! He had to send reports back to various people
obviously, and he had the flag of the charity he works for
with him. He wanted to put that down and get photos of it,
and they were able to do that. They wanted to get photos of
lots of other things they had taken with them as well, but
the weather was against them, so that didn’t happen.
Interviewer I see. Well Joe, unfortunately we’re out of time so
we’ll have to end there. It’s been a pleasure talking to you
and thanks for joining us.
Joe Thanks.

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Listening Scripts Upper-intermediate

Listening 1 Listening 2
Speaker 1 Well, you’d probably expect someone of my age to Hi everyone! My presentation today is on Beyoncé – as you know
be really into hip-hop or pop music, and don’t get I’m her biggest fan! Anyway, I’m not going to talk about all the
me wrong, I really like that kind of stuff too. But usual things because most of us know those. Instead, I’m going
most of the time you’ll find me listening to rock. It to tell you about some of the other things she’s involved in, and
makes me feel like getting up and doing something, for which she may be less well known.
you know, sort of gives me energy, and that’s why I Since 2002, Beyoncé has worked with the drinks company Pepsi,
love it. and she’s appeared in several of their adverts along with other
Speaker 2 I actually write songs for quite a well-known pop well-known pop stars. She’s also worked with some famous
group, and I suppose it’s because I’m so involved fashion designers, promoting their perfumes. She brought out
with that end of things that I prefer listening to just her own perfume in 2010, not long after she started to work
classical music in my free time. I especially like with one of these designers. She’s had deals with video-games
pieces written for orchestras. companies, for example Nintendo, since 1999.
Speaker 3 I like most kinds of music, actually, well, except for
classical really. Pop’s not bad, and rock’s pretty In 2005, Beyoncé and her mother started a fashion company
cool as well, but I’ve recently started listening to a called the House of Dereon. They gave it this name in honour of
lot of songs in the traditional Scottish style and I’m Beyoncé’s grandmother who has the surname Dereon, and is
quite into that kind of thing now. I like it because of well known for making clothes. The collection includes
the local instruments they use. everything from outerwear, like coats and jackets, to shoes and
Speaker 4 My family’s really into music – my mum teaches handbags, and was originally sold only in the US and Canada,
violin at a local school and my dad’s a jazz but since 2010 has also been available in Brazil.
musician, so I have to listen to him practising. Beyoncé also does a lot of work for various charities, and has
When it’s just me and my iPod though, I have the helped raise millions of dollars for good causes. After Hurricane
latest chart hits on and, um, I don’t really have a Katrina in 2005, she set up a group with her friend and ex-band
favourite artist – I listen to lots of different people, member Kelly Rowland to provide housing for all those who’d
and especially love boy bands. lost their homes in the hurricane in the area around the city of
Speaker 5 I’m quite fussy about what I listen to actually. I Houston, Texas, where she was born. This group then went on
listen to classical music quite often when I’m to work with other charities in the city which provide food and
driving – don’t know why – it just seems to be a clothing for those who need it, and it also provided help when
habit I’ve got. Most of the time, though, at home, Hurricane Ike struck the area three years later in 2008.
I’ll turn on some jazz because I find it very relaxing. More recently, in 2013, Beyoncé announced that she would be
Rock’s not really my thing. I think it’s too loud! working on a special campaign called ‘Chime for Change’. The
aim of this is to fight for women’s and girl’s rights all over the
world – no matter where they are or how old they are – and allow
them to make their voice heard. Now, as a mother herself, this is
something she feels very strongly about. To raise money for this
cause, Beyoncé took part in a concert alongside many other
celebrities in London in June 2013.
So, that’s a little more about Beyoncé and if …

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Listening Scripts Upper-intermediate

