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2012 Spatosc Icmc Final

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SpatOSC: Providing abstraction for the authoring of interactive spatial audio


Article · January 2012


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5 authors, including:

Mike Wozniewski Tristan Matthews

Concordia University Montreal McGill University


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Mike Wozniewski, Zack Settel† , Alexandre Quessy, Tristan Matthews, Luc Courchesne
La Société des arts technologiques [SAT]
Montréal, Québec, Canada
† Universitéde Montréal, Faculté de Musique
Montréal, Québec, Canada

ABSTRACT periphonic (3-D) arrangements, like the 22.2 channel sys-

tem for ultrahigh-definition TV [4], the general drawback
Creating an interactive project that deals with 3-D sound of channel-based representations is that there is no flexi-
becomes difficult when it needs to run in multiple venues, bility for experimenting with loudspeaker placement.
due to a diversity of potential loudspeaker arrangements The other major drawback is the difficulty of inter-
and spatialization systems. For effective exchange, there active control required by artists, since sounds that are
needs to be a standardized approach to audio spatializa- already encoded in raw audio channels cannot be sepa-
tion with a unified, but abstract way of representing 3- rated. Ambisonic formats [3] are perhaps an exception to
D audio scenes. Formats from the gaming and multime- this rule, offering a channel-based representation that can
dia communities are appealing, but generally lack the fea- be decoded and interactively panned. However, a major-
tures needed by artists working with interactive new me- ity of surround formats are only effective for fixed media
dia. Non-standard features need to be supported, includ- production (i.e., non-realtime playback systems) with an
ing support for multiple listeners, complex sound direc- authoring stage that is separate from the presentation of
tivity, integration with networked show control and sound the work. For interactive art performances and installa-
synthesis applications, as well as support for the tuning tions, where sound movement is controlled in real time,
spatial effects such as Doppler shift, distance attenuation an object-based representation is more effective [2]. In-
and filtering. Our proposed solution is an open source stead of raw audio signals, sounds are described as virtual
C++ library called SpatOSC,1 which can be included in sound sources in 3-D space, and their positions can be ma-
existing visualization engines, audio development envi- nipulated in real time, providing artists with new ways to
ronments, and plugins for digital audio workstations. In- think about, and work with sound.
stead of expecting that everyone adopt a new spatial audio While object-based representations offer more flexi-
format, our library provides an immediate solution, with bility in terms of interactivity, they too come with cer-
“translators” that handle conversion between representa- tain challenges and drawbacks. An application known
tions. A number of translators are already supported, with as a “spatializer” must be able to render the virtual au-
an extensible architecture that allows others to be devel- dio scene into corresponding audio signals for a particular
oped as needed. loudspeaker arrangement. This of course must be done
in real time, which can take significant computational re-
1. INTRODUCTION sources for large systems.
There are several computation techniques for such ren-
In the domain of interactive new media, there are no truly
dering [1]. Binaural systems can render a scene for head-
standardized ways of representing the spatial characteris-
phones using filters that are ideally tuned to a listener’s
tics of sound. As a result, there exist a multitude of dif-
head shape. Vector base amplitude panning (VBAP) can
ferent audio formats, editing tools, and panning/rendering
produce fairly accurate rendering in the middle (“sweet
environments for 3-D audio, and it is quite difficult for
spot”) of equidistantly spaced loudspeakers. Conversely,
a performance or installation to be adapted to different
wave field synthesis (WFS) can provide volumetric sim-
venues. The traditional approach has been to use a channel-
ulation of a sound field with no sweet spot but requires a
based representation, where sounds are rendered down to
huge number of loudspeakers and thus significant compu-
a number of digital audio channels that can be directly re-
tational resources.
produced on a known loudspeaker arrangement. The most
Given this variety and the fact that there is also no
common format for this approach is 5.1 channel surround
standard way of describing a spatial audio scene, a variety
sound, which is a pantophonic arrangement (all loudspeak-
of spatializers exist, each with different representations
ers are on the same plane) only capable of reproducing
and constraints. Some spatializers only perform panning,
horizontal spatial audio effects. Although formats exit for
adjusting loudspeaker amplitudes to give sounds direc-
1 tionality but do not render depth or distance effects. Oth-
ers allow full 3-D (x, y, z) placement of a sound source, tensions will understand how to deal with these messages,
and even a representation of how sound radiates from that while simpler systems will simply ignore them.
