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Building and Environment 42 (2007) 1921–1930

Use of aggregates produced from marble quarry waste

in asphalt pavements
Hüseyin Akbulut, Cahit Gürer
Department of Construction, Teknical Education Faculty, Afyon Kocatepe Üniversity, ANS Campus, Gazligol Yolu, 03100 Afyon, Turkey
Received 7 December 2005; received in revised form 6 March 2006; accepted 31 March 2006


More than 95% of asphalt pavement materials (by weight) consist of aggregates. The highway and construction industries consume a
huge amount of aggregates annually causing considerable energy and environmental losses. The aggregates are usually produced from
neighborhood aggregate quarries or from natural aggregate sources. As a result of the increasing demands for new aggregate quarries,
the general texture of earth’s surface has been steadily deteriorating, causing environmental concerns. The use of marble wastes from
marble quarries as aggregates might help meet the increasing demands and slow down any detrimental effects on the environment. In this
study, recycled aggregates produced from homogeneous marble and andesite quarry wastes in Afyonkarahisar–Iscehisar region were
compared to two other aggregate specimens currently used in Afyonkarahisar city asphalt pavements. Los Angeles abrasion, aggregate
impact value, freezing and thawing, flakiness index and Marshall stability flow tests were carried out on the aggregate specimens. The test
results indicate that the physical properties of the aggregates are within specified limits and these waste materials can potentially be used
as aggregates in light to medium trafficked asphalt pavement binder layers.
r 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Marble wastes; Aggregate; Environment; Asphalt pavement aggregate tests; Hot mix asphalt; Marshall stability and flow tests

1. Introduction blocks, are converted into powder and dumped onto

riverbeds thereby threatening the porosity of aquifer zones.
In recent decades, the growth in industrial production Almost 40% (amounting to 86; 000 m3 per year) of the
and consequent increase in consumption has led to a fast waste generated during quarrying operations is mainly in
decrease of available natural resources (raw materials or the form of rock fragments which are dumped into nearby
energy sources). On the other hand, a high volume of empty pits, or on roads, riverbeds, pasturelands and
production has generated a considerable amount of waste agricultural fields leading to wide-spread environmental
materials which have adverse impacts on the environment. pollution [3,4]. The rock fragments generated is a source of
Many countries and international establishments have been aggregates that can be used in the highway pavement
working for new regulations on how to minimize and reuse design procedure. Afyonkarahisar has been a major marble
the generated waste [1,2]. producer since the Roman Empire producing 200; 000 m3
One of the major waste generating industries is the annually, which comprises 12% of the entire marble
construction and marble production industry. Nearly 70% production in Turkey [5]. The waste generated in the
of this precious mineral resource gets wasted in the mining, region has the potential to meet the aggregate demands for
processing and polishing procedures. The processing waste, bituminous pavement construction in the area.
which comprises about 30% by weight of the marble In most cases, over 90% of asphalt cement (AC) mix is
aggregate (coarse aggregate, sand and filler) and flexible
Corresponding author. Tel.: +90 272 228 1311; fax: +90 272 228 1319. road construction even the foundations beneath the
E-mail addresses: (H. Akbulut), bituminous layers are made up aggregate in some form (C. Gürer). [6]. Zoorop and Suparma reported that in the construction

0360-1323/$ - see front matter r 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1922 H. Akbulut, C. Gürer / Building and Environment 42 (2007) 1921–1930

of pavements, as much as 12,500 ton of virgin aggregates Aliaga refinery and meets ASTM standards. AC properties
are consumed per kilometer [7]. In order to meet the given in Table 2.
demands from the road construction industry, aggregate
quarries have been causing rapid environmental deteriora- 2.2. Experimental design
tion and unrecoverable damages [8]. In order to minimize
these effects as well as construction costs, a number of The plan of this study is outlined below:
researchers have been working to find a source of
aggregates that is environment friendly and cost effective 1. Determination of physical properties of aggregates: this
[4,9–15]. A number of researchers indicate that quarry section includes sieve analysis [23]; specific gravity of
aggregates produced from waste marble during mining and coarse, fine and filler aggregates [24–26] Los Angeles
processing wastes could be used as construction material in abrasion value (LAV) test [27]. Aggregate impact value
low-traffic asphalt pavement base courses [16–20]. The (AIV) test [27], aggregate freezing and thawing test [28],
waste marbles mostly consist of calcium with a low and aggregate flakiness index test [29], aggregate
polishing stone value, so their use on the top layers stripping and Vialit Plate tests [30].
(wearing courses) requiring a high-skid resistance may not 2. Marshall test and optimum AC content determination:
be possible. However, Akbulut and Gürer reported that the in determining the optimum AC content a series of
potential to use the waste in low to medium traffic urban test specimens were prepared with a range of different
roads and binder courses not requiring a high-skid AC contents so that the test data curves show a well-
resistance exists [4]. Aggregates from waste marble may defined optimum value [31]. The Marshall stability
meet the huge demand for aggregates by the pavement and flow tests were performed on the specimens
construction industry. prepared.
The work aims at studying the use of waste marble
fragments, generated during the production of marble Conclusions were drawn based on the results and have
blocks and cutting processes, as aggregates in the asphaltic been presented below.
mix design procedure. The use of waste marble aggregates
has the potential to reduce road construction budgets as
3. Test results
well as encourage environmental protection.
The experimental study was performed in two sections;
2. Materials and methods aggregate tests and hot mix tests.

