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Nonchemical Weed Control for Home Landscapes and

Shaun M. Sharpe and Nathan S. Boyd2

A weed in a home landscape is defined as a plant in an facilitate rapid spread, making them difficult to kill and
undesirable location with high reproductive output. This enable quick population rebound. Annual weeds do not
may include the desired plant outgrowing its original space produce vegetative reproductive parts but will flower and
or desired boundary. Many homeowners and gardeners produce large numbers of seeds that may greatly increase
are interested in managing weeds in their landscapes and future problems. For example, annual grasses can produce
gardens without the use of chemical herbicides. A non- several thousand seeds per plant, while some annual
chemical approach is possible but requires more planning broadleaf weeds can produce tens of thousands of seeds
and effort to be successful. There are multiple options per plant. Both annual and perennial weeds are typically
described below and homeowners are most likely to achieve easier to control when they are small and prior to flowering.
the desired results by incorporating several techniques Timely and routine monitoring and weed management are
into a management plan. There are many benefits to essential to maintaining low levels of troublesome weeds.
nonchemical approaches, including lower risk of damage to
non-target plants, decreased costs, and the opportunity to Below are some of the most common options for weed
more frequently scout the landscape for potential problems. control and descriptions of their strengths and weaknesses.

To adequately manage weeds without herbicides requires

frequent and consistent monitoring. Homeowners should
When monitoring your property for weeds consider how
take the time to walk through their property on a regular
a weed is invading your landscape and gardens. This may
basis and identify problematic areas or weeds that need to
affect your management chocies. Some weeds will be persis-
be addressed. Basic knowledge of the weed species present
tent within the landscape and it may take several years to
around the home will help identify the best management
reduce their populations. Weeds may invade through seed
approach. In addition, homeowners may want to consider
floating in the air from neighboring properties. Depending
modifying areas of their landscape where weeds are a
on the abundance and location of these properties, there
persistent problem.
may be distinct patterns and directionality of these weeds.
It is important to maintain weed populations at the lowest Decorative fences, larger trees, or other wind blocks may
level possible to prevent re-infestation. Established peren- help limit the spread onto the rest of your property. Some
nial weeds produce vegetative reproductive parts such weeds may be deposited randomly throughout your prop-
as roots, rhizomes, stolons, or tubers. These structures erty after being digested by birds. Unfortunately, options

1. This document is HS1170, one of a series of the Horticultural Sciences Department, UF/IFAS Extension. Original publication date April 2010. Revised
July 2013 and May 2019. Visit the EDIS website at for the currently supported version of this publication.

2. Shaun M. Sharpe, postdoctoral associate; and Nathan Boyd, assistant professor, UF/IFAS Gulf Coast Research and Education Center, Wimauma, FL

The Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (IFAS) is an Equal Opportunity Institution authorized to provide research, educational information and other services only to
individuals and institutions that function with non-discrimination with respect to race, creed, color, religion, age, disability, sex, sexual orientation, marital status, national
origin, political opinions or affiliations. For more information on obtaining other UF/IFAS Extension publications, contact your county’s UF/IFAS Extension office.

U.S. Department of Agriculture, UF/IFAS Extension Service, University of Florida, IFAS, Florida A & M University Cooperative Extension Program, and Boards of County
Commissioners Cooperating. Nick T. Place, dean for UF/IFAS Extension.
are rather limited for prevention in this case. Other wildlife Cultivation or tillage is often more effective at removing
may also be introducing weed seed into the landscape, such weed species that are difficult to remove by hand, such as
as squirrels with nuts or berries. Footwear and clothing perennials with an extensive root system. These peren-
can also introduce seed into the landscape. Care should be nials will sprout again, but with successive cultivation it
taken when visiting outdoor areas, particularly nature areas is possible to exhaust the food reserves in the roots. As
where seed may unknowingly be attached to clothing. with hand pulling, cultivation or tillage is most effective if
employed on a regular basis so that weed populations are
When bringing soil onto your property, consider acquiring kept low. It also provides exercise and the opportunity to
garden soils which are formulated for beds and likely frequently scout the landscape for other potential problems.
contain little to no weed seed. Edging around beds with a A rototiller should never be used around existing trees,
string trimmer or a specialized tool will help prevent some but it is a great way to incorporate soil amendments such
weeds from invading these areas, however this is limited by as organic matter, fertilizer, and lime. Cultivation is most
depth. Mowers from landscape companies may be a source effective when used in conjunction with other techniques to
of weed seed or plant parts when equipment is not ad- prevent re-infestation. Mulch or sod should be applied after
equately cleaned between sites. Similarly, potted plants and hand pulling large weeds to prevent re-infestation.
sod may contain weeds, which are inadvertently brought
into the landscape with the desirable plants.
One of the many benefits of mulching in home landscapes
Hand Pulling and gardens is the suppression of weeds by creating a physi-
This strategy is a low-tech option that provides exercise and cal barrier. A 2- to 3-inch layer of mulch is adequate for
the opportunity to frequently scout the landscape for other weed suppression in most situations. In fact, mulch depths
potential problems. Pulling weeds can be very effective in over 3 inches may be detrimental to plant health because
some situations, such as when weeds are growing close to of the potential decrease in soil oxygen. Mulch provides
sensitive plants. Hand pulling can be strenuous and some a clean, finished look to landscape beds and paths. Mulch
weed species are extremely difficult to pull by hand. It is may also help to moderate soil temperatures, maintain
best to pull weeds while they are relatively small. Hand soil moisture, and provide plant essential nutrients. There
pulling of larger weeds is difficult and can result in the are numerous types of mulches available for use in home
uprooting of nearby annual plants. In such cases, a pair of landscapes and gardens. Mulching is less effective on
pruners can be used to remove the weed at the soil level, nutsedge and other perennials. For more information on
but additional removal will be necessary if it re-emerges. mulch, visit

