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Basic Network Theory

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B) File transfer, access and management

C) Mail service
BASIC NETWORK D) All of the above
THEORY 9. Which is the main function of the
transport layer?
1. The computer network is
A) Node to node delivery
A) Network computer with a cable
B) End to end delivery
B) Network computer without a cable
C) Synchronization
C) Both of the above
D) Updating and maintaining routing tables
D) None of the above
10. The ………… layer change bits onto
2. FDDI used which type of physical
electromagnetic signals.
A) Physical
A) Bus
B) Transport
B) Ring
C) Data Link
C) Star
D) Presentation
3. FTP stands for
11. A group of computers and other devices
A) File transfer protocol
connected together is called a network, and
B) File transmission protocol
the concept of connected computers sharing
C) Form transfer protocol
resources is called ………
D) Form transmission protocol
A) Networking
4. Ethernet system uses which of the B) Inter-Network
following technology. C) Inter-Connection
A) Bus D) Computer Group
B) Ring
12. A simple cabling method, known as the
C) Star
………… topology, allows about 30
D) Tree
computers on a maximum cable length of
5. Which of the following are the network about 600 feet.
services? A) Star
A) File service B) Ring
B) Print service C) Bus
C) Database service D) Tree
D) All of the above
13) …………… is a set of connecting links
6. If all devices are connected to a central between LANs.
hub, then topology is called A) CAN
A) Bus Topology B) WAN
B) Ring Topology C) CLAN
C) Star Topology D) IAN
D) Tree Topology
14) A ………. line considered as a fast WAN
7. FDDI stands for link, transmits at 1.5 Mbps, or 1 million bits
A) Fiber Distributed Data Interface per second.
B) Fiber Data Distributed Interface A) L1
C) Fiber Dual Distributed Interface B) F1
D) Fiber Distributed Data Interface C) W1
D) T1
8. Which of the following is an application
layer service? 15) The …………….. elements are
A) Network virtual terminal specialized computers to connect two or
more transmission lines.

Aditya Deo 1
A) Networking 6. C) Star Topology
B) Broadcasting 7. A) Fiber Distributed… Interface
C) Switching 8. C) Mail service
D) Transfering 9. B) End to end delivery
10. A) Physical
16) In …………… the network contains
11. A) Networking
numerous cables or leased telephone line,
12. C) Bus
each one connecting a pair of IMPs.
13. B) WAN
A) Point-to-Point channels
14. D) T1
B) Pair-to-Pair channels
15. C) Switching
C) Broadcast channels
16. A) Point-to-Point channels
D) Interface channels
17. B) peer
17) The entities comprising the 18) C) Peer
corresponding layers on different layers on 19) A) connection-oriented
different machines are called …………. 20) B) connection-less
A) entity 1. A network that needs human beings to
B) peer manually route signals is called….
C) peer-to-peer
A) Fiber Optic Network B) Bus Network
D) layered
C) T-switched network D) Ring network
18) …………….. entities are entities in the
same layer on different machines. 2. TCP/IP …………….. layer corresponds
A) Software to the OSI models to three layers.
B) Service
C) Peer A) Application B) Presentation
D) Interface C) Session D) Transport
19) To use a …………………. network 3. Which of the transport layer protocols is
service, the service user first establishes a connection-less?
connection, uses the connection, and
terminates the connection. A) UDP B) TCP
A) connection-oriented
C) FTP D) Nvt
B) connection-less
C) service-oriented 4. Which of the following applications
D) service-less allows a user to access and change remote
files without actual transfer?
20) In ……………………… service, each
message carries the full destination address, A) DNS B) FTP
and each one is routed through the system
independent of all others. C) NFS D) Telnet
A) connection-oriented 5. The data unit in the TCP/IP data link
B) connection-less layer called a …..
C) service-oriented
D) service-less A) Message B) Segment

Answers: C) Datagram D) Frame

1. C) Both of the above 6. DNS can obtain the …………….. of host

2. B) Ring if its domain name is known and vice versa.
3. A) File transfer protocol A) Station address B) IP address
4. A) Bus
5. D) All of the above C) Port address D) Checksum

Aditya Deo 2
7. Which of the following OSI layers 15. In a …………….topology, if there are n
correspond to TCP/IP’s application layer? devices in a network, each device has n-1
ports for cables.
A) Application B) Presentation
A) Mesh B) Star
C) Session D) All of the above
C) Bus D) Ring
8. Devices on one network can communicate
with devices on another network via a ……. 16. Another name for Usenet is
A) File Server B) Utility Server A) Gopher B) Newsgroups
C) Printer Server D) Gateway C) Browser D) CERN
9. A communication device that combines 17. The standard suit of protocols used by
transmissions from several I/O devices into the Internet, Intranets, extra-nets and some
one line is a other networks.
A) Concentration B) Modifier A) TCP/IP B) Protocol
C) Multiplexer D) Full duplex file C) Open system D) Internet work processor
10. Which layers of the OSI determines the 18. State whether the following is True or
interface often system with the user? False.
A) Network B) Application i) In bus topology, heavy Network traffic
slows down the bus speed.
C) Data link D) Session
ii) It is multi-point configuration.
11. Which of the following of the TCP/IP
protocols is the used for transferring files A) True, True B) True, False
from one machine to another?
C) False, True D) False, False
19. Which of the following is the logical
B) SMTP D) Rpe topology?
12. In which OSI layers does the FDDI A) Bus B) Tree
protocol operate?
C) Star D) Both A and B
A) Physical B) Data link
20. Which of the following is/ are
C) Network D) A and B the drawbacks of Ring Topology?
13. In FDDI, data normally travel on A) Failure of one computer, can affect the
……………… whole network
A) The primary ring B) The Secondary B) Adding or removing the computers disturbs
ring the network activity.
C) Both rings D) Neither ring C) If the central hub fails, the whole network
fails to operate.
14. The …………layer of OSI model can
use the trailer of the frame for error D) Both of A and B
A) Physical B) Data link
1. C) T-switched network
C) Transport D) Presentation 2. A) Application
3. A) UDP

Aditya Deo 3
4. C) NFS 6. What is the name of the network topology
5. D) Frame in which there are bi-directional links
6. B) IP address between each possible node?
7. D) All of the above A) Ring
8. D) Gateway B) Star
9. C) Multiplexer C) Tree
10. B) Application D) Mesh
11. A) FTP
7. What is the commonly used unit for
12. D) A and B
measuring the speed of data transmission?
13. A) The primary ring
A) Bytes per second
14. B) Data link
B) Baud
15. A) Mesh
C) Bits per second
16. B) Newsgroups
D) Both B and C
17. A) TCP/IP
18. A) True, True 8. Which of the communication modes
19. C) Bus support two way traffic but in only once
20. D) Both of A and B direction of a time?
A) Simplex
1. In mesh topology, relationship between
B) Half-duplex
one device and another is …………..
C) Three – quarter’s duplex
A) Primary to peer
D) Full duplex
B) Peer to primary
C) Primary to secondary 9. The loss in signal power as light travels
D) Peer to Peer down the fiber is called ………….
A) Attenuation
2. The performance of data
B) Propagation
communications network depends on
C) Scattering
D) Interruption
A) Number of users
10. ……………………. is an
B) The hardware and software
interconnection of networks that provide
C) The transmission
universal communication services over
D) All of the above
heterogeneous physical networks.
3. Find out the OSI layer, which performs A) Internet
token management. B) Intranet
A) Network Layer C) Network
B) Transport Layer D) LAN
C) Session Layer
11. Commercial networks providing access
D) Presentation Layer
to the ………………. to subscribers, and
4. The name of the protocol which provides networks owned by commercial
virtual terminal in TCP/IP model is. organizations for internal use that also have
A) Telnet connections to the internet.
B) SMTP A) backbones
C) HTTP B) Network access points(NAPs)
C) Internet Exchange Points(IXPs)
5. The layer one of the OSI model is D) All of the above
A) Physical layer
B) Link layer 12. The …………………… layer is provided
C) Router layer by the program that uses TCP/IP for
D) Broadcast layer communication.
A) Transport
B) Application

Aditya Deo 4
C) Internetwork 15. C) UDP
D) Network interface 16. B) Internet protocol
13) The ………………….. layer Provides 1. Which of the following is not the layer of
the end-to-end data transfer by delivering TCP/IP protocol?
data from an application to its remote peer. A) Application Layer
A) Transport B) Session Layer
B) Application C) Transport Layer
C) Internetwork D) Internetwork layer
D) Network interface
2. ………………. address use 7 bits for the
14) …………….. provides connection- <network> and 24 bits for the <host>
oriented reliable data delivery, duplicate portion of the IP address.
data suppression, congestion control, and A) Class A
flow control. B) Class B
A) TCP C) Class C
B) IP D) Class D
D) ICMP 3. …………. addresses are reserved for
15) ………………. is used by applications A) Class B
that need a fast transport mechanism and B) Class C
can tolerate the loss of some data. C) Class D
A) TCP D) Class E
C) UDP 4. State the following statement is true or
D) ICMP false.
i) In class B addresses a total of more than 1
16) ……………… is a connection-less billion addresses can be formed.
protocol that does not assume reliability ii) Class E addresses are reserved for future
from lower layers, which does not provide or experimental use.
reliability, flow control, or error recovery. A) True, False
A) Transmission control protocol B) True, True
B) Internet protocol C) False, True
C) User Datagram Protocol D) False, False
D) Simple Mail Transfer Protocol
5. Which of the following statement is true?
ANSWERS: i) An address with all bits 1 is interpreted as
all networks or all hosts.
1. D) Peer to Peer
ii) The class A network is defined
2. D) All of the above
as the loopback network.
3. C) Session Layer
A) i only
4. A) Telnet
B) ii only
5. A) Physical layer
C) Both A and B
6. D) Mesh
D) None of the above
7. B) Baud
8. B) Half-duplex 6. Which is not the Regional Internet
9. A) Attenuation Registers (RIR) of the following?
10. A) Internet A) American Registry for Internet Numbers
11. D) All of the above (ARIN)
12. B) Application B) Europeans Registry for Internet Numbers
13. A) Transport (ERIN)
14. A) TCP C) Reseaux IP Europeans (RIPE)

Aditya Deo 5
D) Asia Pacific Network Information Centre 1. ………………….. is a high-performance
(APNIC) fiber optic token ring LAN running at 100
Mbps over distances up to 1000 stations
7. Match the following IEEE No to their
corresponding Name for IEEE 802
standards for LANs.
i) 802.3 a) WiFi
ii) 802.11 b) WiMa
iii) 802.15.1 c) Ethernet
iv) 802.16 d) Bluetooth 2. Which of the following is Gigabit
A) i-b, ii-c, iii-d, iv-a Ethernet?
B) i-c, ii-d, iii-a, iv-b A) 1000 BASE-SX
C) i-c, ii-a, iii-d, iv-b B) 1000 BASE-LX
D) i-b, ii-d, iii-c, iv-a C) 1000 BASE-CX
D) All of the above
8. ……….. was the first step in the evolution
of Ethernet from a coaxial cable bus to hub 3. ………………….. is a collective term for
managed, twisted pair network. a number of Ethernet standards that carry
A) Star LAN traffic at the nominal rate of 1000 Mbit/s
B) Ring LAN against the original Ethernet speed of 10
C) Mesh LAN Mbit/s.
D) All of the above A) Ethernet
B) Fast Ethernet
9. …………… is the predominant form of
C) Gigabit Ethernet
Fast Ethernet, and runs over two pairs of
D) All of the above
category 5 or above cable.
A) 100 BASE-T 4. …………… is another kind of fiber optic
B) 100 BASE-TX network with an active star for switching.
C) 100 BASE-T4 A) S/NET
D) 100 BASE-T2 B) SW/NET
10. IEEE 802.3ab defines Gigabit Ethernet
transmission over unshielded twisted pair
(UTP) category 5, 5e or 6 cabling known as 5. The combination of ……………. And
……………….. ………….. is often termed the local address
A) 1000 BASE-T of the local portion of the IP address.
B) 1000 BASE-SX A) Network number and host number
C) 1000 BASE-LX B) Network number and subnet number
D) 1000 BASE-CX C) Subnet number and host number
D) All of the above
6. ………………….. implies that all subnets
1. B) Session Layer
obtained from the same subnet mask.
2. A) Class A
A) Static subnetting
3. C) Class D
B) Dynamic subnetting
4. B) True, True
C) Variable length subnetting
5. A) i only
D) Both B and C
6. B) Europeans ….. (ERIN)
7. C) i-c, ii-a, iii-d, iv-b 7. State whether true or false.
8. A) Star LAN i) A connection-oriented protocol can only
9. B) 100 BASE-TX use unicast addresses.
10. A) 1000 BASE-T ii) The anycast service is included in IPV6.
A) True, True

Aditya Deo 6
B) True, False A) i only
C) False, True B) i, and ii only
D) False, False C) i and iii only
D) All i, ii and iii
8. The most important and common
protocols associated TCP/IP internetwork 2. FTP server listens to connections on port
layer are. …………………….
i) Internet protocol(IP) ii) Internet Control A) 19 and 20
Message Protocol(ICMP) B) 20 and 21
iii) Bootstrap Protocol (BooTP) iv) Dynamic C) 21 and 22
Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) D) 20 and 22
v) Address Resolution Protocol (ARP)
3. Which of the following operations can be
A) i, ii, iii and iv only
performed by using FTP.
B) i, iii, iv and v only
i) Connect to a remote host
C) ii, iii, iv and v only
ii) Select directory
D) All i, ii, iii, iv and v
iii) Define the transfer mode
9. …………………….. is responsible for iv) List file available
converting the higher-level protocol A) i, and ii only
addresses (IP addresses) to physical B) i, ii and iii only
network addresses. C) ii, iii and iv only
A) Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) D) All i, ii, iii and iv
B) Reverse Address Resolution Protocol
4. A ………….. is a set of information that
is exchanged between a client and a web
C) Bootstrap Protocol (BOOTP)
browser and a web server during an HTTP
D) Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP)
10. Which of the following is not a A) infoset
mechanism that DHCP supports for IP B) clientinfo
address allocation? C) cookie
A) Automatic allocation D) transkie
B) Static allocation
5. Match the following HTTP status code to
C) Dynamic allocation
their respective definitions.
D) Manual allocation
i) 400 a) OK
Answers: ii) 500 b) Not found
iii) 200 c) Continue
1. A) FDDI
iv) 100 d) Internal server error
2. D) All of the above
A) i-b, ii-d, iii-a, iv-c
3. B) Fast Ethernet
B) i-a, ii-b, iii-c, iv-d
4. A) S/NET
C) i-b, ii-c, iii-a, iv-d
5. C) Subnet number and host number
D) i-b, ii-a, iii-c, iv-d
6. A) Static subnetting
7. A) True, True 6. Loopback address ……………………. of
8. D) All i, ii, iii, iv and v IPv6 address is equivalent to the IPV4
9. A) Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) loopback address
10. B) Static allocation A) (: : 1)
B) (: : )
1. The examples of Interior Gateway C) (: : 0)
Protocols (IGP) are. D) (1 : : )
i) Open Short Path First (OSPF)
ii) Routing Information Protocol (RIP) 7. Unspecified address ………………….. of
iii) Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) IPV6 address is equivalent to the IPV4

Aditya Deo 7
unspecified address 2. The ………….. protocol is based on end to
A) (: : 1) end delivery.
B) (: : ) A) SMTP
C) (: : 0) B) TCP
D) (1 : : ) C) IP
8. A simple cabling method, known as the
……………… topology allows about 30 3. A/An ……………….. routing scheme is
computers on a maximum cable length of designed to enable switches to react to
about 600 feet. changing traffic patterns on the network.
A) Ring A) static routing
B) Bus B) fixed alternate routing
C) Star C) adaptive routing
D) Mesh D) dynamic routing
9. The ……………… layer is responsible for 4. The IPV4 address is a ………………
resolving access to shared media or address because it is assigned at the internet
resources. layer.
A) Physical A) logical
B) Mac sub-layer B) physical
C) Network C) common
D) Transport D) shared
10. A WAN typically spans a set of 5. The ………………. layer provides a well
countries that have data rates less than defined service interface to the network
……………. Mbps. layer, determining how the bits of the
A) 2 physical layer are grouped into frames.
B) 1 A) Data Link
C) 4 B) Physical
D) 100 C) Network
D) Session
6. A distributed data processing
1. B) i, and ii only
configuration in which all activities must
2. B) 20 and 21
pass through a centrally located computer
3. D) All i, ii, iii and iv
is called…………
4. C) cookie
A) ring network
5. A) i-b, ii-d, iii-a, iv-c
B) spider network
6. A) (: : 1)
C) hierarchical network
7. B) (: : )
D) data control network
8. B) Bus
9. B) Mac sub layer 7. The …………… signals are used for the
10. B) 1 maintenance, troubleshooting, and overall
operation of the network.
1. In addresses for ………………. networks, A) address
the first 16 bits specify a particular B) network management
network, and the last 16 bits specify a C) call Information
particular host. D) supervisory
A) class A
B) class B 8. In …………………… a route is selected
C) class C for each source-destination pair of in the
D) class D network.
A) flooding

Aditya Deo 8
B) variable routing 3.State whether True of False.
C) fixed routing i) The cells or subdivisions of a geographical
D) random routing area are always hexagonal.
ii) A land to Mobile call originates through
9. In …………….. type of service, each
the Telephone exchange.
frame sent over the connection is numbered
A) True, False
and the data link layer guarantees that each
B) False, True
frame sent is indeed received.
C) False, False
A) connection less service
D) True, True
B) indirect link service
C) direct link service 4. In ………….. Frequency Spectrum is
D) connection oriented service divided into smaller spectra and is allocated
to each user.
10. In ……………….. deliver, packets of a
message are logically connected to one
A) connection less
B) indirect link
C) direct link 5. In ……………. multiple access is
D) connection-oriented achieved by allocating different time slots
for the different users.
1. B) class B B) CDMA
3. C) adaptive routing 6. State whether True of False.
4. A) logical i) In GSM-only TDMA is used.
ii) There is zero inter-channel interference
5. A) Data Link in CDMA.
A) True, False
6. B) spider network
B) False, True
7. B) network management C) False, False
D) True, True
8. C) fixed routing
7. The basic GSM is based on
9. D) connection-oriented service ____________________ traffic channels.
10. D) connection-oriented A) connection oriented.
B) connection less.
1. Which of the following is/are the main C) packet switching.
part(s) of the basic cellular system. D) circuit switching.
A) A mobile Unit
B) A cell Site 8. ………………… are typically
C) A mobile Telephone Switching Office characterized by very small cells, especially
D) All of the above in densely populated areas.
A) 2G system.
2. Fading of the received radio signals in a B) 3G system.
mobile communication environment occurs C) 2.5G system.
because of ….. D) 3.5G system.
A) Direct propagation
B) Multipath Propagation 9. A antenna which attempts to direct all its
C) Bi-path Propagation energy in a particular direction is called as
D) None of the above a ………….