2.1. Aggregate and asphalt cement Table 2

Properties of asphalt cement
Four kinds of aggregates were used in this study; a waste
Properties Specification used
marble (A), an andesite (B) as well as two different
limestones (C and D). The chemical composition of the Source Aliağa/Turkey
aggregates are shown in Table 1. Andesite is a high-quality Penetration grade 60/70
Penetration at 25  C 63 ASTM D 5
volcanic rock that is used in pavement construction
Specific gravity 1.060 ASTM D 70
[4,21,22]. It was especially chosen to compare to the Softening point ( C) 49 ASTM D 36
marble performance within the pavement layers. Loss on heating (%) 2 ASTM D 6
The bitumen used is 60/70 penetration grade (ASTM D Flash point ( C) 296 ASTM D 92
946). The engineering properties of the bitumen is given in Ductility (5 cm/dk) 4100 cm ASTM D 113
Viscosity at 135  C 0.420 Pa s ASTM D 4402
Table 2. The AC used in the tests is commonly used by the
Viscosity at 165  C 0.114 Pa s ASTM D 4402
Turkish Highway Authority. It was produced in the Izmir

Table 3
Table 1 Design gradation limits of aggregate specimens
Chemical compositions of aggregate specimens percentage of component
Sieve Sieve Passing Passing Passing Passing Lower–upper
Component % (A) % (B) % (C) % (D) (mm) (A) (%) (B) (%) (C) (%) (D) (%) limits

CaO 32.01 – 19.94 13.90 3=411 19.0 82.6 100 100 100 77–100
11 12.5 67.8 75.6 73 67.2 59–77
SiO2 1.06 21.19 0.51 0.57 1=2
Oxygen 66.35 69.68 79.13 85.11 3=811 9.5 60.8 57.4 63 56.9 49–66
MgO 0.18 – 0.42 – No. 4 4.75 47.9 45.5 49 47.1 34–52
Na2 O 0.22 1.07 – – No. 10 2.00 28.0 34.1 30 27.4 23–39
Al2 O3 0.18 2.09 – 0.41 No. 40 0.42 15.5 17.3 14 14.5 12–22
K2 O – 1.76 – – No. 80 0.180 9.5 11.7 10 11.2 7–14
Fe2 O3 – 4.21 – – No. 200 0.074 4.0 4.9 7 4.5 2–7
H. Akbulut, C. Gürer / Building and Environment 42 (2007) 1921–1930 1923

3.1. Aggregate tests impact values were 18.66%, 18.80%, 16.83% and 18.60%
for aggregate specimens A, B, C and D, respectively
In this section, design gradation limits of aggregate (Table 5). The impact values of high-quality aggregates
specimens for hot mix asphalt from the aggregate speci- (such as volcanic rocks) should be lower than 18% [32].
mens as shown in Table 3 [23]. Standard aggregate test Except specimen C, which has a better impact value than
methods were applied to the aggregates. Specific gravities the others, no significant differences were observed between
of the aggregate specimens are presented in Table 4. It the impact values of the waste and control aggregate
clearly indicates that andesite (B) is different from the other specimens. AIV values of aggregate specimens are shown in
marble specimens. This is because compared to the other Fig. 2.
marbles, andesite has a porous texture which affects its