Listening 1 Listening 2
Speaker 1 It’s the little things he does for me that I think Interviewer Welcome back and up next is our weekly Well-being
make him special. For example, one day last Corner, and with me now is Chris, our resident health and
week he dropped off an umbrella for me at lifestyle expert, who’s going to tell us some simple tricks for
work because he thought it might rain that making ourselves feel better when we’re down. So, Chris, is it
evening and he didn’t want me to get wet. really that simple to cheer ourselves up when we’re having a
That was so sweet! And he does that kind of bad day?
considerate thing all the time. He’s very Chris Well, yes, it is actually. The first thing I’d say is that most
romantic sometimes, too – you know, in the people have problems with internal dialogue … that little
traditional sense, giving little gifts and so on. voice in your head that says to you ‘Oh, you’ll never be able to
Speaker 2 My boyfriend has lots of great qualities. He’s do that’ or ‘You’ll fail’. This is very damaging … we need to
very good-looking, for a start, and he dresses watch out for it and not allow it to affect our decisions about
well too. I think the best thing about him is things. It’s all about being more positive.
that he’s very relaxed. Unlike me, he doesn’t Interviewer That makes sense I suppose. What else can we do?
get stressed about things. No matter what Chris One of the first things we all need to think about is our sleep.
happens, he’s the same! I wish I could be like Interviewer Oh? Do you mean we’re probably not getting enough
that. sleep?
Speaker 3 What do I like about my boyfriend? Oh, lots Chris It’s more about how we sleep than how much, actually. We
of things really. He gets on so well with all my should make sure that we’re ready for sleep when the time
friends and family, and that makes life much comes to go to bed, and that means spending time winding
more pleasant I can tell you. He can mix with down beforehand – you know just relaxing, and giving our
people so easily! I’m shy to begin with, and it brain a chance to slow down. People who have trouble getting
takes me ages to feel comfortable with new to sleep should try sleeping in different rooms in the house, or
people. But, I just wish he could be a bit more take a hot bath before bedtime.
romantic sometimes! Interviewer Right.
Speaker 4 I like the fact that he always does what he says Chris Another thing that’s important is laughter. You’ve heard the
he will … well, when he can, of course! That’s saying ‘laughter is the best medicine’ I’m sure?
important, you know, because who wants to Interviewer Of course …
be with someone who constantly lets you Chris … Well, there’s a lot of truth in that saying! Laughing really
down? That’s the best thing about him – so, improves our mood so if you’re having a bad day, just act silly
yeah, I am very lucky, I suppose. Oh, and he’s once in a while, read some jokes, or watch something funny.
handsome too, which doesn’t hurt. My friend And even more importantly, learn not to take yourself too
thinks he looks like a male model! seriously either, and see the funny side of the little things in
Speaker 5 He makes me feel so special, especially when life. Be a child again!
he writes me poems telling me just how much Interviewer Uh-uh, yeah, I’d go along with that. All good tips. So, is
he loves me or sends me flowers at work. I love there anything else?
all that stuff … and I text him little messages Chris Yes, there’s what I call getting back to basics …
during the day too. He’s pretty great all round, Interviewer … which means?
but sometimes he loses patience with me if Chris Just doing simple stuff like reconnecting with old friends,
I’m late … which I often am. taking the dog for a walk, visiting an art gallery, or listening to
your favourite music. Enjoy a long, relaxing bath, read a great
book, tell your child a story, or ask an older relative to tell you
one! It’s the simplest things in life that often give us the most
Interviewer I’m with you on that.
Chris And finally there’s just one more thing I’d like to add and that’s
about friendship. It may seem a bit obvious, but allow love into
your life. The ability to love and be loved is a most basic human
quality. As a society, I think we seem to have become
disconnected, and negative emotions like loneliness, guilt, and
anger are symptoms of this. So, if you really want to work on
making your attitude more positive, find a way to reconnect
with people and establish good relationships with them.
Interviewer And again, that seems very reasonable. Well Chris, it’s
been very interesting talking to you, but unfortunately we’ll
have to end it there. Thanks for joining us.
Chris And thank you, it’s been a real pleasure!

