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Eng10 Q3 Melc2

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region VI
Division of Aklan
Naisud, Ibajay, Aklan

Third Quarter
MELC 2: Using a Variety of Informative, Persuasive,
and Argumentative Writing Techniques

Part 1


Part 3 TASK

NAME: _____________________________________________________
GRADE & SECTION: _______________________________________
DATE: _____________________________________________________
PARENT’S SIGNATURE: ___________________________________

Prepared by:
Maria Mae A. Dollosa
English Teacher
English Activity Sheet
Quarter 3 – MELC 2
Using a Variety of Informative,
Persuasive, and Argumentative
Writing Techniques
English 10
Activity Sheet No. 2
First Edition, 2021

Published in the Philippines

By the Department of Education
Region 6 – Western Visayas

Republic Act 8293, section 176 states that: No copyright shall subsist in any work
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Such agency or office may, among other things, impose as a condition the payment of

This Learning Activity Sheet is developed by DepEd Region 6 – Western Visayas.

ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. No part of this learning resource may be reproduced or

transmitted in any form or by any means electronic or mechanical without written permission
from the DepEd Regional Office 6 – Western Visayas.

Development Team of Activity Sheet

Writers: Edlyn T. Gallarda, Alex G. Estilloro, Shiela Mae G. Luces, Lucille A. Aguirre

Illustrator: Felizardo S. Valdez III

Editors: Ma. Portia G. Galanto and Ma. Leah D. Proilan

Layout Artist: Felizardo S. Valdez III

Division ManagementTeam:
Ma. Roselyn J. Palcat
Novelyn M. Vilchez
Elleda E. de la Cruz
Arthur J. Cotimo
Ma. Portia G. Galanto
Felizardo S. Valdez III
Marve E. Gelera
Ma. Leah Lynn D. Proilan
Chat C. Gabo
Management Team:
Ma. Gemma M. Ledesma
Josilyn S. Solana
Elena P. Gonzaga
Donald T. Genine
Nestor Paul M. Pingil
Introductory Message
Welcome to English 10!

The Learning Activity Sheet is a product of the collaborative efforts of

the Schools Division of Guimaras and DepEd Regional Office VI - Western
Visayas through the Curriculum and Learning Management Division (CLMD).
This is developed to guide the learning facilitators (teachers, parents and
responsible adults) in helping the learners meet the standards set by the K to
12 Basic Education Curriculum.

The Learning Activity Sheet is self-directed instructional materials

aimed to guide the learners in accomplishing activities at their own pace and
time using the contextualized resources in the community. This will also
assist the learners in acquiring the lifelong learning skills, knowledge and
attitudes for productivity and employment.

For learning facilitator:

The English 10 Activity Sheet will help you facilitate the leaching-learning
activities specified in each Most Essential Learning Competency (MELC) with
minimal or no face-to-face encounter between you and learner. This will be made
available to the learners with the references/links to ease the independent learning.

For the learner:

The English 10 Activity Sheet is developed to help you continue learning

even if you are not in school. This learning material provides you with meaningful
and engaging activities for independent learning. Being an active learner, carefully
read and understand the instructions then perform the activities and answer the
assessments. This will be returned to your facilitator on the agreed schedule.
Quarter 3, Week 2

Name of Learner:_______________________ Grade and Section:______________

Date: ___________________________


Using a Variety of Informative, Persuasive, and Argumentative Writing

I. Learning Competency with Code

Use a variety of informative, persuasive, and argumentative writing
techniques (EN10WC-III-b-14.1.2)

II. Background Information for Learners

In your previous lessons, you were able to learn how to formulate a statement of
opinion or assertion which is necessary in developing your argumentative text. You
have understood that a strong declaration, a forceful or confident and positive
statement regarding a belief, fact, or topic are necessary in making an assertion even
in the absence of proof or any supporting evidence. Also, you have learned that its
sole purpose is to express ideas or feelings directly.

After going through this lesson, you should be able to use a variety of informative,
persuasive and argumentative writing techniques.

For your reference, the content can be found in Grade 10 English Learner’s
Material (Celebrating Diversity through World Literature) published by the
Department of Education.