Hand pulling is most effective if employed on a regular

basis so that weed populations in landscape beds and Landscape Fabric
gardens are kept to a minimum. In the case of perennial It is increasingly popular to use landscape fabric to help
weeds that have an extensive root system, numerous prevent the emergence of weeds in planting beds. This fab-
sessions of hand pulling will be required before effectively ric can also be used in the home garden. While potentially
exhausting the stored energy in the root systems. Until that costly, these fabrics can suppress weeds for two or more
time, the perennial weeds will continue to grow from their years. It is important to note that landscape fabrics suppress
roots. A good pair of gloves and some knee pads will make many weed species but may increase the populations of oth-
this option easier and more comfortable. ers. Nutsedges (those weeds with a triangular stem) have a
sharp growing point and can penetrate through the thinner
styles of landscape fabrics. If weeds are coming through the
Cultivation or Tillage fabric, it is important to hand pull them as soon as possible
This method utilizes a tool or implements to physically before they establish a foothold and become difficult to
remove or destroy weeds. The use of a hoe, shovel, trowel, control.
or knife is adequate for the cultivation of small- to moder-
ate-sized areas. For larger areas, tillage with a rototiller or
similar equipment may be more efficient. Specialized weed Garden Blocks and Pavers
removal tools, such as for dandelions, can be purchased While decorative rock may have esthetic benefit to the land-
but their effectiveness for other types of weeds is limited, as scape, they also have a weed management benefit. Garden
these tools grip the taproot within the soil for removal. beds which contain a retaining wall may help prevent
weeds which spread by shoots or rhizomes from invading

Nonchemical Weed Control for Home Landscapes and Gardens 2

into beds. Retaining walls also prevent turf from invading control method will only control above-ground portions of
gardens (where it is likely considered a weed). Retaining a plant and will not adequately control perennial plants or
walls can be used to make raised beds. This is particularly grasses.
noteworthy for locations which suffer from heavy infesta-
tions of weeds. Landscaping fabric can be laid at the base It is important to note that flaming can be dangerous to
to prevent weeds from growing into the newly raised bed. the operator and desirable plants. Never burn around the
If drainage is a concern, gravel and seepage pipe can be base of desired plants as the heat can damage shallow roots
installed below the landscaping fabric. Altering the habitat or thin-barked stems. Do not apply flame to landscape
in which weeds are thriving will put them at a disadvantage fabric, dry mulch or any other dry, flammable material as
and may make control easier. it may start a fire Be careful around irrigation systems and
be careful not to melt any plastic or rubber portions of a
Paving stones have an esthetic and functional role in soaker hose or garden hose.
landscapes and gardens. Assuring they have a solid
foundation of gravel, sand, and landscaping fabric not only
stabilizes them long-term but reduces the area in which
Each strategy for nonchemical weed control has certain
weeds can grow; this helps to prevent spreading between
pros and cons associated with it. Most of these strategies
adjacent pavers. A tamper can be used to level the ground
can be used alone or in conjunction with each other. In fact,
if this option is chosen. This is particularly important for
these strategies can be incorporated into a weed manage-
denser collections of pavers such as walkways where weeds
ment program that includes the use of chemical herbicides.
may emerge between pavers.
A successful weed management program for the home will
use more than one technique. If a person is persistent, a
Fertility and Irrigation good weed management program will reduce weed popula-
Composted manures are commonly used to supplement tions over time, making each successive season easier to
gardens and landscapes. These products are most effective maintain weed free.
in beds with denser plantings of desirable plants (such as
annuals). In such cases, the bedding plants can utilize the
available nutrients before the weeds have an opportunity.
For maintenance of larger trees and shrubs, fertilizer stakes
placed around the drip line of the plant may be a better
option as it limits spatial availability to weeds. Corn gluten
meal can be applied as a granular fertilizer with an addi-
tional benefit of impeding the growth of some germinating

Drip irrigation is becoming a more popular choice for

irrigation than traditional overhead. It has the benefit of
delivering water directly to the plants of interest, and in
turn, not applying water to unnecessary areas in more open
landscapes. Wet areas may favor some weeds; plan zones

Flaming uses the high temperatures created by a propane
burner to burst the cell walls of plants. Burning the plant
tissue is not necessary as plants will quickly dry out and
die if their cell wall is destroyed. A quick way to tell if a
weed is going to die from the flame treatment is to let the
weed briefly cool and then press your thumb to the leaf. If
it leaves a thumbprint or smudge, the treatment succeeded
in causing the plant cells in the leaf to rupture. This weed

Nonchemical Weed Control for Home Landscapes and Gardens 3

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