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ICCAE - Volume 8 - Issue 8th International Conference On Civil and Architecture Engineering - Pages 1-8

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Proceedings of the 8th ICCAE-8 Conference, 25-27 May, 2010 MQC 2

Military Technical College 8th International Conference

Kobry El-Kobbah, on Civil and Architecture
Cairo, Egypt Engineering

The main objective of this research is to produce structural light weight concrete using
natural aggregate and optimization of strength properties. Actually aim is to produce such a
light weight which in addition to it's light weight advantages poses construction possibilities
as structural concrete in slabs, beams, and columns.
Based on researches done in Eastern Azarbaijan providence in association with
E.Azarbaijan geological researches section there was found a rich reserviour of mineral
aggregate mine with desired strength properties(Eskandan region pumice), and this kind of
aggregate was used in above mentioned concrete mixes.
In current research various samples of this mine have been investigated as light weight
aggregate in light weight structural concrete mixes.
In addition to above not only it was important to produced concrete but also it was
essentially necessary for researchers that produced mix designs to be practical in concrete
practices and has economical benefits.
Tests done on the aggregate in this research include followings:
Identifying the aggregate from geological point of view measurement of water absorption in
varieties of time-Density in air dried and saturated dry surface states(SSD)-defining
aggregate water content from dried in air state to oven dried state and aggregate
compressive strength.
Tests done on concrete samples: Measurement of compressive strength-tensile strength-
slump test.
Light Weight Structural Concrete-Pumice-Natural aggregate-Compressive strength

* Islamic Azad University - Shabestar Branch, IRAN
** Young Researchers Club, Islamic Azad University - Shabestar Branch, IRAN

Proceedings of the 8th ICCAE-8 Conference, 25-27 May, 2010 MQC 2

One of the major problems in design and execution of buildings is the considerable
weight of dead load, which mainly results from the weights of ceilings and divider
walls. Using lightweight natural and artificial materials is of interest as an effective
solution in order to reduce the dimensions of the supporting structure, minimize the
earthquake force on the building and finally to increase the speed, facilitate the
execution and economize the project.
In order to decrease the amount of losses and damages resulting from earthquake
besides observing the correct principles and criteria of designing, it is necessary to
design and execute the buildings with possible lowest weight. In this regard, it is
necessary to carry out special studies in the field of using suitable lightweight materials,
which allow the execution of buildings with lower weights.
Different kinds of lightweight concretes can be classified in three general groups
including non-fine concrete, cellular concrete and lightweight aggregate concrete
according their production methods.
Lightweight concretes can be classified in three groups including structural lightweight
concrete, semi-structural lightweight concrete and non-structural lightweight concrete
according to their application purposes. [1]
In this paper, this kind of concrete is being analyzed in terms of structural uses and
conformity with code requirements on the basis of results obtained from production of
lightweight concrete using pumice of Eskandan region.

Laboratory program to determine physical and mechanical properties of produced
lightweight concretes is as follows:
- Producing lightweight concrete using pumice lightweight aggregates (fine aggregates
& coarse aggregates pumice)
- Producing concrete samples using three ratios of water and cement (W/C= 0.35, 0.4,
- Determining the properties including density of concrete in different states,
compressive & tensile strength on 3rd, 7th and 28th days.
- Using silica fume in order to increase compressive strength of lightweight concrete in
case that the code requirements related to compressive strength of structural lightweight
concretes are not fulfilled.
- Offering the optimum mix design

- Cement: The consuming cement is Portland type II produced in Soufian cement co.

Proceedings of the 8th ICCAE-8 Conference, 25-27 May, 2010 MQC 2

- Aggregate: The consuming aggregate including pumice coarse aggregate, fine

aggregate and mineral clinker were prepared from pumice mines of Eskandan affiliated
to Omran Pumice Tabriz Company.
- Silica Fume
- Super plasticizer: From Degussa construction chemical

- Study of petrography of lightweight aggregates

Study of petrography of lightweight aggregates shows that the texture of consuming
aggregates (about %75) is mainly of glassy texture and their quartz quantity is less than
%10, feldspathic index is below %40 and its alteration is less than %25.
Its altered minerals include zeolite and feromanganezine. This stone is classified as
average stones in terms of acidity and alkalinity on the basis of its contents of Sio2.
Based on their minerals, glass quantity, crystallization manner and chemical analysis
these aggregates were determined as pumice.
Chemical analysis of aggregates is illustrated in table 1.