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Listening Scripts Upper-intermediate

Listening 1 Listening 2
Speaker 1 The problem is finding the time to Interviewer … and now moving on to this week’s Techie Troubles. I’m
catch up with friends because we’re all delighted to welcome Alison Reynolds, who’s going to talk about
so busy nowadays. I work long hours, staying safe online. Alison, thanks for joining us today. It’s good to
and then I’ve lots of stuff to do after have you with us and I’m sure you’ve got lots of good tips for us to
work too. I make sure that I meet up take on board.
with my closest friends for a coffee Alison Thanks, er, yes – there’s plenty for everyone to think about
every week or so though – I’d much nowadays because we’re using the internet more and more in every
rather see them than spend ages texting area of our lives, especially when keeping in touch with people, so
them. For me, you need to be in the I’d like to talk about the risks involved in using social networking
same place for a proper chat! sites. Now, in many ways these sites have entirely replaced the
Speaker 2 I’ve had the same group of friends for phone or email, and they’ve become a way of life; you know –
years and years, but we don’t have allowing us to share information, experiences and photos, and so
nearly enough time to meet up for a on. And we can check all of this at any time – even using mobile
coffee or meals. So, what we try to do, devices – so we’re always connected really, no matter where we go.
at least a few times a year, is just get But, it’s the very nature of these sites – the fact that there are so
away from it all for a couple of days. We many people using them who are unknown to us – that means using
take it in turns to organize these them carries a degree of risk, including becoming a target for
weekends. They’re great fun and it cyber-criminals.
means we spend quality time together. Interviewer Right. Could you give us some examples of that?
It’s much better all round! Alison … yes, of course. Well, one of the first dangers that comes to mind
Speaker 3 I’ve just moved to a new city and I really is that of giving away private information. And that could be
miss my old friends. I try to let them innocently done by yourself or a friend – you know, um, posting
know what’s going on in my life that you’ve just had a great meal, or someone’s had a great party, or
through Facebook, but not all of my has just flown off on the holiday of a lifetime, for example, which of
friends use that. We have weekly phone course gives advance warning to any potential burglars out there.
calls and that means I can catch up on Interviewer That’s true. I’ve heard of that kind of thing happening. So,
ALL the gossip – we couldn’t do that what else do we need to think about?
with text messages! Alison Well, another thing to be very careful about is opening attachments
Speaker 4 My friends are all over the place now, so or photos within messages, especially from people you don’t know.
it’s hard to keep in touch with them all. Interviewer And that’s because …
But using Facebook or Twitter means Alison Because very often they contain very nasty viruses which can
that I can let them know, no matter completely destroy your computer. If in doubt, never click on it –
where they are, what’s going on in my just get rid of it.
life, and of course it works the other Interviewer So Alison, what can we do to protect ourselves on social
way round too. Unfortunately, we don’t networking sites then? Can you give us one or two top tips?
have many chances to meet up Alison First of all, spend some time learning how to use the site properly
face-to-face for a coffee. … take a tour if you like … and read all the help features they’ve got.
Speaker 5 Well, I send my friends texts every now For example, use the privacy features to restrict strangers’ access to
and then – they’re good for your profile, and apart from family members and your own close
double-checking plans and friends or perhaps colleagues, be cautious about who you let join
arrangements, you know, at the last your network.
minute when you’re out. I use email Interviewer That’s good advice.
too. I actually spend ages writing Alison And secondly, and this may seem like common sense really,
emails but only to elderly relatives who remember that what goes online stays online.
live on the other side of the world, so I Interviewer I think I see where you’re going with this one …
don’t mind doing it. I love chatting on Alison Yes, don’t say anything or publish any photos which could
the phone too, but don’t do that very potentially be a source of embarrassment in the future. Once it’s
often. done, it’s done, and it could come back to bite you in the future! It’s
best to learn how to remove your name from photos you don’t want
anyone to see – just in case someone does post one.
Interviewer Er, yes, especially nowadays with more and more employers
checking social networking sites.
Alison Exactly! The worst that could happen is that you end up getting
Interviewer Well, thanks very much Alison. It’s been great talking to you.
Alison Thanks.