3.1.3. Freezing and thawing test and Los Angeles abrasion

3.1.1. Los Angeles abrasion test test after freezing and thawing
This test measures the deterioration of standard grada- One of the most important properties of aggregates used
tion of mineral aggregates through abrasion and impact. in asphalt pavements is resistance to freezing and thawing
The LAV of the different types of aggregates specimens are which they are continuously exposed to. Freezing and
shown in Fig. 1. thawing effects occur at different levels in the pavement
LAV is calculated by the following formula: layers. Aggregates used in wearing courses must be more
5000  M durable than those used in binder courses and not
, (1) disintegrate when frozen.
Freezing and thawing resistance of aggregates were
where M is the amount of aggregate (kg) which passed a determined by the following method: for freezing and
1.6 mm sieve. Average loss of LAV were 27.44%, 25.89%, thawing test, aggregate specimens in triplicate (2000 g,
25.60%, 20.91% for the specimens A, B, C and D, 8–16 mm grain size) were washed and put in 2000 ml metal
respectively. The specimen A exhibited the maximum boxes. The boxes were filled with pure water until the
abrasion loss compared to the other specimens. Specimen
A has a higher calcium oxide content compared to the
samples C and D, therefore, it seems that an increase in the 30.00 27.44
Aggregate LA Values (%)

calcium oxide content of marbles makes them susceptible 25.89 25.46

to abrasion. However, the abrasion values of the specimens 25.00
were found to be within the specified limits. 20.00 A
3.1.2. Aggregate impact value test C
The AIV test was used to determine the effects of shock 10.00 D
and impact on the aggregates. This test was applied to 5.00
aggregates which were passed through 10–14 mm sieves.
The aggregates specimens, filled to the mould of the test Aggregate Specimens
apparatus stabilized on a strong and even surface, were
tested according to the standard procedures [27,32]. The Fig. 1. LAV of the aggregate specimens.

Table 4
Specific gravities of aggregates

Fraction Specific gravities ðg=cm3 Þ

Apparent Bulk Standard


Coarse aggregate 2.705 2.403 2.693 2.691 2.695 2.125 2.674 2.677 ASTM C127
Fine aggregate 2.724 2.412 2.685 2.703 2.684 2.105 2.612 2.655 ASTM C128
Filler aggregate 2.742 2.446 2.705 2.757 – – – – ASTM C128
Effective specific grade 2.703 2.270 2.671 2.685 – – – – ASTM D 2041
of blended aggregate
Bulk specific grade 2.692 2.131 2.650 2.671
of blended aggregate
Apparent specific grade 2.714 2.409 2.691 2.699
of blended aggregate
1924 H. Akbulut, C. Gürer / Building and Environment 42 (2007) 1921–1930

Table 5
Vialit plate test and stripping test results of aggregates

Aggregates specimens Test results Limit values Specification


Stripping tests with 58 28 55 68 X50 Turkish State Highway

Nicholson method (%) Specifications, 2004.
Vialit plate test 2 4 7 7 p12 Turkish State Highway
Specifications, 2004.

aggregate specimens were completely immersed and then 19.00 18.80

Aggregate LA Values (%)

closed. 18.50

Specimens were subjected to freezing and thawing cycles

18.00 A
ð10Þ as shown below:
17.50 B
 Temperature was reduced from 20  3 C to 0 C over 17.00 16.83 C
150  30 min and fixed at 0  C for 210  30 min. 16.50 D
 Temperature was reduced from 0  C to 17:5  2:5  C 16.00
over 180  30 min and fixed at 17:5  2:5  C for 240 min
[28]. Aggregate Specimens

According to the specifications of the Turkish Highway Fig. 2. AIV of aggregate specimens.
Authority, loss of freezing and thawing value of aggregates
must be less than 12%. These values for the four different
aggregate specimens, shown in Fig. 3, indicate that the 4.00
values are less than 12%. 3.50
Loss of Freezing and

Physical and mechanical properties of aggregates might 3.00 2.85

2.75 A

be adversely affected after freezing and thawing. However, 2.50

such adverse effects must be kept at a minimum for the 2.00

aggregates to be used in pavement construction. Loss of C

LA resistance after freezing and thawing are shown in 1.00 D
Fig. 4. 0.50
The data presented in Fig. 5 indicate that the LAV of the 0.00
aggregate specimens are proportional to LAV after Aggregate Specimens
freezing and thawing test results.
Fig. 3. Loss of freezing and thawing values of the aggregate specimens.