location. Representations of musical instruments for in- However, SpatDIF is just a format, requiring that con-
stance, require complex directivity patterns where sound trol applications and spatializers implement a “SpatDIF
propagates non-uniformly from the sound source. Also, Interpreter” to read/write or send/receive appropriate mes-
room properties such as size, wall material, and sound- sages. While there are a few implementations (e.g., Jamoma,2
reflecting obstacles may or may not be represented, sig- ICST’s Ambisonics Tools3 ), ALL other spatializers will
nificantly affecting the rendering. need to adopt the format in order to become a success-
For artists working with spatial audio in more exper- ful standard. What makes this difficult is that many high-
imental or demanding contexts, a sound processing envi- end spatializers already have an OSC control system that
ronment (SPE) is often used. Examples such as Max/MSP, allows external control of parameters. Examples like D-
Pure Data, and Supercollider can handle both spatializa- Mitri from Meyer Sound, Spatialisateur from IRCAM, and
tion and integrated object-based signal processing. Pro- Zirkonium from ZKM already have many users and exist-
gramming interactivity in these environments allows artists ing tools that work with these systems, creating substan-
to create custom sound generation modules that can be tial inertia to change.
dynamically instantiated, controlled, and rendered by an We believe that a better solution is to introduce the
appropriate spatializer in real time. translation on the sender side. We assume that spatial-
Works created in such a fashion are however difficult izers have their own custom formats that are resistant to
to transfer to new hardware configurations. The chosen change, so we provide a library that can learn those for-
spatializer may not support the new loudspeaker arrange- mats. The controller or editor application can link with
ment, or a different (possibly proprietary) spatialization this library and use a single API for communicating with
system may be required for a particular venue. To facili- any spatializer that is known by the library.
tate interchange and the ability to render spatial audio in
different contexts, we have created and published a low- 2.1. A solution for digital audio workstations (DAWs)
level open source library that can be included in a variety
of computer software. The library, called SpatOSC, can Another important development at the ICMC panel ses-
automatically convert and send control messages to sev- sion in 2008 was the realization that better spatialization
eral common sound spatialization engines. It is extensi- tools were needed for DAWs. Many of the audience mem-
ble, so for each new spatialization system, or sound pro- bers, and indeed many people working with spatialization,
cessing environment, one just needs to add a new trans- come from a sound engineering background and have lim-
lator (a rendering plugin) to the library. Communication ited programming knowledge. Most spatializers on the
with a spatializer (or SPE) is done using OpenSoundCon- other hand require the use of sound programming envi-
trol (OSC), which we have found to be supported in most ronments like Pure Data, SuperCollider, or Max/MSP. The
modern spatializers and SPEs. SpatOSC library offers a solution in that the majority of
DAW plugins (VSTs, Audio Units, and LADSPA plug-
ins) are written in C++ or Objective-C, and can be easily
linked with the SpatOSC library. An audio unit is already
available for DAWs running on OSX; see Section 3.7 for
At the International Computer Music Conference (ICMC)
more information.
in 2008, researchers from around the world met to dis-
cuss interchange formats for spatial audio scenes [9]. The
main development of this panel was the presentation of 2.2. Other Formats
SpatDIF, a spatial sound description interchange format
In addition to SpatDIF, there are a few other formats ded-
[5]. The format uses OSC messages to communicate both
icated to the description of spatial audio content, yet most
the general properties of the scene (coordinate system,
tend to be insufficient for experimental interactive new
units, etc.) and control messages for dynamically chang-
media creation. The X3D format [6], which has succeeded
ing sound source positions. The assumption is that there
VRML as the open standard for describing 3-D content,
exists a lowest common denominator for describing an
has received a lot of attention as WebGL and the X3DOM
audio scene that is common to all spatializers. Any Spat-
are finding universal support in major web browsers. The
DIF compliant renderer should be able to understand these
format has a default audio format that supports sound source
“Core Descriptors” and produce spatial sound to match
directivity (see Section 3.5) and scheduling of soundfile
the desired effect.
playback. Generally, only one listener is supported and
A controller or editor application thus only ever needs
the format tends to describe static scenes where all sounds
to know one format or language, and sends messages with-
need to be defined in advance. It would be difficult to use
out needing to know anything about the output system
this format for live interactive performances, as no direct
in advance. For more complex behaviours, SpatDIF has
specification for live inputs is provided, but X3D is an ex-
a number of “extensions,” to specify things like sound
source directivity, acoustic spaces, distance attenuation, 2

