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Analysis of Mix Design of Concrete Using Ceramic Waste

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e-ISSN (O): 2348-4470

Scientific Journal of Impact Factor (SJIF): 4.72

p-ISSN (P): 2348-6406

International Journal of Advance Engineering and Research


Analysis of mix design of concrete using ceramic waste

M Faizan Dhrolwala1, Kaushik Kanani2, Divyesh Patel3

Civil Engineering., Vadodara Institute of Engineering.
Civil Engineering., Vadodara Institute of Engineering.
Civil Engineering., Vadodara Institute of Engineering.

Abstract-This paper presents an experimental study on the properties of concrete containing ceramic wastes. The
ceramic industry inevitably generates wastes, irrespective of the improvements introduced in manufacturing processes.
In the ceramic industry, about 15%-30% production goes as waste. These wastes pose a problem in present day society,
requiring a suitable form of management in order to achieve sustainable development. In this research study the (OPC)
cement has been replaced by ceramic waste powder accordingly in the range of 0%,5%,10%,15%, 20% and aggregate
has been replaced by ceramic waste aggregate accordingly in the range of 0%, 5%,10%,15%, 20% by weight for M-25
grade concrete. Compressive Strength test was carried out on hardened concrete cubes after 7 and 28 days curing in
water. Results show that concrete with partial cement replacement by ceramic powder and ceramic aggregate although
it has minor strength loss possess increase durability performance. In current paper the analysis of varies properties of
ceramic aggregates is carried out to validate adoptability of the same as normal aggregates. In both cases, sustainable
efforts were made to reduce the quantity of concrete. Reuse of this kind of waste has advantages in aspect of economic
and environmental, reduction in the number of natural spaces employed as refuse dumps. Indirectly, all the above
contributes to a better quality of life for citizens and to introduce the concept of sustainability in the construction sector.

KeywordsCeramic Waste, Compressive Strength, Ecofriendly, Industrial Waste, Low Cost, OPC Cement, Sustainable.


Generally, in design of concrete mix, cement, fine aggregates and coarse aggregates are used from long back, which
plays a crucial role in designing of a particular grade of concrete. But now-a-days there are some new materials
which are locally available with low cost which can be introduced for replacing the fine aggregates, coarse
aggregates as well as cement to get the comparablestrength,the present study involves understanding the behavior
and performance of ceramic waste in concrete. The need to reduce the high cost of Ordinary Portland Cement
requires intensified research into the use of locally available materials that could be used as partial replacement for
Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC) as well as the aggregate which is use in construction work.In India, the amount of
waste in the different production stages of the ceramic industry reaches nearly to 37% of its global production
meaning millions of tons of calcined-clays per year that are just land filled[1].From 2010 to 2015, the worlds annual
consumption of cement rose from 3313 million metric tons to 4193 million metric tons [2]. These is also associated
with major environmental issues like emission of CO2 and cement manufacturing is the third largest CO2 producer
which emits 50% of all industrial CO2 (for every 1ton of cement produced, 0.94 ton of CO2 is released in the air), 1.6
ton of natural resources is consumed to produce 1 ton of cement[3].
Indian ceramic production is 100 Million ton per year. In the ceramic industry, about 15% - 20% waste material is
generated from the total production[4].This waste is not recycled in any form at present. However, the ceramic waste
is durable, highly resistant to biological, chemical, and physical degradation forces. The Ceramic industries dump
the waste in any nearby pit or vacant spaces, near their unit although notified areas have been marked for dumping.
This leads to serious environmental and dust pollution and occupancy of a vast area of land, especially after the
powder dries up, so it is necessary to dispose the ceramic waste quickly. Ceramic waste is produced from ceramic
industry as the end product of polishing and finishing.

The principle waste coming from the ceramic industry is the ceramic powder. Ceramic wastes are generated as a
waste during the process of dressing and polishing. It is estimated that 15 to 30% waste is generated during
production of raw material[5], and although a portion of this waste is utilized on-site for refilling excavation pit.The
disposal of these waste materials acquire large land areas and remain scattered all around, spoiling the aesthetic of
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the entire region. Fig.1 shows the ceramic waste powder which is used in current research. The typical microscopic
views of Ceramic Particles are shown in Fig.2[6].

