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Tillage or No-Tillage: Impact On Mycorrhizae

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Tillage or no-tillage: Impact on mycorrhizae

Zahangir Kabir
Department of Land, Air and Water Resources, 1150 Plant and Environmental Sciences
Building, University of California, Davis, One Shields Ave., Davis, California 95616, USA
(e-mail: Received 14 October 2003, accepted 9 September 2004.

Kabir, Z. 2005. Tillage or no-tillage: Impact on mycorrhizae. Can. J. Plant Sci. 85: 23–29. Arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi
are ubiquitous in agricultural soils. These fungi play important roles in plant nutrition and soil conservation. The persistence of
AM fungi in ecosystems depends on the formation and survival of propagules (e.g., spore, hyphae and colonized roots). While
spores are considered to be resistant structure that may be view as “long-term” propagules when viable host plants are not present,
hyphae are considered to be the main source of inocula when host plants are present and the soil is not disturbed. Tillage is an inte-
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gral part of modern agriculture that can modify the physical, chemical and biological properties of a soil. Consequently, tillage
practices may also affect AM fungi. The various tillage practices used in the management of soil for maximum crop production
may negatively impact the survival of AM fungal propagules. In tilled soil, certain AM species may survive while others may dis-
appear. Because AM fungi are more abundant in the topsoil, deep plowing may dilute their propagules in a greater volume of soil,
thereby reducing the level of infection of a plant root. Tillage is particularly detrimental to AM hyphae if the soil is tilled in the
fall and the hyphae are detached from the host plant. Under no-till (NT), AM fungi survive better, particularly when they are close
to the host crop on which they developed. There is speculation that in NT systems, plants may follow old root channels and poten-
tially encounter more AM fungal propagules than plants growing in soil that has been tilled. Management of AM fungi in NT soil
is essential to maximizing benefits to crops. This review reports how tillage practices affect AM fungi species richness, surviv-
ability and infectivity, and how conservation tillage can increase AM fungi survival, consequently improving plant phosphorus
uptake and soil aggregate stability.

Key words: Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi, conservation tillage, conventional tillage, P uptake,
soil aggregate stability, cover crops, crop yield

Kabir, Z. 2005. Travail ou non-travail du sol : incidence sur les mycorhizes. Can. J. Plant Sci. 85: 23–29. Les mycorhizes à
arbuscules (MA) sont des champignons omniprésents dans les sols agricoles. Ces champignons jouent un rôle important pour la
nutrition des plantes et la conservation du sol. Leur persistance dans l’écosystème dépend de la formation et de la survie des
propagules (les spores, les hyphes et les racines colonisées). Bien que les spores soient considérées comme des propagules « à long
terme » à cause de leur résistance en l’absence de plantes hôtes, les hyphes demeurent la principale source d’inoculum quand il y
a des plantes hôtes et que le sol n’est pas perturbé. Les labours font partie intégrante des pratiques agricoles modernes et peuvent
modifier les propriétés physiques, chimiques et biologiques du sol. De telles pratiques affectent donc aussi les MA. Diverses pra-
tiques employées pour parvenir à la production maximale d’une culture ont une incidence négative sur la survie des propagules
des MA. Certaines espèces de champignons survivront dans le sol retourné alors que d’autres périront. Les MA étant plus abon-
dants dans le sol de surface, un labour en profondeur diluera leurs propagules dans un plus grand volume, donc réduira le taux
d’infection des racines de la plante hôte. Les labours sont particulièrement néfastes quand le travail s’effectue à l’automne et que
les hyphes des MA se détachent de la plante hôte. Les MA survivent mieux avec le non-travail du sol, surtout quand ils se trou-
vent à proximité de la culture qui a servi à leur développement. On se demande si les plantes n’empruntent pas les anciens canaux
radiculaires dans les champs non travaillés, si bien qu’elles trouvent plus de propagules de MA que celles poussant dans un sol
travaillé. Une gestion des MA dans le sol non travaillé est essentielle si l’on veut que les cultures en profitent au maximum. La
présente étude explique comment les pratiques en matière de travail du sol affectent la richesse des espèces de MA, leur capacité
de survie et leur pouvoir infectieux et comment les pratiques de conservation accroissent la survie de ces cryptogames, donc
améliorent l’absorption du phosphore par les plantes et la stabilité des agrégats du sol.