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Listening Scripts Upper-intermediate

Listening 1 Listening 2
Speaker 1 My favourite ad of all time is one for a well-known Interviewer Well I’m delighted to say that for today’s Business
charity. It wasn’t anything fancy – it just showed Block, our marketing expert Ryan has joined us here in
the good they do in the community, you know, the studio. Thanks for coming in, Ryan.
things like visiting the elderly. It made me take a Ryan It’s a real pleasure.
look at myself and what I do, and then I decided to Interviewer Now, we all know that advertising is big business
do my bit to help as well. these days, but just why is advertising so important for a
Speaker 2 I love the new one for that well-known chemist’s company?
– that one with all the girls trying to squeeze every Ryan Well, obviously it’s crucial when a company’s launching a
toiletry and cosmetic under the sun into their cases new product or service onto the market to inform people
before they go off on holiday. It’s a situation any about it. Then, there’s also the fact that it increases sales.
girl’s familiar with, isn’t it? OK, so I know it’s an And it does that through the increased interest in the
extreme version, but it’s hilarious! product that it sparks. So, that helps to maximize profits,
Speaker 3 Well I suppose my all-time favourite is that of course.
insurance one. It’s full of really ridiculous things Interviewer Right, but when you say ‘product’ do you mean
happening, like the kid lowering the garage door on things like washing machines, cars, TVs, and so on?
the car and smashing it up. But the point they’re Ryan Oh no, it could be a service that we’re talking about – but,
making beyond all that is something we should all the same rules apply, really. You know: insurance,
be taking on board. It could make a real difference banking, health care, education, and of course there are
to somebody one day! also events like festivals or exhibitions. The word needs
Speaker 4 Sometimes the best ads are the simple ones, but to get out there, otherwise nobody will go for that
having said that, the funny ones are hard to be beat service.
as well, like that Italian ice cream ad – the one at the Interviewer Interesting … so how easy or difficult is it to come
seaside with the guy chasing the girl to get her to up with a really effective advert?
buy some ice cream. That stands out for me Ryan I’d say it’s not easy at all, actually. The way I see it,
because the whole thing is just so stupid. advertising is a mixture of art, science, and a profession.
Speaker 5 I like the one for a certain make of butter. Yeah, Art in that it takes real creative skills, science in that it
there’s not much in the way of special effects or takes systematic and scientific planning, and profession
anything, but that’s what’s so good about it. It’s in that it’s done by professional agencies who follow
going right back to the basics – you know the things certain codes of business behaviour.
we can all identify with – a slice of hot toast with Interviewer OK, so there’s a lot to think about, in other words.
lots of butter on it. And we all know how Ryan Exactly, but I’d say the main ingredient is the creative
comforting that is. Yummy! thinking behind an advert. And for an advert to be a
success, there are a few basic aspects that it needs.
Interviewer And they are?
Ryan Well, the advert has to be innovative, not some kind of
copy or something that’s gone before. It has to be
imaginative of course, and it has to have an appeal to the
public. These things make an advert go viral – uh, you
know, become really popular really quickly.
Interviewer I see. Finally, as we’re nearly out of time, what can
you tell us about the importance of ‘targeting’ in
Ryan Well, advertising is target-oriented in nature. That
simply means targeting somebody’s attention to one
specific thing at any one time. And in the context of
advertising, it means focusing on only a specific group or
class of consumers. You often see it with cars, for
example, where a luxury car maker designs and targets its
premium cars to suit the comforts, needs, expectations,
and demands of a rich elite class of customer. Advertising
is effective only if it is focused or target oriented.
Interviewer Right. Ryan, thanks so much for talking to us
here today. That was very informative indeed.
Ryan No problem. See you for the next Business Block.