trajectories, doppler, etc. Renderers that support these ex- 3

tensible format and extensions could be written to support to be wearing headphones or sitting in a centralized sweet
these features. spot that is equidistant from all speakers.
In fact, the AudioBIFS format from MPEG-4 [8] is In most cases, these APIs also provide hardware ab-
in an extension of X3D with a focus on describing au- straction and directly send computed sound signals to the
diovisual scenes in a compact and object-oriented fash- sound card, which may be desirable for a game program-
ion that ultimately leads to streamable interactive content. mer, but limiting to a sound artist. Our approach instead
A scene graph hierarchy is used to organize nodes, and assumes that the audio hardware is controlled by a sepa-
specialized nodes for audio processing are defined, such rate process, often on a separate machine, and that OSC is
as: ‘Sound,’ ‘AudioSource,’ ‘AudioFX,’ and ‘Listening- used to send spatialization parameters.
Point’. Recently, ‘DirectiveSound’ has been added, allow-
ing for directional sound sources, as well as ‘WideSound’ 3. THE SPATOSC LIBRARY
which provides a description for a sound source that occu-
pies a larger volume. Likewise, parameters for modelling A system that uses SpatOSC is composed of a host ap-
acoustics and acoustic materials have been added [10]. plication (typically written in C++ or Objective-C), and
BIFS (which stands for Binary Format for Scene Descrip- an audio renderer (that provides physical output to loud-
tion) are binary, and must be authored separately and then speakers). These are independent components, which may
compiled for distribution. Interactivity is accomplished by or may not be located on separate machines, and which
allowing certain fields to be exposed and updated by the communicate via OSC in order to update spatialization
content server, but this control is not implicit. Rather, the parameters.
developer must pre-define all possible interactions during Figure 1 gives an overview of how SpatOSC integrates
the authoring phase, which limits the possibility for live within an interactive system. This example is typical of
experimentation. most virtual reality systems or 3-D audiovisual installa-
In contrast to the previously mentioned formats, ASDF tions, where the host might be a plugin for a DAW, an
[2] is primarily intended for musical purposes. It is an external for Pd or Max/MSP, or any game engine or vi-
XML-based extension to SMIL (Synchronized Multime- sualization software built using libraries like Ogre, Open-
dia Integration Language), which focuses on temporal con- SceneGraph, or Unity 3D. The host application maintains
trol and synchronization of audiovisual content. ASDF the state of a virtual scene, including spatial information
adds spatial positioning to that format; although it still about audio-related items. The SpatOSC library provides
lacks a lot of features, the attention to timing and synchro- an API to the application that allows for the creation and
nization is important for musical composition. In contrast, updating of these nodes. Whenever a 3-D sound source is
formats like X3D provide little or no means to reorganize moved, a function call is made to SpatOSC and the state
sequences of events, since timing is abstracted through within the library is updated.
routings between scripts and processes. One of the most important aspects of SpatOSC is the
translator system (see Section 3.6). One can think of a
translator as a plugin for the library, which allows for
2.3. Existing Libraries communication with a particular third-party audio spatial-
izer. A user chooses which translator to use depending
For software developers working in the fields of 3-D games
on their system configuration, and typically only needs to
and virtual reality, there exist several libraries that manage
specify the remote hostname and port to which OSC mes-
virtual sound source simulation. Examples like FMOD,
sages are sent.
Wwise, irrKlang, DirectX and OpenAL provide realistic
real-time rendering of sound sources, and are easily inte-
3.1. SpatOSC Internal Representation
grated into existing development environments. Unfortu-
nately, these libraries are not really geared towards musi- Internally, SpatOSC maintains its own representation of
cal or highly interactive control of sound synthesis, and the scene, with a simplified audio scene description con-
it is difficult to combine these libraries with external syn- taining elements common to all spatializers: sound sources
thesizers or sound processing environments (SPEs) like (which emit sound into the scene) and listeners (which
Max/MSP, SuperCollider, or Pure Data. Many APIs also capture sound at a particular location).
have no method to specify directivity of sounds and con- A listener may be thought of as the virtual represen-
sider all sources as omni-directional. In the cases where tation of a loudspeaker or group of loudspeakers. In the
directional sound sources are supported, these are typ- case of something like a 5.1 channel surround system, all
ically implemented with linear attenuation applied as a loudspeakers combine to simulate the sound field at one
function of angle. There is usually no support for the location in the scene, so they are grouped together and
complex radiation patterns of traditional musical instru- thought of as one listener. However, there may be cases
ments, or the cardioids that are commonly found in audio where loudspeakers actually move during a performance,
equipment. Furthermore, there is often only support for a like when multiple sets of headphones are tracked with a
single listener and standard audio formats (e.g. stereo or motion tracking system. In such a case, multiple listeners
5.1 channel surround). Arbitrary speaker configurations need to be defined. Another example is an installation,
are rarely supported, and the listener is usually assumed such as a long sound wall, where there is no sweet spot;
Figure 1. Overview of SpatOSC and its integration into 3rd party packages