Aditya Deo 9
A) Directional Antenna 4. In …………………… the client invokes
B) One to One Antenna the request and then blocks waiting for the
C) Propagation Antenna response.
D) Single Direction Antenna A) Deferred Synchronous Invocation
B) One way Invocation
10. Which mode is used for installing
C) Synchronous Invocation
networks in wireless communication device
D) Two-way Invocation
A) Fixed and wired. 5. In …………………. the client invokes the
B) Mobile and wired. request, continues processing while the
C) Fixed and wired. request is dispatched, and later collects the
D) Mobile and wireless. response.
A) Deferred Synchronous Invocation
B) One way Invocation
1. D) All of the above C) Synchronous Invocation
D) Two-way Invocation
2. B) Multipath Propagation
6. ………………………. provides
3. B) False, True programmers a familiar programming
4. C) FDMA model by extending the local procedure call
to a distributed environment.
5. A) TDMA A) Distributed environment
B) Permanent procedure call
6. C) False, False
C) Process and file
7. A) connection-oriented. D) Remote procedure call

8. C) 2.5G system. 7. The ……………………….. in the object’s

descriptor is passed as the second argument
9. A) Directional Antenna to the remote object’s constructor for the
10. C) Fixed and wired. object to use during activation.
A)Activation Desc
1. …………………… tier it’s much easier to B) Marshalled Object
design the application to be DBMS agnostic. C) Activation Exception
A) Middle application server D) Activation Object
B) Multithreaded application
C) Application server 8. …………………… allows clients to
D) Client-server application invoke requests without having access to
static stubs and allows the server to be
2. Which of the following is not the correct written without having skeletons for the
benefit of distributed computing. objects being invoked compiled statically
A) Resource sharing into the program.
B) Performance A) The Object Adapter
C) Availability B) Dynamic Skeleton Interface
D) Security C) Server Process Activation
D) Client Process Activation
3. ………………. serve as the ‘glue’
between the client and server applications 9. ……………………. serves as the glue
respectively, and that ORB. between CORBA object implementations
A) ORB and ORB Interface and the ORB itself.
B) CORBA IDL stubs and skeletons A) The Object Adapter
C) Client and servant B) Dynamic Skeleton Interface
D) Client and server C) Server Process Activation
D) Client Process Activation

Aditya Deo 10
10. …………….. refers to computing A) five
technologies in which the hardware and B) six
software components are distributed across C) seven
a network. D) eight
A) Client and Server
4. ………………… is used to manage and
B) User and System
synchronize conversation between two
C) User and file server
D) User and database server
A) Physical Layer
ANSWERS: B) Data Link Layer
C) Session Layer
1. A) Middle application server
D) Transport Layer
2. D) Security
5. Which of the following is not the function
3. B) CORBA IDL stubs and skeletons of the physical layer?
A) Converting the digital bits into an electrical
4. C) Synchronous Invocation signal
5. A) Deferred Synchronous Invocation B) Detecting and correcting errors
C) Defining voltages and data rates needed for
6. D) Remote procedure call transmission.
D) Activating, maintaining and deactivating
7. B) Marshalled Object
the physical connection
8. B) Dynamic Skeleton Interface
6. …………………. divides the outgoing
9. A) The Object Adapter messages into packets and assembles
incoming packets into messages for the
10. A) Client and Server higher levels.
1. ………………………. specifies a A) Physical Layer
B) Data Link Layer
complete set of rules for the connections
and interactions of its physical and logical C) Network Layer
components for providing and utilizing D) Transport Layer
communication services. 7. The TCP/IP reference model was used
A) Computer Architecture earlier by …………………, before being
B) Communication Architecture used on the Internet.
C) Network Architecture A) ARPANET
D) Internet Architecture B) PARPANET
2. The two most important network C) USDNET
architecture or reference model D) DODNET
is…………… 8. Which of the following are True for the
i) Layered reference model TCP/IP reference model?
ii) OSI reference model i) The TCP protocol divides the large
iii) DSL reference model message into a sequence of packets into an
iv) TCP/IP reference model IP packet.
A) i and ii ii) The IP protocol is used to put a message
B) ii and iii into the packet.
C) iii and iv iii) It is necessary for all the packets in a
D) ii and iv single message to take the same route each
3. The Open System Interconnection(OSI) time it is sent.
reference model includes ………………. iv) The packets are passed from one
layers. network to another until they reach their

Aditya Deo 11
A) i and iv only B) i, ii and iii only
B) i, ii and iv only C) i, iii and iv only
C) i, ii and iii only D) All i, ii, iii and iv only
D) All i, ii, iii and iv
2. ……………. was developed in 1970 by
9. Which of the following is not the layer of CCITT for providing an interface between
the TCP/IP model? the public packet-switched network and
A) Internet Layer their customers.
B) Application Layer A) SMDS
C) Transport Layer B) Frame relay
D) Presentation Layer C) X.25
10. State whether the following statements
are True or False. 3. X.25 protocol is based on the protocols
i) In the TCP/IP model Transport layer used in early ……………. networks such as
guarantees delivery of packets. ARPANET, DATAPAC, TRANSPAC etc.
ii) The network layer of the OSI model A) Packet Switching
provides both connectionless and B) Circuit Switching
connection-oriented service. C) Virtual Packet Circuit Switching
iv) The TCP/IP model does not fit any other D) Virtual Packet Switching
protocol stack.
4. ……………. protocol is a physical layer
A) i-True, ii-False, iii-False
protocol is used to specify the physical
B) i-False, ii-True, iii-True
electrical and procedural interface between
C) i-False, ii-False, iii-True
host and network.
D) i-True, ii-True, iii-False
A) X.25
1. C) Network Architecture
D) X.23
2. D) ii and iv
5. ……………… is a connection-oriented
3. C) seven service which supports switched virtual
circuits as well as the permanent circuits.
4. C) Session Layer A) X.25
5. B) Detecting and correcting errors B) X.21
6. C) Network Layer D) ATM
7. A) ARPANET 6. In X.25, ……………… is established
between a computer and network when the
8. B) i, ii and iv only
computer sends a packet to the network
9. D) Presentation Layer requesting to make a call a packet to the
network requesting to make a call to
10. B) i-False, ii-True, iii-True another computer.
A) Virtual circuit
DATA COMMUNICATION B) Switched circuit
C) Switched virtual circuit
SERVICES D) Switched intelligent circuit

1. Which of the following is/are the 7. In order to allow the computers who do
examples of data communication services. not use the X.25 to communicate with the
i) SMDS ii) Frame relay iii) X.25 iv) ATM …………………., a packet assembler
A) i, ii and iv only disassembler (PAD) is used.

Aditya Deo 12
A) X.21 13. A ……………… is a fixed network
B) SMDS assigned virtual where data transfer takes
C) Frame relay place as with virtual calls, but no call setup
D) X.25 or clearing required.
A) Permanent virtual circuit
8. The layers defined by X.25 interface
B) Virtual call
C) Virtual circuit
i) physical layer ii) data link layer iii)
D) Permanent virtual call
packet layer iv) application layer
A) i, ii and iv only 14. Which of the following is/are the
B) i, ii and iii only advantages of X.25
C) i, iii and iv only i) Frame delivery is more reliable ii) X.25 is
D) All i, ii, iii and iv only faster than Frame relay iii) Frames are
delivered in order iv) Flow control is
9. The X.25 defines the interface for the
exchange of packets between the
user’s machine (DTE) and the packet A) i, ii and iv only
switching node to which this DTE is B) i, ii and iii only
attached which is called as ……. C) i, iii and iv only
A) DCE D) All i, ii, iii and iv only
15. ……………… is a connection-oriented
service, which can be imagined to be
equivalent to a virtual leased line.
10. At the physical level, …………… A) X.25
physical interface is being used which is B) Frame relay
defined for the circuit-switched data C) SMDS
network. D) ATM
A) X.25
16. ………………. does not provide
B) X.21
acknowledgments or normal flow control.
C) Frame relay
A) Frame relay
B) X.25
11. The virtual circuit service of X.25 D) ATM
provides for two types of virtual circuits
17. ………….. was developed for taking
which are ………….
advantage of the high data rates and low
i) virtual circuit ii) permanent virtual
error rates in the modern communication
circuit iii) permanent virtual call iv) virtual
A) X.25
A) i and ii only
B) Frame relay
B) ii and iii only
C) iii and iv only
D) ii and iv only
18. In …………….. the cell control packets
12. A ………………….. is a dynamically
are used for setting up and clearing virtual
established virtual circuit using a call setup
and call clearing procedure.
A) Permanent virtual circuit
B) X.25
B) Virtual call
C) Virtual circuit
D) Frame relay
D) Permanent virtual call

Aditya Deo 13
19. Which of the following is/are the 2. In ……………… packets may not be
advantages of frame relay. delivered in the same sequence like that at
i) streamlined communication process ii) the sending end.
lower delay iii) higher throughput A) X.25
A) i and ii only B) X.21
B) ii and iii only C) Frame relay
C) i and iii only D) SMDS
D) All i, ii and iii
3. …………….. addressing is performed
20. In ……………. the number of functions using virtual circuit addresses known as
of a protocol at the user network interface data-link connection identifiers (DLCIs).
is reduced. A) X.25
A) X.25 B) X.21
B) Frame relay C) ATM
C) SMDS D) Frame relay
4. State whether the statements are True or
Answers False
i) X.25 networks work at speed up to 64
1. D) All i, ii, iii and iv only
kbps ii) X.25 does not provide flow
2. C) X.25
control iii) X.25 provides acknowledgment
3. A) Packet Switching
4. B) X.21
A) i-True, ii-False, iii-True
5. A) X.25
B) i-False, ii-False, iii-True
6. C) Switched virtual circuit
C) i-True, ii-True, iii-False
7. D) X.25
D) i-False, ii-True, iii-False
8. B) i, ii and iii only
9. A) DCE 5. State whether the following statements
10. B) X.21 are true.
11. D) ii and iv only i) Frame relay supports virtual leased
12. B) Virtual call line ii) Bad frame is discarded by frame
13. A) Permanent virtual circuit relay iii) Frames are delivered in proper
14. C) i, iii and iv only order
15. B) Frame relay A) i and ii only
16. A) Frame relay B) ii and iii only
17. B) Frame relay C) i and iii only
18. D) Frame relay D) All i, ii and iii
19. D) All i, ii and iii
6. …………… provides minimal services,
20. B) Frame relay
primarily a way to determine the start and
1. Which of the following is/are the end of each frame and the detection of
drawbacks of frame relay. transmission error.
i) Frames are delivered unreliably ii) A) X.25
Packets having errors are simply B) X.21
discarded iii) Frame relay does not provide C) Frame relay
flow control iv) Frame relay is much slower D) SMDS
than X.25
7. In ………………… bad frames can be
A) i, ii and iv only
received back by sending an
B) ii, iii and iv only
acknowledgment signal.
C) i, ii and iii only
A) X.25
D) All i, ii, iii and iv
B) X.21

Aditya Deo 14
C) ATM 14. ……………. is a service dependent
D) Frame relay layer, which is used for supporting the
information transfer protocol not based on
8. Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM)
provides services under
A) Physical layer
i) Compressed voice and video ii)
B) ATM layer
Synchronous TDM streams such as T-1 iii)
C) High layer
Services using the constant bit rates
D) ATM adaption layer (AAL)
A) i and ii only
B) ii and iii only 15. The ATM protocol architecture consists
C) i and iii only of the following separate plans
D) All i, ii and iii i) user plane ii) control plane iii) server
plane iv) plane management
9. ATM has advantages of better reliability
A) i, ii and iv only
and fidelity which allows faster packet
B) ii, iii and iv only
switching than ……..
C) i, ii and iii only
A) X.21
D) All i, ii, iii and iv
B) X.25
C) Frame relay 16. Functions of the management plane
D) SMDS related to a system include
i) provision of co-ordination between all
10. …………….. is used in non-ISDN
planes ii) layer management iii)
systems where the data rates are very high.
management functions relating to resources
A) X.21
and parameters
B) X.25
A) i and ii only
B) ii and iii only
C) i and iii only
11. The …………………. of the ATM D) All i, ii and iii
protocol involves the specifications of a
17. In ATM, the information is transmitted
transmission medium and signal encoding
in the form of small packets of fixed size are
called ………..
A) Physical layer
A) ATM path
B) ATM layer
B) ATM cell
C) High layer
C) ATM routing
D) ATM adaption layer (AAL)
D) ATM follows
12. …………… is a high-speed switching
18. Which of the following is/are the
network architecture created in the late
advantages of virtual path
1980s / early 1990s to apply circuit
i) complicated network structure ii)
switching concepts to data networks.
improved network performance and
A) X.21
reliability iii) Enhancement in-network
C) X.25
A) i and ii only
B) ii and iii only
13. ………….. defines the transmission of C) i and iii only
data in fixed-size cells and it also defines the D) All i, ii and iii
use of logical connections.
19. …………….. includes real-time service
A) Physical layer
of ATM service.
B) ATM layer
A) Constant bit rate
C) High layer
B) Available bit rate
D) ATM adaption layer (AAL)

Aditya Deo 15
C) Unspecified bit rate 3. The main important technical
D) Specified bit rate contribution of B-ISDN is the ……
20. State whether the following statements
B) Frame relay
are True or False.
C) X.25
i) ATM is the next step of packet switching
technique ii) ATM allows multiple virtual
channels with the data rates iii) Frame 4. The main important technical
relay not allows multiple virtual channels contribution of narrowband ISDN is …..
with the data rates A) SMDS
A) i-True, ii-False, iii-True B) Frame relay
B) i-False, ii-False, iii-True C) X.25
C) i-True, ii-True, iii-False D) ATM
D) i-False, ii-True, iii-True
5. Which of the following is/are the services
Answers provided by ISDN.
i) Existing voice applications ii) Data
1. C) i, ii and iii only
applications iii) Fascimile(FAX) iv)
2. C) Frame relay
Teletext services
3. D) Frame relay
A) i, ii and iii only
4. A) i-True, ii-False, iii-True
B) ii, iii and iv only
5. A) i and ii only
C) i, iii and iv only
6. C) Frame relay
D) All i, ii, iii and iv
7. A) X.25
8. D) All i, ii and iii 6. The development of ISDN is governed by
9. B) X.25 a set of recommendations issued by ………..
11. A) Physical layer B) ITTCC
13. B) ATM layer D) ITTCC
14. D) ATM adaption layer (AAL)
7. The …………….. connects a large
15. A) i, ii and iv only
number of ISDN subscriber loop signals to
16. D) All i, ii and iii
the digital network.
17. B) ATM cell
A) Digital Networking office
18. B) ii and iii only
B) Digital Central Office
19. A) Constant bit rate
C) Integrated Network Office
20. D) i-False, ii-True, iii-True
D) Digital Service Office
1. The narrowband ISDN has a smaller
8. The ISDN is governed by
bandwidth and it can support the data rates
recommendations from ITU-T which are
of up to …………
called as …………. of recommendations.
A) 62Kbits/s
A) T-series
B) 64Kbits/s
B) U-series
C) 66Kbits/s
C) I-series
D) 68Kbit/s
D) D-series
2. The first generation of ISDN is called as a
9. Which of the following is/are the
narrowband ISDN which has a ……………
operations performed by the digital central
A) circuit switching
i) It provides access to the circuit-switched
B) datagram packet switching
C) message switching
ii) It provides subscriber access to the
D) virtual circuit packet switching

