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Sample Questions Computer Sem V

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TYBCOM (Computer Sys & Applications) Sem - V

Sample questions
Multiple Choice Questions:
Fill in the blanks by selecting appropriate alternatives from those given and complete
the following statements:
1) The exchange of information between computers is governed by a set of rules called
(a) Media (b) protocol (c) channel (d)
2) A byte consists of____ bits
(a) 2 (b) 4 (c) 8 (d) 16
3) The transmission medium that carries the message is referred to as the
(a) protocol (b) gateway
(c) communication channel (d) receiver
4) The base of the hexadecimal system is _____
(a) 2 (b) 6 (c) 10 (d) 16
5) Which of the following parameters is important for effective data transmission?
(a)Timeliness, (b) delivery
(c)accuracy (d) all of the above
6) The most common coding system in use today is
(a) ASCII, (b) EBCDIC (c) Unicode
(d) None of the above
7) What is the full form of ASCII?
(a) American Standard Code for International Interchange
(b) American Standard Code for Interchange of Information
(c) American Standard Code for Information Interchange
(d) American Software Code for Information Interchange
8) Unicode is a _____ bits code for character representation in a computer.
(a) 8 (b) 16 (c) 32 (d) 64
9) The extended ASCII code system uses _____ bits for data representation.
(a) 7 (b) 8 (c)16 (d) 32
10) Which of these is / are essential for a computer network?
(a) A resource (b) A medium
(c) Protocols (d) All of these
11) The three important goals of data communications are delivery at correct destination,
accurate delivery and _____
(a) late delivery (b) timely delivery (c) next day
delivery (d) on the spot delivery
12) A protocol decides:
(a) at what speed sender transmits data
(b) how to deal with errors that take place
(c) the language to use for communication
(d) all of the above
1) Data is transmitted using light through a __________ cable.
(a) Twisted Pair (b) Fiber Optic
(c) UTP (d) Coaxial
2) The fastest media is: ___________.
(a) Twisted Pair (b) Fiber Optic
(c) UTP (d) Coaxial
3) Of the following media , the one that will not be used for connecting devices between
two different offices is _________ .
(a) Infrared Pair (b) fiber-optic (c) UTP (d) Coaxial
4) The rules for exchanging data between computers are called __________ .
(a) Interconnections (b) Data synchronization
(c) Protocols (d) Modulation
5) Of the following, _____ is not a protocol.
(a) TCP (b) IP
(c) FTP (d) OSI
6) Which of the following three• layers of the OSI model are combined in the TCP model:
(a) Session, Presentation, and Application
(b) Session, Transport, and Network
(c) Network, Data Link and Physical
(d) Transport, Network and Data Link layer.
7) Computers in a computer network are connected via
(a) Satellite channel only
(b) Coaxial cable only
(c) Telephone line only
(d) Either telephone line or satellite channel or both. 8) Which of the
following protocols is used for email:
(a) SMTP (b) FTP
(c) http (d) both (a) and (c)
9) Which of the following layers is responsible for data compression?
(a) Session (b) Presentation
(c) Application (d) Transport
10) Message segmentation and reassembly is the task of which of the following layer?
(a) Transport (b) Session
(c) Network (d) Physical
11) A network where individual computers or nodes share the processing and storage of
data with the server is a
(a) Peer-to-peer network (b) Client-Server based Network
(c) HTTP Network (d) None of these
12) In _____ topology, all the nodes are connected with a single cable.
(a) Bus (b) Ring
(c) Star (d) None of these
13) The medium of transmission can be
(a) wireless
(b) twisted pair cable and coaxial cable
(c) optic fibre
(d) all of these
14) The network spanning a number of cities or countries or continents form
(a) LAN (b) MAN (c)
WAN (d) None of these
15) The acronym UTP stands for:
(a) Uniformly Terminating Port (b) Unshielded T—connector
(c) Unshielded Twisted Pair (d) Unshielded Teflon—coated pair