rather, each loudspeaker provides a localized rendering of necessarily connected to every listener, and there is an ex-
a certain portion of the wall. In such a case, a listener plicit CONNECTION class that is used to describe both the
would need to be defined for each loudspeaker. logical transfer of sound from one location to another, and
Sound sources on the other hand are generative, and also the physical modelling effects involved in the trans-
emit sound energy into the virtual scene at particular loca- fer. The C ONNECTION contains information about dis-
tions. Their signals may derive from pre-recorded sound tance, attenuation of gain resulting from sound field prop-
files, remote streams, realtime sound synthesis, or live in- agation, the time delay incurred for sound to travel that
put signals from audio hardware or software busses. distance, and other physically-modelled properties.
The following properties may be associated with sound A benefit of maintaining explicit connections includes
sources and listeners: the ability to temporarily disable sections of the scene, or
to provide unique sounds to some listeners without others
S PATIAL P OSE : Both sources and listeners have 6 degrees of
freedom: they are positionable in cartesian (x, y, z) space, and
hearing them (even if they are close by). However, the
they have an orientation which can be described either by a di- main benefit is the ability to customize spatial effects for
rection vector, Euler angles (pitch, roll, yaw), or quaternions. some connections differently than others.
Positions are always defined relative to a global coordinate
system. 3.3. Manipulation of connection effects
R ADIUS : A radius parameter allows a sound source to occupy a
In order to provide artists with flexibility for experimenta-
volumetric region about its origin instead of just an infinitesi-
tion and non-standard audio scene interaction, the C ON -
mally small point. If a listener node enters within this radius,
NECTION object provides the ability to tune (enable, dis-
all spatial effects are disabled and the sound plays naturally,
with unity gain and no filtering. A similar parameter is often able, scale) several spatial effects, and thus provides fine
found in sound panning systems under names like spread, dif- grained controls for spatialization that is not typically pos-
fusion, blur, etc.. By default, the radius for all nodes is set to sible with other libraries. The D ISTANCE FACTOR speci-
zero. fies the extent to which distance attenuation and absorp-
URI: For sound sources, the URI describes the media type and tion effects should be applied. The D IRECTIVITY FACTOR
location emitted at that location. This could be a simple sound provides a parameter to scale the effect of sound directiv-
file reference (file://loop.wav), a live input channel on ity. And the D OPPLER FACTOR allows for Doppler shift
the soundcard (adc://1), a stream (http://stream.mp3), to be minimized or emphasized, which is particularly use-
or a plugin (plugin://looper~.pd). ful in order to preserve timing and intonation in musical
E XTENSIONS : Each node can also be extended with arbitrary contexts.
key-value parameter pairs that describe additional featuresthat
may be required by specialized systems or SPEs (e.g higher- 3.4. Internal Conversions & Computations
level spatialization or synthesis parameters).
Given that SpatOSC needs to be able to supply a number
3.2. Connections of different parameters to different types of spatializers,
we often need to convert, scale, or apply transformations
One of the biggest differences between SpatOSC and other to the internal data. Consider for example, the gain at-
spatial audio representations is that sound sources are not tenuation of a signal as a result of distance. Amplitude
panning systems (VBAP, etc.) may only do panning and
do not support simulation of distance effects. For con-
venience, SpatOSC computes a gain coefficient for each
connection using the following formula (where A and B
are the positions of the source and listener):

