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Analytical Language & Sentence Stems

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Analytical Language & Sentence Stems

Alternatives for “says that”

Some of these words and phrases—such as “asserts that”—could help you to signal the particular
tone or language you want to demonstrate.
…admits that… …sympathises with…
…advances the argument that… …stresses the point that…
…argues that… …submits that…
…asserts that… …urges the reader to…
…claims that… …presents an argument that…
…comments that… …discusses…
…complains that… …advances a reasoned view…
…concludes that… …advances a considered opinion…
…condemns the view that… …advocates that…
…considers that… …rebuts allegations/opposing views…
…counters that… …poses the question of/that…
…estimates that… …provides an appraisal of…
…explains that… …addresses the issue of…
…expresses the view that… …champions the issue of…
…has shown/attempts to show that… …endorses this position/decision…
…is committed to… …makes a vociferous protest…
…is critical of… …demonstrates the significance of…
…maintains that… …highlights…(the loopholes in policy)…
…observes that… …shows partiality towards…
…offers the evidence of… …highlights aspects/related questions…
…pleads the case for… …dogmatically declares…
…points out that… …suggest that…
…puts forward the view that… …presents a strong response to…
…reasons that… …presents an informed opinion on…
…refutes the evidence/view…
…rejects the evidence/view…

How is it stated?
…use of expert opinion… …convincing arguments…
…authoritative voice… …emphatic argument…
…use of evocative/emotive imagery… …derogatory labels…
…appealing imagery… …belligerent opening paragraph…
…disturbing imagery… …clever use of metaphor…
…a powerful and emotional plea… …poetic turn of phrase…
…voices anxiety/deep concern… …clear and logically framed arguments…
…raises doubts/suspicions… …visual impact…
…down-to-earth language… …favourable/unfavourable/distorted
…inflated language… images…
…consistent use of evocative language… …clear/subtle implications…
…sustained attack… …unusual angle/perspective…
…use of cold, hard statistics… …sophisticated language…
…a barrage of facts and statistics… …coherent reasoning…
…the sinister connotations of… …sarcastic and angry style…

Why is it stated in these ways?
...incites/invites readers to… …affirms in the reader’s mind…(the
…seeks to divide readers’ opinions… credibility of the argument)…
…arouses deep concern… …encourages the public to...
…makes connections with readers’ views and …manipulates the reader by…
emotions… …demonstrates to the reader that…
…gives the issue renewed momentum… …diverts responsibility/blame away from…
…leaves the reader with a sense of…(e.g. (e.g. the government, parents, schools,
shame, pride, enthusiasm, etc.)… etc.)…
…appeals to the reader’s sense of…(e.g. fair …represents the view of…
play, logic, reason, justice, tradition, etc.)… …positions the reader to accept…
…designed to shock… …undermines the argument of…
…designed to intensify/downplay the …reinforces the view of…
…presents the reader with an ultimatum…

Conjunctions for linking parts of your analysis
…consequently… For this reason…
…in addition… On the other hand…
…furthermore… By contrast…
…therefore… On the contrary…
…thus… Likewise…
…however… Meanwhile…
…contrary to… Finally…
…in contrast with… While…
…similarly… Although…
…although… And…
…but… Despite…
…despite… In spite of…
In addition… As a result…
Moreover… As a consequence…

Sentence Stems
Interpreting Purpose and Intention The position we are asked to share is that…
The texts gives prominence to… The article attempts to enlist the support
The text attempts to mobilise support by… of…
This language is designed to provoke… This text provides a view that contradicts…
The clearest illustration of the writer’s The writer opts for…
purpose… The writer stresses…
The writer has … concentrated her efforts The appealing imagery of the text is aimed
on at…
The article pinpoints… The text describes interesting
The texts provide a map… developments…
The writer probes… The writer questions…
The writer’s purpose emerges… The text clearly reveals the writer’s stance
The writer is trying to sway the reader by… on…
The text constructs a picture of… The writer tends to…
The writer tends… This language is designed to provoke…
Media attention is clearly focused on… The writer enters the arena of discussion
The argument advanced in the text is by…
designed to… The writer’s attitude is exemplified by…
The writer means to fuel the debate on… The article endorses…
The intensity of the focus on…

Evaluating Credibility and Impact
It reads rather like… The dominant trend in these texts is…
This text is a significant contribution to the The writer has tailored the text in order to…
discussion… The text embodies the aspirations/fears/
The power of this article stems from… beliefs of…
The coverage of the issue is extensive… The article generates…
The coverage of the article is dominated The perceptions of the reader are sharpened
by… by…
For the reader, the text produces… The text increases the momentum/tempo of
Perhaps the most surprising/interesting the debate over…
aspect of the article is… This text intensifies the debate by…
The general pattern of the language The text accentuates…
evokes… The cumulative impact of this language is
A mood of … prevails in this article… to…
A reader’s response might well be to… The language attracts…
Visual interest in this text is created by… This text sharply re-focuses public attention
The influence of this text lies in… on…
The article magnifies…


1. You should have already completed a number of examples of analytical writing on

different articles and texts. Choose approximately 4 of these. Using the language tables
above, REWRITE and EXPAND each of these 4 pieces of writing, so that they are of a
higher quality.

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