Aditya Deo 16
dedicated lines messages.
iii) It accommodates multiplexed access via i) Call set up
digital PBX and LAN ii) User to use messages
A) i and ii only iii) Call connect and disconnect
B) ii and iii only acknowledgment
C) i and iii only iv) Call processing alert
D) All i, ii and iii A) i, ii and iii only
B) ii, iii and iv only
10. Digital central office providers
C) i, iii and iv only
subscriber access to the ………… networks
D) All i, ii, iii and iv
and timeshare transaction-oriented
computer services. 16. Call control message group includes
A) packet-switched which of the following messages.
B) circuit-switched i) Suspend or resume messages
C) message switched ii) User to user messages
D) telegraph switched iii) Call release messages
A) i and ii only
11. The standard electronic mail source
B) ii and iii only
components have been defined and
C) i and iii only
approved by the CCITT which are known
D) All i, ii and iii
as ……………. family of standards for
message handling system. 17. ………… are used for negotiating the
A) X.100 network facilities for supporting additional
B) X.200 services such as direct inward dialing, call
C) X.300 forwarding etc.
D) X.400 A) Call establishment message
B) Call control message
12. ……………. message handling system
C) Call disconnect message
model in ISDN is used for system model and
D) Other messages
services elements.
A) X.400 18. ……………. field of a message format
B) X.401 for ISDN gives reference to the channel
C) X.408 information transfer activity to which a
D) X.410 signaling packet pertains.
A) Protocol discriminator
13. …………… message handling system
B) Call reference
model in ISDN is used for remote
C) Message reference
operations and reliable transfer server.
D) Message type
A) X.400
B) X.401 19. State whether the following statements
C) X.408 for the features of ISDN address structure
D) X.410 are True or False.
i) The ISDN numbering plan is based on the
14. The message format for ISDN can be
telephone numbering plan
classified into which of the following
ii) It depends on the nature of service being
A) Call establishment message
iii) It independent of the performance
B) Call control message
characteristics of the connection.
C) Call disconnect message
A) i-True, ii-True, iii-False
D) All of the above
B) i-True, ii-False, iii-True
15. In the group of call establishment C) i-False, ii-True, iii-True
messages contains which of the following D) i-False, ii-False, iii-False

Aditya Deo 17
20. Which of the following is/are the types high speed data, high quality audio etc.
of ISDN channels. A) A channels
i) A channel ii) B channel iii) D channel iv) B) B channels
H channel C) D channels
A) i, ii and iii only D) H channels
B) ii, iii and iv only
4. The basic channel structure of H
C) i, iii and iv only
channels is a package offered to the user
D) All i, ii, iii and iv
which consists of ………. full-duplex
Answers 64Kbps B channel(s) and ……… full-duplex
16Kbps D channel.
1. B) 64Kbits/s
A) one, two
2. A) circuit switching
B) two, one
3. D) ATM
C) two, three
4. B) Frame relay
D) three, two
5. D) All i, ii, iii and iv
6. A) CCITT 5. …………. of ISDN refers to certain finite
7. B) Digital Central Office arrangements of physical equipment or
8. C) I-series combination of equipment
9. D) All i, ii and iii A) Reference grouping
10. A) packet-switched B) Reference points
11. D) X.400 C) Functional grouping
12. A) X.400 D) Functional points
13. D) X.410
6. ………… in ISDN correspond to the
14. D) All of the above
conceptual points used in order to separate
15. C) i, iii and iv only
groups of functions.
16. A) i and ii only
A) Reference grouping
17. D) Other messages
B) Reference points
18. B) Call reference
C) Functional grouping
19. B) i-True, ii-False, iii-True
D) Functional points
20. B) ii, iii and iv only
7. ………… includes the functions
1. ………………. can be used for carrying
associated with the physical and electrical
digital data, PCM encoded voice signal,
termination of the ISDN on the user’s
coded at 64 Kbps.
A) A channel
A) Network Termination 1 (NT1)
B) B channel
B) Network Termination 2 (NT2)
C) D channel
C) Network Termination 1,2 (NT12)
D) H channel
D) Terminal Equipment Type 1 (TE1)
2. Different types of connections which can
8. …………. is a customer premises
be set up over a B channel of ISDN is/are ..
switching equipment and it is an intelligent
i) Packet switched connections ii) Circuit
device which performs switching and
switched connections iii) Frame mode
concentration functions.
connections iv) Semi permanent
A) Network Termination 1 (NT1)
B) Network Termination 2 (NT2)
A) i, ii and iv only
C) Network Termination 1,2 (NT12)
B) i, iii and iv only
D) Terminal Equipment Type 1 (TE1)
C) ii, iii and iv only
D) All i, ii, iii and iv 9. Digital telephones integrated voice/data
terminals and digital fax are the examples
3………… are used for user information a
of …………. in ISDN.
higher bit rates such as fast facsimile, video,

Aditya Deo 18
A) Network Termination 1 (NT1) C) ii, iii and iv only
B) Network Termination 2 (NT2) D) i, iii and iv only
C) Network Termination 1,2 (NT12)
16. ISDN provides which of the following
D) Terminal Equipment Type 1 (TE1)
types of end to end communication services.
10. The different reference points in ISDN i) circuit-switched calls over a B channel
is/are ii) Semi-permanent connections over a B
i) Terminal point (T) ii) System Reference channel
Point (S) iii) Rate Reference Point (R) iv) iii) Packet-switched calls over H channel
United Reference Point (U) iv) Packet-switched calls over D channel
A) i, ii and iii only A) i, ii and iv only
B) i, iii and iv only B) i, ii and iii only
C) ii, iii and iv only C) ii, iii and iv only
D) All i, ii, iii and iv D) i, iii and iv only
11. ………. is used to provide a non-ISDN 17. ………. is used to distinguish between
interface between the user equipment with messages for the user-network call control
the adapter equipment. and the other message types.
A) Terminal point (T) A) Protocol discriminator
B) System Reference Point (S) B) Call reference
C) Rate Reference Point (R) C) Message type
D) United Reference Point (U) D) Comment
12. ………. in ISDN corresponds to 18. The Q.931 message in ISDN applies in
minimum ISDN Network termination at the which of the following applications.
customer premise. i) circuit mode control ii) packet mode
A) Terminal point (T) access connection control iii) uses to user
B) System Reference Point (S) signaling associated with circuit-switched
C) Rate Reference Point (R) calls iv) Message used with a global call
D) United Reference Point (U) reference
A) i, ii and iv only
13. Control signaling, packet switching and
B) i, ii and iii only
telemetry are the applications of …………. .
C) ii, iii and iv only
A) A channel
D) i, iii and iv only
B) B channel
C) D channel 19. Which of the following is/are the
D) H channel additional function(s) performed by the
Q.931 messages.
14. ………… in ISDN is used for
i) call establishment ii) call information iii)
establishing, maintaining and terminating
call clearing
the connectors on channel B.
A) i and ii only
A) Control signaling
B) ii and iii only
B) Telemetry
C) i and iii only
C) Packet switching
D) All i, ii and iii
D) Circuit switching
20. The two different bit rates for which one
15. The B channel can be used for in which
primary channel structure or primary
of the following applications.
access is designed are …… and ……….
i) circuit switching ii) semi-permanent
A) 1.444Mbps, 2.48Mbps
circuits iii) packet switching iv) control
B) 1.544Mbps, 2.048Mbps
C) 1.644Mbps, 2.058Mbps
A) i, ii and iv only
D) 1.445Mbps, 2.084Mbps
B) i, ii and iii only

Aditya Deo 19
C) ii, iii, iv and v only
Answers D) All i, ii, iii, iv and v
1. B) B channel 4. A firewall is installed at the point where
2. D) All i, ii, iii and iv the secure internal network and untrusted
3. D) H channels external network meet which is also known
4. B) two, one as ………………
5. C) Functional grouping A) Chock point
6. B) Reference points B) meeting point
7. A) Network Termination 1 (NT1) C) firewall point
8. B) Network Termination 2 (NT2) D) secure point
9. D) Terminal Equipment Type 1 (TE1)
5. Which of the following is/are the types of
10.A) i, ii and iii only
11.C) Rate Reference Point (R)
A) Packet Filtering Firewall
12.A) Terminal point (T)
B) Dual Homed Gateway Firewall
13.C) D channel
C) Screen Host Firewall
14.A) Control signaling
D) All of the above
15.B) i, ii and iii only
16.A) i, ii and iv only 6. The components of IP security includes
17.A) Protocol discriminator ………………….
18.A) i, ii and iv only A) Authentication Header (AH)
19.D) All i, ii and iii B) Encapsulating Security Payload (ESP)
20.B) 1.544Mbps, 2.048Mbps C) Internet Key Exchange (IKE)
D) All of the above
NETWORK SECURITY 7. ………………….. is used to carry traffic
of one protocol over the network that does
1. Which of the following are the solutions not support that protocol directly.
to network security? A) Tunneling
i) Encryption ii) Authentication B) Transferring
iii) Authorization iv) Non-repudiation C) Trafficking
A) i, ii and iii only D) Switching
B) ii, iii and iv only
C) i, iii and iv only 8. In ………………. Mode, the
D) All i, ii, iii and iv authentication header is inserted
immediately after the IP header.
2. …………… is to protect data and A) Tunnel
passwords. B) Transport
A) Encryption C) Authentication
B) Authentication D) Both A and B
C) Authorization
D) Non-repudiation 9. State true or false.
i) Socks are a standard for circuit-level
3. The following protocols and systems are gateways.
commonly used to provide various degrees ii) NAT is used for the small number of
of security services in a computer network. hosts in a private network.
i) IP filtering ii) Reverse A) True, False
Address Translation B) False, True
iii) IP Security Architecture (IPsec) iv) C) True, True
Firewalls v) Socks D) False, False
A) i, ii, iii and iv only
B) i, iii, iv and v only 10. A ………………. is an extension of an
enterprise’s private intranet across a public

Aditya Deo 20
Network such as the Internet, creating a A) IPsec
secure private connection. B) Netsec
A) VNP C) Packetsec
B) VPN D) Protocolsec
5. At the lower layer of SSL, a protocol for
transferring data using a variety of
predefined cipher and authentication
Answers: combinations called the ……………….
A) SSL handshake protocol
1. D) All i, ii, iii and iv
B) SSL authentication protocol
2. A) Encryption
C) SSL record protocol
3. B) i, iii, iv and v only
D) SSL cipher protocol
4. A) Chock point
5. D) All of the above 6. While initiating the SSL session, the
6. D) All of the above client code recognizes the SSL request and
7. A) Tunneling establishes a connection through TCP Part
8. A) Tunnel …………….. to the SSL code on the server.
9. C) True, True A) 420
10. B) VPN B) 1032
C) 443
1. The primary goal of the D) 322
………………….. protocol is to provide a
private channel between communicating 7. On the upper layer of SSL, a protocol for
application, which ensures privacy of data initial authentication and transfer of
authentication of the partners, and encryption keys called the …………………
integrity. A) SSL handshake protocol
A) SSL B) SSL authentication protocol
B) ESP C) SSL record protocol
C) TSL D) SSL cipher protocol
8. State whether the following statement is
2. The ……………. is used to provide true.
integrity check, authentication, and i) An application-level gateway is often
encryption to IP datagram. referred to as a proxy.
A) SSL ii) In proxy, a direct connection is
B) ESP established between the client and the
C) TSL destination server.
D) PSL A) True, False
B) False, True
3. In ……………………. mode, a common C) True, True
technique in packet-switched D) False, False
networks consist of wrapping a packet in a
new one. 9. In the packet-filtering router, the
A) Tunneling following information can be external from
B) Encapsulation the packet header.
C) Both A and B i) Source IP address ii)
D) None of the above Destination IP address
iii) TCP/UDP source port iv) ICMP
4. The …………………………. is a message type
collection of protocols designed by Internet v) TCP/UDP destination port
Engineering Task Force(IETF) to provide A) i, ii, iii and iv only
security for a packet at the Network level. B) i, iii, iv and v only

Aditya Deo 21
C) ii, iii, iv and v only 4) The Open Shortest Path First(OSPF)
D) All i, ii, iii, iv and v protocol is an intra domain routing protocol
based on …….. routing.
10. …………….. mode is used whenever
A. distance vector
either end of a security the association is the
B. link state
C. path vector
A) Tunnel
D. non distance vector
B) Encapsulating
C) Transport 5) An/A ……….routing scheme is designed
D) Gateway to enable switches to react to changing
traffic patterns on the network.
A. static routing
B. fixed alternative routing
1. A) SSL C. standard routing
2. B) ESP D. dynamic routing
3. C) Both A and B
6) The Routing Information Protocol(RIP)
4. A) IPsec
is an intra domain routing based on
5. C) SSL record protocol
6. C) 443
A. distance vector
7. A) SSL handshake protocol
B. link state
8. A) True, False
C. path vector
9. D) All i, ii, iii, iv and v
D. distance code
10. A) Tunnel
7) The term …….. refers to which node or
nodes in the network are responsible for the
ROUTING PROTOCOL routing decision.
AND ALGORITHM A. decision place
B. routing place
1) Which of the following is not the C. node place
requirement of routing function? D. switching place
A. Correctness 8) In ……. routing the least cost route
B. Robustness between any two nodes is the minimum
C. Delay time distance.
D. Stability A. path vector
2) The ……… protocol allows the B. distance vector
administrator to assign a cost, called the C. link state
metric, to each route. D. switching
A. OSPF 9) For centralized routing the decision is
B. RIP made by some designated node called ……
C. BGP A. designated center
D. BBGP B. control center
3) If there is only one routing sequence for C. network center
each source destination pair, the scheme is D. network control center
known as ….. 10) For purposes of routing, the Internet is
A. static routing divided into …….
B. fixed alternative routing A. wide area networks
C. standard routing B. autonomous networks
D. dynamic routing C. local area networks
D. autonomous system

Aditya Deo 22
A. point-to-point
11) In ………. a route is selected for each B. transient
destination pair of nodes in the network. C. stub
A. flooding D. multipoint
B. variable routing
19) In ……. routing, the mask and the
C. fixed routing
destination address are both in
D. random routing
routing table.
12) To create a neighborhood relationship, A. next-hop
a router running BGP sends an ………. B. host-specific
message. C. network-specific
A. open D. default
B. update
20) In ………. the router forwards the
C. keep alive
receive packet through only one of its
D. close
13) The technique which requires no A. unicasting
network information required is …. B. multicasting
A. flooding C. broadcasting
B. variable routing D. point to point
C. fixed routing
D. random routing
1) C. Delay time
14) An area is ….
2) A. OSPF
A. part of an AS
3) B. fixed alternative routing
B. composed of at least two AS
4) B. link state
C. another term for an AS
5) C. standard routing
D. composed more than two AS
6) A. distance vector
15) Which of the following produces high 7) A. decision place
traffic network? 8) B. distance vector
A. Variable routing 9) D. network control center
B. Flooding 10) D. autonomous system
C. Fixed routing 11) C. fixed routing
D. Random routing 12) B. update
13) A. flooding
16) In ……….. routing, we assume that
14) A. part of an AS
there is one node (or more) in each
15) B. Flooding
autonomous system that acts on behave of
16) B. path vector
the entire autonomous system.
17) D. Net id
A. distant vector
18) B. transient
B. path vector
19) D. default
C. link state
20) B. multicasting
D. multipoint
1) Alternate and adaptive routing algorithm
17) When a direct delivery is made, both the
belongs to ……….
deliverer and receiver have the same ….
A. static routing
A. routing table
B. permanent routing
B. host id
C. standard routing
C. IP address
D. dynamic routing
D. Net id
2) ………. protocol is a popular example of
18) In OSPF, a ……… link is a network
a link-state routing protocol.
with several routers attached to it.