3.1.4. Flakiness index test

In this test special flaky sieves with slots are used to
Loss of LA Resistance (%)

determine the proportion of flaky particles, defined as 34.74

those having their least dimension (thickness) less than 0.6
times the nominal sizes. Flakiness index is the ratio of the 25.74 A
weight of flaky grains to the total aggregate weight. 25.00
Percentage of flaky particles was calculated by the 20.00
following formula: 15.00 11.80
8.75 D
ðM 2  100Þ
, (2) 5.00
where M 1 : total weight of aggregate (kg) and M 2 : weight of Aggregate Specimens
flaky particles (kg) [29]. The flakiness index must be less
Fig. 4. LAVs of the aggregate specimens after the freezing and thawing
than 35%. test.
Because specimens with a high flaky index have lower
tensile strength, they can easily undergo wear and tear with
traffic and environmental effects. So aggregates that are are given in Fig. 6. Changes in flaky value are related to the
used for pavement construction must be resistant to crusher type, an improvement of this property can lead to
wearing. The flaky index values of the aggregate specimens an improvement of the wearing properties.
H. Akbulut, C. Gürer / Building and Environment 42 (2007) 1921–1930 1925

29 (2 in/min). While the stability test is in progress, the dial

Avarege LAV Values

gauge is used to measure the vertical deformation of the
25 C specimens; the deformation read at the load failure point is
23 expressed in units of 0.25 mm and is called the Marshall
21 flow value of the specimen [30,34,35].
19 y = 0.1853x + 21.207 The test was repeated for the specimens of each AC
17 R = 0.6392 content (asphalt cement) and the optimum AC values for
15 each mix was determined. Since the specific gravity of the
0.00 10.00 20.00 30.00 40.00 aggregates and asphalt, bulk density, stability and flow
LAV Values afterfreezing and thawing test value of the specimens were known, the following curves
were plotted:
Fig. 5. Comparison of LAV values of aggregate specimens before and
after the freeze–thawing test.
(a) Unit weight or bulk specific gravity ðDp Þ versus AC
10.00 (b) Corrected Marshall stability versus AC content.
Aggregate Flakiness index

(c) Marshall flow versus AC content.
(d) Percentage of void ðV h Þ in the total mix versus AC
Values (%)

6.00 content.
4.85 B (e) Percentage of void filled with asphalt (VFA) versus AC
4.00 3.54 C content.
D (f) Percentage of void in mineral aggregate (VMA) versus
AC content.
Aggregate Specimens To determine the optimum AC content for the mix design,
the average values of the following four AC obtained from
Fig. 6. Comparative flakiness index values of aggregate specimens.
the graphs described above were considered:

(i) AC content corresponding to maximum stability.

3.1.5. Vialit plate test and stripping test with Nicholson (ii) AC content corresponding to maximum bulk specific
method gravity ðDp Þ.
This test was developed to test a rapid pavement (iii) AC content corresponding to the median of designed
performance of surface aggregates. It is for the determina- limits of percent air voids ðV h Þ in the total mix (i.e.,
tion of decreasing of the aggregate-bitumen adhesion with 3–5%).
the effect of water. The test also evaluates the stripping (iv) AC content corresponding to between 65 and 78% of
resistance. Results for both tests are shown in Table 5. voids filled with asphalts.
According to the test results, stripping resistance of
sample B turned out to be low compared to the other The stability value, flow value and VFA at the optimum
samples. The results of adhesion tests via Vialit plate asphalt content were determined from the curves and it was
method of sample B, which has high surface roughness, has ensured that each of these values correspond with the
a better textures. Therefore, since the surface roughness is Marshall mix design specification values. Following this,
high already, the stripping problem will not create any the optimum asphalt contents versus specifications Mar-
problems in hot mix produced with this aggregates. All the shall flow and % VMA were checked. Results of the
samples, A, B, and C are in the specification limits for both Marshall mix design are shown in Figs. 7–10.
stripping and adhesion properties [30]. ACCs with a very high stability value and low flow value
are not desirable as the pavements constructed with such
3.2. Hot mix tests mixes are likely to develop cracks from heavy moving
loads. All of the aggregate specimens were capable of
3.2.1. Marshall mix design minimum stability (600 kg) for medium traffic binder
Optimal AC content was determined by the Marshall courses. However, the mixes produced from specimen B
mix design method after the mechanical properties of the had a high-maximum stability value (1304 kg). Inspite of
aggregates were determined. Tests were scheduled on the the high stability of specimen B mixes, they can still be used
basis of 0.5% increment of asphalt content. Three asphalt for low to medium trafficked asphalt pavements.
cement concrete (ACC) specimens were prepared for each The flow value indicates the flexibility and plasticity
AC content. Thus, 18 test specimens were used for a hot- properties of asphalt concretes under traffic load. It is
mix design study using six different AC. The specimens are inversely proportional to interface friction. The maximum
preheated to a prescribed temperature ð60  CÞ placed in the flow value, indicated in ASTM specifications, controls the
special test head and the load is applied at a constant stain plasticity and maximum AC content of the mixes. The
1926 H. Akbulut, C. Gürer / Building and Environment 42 (2007) 1921–1930