Fig.1 Ceramic powder Fig.2 Microscopic view of ceramic particles


2.1 Cement
The Ordinary Portland Hathi cement 53 grade conforming to IS: 12269:1987 has being used. Normal
consistency of cement is 30%, initial setting time is 78 minute, final setting time is 152 minute and specific
gravity is 3.15.

2.2Ceramic waste powder

Ceramic waste is produced from ceramic industry at the end process of polishing and finishing. This ceramic
slurry waste is avail from Morbi ceramic area, Gujarat. The material cost negligible. But the processing of the
same for usage as raw material for construction industry adds up a little bite. This waste was available in the
form of paste and after drying and hand crushing it was passed through 90 microns and used as cement
replacement. Specific gravity of ceramic waste powder is 2.33, water absorption is 2.4 and chemical property is
as shown below:

Table 1: Chemical composition of ceramic waste powder

Materials Ceramic Powder

Silicon Dioxide(SiO2) 78.20
Aluminum Oxide (Al2O3) 0.820
Iron Oxide (Fe2O3) 4.32
Calcium Oxide(CaO) 1.510
Magnesium Oxide (MgO) 3.580
Chloride (CL) 0.302
Sulphur as Sulphur Trioxide (SO3) 0.064
Loss of Ignition 3.590

2.3 Coarse aggregate

Locally available 20mm size aggregate is used. Physical property is determined, specific gravity of coarse
aggregate is 2.81, and fineness modulus is 6.94.

2.4 Ceramic Aggregate

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Ceramic waste are collected from Morbi. It is not readily available in 20mm size. It needs to be crushed for
required size. Itsphysical properties are similarto that of normal coarseaggregates, which is shown in below table

Table 2: Laboratory tests on ceramic aggregate

Ceramic Normal
Properties Tests
As per IS code aggregate aggregate

Toughness Impact test IS:2386 (Part 4) 19% 14.44%

Crushing strength Crushing test IS:2386 (Part 4) 28.80% 21.99%

Hardness Los-Angeles abrasion test IS:2386 (Part 4) 8.34% 7.6%

Hardness Deval abrasion test IS:2386 (Part 4) 8.212% 7%

Specific gravity Specific gravity IS:2386 (Part 3) 2.67% 2.955%

2.5 Fine aggregate

Locally available river sand is used. As per IS 383:1970, sand is confirming to Zone III. Specific gravity of the
sand used is 2.69 and the water absorption value is 0.45%.

2.6 Water
Water is an important ingredient of concrete as it actually participates in the chemical reaction with cement.
Since it helps to from the strength giving cement gel, the quantity and quality of water are required to be looked
into very carefully.


A mix M25 grade was designed as per Indian Standard method (IS 10262-2009) and the same was used to
prepare the test samples.

Table 3: Types of concrete mix

Replacement of cement Replacement of Coarse

(%) Aggregate (%)
Cement Ceramic Coarse Ceramic W/C
Concrete (%) powder aggregate aggregate Ratio
mix (%) (%) (%)
A0 100 - 100 - 0.48
A1 100 - 95 5 0.48
A2 100 - 90 10 0.48
A3 100 - 85 15 0.48
A4 100 - 80 20 0.48
A5 95 5 100 - 0.48
A6 90 10 100 - 0.48
A7 95 5 85 15 0.48

For M25 grade of concrete, 6 cubes were casted for each batch of A0, A1, A2, A3 ,A4,A5,A6and A7. Concrete cubes
having size of 150 x 150 x 150 mm were prepared for all mixes to test 3 samples of a mix at 7 and 28 days.Slump cone
test was performed on all mixes to assess the workability of concrete for different percentages of replacing materials.
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Compressive strength test is conducted on cubes after 7 and 28 days curing period as shown in figure no. 3, for each mix
6 samples were tested. Compressive strength of each mix is taken as average of the 3 samples.