16) UTP cable has a maximum segment size of _____ metres,

(a)100 (b) 200 (c)500 (d) 1000
17) Coaxial cable can run upto _____ metres.
(a)100 (b) 200
(c)500 (d) 1000
18) Which of the following uses a beam of light or transmitting data?
(a)UTP cable (b) Coaxial cable (c)Wireless media
(d) Fibre optic cable
19) Which topology requires a central controller or hub?
(a)Star (b) Ring
(c) Bus (d) All of these
20) Servers are computers that provide resources to other computers connected to a
(a)Super computer (b)network
(c)Client (d) Mainframe
21) How many layers are used in the OSI model?
(a)5 (b)6
(c)7 (d) 8
22) Which of the following is used to segment a large network into two smaller networks?
(a)Hub (b) Bridge (c)Router (d) Modem
23) In which of these cables, no electrical signal travels?
(a)Coaxial cable (b) UTP
(c)Fibre optic (d) STP
24) Which topology fails when the central hub fails?
(a)Star (b) Ring (c)Bus
(d) All of these
25) Which topology fails if the backbone cable fails?
(a)Star (b) Ring
(c)Bus (d) Both b & C
26) Terminators are used in _____ topology.
(a)Bus (b) Ring
(c)Star (d) All of these
27) What is the central device in star topology?
(a)Router (b) Bridge
(c)Hub (d) Modem
28) The data unit created by the Transmission Control Protocol, at the Application layer, is
called _____
(a)Segment (b) UDP (c)Frame (d) Message
29) The layer of the OSI Model, from the top down are:
(a) Application, Presentation, Session, Transport, Network, Data Link, Physical
(b) Session, Presentation, Data Transport, MAC, Network, Physical
(c) Physical, Data Link, Network, Transport, Session, Presentation, Application
(d) Application, Encryption, Network, Transport, Logical Link Control, Physical
30) If a packet is missing, or arrives out of order, which of the following layers of the OSI
model handles the situation?
(a) Application layer (b) Data Link layer
(c) Network layer (d) Transport layer
31) Physical addressing and flow control are the responsibilities of which layer of the OSI
(a) Physical layer (b) Data Link Layer
(c) Network Layer (d) Session Layer
32) Encryption and decryption are responsibilities of which layer?
(a) Application layer (b) Presentation layer
(c) Network Layer (d) Transport Layer
33) Which of these is the main function of the Network Layer?
(a) Data compression (b) dialog control
(c) segmentation and reassembly (d) routing
34) Transmission mode is decided at which layer of the OSI model?
(a) Physical layer (b) Data Link Layer
(c) Application Layer (d) Transport layer
35) Each segment created by the TCP includes which of the following fields?
(a) Data (b) Checksum
(c) source and destination addresses (d) All of the above 36)
The upper layers of the OSI model are, in correct order:
(a) Session, application, presentation
(b) Session, presentation, application
(c) Session, application, presentation, physical
(d) Application, presentation, session, physical
37) As the data packet moves from upper layers to lower layers, headers are _____.
(a) Added (b) removed
(c) modified (d) rearranged
38) When data are transmitted from device A to device B, the header from A’s layer:
Read by B’s _____ layer.
(a) Physical (b) Transport
(c) Application (d) Network
39) The ______ layer coordinates the functions required to transmit a bit stream ove
physical medium.
(a) Data link (b) Network
(c) Presentation (d) Physical
40) The higher level protocols of FTP, SMTP and HUP are contained in the ____ layer of TCP.
(a) Application (b) Transport
(c) Internet (d) Data Link

1) Who controls the internet?

(a) The USA (b) UNO
(c) Microsoft (d) No one in Particular
2) Which of these domains is restricted to qualified organizations?
(a) .com (b) .org (c) .net (d) .edu
3) Which of these is the fastest Internet Account?
(a) ISDN Account (b) Shell Account
(c) Dial-up account (d) Broadband Account
4) Each web page has a unique address called a _____
(a) Protocol (b) document name (c) URL (d) hostname
5) Which of these symbols must appear in any email address?
(a) ‘! (b)$ (c)@ (d) #
6) Which of these is a meta search engine?
(a) Google (b) Yahoo (c) AkaVista (d) Dogpile
7) The common protocol of the Internet is ____
(a) HTFP (b) FTP (c) SMTP (d) POP
8) _____ allows user to search simultaneously on several search engines.
(a) Server (b) Boolean Search
(c) Meta search engine (d) None of these
9) Software such as Internet Explorer, Google Chrome and Firefox are referred to as:
(a) Systems software (b) Utility software
(c) Browsers (d) Internet tools
10) The first part of a complete URL is the _____ needed to access the web resource.
(a) Address (b) Name (c) Location (d) Protocol
11) To match all the words in your search, the Boolean operator should be used.
(a) AND (b) OR (c) NOT (d) BOTH
12) What is the full form of HTTP?
(a) Hyper Text Transmission Protocol (b) Hyper Text Transfer protocol
(c) HyperTerminal Transport Protocol (d) Hyper Terminal Transfer Protocol
13) Which of these allows the simultaneous transmission of digital data and voice services?
(a) DSL broadband account (b) Dial-up account (c) Shell account
(d) Cable Internet account
14) Web pages are developed by using:
(a) HUP (b) HTML (c) POP (d) SMTP
15) What is the full form of URL?
(a) Uniform Resource Library (b) United Resource Locator
(c) Universal Resource Locator (d) Uniform Resource Locator 16) An
IP address is made up of_____ bits.
(a) 8 (b) 16 (c) 32 (d) 62
17) Benefits of email are:
(a) Cost (b) Speed
(c) Record keeping (d) All of the above
18) To exclude certain words or phrases from appearing in search engine results, we use the
_____ character.
(a)— (b)+ (c)! (d) $
19) Which protocol is used to send email?
(a) POP (b) POP3 (c) SMTP (d) HUP
20) When sending an email, the _____ line describes the contents of the message.
(a) To (b) CC (c) Subject (d) Contents

