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A Complete Chapter Quiz: Introduction To Data Communications and Networking

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A Complete Chapter Quiz

Introduction to Data
Communications and Networking

Compilation of all the quizzes (MCQs) for each and every chapters in the book of Data
Communications and Networking 4th Edition by Behrouz A. Forouzan.

MCQs in Introduction to Datacom and Networking
1. There are ______________ Internet 7. In a ______ connection, two and only
service providers. two devices are connected by a
A) regional dedicated link.
B) local A) multipoint
C) national and international B) point-to-point
D) all of the above C) (a) and (b)
2. ______ refers to the physical or logical D) none of the above
arrangement of a network. 8. The information to be communicated
A) Topology in a data communications system is the
B) Mode of operation _______. A)
C) Data flow Medium B)
D) None of the above Protocol C)
3. A ______ is a data communication Message
system spanning states, countries, or the D) Transmission
whole world. 9. ________ defines how a particular
A) MAN pattern to be interpreted, and what action
B) WAN is to be taken based on that
C) LAN interpretation.
D) none of the above A) Syntax
4. A _______ connection provides a B) Semantics
dedicated link between two devices. C) Timing
A) primary B) D) None of the above
multipoint C) 10. Frequency of failure and network
point-to-point D) recovery time after a failure are
secondary measures of the _______of a network.
5. Which topology requires a multipoint A) Performance
connection? B) Security
A) Bus C) Reliability
B) Star D) Feasibility
C) Mesh 11. A television broadcast is an example
D) Ring of _______ transmission.
6. A ________ is a set of rules that A) half-duplex
governs data communication. B) simplex C)
A) protocol full-duplex D)
B) forum C) automatic
standard 12. Data flow between two devices can
D) none of the above occur in a _______ way.
A) simplex

MCQs in Introduction to Datacom and Networking
B) half-duplex A) mesh
C) full-duplex B) ring
D) all of the above C) bus
13. _______ are special-interest groups D) all of the above
that quickly test, evaluate, and 19. _______ is the protocol suite for the
standardize new technologies. current Internet.
A) Standards organizations A) UNIX
B) Regulatory agencies C) B) NCP
Forums C) TCP/IP
D) All of the above D) ACM
14. Which agency developed standards 20. ________ is a collection of many
for physical connection interfaces and separate networks.
electronic signaling specifications? A) A WAN B)
A) ISO An internet
C) ANSI D) None of the above
D) EIA 21. In a ________ connection, three or
15. A _______ is a data communication more devices share a link.
system within a building, plant, or A) point-to-point
campus, or between nearby buildings. B) multipoint C)
A) LAN (a) and (b)
B) MAN D) none of the above
C) WAN 22. Which organization has authority
D) none of the above over interstate and international
16. _______ refers to two characteristics: commerce in the communications field?
when data should be sent and how fast it A) FCC
can be sent. B) IEEE
A) Semantics C) ITU-T
B) Timing C) D) ISOC
Syntax 23. In the original ARPANET, _______
D) none of the above were directly connected together.
17. This was the first network. A) routers
A) CSNET B) host computers
B) NSFNET C) networks
D) ANSNET 24. Communication between a computer
18. Devices may be arranged in a _____ andakeyboardinvolves
topology. ______________ transmission.

MCQs in Introduction to Datacom and Networking
A) simplex B) ID
B) half-duplex C) RFC
C) full-duplex D) none of the above
D) automatic 31. In _______ transmission, the channel
25. Which topology requires a central capacity is shared by both
controller or hub? communicating devices at all times.
A) Mesh A) simplex B)
B) Bus half-duplex C)
C) Star full-duplex D)
D) Ring half-simplex
26. The _______ is the physical path
over which a message travels.
A) Protocol
B) Signal
C) Medium
D) All the above
27. In a _______ connection, more than
two devices can share a single link.
A) multipoint
B) point-to-point
C) primary
D) secondary
28. _______ refers to the structure or
format of the data, meaning the order in
which they are presented.
A) Semantics
B) Syntax C)
D) All of the above
29. An unauthorized user is a network
_______ issue.
A) Security B)
Reliability C)
Performance D)
All the above
30. ________ is an idea or concept that
is a precursor to an Internet standard. A)

MCQs in Introduction to Datacom and Networking
A Complete Chapter Quiz

Data and Signals

Compilation of all the quizzes (MCQs) for each and every chapters in the book of Data
Communications and Networking 4th Edition by Behrouz A. Forouzan.