Mots clés: Mycorhizes à arbuscules, conservation du sol, travail du sol classique, absorption du P,
stabilité des agrégats, cultures abris, rendement des cultures

Tillage, the mechanical manipulation of soil, is a common tional (CT) and conservation (at least 30% residue left on
practice in modern agriculture. Tillage is performed to the soil surface; Conservation Technology Information
enhance decomposition of crop residues through physical Center 1995). The general category of conservation tillage
breakdown and incorporation into soil. Tillage is also used includes specific practices such as no-till (NT), ridge-tillage,
to level soil, prepare seedbeds for planting, and incorporate reduced tillage (RT), shallow tillage and strip tillage.
fertilizers, manures and pesticides. Additionally, it can serve Reduced tillage systems are characterized by a reduction in
as a method of post-emergence weed control and as a man- the intensity or number of tillage operations compared to CT
agement tool to disrupt or reduce the incidence of diseases (generally autumn plowing plus spring disking). In RT sys-
and pests. While tillage is necessary in many situations, it
may also lead to soil degradation and environmental pollu- Abbreviations: AM, arbuscular mycorrhizal; CT, con-
tion. There are two main types of tillage systems, conven- ventional tillage; NT, no-till; RT, reduced tillage

tems most of the crop residues remain on the soil surface, EFFECTS OF SOIL DISTURBANCE ON
and the tillage operation is normally done only in spring. MYCORRHIZAL FUNCTIONING
Thus, the soil remains undisturbed throughout the winter, as
is the case under NT systems. Concerns of environmental Impacts on AM Fungal Development
degradation through the transport of sediments, nutrients Soil disturbance has a negative effect on AM fungi and there-
and pesticides from farmlands to surface waters, as well as by reduces the benefits to crops and soil quality that are
the need to conserve soil water in dry areas, have prompted derived from mycorrhizae. Schenk et al. (1982) in Florida,
a switch to conservation tillage practices. These practices USA, reported an increase of mycorrhizal spores and root
may improve soil physical properties at the macroscopic colonization on several agronomic crops with minimum
level, which in turn affects chemical and biological proper- tillage compared with conventional tillage. Mulligan et al.
ties of soil at the microscopic level including AM fungi. (1985) in Michigan, USA, proposed that the negative impact
Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi form symbiotic relation- of tillage on root colonization was due to lower root growth
ships with plants. In these associations plants provide car- of dry bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) caused by increased soil
bohydrates to the fungi in exchange for mineral nutrients bulk densities in tilled soils. In contrast, O’Halloran et al.
(1986) in eastern Canada found greater root growth but lower
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from the fungi. The name “arbuscular” is derived from the