Table 1: Chemical Analysis of Pumice of Eskandan

Compositions Sio2 Al2o3 Fe2o3 CaO MgO L.O.I Na2O K2O

Coarse Aggregate 62.77 17.12 4.88 4.90 1.11 1.88 3.32 1.36
Fine Aggregate 58.98 17.13 4.48 1.35 1.11 3.97 3.12 1.44

- Amount of water absorbed by Lightweight Aggregates

Average of water absorbed by the aggregates is illustrated in table 2 in different grain
Table 2: Percentage of water absorption in aggregates in different times

Grain Size (mm) Soft Fine Medium Coarse

0-2.3 2.36-4.75 4.75-12.5 12.5-25
Water absorption after 30 minutes (%) 24 32.5 29.8 28.2
Water absorption after 24 hours (%) 31 44 41 37.4

- Test of Determining Physical Properties

Physical properties of pumice were determined on the basis of ASTM C 618 and ISIRI
3433 standards that are illustrated in table 3.

Proceedings of the 8th ICCAE-8 Conference, 25-27 May, 2010 MQC 2

Table 3: Physical Properties of Pumice of Eskandan

Item Properties Test Results Requirements of

1 Softness: Remaining amount on 45 micron 18 34
2 Index of strength-based activity With 73 99 75 75
Portland cement in 7 days, minimum, in
compare with witness sample (%) With
Portland cement in 28 days, minimum, in
compare with witness sample (%)
3 Specific weight g/m³ 0.9-1.3 --
4 Soundness: Expansion or Contraction, 0.03 0.8
maximum (%)

Grading of Lightweight Aggregates

Coarse materials were selected mainly from lightweight aggregates with maximum size
of 1.2 inches (12.5 mm) and lightweight fine aggregates and materials passed from sieve
no.4 (about 5 mm). Production of dense concrete has been planned in this study and
production of lightweight concrete with spaces between aggregates used in production
of concrete blocks are not considered in this program.
Grading of mixed lightweight aggregates was selected as fine aggregates with the size
of 0-4.75 mm and coarse aggregates with the size of 4.75-12.5 mm to be placed in
permitted limit of determined grading according to ASTM C330 standard.

Quantities of components of mixed lightweight concrete

Ratios of mixtures of components were determined according to ACI 211.2-91.[2]

To estimate the amounts of lightweight aggregates the absolute volume method was
used which is more precise than weight method in materials.
Volume of Aggregates = 1- (volume of cement + volume of water + approximate
volume of entrapped air)
Weight of aggregates = volume of aggregates ×γsat
γsat = Aggregate density of lightweight materials saturation
Considering high amount of water absorption in lightweight aggregates in compare with
ordinary aggregates, it is difficult to determine humidity state of lightweight aggregates
and estimate the amount of water absorption during mixing and finally determining free
water in mixing project.

Proceedings of the 8th ICCAE-8 Conference, 25-27 May, 2010 MQC 2

During production of concrete mixtures the lightweight aggregates are leached for 24
hours to reach saturation stage and then used in production of mixtures with saturated-
surface dry (SDD).
The amounts of components of produced lightweight concrete mixtures are illustrated in
table 4.

Table 4: The amounts of components of lightweight concrete mixture produced with

pumice lightweight aggregates of Eskandan

Item Water of W/C Amount of Lightweight Lightweight Calculated

mixture kg/ m³ cement coarse aggregate fine aggregate Density
kg/m³ kg/ m³ kg/ m³ kg/ m³ Kg/ m³
A 199 0.48 414.5 258 787 1658
B 199 0.4 497.5 248 755 1700
C 199 0.35 568.6 234 728 1729.5

Tests carried out on concrete samples

Tests of compressive strength were carried out on cubic samples (15×15×15 cm).
Cylindrical samples with dimensions of (15×30) cm were used for tensile strength
(Brazilian Test). The amounts obtained for compressive strengths are average strength
of features of standard cylindrical samples of (15×30) cm obtained by converting the
strength of cubic samples using suggested code coefficients.

- Test Results
Results of conducted tests include the average features of compressive strength for
standard cylindrical samples, tensile strength of samples and density of concrete for
different ratios of water-cement are illustrated in table 5.

Table 5: Results of conducted tests on lightweight concrete mixtures produced with

pumice lightweight aggregates

Number of Project A B C
W/C 0.48 0.4 0.35
Density of Fresh Concrete kg/m³ 1663 1713 1738.5
Density of 28-day air-dried concrete kg/m³ 1366 1490 1530.5
Density of oven-dried concrete kg/m³ 1248 1334 1395
7- Average of Compressive strength fc 83.5 106 117
days kg/cm²

Proceedings of the 8th ICCAE-8 Conference, 25-27 May, 2010 MQC 2

Average of Compressive strength fc 126.5 143.4 152.5

kg/ cm²
Average of Tensile strength ft kg/ cm² 14.2 20.5 21.6
% Ft / Fc 11.7 14.3 14.2