MCQs in Data and Signals
1. If the maximum amplitude of a sine B) Attenuation
wave is 2 V, the minimum amplitude is C) Noise
________ V. D) Decibel
A) 2 7. A sine wave in the ______ domain can
B) 1 be represented by one single spike in the
C) -2 _____ domain.
D) between -2 and 2 A) time; phase
2. _________ can impair a signal. B) frequency; time
A) Noise C) time; frequency
B) Attenuation D) phase; time
C) Distortion 8. If the bandwidth of a signal is 5 KHz
D) All of the above and the lowest frequency is 52 KHz, what
3. ________is the rate of change with is the highest frequency?
respect to time. A) 5 KHz
A) Time B) 47 KHz
B) Frequency C) 57 KHz
C) Amplitude D) 10 KHz
D) Voltage 9. In a time-domain plot, the horizontal
4. A signal is measured at two different axis is a measure of ________.
points. The power is P1 at the first point A) phase
and P2 at the second point. The dB is 0. B) signal amplitude
This means ________. C) frequency
A) P2 equals P1 D) time
B) P2 is zero 10. _______ data are continuous and
C) P2 is much larger than P1 take continuous values.
D) P2 is much smaller than P1 A) digital
5. Baseband transmission of a digital B) analog
signal is possible only if we have a ____ C) (a) or (b)
channel. D) none of the above
A) bandpass 11. Frequency and period are ______.
B) low-pass A) proportional to each other
C) high rate B) inverse of each other
D) low rate C) the same
6. ________ is a type of transmission D) none of the above
impairment in which the signal loses 12. When propagation speed is multiplied
strength due to the resistance of the by propagation time, we get the
transmission medium. ________.
A) Distortion A) wavelength of the signal

MCQs in Data and Signals
B) throughput speeds of each frequency that makes up
C) distance a signal or bit has traveled the signal.
D) distortion factor A) Noise
13. A _________ sine wave is not useful B) Distortion
in data communications; we need to C) Attenuation
send a _______ signal. D) Decibel
A) single-frequency; composite 19. Signals can be ________.
B) composite; single-frequency This is A) digital
the correct answer. B) analog
C) single-frequency; double-frequency C) either (a) or (b)
D) none of the above D) neither (a) nor (b)
14. The _________ product defines the 20. A sine wave is ________.
number of bits that can fill the link. A) periodic and discrete
A) delay-amplitude B) aperiodic and discrete
B) frequency-amplitude C) periodic and continuous
C) bandwidth-period D) aperiodic and continuous
D) bandwidth-delay 21. _______ data have discrete states
15. _______ signals can have only a and take discrete values.
limited number of values. A) Analog
A) Digital B) Digital
B) Analog C) (a) or (b)
C) (a) or (b) D) None of the above
D) None of the above 22. For a ______ channel, we need to
16. Before data can be transmitted, they use the Shannon capacity to find the
must be transformed to ________. maximum bit rate.
A) periodic signals A) noiseless
B) electromagnetic signals B) noisy
C) aperiodic signals C) low-pass
D) low-frequency sine waves D) bandpass
17. Data can be ________. 23. What is the bandwidth of a signal that
A) digital ranges from 1 MHz to 4 MHz?
B) analog A) 1 KHz
C) (a) or (b) B) 3 MHz
D) none of the above C) 4 MHz
18. ________ is a type of transmission D) none of the above
impairment in which the signal loses 24. _____ signals can have an infinite
strength due to the different propagation number of values in a range.
A) Analog