characteristic structures, arbuscules, which occur within P uptake of corn in CT soils, suggesting that the negative
host-plant cortical cells and are thought to be the primary effects of tillage were not the result of reduced root growth.
site for fungus/plant metabolic exchanges (Scannerini and O’Halloran et al. (1986) reported that disturbance of previ-
Bonfante-Fasolo 1983; Barea 1991). AM hyphae proliferate ously NT soils decreased early plant growth, P uptake and
externally from colonized roots. The extra-radical hyphae AM colonization in corn. Their other studies indicated that
increase the volume of soil that can be exploited for nutri- the effects of soil disturbance did not occur if the AMF had
ents and make a fundamental bridge between plants and soil. been eradicated by γ-radiation. Furthermore, when a non-
While improved nutrient acquisition is considered to be the mycorrhizal canola plant (O’Halloran et al. 1986) or spinach
primary benefit of the AM symbiosis, other benefits such as (Evans and Miller 1988) was grown, soil disturbance did not
protection against root pathogens (Thygesen et al. 2004), have any effect on P absorption of those plants. The fungi-
improved soil structure (Bethlenfalvay and Barea 1994, cide Benomyl minimized the effect of soil disturbance on P
Kabir and Koide 2002), increased vegetation in polluted soil uptake by corn (Evans and Miller 1988). Collectively, these
(Vivas et al. 2003) and enhanced water use efficiency results indicate that the negative effect of disturbance on P
(Caravaca et al. 2004) can also be gained from the presence uptake is likely due to impaired AM association.
of AM fungi. Extraradical hyphae are thought to be the main source of
Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi are ubiquitous in both nat- inoculum in soil (Sylvia 1992) especially when host plants
ural and agricultural soils. In agricultural field soils up to 50 are present and soil is not tilled for crop production. Evans
m of AM hyphae per gram of soil have been observed and Miller (1990) in eastern Canada observed that distur-
(Smith and Read 1997) and hyphae can extend more than 9 bance of root-free soil containing only AM hyphae detached
cm beyond the roots (Camel et al. 1991). Phosphorus is a from host plants reduced the AM colonization of corn roots
planted later in this soil, and decreased plant growth and
primary plant nutrient, however, in soil solution the concen-
nutrient uptake. This suggested that if the AM hyphal net-
tration of P is usually very low. Phosphorus is transported to
work is not disrupted, the next crop will be more rapidly
roots from the soil mainly via diffusion, however, the diffu-
connected to the network and nutrient absorption capacity
sion coefficient of P is very low, about 1/10th of that of K would be enhanced. Jasper et al. (1989) in Australia found a
and NH4 and 1/100th of that of NO3. Consequently, P is eas- reduction of AM colonization of clover after soil distur-
ily depleted in the root zone (Harley 1989). Barber (1995) bance and suggested that most of this reduction was due to
calculated that since an annual crop’s root system occupies decreased hyphal viability. However, contrasting results
less than 1% of the soil volume and since the P depletion were obtained by McGonigle et al. (1990) in eastern Canada
zone of the plant root is between 1 and 2 mm in width, the- in a study on the effect of soil disturbance on AM coloniza-
oretically, plant roots should take up only 1–2% of applied tion and corn growth. Unlike previous studies, decreases in
P to the soil. In practice, however, plants take up 10–15% of P uptake and plant growth were not accompanied by a
applied P (Brady and Weil 1995). The presence of AM decrease in AM colonization. McGonigle et al. (1990) pro-
hyphal networks in soil seems to improve efficiency of plant posed that if AM fungi were an important component of the
P uptake from the soil. Nonetheless, tillage and other forms disturbance effect, it would have to be through the disman-
of soil disturbance can alter the ability of AM fungi to colo- tling of a potential though dynamic hyphal network rather
nize roots, thereby reducing P uptake. Reducing tillage than through reduction in the mycorrhizal colonization
appears to be an effective means of minimizing AM hyphal potential of the soil. The role of extraradical hyphae as prin-
network destruction, ensuring optimal plant nutrient uptake, cipal propagules for AM colonization might be of consider-
and reducing soil erosion. able importance, particularly in cool climates where
From the perspective of sustainable crop production, it is population of the viable spores in agricultural soils may be
very important to understand the dynamics of AM fungi in extremely low following winter (Dalpé Y., unpublished
agricultural soil as influenced by tillage. The purpose of this data; Addy et al. 1997). Most of these early studies suggest
paper is to review how soil management practices affect the that AM were involved in P uptake and were negatively
development of AM fungal associations with crop plants. affected by soil disturbance, but conclusive experimentation