Aditya Deo 23
A. SPF A. up
B. BGP B. host-specific
C. RIP C. gateway
D. OSPF D. added by redirection
3) An example of the routing algorithm is 10) The types of autonomous system defined
… by BGP is/are ..
B. TNET B. Multi-homed
C. ARPANET C. Transit
D. ARNET D. All of the above
4) The Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing
Protocol(EIGRP) is categorized as a …….. 11) For a direct deliver, the …….. flag is on.
A. Distance vector routing protocols A. up
B. Link state routing protocols B. host specific
C. Hybrid routing protocols C. gateway
D. Automatic state routing protocols D. added by redirection
5) In ………. routing, the routing table hold 12) A ………. AS has connections to two or
the address of just the next hop instead of more autonomous systems and carries both
complete route information. local and transit traffic.
A. next-hop A. Stub
B. host-specific B. Multi-homed
C. network-specific C. Transit
D. default D. All of the above
6) ………. was originally developed to 13) In unicast routing, each router in the
provide a loop-free method of exchanging domain has a table that defines a ………
routing information between autonomous path tree to possible destinations.
systems. A. average
A. OSPF B. longest
B. EIGRP C. shortest
C. BGP D. very longest
14) ………….. supports the simultaneous
7) In ………… routing, the destination use of multiple unequal cost paths to a
address is a network address in the routing destination.
tables. A. OSPF
A. next-hop B. EIGRP
B. host-specific C. BGP
C. network-specific D. RIP
D. default
15) In multicast routing, each involved
8) Logical partitioning of the network, router needs to construct a ……… path tree
authentication and faster convergence rate for each group.
are the advantages of …. A. average
A. OSPF B. longest
B. EIGRP C. shortest
C. BGP D. very longest
16) Which of the following is/are
9) The ………. flag indicates the availability the benefits provided by EIGRP?
of a router. i) Faster convergence

Aditya Deo 24
ii) partial routing updates 12) C. Transit
iii) High bandwidth utilization 13) C. shortest
iv) Route summarization 14) B. EIGRP
A. i, iii and iv only 15) C. shortest
B. i, ii and iii only 16) D. i, ii and iv only
C. ii, iii and iv only 17) C. stub
D. i, ii and iv only 18) C. Route summarization
19) D. multipoint
17) In OSPF, a ………. link is a network is
20) A. Route redistribution
connected to only one router.
A. point-to-point 1) The principle of ………..states that the
B. transient routing table is stored from the longest
C. stub mask to the shortest mask.
D. multipoint A. first mask matching
B. shortest mask matching
18) ……… is the process of consolidating
C. longest mask matching
multiple contiguous routing entries into a
D. very shortest mask matching
single advertisement.
A. Faster convergence 2) ………… are two popular examples of
B. Partial routing updates distance vector routing protocols.
C. Route summarization A. OSPF and RIP
D. Multiple protocols B. RIP and BGP
19) In OSPF, when the link between two
D. BGP and SPF
routers is broken, the administration may
create a …….. link between them using a 3) …… deals with the issues of creating and
longer path that probably goes through maintaining routing tables.
several routers. A. Forwarding
A. point-to-point B. Routing
B. transient C. Directing
C. stub D. None directing
D. multipoint
4) During an adverse condition, the length
20) ……….. is the process of introducing of time for every device in the network to
external routers into an OSPF network. produce an accurate routing table is called
A. Route redistribution the ……….
B. Route summarization A. accurate time
C. Route reintroducing B. integrated time
D. Route recreation C. convergence time
D. average time
5) A ……… routing table contains
1) D. dynamic routing
information entered manually.
2) D. OSPF
A. static
B. dynamic
4) C. Hybrid routing protocols
C. hierarchical
5) A. next-hop
D. non static
6) C. BGP
7) C. network-specific 6) Which of the following is/are the uses of
8) A. OSPF static routing methods.
9) D. added by redirection A. To manually define a default route.
10) D. All of the above B. To provide more secure network
11) C. gateway environment.

Aditya Deo 25
C. To provide more efficient resource A. next-hop
utilization. B. network-specific
D. All of the above C. host-specific
D. default
7) A ………. routing table is updated
periodically using one of the dynamic 14) ……… allow routers to exchange
routing protocols. information within an AS.
A. static A. Interior Gateway Protocol(IGP)
B. dynamic B. Exterior Gateway Protocol(EGP)
C. hierarchical C. Border Gateway Protocol(BGP)
D. non static D. Static Gateway Protocol(SGP)
8) Which of the following is not the category 15) In ………. forwarding, the routing table
of dynamic routing algorithm. holds the address of just the next hop
A. Distance vector protocols instead of complete route information.
B. Link state protocols A. next-hop
C. Hybrid protocols B. network-specific
D. Automatic state protocols C. host-specific
D. default
9) In ……… forwarding, the full IP address
of a destination is given in the routing table. 16) Which of the following is an example of
A. next-hop Exterior Gateway Protocol.
B. network-specific A. Open Short Path First(OSPF)
C. host-specific B. Border Gateway Protocol(BGP)
D. default C. Routing Information Protocol(RIP)
D. All of the above
10) To build the routing table, ………..
algorithms allow routers to automatically 17) A one-to-all communication between
discover and maintain awareness or the one source and all hosts on a network is
paths through the network. classified as a ………
A. Static routing A. unicast
B. Dynamic routing B. multicast
C. Hybrid routing C. broadcast
D. Automatic routing D. point to point
11) In ………. forwarding, the mask and 18) …….. allow the exchange of summary
destination addresses are both in the information between autonomous systems.
routing table. A. Interior Gateway Protocol(IGP)
A. next-hop B. Exterior Gateway Protocol(EGP)
B. network-specific C. Border Gateway Protocol(BGP)
C. host-specific D. Dynamic Gateway Protocol(DGP)
D. default
19) A robust routing protocol provides the
12) To build the routing table, ……….. ability to ……… build and manage the
method use preprogrammed definitions information in the IP routing table.
representing paths through the network. A. dynamically
A. Static routing B. statically
B. Dynamic routing C. hierarchically
C. Hybrid routing D. All of the above
D. Automatic routing
20) State True or False for the definition of
13) In ………. forwarding, the destination an autonomous system(AS).
addresses is a network address in the i) An AS is defined as a physical portion of
routing table. a larger IP network.

Aditya Deo 26
ii) An AS is normally comprised of an inter- C) Analog signal
network within an organization. D) Digital signal
A. i-True, ii-True
4. ………….. can have only limited number
B. i-True, ii-False
of defined values which is often simple as 0
C. i-False, ii-True
or 1.
D. i-False, ii-False
A) Analog data
Answers: B) Digital data
C) Analog signal
1) C. longest mask matching
D) Digital signal
2) B. RIP and BGP
3) B. Routing 5. A ……………….. signal completes a
4) C. convergence time pattern with in a measurable time frame
5) A. static called a period and repeats that pattern
6) D. All of the above over subsequent identical periods.
7) B. dynamic A) periodic
8) D. Automatic state protocols B) framed
9) C. host-specific C) non periodic
10) B. Dynamic routing D) discrete
11) D. default
6. The …………….. of a signal is the
12) A. Static routing
absolute value of its highest intensity,
13) B. network-specific
proportional to the energy it carries.
14) A. Interior Gateway Protocol(IGP)
A) phase
15) A. next-hop
B) peak amplitude
16) B. Border Gateway Protocol(BGP)
C) frequency period
17) C. broadcast
D) period
18) B. Exterior Gateway Protocol(EGP)
19) A. dynamically 7. ……………….. refers to the amount of
20) C. i-False, ii-True time in seconds, a signal needs to complete
one cycle.
A) phase
DATA TRANSMISSION B) peak amplitude
D) period
1. ……………….. refers to information that
8. …………… is the position of the
is continuous.
waveform relative to time 0.
A) Analog data
A) phase
B) Digital data
B) peak amplitude
C) Analog signal
C) frequency
D) Digital signal
D) period
2. ………………. refers to information that
9…………………… is the rate of change
has discrete states.
with respect to time.
A) Analog data
A) phase
B) Digital data
B) peak amplitude
C) Analog signal
C) frequency
D) Digital signal
D) period
3. …………… has infinitely many levels of
10. …………….. is a characteristic of a
intensity over a period of time.
signal traveling through a transmission
A) Analog data
medium which binds the period or the
B) Digital data
frequency of a simple sine wave to the

Aditya Deo 27
propagation speed of the medium. A) repeaters
A) Period B) amplifiers
B) Frequency C) routers
C) Web-length D) boosters
D) Phase
17. We can compare the performance of
analog transmission with that of digital
11. ……………. is actually a combination of transmission system based on the following
simple sine waves with different factors.
frequencies, amplitudes and phases. i) effect of noise ii) distance to be covered iii)
A) Composite signal services provided
B) Combined signal A) i and ii only
C) Hybrid signal B) ii and iii only
D) All of the above C) i and iii only
D) All i, ii and iii
12. A …………. can be transmitted only a
limited distance before attenuation, noise 18. …………….. receive the signal and noise
and other impairments distorts the integrity at their input separate out the signal from
of the data. noise and regenerate the signal which is free
A) Analog signal from noise.
B) Digital signal A) repeaters
C) Hybrid signal B) amplifiers
D) All of the above C) routers
D) separators
13. To achieve longer distances, the analog
transmission system includes ………………. 19. Which of the following are the
that boost the energy of the signal. advantages of digital transmission.
A) repeaters i) Digital transmission has better noise
B) amplifiers immunity
C) routers ii) It is possible to detect and correct the
D) boosters errors introduced during the data
14. A ……………….. receives the digital
iii) Digital transmission require a larger
signal, recovers the pattern of 1s and 0s and
channel bandwidth as compared to analog
re-transmits a new signal.
A) repeater
A) i and ii only
B) amplifier
B) ii and iii only
C) router
C) i and iii only
D) booster
D) All i, ii and iii
15. State whether the following statements
20. State whether the following statements
are True or False for digital signal.
are True or False for digital data
i) Analog data are encoded using a codec to
produce digital bit stream
i) Digital modulation needs synchronization
ii) Digital data are encoded to produce a
in case of synchronization in case of
digital signal with desired properties.
synchronous modulation.
A) i-True, ii-False
ii) TDM(Time Division Multiplexing)
B) i-True, ii-True
technique can be used to transmit many
C) i-False, ii-True
voice channels over a single common
D) i-False, ii-False
transmission channel.
16. In digital transmission, analog signal A) i-True, ii-False
propagated through ……………….. B) i-True, ii-True

Aditya Deo 28
C) i-False, ii-True amount of energy depends on the
D) i-False, ii-False frequency.
A) Noise
B) Delay distortion
1. A) Analog data C) Attenuation distortion
2. B) Digital data D) Dispersion
3. C) Analog signal
5. If the ……………….. is too much, the
4. D) Digital signal
receiver may not be able to detect the signal
5. A) periodic
at all or the signal may fall below the noise
6. B) peak amplitude
7. D) period
A) Noise
8. A) phase
B) Delay
9. C) frequency
C) Dispersion
10. C) Web-length
D) Attenuation
11. A) Composite signal
12. B) Digital signal 6. Attenuation can be also expressed in
13. B) amplifiers decibel(dB) and commonly used because.
14. A) repeater i) Signal strengths often fall off
15. B) i-True, ii-True logarithmically
16. A) repeaters ii) Cascade losses and gains can be
17. D) All i, ii and iii calculated with simple additions and
18. A) repeaters subtractions
19. A) i and ii only A) i only
20. B) i-True, ii-True B) ii only
C) Both of the above
1. ……………… means sending a digital D) None of the above
signal over a channel without changing the
digital signal to an analog signal. 7. ……………… occurs due to velocity of
A) Baseband transmission propagation the frequency varies. Thus
B) Broadband transmission various frequency components of a signal
C) Digital transmission arrive at the receiver at different times.
D) Analog transmission A) Noise
B) Delay distortion
2. In …………………. transmission, we can C) Attenuation distortion
send data by grouping n bits at a time D) Dispersion
instead of a single bit.
A) parallel 8. ………….. can be defined as unwanted
B) serial energy from source other than the
C) analog transmitter.
D) digital A) Dispersion
B) Attenuation Distortion
3. In ………………….. transmission, we C) Delay distortion
require only one communication channel D) Noise
rather than channels n to transmit data
between two communicating devices. 9. …………… noise is caused by the
A) parallel random motion of the electrons in a wire
B) serial and is avoidable.
C) analog A) Thermal
D) digital B) Intermodulation
C) Cross talk
4. ……………… is the loss of energy as the D) Impulse
signal propagates outward, where the

Aditya Deo 29
10. Thermal noise is often referred to as A) data rate
…………… noise, because it affects B) data flow
uniformly the different frequencies. C) data speed
A) Black D) baud rate
B) White
17. In data communication, data rate
C) Gray
depends on which of the following factors.
D) Blue
i) The bandwidth available ii) The level of
the signals iii) The level of noise
11. ………………….. is caused by a A) i and ii only
component malfunction or a signal with B) ii and iii only
excessive strength is used. C) i and iii only
A) Thermal D) All i, ii and iii
B) Intermodulation
18. …………….. is the unit of signaling
C) Cross talk
speed or modulation rate or the rate of
D) Impulse
symbol transmission.
12. ……………….. is a noise where foreign A) Data rate
signal enters the path of the transmitted B) Bit rate
signal. C) Signal to Noise Ratio
A) Thermal D) Baud rate
B) Intermodulation
19. A …………… is a discrete time signal
C) Cross talk
having finite number of amplitude.
D) Impulse
A) Analog signal
13. …………….. are noise owing to B) Digital signal
irregular disturbances, such as lightning, C) Hybrid signal
flawed communication elements. D) Discrete signal
A) Thermal
20. The range of frequencies that contain
B) Intermodulation
the information is called as the ………..
C) Cross talk
A) Bandwidth
D) Impulse
B) Bit rate
14. ……………… is caused due to the C) Signal to Noise Ratio
inductive coupling between two wires that D) Baud rate
are close to each other.
A) Thermal
B) Intermodulation 1. A) Baseband transmission
C) Cross talk 2. A) parallel
D) Impulse 3. B) serial
4. C) Attenuation distortion
15. Sometime when talking over the
5. D) Attenuation
telephone, you can hear another
6. C) Both of the above
conversation in the background which is
7. B) Delay distortion
8. D) Noise
A) Thermal
9. A) Thermal
B) Intermodulation
10. B) White
C) Cross talk
11. B) Intermodulation
D) Impulse
12. C) Cross talk
16. In data communication ……………… is 13. D) Impulse
how fast we can send data, in bits per 14. C) Cross talk
second, over a channel. 15. C) Cross talk

Aditya Deo 30
16. A) data rate A) Unipolar RZ
17. D) All i, ii and iii B) Unipolar NRZ
18. D) Baud rate C) Polar RZ
19. B) Digital signal D) Polar NRZ
20. A) Bandwidth
7. ………………. format shows that
1. …………….. is the process of converting opposite polarity pulses of amplitude +-A/2
binary data, a sequence of bits to a digital are used to represent logic 1 and 0. .
signal. A) Unipolar RZ
A) Liners coding B) Unipolar NRZ
B) Line coding C) Polar RZ
C) Digital coding D) Polar NRZ
D) Binary coding
8. In ………………. format, the successive
2. Which of the following is/are the 1s are represented by pulses with
characteristics of line coding. alternating polarity and no pulse is
i) signal level and data level ii) DC transmitted for a logic 0.
component iii) Pulse rate and bit rate iv) A) Unipolar RZ
self-synchronization B) Unipolar NRZ
A) i, ii and iii only C) Bipolar NRZ
B) ii, iii and iv only D) Polar NRZ
C) i, iii and iv only
9. An attractive feature of the …………..
D) All i, ii, iii and iv
the absence of a dc component even through
3. Which of the following is/are the the input binary data may contain long
categories of line codes string of 0s and 1s.
i) Unipolar codes ii) Non polar codes iii) A) Bipolar format
Bipolar codes iv) Polar codes B) Unipolar format
A) i, ii and iii only C) Split Phase Manchester format
B) ii, iii and iv only D) Polar format
C) i, iii and iv only
10. In ………………. format, symbol 1 is
D) All i, ii, iii and iv
represented by transmitting a positive pulse
4. …………… have only one voltage level of +A/2 amplitude for one half of the
other than zero, so the encoded signal will symbol duration, followed by a negative
have either +A volts value or 0. pulse of amplitude -A/2 for remaining half
A) Unipolar codes of the symbol duration.
B) Bipolar codes A) Bipolar
C) Non polar codes B) Unipolar
D) Polar codes C) Split Phase Manchester
D) Polar
5. ………………… uses two voltage levels
other than zero such as +A/2 and -A/2 volts. 11. Which of the following is/are the basic
A) Unipolar codes types of modulation techniques for
B) Bipolar codes transmission of digital signals.
C) Non polar codes i) Amplitude Shift Keying(ASK) ii)
D) Polar codes Frequency Shift Keying(FSK) iii) Phase
Shift Keying(PSK)
6. In ………………… format, a logic 1 is A) i and ii only
represented by a pulse of full bit duration B) ii and iii only
Tb and amplitude +A while a logic 0 is C) i and iii only
represented by an off pulse or zero D) All i, ii and iii

