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2.2 Research Paper - Machinery Mechanization - Crop Establishment Machinery

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ACTIVITY: ABP 32d – AB Machinery and


Republic of the Philippines

Mindoro State University
Main Campus, Alcate, Victoria, Oriental Mindoro

Group yourself and select the group’s desired topic to discuss. All references must be
included following the APA format - Pictures, Tables and Formulas.

Arman M. Rivera

Crop Establishment Machinery

The great majority of crops grown in the globe start with a seed planted in the field to
establish a new plant. Seedling establishment is the first and most important step in crop
production, as it determines whether the harvest will be successful or not. Seed quality is a
critical characteristic for crop output and food security, especially when climate change creates
more unpredictability.
Field crops are often planted for human and animal consumption. Growing field crops
necessitates a process (figure 1) that typically begins with land preparation and ends with
planting. Crop establishment refers to these two processes. Crop growth necessitates nutrient
delivery via fertilizer application, as well as weed, disease, and pest bug control by biological,
chemical, and/or physical treatments. The crop is finally harvested and delivered to processing
facilities. This general sequence of actions can be made more complicated or tailored to a given
crop or cropping system. Crop establishment, for example, only needs to be done once, whereas
crop protection and fertilization can be done numerous times per year.

Soil is essential for the development and growth of any crop, but it is often disregarded in
terms of management and upkeep. Root development, fertility uptake, and moisture retention are
all affected by soil structural issues. Compaction is a common but generally overlooked issue
that affects many crops, with maize being particularly vulnerable. Plants with a strong, wide root
system are far better equipped to withstand stress, such as prolonged periods of dry weather.

Factors Affecting Crop Establishment

Soil pH level
Incorrect pH levels can significantly affect
the uptake of trace elements even if they are
present in the soil. Acidic soils that show a low pH
can be restored to a more neutral level by adding
lime, applied as a bulk powder form or as pelleted
lime, which is easier and cleaner to handle. Crops
planted in soils that display a high pH (alkaline)
may require a trace element spray to balance the
reduced opportunity to uptake nutrients from the

To ensure that the soil nutrient levels are

maintained at the required level, we strongly recommend that soil is tested on a regular basis. On
new sites, testing should be done in the first year before establishing a crop.


ACTIVITY: ABP 32d – AB Machinery and

Weed Control

Weeds continue to be one of the biggest

obstacles to successful crop establishment.
Where plots are cropped repeatedly and often
with mixtures, weed burdens can quickly build
Careful choice of crop species, with
consideration of any known weed problems, can
help with herbicide selection and usage. The
benchmark weed control method for all game
cover plots is the stale seed bed technique - this
is a simple, effective method of limiting the
early establishment of weed species.
If a drilled crop can establish quickly in a weed-free environment, it has a much greater
chance of beating off any later pressure from late weed growth, pests and disease.

Seedbed Preparation

For crops to get off to a good start,

the seed requires good soil contact so small
seeds, such as kale and quinoa, need fine,
firm seed beds. Larger seeds also need a
reasonably fine seed bed for successful
germination. This can be helped by rolling
the ground after drilling, which in turn will
help to retain valuable moisture.
Fertilizer use at this stage will aid
crop establishment. An application of
farmyard manure will be of great assistance
by improving soil structure, increasing
aeration and helping to retain moisture.
High stubble loads at seeding time
can impact on crop establishment and also reduce the efficacy of soil-activated preemergence
herbicides. Disc machinery can handle heavier stubble loads than tined implements but they can
result in ‘hair pinning’ (stubble is bent rather than cut and pushed into the sowing groove with
the seed), which reduces seed/soil contact. Equipment combinations including press wheels,
coulter discs, trailing harrows can help manage stubble at sowing.

The monitoring and control of plant
pests is as important for successful specialist
crop establishment as it is for arable and
vegetable crops. The damage caused by
pigeons, crows and rabbits can be significant
and setting deterrents such as flags, bangers
and traps is time well spent.
Game birds can also cause significant
damage to establishing crops, particularly
those adjacent to woodland areas.
Supplementary feeding next to cover areas is
worth considering to divert the attentions of
roving game birds’ intent on following
individual drill lines and digging up emerging
Slugs are a significant pest, present in varying numbers each year. Cold, damp springs


ACTIVITY: ABP 32d – AB Machinery and

normally result in wet and cloddy seed beds that are ideal for slugs to take a hold in. Regular
monitoring may indicate that an application of slug pellets is required, however, drilling slightly
later and rolling the seed bed afterwards will assist in preventing damage.
Field establishment can be reduced by microscopic organisms. These include diseases
such as rhizoctonia bare patch (caused by a soil borne pathogenic fungal organism) and root
lesion nematodes (microscopic worm-like animals) that inhabit soil and feed on plant roots.
Other larger pests such as snails and mice can also reduce field establishment.
Soil water
In soils with low moisture content, the
germination rate will be lower and emergence
slower. As the seedling develops it becomes
more susceptible to low soil water. This can
vary with different soils types; light textured
sands do not require as much time to wet up as
finer-textured soils (loams and clays) but retain
less water and have a lower water-holding
capacity. Management factors such as
cultivation and stubble retention will affect the
amount of water the soil can hold. The greater
the soil disturbance, the higher the loss of soil
In non-wetting or water-repellent soils, the accumulation of waxy organic matter in the
soil surface can result in uneven wetting of the soil profile and poor emergence of crops. For
more information refer to Soil water repellence - diagnosing the problem.
Oxygen is essential to the germination process. In waterlogged soils, the soil oxygen is
displaced by water and the seeds can’t germinate because of the very low levels of oxygen.
Low temperatures slow the rate of water
absorption and reduce the production of
proteins required for germination. Sustained
low temperatures damage the seed embryo. The
result is slow, ‘staggered’ germination, resulting
in poor crop establishment.
Canola is relatively frost tolerant once
established, but damage can occur during the
cotyledon stage and the seedlings can die if

