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Explicit and Implicit Quiz

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1. Sam and his cousin walked to the store. Sam bought a bag of chips while his 10.

10. Jada looked at her alarm clock. It was 8:45 A.M. She quickly got dressed and
cousin bought a bottle of water. If I asked the question, "What did Sam buy?" grabbed a granola bar from the cupboard. She jumped on her bike and away she
Would that question be implicit or explicit? went. She was late for school but she wasn't going to be super late! What implicit
a. Implicit b. Explicit information can you get out of this story?
2. Another way of thinking about implicit information would be to compare it to what? a. Jada is a messy eater.
a. Predicting b. Drawing conclusions c. Inferencing d. Guessing b. Jada could care less about school.
3. Tyler overslept and missed his bus. He looked at his alarm clock and it read 8:45 c. c. Jade has a bike.
A.M. He was more than 30 minutes late for school. He casually walked to the d. Jade cares about school.
kitchen and poured himself some cereal. What can be inferred about Tyler? 11. Tim looked out the window. The house looked so lonely. Tim's father put the last
a. He is nervous about being tardy. C. He could care less that he's late. suitcase in the trunk and started up the car. Thor, his dog, put his head on Tim's
b. He is in a huge rush to make it to school. D. He is hungry. lap, like he understood how  Tim was feeling. "It's okay Thor," he said, "Dad says
4. When something is implied (not clearly stated) in a piece of writing, it is often we will like California." What is happening?
referred to as what sort of information? a. Tim is sad because his dog doesn't have a house to live in.
a. Implicit b. Explicit b. Tim is taking a trip to visit people he doesn't know.
5. Amanda needed to finish her science project by the 5th of March. She had c. Tim is taking Thor to live with his grandmother.
everything she needed except her typed report. She knew that her typed report d. Tim is moving to California with his family.
was worth 50% of her grade. She was going to fail. What explicit information can 12.  "My family went to the circus. We saw the funny clowns, watched the lion act,
you pull from this story? and ate a lot of treats and popcorn. " 
a. Amanda is lazy. What is this story about?
b. Amanda ran out of time. a. eating treats and popcorn
c. Amanda already has a high enough grade in science. b. clowns
d. Amanda didn't do the typed report. c. going to the circus
6. Since it was getting late, the band decided to go home and get some rest. The d. lions
lead singer decided he wanted to stay a little longer and practice some of the new
songs. What can be a piece of implicit information in this story?
a. The band needed rest. C. It was getting late. 13. . Read the following passage and answer the question.
b. The lead singer has great dedication. D. The band has some new songs. Maggie was getting ready to walk to school. She put on her coat and grabbed her
7. Every winter, North Dakota gets an average of twelve feet of snow. Road and backpack. As she was leaving, her mother said, “I love you. Be careful.”
school closures are sure to follow. Many people state that the snow causes many Which of the following is explicitly stated in the paragraph?
dollars of damage to their property. What is a piece of explicit information taken a. Maggie lives close to the school.
from the paragraph? b. Maggie put on her coat and grabbed her backpack.
a. Snow is devastating. c. Maggie is in Kindergarten or 1st grade.
b. The people of North Dakota should move. d. Maggie is never late to school.
c. South Dakota is a lot nicer state to live in.
d. Schools and roads will be closed in winter time. 14.  Identify the implicit information in the article below.
8. When something is implicit then the reader can go back and find the information Maggie was getting ready to walk to school. She put on her coat and grabbed her
directly in the story.  backpack. As she was leaving, her mother said, “I love you. Be careful.”
a. True b. False a. Maggie was late to school.
9. Why would an author put implicit information into one of their stories? b. Maggie was in Kindergarten or 1st grade.
c. Maggie lives close to the school.
a. To make the reader think deeper about the story. d. Maggie is excited about going to school. 
b. To upset the reader with a lack of information.
c. Because the author couldn't squeeze it into the story properly.
d. To show their writing superiority over the rest of us. 15. Read the passage below. Identify the explicit information.
Hudson hurried out of the house so he wasn't late for work. He wore overalls and
carried a toolbox with wrenches in it. He hopped in his truck and drove off. The
sign on his truck said, “Pipe Masters.”
a. Hudson hurried out of the house so he wasn't late for work.
b. Hudson is an auto mechanic.
c. Hudson enjoys his job.
d. Hudson works as a plumber.
16. Identify the implicit information in the following paragraph.
Hudson hurried out of the house so he wasn't late for work. He wore overalls and
carried a toolbox with wrenches in it. He hopped in his truck and drove off. The
sign on his truck said, “Pipe Masters.”
a. Hudson is an auto mechanic.
b. Hudson is a truck salesman.
c. Hudson enjoys his job.
d. Hudson is a plumber.
17. Amber wants to buy a new smart phone but she doesn't have the money. Which
question from the list below would be considered explicit?
a. Why does she need a new phone?
b. Why can't Amber buy the smart phone?
c. How is Amber going to raise the money?
d. Where does she plan to buy the phone?
18. Wendy was walking home from school when she found a sick bird lying on the
ground under a tree. She stopped and gave the bird a look. She looked up and
noticed a nest in the branch above her. She looked forward and continued
walking home. What implicit information can you obtain from this story?
a. Wendy loves animals.
b. Wendy is running late for an appointment.
c. Wendy is a selfish person.
d. Wendy needs to get home before dark.
19. Mr. Cantu walked into the classroom and slammed the door behind him. He
threw his clipboard to the ground and knocked a pile of papers to the ground.
What color is Mr. Cantu's shirt? Is this an example of an implicit question?
a. Yes
b. No
20. If Ms. Smith wanted to get into a good nursing school then she needs to study
hard and talk to people who are already nurses so that she can know what to
expect from nursing school.
What information below is explicit?
a. Why she chose to go into nursing.
b. Who she will talk to about nursing school.
c. Where the nursing school is.
d. What kind of school does Ms. Smith want to attend.

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