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The Effect of Water Quality Sources On Concrete Mix Parameters

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Volume 6| May, 2022 ISSN: 2795-7640

The Effect of Water Quality Sources

on Concrete Mix Parameters

Abdulrahman A. Salim 1, a*, 1Environmental Department, university of technology, Baghdad,

Ahmed AL-azzawi2, b Baghdad International Airport, Baghdad, Iraq,
This research investigated the impact of water from various sources on the
mechanical characteristics of concrete. The qualities of concrete made with surface water,
well water, and tap water are evaluated in this study. The features of concrete specimens

with mix ratios of 1:2:4 created with water from various sources were evaluated using
compressive strength and density. Concrete specimens made using tap water had the
highest mean compressive strength at 90 days, according to the findings. Although well
water had the lowest compressive strength, it was determined that it was not acceptable
for concrete work, despite the fact that it is currently being utilized on some locations
where tap water is unavailable.
Water, Concrete, Compressive strength, Tensile strength,
Parameters of water

1. Introduction wastewater, car wash wastewater, sugary

Fresh or drinkable water is commonly used in wastewater, saltwater, and treated sewage
the construction process to create concrete water were compared to potable and domestic
components. Recently, various sources of spent water [4–10]. The impact of water quality on
water were tested for use in concrete building. compression strength has been studied [5,6]. As
Ocean and alkali waters, canal and stream a result, water management, particularly
water, textile evaporation, TreatedWastewater, wastewater management, is a concern, and
car wash effluent, industrial wastewater, and so wastewater management systems have been
on are examples of these. Water from various created to address it [7–8]. The construction
quality sources was previously used in the sector consumes massive amounts of raw
creation of building materials. In comparison to materials. Annual concrete manufacturing, for
potable water, reclaimed wastewater was used example, necessitates 20 billion tons of
in the concrete [1]. Wastewater from power aggregate, 1.5 billion tons of cement, and 0.8
washing machines was utilized in high-strength billion tons of water globally [6]. According to
concrete and its strength was compared to that [9] , the most significant feature of concrete is
of freshwater [2]. Concrete strength was also strength, which affects the quality of the
evaluated using textile effluent in compared to concrete . Engineers and builders utilize the
conventional water [3]. For concrete compressive strength of concrete as the most
development, general and specific treated frequent performance metric for testing

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Volume 6| May, 2022 ISSN: 2795-7640
concrete cubes and cylinders. The failure load
divided by the cross-sectional area resisting the 2. Materials and Methods
load yields the compressive strength of 2.1 Cement
concrete. Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC) Type 1
The following measures should be followed by produced in Sulaymaniyah; Iraq was utilized in
ready-mixed concrete production plants in this investigation (Tasluja). This is the most
order to adhere to the principles of sustainable common type of cement used in Iraq's building
building [10-13]. sector. The cement is packaged in paper and
1- decreasing natural resource and energy use, plastic bags in accordance with Iraqi Standard
1- decreasing natural resource and energy use, Specifications (No. 5:1984). The most essential
2- recovering and reuse products (recycling), cement qualities are shown in Tables 1 and 2.
3- have used energy from the environment
resources and renewable sources.

Table 1: Chemical Composition of Cement

Compound Composition By weight % Limits of Iraqi
Specification No.5:1984
Lime (CaO) 61.30 -
Silica (SiO2) 19.55 -
Iron oxide (Fe2O3) 3.99 -
Alumina (Al2O3) 4.97 -
Magnesia oxide (MgO) 2.2 <5.0
Sulfate (SO3) 1.13 <2.8
Loss on Ignition 1.39 <4.0
Lime saturation factor 0.87 0.66-1.02
Insoluble residue 0.99 <1,5
Main Compounds (Bogue΄s equation) %by weight of cemen
Tricalcium silicate (C3S) 48.33
Dicalcium silicate (C2S) 32.39
Tricalcium aluminate 4.77
Tetracalcium 4.87
aluminoferrite (C4AF)

Table 2: Physical Properties of Cement

Physical properties Test result Limits of Iraqi specification No.
Specific surface area, 262.5 >230
Fineness Blaine method
(m2 /kg)
Setting time by Vicat΄s
method Initial setting(min) 166 >45
Final setting(min) 245 <10 hrs
Soundness using Auto clave 0.31 <0.8

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Volume 6| May, 2022 ISSN: 2795-7640
2.2 Fine Aggregate available, low-cost commodity that helps to
The study employed typical sand from the AL- reduce the cost of a concrete mix. Table 3
Ukhaider region in Karbala, Iraq, which displays the findings of the fine aggregate sieve
complies with Iraqi Standard Specification study. Table 4 shows the chemical and physical
(No.45: 1984-Zone II). Sand is a readily characteristics of fine aggregate

Table 3: Sieve analysis of fine aggregate (Zone II)

Sieve size(mm) % passing by Limits of iraqi
weight specification
No . 45:1984 (Z0ne II)
9.5 100 100
4.75 96 90-100
2.36 90.5 75-100
1.18 78.5 55-90
0.6 55.4 35-59
0.3 21.6 8-30
0.15 6.5 0-10
pan 0 -

Table 4: Fine aggregate physical properties

Physical properties Test result Limits of iraqi
Specific gravity 2.39 -
Sulfate content (%) 0.077 ≤ 0.5 %
Absorption(%) 2.85 -
Particles finer than75 2.40 <5%
mm sieve (%)
Modulus of Fineness 2.46 -