According to Iranian concrete code, the 28-day compressive strength of lightweight

concrete (standard cylindrical samples) should be more than 160 kg/ cm². The ASTM
C330 standard limits the minimum compressive strength up to 170 kg/cm² and the
specific weight up to 1850 kg/m³ [3]. The results of conducted tests show that the
compressive strengths of concretes produced with lightweight aggregates (fine
aggregate & coarse aggregate pumice) are less than the code compressive strengths. In
this case, the produced concretes cannot be used as structural lightweight concrete [2].
So in order to obtain the 28-day compressive strength of lightweight concrete at the
amount of 270 to 300 kg/cm² to use in structural applications, the following actions
were taken:

In order to decrease the density of concrete, different samples of pumice aggregate with
different grain sizes, different water-cement ratios and also different weights of cement
and silica fume were prepared. The obtained results showed that if the sizes of pumice
aggregates are larger the compressive strength of concrete samples will be low because
of low strength of aggregates and in case of using fine aggregate pumiced, the
compressive strength of samples will be increased but the density of concrete will be
closer to density of ordinary concretes, so we cannot say that this concrete is a
lightweight concrete. To solve this problem, lightweight materials of mineral clinker are
used and a lightweight concrete was produced using clinker materials. The ratio of
water-cement is increased in these concretes because of high amount of water in clinker
and it is not possible to choose water-cement ratio lower than 0.4 because of low
efficiency of concrete.
So in order to solve this problem, the water-cement ration should be increased in these
concrete. By increasing the ratio of water-cement, the obtained strength will be very low
in these samples and it will not be possible to use them as structural concretes.
Therefore, in the next step, we will try to produce concrete samples with dimensions of
(15×15×15) cm, different weights of coarse aggregate and fine aggregate pumice,
crinkle with different ratios of water-cement, different weights of cement and silica
fume together with super plasticizer.
As crinkles are used in these samples, the density of concrete decreases and the weights
of the samples decreases because of the existence of pumice aggregates, while the
compressive strength of the concrete increases.
Using pumice in concrete mixture solved the creeping problem of concrete samples
produced with crinkle.

Proceedings of the 8th ICCAE-8 Conference, 25-27 May, 2010 MQC 2

Among different kinds of produced concrete mixtures, the mixture that obtained 28-day
compressive strength in 270 to 300 kg/cm² and has the lowest density was selected for
continuing the examination.
In table 6, the consuming materials and their weights are illustrated.

Table 6: Weights of Consuming Materials in Optimum Mix Design

Pumice Aggregate
Coarse Aggregate Fine Aggregate
Kg/m³ Kg/m³
420 50.4 300 800 350 189 12.6 0.45 0.37
Curing the Samples

After selecting the optimum mix design, the concrete samples were prepared according
to table 6 with dimensions of (15×15×15) cm. After 24 hours, the samples were taken
out of molds and were placed in saturating environment and then the test of compressive
strength was carried out for 3-day, 7-day and 28-day concretes. The results of this test
are illustrated in table 7.

Table 7: Compressive Strength (kg/cm²) & Average Density of Concrete Samples

Time 3-days 7-days 28-days Density (kg/cam²)

Strength 198 231 293 1762


- The studies showed that the consuming aggregates are mainly of pumice.
- By using Eskandan pumice with 12 % silica fume instead of cement it is possible to
obtain the compressive strength close to structural strength.
- Studying the results of tests conducted on samples containing lightweight coarse
aggregates and lightweight fine aggregates with cement at the amount of more than 400
kg/m³ showed that resulted compressive strength in this case is between 125-152 kg/cm²
while the density of dried samples were variable between 1365-1530 kg/m³. So, there
concretes don’t fulfill the code requirements of structural concretes.
- Density of lightweight concrete produced with pumice aggregates, crinkle and 12 %
Silica Fume instead of cement is about 1762, while the resulted compressive strength is

Proceedings of the 8th ICCAE-8 Conference, 25-27 May, 2010 MQC 2

between 270-300 kg/cm². The code requirements are fulfilled in this case (ASTM C330)
and the produced samples will be suitable to be used for structural applications.
- Lightweight structural concrete will be about 25 % lighter than ordinary concretes.
- By using lightweight structural concrete with pumice, the dead load and as a result the
weight of the building will be considerably decreased. So it is possible to minimize the
expenses of molding and transportation of concrete and reinforcement. Also when these
concretes are used to construct the ceilings and beams of tall buildings, dimensions of
columns (specially) in lower story's will be considerably decreased.


Josefh J.waddell, Joseph A.dobrowolski, Concrete construction handbook, Third

edition, 2001
Hormoz Famili, Concretology,, university of science and technology, 2006
Hormoz Famili,, Research project of lightweight aggregate concrete, university of
science and technology.2008

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