was hampered by lack of methodologies to examine AM to14-leaf stage. In the clay soil, however, P concentration
hyphae directly in the soil. Current research supports this was greater under NT both at the 12- to14-leaf and the silk-
hypothesis and addresses various mechanisms. ing stage. These results are in accordance with those of
O’Halloran (1982) who also observed higher P absorption
Impacts on AM Fungal Community Composition by corn in a NT system. McGonigle and Miller (1993), in
In a research field (Kabir et al. 1997a, 1998a) in Quebec, eastern Canada, observed that corn shoot P concentrations
Canada, the AM species diversity in a soil under 12 yr of CT were significantly greater under NT and RT than under CT.
practice was significantly lower than that of the NT soil In addition to P, Kabir et al. (1998a) found that Zn and Cu
(unpublished data). Hamel et al. (1994) in Quebec, Canada, concentrations in corn plants were sometimes significantly
reported the disappearance of Gigaspora margarita and G. greater under NT than under CT plots. A similar effect of
caledonium 3 yr after plowing and putting a previously soil disturbance on Zn and Cu was also observed for corn in
uncultivated field into cultivation. Similarly, Boddington pot studies (McGonigle and Miller 1996). Mozafar et al.
and Dodd (2000) observed a decrease in AM fungal species (2000) reported that the concentrations of P, Zn and Cu in
richness in tilled soil, relative to untilled soil, growing corn and those of P, K, Mn and Zn in wheat grown in
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Gliricidia sepium in Indonesia; Scutellospora sp. disap- Switzerland were greater in plants under NT than under CT
peared after soil disturbance. Significantly more AM spores at most of their sampling dates. While NT systems allow for
were also observed by Jansa et al. (2002) in soil growing greater nutrient uptake, in certain circumstances, crop yields
wheat under NT than under CT in Switzerland. Jansa et al. are reduced with NT. Thus the relatively minor economical
(2003) also found that Scutellospora was more dominant in benefits that derived from improved nutrient acquisition are
low-tillage fields, whereas Glomus was dominant in highly therefore, often dwarfed by the losses in crop yield.
tilled fields. Douds et al. (1995) found more G. occultum- However, considering the cost and benefit ratio, one could
like spores under NT corn-soybean-wheat rotations and argue that the profitability of NT is similar to CT even
more G. etunicatum-like and other Glomus spp. spores in though yields are reduced under NT. Furthermore, consider-
soils under cultivation in Pennsylvania, USA. Sieverding ing soil health and the environment, growing crops in an NT
(1991) observed that G. scintillans was sporulating earlier system far outweigh any short-term benefit of CT systems.
and was able to produce more spores than other AM species
in plowed soils in Columbia. The author reported that 75% Relationships among Soil Disturbance, AM Fungi
of the spores in plowed soils were belonging to G. scitillans and Aggregate Stability
while this species accounted for only 5% of the total spores Soil structure quality and aggregate stability in agricultural
in NT soils. This suggests that tillage practices may select fields are influenced by agricultural practices. Tillage gradu-
AM fungi with certain characteristics and eliminate others. ally reduces aggregate stability making soil more vulnerable
For example, soil disturbance created by tillage may favor to wind and water erosion. Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi
fast-growing species that might be less mutualistic and less make direct contributions to aggregation and aggregate sta-
efficient in improving host plant nutrients uptake (Johnson bility (Bethlenfalvay and Barea 1994; Kabir and Koide 2000,
and Pfleger 1992). 2002) and therefore play an important role in soil conserva-
tion. AM hyphae have been positively correlated with soil
Differentiating Effects of Disturbance on Nutrient aggregate stability (Kabir and Koide 2002). Because AM
Acquisition and AM Functioning hyphal networks remain intact In NT soils, the density of
The most dramatic effect of AM fungal proliferation in the active hyphae is greater than under CT soils (Kabir et al.
soil is an increase in P absorption by the host plants (Koide 1997a). Hence, the importance of AM fungi for aggregation
1991). Phosphorus is found in very low concentration in the is greater in NT than in CT systems. Tisdall (1991) speculat-
soil solution as it has a high affinity for fixation onto soil ed that extracellular polysaccharides of fungi and bacteria
minerals (Lambert et al. 1984). The distribution of nutrients, provide a cementing agent for aggregates. Wright and
especially P, in the soil profile is affected by tillage intensi- Upadhyaya (1996) discovered “glomalin”, a glycoprotein on
ty (Dick 1983) and thus may impact P availability to crop the surface of active AM hyphae, which appears to act as a
roots. Research on the importance of soil disturbance on cementing agent for soil particles. The more abundant AM
AM colonization has been inconsistent, but P absorption by mycelium under NT may lead to a more abundant production
plants in disturbed soil has always been lower than those of glomalin under NT than CT. In contrast, in CT regimes,
grown in undisturbed soil (Miller 2000). This indicates the disruption of the hyphal network due to tillage operations,
importance of the AM hyphal network in potential tillage would likely lead to reduced glomalin production and
operations. reduced aggregate stability. For example, Bethlenfalvay and
Kabir et al. (1998a) in Quebec, Canada, found that in a Barea (1994) found an isolate of Glomus mosseae, which
sandy loam soil P concentration in corn plants growing improved soil aggregation by 50% when associated with pea,
under NT and RT was greater than under CT at the 12- to in a yellow clay-loam soil, and by 400% in a gray silt-loam
14-leaf and silking stages. At the grain filling stage, howev- soil. Wright et al. (1999) reported that both aggregate stabil-
er, plant P concentration was greater only under NT, and the ity and total glomalin were greater under NT than under CT
difference between P concentrations obtained under CT and in the top 0 to 5 cm of the soil. They also found that when
RT had disappeared. In another year in the same soil, NT soil was collected from the grassland adjacent to the tillage
increased P concentration in the corn plant only at the12- experiment, the structure of the top 0–10 cm of the grassland