III. Accompanying DepEd Textbook and Educational

Almonte, Liza R. ( First Edition, 2015). Celebrating Diversity Through World
Literature-Grade 10- English-Learner’s Manual
Published by the Department of Education, printed by REX Book Store pp. 292-294

8 Persuasive Writing Tips and Techniques . Retrieved from on

January 2021

Informative Writing Techniques. Retrieved from on January 2021

IV. Activity Proper

How do you convince your readers to do something or agree with your point
of view? In order to hook the readers, one should know the appropriate writing
techniques suited for informative, argumentative or persuasive essay.
Informative, Persuasive, and Argumentative Writing

1. Informative Writing
Informative essays are a type of writing that explains a certain
problem or a topic. An informative writer should always maintain an
objective, neutral tone throughout the essay, or they shouldn’t try to argue
one side over another. The author of an informative essay is kind of like a
reporter at a newspaper: only there to state the facts, not to offer any sort of
opinion. In this type of an essay, the writer should refrain from pointing out
his personal ideas and beliefs.

Biased information is the bane of informative writing, and you should

avoid it at all costs. Be as factual as possible so the readers can use the
information provided to draw their own conclusions about the topic without
you influencing that conclusion in any direction. Another helpful technique
to improve your informative writing is to be as specific as possible. Try to
provide the reader with clear answers to the what, where, when, how and
why of the topic you are explaining. The more precise you are in your
writing, the more likely the reader is to understand the information.

2. Persuasive Writing
This is the type of essay where you try to convince the reader to adopt
your position on an issue or point of view.
Here your rationale, your argument, is most important. You are
presenting an opinion and trying to persuade readers, you want to win
readers over to your point of view.
• Know your audience. If you want to convince readers to believe and
agree with you, know who you’re talking to first. For example, if you’re
writing a persuasive letter about why cellphone must be banned in the
school campus, should your audience will likely be students: Keep that
in mind when writing to your targeted demographic.
• Hook the reader’s attention. A persuasive writer should state their
opinion with a declarative statement that clearly expresses their point of
view. Starting with a fact, research findings, or any other evidence that
explicitly states information supportive of your thesis will immediately
clue the reader in to what the essay will be about, what your position is,
and if they’re interested enough to read on to see if they’ll be on your
• Be empathetic. An excellent persuasion technique is the use of empathy.
A reader will strongly believe if they feel like you can relate to and
understand their experiences. Emotional appeal is important for
persuasive writing, as it targets the audience’s sensitivities, while also
providing a logical explanation for why their beliefs should change.

3. Argumentative Writing
This is the type of essay where you confirm that your opinion, theory
or hypothesis about an issue is correct or more reliable than those of others.
In short, it is very similar to the persuasive essay, but the difference is that
you are arguing for your opinion as opposed to others, rather than directly
trying to persuade someone to adopt your point of view.

Tips for writing argumentative essays:

• Prepare a list of the pros and cons in your plan before you start
writing. Choose the most important that support your argument (the
pros) and the most important to refute (the cons) and focus on them.
• The argumentative essay has three approaches. Select the one that
you find most appropriate for your argument. Do you find it better
to “sell” your argument first and then present the counter
arguments and disprove them? Or do you prefer to save the best for
• Use good transition words when moving between arguments and
most importantly when moving from pros to cons and vice versa. For

While I have shown that.... other may say

Opponents of this idea claim / maintain that …
Those who disagree claim that …
While some people may disagree with this idea...
When you want to refute or counter the cons you may start
On the other hand,

If you want to mark your total disagreement:

After seeing this evidence, it is impossible to agree with

what they say
Their argument is irrelevant
Contrary to what they might think ...
These are just a few suggestions. You can, of course, come up
with many good transitions of your own.

• Use facts, statistics, quotes and examples to convince your readers

of your argument.

Activity 1.

Direction: Read the following sentences and identify what writing techniques are
being presented. Complete the organizer by writing the sentences on its
appropriate column. Write your answer on your answer sheet.

1. “Rebuttal” is used in this type of writing in order to point out what is

wrong with the counterclaim.
2. Ghosting (Moorhead, 2019) is an expression used in dating terms and
it's when someone suddenly cuts all ties and communication with the
person they've been seeing.
3. In this type of writing, the thesis statement is called the author’s claim or
4. Smoking should be banned in public places
5. Guimaras province is known as the “Mango Capital of the
Philippines” and offer picturesque beaches, secluded offshore islets
and most of all friendly Guimarasnon.