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Listening Scripts Upper-intermediate

Listening 1 Listening 2
Speaker 1 My most embarrassing moment? Hmmm … well, Good afternoon everyone, and thanks for joining me today to
there have been a few! Like the time I slipped off listen to this short talk on the life of one of our country’s most
the running machine at my local sports club. But famous scientists – Professor Stephen Hawking.
probably the worst was last year when I was having Stephen William Hawking was born on 8 January 1942 in
a girls’ night out with my colleagues. We were Oxford, England during the second world war. At that time, his
having a right laugh, and really going for it on the parents’ house was in north London, but during the war, Oxford
dance floor when the heel on my shoe broke and I was considered a far safer place to have babies because of
fell over. I nearly died of embarrassment! London being bombed. When he was eight, his family moved to
Speaker 2 No contest … it was when I was putting together a St. Albans, a town about 20 miles north of London. And at the
flat pack … you know the things you assemble age of eleven, Stephen went to St. Albans School, and then on to
yourself. Actually, it was our new garden shed University College, Oxford; his father’s old college.
because we needed somewhere to put the kids’
bikes, and the lawnmower, and so on. Anyway, Stephen wanted to study mathematics, although his father’s
when I finished, I turned around to tell my wife and first choice would have been to see his son enter the medical
her mother who were looking out the kitchen profession. Stephen’s original subject of choice was not
window. As soon as I called them, the whole thing available at University College, so he decided to go for physics
just fell apart … just like that, right in front of our instead. At the age of 20, after spending three years at university
eyes! Really embarrassing! and not having done very much work, he was awarded a first
Speaker 3 Oh, I won’t forget it in a hurry! It was when I was in class honours degree – the highest mark you can get for an
Greece actually. There I was, having a lovely time undergraduate degree.
lying by the pool and I decided to move round so I’d Stephen then went on to Cambridge to do research in
get into the shade. Anyway, I don’t know what I did Cosmology – that’s the study of the development of the
with the sun lounger, but it suddenly folded itself universe – there being no one working in that area in Oxford at
up and knocked me over in the process. And if that the time. Although this was something of great interest to
wasn’t bad enough, when I picked myself up, I Stephen, it was a real challenge for him due to the kind of
ended up falling into the pool! scientific background he had. After gaining his Ph.D., he
Speaker 4 Well, I know I’m not really sporty or anything, but I became a Research Fellow – and later on a Professorial Fellow –
never thought running to catch a bus would be a at Gonville and Caius College, and he’s been involved with
problem. It was a few years ago now and I’d had to Cambridge ever since.
go back to the house because I’d forgotten In terms of his health, Stephen had noticed that he was getting
something for work. Anyway, to cut a long story increasingly clumsy during his last year at Oxford, and, when he
short, I slipped on a banana skin … yes really … returned home for Christmas in 1962 at the end of his first term
and made a complete fool of myself in front of at Cambridge, his mother persuaded him to see a doctor.
everyone at the bus stop.
Speaker 5 Well, we had a new secretary … she’d only just In early 1963 he spent two weeks having tests in hospital and
started and we’d taken her out the night before to was diagnosed as having motor neurone disease – an illness
make her feel welcome. Anyway, she was pretty which affects the muscles and controls activity including
hopeless, to say the least, and on this particular speaking, walking, swallowing, and general movement of the
morning I was really saying what I thought about body. His condition worsened quickly, and the doctors predicted
her and her work. Then she suddenly walked out of that he would not live long enough to complete his doctorate.
the small kitchen in our office next to where I was Stephen, however, did not allow this to get in his way.
standing. She’d heard the whole thing! Stephen suffered another blow to his health on a trip to Geneva
in 1985, where he caught pneumonia – a condition of the lung –
and was rushed to hospital. The hospital in Geneva suggested to
his wife that it was not worth keeping the life support machine
on, but fortunately she did not agree with the consultants. He
was flown back to Addenbrooke’s Hospital in Cambridge,
where a surgeon called Roger Grey carried out an operation to
remove his voice box. That operation ultimately saved his life,
but meant that he had to be given a computer system to enable
him to have an electronic voice.
So, that was obviously a life-changing thing for Stephen and …

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