Row spacing
The most appropriate row spacing is a
compromise between crop yield, ease of
stubble handling, optimizing travel speed,
managing weed competition and soil throw and
achieving effective use of pre-emergent
As row spacing increases, there is a
general trend towards poorer establishment due
to competition for water or light from crowding
of plants within the rows. The most efficient
use of wheat seed is to sow it at narrow row
spacing, giving each seed more room to
germinate and emerge.


ACTIVITY: ABP 32d – AB Machinery and

Soil Mechanics
Soil is classified by grain sizes into sand, silt, and clay categories. Loam is a mixture of
these soil types. Soil is subjected to shear stress and reacts by strain when it is tilled. The tillage
tool moving through the soil causes a force which causes a stress between adjacent soil grains.
This leads to a deformation or strain of the soil. Sandy soil is characterized by low shear strength
and high friction, while clay is characterized by high cohesion and, after cracking, by low
friction. Tillage tools usually act as wedges. They engage with the soil and cause relative
movement in a shear plane where some of the soil moves with the tool while the adjacent soil
stays in place. Energy is expended in shearing and lifting of the soil and overcoming the friction
on the tool.

Primary Tillage
Primary tillage tools or implements are designed for loosening the soil and mixing or
incorporating crop residues left on the field surface after harvest. Subsequent soil treatment to
prepare a seedbed is secondary tillage. A typical implement for primary tillage is the plow
(spelled “plough” in some countries), which is used for deep soil cultivation.
The three most common kinds of plow are moldboard, chisel, and disc (figure 3). The
moldboard plow body and its action are shown in figure 3a. A plow share cuts the soil
horizontally and the attached moldboard upturns the soil strip and turns it almost upside down in
the furrow made by the previous plow body. The heel makes sure the plow follows the proper
path. These parts are connected by a supporting part (breast) which is connected by a leg to the
frame of the plow. Chisel plows do not invert all the soil, but they mix the top soil layer,
including residues, into deeper portions of the soil. Chisel plows use heavy tines with Crop
Establishment and Protection • 5 shares on the bottom of the tines (figure 3b). A disc plow uses
concave round discs (figure 3c) to cut the soil on the furrow bottom and turns the soil with the
rotating motion of the disc. The draft forces to pull a plow are provided by a tractor to which it is
attached. Equation 3 is one way used to calculate the draft force needed to pull a moldboard
plow. This calculation follows Gorjachkin (1968):

Where: Fz = draft force (N)

n = number of gauge wheels
Fv = vertical force (N)
ρR = rolling resistance
i = number of moldboards or shares
k = static factor (N cm−2) ranging from 2 to 14 depending on soil type
wf = width of furrow (cm)
d = depth of furrow (cm)
ε = dynamic factor (N s2m−2 cm−2), ranging from 0.15 to 0.36 depending on soil type and
moldboard design
v = traveling speed (m s−1)


ACTIVITY: ABP 32d – AB Machinery and

Secondary Tillage (Seedbed Preparation)

Secondary tillage prepares the seedbed after primary tillage. Implements for secondary
tillage are numerous and of many different designs. A harrow is the archetype of secondary
tillage; it consists of tines fixed in a frame. Cultivators are heavier, with longer tines formed as
chisels in a rigid frame or with a flexible suspension. Soil is opened by shares and the effect is
characterized by the tine spacing, depth of furrow, and speed. Most tillage implements are pulled
by tractors and limited by traction, as discussed in another chapter. (Power tillers exist as rotary
harrows with vertical axles or rotary cultivators with horizontal axles; these are discussed
below.) The mechanical connection of the tractor power take-off (PTO) to the tillage implement
provides the power to drive the implement’s axles, which are equipped with blades, knives, or
shares. Each blade cuts a piece of soil (Schilling, 1962) and the length of that bite is determined
as a function of the tractor travel speed and axle rotation speed according to:

B = bite length (cm)
v = travel speed (km h−1)
r = rotary speed (min−1)
z = number of blades per tool assembly

Crops are sown (planted) by placing seeds in the soil (or in some cases, discussed below,
by transplanting). Basic requirements are:
 equal distribution of seeds in the field,
 placing the seeds at the proper depth of soil, and
 covering the seeds.

In the case of short vegetation periods or intensive agriculture (e.g., crops that require
production in a short time), some crops are not direct-seeded into fields but instead are
Seeds may be germinated under controlled conditions, such as in greenhouses
(glasshouses). The small plant seedlings may be grown on trays or in pots then transplanted into
fields where they will produce a harvestable crop. In the case of rice, which is often not direct-
seeded, the plants are grown in trays and then transplanted. When transplanting rice, an
articulated mechanical device punches the root portion together with the upper parts of the plants
out of the tray and presses it into the soil, while keeping the plants fully saturated with water.
Other plants are propagated by vegetative methods (cloning or cuttings). Special
techniques are required for potatoes. “Seed” tubers are put in the hopper of the planter and
planted in ridges. Row distances are commonly 60–90 cm, which produce 40,000–50,000
potatoes per ha.
Compared to seeds, small plants (whether seedlings, tubers, cuttings, etc.) are easily
damaged. The fundamental requirements of transplanting, both manual (which is labor-intensive)
and mechanized, are:
 no damage to the seedlings,
 upright positioning of the seedlings in the soil at a target depth,
 correct spacing between plants in a row, and
 close contact of the soil with the roots.