soil was more stable than that of the cultivated soil after sev- The vertical distribution is also influenced by tillage prac-
eral years under NT and 4 yr under CT. The production of tices (Kabir et al. 1998b). Mycorrhizal growth was mea-
glomalin was also greater in the grassland than under NT. sured within the top 0–25 cm of soil in NT and CT fields
Collectively, these results indicate that activities of AM under corn cultivation. Arbuscular mycorrhizal hyphae and
fungi are greater in NT than CT, and when mycotrophic spores were more abundant in the top 0- to15-cm layer of
plants are present, leading to greater hyphal densities, glo- the soil profile and decreased dramatically below this depth.
malin production, and aggregate stability. Similar results were reported for AM spores by An et al.
(1990) in Kentucky, USA, under soybean, and by Smith
OPTIMIZING THE AM FUNGAL BENEFIT VIA (1978) in an Australian wheat field under NT and CT oper-
CHNANGES IN CROPPING SYSTEMS ations. This suggests that tilling the soil to a depth of 15 cm
would affect most of the AM fungi and that plowing below
Tillage Practices this depth would dilute the AM propagules in the zone of
Some AM fungi are capable of free-living growth after the seedling establishment.
death of their host plant (Tommerup and Abbott 1981). Kabir and O’Halloran (unpublished data) observed lower
However, questions remain concerning how long the
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hyphal density under CT than under NT in the top 0- to

hyphae remain viable in the absence of a living host plant, 15-cm soil depth at the early stage of corn growth (5- to
and how soil disturbance may affect the survivability of 6-leaf stage), in the 0- to10-cm depth at the 10- to12-leaf
these AM hyphae especially in the field condition when dif- stage, and in the 0- to 5-cm depth at the silking stage (Fig.
ferent tillage operations take place. 1). These differences disappeared at maturity. The number
Experiments were undertaken to determine effects of the of AM spores was significantly greater in NT than in CT in
timing of tillage on the survival of AM hyphae (Kabir et al. the top 0- to10-cm of soil through the 10- to12-leaf stage,
1997a). In these experiments, fall tillage severely reduced but tillage effects differences disappeared at the silking
AM hyphal viability, but spring tillage had little affect on stage (Fig. 2). The negative effects of soil disturbance on
AM hyphal viability. This research revealed that timing of AM hyphae and spores changed over time under CT soil and
tillage is critical to the survival of AM hyphae. McGonigle are ephemeral. Hyphal densities gradually increased from
et al. (1990) reported that as the number of tillage operations the 5- to 6-leaf stage to the silking stage of corn and
is increased, AM fungal benefits to host plants are gradual- decreased thereafter. The distribution of spores, however,
ly decreased. Kabir et al. (1997a) concluded that the reduc- did not follow the same seasonality as the hyphal densities
tion of the AM fungal benefits is due to the reduction of under both tillage systems. The number of spores gradually
viable AM hyphae. McGonigle and Miller (1999) demon- increased up to plant maturity, indicating that spores are the
strated that extraradical AM hyphae, which over wintered in final product of the AM fungal growth cycle (Fig. 2).
the field remained viable as inoculum in spring and that dis-
turbance of these hyphae in spring reduced colonization and Cover Crops
P uptake in the following crop. Since AM fungi are biotrophic, viability of AM hyphae grad-
For row crops, the influences of tillage on AM develop- ually decreases in the absence of host plants such as during a
ment are likely related to spatial and temporal distributions fallow, even in NT systems. Arbuscular mycorrhiza hyphal
of the AM fungi. Kabir et al. (1998a) studied AM fungal dis- survival and inoculum potential depends on the presence of the
tributions under CT, RT and NT corn. The greatest season- host plants during the fallow period. Harinikumar and
al fluctuation of hyphal density was observed under the row, Bagyaraj (1988) in India reported 40% reduction of AM
inoculum in field soil after leaving the land fallow for one sea-
where a sharp increase occurred at the silking stage and
son. Long-fallow periods (more than a year) in northern
decreased thereafter. The least variation and least overall
Australia were associated with a decline in mycorrhizal colo-
hyphal densities were observed between the rows. nization and AM sporulation in various crops (Thompson
Densities of total and metabolically active hyphae were 1987). This reduction in AM fungal inoculum may be exacer-
greatest directly in the crop row and decreased with distance bated by adverse winter conditions (Kabir et al. 1997a). In a
from the row. About half of the hyphae were observed in the NT system in eastern Canada, winter alone caused a reduction
row in both soils, whereas less than 20% of hyphae were of approximately 31 and 40% of total and metabolic active
observed between the two rows in both clay and sandy loam hyphae, respectively (Kabir et al. 1997b).
soils (Kabir et al. 1998a), again suggesting a prevalence of It is important to maintain the level of AM inoculum in
AM hyphae in the row. Plants growing near the previous soil over winter to maximize the benefits of AM fungi on the
year’s row are likely to receive more benefits from AM fungi following crop. Mycotrophic cover crops capable of surviv-
than plants growing between the two rows. For example, ridge ing freezing winter conditions may help maintain the AM
tillage near the previous year’s row could increase the benefits inoculum potential in soil. Whereas a mycorrhizal cover
of AM fungi to the crops. Hyphal densities in the row were crop may improve P uptake and eventually increase crop
greater under NT than under CT, but between rows there was yield, a non-mycorrhizal cover crop in the cropping sched-
no difference between NT and CT. Mulligan et al. (1985) ule of a NT or CT systems may reduce propagules of AM
observed that excessive secondary tillage reduced AM colo- fungi in the soil. An experiment was conducted by Kabir
nization of Phaseolus vulgaris L. Mycorrhizal root coloniza- and Koide (unpublished) in Pennsylvania, USA, to verify
tion of corn growing in NT and ridge till plots was greater than the effect of growing mycorrhizal and non-mycorrhizal
that in CT plots (McGonigle and Miller 1993). cover crops over winter in NT system. At 31 d after planti-
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Fig. 1. Seasonal and vertical distribution of mycorrhizal hyphae in four corn-growing periods: 5- to 6-leaf stage (1), 10- to12-leaf stage (2),
silking stage (3), and mature stage (4) in conventional (CT) and no tillage (NT) systems.