Figure 3. Compression testing machine


Experimental investigation is done to determine the compressive strength of ceramic waste concrete.
Effect of ceramic waste powder and ceramic aggregate on compressive strength:
Compressive strength is determined at 7 and 28 days after successful curing period. As per the
experimental result comparable strength can be achieve replacement of ceramic powder at 5% and replacement
of aggregate 15%. Further addition of ceramic waste in concrete mix, compressive strength simultaneously

Table 4:Compressive strength of cube(150x150x150) for m25 mix at 7, 28 days

Concrete mix Average Compressive Reduction of strength in %

Type Strength [N/mm2]

7 Days 28 Days 7 Days 28 Days

A0 17.37 25.88 - -

A1 16.67 25.77 4.19 0.42

A2 16.87 25.32 2.96 2.21

A3 16.72 24.89 3.88 3.97

A4 16.66 24.59 4.26 5.24

A5 16.75 25.08 3.70 3.18

A6 15.35 24.48 13.15 5.71

A7 16.95 24.96 2.47 3.68

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25.88 25.77 25.32 24.89 24.59 25.08 24.48 24.96

17.37 16.67 16.87 16.72 16.66 16.75 16.95


A0 A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7

Average Compressive Strength [N/mm2] 7 Days

Average Compressive Strength [N/mm2] 28 Days

Figure 4: Compressive strength of cube

Based on experimental investigations concerning the compressive strength of concrete, the following
observations are made:

a) The compressive strength of M25 grade concrete decrease in some percentage when ceramic waste is
added. While adding ceramic powder in concrete as a replacement of cement up to 5% feasible compressive
strength can be achieved. While adding ceramic aggregate in concrete as a replacement of normal aggregate
up to 15% feasible compressive strength can be achieved. While adding 5% of ceramic powder as
replacement of cement 3.18% reduction in compressive strength is achieved, while adding 15% of ceramic
aggregate as replacement of aggregate 3.97% reduction in compressive strength is achieved, while
combining both ceramic powder 5% and ceramic aggregate 15% as replacement of cement and normal
aggregate respectively 3.68% reduction in strength occurs. So, it becomes technically and economically
feasible and viable.

b) construction industrycan betheend user ofallceramicwastesand in this waycan contribute

tosolvethisenvironmentalproblem.Thenatureofconstructionindustry,especially the
concreteindustry,issuchthatceramicwastescanbeusedsafely withnoneedfor
dramaticchangeinproductionandapplicationprocess.It is use in low strength and low cost construction.
Therefore, the replacement of cement and aggregate in concrete by ceramic wastes represents a tremendous
saving of energy and has important environmental benefits. By using ceramic waste, we can also utilize the
wastes in construction which is non bio degradable. High strength concrete can be obtained by adding
different kinds of admixture. Utilization of Ceramic waste and its application are used for the development
of the eco-friendly construction industry. Ononehand,thecostofdeposition of ceramic wasteinlandfillwillbe
savedand,onthe other,raw materialsandnatural resourceswillbereplaced,thussavingenergy
andprotectingtheenvironment.Accordingto someauthorsthebestwayfortheconstructionindustry
tobecomeamoresustainableoneis byusingwastesfrom other industries as building materials.

c) By replacing coarse aggregate and cement by ceramic aggregate and ceramic powder respectively,
reduction in the cost of the material can be observed as these materials are the waste product of ceramic
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tiles manufacturing. Raw material is available locally and in low cost.Labours are required for collection
and dumping the material. Skill labours are not required. Ceramic waste is waste products of different
manufacturing item, thus can be available in low cost. compare to other admixtures used in concrete.By
using of waste material produce in ceramic industry in the concrete, the cost is decreases so that it is use to
developed the rural area of country and u ultimately it leads the development of country.

d) It is the possible alternative solution of safe disposal of Ceramic waste. The production of cement requires
high energy input (850 kcal per kg of clinker) and implies the extraction of large quantities of raw materials
from the earth (1.7 tonnes of rock to produce 1 tone of clinker).On the other hand the production of one
tonne of cement generates 0.55 tonnes of CO2 and requires an additional 0.39 tonnes of CO2 in fuel
emissions, accounting for a total of 0.94 tonnes of CO2.

e) 1 m3 of concrete cost 4800/-Rs. , while using ceramic powder 5% and ceramic aggregate 15% as
replacement of cement and normal aggregate respectively cost is 4300/-Rs.. It means it can reduce 10% of
construction cost/m3. Which is very effective as economy point of view. Utilization of Ceramic waste and
its applications are used for rural area development in construction industryand material sciences.


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