Advantages of Mechanical Establishment compared to Manual Establishment:

1. TIMELINESS OF OPERATION: farm mechanization ensures that all farm operation is done
and completed within a given period of time.
2. MECHANIZATION SAVES TIME: in farm mechanization, all most human efforts are


ACTIVITY: ABP 32d – AB Machinery and

substituted with machines. Hence labor saved could be employed somewhere else.
3. MECHANIZATION INCREASES FARM YIELD: as a result of mechanization, farmers
become richer due to increase yield.
4. IT ENCOURAGES LARGE SCALE FARMING: with the use of machine which reduces
labor and thereby making the work faster and easier, farmers tend to go into large scale farming
5. INCREASE IN OUTPUT: mechanization makes it possible for farmers to have increase in
people to become specialized in certain operations within the farm.
7. CO-OPERATION AMONG FARMERS: mechanization enables many farmers to come
together and pool their resources together, thereby promoting or encouraging co-operation
among farmers.
8. IT SAVES TIME: mechanization translates quickly the products of man’s brain into reality.
9. REDUCTION IN COST OF OPERATION: mechanization leads to reduction in the cost of
agricultural operations per unit output.
10. AVAILABILITY OF LABOUR FOR OTHER SECTORS: mechanization also helps to
release labor to other sectors of the economy.
11. USE OF LESS HUMAN LABOUR: mechanization helps to accomplish lots of work with
less human labor. Also Address the scarcity of labor especially during peak planting period and
address the limited number of draft animals.

Disadvantages of Mechanical Establishment

1.HIGH COST OF RUNNING: farm mechanization, due to the high cost and numerous machines
involved, is very expensive to operate
2.DISPLACEMENT OF WORKERS: in farm mechanization, very few workers are required. Hence
many people will be out of job when mechanization is introduced
3. CAUSES ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION: mechanization causes environmental pollution due to
smokes emanating from engines of these machines, chemicals and the use of fertilizer.
easily be destroyed due to continuous use of heavy machines
on the farms, the work can easily be completed and this situation can create redundancy in farm labor.

Crop Establishment Machinery

Land Preparation


ACTIVITY: ABP 32d – AB Machinery and



ACTIVITY: ABP 32d – AB Machinery and

Principle of Operation
The rice drum seeder uses a simple metering system in which the perforations on the
periphery at both ends of the cylinder (drum hopper) meter the seeds. As the machine is pulled,
the cylinder driven by a ground wheel rotates. As it rotates, seeds fall from the holes to the
sliding surface in rows. Seeding can be set at three different rates through adjusting the sliding
ring which is attached to the hopper. Seeds are placed on the surface or at a few millimeters
under the soil. In the absence of a row marker, skids may also serve as a row.

Construction Requirement
 The rice drum seeder shall be made of light materials with bare weight not exceeding 11
 The rice drum seeder shall be provided with handle bar adjustment.
 The drum hopper shall be replaceable.
 The adjusting ring shall easily be positioned on the hopper.
 The v-shaped ribbing shall be installed in the drum hopper cover.


ACTIVITY: ABP 32d – AB Machinery and

Performance Requirements
 The drum seeder shall be easy to set-up and operate.
 The manufacturer’s specified working capacity of the drum seeder shall be attained.
 The seeding rate specified by the manufacturer shall be attained.
 The drum seeder shall produce good quality work such as accuracy of discharge rate,
 uniformity of seed placement and ease of operation and maintenance in a well prepared
and leveled field.

General Conditions for Test and Inspection

 Seeder on Test
The drum seeder submitted for test shall be taken from production model or series of
production and shall be sampled in accordance with PAES 103.
 Role of the Manufacturer/Dealer
The manufacturer/dealer shall submit to the official testing agency the specifications
and other relevant information on the seeder. An official representative shall be appointed to
conduct minor repairs and adjustment and witness the test. It shall be the duty of the
representative to make all decisions on matters of adjustment and preparation of the machine
for testing. The manufacturer/dealer shall abide with the terms and conditions set forth by the
official testing agency.
 Running-in and Preliminary Adjustment
The seeder to be tested shall be run-in prior to test as recommended by the
 Test Instruments
The instruments to be used shall have been calibrated and checked by the testing
agency prior to the measurements.
 Test Materials
Any seed varieties that are locally grown shall be used for testing
 Termination of Test
If during the test run, the seeder stops due to breakdown or malfunction so as to affect
the seeder’s performance, the test shall be terminated by the test engineer.
 Test and Inspection

Verification of the Manufacturer’s Technical Data and Information

 This inspection is carried out to verify the mechanism, main dimensions, materials
and accessories of the seeder in comparison with the list of manufacturer’s technical
data and information.
 A plain and level surface shall be used as reference plane for verification of


ACTIVITY: ABP 32d – AB Machinery and

dimensional specifications of drum seeder.