Aditya Deo 31
12. ……………….. is a multilevel C) PSK
modulation in which four phase shift are D) QPSK
used for representing four different
18. …………………. has the best
performance of all the systems in presence
of noise, which gives the minimum
possibility of error.
13. The disadvantage of ………….. is that it D) FSK
is very sensitive to noise, therefore it finds
19. Which of the following is/are the
limited application in data transmission.
advantages of BPSK.
i) BPSK has a bandwidth which is lower
than that of the BPSK signal.
ii) BPSK is relatively easy to implement
iii) BPSK has a very good noise immunity.
14. ………………. is the simplest type of A) i and ii only
digital CW modulation where the carrier is B) ii and iii only
sinewave of frequency fc. C) i and iii only
A) ASK D) All i, ii and iii
20. As the telephone lines have a very low
bandwidth, it is not possible to satisfy the
bandwidth requirement of
15. State the following statements are True …………………… at higher speed.
or False for the advantage of FSK. A) ASK
i) FSK is relatively easy to implement B) PSK
ii) It has better noise immunity than ASK. C) FSK
iii) It increases the channel bandwidth D) QPSK
required to transmit the FSK signal.
A) i-False, ii-True, iii-False
B) i-True, ii-True, iii-False 1. B) Line coding
C) i-True, ii-False, iii-False 2. D) All i, ii, iii and iv
D) i-True, ii-True, iii-True 3. C) i, iii and iv only
4. A) Unipolar codes
16. The …………………. is not preferred
5. D) Polar codes
for the high speed modems since with
6. B) Unipolar NRZ
increase in speed, the bit rate increases.
7. C) Polar RZ
8. C) Bipolar NRZ
9. A) bipolar format
10. C) Split Phase Manchester
11. D) All i, ii and iii
12. D) QPSK
17. ………………… is used for high bit 13. A) ASK
rates, where the phase of the sinusoidal 14. A) ASK
carrier is changed according to the data bit 15. B) i-True, ii-True, iii-False
to be transmitted. 16. B) FSK
A) ASK 17. C) PSK
B) FSK 18. B) BPSK

Aditya Deo 32
19. C) i and iii only 7. State whether the following statements
20. C) FSK are True for twisted pair cable.
i) The attenuation of both STP and UTP ii)
1. ………………… cables are very cheap The cost of UTP is higher than STP iii) The
and easy to install, but they are badly installation of STP is fairly easy than UTP
affected by noise interference. A) i and iii only
A) STP B) i and ii only
B) UTP C) ii and iii only
C) Co-axial D) All i, ii and iii
D) Optical Fiber
8. A modulator ……………….. telephone
2. Twisting of wires in twisted pair cable connector is used to connect a four pair
helps to twisted pair cable.
A) increase the data speed A) RJ35
B) reduce the effect of noise or external B) RJ45
interface C) RJ11
C) make the cable stronger D) RJ21
D) make the cable attractive
9. ………………….. cable also find
3. Applications of twisted pair cable is/are application in cable television networks for
i) In telephone lines to carry voice and data computer communications.
channels A) Co-axial
ii) In the DSL line (ADSL) B) UTP
iii) In the ISDN (Integrated Services Digital C) STP
Network) D) Optical Fiber
iv) In thick and thin Ethernet
A) i, ii and iii only 10. ………………… cable suffers more
B) i, iii and iv only impairment than ……………… cable which
C) ii, iii and iv only in turn suffers more than ……………
D) All i, ii, iii and iv only A) Co-axial, Twisted, Optical Fiber
B) Twisted, Co-axial, Optical Fiber
4. ……………… UTP cables were originally C) Co-axial, Optical Fiber, Twisted
used for voice communication with low data D) Twisted, Optical Fiber, Co-axial
A) Category 1 11. ………………….. is the overlapping of
B) Category 2 frequency bands which can distort/wipe-out
C) Category 1 and 2 a signal.
D) Category 1, 2 and 3 A) Noise
B) Attenuation
5. Category 4 UTP cable offers data rates C) Interference
up to ………….. D) Distortion
A) 10 Mbps
B) 15 Mbps 12. State the following statements are True
C) 20 Mbps or False for the characteristics of Co-axial
D) 25 Mbps cable.
i) Due to the shield provided, this cable has
6. Category 6 UTP cable offers data rates excellent noise immunity
up to ………….. ii) It has large bandwidth and low losses
A) 100 Mbps iii) The attenuation is high as compared to
B) 200 Mbps the twisted pair.
C) 300 Mbps A) True, True, False
D) 400 Mbps B) False, True, True

Aditya Deo 33
C) True, False, False A) BNC connector
D) False, False, True B) BNC-L connector
C) BNC-T connector
13. ……………. cable is suitable for point
D) BNC terminator
to point or point to multi-point applications.
In fact, this is the most widely used medium 19. The ……………………. is used at the
for local area networks. end of the cable to present the reflection of
A) Optical Fiber the signal.
B) UTP A) BNC connector
C) STP B) BNC-L connector
D) Co-axial C) BNC-T connector
D) BNC terminator
14. Co-axial cables which are categorized
under …………….. RG(Radio 20. The ……………. cable was initially
Government) ratings used for thick developed as the backbone of analog
ethernet. telephone networks where a single
A) RG – 11 telephone cable would be used to carry
B) RG – 12 more that 10,000 voice channels at a time.
C) RG – 58 A) Optical Fiber
D) RG – 59 B) UTP
15. Co-axial cables which are categorized
D) Co-axial
under …………….. RG(Radio
Government) ratings used for cable TV. Answers
A) RG – 11
1. B) UTP
B) RG – 12
2. B) reduce the effect or noise or external
C) RG – 58
D) RG – 59
3. A) i, ii and iii only
16. Which of the following is/are the 4. C) Category 1 and 2
applications of Co-axial cables. 5. C) 20 Mbps
i) In the DSL line ii) Analog telephone 6. B) 200 Mbps
networks iii) Thick and thin Ethernet iv) 7. A) i and iii only
Cable TV 8. B) RJ45
A) i, ii and iii only 9. A) Co-axial
B) ii, iii and iv only 10. B) Twisted, Co-axial, Optical Fiber
C) i, iii and iv only 11. C) Interference
A) All i, ii, iii and iv 12. A) True, True, False
13. D) Co-axial
17. The different types of BNC (Bayonet-
14. A) RG – 11
Neill-Concelman) connectors used for Co-
15. D) RG – 59
axial cable is/are
16. B) ii, iii and iv only
i) BNC connector ii) BNC-L connector iii)
17. C) i, iii and iv only
BNC-T connector iv) BNC terminator
18. C) BNC-T connector
A) i, ii and iii only
19. D) BNC terminator
B) ii, iii and iv only
20. D) Co-axial
C) i, iii and iv only
A) All i, ii, iii and iv 1. In …………….. transmission system are
widely used in the backbone of the network.
18. The ………………. connector is used in
A) Fiber optic
Ethernet networks for branching out a
B) Co-axial
cable for connection to a computer or other

Aditya Deo 34
2. State the following statements are True index or a graded-index profile.
or False for the applications of optical fiber ii) Single-mode fiber is a high-quality fiber
cables. for wideband long haul transmission.
i) Optical fiber is now used in telephone iii) The amount of dispersion introduced in
systems. single-mode fiber is greater than that
ii) The installation cost of optical fibers is introduced in the multi-mode fibers.
higher than that for the Co-axial cables. A) i-True, ii-False, iii-True
iii) They are used for analog telephone B) i-True, ii-True, iii-True
networks. C) i-False, ii-True, iii-False
A) i-True, ii-False, iii-True D) i-True, ii-True, iii-False
B) i-True, ii-True, iii-True
7. ………… cable has much lower
C) i-False, ii-True, iii-False
attenuation and can carry the signal to
D) i-True, ii-True, iii-False
longer distances without using amplifiers
3. The sources of light for optical fiber and repeaters in between.
communication …………….. provides an A) Optical fiber
unfocused light which hits the core B) Co-axial
boundaries and gets discussed. C) UTP
8. ………………. cable is not affected by
EMI effects and can be used in areas where
high voltage are passing by.
4. In optical fiber communication, the A) Fiber optic
………………. can provide a very focused B) Co-axial
beam that can be used for long-distance C) UTP
communication. D) STP
9. State whether the following statements
are True for the characteristics of optical
fiber cables.
i) The cost of fiber optic cable is more
5. Which of the following statements are compared to twisted pair and Co-axial.
True for step-index and graded-index ii) The installation of fiber optic cables is
fibers. easier.
i) The light rays travel in straight lines iii) The number of modes that a fiber optic
through the step-index fibers. can support does not depend on its length.
ii) The acceptance cone of graded-index A) i and ii only
fibers is smaller than that of the step-index B) i and iii only
fiber. C) ii and iii only
iii) In graded-index fiber, the light rays do A) All i, ii and iii
not travel in a straight line due to
10. ……………….. cable is not affected by
continuous refraction.
potential shifts in the electrical ground, nor
A) i and ii only
does it produce sparks.
B) i and iii only
A) Fiber optic
C) ii and iii only
B) Co-axial
A) All i, ii and iii
6. State True or False for the following D) STP
statements about single-mode and multi-
11. Which of the following are the
mode fibers.
advantages of fiber optic communication
i) Multi-mode fiber can have either a step-
over the conventional means of

Aditya Deo 35
communication? 17. In …………….. power loss occurs due
i) Small size and lightweight ii) Easy to absorption, scattering, dispersion and
availability and low cost iii) No electrical or bending.
electromagnetic interference iv) Large A) Optical fiber
bandwidth B) Co-axial
A) i, ii and iii only C) UTP
B) ii, iii and iv only D) STP
C) i, iii and iv only
18. In …………….. EMI is reduced due to
D) All i, ii, iii and iv
12. Which of the following are the A) Optical fiber cable
drawbacks of optical fiber? B) Co-axial cable
i) Ground loops are absent ii) The initial C) UTP cable
cost incurred in high iii) Joining the optical D) STP cable
fiber is a difficult job
19. In Co-axial cable, the node capacity per
A) i and ii only
segment is ………..
B) i and iii only
A) 4o to 110
C) ii and iii only
B) 30 to 90
A) All i, ii and iii
C) 30 to 100
13. Fiber optic cables use three types of D) 40 to 100
connectors which are
20. …………… is less affected due to the
i) SC connector ii) BC connector iii) ST
external magnetic field.
connector iv) LT-RJ connector v) MT-RJ
A) Optical fiber cable
B) Co-axial cable
A) i, iii and v only
C) UTP cable
B) iii, iv an v only
D) STP cable
C) i, iii and v only
D) ii, iii and iv only Answers
14. The ……………. is used for cable TV, 1. A) Fiber optic
which uses a push/pull locking system. 2. D) i-True, ii-True, iii-False
A) SC connector 3. B) LED
B) BC connector 4. A) ILD
C) ST connector 5. B) i and iii only
D) MT-RJ connector 6. D) i-True, ii-True, iii-False
7. A) Optical fiber
15. The ……………. connector is used for
8. A) Fiber optic
connecting a cable to networking devices,
9. B) i and iii only
which uses a bayonet locking system.
10. A) Fiber optic
A) SC connector
11. D) All i, ii, iii and iv
B) BC connector
12. C) ii and iii only
C) ST connector
13. C) i, iii and v only
D) MT-RJ connector
14. A) SC connector
16. In …………… short circuit between the 15. C) ST connector
two conductors is not possible. 16. A) Optical fiber
A) Optical fiber 17. A) Optical fiber
B) Co-axial 18. B) Co-axial cable
C) UTP 19. C) 30 to 100
D) STP 20. B) Co-axial cable

Aditya Deo 36
1. Different ways the unguided signal can B) TV broadcasting
travel from the transmitter to receiver C) Satellite communication
is/are D) AM radio broadcast
i) Ground wave propagation ii) Sky
8. The medium frequencies (MF) from
propagation iii) Space propagation
300KHz to 30MHz are used for ……
A) i and ii only
A) Cellular phones
B) ii and iii only
B) TV broadcasting
C) i and iii only
C) Satellite communication
D) All i, ii and iii
D) AM radio broadcast
2. In the electromagnetic spectrum, the
frequencies in the range 30 kHz to 300 kHz 9. The signal occupying the range between
are known as ……. 0.1mm and 700nm(nanometer) are called
A) Medium Frequencies (MF) …….
B) Low Frequencies (LF) A) electromagnetic signal
C) High Frequencies (HF) B) infrared signal
D) Very Low Frequencies (VLF) C) short signal
D) visible light
3. In electromagnetic spectrum, the
frequencies in the range 30MHz to 300MHz 10. The various special kinds of
are known as …….. communications performed using infrared
A) High Frequencies (HF) signals is/are
B) Ultra High Frequencies (UHF) i) In astronomy to detect stars ii) For
C) Very High Frequencies (VHF) guidance in weapon system iii) FM
D) Super High Frequencies (SHF) broadcasting iv) TV remote control
A) i, ii and iii only
4. In the radio frequency spectrum, the
B) i, ii and iv only
frequency range of very low frequencies
C) ii, iii and iv only
will be ……………..
D) i, iii and iv only
A) 100Km to 10Km
B) 10Km to 1Km 11. …………. is a special type of
C) 10^3Km to 100Km electromagnetic radiation which has
D) 100M to 10M wavelength in the range of 0.4 to 0.8 micro
5. In radio frequency spectrum, the
A) electromagnetic signal
frequency range of very high frequencies
B) infrared signal
will be …………..
C) short signal
A) 10 Km to 1 Km
D) visible light
B) 100 M to 10 M
C) 10 M to 1 M 12. In wireless transmission ……………….
D) 1 M to 10 Cm have the frequencies between 10KHz to 1
6. For shortwave transmission, amateur and
A) EM waves
CB communication ……………….
B) Microwaves
spectrum are used.
C) Radiowaves
A) High Frequencies (HF)
D) Infrared
B) Ultra-High Frequencies (UHF)
C) Very High Frequencies (VHF) 13. Radio frequencies below …………. are
D) Super High Frequencies (SHF) more suitable for omnidirectional
7. The application of super-high
A) 30GHz
frequencies(SHF) 3GHz to 30GHz is …
B) 3GHz
A) Cellular phones

Aditya Deo 37
C) 1GHz and 21 to 23 GHz
D) 300MHz iii) Line of sight requirements make
installation easier
14. Which of the following electromagnetic
A) i and ii only
spectrum includes in radiowaves.
B) ii and iii only
i) High Frequencies (HF) or short waves
C) i and iii only
ii) Very High Frequency (VHF)
D) All i, ii and iii
iii) Ultra High Frequency (UHF)
iv) Super High Frequency (SHF) 19. State whether the following statements
A) i, ii and iii only are True or False about the Microwave
B) i, ii and iv only link.
C) ii, iii and iv only i) High maintenance as compared to cables
D) i, iii and iv only ii) No, adverse effects such as cable
breakage etc.
15. State whether the following statements
iii) Repeaters can be used. Hence effect of
are True or False for the characteristics of
noise is requced.
the types of radio waves.
A) i and ii only
i) The cost of high power single frequency is
B) ii and iii only
higher than other
C) i and iii only
ii) The bandwidth capacity of the spread
D) All i, ii and iii
spectrum is 2-6 Mbps.
iii) The installation of low power single 20. Which of the following is/are the
frequency is simple than other applications of Microwave Transmission.
A) i and ii only i) Point -to-point and point-to-multipoint
B) ii and iii only transmission
C) i and iii only ii) In cellular phones
D) All i, ii and iii iii) In satellite networks
iv) In the wireless LANs
16. Different types of radio waves used for
A) i, ii and iii only
computer network applications are ……
B) i, ii and iv only
i) Low power, single frequency
C) ii, iii and iv only
ii) High power, single frequency
D) i, iii and iv only
iii) High power, multiple frequency
iv) Spread spectrum
A) i, ii and iii only
B) i, ii and iv only 1. D) All i, ii, iii and iv
C) ii, iii and iv only 2. B) Low Frequencies (LF)
D) i, iii and iv only 3. C) Very High Frequencies (VHF)
4. A) 100Km to 10Km
17. ………………… are basically
5. C) 10 M to 1 M
electromagnetic waves having frequencies
6. A) High Frequencies (HF)
between 1 and 300 GHz.
7. C) Satellite communication
A) EM waves
8. D) AM radio broadcast
B) Microwaves
9. B) infrared signal
C) Radiowaves
10. B) i, ii and iv only
D) Infrared
11. D) visible light
18. Which of the following statements are 12. B) Microwaves
correct for the characteristics of terrestrial 13. C) 1GHz
Microwave systems. 14. A) i, ii and iii only
i) It supports a bandwidth from 1 to 10 15. D) All i, ii and iii
Mbps 16. B) i, ii and iv only
ii) The frequency range used form 4-6 GHz 17. B) Microwaves