g= β
(1 + |B − A|) 0.5
The result, in the range of [0,1], represents the amount
by which the amplitude of the signal should be scaled to
approximate the decay of sound due to distance. The D IS -
TANCE FACTOR , β , helps to control the steepness of the
exponential decay. With this parameter, one may gradu- Figure 2. The directivity of a sound source is defined by a
ally transition from zero distance attenuation (β = 0) to direction vector and sampled attenuation values at various angles
the inverse square law that sound intensity observes in (stored in a table).
nature (β = 1), and even beyond in order to create hyper-
localized sounds (β > 1).
case, the directivity has a cardioid shape, which is easily
There are also helper functions available to convert be- defined with a mathematical function:4
tween units. For instance, one might want to know the
gain value in decibels rather than amplitude gain, or the (1 + cos (α)) γ
position of a sound source in radial units (AED: azimuth, f (α) = (2)
elevation, distance) instead of cartesian units (x, y, z). One
might also require sound source positions to be relative to We can sample this function (with γ = 1) every few
a listener instead of the global coordinate system. In such degrees and store the values in the an attenuation table for
a case, the C ONNECTION object can be queried and the simple lookup during runtime. However, more abstract di-
relative radial or cartesian coordinates can be retrieved. rectivity patterns that are not easily represented by math-
Conversions between coordinate systems are also sup- ematical functions can also be stored.
ported. SpatOSC provides transformations for the entire During runtime, the D IRECTIVITY FACTOR parameter
scene that allows conversion between right- and left-handed γ can be used to apply a scaled reading from the attenu-
coordinate systems, flipping axes, and rotating the global ation table. When γ = 0, we read only the first element
coordinate system. from the table, reducing the effect of directivity. Then we
read exponentially faster through the table as γ increases,
such that when γ = 1 the reading becomes perfectly lin-
3.5. Directivity ear, and tends towards hyper-directivity with higher val-
ues. Of course, this only works when directivity functions
The representation of sound source directivity is poten-
are monotonically decreasing from the direction vector.
tially complex, and not surprisingly, one of the least stan-
dardized aspects of spatial audio scene description. In
fact, most spatializers only support omnidirectional sound 3.6. Translators
sources, while others represent directivity patterns with SpatOSC’s internal state can be converted for use in SPEs
parametric functions or simplified models such as cones such as Pure Data, and various third-party audio spatializ-
or ellipsoids. The goal of SpatOSC is to be able to store ers via the use of spatializer-specific “translators.” These
directivity in such a form that it is convertible into any of are implemented as plugins with “lazy loading,” so that
these other formats. they are only loaded at runtime when the user requests
For SpatOSC, we use axisymmetric attenuation tables a particular translator. Developers can thus create new
that specify sound intensity at different angles from the translators for new pieces of hardware and software, or
sound source’s direction vector. These tables are used for even for a particularly esoteric performance or installa-
both the horizontal and vertical directions, meaning there tion.
are two attenuation tables representing orthogonal angles On the implementation level, the developer of a trans-
from 0 to 180 degrees. We use variable sampling instead lator needs to define how a translator responds to notifi-
of fixed sampling, allowing complex patterns to be de- cations from the SpatOSC scheduler. The translator must
scribed with more detail while an omnidirectional source be coded so that it extracts what it needs from the internal
can be defined with a single table entry of 1.0 (instead of scene representation, using any of the conversion func-
repeating the value many times). tions provided, and sends OSC messages to its remote
Figure 2 shows an illustration of a source signal that 4 Note that γ = 1.0 produces a normal cardioid, γ = 0 flattens the shape
radiates with unity gain along its direction vector and ex- resulting in omni-directional radiation, and γ > 1.0 results in a hyper-
hibits varying levels of gain attenuation at different angles cardioid. This results in a single parameter in order to change from an
of incidence, α, away from the direction vector. In this omni-directional to highly directional sound source.
spatializer.5 In some cases, only relative positions or an- it is a difficult task to create a standard spatial audio for-
gles will be sent, while in other cases, delay times and mat. Instead, we have developed an open source software
filter coefficients might be included as well. It all depends library with an extensible architecture based on transla-