 The items to be inspected and verified are given in Annex B.
Laboratory Performance Test
 Test for metering mechanism
 This is carried out to examine the performance of metering mechanism, the result of
which can provide the basic data for the field performance.
 This test should be conducted on the kind of seed for which the machine is suitable as
specified by the manufacturer.
 The drum seeder is jacked up and the ground wheel of the metering mechanism is
rotated 10 times to collect the discharged seeds and compute for its seeding rate. The
seeding rate per area is calculated based on the weight of seeds and the corresponding
area covered by the seeder in 10 revolutions of the ground wheel.
 This test shall be carried out at ¼, ½, and ¾ of the drum seeder’s hopper capacity
based on its diameter with three seeding rate settings – low, medium and high Test for
uniformity of distribution
 This test is carried out to determine the uniformity of transverse and longitudinal seed
 The drum seeder shall be operated at the average seeding rate setting, with the hopper
half full and at the speed recommended by the manufacturer over a blanket or felt.
 The seeder shall be operated for at least three passes.
 Longitudinal and transverse distribution
 For each pass, collect and weigh the amount of seeds distributed from each row with
one meter length for a 5-meter distance along the direction of travel
Field Performance Test
 This is carried out to test the field performance of the drum seeder.
 The test shall be carried out on wet land. The conditions of the field shall be recorded.
Test Conditions
 Size of the Area per Trial
 Seeding operation shall be done in fields of not less than 250 m2 and shall be rectangular
in shape with sides in the ratio of 2:1 as much as possible. The depth of wet field shall
notexceed 12 cm.
Operational Pattern
 Field capacity and field efficiency are influenced by field operational pattern which is
closely related to the size and shape of the field, and the kind and size of the attached
implement. The non- working time should be minimized as much as possible using the
recommended field operational pattern


ACTIVITY: ABP 32d – AB Machinery and

Agricultural Machinery – Walking-Type Agricultural Tractor – Methods of Test

General Conditions for Test and Inspection

 Role of the manufacturer/dealer
The manufacturer/dealer shall submit to the official testing agency the specifications and
other relevant information on the walking-type agricultural tractor. An official representative
shall be appointed to conduct minor repair, adjust and witness the test. It shall be the duty of the
representative to make all decisions on matters of adjustment and preparation of the machine for
testing. The manufacturer/dealer shall abide by the terms and conditions set forth by the official
testing agency.
 Running-in and preliminary adjustment
Before the start of the test, the tractor should have undergone a breaking-in period. Before
the field performance test, the tractor shall be operated at the test site to make the necessary
adjustments as per manufacturer's recommendations. No adjustments shall be permitted during
the test.
 Test instruments and other needs
The suggested list of minimum field and laboratory test equipment and materials needed
to carry out the tractor test is shown in Annex A. These instruments should be calibrated
regularly. These instruments shall be physically checked for operation and shall be cleaned
before and after each test. A checklist of instruments and materials shall be prepared to be used
before departure to and from the testing area.
 Suspension of test
If during the test run, the machine malfunctions so as to affect the machine's performance,
the test may be suspended with the concurrence of the official testing agency and the
manufacturer’s representative. If it is the engine that fails, it can be changed with an identical
unit (if the engine is not integrated with the tractor).

Tests and Inspection

 Verification of Manufacturer’s Technical Data and Information
This investigation is carried out to verify that the mechanism, main dimensions,
weight and attachments of the tractor conform to the list of technical data and information
submitted by the manufacturer. (see Annex A)
 A plain and level platform shall be used for this investigation.
 The items to be inspected and verified are given in Annex B.

Field Performance Tests

 These are carried out to test the field performance of operations applicable to the tractor


ACTIVITY: ABP 32d – AB Machinery and

to be tested. For wetland test field, the field shall be soaked for at least twenty-four (24)
 The tests shall be carried out on a dry/wet field where the soil type, dimensions, soil
moisture content/depth of water, soil resistance, shape and other conditions are to be
recorded. The kinds of field performance tests shall be the following:

This shall be done for fields of not less than 500 m2 and shall be rectangular with sides
in the ratio of 2:1 as far as possible with three replications using circuitous method of plowing
operation. Plowing depth shall be 100 mm + 10 mm. The field may be irrigated or flooded
depending on the condition.

Rotary tilling
 This shall be done for field of not less than 500 m2 and shall be rectangular with the sides
in the ratio of 2:1 as far as possible with three replications. Tilling depth shall be 100 mm
to 120 mm. The field may be irrigated or flooded depending on the condition.

 Harrowing- This shall be carried out after plowing test on the same field under
dry/flooded conditions. The items to be measured, investigated and recorded during the
field performance tests are given in Annex C.

Laboratory Performance Tests

 Transmission efficiency
This is carried out to determine the efficiency of the transmission system of the
tractor, using an electric motor that is either calibrated or coupled with a torque

 The tractor on test, without its wheels, shall be fixed on the test frame. Brake load is
applied on the wheel axle and/or rotary tilling shaft by a dynamometer.

 Power is transmitted from the motor output shaft to the input shaft (first shaft) of
transmission box in the same manner as those from engine to that of tractor, for instance,
Vbelt. The diameter of the pulley on the output shaft of the electric motor is computed so
that speed of input shaft at rated speed of electric motor is the same as that of rated
engine speed.
This test will not be applied to a tractor which engine and transmission box are
directly coupled.