Aditya Deo 38
18. A) i and ii only A) IRDA-A
19. B) ii and iii only B) IRDA-B
20. C) ii, iii and iv only C) IRDA-C
1. The electromagnetic waves having
frequencies from 300GHz to 400GHz are 7. The disadvantage of ………………
known as ……. signals is that they cannot penetrate walls
A) Medium Waves or other objects and they are diluted by
B) Short Waves strong light sources.
C) Micro Waves A) infrared
D) Infrared Waves B) microwave
C) radio wave
2. The electromagnetic waves having D) long-wave
frequencies from 3GHz to 30MHz are
known as ……. 8. For point to point communication in
A) Medium Waves infrared system ………….. depends on the
B) Short Waves quality of emitted light, its purity,
C) Micro Waves atmospheric conditions and signal
D) Infrared Waves obstructions.
A) Bandwidth capacity
3. The wavelength of the …………….. B) Node capacity
ranges from 850nm and 900nm, where the C) Attenuation
receivers with good sensitivity are available. D) EMI
A) visible light
B) infrared light 9. For ……………… communication in
C) microwaves infrared system attenuation depends on the
D) radio waves quality of emitted light its purity and
atmospheric conditions.
4. The ……………….. standard developed A) Point-to-point
for an infrared data link(IRDA) provides B) Point-to-multipoint
the standards for the bidirectional C) Broadcast
communications used in cordless devices D) Multi point-to-Multi point
such as mice, keyboards, joysticks and
handheld computers. 10. State whether the following statements
A) IRDA-A are correct for the applications of infrared.
B) IRDA-B i) very high data rates can be supported,
C) IRDA-C due to very high bandwidth.
D) IRDA-D ii) for communication between keyboard,
mouse PCs and printers
5. The ……………….. standard developed iii) For cellular communication
for an infrared data link (IRDA) provides A) i and ii only
the standards for the data rates from B) ii and iii only
115Kbps to 4Mbps with a distance up to 1 C) i and iii only
meter. D) All i, ii and iii
B) IRDA-B 11. Depending upon the type of application,
C) IRDA-C which of the following is/are the categories
D) IRDA-D of satellites.
i) Communication satellites ii) Remote
6. The ………………. standard developed sensing satellites iii) Weather satellites iv)
for an infrared data link provides the Astrological satellites
standards for the data rates of 75Kbits/sec A) i, ii and iii only
and the distance range is up to 8 meters. B) ii, iii and iv only

Aditya Deo 39
C) i, iii and iv only 17. For ……………. frequencies, the
D) All i, ii, iii and iv download frequency is 30GHz and up-link
frequency 30GHz.
12. Which of the following is/are the typical
A) C band
band of signal frequencies used for satellite
B) Ku band
C) Ka band
i) C band ii) Ku band iii) Ka-band
D) Ca band
A) i and ii only
B) ii and iii only
18. The electromagnetic web having the
C) i and iii only
wavelength from 1Km to 100M are known
D) All i, ii and iii
as ………….
13. Which of the following is/are the A) Long Waves
different types of beams used to cover a B) Medium Waves
specific area of the earth. C) Short Waves
i) Global beams ii) Spot beams iii) Point- D) Micro Waves
to-Point Spot iv) Use of dual-polarization
19. The electromagnetic wave having the
A) i, ii and iii only
wavelength from 10Km to 1Km are known
B) ii, iii and iv only
as ……….
C) i, ii and iv only
A) Long Waves
D) All i, ii, iii and iv
B) Medium Waves
14. State whether the following statements C) Short Waves
are True or False for the characteristics of D) Micro Waves
satellite microwave systems.
20. In satellite communication, the
i) It uses a frequency range between 4 to 6
bandwidth of each transponder is
…………… and it can handle ………….. at
ii) It supports a bandwidth and data rate in
a time.
the range of 1 to 10 Mbps.
A) 24 MHz, 8 Channels
iii) Attenuation depends on frequency,
B) 32 MHz, 10 Channels
power, antenna size and atmospheric
C) 36 MHz, 12 Channels
D) 38 MHz, 16 Channels
A) False, True, True
B) False, True, False Answers
C) True, False, False
1. D) Infrared Waves
D) True, False, True
2. B) Short Waves
15. For ………………. frequencies, the 3. B) infrared light
download frequency is 4GHz and up-link 4. C) IRDA-C
frequency is 6GHz. 5. D) IRDA-D
A) C band 6. C) IRDA-C
B) Ku band 7. A) infrared
C) Ka band 8. C) Attenuation
D) Ca band 9. C) Broadcast
10. A) i and ii only
16. The frequencies having downlink
11. A) i, ii and iii only
frequency 11GHz and up-link frequency
12. D) All i, ii and iii
14GHz is known as ………………
13. C) i, ii and iv only
14. A) False, True, True
A) C band
15. A) C band
B) Ku band
16. B) Ku band
C) Ka band
17. C) Ka-band
D) Ca band

Aditya Deo 40
18. B) Medium Waves C. Inter-modulation
19. A) Long Waves D. Cross talk
20. C) 36 MHz, 12 Channels
8) Data rate in data communication
1) Which of the following is/are the depends on which of the following factors.
applications of twisted-pair cables …… A. The bandwidth available
A. In the local loop B. The level of the signals we use
B. In the DSL line C. The quality of the channel
C. In the ISDN Network D. All of the above
D. All of the above
9) ……….. is the physical path between the
2) ………. transmission systems are widely transmitter and receiver.
used in the backbone of networks. A. Transmission media
A. Unshielded Twisted Pair(UTP) B. Physical media
B. Shielded Twisted Pair(STP) C. Transmission path
C. Optical Fiber D. Receiving path
D. Wireless
10) The key concern in the design of the
3) ……….. has much lower attenuation and data transmission system is Data Rate and
can carry the signal to longer distances ………
without using amplifiers and repeaters in A. Data Path
between. B. Data flow
A. UTP cable C. Distance
B. STP cable D. Frequencies
C. Fiber Optic cable
11) A ………… network is none that
D. All of the above
establishes a dedicated circuit between
4) The major problem(s) suffered for nodes and terminals before the users may
transmission lines on the physical layer communicate.
is/are ……… A. Message switching
A. Attenuation distortion B. Physical switching
B. Delay distortion C. circuit switching
C. Noise D. packet switching
D. All of the above
12) Which of the following is not the phase
5) ……… is the loss of energy as the signal involved in the circuit switching network?
propagates outward. A. Connection start
A. Attenuation distortion B. Connection establishment
B. Delay distortion C. Data transfer
C. Noise D. Termination
D. None of the above
13) ……….. is also known as store and
6) ………. is the unwanted energy from forward switching since the messages are
sources other than the transmitter. stored at intermediate nodes in route to
A. Attenuation distortion their destinations.
B. Delay distortion A. Message switching
C. Noise B. Physical switching
D. Disturbance C. circuit switching
D. packet switching
7) Which of the following is not the source
of the noise? 14) State True or False for the following
A. Thermal characteristics of optical fiber cables.
B. Magnetic i) The cost of fiber optic cable is more
compared to twisted pair and co-axial.

Aditya Deo 41
ii) The installation of fiber optic cable is C. Packet switching
much easier. D. Circular switching
A. i-True, ii-True
B. i-False, ii-True
C. i-True, ii-False 1) D. All of the above
D. i-False, ii-False 2) C. Optical Fiber
3) C. Fiber Optic cable
15) ………… splits traffic data into chunks.
4) D. All of the above
A. Message switching
5) A. Attenuation distortion
B. Linear switching
6) C. Noise
C. circuit switching
7) B. Magnetic
D. packet switching
8) D. All of the above
16) ……….. is used to optimize the use of 9) A. Transmission media
the channel capacity available in a network, 10) C. Distance
to minimize the transmission latency and to 11) C. circuit switching
increase the robustness of communication. 12) A. Connection start
A. Message switching 13) A. Message switching
B. Linear switching 14) C. i-True, ii-False
C. circuit switching 15) D. packet switching
D. packet switching 16) D. packet switching
17) B. Phase
17) The term ……… describes the position
18) C. high
of the waveform relative to time 0.
19) D. All i, ii, iii and iv
A. Frequency
20) B. Circuit switching
B. Phase
C. Phase Shift 1) Which of the following is/are the
D. Time period applications of twisted-pair cables ……
A. In the local loop
18) If the value of a signal changes over a
B. In the DSL line
very short span of time, it’s frequency is
C. In the ISDN Network
D. All of the above
A. short
B. low 2) ………. transmission systems are widely
C. high used in the backbone of networks.
D. long A. Unshielded Twisted Pair(UTP)
B. Shielded Twisted Pair(STP)
19) What is/are the services provided by
C. Optical Fiber
D. Wireless
i. Data applications
ii. Teletext services 3) ……….. has much lower attenuation and
iii. Videotext services can carry the signal to longer distances
iv. Fascimile(FAX) without using amplifiers and repeaters in
A. i, ii and iii only between.
B. ii, iii and iv only A. UTP cable
C. i, iii and iv only B. STP cable
D. All i, ii, iii and iv C. Fiber Optic cable
D. All of the above
20) …………. used in telephone network for
bi-directional, real-time transfer between 4) The major problem(s) suffered for
computers. transmission lines on the physical layer
A. Message switching is/are ………
B. Circuit switching A. Attenuation distortion

Aditya Deo 42
B. Delay distortion C. circuit switching
C. Noise D. packet switching
D. All of the above
12) Which of the following is not the phase
5) ……… is the loss of energy as the signal involved in the circuit switching network?
propagates outward. A. Connection start
A. Attenuation distortion B. Connection establishment
B. Delay distortion C. Data transfer
C. Noise D. Termination
D. None of the above
13) ……….. is also known as store and
6) ………. is the unwanted energy from forward switching since the messages are
sources other than the transmitter. stored at intermediate nodes in route to
A. Attenuation distortion their destinations.
B. Delay distortion A. Message switching
C. Noise B. Physical switching
D. Disturbance C. circuit switching
D. packet switching
7) Which of the following is not the source
of the noise? 14) State True or False for the following
A. Thermal characteristics of optical fiber cables.
B. Magnetic i) The cost of fiber optic cable is more
C. Inter-modulation compared to twisted pair and co-axial.
D. Cross talk ii) The installation of fiber optic cable is
much easier.
8) Data rate in data communication
A. i-True, ii-True
depends on which of the following factors.
B. i-False, ii-True
A. The bandwidth available
C. i-True, ii-False
B. The level of the signals we use
D. i-False, ii-False
C. The quality of the channel
D. All of the above 15) ………… splits traffic data into chunks.
A. Message switching
9) ……….. is the physical path between the
B. Linear switching
transmitter and receiver.
C. circuit switching
A. Transmission media
D. packet switching
B. Physical media
C. Transmission path 16) ……….. is used to optimize the use of
D. Receiving path the channel capacity available in a network,
to minimize the transmission latency and to
10) The key concern in the design of the
increase the robustness of communication.
data transmission system is Data Rate and
A. Message switching
B. Linear switching
A. Data Path
C. circuit switching
B. Data flow
D. packet switching
C. Distance
D. Frequencies 17) The term ……… describes the position
of the waveform relative to time 0.
11) A ………… network is none that
A. Frequency
establishes a dedicated circuit between
B. Phase
nodes and terminals before the users may
C. Phase Shift
D. Time period
A. Message switching
B. Physical switching 18) If the value of a signal changes over a
very short span of time, it’s frequency is

Aditya Deo 43
……. C) Telegraph switching
A. short D) Packet switching
B. low
2. If …………………… is used in computer
C. high
networks, the sending PC first establishes a
D. long
link with the receiving link.
19) What is/are the services provided by A) Packet switching
ISDN? B) Message switching
i. Data applications C) Telegraph switching
ii. Teletext services D) Circuit switching
iii. Videotext services
3. A telecommunication network is designed
iv. Fascimile(FAX)
primarily for carrying voice signals which
A. i, ii and iii only
consist of ………..
B. ii, iii and iv only
i) access network that connects the
C. i, iii and iv only
subscribers to the telephone exchanges.
D. All i, ii, iii and iv
ii) hierarchy of telephone exchanges that
20) …………. used in telephone network for switch the voice channels.
bi-directional, real-time transfer between iii) trunk network that interconnects the
computers. telephone exchanges
A. Message switching A) i and ii only
B. Circuit switching B) ii and iii only
C. Packet switching C) i and iii only
D. Circular switching D) All i, ii and iii
ANSWERS: 4. …………….. does not establish a
dedicated path between two communicating
1) D. All of the above
devices, where each message is treated as an
2) C. Optical Fiber
independent unit and includes its own
3) C. Fiber Optic cable
destination and source address.
4) D. All of the above
A) Packet switching
5) A. Attenuation distortion
B) Message switching
6) C. Noise
C) Telegraph switching
7) B. Magnetic
D) Circuit switching
8) D. All of the above
9) A. Transmission media 5. In, ………………… each intermediate
10) C. Distance device receives the message, stores it, until
11) C. circuit switching the next device is ready to receive it and
12) A. Connection start then forwards it to the next device.
13) A. Message switching A) Packet switching
14) C. i-True, ii-False B) Message switching
15) D. packet switching C) Telegraph switching
16) D. packet switching D) Circuit switching
17) B. Phase
6. The major advantage of ……………… is
18) C. high
that the dedicated transmission channel the
19) D. All i, ii, iii and iv
computers establish provides a guaranteed
20) B. Circuit switching
data rate.
1. The transfer mode of a network that A) Packet switching
involves setting up a dedicated end to end B) Message switching
connection is called ……… C) Telegraph switching
A) Circuit switching D) Circuit switching
B) Message switching

Aditya Deo 44
7. Which of the following is/are the C) Virtual circuit packet switching
disadvantage of circuit switching. D) Datagram packet switching
i) Dedicated channels require more
12. …………….. increases the bandwidth of
the network by allowing many devices to
ii) It takes a long time to establish a
communicate through the same network
iii) There is a delay in the data flow
A) Circuit switching
iv) It cannot be used to transmit any other
B) Message switching
data even it the channel is free.
C) Virtual circuit packet switching
A) i, ii and iv only
D) Datagram packet switching
B) ii, iii and iv only
C) i, iii and iv only 13. Which of the following is/are the
D) i, ii and iii only disadvantages of virtual circuit packet
8. State whether the following statements
i) The switching node requires more
are correct for the advantages of message
processing power because the packet
switching protocols are more complex.
i) Message switching provides synchronous
ii) A switching node unable to route the
communication across the time zones
packet as and when required.
ii) In message switching, the network
iii) Packets are more easily lost on their
devices share the data channels.
route, hence sequence numbers are
iii) It reduces network traffic congestion.
required to identify the missing packets.
A) i and ii only
A) i and ii only
B) ii and iii only
B) ii and iii only
C) i and iii only
C) i and iii only
D) All i, ii and iii
D) All i, ii and iii
9. In ……………….., messages are broken
up into packets, each of which includes a
14. Email and Hop-by-Hop Telex
header with source, destination and
forwarding are examples of ……………..
intermediate node address information.
A) Packet switching
A) Circuit switching
B) Message switching
B) Message switching
C) Telegraph switching
C) Virtual circuit packet switching
D) Circuit switching
D) Datagram packet switching
10. In ……………… if a certain link in the
15. …………….. is also known as store-and-
network goes down during the
forward switching since the messages are
transmission, the remaining packets can be
stored at intermediate nodes in route to
sent through another route.
their destinations.
A) Circuit switching
A) Circuit switching
B) Message switching
B) Message switching
C) Telegraph switching
C) Virtual circuit packet switching
D) Packet switching
D) Datagram packet switching
11. In ………………… , all the packets
travel through t he logical connection
16. …………… networks do not require a
established between the sending device and
circuit to be established and allow many
receiving device.
pairs of nodes to communicate almost
A) Circuit switching
simultaneously over the same channel.
B) Message switching
A) Circuit switching
B) Message switching

Aditya Deo 45
C) Telegraph switching 9. A) Packet switching
D) Packet switching 10. D) Packet switching
11. C) Virtual circuit packet switching
17. ……………….. is used to optimize the
12. C) Virtual circuit packet switching
use of the channel capacity available in a
13. C) i and iii only
network, to minimize the transmission
14. B) Message switching
latency and to increase the robustness of
15. B) Message switching
16. D) Packet switching
A) Circuit switching
17. D) Packet switching
B) Message switching
18. C) Internet
C) Telegraph switching
19. D) All i, ii and iii
D) Packet switching
20. A) Circuit switching
18. The most well-known use of packet
switching is the …………
C) Internet
D) Hop-by-Hop Telex 1) TCP is a ………. protocol.
A. stream-oriented
19. Which of the following is/are the
B. message-oriented
advantages of datagram packet switching.
C. block-oriented
i) Here the call setup phase is avoided, thus
D. packet-oriented
if a station wishes to send only one or few
packets datagram delivery will be quicker. 2) Which of the following is not the layer
ii) It is more primitive and flexible of TCP/IP protocol.
iii) It is inherently more reliable, if a node A. Physical layer
fails, subsequent packets may find an B. link layer
alternate route C. network layer
A) i and ii only D. transport layer.
B) ii and iii only
C) i and iii only 3) TCP groups a number of bytes together
D) All i, ii and iii into a packet called a ….
A. user datagram
B. segment
20. The telephone network of bi-directional C. datagram
real-time transfer between computer is the D. packet
application of ………….. network.
A) Circuit switching 4) The ………. of TCP/IP protocol is
B) Message switching responsible for figuring out how to get data
C) Telegraph switching to its destination.
D) Packet switching A. application layer
B. link layer
Answers C. network layer
D. transport layer.
1. A) Circuit switching
2. D) Circuit switching 5) TCP is a(n) ……….. transport protocol.
3. D) All i, ii and iii A. protocol delivery
4. B) Message switching B. reliable
5. B) Message switching C. best-effort delivery
6. D) Circuit switching D. effortless delivery
7. A) i, ii and iv only
8. C) i and iii only 6) ……… is the protocol that hides the
underlying physical network by creating a

