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Form 3

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Instructions: Draw a horizontal line across the letter with the corresponding

1. A communication mode whereby B) Twisted pair

data is transmitted in one C) Optic fiber
direction at a time is referred to D) Unshielded twisted pair
as 5. The first page you see when you
A) Simplex log onto a website is called a;
B) Duplex
C) Half duplex A) Web page
D) Half simplex B) Homepage
2. A device capable of converting C) Web browser
analog signal to digital signal D) Inbox
and vice versa: 6. ISP stands for
A) Multiplexers A) International source profit
B) Hubs B) Internet source profit
C) MODEM C) Internet service provider
D) Switches D) International service provider
3. A company network that allows 7. URL stands for:
only controlled access from the A) Universal research loading
outside and for specific purpose B) Universal revision loading
is called C) Uniform research locator
A) Internet D) Uniform resource locator
B) Intranet 8. The meaning of SMS as used in
C) Extranet mobile communication is:
D) Netiquette A) Short messaging service
4. A communication medium in B) Short mobile service
which messages are transmitted C) Short message sender
as light pulses D) Short mobile sender
A) Coaxial cable
9. The fastest and most powerful C) An intranet is restricted to
computer category is: users within a company
A) Personal computer D) An extranet is a private
B) Mini computer network
C) Mainframe computer 16. The performance of a computer
D) Super computer system is affected by all except:
10. Given that a computer uses one A) The clock speed
byte to represent a character, B) The RAM size
how many bits are used to C) The hard disc size
represent a character? D) Its power rating
A) 8 17. It is used to delete characters to
B) 16 the right of the cursor.
C) 4 A) The backspace key
D) 20 B) The delete key
11. Perform the following binary C) The caps lock key
subtraction 101111 – 100110 D) The shift key
A) 1001 18. It is the longest key on the
B) 1101 keyboard
C) 1010 A) The spacebar key
D) 1111 B) The caps lock key
12. The cell range C2:E7 has ____ C) The shift key
cells D) The control key
19. It is used to activate the second
A) 6 function of a key
B) 7 A) The caps lock key
C) 18 B) The shift key
D) 21 C) The function key
13. Sending a file from your D) The backspace key
computer to a server is called 20. The term soft copy means
A) Downloading A) Electronic output
B) Reading B) Information on magazines
C) Writing C) Information spoken in soft
D) Uploading tone
14. The software commonly used to D) Information not hand written
open web pages is called 21. An example of a logical operator
A) Search engine is
B) Homepage A) <
C) Browser B) +
D) URL C) *
15. Which of the following D) /
statements is incorrect?
A) The extranet has a portal to 22. The two categories of software
the outside world are:
B) The intranet does not use
internet protocol
A) System software and What is this arrangement of
operating system computers called?
B) System software and A) WAN
application software B) LAN
C) Operating system and C) MAN
application system D) PAN
D) Word processing and 27. For signals to travel long
spreadsheet software distances, their strength needs
23. Which of the following is the to be boosted by a device called:
correct name for the screen A) Modem
image shown below: File Edit B) Repeater
Format View Help C) Router
A) Title bar D) Multiplexer
B) File bar 28. Communication on a cell phone
C) Tool bar is an example of ____
D) Menu bar communication.
24. What name is given to the A) Multiplex
separate pages of a B) Simplex
spreadsheet? C) Half duplex
A) Workbooks D) Full duplex
B) Work pages 29. The set of rules that govern the
C) Work spaces transmission of data across a
D) Worksheets network is called:
25. What name is given to a file in A) Topology
spreadsheet? B) Protocol
A) Workbooks C) Controller
B) Workpages D) Transceiver
C) Workspaces 30. A collection of related web pages
D) Worksheets is called;
26. A set of computers in an office A) Webpage
building are connected together B) Website
so that staff can share files, C) Web address
printers and other resources. D) Web browser

1. A) Define a computer network. (1mk)
b) Bring out two benefits and two disadvantages of using a computer
network. (6mks)
c) Name and explain four hardware components associated with
networks. (8mks)
2. Differentiate between a wide area network and a local area network.
3. Three examples of physical network topologies are RING, STAR, and
BUS. Describe each of them with the aid of diagrams. (9mks)
4. For the topologies listed in question 3 above, give a disadvantage and an
advantage for each of them.(3mks)

5. Bring out one difference between intranets and extranets(1mks)

6. Why is the primary storage described as a volatile memory?(2mks)
7. A) What are malwares? (1mk)
B) List two examples of malwares you know. (3mks)
9. Differentiate between impact and non-impact printers giving an example
for each (4mks)

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