Activity 2
Take a look at the following example of the three essays and answer the questions
that follow. Write your answers on your answer sheet.

Informative Essay
Wooden-hulled pump boats will always be one of Guimaras’ icon – the easiest means of
transportation in going to Iloilo City apart from the Roll-on - Roll-off (Ro-Ro) vessels.
Basically, it can accommodate 35 to 40 passengers from either Jordan or Buenavista
wharves to Iloilo City and vice versa. Employees from Iloilo City working at Guimaras
need not worry about getting late to school or to work since there is ease of access and
availability of bancas or wooden boats, then.
However, with the a mass number of COVID-19 victims, and the toll getting higher still,
the usual number of passengers were trimmed down into half yet, the conventional
travel time of 15 to 20 minutes under fair weather conditions still stands true.
Moreover, at the onset of 2021, these said motorboats are nowhere in sight since the
Maritime Industry Authority (MARINA) and the Department of Transportation (DOTr)
did not renew their Certificate of Public Convenience (CPC).
This heartbreaking move left almost 400 motorboat crews unemployed – lost their main
source of income, in as much as their respective families are struggling for survival even
in providing for their basic needs; 91 wooden-hulled boats were phased-out.
1. What is the main topic?
2. Does the essay inform the reader? In what way?
3. Discuss the reasons why the informative writing technique was used by
accomplishing the diagram below:

Writing Technique My Reasons

Writing Technique 2.

Persuasive Essay
Convention or Modernization?

With the tragic accident in August 3, 2019 that claimed 31 lives, Maritime Industry
Authority (MARINA) and the Department of Transportation (DOTr) geared at fully
implementing the law which provides the use of the modernized sea vessel that can
battle rough seas and withstand strong winds especially during inclement weathers.

The Presidential Decree No. 474, Executive Order No. 125, as amended, Republic Act No.
9295 and its revised/amended Implementing Rules and Regulations, and the Manila
Statement on Enhancement of the Safety of Ships Carrying Passengers on Non-
International Voyages through MARINA Memorandum Circular No. 2016 - 02 provides
the implementing rules on the phase out of wooden hulled ships carrying passengers in
domestic shipping.

However, it is very untimely to replace the wooden-hulled boats with the fiber glass and
steel-hulled ones. First, the pandemic if still too far from over. Many Filipinos have lost
their jobs because of this; much more the crews of the 91 wooden-hulled boats that were
not allowed to sail again at the onset of 2021. Their means of living simply rely at
whenever these boats set sail and traverse the Iloilo-Guimaras Strait; this has been their
only bread and butter for decades and with this halt in its operation, it will surely post a
big impact as to their daily survival even on their basic needs and worst, the education
of their children. It must have been painful for both operators, crews and their
respective families to lose their source of living amidst this pandemic.

Second, the phasing out of the wooden-hulled units was so abrupt that it even posted
another problem affecting another set of people; the commuters, small-scale business
folks situated at the wharf area and the tricycle drivers. The local government has not
provided emergency ambulant boats to cater the volume of passengers; mostly to work
and for education, that will be affected by the sudden stoppage of operations of the
wooden-hulled units. Long hours were spent in queues with only four modernized boats
plying the Iloilo-Guimaras Strait given the volume of passengers coming in and going out
of the province.

Additionally, with this turn of events, surely, the local economy is highly affected. Small
businesses is directly affected by the increase in fare rate in hauling stocks and supplies
from the city going to the province as compared with the wooden-hulled transport
services. Also, daily commuters earning a minimum wage spares a bigger amount for
fare than before; the thirty pesos before is now fifty and when you have to travel to and
fro on a daily basis , that’s at least a hundred bucks difference in a week! That’s
something already for them.

Lastly, how sure are we that with the modernized fiberglass and steel-hulled units, there
will never be a tragedy at sea? Can we really say that there will never be?

Much to our desire of accommodating the modernization program of the government,

we must also consider those who will be greatly affected and device win-win situations
so as not to forsake other people’s welfare in every plight we take.