1400.0 3.80
1300.0 y = -149.64x2 + 1250.2x-1358.3
Marshall Stability (kg)

2 3.40

Marshall Flow (mm)

R = 0.8633
1100.0 3.00

1000.0 2.80
2.40 y = 0.0379x2+ 0.0095x + 2.2398

800.0 R2 = 0.876

700.0 2.00
3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0
(a) Asphalt content % (b) Asphalt content %

7. 00 2.46

Bulk Specific Gravity (gr/cm3)

6. 00 2.45
y = 0.385x2 - 5.9055x + 22.601
R = 0.9841 2.44
5. 00
Void (Vh) %

4. 00
3. 00
2. 00
y = -0.0097x2 + 0.1157x + 2.1071
1. 00 2.39 R2 = 0.9213

0. 00 2.38
3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0
(c) Asphalt Content % (d) Asphalt Content %

Void filled withasp. (VFA) %

Void in mineral agg. (VMA)%

14.3 y = 0.3714x2 - 3.5171x + 21.889

14.2 R2 = 0.5092

80.0 14.1
70.0 13.9
y = -2.3429x2 + 38.297x - 52.726
50.0 13.6
R2 = 0.9895
40.0 13.4
3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0
(e) Asphalt Content % (f) Asphalt Content %

Fig. 7. A specimens Marshall mix design values.

minimum flow value controls the brittleness and strength asphalt for B mixes was less than other mixes C, D and A,
of the mixes. Relationship between flow and asphalt respectively. An increase in amount of AC would increase
content is shown in Figs. 8–10(b). All of the ACC the ratio of voids for all the mixes.
specimens, except those produced from specimen B,
indicated a consistent relationship between the flow and
asphalt content. If asphalt content increases the flow value 4. Conclusions and recommendations
will also increase. The lowest flow value was observed for B
mixes. In this study, the properties of waste marble and andesite
Mixes produced from specimen C had higher percentage aggregates were compared with the properties of control
of void in the asphalt compared to mixes produced from B, aggregates specimens. For this purpose, standard pave-
D, and A, respectively. The percentage of void in the ment aggregates tests and Marshall stability tests were
H. Akbulut, C. Gürer / Building and Environment 42 (2007) 1921–1930 1927

1320 2.90
Marshall Stability (kg)


Marshall Flow (mm)

1240 2.30
1220 2.10
1180 2
y = -58.936x + 968.74x - 2700.2 y = 0.1164x2 - 1.8262x + 9.5103
1160 R2 = 0.603 R2 = 0.1959
1140 1.50
6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0
(a) Asphalt Content % (b) Asphalt Content %

5.00 2.060

Bulk Specific Gravity (gr/cm3)

4.00 2.050
Void (Vh) %

2.50 2.030
1.50 2.020
1.00 y = 0.0636x - 2.7821x + 20.761
2.010 y = -0.0013x2 + 0.0381x + 1.8099
0.50 R2 = 0.9875
R2 = 0.948
0.00 2.000
6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0
(c) Asphalt Content % (d) Asphalt Content %

110 12.3
Void filledwith asp. (VFA) %

y = 0.0214x2 - 0.3879x + 13.626

Void in mineral agg.(VMA)%

100 12.2 2
R = 0.0388

90 12.1

80 12.0

70 11.9

60 y = -0.6143x2 + 24.679x - 79.657 11.8

R = 0.9842
50 11.7

40 11.6
6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0
(e) Asphalt Content % (f) Asphalt Content %

Fig. 8. B specimens Marshall mix design values.

