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A Study On Self-Compacting Concrete by Partial Replacement of Cement With Silica Fume and Ground-Granulated Blast-Furnace Slag (Ggbs or GGBFS)

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International Journal For Technological Research In Engineering

Volume 4, Issue 4, December-2016 ISSN (Online): 2347 - 4718


Nelli Swetha1, P.Karunakar2
M.Tech Student, 2Assistant Professor
Department of Civil Engineering, Usharama College of Engineering and Technology,
Telaprolu, Krishna District, Andhra Pradesh, India.

ABSTRACT: Self-compacting concrete (SCC) can flow and (VMA). While the use of superplasticizer maintains the
compact under its own weight into a uniform void free mass fluidity, the fine content provides stability of the mix as a
even in areas of congested reinforcement. This paper result resistance against bleeding and segregation increases.
focuses on the effects of Silica Fume and Ground- The highly fluid nature of Self-Compacting concrete makes
granulated blast-furnace slag (GGBS or GGBFS) on all the it suitable for placing in difficult conditions and in sections
main properties of concrete in the fresh and hardened state. with congested reinforcement.
The mix design for SCC was arrived as per the Guidelines
of European Federation of National Associations II. OBJECTIVES OF THE PRESENT STUDY
Representing for Concrete (EFNARC-2005). In this The objectives of the study are:
investigation, SCC was made by usual ingredients such as  To find the properties of the materials such as
cement, fine aggregate, coarse aggregate, water and cement, sand, coarse aggregate, water etc.
mineral admixture silica fume and GGBS at various  To obtain Mix proportions by considering
replacement levels. The super plasticizer used was Glenium properties of fresh concrete (according to EFNARC
B233. Workability of the fresh concrete is determined by guidelines).
using tests such as: slump flow, L-Box and U-box tests. The  To caste and cure the concrete specimens such as
mixes were then tested for other mechanical properties like, cubes, cylinders, and beams.
cube compressive strength at 7th day, 28th day, split tensile  To evaluate the mechanical characteristics of
strength, and flexural strength at 28th day. For all levels of concrete such as compressive strength, split tensile
cement replacement with admixtures concrete achieved test, flexural strength.
superior performance in the fresh and mechanical tests.  To evaluate the results.
Keywords: Self-Compacting Concrete, Silica Fume, GGBS,
Glenium B233, Workability, compressive strength, split III. MATERIAL PROPERTIES
tensile strength, Flexural strength. The materials used in this research are:
Concrete is a strong and versatile mouldable construction Ordinary Portland cement of 53 grade was used in this
material. It consists of cement, sand and aggregate mixed investigation.
with water. The cement and water form a paste which coats
the sand and aggregate. The durability of concrete structures Table-1: Approximate Oxide Composition Limits of
was the main criteria, the creation of durable concrete Ordinary Portland cement
structures requires adequate compaction by skilled workers Oxide Percent content
.when percentage of reinforcement is high the compaction
becomes complex as the reinforcement does not allow Cao 60-67
insertion of vibrator at some places. Also the vibration leads Sio2 17-25
to noise pollution. Beside thisproblem there is also a gradual Al2o3 3.0-8.0
reduction in the number of skilled workers around the world Fe2o3 0.5-6.0
.Self-compacting concrete was therefore developed to
Mgo 0.1-4.0
overcome all these problems. Self-compacting concrete also
called as Self-consolidating concrete or self-levelling Alkalies 0.4-1.3
concrete Self-compacting concrete, it is a flowing concrete So3 1.3-3.0
mixture that is able to consolidate under its own weight with
little or no vibration effort, and which is at the same time The Details of Tests Conducted on Cement are Described
cohesive enough to handle without segregation or bleeding of Below.
fresh concrete. Self-Compacting concrete mixes usually
contain superplasticizer (high water reducing admixture), Table-2: Properties of fine aggregate
high content of fines and or viscosity modifying additive Copyright 2016.All rights reserved. 619

International Journal For Technological Research In Engineering
Volume 4, Issue 4, December-2016 ISSN (Online): 2347 - 4718

S.No Properties Values provides necessary workability. It is light Brown liquid.