on the requirements and abilities of the remote technol- tor plugins, which can accommodate a range of technolo-
ogy. gies. Networking via OpenSoundControl allows for a sep-
In the event that the internal representation does not aration of tasks, letting spatializers do what they do best,
provide adequate information, the translator may wish to while providing flexibility for the integration of spatial au-
use SpatOSC’s node extensions (see Section 3.1) to set dio control into a number of different host applications.
these extra key-value parameters for each node. To pro- SpatOSC currently has no way to model the environ-
vide a concrete example, let us consider Zirkonium [7], mental effects of a 3-D scene; further work in this area
which is a VBAP-syle spatializer that only performs pan- is needed in order to achieve higher-quality spatial audio
ning with no distance effects or source directivity. Two effects. Further attention also needs to be paid to synchro-
parameters: “azimuth span” and “zenith span,” allow the nization, sequencing or timed playback of sonic material.
panning of a sound source to be stretched in either the Nonetheless, the utility of SpatOSC for real-time in-
horizontal or vertical direction. While this resembles our teractive work is clear. We have already created audio in-
directivity attenuation tables, it is not analogous. For in- stallations which easily play on multiple types of spatial-
stance, the effect of fully open azimuth span and no zenith ization hardware. As more translators are written, inter-
span creates a “ring” of sound on a horizontal plane, mean- change between systems will increase, hopefully leading
ing that sound is emitted uniformly from all speakers at a to more experimentation with 3-D sound throughout the
certain height. This situation has no meaningful 3-D rep- artistic community.
resentation in SpatOSC, so it is useful to use extension
properties to store the azimuth and zenith span values for 5. REFERENCES
every node. The Zirkonium translator thus knows how to
deal with those specifically-named properties, while other [1] D. R. Begault, 3-D sound for virtual reality and multime-
dia. Academic Press Professional Inc., 1994.
translators simply ignore these parameters.
It should also be noted that multiple translators can [2] M. Geier, J. Ahrens, and S. Spors, “Object-based audio
be assigned at once, making it possible to simultaneously reproduction and the audio scene description format,” Or-
render the scene on different spatializers. This is useful in ganised Sound, vol. 15, no. 03, pp. 219–227, 2010.
situations where multiple listeners are exploring the envi- [3] M. Gerzon, “Periphony: With-height sound reproduction,”
ronment. J. Audio Eng. Soc., vol. 21, no. 1, pp. 2–10, 1973.
[4] K. Hamasaki, K. Hiyama, and R. Okumura, “The 22.2
3.7. The SpatOSC Audio Unit plugin multichannel sound system and its application,” in AES
Convention, 2005.
Given that the SpatOSC library is written in C++, it is
[5] N. Peters, “Proposing SpatDIF - the spatial sound descrip-
generally quite easy to include the library within a plugin
tion interchange format,” in Panel session at ICMC, 2008.
for a DAW. As of writing, only an Audio Unit (for OSX)
has been developed, but the intention is to also develop [6] M. Pohja, “X3D and VRML sound components,” HUT,
VST (Windows) and LADSPA (Linux) plugins. Telecommunications Software & Multimedia Laboratory.
The Audio Unit can be added to a track in a compo- [7] C. Ramakrishnan, “Zirkonium: Non-invasive software for
sition, and provides parameters and a graphical user in- sound spatialisation,” Organized Sound, vol. 14, pp. 268–
terface (GUI) for moving sounds. In the most common 276, 2009.
setup, that track’s signal output is sent directly to an input [8] E. Scheirer, R. Väänänen, and J. Huopaniemi, “AudioB-
channel on the spatializer while OSC messages send cor- IFS: Describing audio scenes with the MPEG-4 multime-
responding control signals as to how that input should be dia standard,” in IEEE Trans. Multimedia, vol. 1, no. 3,
processed. SpatOSC has no methods for storing trajecto- 1999, pp. 237–250.
ries or sequencing spatial parameters, thus, a key benefit [9] Transcripts and notes, “Towards an interchange format for
of using SpatOSC within a DAW is the built-in automa- spatial audio scenes,”
tion system used to record and playback trajectories for 3/wiki/Belfast 2008, 2008.
moving sounds. [10] R. Vaananen and J. Huopaniemi, “Advanced AudioBIFS:
virtual acoustics modeling in mpeg-4 scene description,”
4. CONCLUSION & DISCUSSION IEEE Multimedia, vol. 6, no. 5, pp. 661 – 675, 2004.

We have discussed the need for an abstract audio scene de-

scription mechanism, geared towards musicians and artists.
By exploring the diversity and complexity of various spa-
tialization techniques and implementations, we note that
5 SpatOSC provides all handling of networking, creation of sockets, in-
cluding support for multicast, and the ability to send to several transla-
tors simultaneously.

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