1. Were you convinced with the essay? In what way?
2. Cite sentence/s were the writer uses emotional appeal.
3. Give reasons why the persuasive writing technique was used by
accomplishing the diagram below:

Writing Techniques My Reasons

Persuasive Writing 2.
Technique 3.

Argumentative Essay
Wooden-hulled pump boats were given an extension to continue plying Iloilo-Guimaras
Strait until December, 2020 after the Certificate of Public Convenience expired in

As we all know, wooden-hulled boats is the easiest transportation where fare is

affordable for everyone, local or foreign commuters, and travel time is as short as 15 to
20 minutes only.

For decades, these boats have served thousands of people from all walks of life from all
parts of the world and has aided in boosting the province’s economy.

Having these wooden-hulled boats nowhere in the wharves of Guimaras - Jordan and
Buenavista, the province will never be the same.

1. What is the topic all about?
2. Cite the pros and cons stated by the writer.
3. Give reasons why the argumentative writing technique was used by
accomplishing the diagram below.
Writing Technique My Reasons
Argumentative Essay



Direction: Choose one from the following topics. Write an essay using the
informative, persuasive and argumentative writing techniques observing the rubric
that follows. Write your composition on a separate sheet of paper.

COVID 19 pandemic Death Penalty

Minors driving on wheels Racial Discrimination

Social Media on Students COVID 19 vaccination

Rubric for Scoring

Criteria Highly Observed (5) Moderately Observed Poorly Observed

(3) (1)
The topic and The topic and The topic and
Topic supporting statements supporting supporting
( What am I are very clear, specific statements are clear statements are
writing and sticks to the but one idea is unclear and mostly
about?) chosen theme. irrelevant from the irrelevant from the
chosen theme. chosen theme.
Three (3) writing Two (2) writing Has not employed
Writing techniques used were techniques used were any writing
Techniques clear and evident and clear and evident and techniques and the
Employed presented in interesting presented in presentation needs
sequence that readers interesting sequence total revision.
can follow. that readers can
Presentation has no Presentation has no Presentation has
Mechanics misspellings or more than two four or more
grammatical errors. misspellings and/or misspellings
grammatical errors. and/or
grammatical errors.
Grade Equivalent:
A. Excellent = 12 – 15 points
B. Very Good = 9 – 11 points
C. Good = 6 – 8 points
D. Needs More Practice = 3 – 5 points
V. Reflection

Fill in the blanks with what you have learned about the lesson:

I learned that ____________________________________________________________________


I will use this to _______________________________________________________________


VI. Answer Key

5. Informative
4. Persuasive
3. Argumentative
2. Informative
1. Argumentative
Activity 1

3. Answers may vary

2. Answers may vary
1. Answers may vary
Activity 2
MELC 2: Using a Variety of Informative, Persuasive,
and Argumentative Writing Techniques

Activity 1.

Activity 2.
Informative Essay
1. What is the main topic?

2. Does the essay inform the reader? In what way?


3. Discuss the reasons why the informative writing

technique was used by accomplishing the diagram below:
Writing Technique My Reasons


Informative 2.


Persuasive Essay
1. Were you convinced with the essay? In what way?

2. Cite sentence/s were the writer uses emotional


3. Give reasons why the persuasive writing technique

was used by accomplishing the diagram below:

Writing Technique My Reasons


Persuasive 2.
Argumentative Essay
1. What is the topic all about?

2. Cite the pros and cons stated by the writer.


3. Give reasons why the argumentative writing

technique was used by accomplishing the diagram

Writing Technique My Reasons


DIRECTIONS: Read and understand the questions carefully.
Write your answer on the answer sheet
attached on the following page. Do not forget
to write your name and the date you taken the

1. A type of writing that explains a certain problem or a

A. Persuasive Writing C. Descriptive Writing
B. Argumentative Writing D. Informative Writing

2. This is the type of essay where you try to convince the

reader to adopt your position on an issue or point of
A. Persuasive Writing C. Descriptive Writing
B. Argumentative Writing D. Informative Writing

3. This is the type of essay where you confirm that your

opinion, theory or hypothesis about an issue is correct
or more reliable than those of others.
A. Persuasive Writing C. Descriptive Writing
B. Argumentative Writing D. Informative Writing