1 Specific Gravity 3 3.5 Fine Aggregate

Aggregates smaller than 4.75mm and up to 0.075mm are
considered as fine aggregate
2 Fineness %(retained on 4%
Table-6: Properties of Fine Aggregate
sieve 90mirons
S.No Properties Values
3 Standard Consistency 36% 1 Specific Gravity 2.64
2 Water Absorption 3.1%
4 Initial setting time 64 mins 3 Fineness Modulus 2.513
SAND BELONGS TO ZONE – III and, it is Fine Sand as
5 Final setting time 6hr 12 mins Fineness Modulus is less than 2.6.

3.6 Coarse Aggregate

Aggregates greater than 4.75mm are considered as coarse
3.2 Silica Fume aggregate.
In this study, silica fume is brought from Astrra chemicals at
chennai. Specific gravity of silica fume is 2.4 Table-7: Properties of Fine Aggregate
Table-3: Properties of Typical Silica Fume S.No Properties Values
Constituents Percentage 1 Specific Gravity 2.7
SiO2 90 2 Water Absorption 0.8%
Al2O3 0.4 3 Fineness Modulus 6.58
Fe2O3 0.4
3.7 Water
CaO 1.6 Water used for concrete and curing is free from harmful
SO3 0.4 impurities.The pH value of water should be not less than 6.
Na2O 0.5
K2O 2.2 Designing of Mix proportions is the major work in self-
Table-4: Chemical and Physical Requirements as per compacting concrete. There is no standard method or
European Committee for Standardization guidelines for Designing self-compaction mix proportions.
Parameters EN 13263 In this Research EFNARC-2005 guidelines are considered as
reference to design the Mix proportions. After conducting
SiO2 >85(%)) many practical experiments on SSC they have given these
Loss On Ignition <4(%) guidelines. According to EFNARC-2005 Mix proportions
are designed by considering the test results of Fresh concrete.
Pozz. Activity Index-7days >100(%) The ingredients are similar to the other plasticized concrete
accelerated curing accelerated
Specific surface m2/gm&<35 PROPERTIES
5.1 Tests for fresh concrete properties:
m2/gm 5.1.1 Slump Cone Test
The slump flow test is done to assess the horizontal flow of
3.3GGBS concrete in the absence of obstructions. It is a most
In this study, GGBS is brought from Astrra chemicals at commonly used test and gives good assessment of filling
chennai. Specific gravity of GGBS is 2.9 and its chemical ability. It can be used at site. The test also indicates the
composition is shown in table. resistance to segregation.
Table-5: Approximate oxides compositions of GGBFS 5.1.2 L-Box Test
Constituents Percentage The test was developed in Japan.The test assesses the flow of
concrete, and also the extent to which the concrete is
CaO 63.00 subjected to blocking by reinforcement.
SiO2 31.50 51.3U-Box Test
Al2O3 1.79 The test was developed in Japan. The test is used to measure
the filling ability of self-compacting concrete
MgO 0.004
Mno2 0.48 5.2 Tests for Mechanical Properties
3.4 Chemical Admixture 5.2.1 Compression Test
Glamium B233 New Generation Superplasticizeris used. It This test is done to determine the compressive strength of Copyright 2016.All rights reserved. 620

International Journal For Technological Research In Engineering
Volume 4, Issue 4, December-2016 ISSN (Online): 2347 - 4718

concrete specimens as per IS: 516- 1959. It is done on

150mm cube. It is the most common test conducted on VI. RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS
hardened concrete, partly because it is an easy test to 6.1 Fresh Properties
perform, and partly because most of the desirable Table-10: Test Results for Fresh Concrete
characteristic properties of concrete are qualitatively related Mix Flow Test L-Box(H2/H1) U-Box(H1-H2) in
to its compression strength. Diameter in mm
Mix-1 696 0.96 11
Table-8: Specifications for fresh Property testing
TYPICAL RANGE OF Mix-2 683 0.92 8
MINIMUM MAXIMUM Mix-3 673 0.90 5
Slump mm Mix-4 694 0.93 4
1 flow by 650 800
Abrams Mix-5 689 0.87 5
cone Mix-6 686 0.85 7
2 L-box (h2/h1) 0.8 1 Mix-7 683 0.86 7
3 U-box mm 0 30 6.2Mechanical Properties
Table-11: Compressive Strength vs Different Mixes
5.2.2 Split Tensile Test
This test is done to determine the Split-Tensile strength of S. COMPRESSIVE
concrete specimens as per IS: 516- 1959. The splitting test is NO STRENGTH IN N/ mm2
carried out on a standard cylinder specimen of 150mm 7 days 28 days
diameter and 300mm height by applying a line load along the
vertical diameter. 1 MIX 1 41.44 50.2
2 MIX 2 43.12 51.8
5.2.3 Flexural Test 3 MIX 3 48.5 58.97
This test is done to determine the Flexural strength of 4 MIX 4 53.73 65.30
concrete specimens as per IS: 516- 1959. The Flexural 5 MIX 5 62.5 72.2
strength test is carried out on standard beam specimens
6 MIX 6 54.2 68.97
150x150x750mm. The bed of the testing machine shall be
7 MIX 7 50.75 64.4
provided with two steel rollers, 38 mm in diameter, on which
the specimen is to be supported, and these rollers shall be so
Table-12: Split Tensile Strength vs Different Mixes
mounted that the distance from centre to centre is 60 cm for
15.0 cm specimens.
TABLE-9: MIX PROPORTIONS Copyright 2016.All rights reserved. 621