carried out. The conclusions drawn from this study are as (control) was 18.60%. Specimen D is used in the
follows: wearing course, binder course and surface dressing of
pavements in Afyonkarahisar city. From these test result
1. The aggregates used in the wearing course, must be we can infer that specimen A can be used as binder
better than those used in other courses. Although the courses aggregates.
aggregates used in the base, subbase and binder courses 2. According to the freezing and thawing test results the
need not be of high quality, nonetheless, the binder loss value of all the aggregate specimens was less than
aggregates must meet certain specifications. According 12%. The maximum loss of LAV score after freezing
to the Los Angeles abrasion test results, the abrasion and thawing was showed by specimen A followed by
loss of specimen A was within the specification limits specimens B, C, D, respectively. This indicates that
(27.44%), however, its AIV (18.66%) was greater than specimen A will be more effective in the binder course
limit value of 18%. The AIV score of specimen D than in the wearing course.
1928 H. Akbulut, C. Gürer / Building and Environment 42 (2007) 1921–1930

1400 3.60

1300 3.50
Marshall Stability (kg)

Marshall Flow (mm)

1200 3.40

1100 3.30

1000 3.20

900 3.10
y = -0.0043x2 + 0.2373x + 2.2227
y = -111.86x2 + 902.74x - 571.19 2
800 3.00 R = 0.92812
R2 = 0.9792

700 2.90
3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0
(a) Asphalt Content % (b) Asphalt Content %

6 2.470

Bulk Specific Gravity (gr/cm3)

5 y = 0.9329x2 - 10.959x + 32.494
R = 0.9984 2.450
4 2.440
Void (Vh) %

2 2.410
y = -0.0234x2+ 0.2418x + 1.8338
2.400 2
1 R = 0.9906
0 2.380
3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0
(c) Asphalt Content % (d) Bitüm %

110 13.5
Void in mineral agg (VMA) %
Voidfilled with asp (VFA) %

100 13
90 12.5
y = -6.3214x2 + 76.939x - 136.08 y = 0.8429x2 - 7.9157x + 30.101
40 2
10.5 2
R = 0.9997 R = 0.9774
30 10
3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0
(e) Asphalt Content % (f) Asphalt Content %

Fig. 9. C specimens Marshall mix design values.

3. Since the flaky particles have low tensile strength, they were higher than the specification limits [33]. The flow
should be present sparingly in asphalt concrete as it measurements of the four specimens were in the order
might be lead to deformation in the pavement. The flaky of: C4A4D4B. Because of the high stability and low
index values of specimens A and B, although higher flow values, specimen B mixes were brittle, resulting in a
than the values of C and D, were nonetheless lower than shorter lifespan. The specimen A mix had high stability
the specification limit values. A reduction in flaky and flow values, and consequently will perform better
particles may be brought about by changing the rock than C and D mixes. The relationship between Marshall
crusher or by using different sieving methods. stability and asphalt content and Marshall flow and
4. According to the Marshall mix design results, the asphalt content are shown in Figs. 7–10.
stability value of mixes produced from specimen B was 5. The optimum AC contents of specimen mixes A
higher than the other specimens. Stability value of (4.68%), C (4.3%) and D (4.53%) were within specified
specimen A mixes (ACC) was higher than C and D limits [33]. The high porosity of specimen B is indicated
mixes (ACC). The stability values of all the specimens by its high optimum AC content (8.10%).
H. Akbulut, C. Gürer / Building and Environment 42 (2007) 1921–1930 1929

1200 3.8

1150 3.6
Marshall Stability (kg)


Marshall Flow (mm)

900 2 2.4 y = 0.0814x2 - 0.4884x + 3.5284
y = -82.679x + 732.35x - 552.25
2 2
850 R = 0.7953 2.2 R = 0.9422

800 2
3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0
(a) Asphalt Content % (b) Asphalt Content %

8.00 2.480
7.00 2
y = 0.7257x - 9.384x + 31.023

Bulk Specific Gravity

6.00 R = 0.9671
Void (Vh) %

5.00 2.440

4.00 2.420
1.00 2.380 y = -0.0193x2 + 0.2127x + 1.8599
R = 0.9074
0.00 2.360
3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0
(c) Asphalt Content % (d) Asphalt Content %

100.0 14.5
Void filled with asp (VFA) (%)

Void in mineral agg. (VMA) %

90.0 y = 0.6214x2 - 6.1207x + 28.099

R = 0.769
80.0 14

60.0 13.5

y = -4.2286x2 + 57.794x - 100.57
R = 0.9652

3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 12.5
(e) Asphalt Content % 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0
(f) Asphalt Content %

Fig. 10. D specimens Marshall mix design values.

6. From the results of aggregate and hot mix tests References

described above we can infer that waste marble
aggregates can be used in light to medium trafficked [1] UMTC. Use of recycled materials and recycled products in highway
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