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Wrong Answer Journal

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NA T18 S2 Q15 6/29/2021

Strength 89 2 21 6/29/2021
flaw 26 3 19 7/1/2021
NA 47 3 17 7/1/2021
flaw 22 4 21 7/1/2021
paradox 29 4 19 7/8/2021
flaw 55 3 7

Method 75 1 4 7/29/2021 3
MSS 75 1 13 7/29/2021 5
Method 75 1 14 7/29/2021 3
Strengthen 75 1 15 7/29/2021 5
Method 75 1 16 7/29/2021 3
resolution 75 1 19 7/29/2021 3
resolution 75 1 21 7/29/2021 4
Parallel flaw 75 1 22 7/29/2021 5
SA 75 1 23 7/29/2021 4

Conclusion 54 4 11 7/29/2021 4
MSS 54 4 12 7/29/2021 3
Method 54 4 15 7/29/2021 5
Flaw 54 4 16 7/29/2021 5

environmentalist vs industry rep oil spills are an issue

judges should be appointed vs elected, conflicts of interest
skiing injuries have declined in the past 20 years
art paintings being good enough to spur the viewer into political action
terry an action is good only if it has favorable consequences
large corportations rocked by mergers, employee security
in our study, chemical R did not cause cancer in lab rats

Babys babbling and whether they are using a linguistic task

Dr. Khan and professor burns talking about a test under poor conditions
people being impolite and government passing laws about it
Planets orbits, ovals and circles
grow crops with seawater, cheaper than other irrigated agriculutre
hourly wages in each region increased but whole country average fell
gps with cows
Food ops are a type of consumer cooperative
gates at railroad crossings

Australia ecosystem mammals and reptiles

sapir-whorf hypothesis is undecided
bicycle people vs the city
Max talking about building moon colonies

assumption which the environmentalist depends E

which principles if valid, most help justify prof reasoning C
the reasoning in the argument is flawed because E
assumption that is required by the art critic A
error in reasoning in both terry and pat
each of the following contributes to an explanation except C
which of the following precisely describes the role played in theB

WOOTF most accurately describes how the scientists argument c

WOOTF is most supported by Khans statements? E
WOOTF most accurratly describes the role played in the argu D
WOOTF, if true, would most strengthen the astronomers argumeD
WOOTF most accurately describes the role played in the argue E
WOOTF, if true most helps to resolve the apparent paradox D
WOOTF, if true, does the most to support the prediction made E
WOOTF is most apporpriate analogy demonstrating the reasoning in the argument above is flawed
the editorials conclusion follows logically if WOOTF is assumeB

WOOTF most accurately expresses the main conclusion of the argument

if the linguists statements are correct WOOTF is most supporte B
WOOTF most accurately describes the role…
maxs argument is most vulnerable to criticism on which of the B
Chosen Answer

environmental concerns outweigh all financials A

judges should be appointed if usually helps avoid conflicts of interest E
proceeds as though there could be an increase in injuries overall D
abstract painting cannot stimulate people to act D
corporate downsizing that took place during the period had been anticipated B
it is advanced to supp the contention that test result obtained from lab rats ca E

raises a question, describes a potential expirement, and argues if test is neces E

the poor conditions present during observations render them worthless C
didn’t understand it honestly A
didn’t understand it honestly C
claim for which the argument provides evidence, but not main conclusion C
didn’t understand it honestly B
buying in bulk reduces price B
reasoning in the argument above is flawed C
capable adults have responsibility to take some measures to ensure theur ownC

of the argument C
only the hypothesis of physical science is viable C

takes for granted that the only way to solve it is to go to moon A

Correct Answer

only effective sources by industry or gov

no public office that is likely to produce conflicts of interest should be changed
assumes that increase in knee injury proportion means more knee injuries
paintings that fail to move a viewer cannot be considered politically signigicant
confusing sufficient for necessary conditions
employees who feel secure in their job tend to think that the jobs of others are secure
it is cited as being insufficient to support the conclusion that chem R is safe for humans

it presents two possible phenomenon and provides evidence of one over the other
burns claim about the implications of the recent observations is incorrect
it is the conclusion drawn by the arugment as whole
more than one planet has been found orbitting star
it is evidence provided to support the arguments conclusion
full time regions with high pay moved to poor paying regions
cows follow the lead of the same few members of the herd
comparing a bike and buses to private vs public gas consumption
when the warnings of companies are disregarded by capable adults, the adults are fully re

sparsness of ecosystem caused this

we do not know whether it is true or false

economic incentive

didn’t closely read and understand stimulus that it was refering to the industry and gov
it uses the word "no" so it strengthens the argument the most
didn’t closely read the answers and really understand them
answer choice I chose was too strong for a NA

it doesn’t matter what people felt of other jobs

but = introduce premise also it states specifically that you cannot conclude anything

phenomenon = situtation in question, with reasoning questions you have to understand the layout of the stimulus
"worthless" is too strong for a MSS question also see this question from Khans pov is the key to the argument
But = the prior sentence probably is not the main point
want to strengthen the main conclusion, the whole thing about this one is read to understand and then know what you
"since" often a premise indicator, trying to tell why something is true "and" when used inbetween 2 independent clau
just needed to read more closely and slower
"current price' makes my answer wrong also, the right answer is so obvious
since this flaw is a part to group comparison the analogy checks out by giving characteristics of a group to an individu
make the argument auto win

use the therefore test, the ------ therefore ------ the second one is the main conclusion
want weak answers, and the correct answer is the thing that is most supported by the passage
if it is a premise then it is therefore evidence, before going into the questions know what the statement is (conclusion/
Takes for granted = assumes
are trying to strengthen
uses they are most likely premises


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