ACTIVITY: ABP 32d – AB Machinery and

 Brake load shall be applied until the computed axle power or tilling shaft power reaches
the maximum value

Agricultural machinery – Rice precision seeder – Methods of test

General Conditions for Test and Inspection

4.1 Selection of rice precision seeder to be tested Rice precision seeder to be tested should be in
accordance with PNS/PAES 103:2000 Agricultural Machinery – Method of Sampling.
4.2 Role of requesting party The requesting party shall submit to the official testing agency
specifications and other relevant information on the rice precision seeder. He shall abide with the
terms and conditions set forth by an official testing agency.
4.3 Role of the manufacturer An officially designated representative of the manufacturer should
operate, adjust, repair, and should decide on matters related to the operation of the machine.
4.4 Test site conditions The rice precision seeder shall be tested through actual seeding
operation. Each test, with three replications, shall be carried out in a rectangular field area with
sides in the ratio of 2:1 as much as possible. The field shall have an area of at least 1000 m 2 for
mechanically operated seeders.
4.5 Suspension of test If during the test, the machine malfunctions or stops due to major
component breakdown, the test shall be suspended.

Test Preparation

5.1 Running-in and preliminary adjustment Before the start of the test, the rice precision seeder
should have undergone running-in period wherein various adjustments of the rice precision
seeder shall conform with the recommendation of the manufacturer.
5.2 Test instruments and other materials The instruments to be used shall have been calibrated
and checked by the testing agency prior to the measurements. The suggested list of minimum
field and laboratory test equipment and materials needed to carry out the rice precision seeder
test is shown in Annex A.

Agricultural machinery – Spike tooth harrow for walking type agricultural tractor –
Methods of test

General Conditions for Test and Inspection

4.1 Selection of spike tooth harrow to be tested Spike tooth harrow to be tested should be in


ACTIVITY: ABP 32d – AB Machinery and

accordance with PNS/PAES 103:2000 Agricultural Machinery – Method of Sampling.

4.2 Role of requesting party The requesting party shall submit to the official testing agency
specifications and other relevant information on the harrow. He shall abide with the terms and
conditions set forth by an official testing agency.
4.3 Role of the manufacturer An officially designated representative of the manufacturer should
operate, adjust, repair, and should decide on matters related to the operation of the machine.
4.4 Suspension of test If the harrow fails to penetrate the soil or becomes non-functional during
test, the test shall be suspended.
4.5 Test site conditions Harrowing operation shall be done in fields initially plowed and has an
area of not less than 500 m2 . The plot shallbe rectangular in shape with sides in the ratio of 2:1
as much as possible.
4.6 Test instruments/equipment The suggested list of minimum test equipment needed to carry
out the field cultivator test is shown in Annex A. 4.7 Walking-type agricultural tractor to be used
The tractor to be used shall be compatible with the harrow in accordance with themanufacturer’s
specification of required power.

Test and Inspection

5.1 Verification of the manufacturer’s technical data and information This inspection is carried
out to verify the mechanism, dimensions, materials and accessories of the field cultivator in
comparison with the list of manufacturer’s technical data and information. All data shall be
recorded in Annex B.
5.2 Performance test
5.2.1 This is carried out to obtain actual data on overall performance of the harrow.
5.2.2 Measurement of initial data Initial data, such as field area, location, dimensions of field
shall be obtained and recorded in Annex C before the test operation. Implement characteristics Dimensions and other measurements shall be noted.
5.2.3 Field performance test The total test time shall be obtained by acquiring the total time to finish harrowing the
test field. Test time shall start when harrowing operation starts. Productive time (time when teeth
is engaged) shall be obtained by deducting the non- productive time from the total test time. The operating width shall be obtained by measuring the distance between the outermost
teeth and shall be noted. Operational pattern Field capacity and field efficiency are influenced by field operational
pattern which is closelyrelated to the size and shape of the field, and the kind and size of
implement. The nonworking time should be minimized as much as possible using the suggested
field operational patterns. Operating Speed Outside the longer side of the test plot, two poles 20 m apart (A, B) are


ACTIVITY: ABP 32d – AB Machinery and

placed approximately in the middle of the test plot. On the opposite side, two poles are also
placed in similar position, 20 m apart (C, D) so that all four poles form corners of a rectangle,
parallel to at least one long side of the test plot. The speed will be calculated from the time
required for the machine to travel the distance (20 m) between the assumed line connecting two
poles on opposite sides AC and BD. The reference point (e.g. pneumatic wheels) of the machine
should be selected for measuring the time. Fuel Consumption Before the start of each test trial, fuel tank shall be filled to certain
marked level. After each test trial, the tank shall be refilled using a graduated cylinder. The
amount refilled is the fuel consumption for the test. Field efficiency and effective field capacity of the implement shall be obtained using the
formula in Annex D. Wheel slip shall be determined as described in Annex E. Condition of spike tooth harrow after test shall be compared to its initial condition. Welded parts shall be inspected. All data shall be recorded in Annex C.
5.3 Test trial There shall be at least three (3) trials to conduct the test.