Aditya Deo 46
virtual network view. 13) TCP assigns a sequence number to each
A. Internet Protocol(IP) segment that is being sent. The sequence
B. Internet Control Message Protocol(ICMP) number for each segment is the number of
C. Address Resolution Protocol(ARP) the ……. byte carried in that segment.
D. Bootstrap Protocol(BOOTP) A. first
B. last
7) To use the services of UDP, we need
C. middle
……… socket addresses.
D. zero
A. four
B. two 14) ………. is responsible for converting the
C. three higher-level protocol address (IP addresses)
D. four to physical network addresses.
A. Internet Protocol(IP)
8) Which of the following is not the name of
B. Internet Control Message Protocol(ICMP)
Regional Internet Registries(RIR) to
C. Address Resolution Protocol(ARP)
administer the network number portion of
D. Bootstrap Protocol(BOOTP)
IP address.
A. American Registry for Internet 15) UDP and TCP are both ……… layer
Numbers(ARIN) protocols.
B. Reseaux IP Europeans(RIPE) A. data link
C. Europeans Registry for Internet B. network
Numbers(ERIN) C. transport
D. Asia Pacific Network Information D. interface
16) ……….. is a process-to-process protocol
9) UDP packets are called ……. that adds only port addresses, checksum
A. user datagrams error control, and length information to the
B. segments data from the upper layer.
C. frames A. TCP
D. packets B. UDP
10) ………… addresses use 21 bits for the
and 8 bits for the portion of the IP address
for TCP/IP network. 17) Which of the following functions does
A. Class A UDP perform?
B. Class B A. Process-to-process communication
C. Class C B. Host-to-host communication
D. Class D C. End-to-end reliable data delivery
D. Interface-to-interface communication.
11) UDP packets have a fixed-size header of
………. bytes. 18) A port address in TCP/IP is ………bits
A. 16 long.
B. 8 A. 32
C. 32 B. 48
D. 64 C. 16
D. 64
12) ………. messages are never sent in
response to datagrams with a broadcast or 19) When the IP layer of a receiving host
a multicast destination address. receives a datagram, …..
A. ICMP A. delivery is complete
B. ARP B. a transport layer protocol takes over
C. IP C. a header is added
D. BOOTP D. a session layer protocol takes over

Aditya Deo 47
20) TCP/IP is a ………. hierarchical B. Connection-oriented delivery
protocol suite developed before the OSI C. Data control
model. D. None of the above
A. seven-layer
4) ………. provides a framework for
B. five-layer
passing configuration information to hosts
C. six-layer
on a TCP/IP network.
D. four-layer
A. Dynamic Host Configuration
B. Address Resolution Protocol(ARP)
1) A. stream-oriented
C. Internet Protocol(IP)
2) A. Physical layer
D. Internet Control Message Protocol(ICMP)
3) B. segment
4) C. network layer 5) The source port address on the UDP user
5) B. reliable datagram header defines ………
6) A. Internet Protocol(IP) A. the sending computer
7) B. two B. the receiving computer
8) C. Europeans Registry for Internet C. the process running on the sending
Numbers(ERIN) computer
9) A. user datagrams D. the process running on the receiving
10) C. Class C computer
11) B. 8
6) The mechanisms supported by DHCP for
12) A. ICMP
IP address allocation on a TCP/IP network
13) A. first
is/are …
14) C. Address Resolution Protocol(ARP)
A. Automatic allocation
15) C. transport
B. Dynamic allocation
16) B. UDP
C. Manual allocation
17) A. Process-to-process communication
D. All of the above
18) C. 16
19) B. a transport layer protocol takes over 7) UDP is called a ………. transport
20) B. five-layer protocol.
A. connection-oriented, unreliable
1) UDP needs the ……….. address to
B. connectionless, reliable
deliver the user datagram to the correct
C. connectionless, unreliable
application process
D. connection, reliable
A. port
B. application 8) DHCP in TCP/IP network assigns an IP
C. internet address for a limited period of time. Such a
D. intranet network address is called a ……
A. lease
2) The …….. was originally developed as a
B. limited network
mechanism to enable disk-less hosts to be
C. timed network
remotely booted over a network as
D. assigned network
workstations, routers, terminal
concentrators and so on. 9) UDP does not add anything to the
A. ICMP services of IP except for providing ……….
B. BOOTP communication.
C. UDP A. node to node
D. ARP B. process to process
C. host to host
3) Which of the following does UDP
D. interface to interface
A. Flow control

Aditya Deo 48
10) The use of ……… allows centralized B. multiplexing
configuration of multiple clients. C. demultiplexing
A. ICMP D. data control
18) ………. provides full transport layer
services to applications.
11) UDP is an acronym for ………… B. UDP
A. User Delivery Protocol C. IP
B. User Datagram Procedure D. ARP
C. User Datagram Protocol
19) UDP uses …… to handle incoming user
D. User Delivery Procedure
datagrams that go to different processes on
12) ………… is where users typically the same host.
interact with the TCP/IP network. A. flow control
A. Link layer B. multiplexing
B. Network layer C. demultiplexing
C. Transport layer D. data control
D. Application layer
20) In the sending computer, UDP receives
13) The local host and the remote host are a data unit from the ……… layer.
defined using IP addresses. To define the A. application
processes, we need second identifiers called B. transport
……… C. IP
A. UDP addresses D. interface
B. transport addresses
C. port addresses
D. TCP addresses 1) A. port
14) The …………. is responsible for
3) D. None of the above
communicating with the actual network
4) A. Dynamic Host Configuration
A. Link layer
5) C. the process running on the sending
B. Network layer
C. Transport layer
6) D. All of the above
D. Application layer
7) C. connectionless, unreliable
15) UDP packets are encapsulated in ……. 8) A. lease
A. an Ethernet frame 9) B. process to process
B. a TCP segment 10) B. BOOTP
C. an IP datagram 11) C. User Datagram Protocol
D. an Ethernet packets 12) D. Application layer
13) C. port addresses
16) ………… is the protocol suite for the
14) A. Link layer
current Internet.
15) C. an IP datagram
16) A. TCP/IP
17) B. multiplexing
18) A. TCP
19) C. demultiplexing
17) UDP uses …….. to handle outgoing user 20) A. application
datagrams from multiple processes on one
1. The …….. layer links the network
support layers and the user support layers.
A. flow control

Aditya Deo 49
A. transport C. transport
B. network D. application
C. data link
9) The ……….. layer establishes, maintains,
D. session
and synchronizes the interactions between
2) The …………. layer changes bits into communicating devices.
electromagnetic signals. A. transport
A. physical B. network
B. data link C. session
C. transport D. physical
D. network
10) The ………. layer lies between the
3) The ………. layer coordinates the network layer and the application layer.
functions required to transmit a bitstream A. physical
over a physical medium. B. data link
A. transport C. transport
B. network D. session
C. data link
11) The ………. layer ensures
D. physical
interoperability between communicating
4) Which of the following is an application devices through the transformation of data
layer service? into a mutually agreed-upon format.
A. remote log-in. A. transport
B. file transfer and access. B. network
C. mail service C. data link
D. all of the above D. presentation
5) The ……… layer is responsible for the 12) Transmission media lies below the
source-to-destination delivery of a packet ………layer.
across multiple network links. A. physical
A. transport B. network
B. network C. transport
C. data link D. application
D. session
13) The ……….. layer enables users to
6) The ………. layer is the layer closest to access the network.
the transmission medium. A. session
A. physical B. application
B. data link C. data link
C. network D. physical
D. transport
14) Circuit switching takes place at the
7) The ………..layer is responsible for the ………. layer.
process-to-process delivery of the entire A. data link
message. B. physical
A. transport C. network
B. network D. transport
C. data link
15) The ………… layer is responsible for
D. physical
moving frames from one node to the next.
8) Mail services are available to network A. physical
users through the ………. layer. B. data link
A. data link C. transport
B. physical D. session

Aditya Deo 50
16) The routing processor of a router 13) B. application
performs the …….. layer functions of the 14) B. physical
router. 15) B. data link
A. physical and data link 16) B. network
B. network 17) C. network
C. transport 18) A. physical
D. session 19) B. transport
20) B. frames
17) The …………. layer adds a header to
the packet coming from the upper layer 1) In a/an ……….. of DNS resolver, instead
that includes the logical address of the of supplying a name and asking for an IP
sender and receiver. address, the DNS client provides the IP
A. physical address and requests the corresponding
B. data link hostname.
C. network A. Recursive queries
D. transport B. Iterative queries
C. Reverse queries
18) Network layer lies on ………. layer.
D. Inverse queries
A. physical
B. data link
2) For each resolved query, the DNS
C. network
resolver caches the returned information
D. transport
for a time that is specified in each resource
19) The ………..layer is responsible for the record in the DNS response. This is known
delivery of a message from one process to as ………
another. A. Positive caching
A. physical B. Time To Live
B. transport C. Negative Caching
C. network D. Reverse Caching
D. session
3) As originally defined in RFC 1134,
20) The data link layer takes the packet it ………….. negative caching is the caching
gets from the network layer and of failed name resolutions.
encapsulates them into …… A. Positive caching
A. cells B. Time To Live
B. frames C. Negative Caching
C. packet D. Round Robin Load Balancing
D. trailer
ANSWERS: 4) …………… can reduce response times
for names that DNS cannot resolve for both
1) A. transport the DNS client and DNS servers during an
2) A. physical iterative query process.
3) D. physical A. Positive caching
4) D. All of the above B. Time To Live
5) B. network C. Negative Caching
6) A. physical D. Round Robin Load Balancing
7) A. transport
8) D. application 5) The amount of time in seconds to cache
9) C. session the record data is referred to as the ………
10) C. transport A. Time To Cache
11) D. presentation B. Time To Live
12) A. physical C. Time For Record

Aditya Deo 51
D. Time To Save A. Redundancy
B. Remote locations
6) Which of the following issues arises, C. Load distribution
when multiple resource records for the D. All of the above
same resource record type exist.
A. For the DNS server, how to order the 12) The source of the zone information for a
resource records in the DNS Name Query secondary name server is referred to as a
Response message. ……….
B. For the DNS client, how to choose a A. Name server
specific resource record in the DNS Name B. Primary Name Server
Query Response message. C. Master Name Server
C. Both of the above D. Secondary Name Server
D. None of the above.
13) In ………., when a name server receives
7) To address the issues arises when a DNS query that it cannot resolve through
multiple resource records for the same its own zone files, it sends a recursive query
resource record type exist, RFC 1794 to its forwarder.
describes a mechanism named …………….. A. exclusive mode
to share and distribute loads for network B. non-exclusive mode
resources. C. caching mode
A. Positive caching D. zonal mode
B. Time To Live
C. Negative Caching 14) Which of the following is not the work
D. Round Robin Load Balancing done by a name server using a forwarder in
exclusive mode, when attempting to resolve
8) A ………… gets the data for its zones a name.
from locally stored and maintained files. A. Checks its local cache
A. primary name server B. Checks its zone files
B. secondary name server C. Sends a recursive query to a forwarder
C. ternary name server D. Attempts to resolve the name through
D. primary name client iterative queries to other DNS servers.

9) A …………. gets the data for its zones 15) In ……….., name servers rely on the
across the network from another name name-resolving ability of the forwarders.
server. A. exclusive mode
A. primary name server B. non-exclusive mode
B. secondary name server C. caching mode
C. ternary name server D. zonal mode
D. primary name client
16) Name servers in ……….. make no
10) The process of obtaining zone attempt to resolve the query on their own if
information across the network is referred the forwarder is unable to satisfy the
to as a ……… request.
A. zone obtaining A. exclusive mode
B. zone transfer B. non-exclusive mode
C. zone information C. caching mode
D. zone extracting D. zonal mode
11) Which of the following is/are the
17) ……….. are DNS servers that only
reasons to have secondary name servers
perform queries, cache the answers, and
within an enterprise network.
return the results.

Aditya Deo 52
A. Querying the only server 18) D. NS records
B. Results only server 19) B. MX
C. Caching the only server 20) A. SRV
D. Information only server
1) In the MIME header field, …………. is a
18) In DNS resource records, ………… world unique value identifying the content
indicate primary and secondary servers for of this part of this message.
the zone specified in the SOA resource A. content-type
record, and they indicate the servers for any B. content-transfer-encoding
delegated zones. C. content-description
A. SOA records D. content-id
B. A records 2) The Post Office Protocol, version 3, is a
C. MX records standard protocol with STD number 53 and
D. NS records it is described in …..
A. RFC 1939
19) In DNS resource records,……… B. RFC 0937
specifies a mail exchange server for a DNS C. RFC 2821
domain name. D. RFC 2822
B. MX 3) ………….. is an electronic mail protocol
C. PTR with both client and server functions.
20) In DNS resource records, ………. C. POP
specifies the IP addresses of servers of a D. TCP
specific service, protocol, and DNS domain.
4) In the authentication state of the POP3
server, ………… is used to specify a
mechanism by which both authentication
and data protection can be provided.
Answers: B. PASS
1) C. Reverse queries D. AUTH
2) A. Positive caching
3) C. Negative Caching 5) In the transaction state of POP3
4) C. Negative Caching commands, ………. retrieve the number of
5) B. Time To Live messages and the total size of the messages.
6) C. Both of the above A. STAT
7) D. Round Robin Load Balancing B. LIST
8) A. primary name server C. RETR
9) B. secondary name server D. DELE
10) B. zone transfer
6) A MIME compliant message must
11) D. All of the above
contain a header field with the ……..
12) C. Master Name Server
verbatim text.
13) B. non-exclusive mode
A. MIME-version:1.0
14) D. Attempts to resolve the name through
B. MIME-version:1.1
iterative queries to other DNS servers.
C. MIME-version:2.0
15) A. exclusive mode
D. MIME-version:2.1
16) A. exclusive mode
17) C. Caching only server

Aditya Deo 53
7) In ……… name space, a name is assigned 13) ……….. store resource records and
to an address. It is a sequence of characters information about the domain tree
without structure. structure and attempt to resolve received
A. hierarchical client queries.
B. sequential A. Domain namespace
C. flat B. DNS Names
D. addressed C. Name servers
D. Resolvers
8) The main disadvantage of a ……… name
space is that it cannot be used in a large 14) ………… are programs that run on
system such as the internet because it may DNS clients and DNS servers and that
be centrally controlled to avoid ambiguity create queries to extract information from
and duplication. name servers.
A. hierarchical A. Domain namespace
B. sequential B. Resource records
C. flat C. Name servers
D. addressed D. Resolvers
9) The ……… protocol defines a set of 15) ……….. have a very specific structure,
messages sent over either User Datagram which identifies the location of the name in
Protocol(UDP) port53 or Transmission the DNS namespace.
Control Protocol(TCP) port53. A. Domain namespace
A. Name space B. DNS Names
B. DNS C. Name servers
C. Domain space D. Resolvers
D. Zone transfer
16) A ………………. is a DNS domain name
10) Primary specifications for DNS are that has been constructed from its location
defined in which of the following Request relative to the root of the namespace is
for Comments(RFCs)? known as the root domain.
A. 974 A. Fully Qualified Domain Name(FQDN)
B. 1034 B. Fully Structured Domain Name(FSDN)
C. 1035 C. Fully Constructed Domain Name(FCDN)
D. All of the above D. Fully Rooted Domain Name(FRDN)
11) Which of the following is/are the 17) State whether the following statements
components of DNS defined by RFC 1034? are True or False for the attributes of Fully
A. The domain namespace and resource Qualified Domain Name(FQDN).
records i) FQDN is case-sensitive
B. Name servers ii) A period character separates each name.
C. Resolvers iii) The entire FQDN can not be any more
D. All of the above than 255 characters long.
A. i-True, ii-True, iii-False
12) ………… are records in the DNS
B. i-True, ii-False, iii-True
database that can be used to configure the
C. i-False, ii-True, iii-True
DNS database server or to contain
D. i-False, ii-True, iii-False
information about different types of process
client queries. 18) A …… is a contiguous portion of a
A. Domain namespace domain of the DNS namespace whose
B. Resource records database records exist and managed in a
C. Name servers particular DNS database file stored on one
D. Resolvers or multiple DNS servers.
A. Subdomain

