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Pests and Diseases of Upland Rice

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Pests and diseases of Upland Rice

Upland rice insects are more influenced by physical than by biological or

socioeconomic parameters:
1) Well-drained soils (lack of prolonged flooding or soil puddling),
2) high probability of drought during crop growth,
3) restricted growing season (lengthy non rice fallow),
4) Rice fields interspersed with other crops (diversified flora), and
5) low use of agrochemical (because of low and unstable yield),

Although a dry-land habitat represents an extreme hydro logical condition,

upland rice is host to all but the most aquatic insects . Whorl maggots, case
worms, water weevils, and blood worms require ponding. Many soil and
scedling pests are not common in lowland ricefields. Deep water rice is
established in dry soil and, therefore, has more in common with upland and
rainfed lowland rice than with irrigated rice, even though water depths may
later reach 1-3 in.Second to deep water rice, upland rice represents the most
unstable rice environment for foliar insects. But upland rice is highly stable for
soil insects. The significance of abiotic factors in upland rice insect ecology
will be apparent in a discussion of the most prevalent groups of insects
attacking upland rice worldwide.

Pests Symptoms Cause Management

Plants may show no Insect Rotating crop for a period of

Leafhoppers & symptoms of leafhopper of one year is an effective and
planthoppers Neph planthopper damage; economical method of
otettix spp. feeding punctures can controlling hopper numbers;
leave the plants susceptible natural enemies and
to bacterial or fungal predators are often very
infections; insects transmit successful at controlling
many rice viruses; if hoppers and should be
infestations is severe, conserved by avoiding
insects may cause plant to inappropriate use of
completely dry out; adults insecticides which can
insects are pale green or damage their populations;
brown winged insects with planting resistant varieties is
piercing-sucking mouth a very effective control
parts method; chemical control
with an appropriate
insecticide may be
necessary but should only
be applied if the insects
have reached an economic
The insect attacks during Insect Keep the field and
Rice spikelet stage of rice crop. surrounding area free from
Both nymphs and adults weeds which serves as
bug Leptocorisa suck the content out of alternative host for insect
oratorius F. and grains from pre-flowering during non cropping season.
Leptocorisa acuta spikelets to soft dough Equal distribution of
Thunberg stage. This leads to unfilled, fertilizers and water in rice
empty and discolored field to encourage even crop
grains. growth. Collect and kill
insects manually by using
net during early morning and
late after noon. Encourage
biological control agents.
Gall midge maggot bore Insect Grow available gall midge
Rice gall into bud or stalk of rice resistant cultivars. Follow
midge Orseolia plant and feeds on internal proper cultural practices like
oryzae content which leads to crop rotation, ploughing the
formation of tubular gall at ratoon crop and other
the base of the tillers. This alternative hosts, planting
leads to elongation of leaf early etc. Use light traps to
sheath which is commonly attract adult flies and kill
called as silver shoot or them. Conserve biocontrol
onion shoot. The leaves will agents in rice field.
be wilted, deformed and
curled up.
Longitudinal white patches Insect Stem borers are difficult to
Stem borers (Yellow on leaf sheaths; central leaf control with insecticides as
stem borer, Striped whorl drying out and turning once they bore inside the
stem borer, White brown; tillers drying out stem they are protected
stem borer, without producing panicles; from chemical sprays; in
etc.) Scirpophaga panicles may dry out or order for chemical control to
incertulas may produce no grain; adult be successful, repeated
Chilo suppressalis insects are nocturnal moths applications of appropriate
Scirpophaga which lay their eggs on the insecticide must be made to
innotata leaves or leaf sheaths of the foliage; granular
the rice plants; larvae are formulations give better
legless grubs which feed on control than sprays; clipping
leaf sheaths before entering seedling prior to
the stem of the pant transplanting can
successfully reduce moth
numbers as eggs are laid at
leaf tips; harvesting plants at
ground level can remove the
majority of larvae from the
field; plowing or flooding the
remaining stubble will kill off
most of the remainder of the
larvae in the field

Diseases Symptoms Cause Management

Bacterial leaf
streak Xanthomonas Small, water-soaked Bacterium Control of bacterial
oryzae streaks between leaf leaf streak is
veins which are initially dependent on the
dark green and then turn use of resistant rice
translucent; streaks grow varieties and on
larger, coalesce and turn planting of treated
light brown in color; tiny seed
beads of yellow colored
bacterial exudate are
common on the surface
of the streaks; leaves
turn brown and then
gray-white in color before
they die

scald Microdochium As name suggest we will Fungus Grow resistant
oryzae see scalded appearance varieties. Treat the
on leaves. The lesion is seeds with suitable
marked with different fungicide. Apply only
zone from alternating recommended
light tan and dark brown quantity of nitrogen
from leaf tips or edges. fertilizer in split dose.
As the leaves mature the
lesion is with light brown
halos. Margins and leaf
tips are translucent.

Rice Bacterial
blight Xanthomonas Water-soaked stripes on Bacterium Bacterial blight can
oryzae pv. oryzae leaf blades; yellow or be effectively
white stripes on leaf controlled by
blades; leaves appear planting resistant
grayish in color; plants rice varieties; avoid
wilting and rolling up; excessive nitrogen
leaves turning yellow; fertilization; plow
stunted plants; plant stubble and straw
death; youngest leaf on into soil after harvest
plant turning yellow
blight Rhizoctonia Circular, oblong or Fungus Avoid overfertilizing
solani elliptical, green to gray plants as excessive
water-soaked spots on nitrogen application
leaf sheaths; lesions with has been shown to
pale green or white increase
center and purple-brown susceptibility to the
margin; lesions covering disease; applications
leaf sheaths and stems; of foliar fungicides
poorly filled grains may be required; two
applications are
recommended and
should be timed so
that the first
application is made
between the early
internode elongation
and the second
application made on
emerging panicles
10-14 days later

rot Magnaporthe Symptoms generally Fungus Bury crop residue
salvinii begin to appear after the deeply in the soil
mid tillering stage; black after harvest; avoid
lesions appear on outer excessive nitrogen
leaf sheath at the water- fertilization; plant
line; lesions expand and less susceptible rice
begin to infect inner leaf varieties
sheaths and culm begins
to rot; infections which
reach the culm can leaf to
lodging of plants, unfilled
panicles and death of

Disease- and pest- resistant rice. International Rice Research Institute.

(2019, January 30).

mckay024. (2015, July 3). Management of Rice Insect Pests. Radcliffe's

IPM World Textbook.

Rice. Rice | Diseases and Pests, Description, Uses, Propagation.

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