Agricultural machinery – Sugarcane Planter – Methods of Test

General Conditions for Test and Inspection

4.1 Role of manufacturer or dealer The manufacturer shall submit the operator’s manual of the
sugarcane planter and shall abide by the terms and conditions set forth by an official testing
4.2 Role of the operator An officially designated operator shall be skilled and shall be able to
demonstrate, operate, adjust and repair matters related to the operation of the equipment.
4.3 Test site conditions The sugarcane planter shall be tested through actual planting of
sugarcane into the field. The field shall have ample space to allow turns in headland. The size of
the field shall not be less than 1000 m2 and shall be rectangular in shape, with sides in ratio of
2:1 as much as possible.
4.4 Test equipment The suggested list of minimum test materials needed to carry out the
sugarcane planter test is shown in Annex A.
4.5 Tractor to be used The tractor to be used to conduct the test shall be compatible with the
sugarcane planter in accordance with the manufacturer’s specification of required power.
4.6 Termination of test for sugarcane planter If during the test, the sugarcane planter encounters
major component breakdown or malfunction, the test engineer shall terminate the test.

Test and Inspection


ACTIVITY: ABP 32d – AB Machinery and

5.1 Verification of the manufacturer’s technical data and information This inspection is carried
out to verify the mechanism, dimensions, materials and accessories of the sugarcane planter in
comparison with the list of manufacturer’s technical data and information. All data shall be
recorded in Annex B.
5.2 Performance test
5.2.1 This is carried out to obtain actual data on overall performance of the equipment.
5.2.2 Measurement of initial data Soil data analysis Initial data, such as field area, soil type and soil moisture content and
soil hardness shall be obtained and recorded in Annex C before the test operation. Implement characteristics Dimensions and other measurements shall be noted.
5.2.3 Field performance test The tractor speed shall be obtained during the planting operation. This can be obtained by
recording the time required for the sugarcane planter to travel the distance between two (2)
points in the field. The total test time shall be obtained by acquiring the total time to finish the test field.
Non- productive time (e.g. headland turns) shall be recorded. Productive time shall be obtained
by deducting the non- productive time from the total test time. The fuel consumption of the tractor while using sugarcane planter shall be obtained as
described in Annex E. The draft of the sugarcane planter shall be determined as described in Annex E. Field efficiency, effective field capacity, drawbar power requirements of the implement
shall be obtained using the formula in Annex D. The semi-automatic sugarcane planter shall be tested for uniformity of planting as
described in Annex E. Wheel slip shall be determined as described in Annex E. Condition of sugarcane planter after test shall be compared to its initial condition. Welded parts shall be inspected. Loosened bolts shall be noted. All data shall be recorded in Annex C.
5.2.4 Percent damaged stalk eyes and percent cutting of the semi-automatic sugarcane planter
shall be determined using the formula in Annex D.
5.3 Test trial There shall be at least three (3) trials to conduct the test.

Agricultural machinery – Mechanical rice transplanter – Methods of test

General Conditions for Test and Inspection


ACTIVITY: ABP 32d – AB Machinery and

4.1 Selection of mechanical rice transplanter to be tested Mechanical rice transplanter to be

tested should be in accordance with PNS/PAES 103:2000 Agricultural Machinery – Method of
4.2 Role of manufacturer/dealer The manufacturer/dealer shall submit the operator’s manual of
the mechanical rice transplanter and shall abide by the terms and conditions set forth by an
official testing agency.
4.3 Role of the operator An officially designated operator shall be skilled and shall be able to
demonstrate, operate, adjust and make repairs related to the operation of the equipment.
4.4 Test site conditions The mechanical rice transplanter shall be tested through actual
transplanting of rice seedlings. Each test, with three replications, shall be carried out in a
rectangular field area with sides in the ratio of 2:1 as much as possible. The field shall have an
area of at least 1000 m2 with ample space for headland turns. The field to be used shall be
puddled and leveled before the test.
4.5 Test instruments/equipment The suggested list of minimum test equipment needed to carry
out the mechanical rice transplanter test is shown in Annex A. Seedling preparation is shown in
Annex E.
4.6 Suspension of test for mechanical rice transplanter If during the test, the mechanical rice
transplanter malfunctions or stops due to major component breakdown which is not repairable,
the test shall be suspended.
5 Test and Inspection
5.1 Verification of the manufacturer’s technical data and information This inspection is carried
out to verify the mechanism, dimensions and construction material of the mechanical rice
transplanter in comparison with the list of manufacturer’s technical data and information. All
data shall be recorded in Annex B.
5.2 Performance test
5.2.1 This is carried out to obtain actual data on overall performance of the machine.
5.2.2 Soil data analysis Initial data such as field area and soil type shall be obtained and recorded
in Annex C before the test operation. A-101
5.2.3 Field performance test The mechanical rice transplanter shall be tested through actual transplanting of rice
seedlings. Five (5) sampling areas shall be randomly selected in the field The number of seedlings per hill shall be noted and shall be recorded. The
distances between hills and between rows shall be measured and shall be recorded in Annex C Percent error for the distances shall be computed using the formula in Annex D. The number of hills, missing hills, and damaged hills shall be noted and shall be
recorded. Planting efficiency, percent damaged hills, and percent missing hills of the mechanical