Aditya Deo 54
B. Zone 2) The TCP/IP …………. corresponds to
C. Sub DNS the combined session, presentation, and
D. Sub zone application layers of the OSI model.
A. session layer
19) In a/an ……….. of DNS resolver, the
B. the presentation layer
queried name server is requested to
C. application layer
respond with the requested data or with an
D. None of the above
error stating that data of the requested type
or the specified domain name does not exist. 3) The ………. protocol is based on end-to-
A. Recursive queries end delivery.
B. Iterative queries A. SMTP
c. Reverse queries B. TCP
D. Inverse queries C. IP
20) In the MIME header field, ……… is a
plain text description of the object within 4) The well-known port of the SMTP server
the body, which is useful when the object is is ……..
not human-readable. A. 110
A. content-type B. 25
B. content-transfer-encoding C. 50
C. content-description D. 20
5) In the SMTP header field, …………. is a
Answers: summary of the message being sent which is
specified by the sender.
1) D. content-id
A. Reply-to
2) A. RFC 1939
B. Return-path
3) C. POP
C. Subject
4) D. AUTH
D. From
5) A. STAT
6) A. MIME-version:1.0 6) In the SMTP herder field, ………. is
7) C. flat added by the final transport system that
8) C. flat delivers the mail.
9) B. DNS A. Reply-to
10) D. All of the above B. Return-path
11) D. All of the above C. Subject
12) B. Resource records D. From
13) C. Name servers
7) In SMTP mail transaction flow, the
14) D. Resolvers
sender SMTP establishes a TCP connection
15) B. DNS Names
with the destination SMTP and then waits
16) A. Fully Qualified Domain Name(FQDN)
for the server to send a ……….
17) C. i-False, ii-True, iii-True
A. 220 service ready message
18) B. Zone
B. 421 service not available message
19) A. Recursive queries
C. Both of the above
20) C. content-description
D. None of the above
1) Which of the following is/are the
8) In SMTP mail transaction flow, ……….
important applications of the application
is sent, to which the receiver will identify
itself by sending back its domain name.
A. Electronic mail
B. World Wide Web
D. All of the above

Aditya Deo 55
C. RCPT TO 15) ………… is limited to 7-bit ASCII text,
D. DATA with a maximum line length of 1000
9) ………… is a command-line tool
designed for most UNIX-like operating
systems, which does not define a method of
transferring mail, but rather acts as a
client/server that supports multiple mail
protocols. 16) A ……….. message is one which can be
A. Receive mail routed through any number of networks
B. Sendmail that are loosely compliant with RFC2821 or
C. MIME are capable of transmitting RFC2821
D. POP messages.
10) Which of the following is/are the B. MIME
components of Sendmail? C. POP
A. Mail user agent(MUA) D. MTA
B. Mail transfer agent(MTA)
17) There are ……. the number of standard
C. Mail delivery agent(MDA)
content types in MIME.
D. All of the above
A. 5
11) The ………… is the interface through B. 7
which a user can read and send mail. C. 9
A. Mail user agent(MUA) D. 4
B. Mail transfer agent(MTA)
18) In the MIME header field, ………
C. Mail delivery agent(MDA)
describes how the object within the body is
D. Mail send agent(MSA)
to be interpreted.
12) The ………… acts like a mail router, A. content-type
accepting messages from both MTAs and B. content-transfer-encoding
MUAs. C. content-description
A. Mail user agent(MUA) D. content-id
B. Mail transfer agent(MTA)
19) In the MIME header field, …………
C. Mail delivery agent(MDA)
describes how the object within the body
D. Mail send agent(MSA)
was encoded in order that it be included in
13) ………. uses a queuing system to the message using a mail-safe form.
manage inbound and outbound mail. A. content-type
A. Receive mail B. content-transfer-encoding
B. Sendmail C. content-description
C. MIME D. content-id
20) In a/an ………… of DNS resolver, the
14) The sender SMTP establishes a TCP queried name server can return the best
connection with the destination SMTP and answer it currently has back to the DNS
then waits for the server to send a …… resolver.
service ready message. A. Recursive queries
A. 421 B. Iterative queries
B. 320 C. Reverse queries
C. 220 D. Inverse queries
D. 120

Aditya Deo 56
1) D. All of the above 5) ………. measures the number of bytes of
2) C. application layer user data transferred per second, measured
3) A. SMTP over some time interval. It is measured
4) B. 25 separately for each direction.
5) C. Subject A. Throughput
6) B. Return-path B. Transit delay
7) C. Both of the above C. Protection
8) A. HELO D. Resilience
9) B. Sendmail
6) ………… is the time between a message
10) D. All of the above
being sent by the transport user on the
11) A. Mail user agent(MUA)
source machine and its being received by
12) B. Mail transfer agent(MTA)
the transport user on the destination
13) B. Sendmail
14) C. 220
A. Throughput
15) A. SMTP
B. Transit delay
16) B. MIME
C. Protection
17) B. 7
D. Resilience
18) A. content-type
19) B. content-transfer-encoding 7) The time difference between the instant
20) B. Iterative queries at which a transport connection is
requested and the instant at which it is
1) The ………. is responsible for end to end
confirmed is called……..
delivery, segmentation, and concatenation.
A. Connection establishment delay
A. Physical layer
B. Transit delay
B. Data Link layer
C. Protection delay
C. Network layer
D. Priority delay
D. Transport layer
8) The message sent from transport entity
2) ………. needs ports or service access
to transport entity is called as ……….
A. transport data unit
A. Physical layer
B. transport display data unit
B. Data Link layer
C. transport protocol data unit
C. Network layer
D. transport protocol display unit
D. Transport layer
9) …….. are designed for the protocols like
3) The task of …………… is to provide
ICMP or OSPF, because these protocols do
reliable, cost-effective transport of data
not use either stream packets or datagram
from the source machine to the destination
A. Berkeley sockets
A. Network Layer
B. Stream sockets
B. Transport Layer
C. Datagram sockets
C. Presentation Layer
D. Raw sockets
D. Application Layer
10) ………. is designed for the
4) The hardware and/or software within the
connectionless protocol such as User
transport layer which does the work of
Datagram Protocol(UDP).
making use of the services provided by the
A. Berkeley socket
network layer is called as ………
B. Stream socket
A. transport media
C. Datagram socket
B. transport device
D. Raw socket
C. transport entity
D. network transporter

Aditya Deo 57
11) ………… is designed for the connection A. serial number
oriented protocol such as Transmission B. current number
Control Protocol(TCP). C. sequence number
A. Berkeley socket D. acknowledgement number
B. Stream socket
18) In the TCP segment header, ………. is a
C. Datagram socket
32-bit number identifying the next data
D. Raw socket
byte the sender expects from the receiver.
12) ………… is used to implement the A. serial number
transport layer services between the two B. current number
transport entities. C. sequence number
A. Transport service D. acknowledgment number
B. Transport protocol
19) A …….. is a special type of file handle,
C. Transport address
which is used by a process to request
D. Transport control
network services from the operating system.
13) Which of the following is/are the tasks A. socket
of transport protocols. B. handler
A. Error control C. requester
B. Sequencing D. protocol
C. Flow control
20) …….. is an optional 16-bit one’s
D. All of the above
complement of the one’s complement sum
14) The internet uses universal port of a pseudo-IP header, the UDP header, and
numbers for services and these numbers are the UDP data.
called as ……. A. Congestion
A. Well known port numbers B. Checksum
B. Fixed port numbers C. Pseudosum
C. Standard port numbers D. Headersum
D. Ephemeral port numbers
15) In the internet model, the client
1) D. Transport layer
program defines itself with a port number
2) D. Transport layer
that is chosen randomly. This number is
3) B. Transport Layer
4) C. transport entity
A. Well known port numbers
5) A. Throughput
B. Fixed port numbers
6) B. Transit delay
C. Standard port numbers
7) A. Connection establishment delay
D. Ephemeral port numbers
8) C. transport protocol data unit
16) The port numbers ……….. are known 9) D. Raw sockets
as well known ports and they are reserved 10) C. Datagram socket
for standard circuits. 11) B. Stream socket
A. below 1024 12) B. Transport protocol
B. above 1024 13) D. All of the above
C. below 2048 14) A. Well known port numbers
D. below 512 15) D. Ephemeral port numbers
16) A. below 1024
17) In the TCP segment header, ………. is a
17) C. sequence number
32-bit number identifying the current
18) D. acknowledgment number
position of the first data byte in the segment
19) A. socket
within the entire byte stream for the TCP
20) B. Checksum

Aditya Deo 58
1) The ……… provides two well-defined C. Distance Vector Routing
classes of services, namely connectionless D. Hierarchical Routing
and connection-oriented services to the
7) In addresses for ………. networks, the
numerous nodes or hosts communicating
first 16 bits specify a particular network,
through the subnet.
and the last 16 bits specify a particular host.
A. physical layer
A. class A
B. data link layer
B. class C
C. network layer
C. class B
D. transport layer
D. class D
2) In computer networking the term
8) In ………., the routers are divided into
………. refers to selecting paths in a
regions. Each router knows all details about
computer network along which to send
how to route packets to destinations within
its own region.
A. routing
A. Shortest Path Algorithm
B. inter-networking
B. Link state Routing
C. internal organization
C. Distance Vector Routing
D. congestion control
D. Hierarchical Routing
3) ………… Routing algorithms do not base
9) In ………., each node uses as its
their routing decisions on measurements or
fundamental data a map of the network in
estimates of the current traffic and
the form of a graph.
A. Shortest Path Algorithm
A. Static or Non-adaptive
B. Link state Routing
B. Static or adaptive
C. Distance Vector Routing
C. Dynamic or Non-adaptive
D. Hierarchical Routing
D. Dynamic or adaptive
10) ……… protocols are simple and
4) …………. Routing algorithms, in
efficient in small networks and require little
contrast, change their routing decisions to
if any management.
reflect changes in topology and usually the
A. Shortest Path Algorithm
traffic as well.
B. Link state Routing
A. Static or Non-adaptive
C. Distance Vector Routing
B. Static or adaptive
D. Hierarchical Routing
C. Dynamic or Non-adaptive
D. Dynamic or adaptive 11) In ……….. routing algorithm, each
router knows all details about how to route
5) ……….. is also a static algorithm in
packets to destinations within its own
which every incoming packet is sent out on
region. But does not have any idea about
every outgoing line except the one it arrives
the internal structure of other regions.
A. Shortest Path Algorithm
A. Shortest Path Algorithm
B. Link state Routing
B. Flooding
C. Distance Vector Routing
C. Distance Vector Routing
D. Hierarchical Routing
D. Hierarchical Routing
12) The set of optimal routers from source
6) ………. is basically a vector that keeps
to a given destination from a tree rooted at
track of the best-known distance to each
the destination called a …….. tree.
destination and which line to use to get
A. sink
B. optimal
A. Shortest Path Algorithm
C. rooted
B. Flooding
D. routing

Aditya Deo 59
13) ………. is a simple mathematical following the IPV6 header or an upper-
computation used to check for bit-level layer protocol, such as ICMPv6, TCP or
errors in the IPV4 header. UDP.
A. Identification A. Source Address
B. Protocol B. Destination Address
C. Checksum C. Next Header
D. Time-to-Live(TTL) D. Hop Limit
14) The number of network segments on 20) The internet addresses are ……… bits
which the datagram is allowed to travel in length in IPV4 addressing scheme.
before a router should discard it is called A. 16
……. B. 64
A. Identification C. 32
B. Protocol D. 48
C. Checksum
D. Time-to-Live(TTL)
1) C. network layer
15) ………. is an identifier of the upper-
2) A. routing
layer protocol to which the IPV4 payload
3) A. Static or Non-adaptive
must be passed.
4) D. Dynamic or adaptive
A. Identification
5) B. Flooding
B. Protocol
6) C. Distance Vector Routing
C. Checksum
7) C. class B
D. Time-to-Live(TTL)
8) D. Hierarchical Routing
16) The IPV4 address of the intermediate or 9) B. Link-state Routing
final destination of the IPV4 packet is called 10) C. Distance Vector Routing
……. 11) D. Hierarchical Routing
A. Source IP Address 12) A. sink
B. Destination IP Address 13) C. Checksum
C. Identification 14) D. Time-to-Live(TTL)
D. Checksum 15) B. Protocol
16) B. Destination IP Address
17) ………. type of IPV4 address is assigned
17) C. Broadcast
to all network interfaces located on a
18) D. Hop Limit
subnet, used for one-to-everyone on a
19) C. Next Header
subnet communication.
20) C. 32
A. Unicast
B. Multicast 1) The ………. layer provides a well-defined
C. Broadcast service interface to the network layer,
D. Anycast determining how the bits of the physical
layer are grouped into frames.
18) The ……… header field of IPV6
A. Data Link
indicates the number of likes on which the
B. Physical
packet is allowed to travel before being
C. Network
discarded by a router.
D. Session
A. Source Address
B. Destination Address 2) The service primitives provide a way for
C. Next Header the data link layer on the requesting side to
D. Hop Limit learn whether the request was successfully
carried out.
19) ……… is an identifier for either the
A. Request
IPV6 extension header immediately
B. Indication

Aditya Deo 60
C. Response C. Response
D. Confirm D. Confirm
3) The different types of services provided 9) ………. is used on the receiving side by
by the data link layer is/are … the network layer to reply to a previous
A. Unacknowledged connectionless service indication.
B. Acknowledged connectionless service A. Request
C. Acknowledged connection-oriented service B. Indication
D. All of the above. C. Response
D. Confirm
4) ………. is used by the network layer to
ask the data link layer to do something. 10) In ………. we are looking only to see if
A. Request any error has occurred. The answer is a
B. Indication simple yes or no.
C. Response A. error searching
D. Confirm B. error detection
C. error correction
5) In …………… the source machine sends
D. error transmission
independent frames to the destination
machine without having the destination 11) In ……….. we need to know the exact
machine acknowledge them. number of bits that are corrected and more
A. Unacknowledged connectionless service importantly, their location in the message.
B. Acknowledged connectionless service A. error searching
C. Acknowledged connection oriented service B. error detection
D. Unacknowledged connection oriented C. error correction
service D. error transmission
6) ……….. is the most sophisticated service 12) ………… is the process in which the
provided by the data link layer to the receiver tries to guess the message by using
network layer. The source and destination redundant bits.
machines establish a connection before any A. Forward error correction
data transfer takes place. B. Backward error correction
A. Unacknowledged connectionless service C. Transmission
B. Acknowledged connectionless service D. Retransmission
C. Acknowledged connection oriented service
13) ……….. is the technique in which the
D. Unacknowledged connection oriented
receiver detects the occurrence of an error
and asks the sender to resend the message.
7) In ………. , there are still no connections A. Forward error correction
used, but each frame sent is individually B. Backward error correction
acknowledged. C. Transmission
A. Unacknowledged connectionless service D. Retransmission
B. Acknowledged connectionless service
14) In block coding, we divide our message
C. Acknowledged connection-oriented service
into blocks, each of k bits, called ……..
D. Unacknowledged connection-oriented
A. Dataword
B. Generator
8) ……… is used to indicate to the network C. Codeword
layer that an event has happened, for D. Checker
example, establishment or release of a
15) ………… in the data link layer
separates a message from one source to a
A. Request
destination, or from other messages to other
B. Indication
destinations, by adding a sender address

Aditya Deo 61
and a destination address. 3) D. All of the above
A. Transforming 4) A. Request
B. Framing 5) A. Unacknowledged connectionless service
C. Separating 6) C. Acknowledged connection oriented
D. Messaging service
7) B. Acknowledged connectionless service
16) In …………., there is no need for
8) B. Indication
defining the boundaries of the frames; the
9) B. Indication
size itself can be used a delimiter.
10) B. error detection
A. Standard Size Framing
11) C. error correction
B. Fixed Size Framing
12) A. Forward error correction
C. Variable Size Framing
13) D. Retransmission
D. Constant Size Framing
14) A. Dataword
17) ………… is prevalent in LANs, we need 15) B. Framing
a way to define the end of the frame and the 16) B. Fixed Size Framing
beginning of the next. 17) C. Variable Size Framing
A. Standard Size Framing 18) D. All of the above
B. Fixed Size Framing 19) A. stop and wait protocol
C. Variable Size Framing 20) C. sliding window protocol
D. Constant Size Framing
18) Which of the following is/are the
methods used for carrying out framing.
A. Character count
B. Starting and ending characters, with
character stuffing.
C. Starting and ending flags with bit stuffing.
D. All of the above
19) In …………., the sender sends one
frame, stops until it receives confirmation
from the receiver, and then sends the next
A. stop and wait protocol
B. simplest protocol
C. sliding window protocol
D. High level Data Link Control
20) In ……… , the sliding window is an
abstract concept that defines the range of
sequence numbers that is the concern of the
sender and receiver.
A. stop and wait protocol
B. simplest protocol
C. sliding window protocol
D. High level Data Link Control
1) A. Data Link
2) D. Confirm

Aditya Deo 62

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