1) A database contains one or more

(a) Tables (b) rows
(c) Columns (d) databases
2) To indicate that there should be 5 integer and 2 decimal position we use _____
(a) Decimal (5,2) (b) decimal(7,2)
(c) Decimal (9,2) (d) decimal(2,5)
3) _____ temporal data type will update whenever a change is made in the data in Table.
(a) Date (b) Datetime
(c) Timestamp (d) Time
4) The data type represented by True or False is called:
(a) Integer (b) date
(c) Char (d) boolean
5) In the data type VARCHAR () data is stored as _____ length strings.
(a) fixed (b) variable
(c) changing (d) short
6) The memory storage requirement of double () data type is _____ bytes,.
(a) 4 (b) 6
(c) 8 (d) 10
1) To select a database TAX the statement is _____
(a) Select Tax (b) Choose Tax
(c) Open Tax (d) Use Tax
2) To view the structure of the table DEPT the statement is _____
(a) Desc Dept (b) Decs Dept
(c) Dept Desc (d) Show Dept
3) To make changes in the data already entered in the table we use _____
(a) Alter Table (b) Update and Set
(c) Select (d) Create
4) To view the names of the databases in My SQL we use ____
(a) Show Tables (b) View Databases
(c) Show Database (d) Show Databases
5) To indicate that the values in a column are positive we use _____
(a) Null (b) Signed
(c) Unsigned (d) Not Signed
6) The Key which helps to uniquely identify each row of the table is called _____ key.
(a) Primary (b) Foreign
(c) Secondary (d) Main
7) In the ALTER TABLE statement to change the name of the column we use clause.
(a) Modify (b) Change
(c) Add (d) Drop
8) delete from pay; statement will delete _____ the rows from the table pay.
(a) ALL (b) FIRST 5
(c) LAST 10 (d) FIRST 10
1) The function used to join the words is ____
(a) MERGE() (b) MOVE() (c) CONCAT() (d) JOIN
2) The function which gives the square root of x is _____
(a) ABS(X) (b) SQRT(X) (c) SQR(X) (d) POW(X)
3) The function used to get the remainder of x divided by y is ____
(a) MOD(X,Y) (b) ABS(X,Y) (c) SQRT(X,Y) (d) EXP(X,Y)
4) The function used to convert upper case letters to lower case is _____
5) The function used to convert lower case letters to upper case is _____
1) The statement used to perform queries on tables begins with _____
(a) Select (b) Search
(c) Query (d) Selection
2) The clause used to arrange the tows in the table is
(a) Arrange By (b) Order By
(c) Sort By (d) Display By
3) To control which rows are displayed as a result of a query ____ clause is used.
(a) Limit (b) Line
(c) Curb (d) Concat
4) To cancel the transaction and not save it we use _____
(a) Commit (b) Concat
(c) Rollback (d) Return
5) To make changes in the structure of the existing table we use
(a) Alter Table (b) Update
(c) Set (d) Create
6) _____ is not an aggregate function.
(a) Sum 0 (b) Min 0
(c) AVG 0 (d) Average 0
7) The Query SELECT * FROM PAY; will display columns from the table PAY.
(a) First Two (b) All records
(c) Last Two (d) Middle Two
1) To evaluate what a series of payments will be worth at some point in the future, which
of the following should be used?
(a) PMT (b) FV (c) PV (d) IRR
2) Which type of function calculates if an expression is true?
(a) Financial (b) Date (c) valid (d) Logical
3) Which function determines the payment needed each period to repay a loan?
(a) FV() (b) PV() (c) PMT() (d) PAY ()
4) To easily select predefined functions in Excel, select the:
(a) Formula Bar (b) Function Wizard
(c) Calculation Library (d) Status Bar
1) Sorting means arranging data:
(a) Alphabetically (b) Numerically (c) Chronologically (d) Any or all of the
2) AutoFilter feature allows the user to :
(a) Copy data that matches a criteria into another worksheet.
(b) Display data that matches certain criteria (c) Delete data that matches a
(d) Perform calculation only on selected data.
3) What Pivot table toolbar button updates the data in a Pivot Table or Pivot Chart report if
the source data has changed:
(a) Format Report (b) Pivot Table (c) Refresh Data (d)
a) To open a database CLASS the statement is _____
b) In MySQL, SELECT* FROM salary LIMIT 4, 2; displays ____
1. all rows 2. 5th 6th rows
3. 4th row twice 4. 4 and 5th rows
c) To indicate that there should be 6 integers and 2 decimal positions we use ________
1. DECIMAL (8,2) 2. DECIMAL (6,2)
3. DECIMAL(2,6) 4. DECIMAL (2,8)
d) _____ is also called Data Transmission.
1. Data distribution 2. Data representation
3. Data Communication 4. None of these
e) The fastest transmission media is ________
1. Twisted pair 2. Fiber optic
3. Co-axial cable 4. Wireless
f) Full form of HTTP is ____
1. Hyper Text Transfer Protocol 2. Hyper Test Transfer Protocol
3. Home Text Transfer Page 4. Hyper Text Transfer Page
g) _____ is a device using which we can segment a large network into smaller more efficient
1. Hub 2. Bridge 3. Switch 4. router
h) In _______ topology all nodes are connected directly to a central system.
1. Star 2. Bus 3. Ring 4. None of these
i) The part before the @ symbol in an email address is _____
1. The Domain name 2. User name
3. sub domain 4. None of these
j) Google Chrome is a _________
1. Hardware 2. Browser
3. Utility Software 4. Internet tool
k) ____ allows user to search simultaneously on several search engines.
1. server 2. Boolean search
3. Utility software 4. Internet tool
5. Meta Search Engines (e.g. Dogpile)
a) To make changes in the data already entered in the table we use ______.
a) Alter Tables b) Update and Set
c) Select d) Create
b) The clause used to arrange the rows in the table is ________.
a) Arrange by b) Sort by
c) Order by d) Display by
c) The query SELECT FROM DEPOSIT, will display _____the rows in the table DEPOSIT.
a) First two b) Last, two
c) Middle two All d) All
a) There is no electric signal in the ______ cable.
a) Coaxial cable b) UTP c) Fiber optic d) STP
b) Which of the following is not wire based media?
a) Microwave b) Fiber optic c) Coaxial Cable d) Twisted Pair
c) In MAN computers are generally connected with ____ cable.
a) Fiber Optic b) Co-axial c) Twisted pair d) UTI
d) The large collection of websites available on the internet is
a) URL b) WWW c) Blog d) None of these
e) Internet Explorer, G9agle Chrome arid Firefox are _________
a) Hardware b) Browsers c) Utility software d) Internet tools
f) If a packet is missing or arrives out of order, ________ layer in OSI model handles the
a) Transport b) Session c) Network d) Physical
g) To match all the words in your search, the Boolean _______ operator should be used.
a) OR b) AND c) NOT d) BOTH
h) The full form of ISDN is _________ Service Digital Network.
a) Indian b) Important c) Integrated

a) In MySQL, the operator LIKE “U%” finds match for a string ________
1) Ending with U 2) Starting with U
3) Containing U 4) Containing U%
b) Examine the merits and demerits of indirect taxes.
1) Alter 2) Update 3) Set 4) Create
c) Insert command is used with __________ clause.
1) In 2) Into 3) To 4) From

1) Session 2) Presentation 3) Application 4) Transport

d) The acronym UTP stands for ________
1) Uniformly Terminating Port 2) Unshielded to Protect
3) Unshielded Twisted Pair 4) Unit Transfer Protocol
e) Direct point link between neighboring nodes exist in __________ topology.
1) Bus 2) Ring 3) Star 4) None of
f) Which of the following is used to segment a large network into two smaller networks?
1) Hub 2) Bridge 3) Router 4) Modern
g) A hyperlink can appear as __________
1) Only Text 2) Only Image 3) Router 4) Both Text &
h) The first part of a complete URL is the _______needed to access the web resource.
1) Protocol 2) Name 3) Location 4) Address
i) Sniffer in internet working means ________
1) Hacking 2) Phishing
3) Tracking information & copying it 4) Spying
j) The full form of SLIP is _________ Line Internet Protocol.
1) Solid 2) Supreme 3) Serial 4) Address

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