ACTIVITY: ABP 32d – AB Machinery and

rice transplanter shall be computed using the formula in Annex D. Test for uniformity of transplanting depth The transplanting depth per hill in a row shall be noted and shall be recorded. Condition of the mechanical rice transplanter shall be inspected after the test to determine
damage or breakdown. The total operating time of the mechanical transplanter shall be recorded.
Nonproductive time shall also be recorded. Total productive time shall be obtained by
subtracting the non-productive time from the total operating time. Actual and theoretical field capacity, as well as field efficiency, shall be computed using
the formula in Annex D. Operating speed Outside the longer side of the test plot, two poles 20 m apart (A, B) are
placed approximately in the middle of the test plot. On the opposite side, two poles are also
placed in similar position, 20 m apart (C, D) so that all four poles form corners of a rectangle,
parallel to at least one long side of the test plot. The speed will be calculated from the time
required for the machine to travel the distance (20 m) between the assumed line connecting two
poles on opposite sides AC and BD. The reference point of the machine should be selected for
measuring the time. Fuel consumed The fuel consumed by the mechanical rice transplanter shall be
obtained. Before the start of each test trial, the fuel tank shall be filled to a certain marked level.
After each test trial, the tank shall be refilled using a graduated cylinder. The amount refilled is
the fuel consumption for the test. When filling up the tank, keep the machine in a level position. Welded parts shall be inspected. Loosened bolts shall be noted and tightened.
All data shall be recorded in Annex C. Planting pattern Before the operation, a turning zone shall be established. It shall be
about one cycle of going and returning. Seedlings shall be transplanted next to the straight side
of the border along the longest side of the field.
5.3 Test trial At least three (3) trials shall be required in conducting the test. Test data shall be
gathered as required in Annex D.

Agricultural Machinery – Rice Drum Seeder – Methods of Test

General Conditions for Test and Inspection

4.1 Seeder on Test The drum seeder submitted for test shall be taken from production model or
series of production and shall be sampled in accordance with PAES 103.
4.2 Role of the Manufacturer/Dealer The manufacturer/dealer shall submit to the official testing
agency the specifications and other relevant information on the seeder. An official representative
shall be appointed to conduct minor repairs and adjustment and witness the test. It shall be the


ACTIVITY: ABP 32d – AB Machinery and

duty of the representative to make all decisions on matters of adjustment and preparation of the
machine for testing. The manufacturer/dealer shall abide with the terms and conditions set forth
by the official testing agency.
4.3 Running-in and Preliminary Adjustment The seeder to be tested shall be run-in prior to test
as recommended by the manufacturer.
4.4 Test Instruments The instruments to be used shall have been calibrated and checked by the
testing agency prior to the measurements.
4.5 Test Materials Any seed varieties that are locally grown shall be used for testing. PAES
144:2005 B-42 The suggested minimum list of field and laboratory test equipment and materials
are given in Annex A.
4.6 Termination of Test If during the test run, the seeder stops due to breakdown or malfunction
so as to affect the seeder’s performance, the test shall be terminated by the test engineer.

5 Test and Inspection

5.1 Verification of the Manufacturer’s Technical Data and Information

5.1.1 This inspection is carried out to verify the mechanism, main dimensions, materials and
accessories of the seeder in comparison with the list of manufacturer’s technical data and
5.1.2 A plain and level surface shall be used as reference plane for verification of dimensional
specifications of drum seeder.
5.1.3 The items to be inspected and verified are given in Annex B.
5.2 Laboratory Performance Test
5.2.1 Test for metering mechanism This is carried out to examine the performance of metering mechanism, the result of
which can provide the basic data for the field performance. This test should be conducted
on the kind of seed for which the machine is suitable as specified by the manufacturer. The drum seeder is jacked up and the ground wheel of the metering mechanism is rotated
10 times to collect the discharged seeds and compute for its seeding rate. The seeding rate per
area is calculated based on the weight of seeds and the corresponding area covered by the seeder
in 10 revolutions of the ground wheel. This test shall be carried out at ¼, ½, and ¾ of the drum seeder’s hopper capacity based
on its diameter with three seeding rate settings – low, medium and high.
5.2.2 Test for uniformity of distribution This test is carried out to determine the uniformity of transverse and longitudinal seed
distribution. The drum seeder shall be operated at the average seeding rate setting, with the hopper
half full and at the speed recommended by the manufacturer over a blanket or felt.


ACTIVITY: ABP 32d – AB Machinery and
Mechanization The seeder shall be operated for at least three passes. Longitudinal and transverse distribution For each pass, collect and weigh the amount of
seeds distributed from each row with onemeter length for a 5-meter distance along the direction
of travel.
5.2.3 The result of the test shall be presented in a histogram and the standard deviation shall be
5.2.4 The items to be investigated and measured shall be recorded in Annex C. 5.3 Field
Performance Test
5.3.1 This is carried out to test the field performance of the drum seeder. 5.3.2 The test shall be
carried out on wet land. The conditions of the field shall be recorded.
5.3.3 Test Conditions Size of the Area per Trial Seeding operation shall be done in fields of not less than 250
m2 and shall be rectangular in shape with sides in the ratio of 2:1 as much as possible. The depth
of wet field shall not exceed 12 cm. Operational Pattern Field capacity and field efficiency are influenced by field operational
pattern which is closely related to the size and shape of the field, and the kind and size of the
attached implement. The non- working time should be minimized as much as possible using the
recommended field operational pattern. Traveling Speed A traveling speed of 1 kph to 2 kph shall be maintained during
operation. Test Trials The test shall be conducted with at least three test trials.
5.3.4 Measurement of Performance Parameters Pulse Rate Determination This test shall be carried out to test the ergonomics of the
design (i.e. ease of operation). The pulse rate of the operator before and after operation shall be
measured and recorded. Field Capacity Determination Measurement of Operating Speed Along the length of the test plot, two poles 15 m
apart (A, B) are placed approximately in the middle of the test run. On the opposite side, two
poles are also placed in a similar position, 15 m apart (C, D) so that all four poles form corners of
a rectangle, parallel to at least one long side of the test plot (Figure 4). The speed will be
calculated from the time required for the drum seeder to travel the distance (15 m) between the
assumed line connecting two poles on opposite sides AC and BD. The easily visible point of the
machine should be selected for measuring the time. The starting position shall be at least 2 m
from poles A and C to stabilize speed before measuring and recording data. Total Operating Time, Turning time and other losses Total operating time shall be
measured once the drum seeder started to operate up to the time it finished the test area. Time
losses for adjustment, turning and machinery breakdown shall be deducted from the total
operating time.