4. What is the purpose of persuasive writing?

A. To inform C. To tell a story
B. To persuade D. To tell 'how-to

5. How many body paragraphs do you need, at least, in a

persuasive essay?
A. 2 B. 3 C. 4 D. 1

6. This type of writing provides information an

explanations in a straightforward manner to the
A. Persuasive Writing C. Descriptive Writing
B. Argumentative Writing D. Informative Writing

7. This type of writing contains statistics, facts and writer’s

personal ideas.
A. Persuasive Writing C. Descriptive Writing
B. Argumentative Writing D. Informative Writing
8. What part in the argumentative essay does the author
introduce their point on the argument?
A. Conclusion C. Objection
B. Introduction D. Reply

9. In which part of the argumentative essay does the writer

acknowledge the OPPOSING viewpoint?
A. Counter argument C. Conclusion paragraph
B. First supporting detail D. Introduction

10. Which of the following is NOT in the introduction of an

argumentative essay?
A. A hook C. A thesis statement
B. Background information D. A counter-argument

11. Which of the following should a writer be sure to include

in an effective argumentative essay?
A. A strong claim C. Logical reasoning
B. Relevant evidence D. All of the above

12. What written component will drive your informative

A. Evidence C. Thesis statement
B. Elaboration D. Hook

13. What should you keep in mind when writing your

informative essay?
A. Audience, prompt, purpose
B. Task, purpose, audience
C. Prompt, pencil, people
D. The village blacksmith

14. What is the most important thing to remember when

writing an informative essay?
A. A clear thesis statement C. Varied Transitions
B. Textual evidence D. All of these are correct

15. What is it called when you tell the reader where you got
evidence from?
A. Demonstration C. Analysis
B. Citation D. Memorization
16. What is a transition?
A. A statement about a central idea
B. A word or phrase that leads into the next idea
C. Using the sentence to guess the meaning of a word
D. The concluding sentence

17. What type of paragraphs does an Informational Essay

A. Beginning/Middle/End
B. Exposition/Rising Action/Solution
C. Introduction/Body/Conclusion
D. First/Second/Third

18. Your opinion, evidence, organization

A. Incorrect Entertaining, evidence, elaboration
B. Entertaining, evidence, elaboration
C. Clear thesis, informs the reader, opinionated
D. Organization, clear and accurate, strong
supporting evidence

19. Good writing stays objective avoiding phrases like I

believe, I think, I would etc.?
A. True B. False

20. The purpose of persuasive writing is to tell a story.

A. True B. False

21. It is important for students to write for authentic

purposes and real audiences.
A. True B. False

22. Informative speeches typically tell us what to think,

and persuasive speeches tell us what to think about.
A. True B. False

23. An informative speech may produce a strong desire

from listeners to correct a problem presented during the
A. True B. False
24. Something known to be true is a fact.
A. True B. False

25. A personal view point is considered an opinion.

A. True B. False



Direction: Choose one from the following topics. Write an

essay using the informative, persuasive and
argumentative writing techniques observing the rubric
that follows. Write your composition on a separate sheet
of paper.

COVID 19 pandemic Death Penalty

Minors driving on wheels Racial Discrimination
Social Media on Students COVID 19 vaccination

Rubric for Scoring

Criteria Highly Observed (5) Moderately Observed Poorly Observed

(3) (1)
The topic and The topic and The topic and
Topic supporting supporting supporting
( What am I statements are very statements are statements are
writing clear, specific and clear but one idea is unclear and
about?) sticks to the chosen irrelevant from the mostly irrelevant
theme. chosen theme. from the chosen
Three (3) writing Two (2) writing Has not employed
Writing techniques used techniques used any writing
Techniques were clear and were clear and techniques and
Employed evident and evident and the presentation
presented in presented in needs total
interesting sequence interesting revision.
that readers can sequence that
follow. readers can follow.
Presentation has no Presentation has no Presentation has
Mechanics misspellings or more than two four or more
grammatical errors. misspellings and/or misspellings
grammatical errors. and/or
Answer Sheet for SCORE
Performance Task
Note: Written test and performance task are IMPORTANT PART of your

Feedback/ Comments: (Write the struggles and difficulty

you had in answering this module or the things you want
to share or to say about this modular learning.)






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