2.3 Coarse Aggregate according to Iraqi Standard Specification is

The usage of gravel with a maximum size of 12.5 shown in Table 5. (No.45: 1984). The physical
mm from the AL-Nibaee region (AL Anbar, Iraq). features of this aggregate are shown in Table 6.
The sieve analysis of natural coarse aggregate

Table 5: Sieve analysis of coarse aggregate

Sieve size(mm) % passing by Limits of iraqi
weight specification
45 : 1984
19 100 100
12.5 96 95-100
9.5 44 30-60
4.75 4.4 0-10

Table 6: Chemical and Physical characteristics of coarse aggregates

Sieve size(mm) % passing by Limits of iraqi
weight specification
19 100 100

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Volume 6| May, 2022 ISSN: 2795-7640
12.5 96 95-100
9.5 44 30-60
4.75 4.4 0-10

2.4 Mixing Water Bicarbonates, conductivity, hardness, total

Three distinct sources of water were used. 250 dissolved solids (T.D.S), total suspended solids
feet below the land surface, groundwater or tap (T.S.S), dissolved oxygen, pH, biochemical
water was obtained, while surface water was oxygen demand, and chemical oxygen demand
drawn from Baghdad's water canal. were all tested in the water.
Table 7. results of the water tests

Parameters Tap water Well water Surface water Maximum

pH 7.5 7 7.3 6.5-8.5
Temp. C 0 17 17 17 -
T.D.S (mg/l) 420 700 950 1000
T.S.S (mg/l) 12 50 76 155
Bicarbonates(mg/l) 290 185 1000
Cond. (ms/cm) 740 1100 1350 1000
Turbidity (NTU) 0.8 1.5 6 10
Hardness (mg/l) 54.6 270 120 100
DO (mg/l) 5.15 6.1 6.5 4-7
COD (mg/l) 11.2 13 47 150
BOD (mg/l) 2 9 29 80
Mix Design and Sample Preparation tested at room temperature for the requisite
For the manufacture of concrete based on a period. In the casting process, 150 mm diameter
cement, sand, and aggregate combination, one 300 mm long cylinders were made 36 for each
mix design proportions were employed. These mix design (1:2:4) to assess compressive and
ratios were (1:2:4). For both design tensile strength. In addition, 36 100 mm100
proportions, the water–cementratio was held mm500 mm prisms or beams were cast to
constant at 0.60. It should be emphasized that evaluate the flexural strength (modulus of
just one water sample was utilized at a time rupture) for each combination. As a result, 72
when producing the concrete, and no additional samples were created (36 (comp strength-
water samples were intermixed in any instance cylinder) + 36 (tensile strength-cylinder). After
or design ratio. According to the American 7, 28 and 90 days of curing, all of these samples
Society for Testing and Materials, the elements were evaluated. After curing, the following tests
were weighted in a separate tray before being were performed on the concrete specimens: A
blended in a concrete mixer (ASTM C192-98). compressive strength test was performed at 7,
The whole mixing time was 5–7 minutes, 28, and 90 days according to ASTM C39, with a
following which the concrete mix was loading rate of 2.5 kN/s;•A splitting cylinder
compressed using a vibrating table. The slump tensile test was performed at 7, 28, and 90 days
test was performed to measure the workability according to ASTM C496-96, with an increasing
of the concrete and to compare the effect of the loading rate of 2 kN/s;•A three-point loaded,
water sample on the workability of the concrete. flexure strength test of a beam was performed
In addition, the compacting factor test was according to ASTMC [10,14].
carried out to ensure that the produced
concrete was workable. After 24 hours, the
specimens were molded, cured in water, and

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Volume 6| May, 2022 ISSN: 2795-7640
3 Results Compressive Strength and graphed to help explain the differences in
Splitting Tests compressive strength and splitting with ages.
The compressive strength, tensile strength, and This is demonstrated in Figure 1 and 2 and
lifespan of concrete created with well water, Table 8.
power station water, and fresh water are
Table 8. results of the compressive strength and tensile in concrete
Compressive Tensile Strength
Details Concrete Water Strength Mpa Mpa
Source of Mix percentage 7 28 90 7 28 90
water Days Days Days Days Days Days
Tap water) 1:2:4 0.6 18.5 25 28 1.5 2.7 3
water well 1:2:4 0.6 10 16.5 18.5 0.8 1.35 1.7
Surfacewater 1:2:4 0.6 16.5 20 24 1.3 2.1 2.6

Compressive Strength Mpa





7 Days 28 Days 90 Days
Tap Water 18.5 25 28
Well Water 10 16.5 18.5
Surface Water 16.5 20 24

Figure 1. Graph of compressive Strength against Age of Concrete.

Tensile Strength Mpa

7 Days 28 Days 90 Days
Tap Water 1.5 2.7 3
Well Water 0.8 1.35 1.7
Surface Water 1.3 2.1 2.6

Figure 2. Graph of splitting against Age of Concrete

Table 8 and Figures 1 and 2 demonstrate that There was a gradual increase in compressive
the compressive strength and splitting of strength and tensile strength from (18.5 and
concrete cubes created using tap water and 16.5) and (1.5 and 1.3) N/mm2 to (28 and 24)
surface water improved considerably with age, and (3 and 2.6) N/mm2, and it was discovered
indicating that tap water and surface water are from Table 8 and Figure 1 and 2, that the
suitable for use in concrete manufacturing. compressive strength and tensile strength of

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Volume 6| May, 2022 ISSN: 2795-7640
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