ACTIVITY: ABP 32d – AB Machinery and

Agricultural Machinery – Seeder and Planter – Methods of Test

General Conditions for Test and Inspection

4.1 Seeder on Test The seeder or planter submitted for test shall be taken from production model
or series of production and shall be sampled in accordance with PAES 103.
4.2 Role of the manufacturer/dealer The manufacturer/dealer shall submit to the official testing
agency the specifications and other relevant information on the seeder. An official representative
shall be appointed to conduct minor repair, handle, adjust and witness the test. It shall be the duty
of the representative to make all decisions on matters of adjustment and preparation of the
machine for testing. The manufacturer/dealer shall abide with the terms and conditions set forth
by the official testing agency.
4.3 Running-in and preliminary adjustment The seeder to be tested shall be run-in prior to test as
recommended by the manufacturer.
4.4 Test instruments and other needs The instruments to be used shall have been checked and
calibrated by the testing agency prior to the measurements. The seeds to be used during the test
shall be of varieties presently grown in the Philippines.
4.5 Suspension of Test If during the test run, the seeder stops due to breakdown or malfunction
so as to affect the seeder’s performance, the test shall be suspended at the discretion of the test
engineer and concurred by the company representative.

Test and Inspection

5.1 Verification of the Manufacturer’s Technical Data and Information

5.1.1 This inspection is carried out to verify the mechanism, main dimensions, materials and
accessories of the seeder in comparison with the list of manufacturer’s technical data and
5.1.2 A plain and level surface shall be used as reference plane for verification of dimensional
seeder specifications.
5.1.3 The items to be inspected and verified shall be recorded in Annex A.
5.2 Laboratory performance test
5.2.1 Test for metering mechanism This is carried out to examine the performance of metering mechanism, the result of
which can provide the basic data for the field performance. This test should be conducted on the kind of seed/fertilizers of which the machine is
suitable as specified by the manufacturer. In case of hand seeder, the number of seeds delivered by one action of an operator’s hand
under appropriate adjustment of metering mechanism should be confirmed for each kind of seed.


ACTIVITY: ABP 32d – AB Machinery and
Mechanization In case of other seeders, they are jacked up and the drive wheel of the metering
mechanisms is rotated in a number of revolutions to collect sufficient amount of seeds/fertilizer
to compute for its delivery rate. The delivery rates per hectare are calculated with the weight of
seeds/fertilizer from the delivery tube with the corresponding distance traveled by the seeder
based on the number of revolutions of the drive wheel. If possible, this test shall be carried out at full, half and one-eight of the seeder’s hopper
capacity with three delivery rate settings – maximum, minimum and intermediate (around the
mean of maximum and minimum).
5.2.2 Investigation on pattern of seed and fertilizer deposited This is carried out to investigate the pattern of seed and fertilizer deposited by the seeder. This test may be accomplished by running the seeder with full outfit over a greased board
or a sheet of blanket or felt at the same speed as in the field. The seeds and fertilizer are trapped
on the board or the sheet at the points where they fall.
5.2.3 The items to be investigated and measured shall be recorded in Annex B.
5.3 Field performance test
5.3.1 This test is carried out to obtain actual data on overall machine performance, operating
accuracy, work capacity and adaptability to varied crops and field conditions.
5.3.2 This test shall be conducted for at least two test trials for each kind of seed the seeder is
5.3.3 The seeds to be used for this test should be the same as the ones used in metering
mechanism test. Each test trial shall be conducted in an area of not less than 500 m2 for manual
seeding implement and 1,000 m2 for power-operated seeders.
5.3.4 Measure at random two-meters along each row for at least ten rows planted by the seeder.
For each two meter distance, measure/record the following: depth of seeding distance between hills (if applicable) number of seeds planted per hill number of missed hill number of damaged/cracked seeds number of hills with incorrect number of seeds delivered
5.3.5 Other items to be measured, observed and computed are: Performance and accuracy
a. Space of rows planted
b. Population of seeds planted in unit area
c. Rate of missing hill (in hill planting)
d. Wheel slippage and sinkage
e. Ease of handling and operation
f. Ease of turning


ACTIVITY: ABP 32d – AB Machinery and

g. Ease of refilling seed or fertilizer

h. Ease of adjustments Work rate and labor requirement
a. Actual traveling speed
b. Actual operating time
c. Time spent for turning at headland
d. Time spent for adjustment of machine
e. Time spent for machine trouble
f. Working capacity (ha/h)
g. Fuel consumption (for tractor power-driven seeders)
h. Required number of workers
5.3.6 The items to be measured and observed shall be recorded in Annex C.



ACTIVITY: ABP 32d – AB Machinery and

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