International Journal For Technological Research In Engineering
Volume 4, Issue 4, December-2016 ISSN (Online): 2347 - 4718

Table-13: Flexural Strength of Concrete vs Different Mix Graph- 5.3: U-Box Test Results vs Different Mixes

Graph-4: Compression Strength vs Different Mixes

Graph- 1: Slump Cone Test Result svs Different Mixes

Graph-5: Split Tensile Strength vs Different Mix

Graph- 2: L-Box Test Results vs Different Mixes Copyright 2016.All rights reserved. 622

International Journal For Technological Research In Engineering
Volume 4, Issue 4, December-2016 ISSN (Online): 2347 - 4718

Graph-6: Flexural Strength vs Different Mixes Compacting Concrete Using Mineral And Chemical
[6]. BiswadeepBharali “EXPERIMENTAL STUDY ON
[7]. J. M.Srishaila1, Adarsh Uttarkar2, Prakash
Parasivamurthy3,“VeenaJawali Influence of Fly
Ash and Silica Fumes on the Behavior of Self
Compacting Concrete”
[8]. N. K. Amudhavalli, JeenaMathew “EFFECT OF
[9]. B.H.V. Pai, M. Nandy, A. Krishnamoorthy
,P.K.Sarkar C.
VII. CONCLUSION [10]. A.A. Maghsoudi, Sh. Mohamadpour, M.
The application of silica fume and GGBS in concrete mixture MaghsoudiMIX DESIGN AND MECHANICAL
has significantly increasing and enhancing the properties of PROPERTIES OF SELF COMPACTING
the concrete whether it is in wet stage or in harden condition. LIGHTweight concrete
Form results it is clear that silica fume of 6% gives best [11]. N. K. Amudhavalli, JeenaMathew:“EFFECT OF
results. And it is suggested that silica fume while using with SILICA FUME ON STRENGTH AND
GGBS not more than 6% is preferred to replace the cement. DURABILITY PARAMETERS OF CONCRETE”
Rheological tests conducted were sufficient to ascertain [12].
whether the mix will have all the attributes of SCC or not. 7/
Silica fume provide mechanical strength to high performance
self-compacting concrete by increasing the density. Addition
of silica fumes developed filling and passing ability of
concrete. From the results of mechanical properties, we know
that the compressive strength has shown considerable
increase from 7 days curing till 28 days of curing. Similarly
flexural strength has increased at that same duration but not
as much as the compressive strength of the concrete.In
general, SSC with GGBS and silica fumes exhibits better
performance in compression as compared to flexure. But
setting time increase due to GGBS. Due to this temperature
increases gradually, this leads to high strength. As the density
and strength increases SSC have good resistance to
temperature changes, chemical attacks as a result life span of
the structure increases. It is best suitable for marine
constructions where there are great chances of chlorine and
sulphate attacks. The cost of SCC is higher than the
conventional concrete, but it can be ignored by considering
its performance.

[1]. EFNARC (2005), “Specification and Guidelines for
Self Compact Concrete”
[2]. Darshan H R, M.RameGowda ”DEVELOPMENT
[3]. Salem Alsanusi “Influence of Silica Fume on the
Properties of Self Compacting Concrete”
[4]. J. M. Srishaila, Karthik Poovaiah D, K. N.
Vishwanath, P. Prakash Development of High
Strength Self Compacting Concrete Using Mineral
And Chemical Admixture
[5]. Aravinth S. N.Development of High Strength Self Copyright 2016.All rights reserved. 623

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