Fig. 2. Seasonal and vertical distribution of mycorrhizal spores in four corn-growing periods: 5- to 6-leaf stage (1), 10- to12-leaf stage (2),
silking stage (3), and mature stage (4) in conventional (CT) and no tillage (NT) systems.

ng sweet corn, root colonization and shoot P content of the propagules by using cover crops for succeeding crops
plants were significantly greater in mycorrhizal cover improvement either under NT or CT operations.
cropped (oats and winter wheat) plots than in fallow plots or
non-mycorrhizal cover cropped (buckwheat) plots. This CONCLUSIONS
indicates that the mycorrhizal cover crop increased or main- Conventional tillage practices reduce AM hyphal survival and
tained AM fungal inoculum in soil. Accordingly, sweet corn proliferation thus reducing benefits of the symbiosis to associ-
shoot dry weight (14 and 31 days after planting) and plant ated plants and soils. Under temperate climates, it is beneficial
height (87 d after planting) were significantly greater in the to optimize survival of AM hyphae from fall to spring often in
mycorrhizal cover cropped plots. Similarly, sweet corn yield the absence of a living host plant. Fall tillage has been shown
was also greater in the mycorrhizal cover cropped plots than to adversely affect hyphal viability and host plant benefits in
in the fallow or non-mycorrhizal cover cropped plots the following year. Reduced tillage or ridge tillage systems
(Fig. 3). Boswell et al. (1998) and Kabir and Koide (2000) have less negative effects than CT on the abundance of AM
demonstrated that mycotrophic winter cover cropping with propagules because tillage operation in these systems are per-
wheat or dandelion increased subsequent sweet corn yield. formed in the spring and AM fungi remain intact throughout
Kabir and Koide (2002) observed that either single or mixed the winter. In my studies the greatest amounts of hyphae were
mycotrophic cover crops increased the following cash found in the crop rows and hyphal abundance decreased loga-
crop’s P status, and plant P status positively correlated with rithmically to the inter-row, suggesting that growing crops
vegetative growth, reproductive maturity and yield of sweet close to the previous years’ rows optimizes AM fungal bene-
corn. These results suggest that management of indigenous fits. Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi were abundant in the upper
AM fungi is important to maintain or improve AM fungal 15 cm of the soil irrespective of tillage practices suggesting that
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Fig. 3. Marketable sweet corn ear production growing in mycorrhizal cover crops (oats and winter wheat), non-mycorrhizal cover crop
(buckwheat) and winter NT fallow. Different letter indicate a significant (P < 0.05) difference between the treatment means.

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This paper was presented at a Joint Symposium of The Camel, S. B., Reyes-Soils, M. G., Ferrera-Cerrato, R., Franson,
R.L., Brown, M. S. and Bethlenfalvay, G. J. 1991. The growth of
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