MCQs in Data and Signals
B) Digital 30. Given two sine waves A and B, if the
C) (a) or (b) frequency of A is twice that of B, then the
D) None of the above period of B is ________ that of A.
25. A(n)_________ signal is a composite A) one-half
analog signal with an infinite bandwidth. B) twice
A) digital C) the same as
B) analog D) indeterminate from
C) either (a) or (b) 31. As frequency increases, the period
D) neither (a) nor (b) ________.
26. A periodic signal completes one cycle A) increases
in 0.001 s. What is the frequency? B) decreases
A) 1 Hz C) doubles
B) 100 Hz D) remains the same
C) 1 KHz 32. If the available channel is a ____
D) 1 MHz channel, we cannot send a digital signal
27. The _____ of a composite signal is directly to the channel.
the difference between the highest and A) low-pass
the lowest frequencies contained in that B) low rate
signal. C) bandpass
A) period D) high rate
B) bandwidth 33. For a ______ channel, the Nyquist bit
C) frequency rate formula defines the theoretical
D) amplitude maximum bit rate.
28. ________ is a type of transmission A) low-pass
impairment in which an outside source B) bandpass
such as crosstalk corrupts a signal. C) noisy
A) Noise D) noiseless
B) Distortion 34. In a frequency-domain plot, the
C) Attenuation horizontal axis measures the ________.
D) Decibel A) phase
29. _______ describes the position of B) frequency
the waveform relative to time 0. C) slope
A) Amplitude D) peak amplitude
B) Phase
C) Frequency
D) Voltage

MCQs in Data and Signals
A Complete Chapter Quiz

Digital Transmission

Compilation of all the quizzes (MCQs) for each and every chapters in the book of Data
Communications and Networking 4th Edition by Behrouz A. Forouzan.

MCQs in Digital Transmission
1. Which of the following encoding A) the same as
methods does not provide for B) twice
synchronization? C) thrice
A) RZ D) none of the above
B) NRZ-L 7. The signal rate is sometimes called the
C) NRZ-I ____ rate.
D) Manchester A) bit
2. If the frequency spectrum of a signal B) baud
has a bandwidth of 500 Hz with the C) signal
highest frequency at 600 Hz, what D) none of the above
should be the sampling rate, according 8. Unipolar, bipolar, and polar encoding
to the Nyquist theorem? are types of _______ encoding.
A) 200 samples/s A) line
B) 500 samples/s B) block
C) 1000 samples/s C) NRZ
D) 1200 samples/s D) Manchester
3. In asynchronous transmission, the gap 9. ________ is normally referred to as
time between bytes is _______. mB/nB coding; it replaces each m-bit
A) variable group with an n-bit group.
B) fixed A) Line coding
C) zero B) Block coding
D) a function of the data rate C) Scrambling
4. ______ substitutes eight consecutive D) None of the above
zeros with 000VB0VB. 10. In ______ schemes, the voltages are
A) B4B8 on the both sides of the time axis. For
B) B8ZS example, the voltage level for 0 can be
C) HDB3 positive and the voltage level for 1 can
D) none of the above be negative.
5. The most common technique to A) unipolar
change an analog signal to digital data is B) bipolar
called __________. C) polar
A) sampling D) all of the above
B) PAL 11. The ________ rate defines the
C) PCM number of data elements sent in 1s; the
D) none of the above ______ rate is the number of signal
6. The minimum bandwidth of elements sent in 1s.
Manchester and differential Manchester A) signal; data
is ____ that of NRZ. B) data; signal

MCQs in Digital Transmission
C) baud; bit A) unipolar
D) none of the above B) polar
12. The idea of RZ and the idea of NRZ- C) bipolar
L are combined into the ________ D) none of the above
scheme. 18. Block coding can help in _______ at
A) Manchester the receiver.
B) differential Manchester A) Synchronization
C) both (a) and (b) B) Error detection
D) neither (a) nor (b) C) Attenuation
13. ________ provides synchronization D) (a) and (b)
without increasing the number of bits. 19. In Manchester and differential
A) Line coding Manchester encoding, the transition at
B) Block coding the middle of the bit is used for
C) Scrambling __________.
D) None of the above A) bit transfer
14. The Nyquist theorem specifies the B) synchronization
minimum sampling rate to be_______. C) baud transfer
A) equal to the lowest frequency of a D) none of the above
signal 20. _______ encoding has a transition at
B) equal to the highest frequency of a the beginning of each 0 bit.
signal A) Differential Manchester
C) twice the bandwidth of a signal B) Manchester
D) twice the highest frequency of a C) RZ
signal D) All the above
15. PCM is an example of _______ 21. In ______, the change or lack of
conversion. change in the level of the voltage
A) analog-to-analog determines the value of the bit.
B) analog-to-digital A) NRZ-L
C) digital-to-digital B) NRZ-I
D) digital-to-analog C) both (a) and (b)
16. There are three sampling methods: D) neither (a) nor (b)
__________. 22. In ___________ there is always a
A) ideal, natural, and flat-top transition at the middle of the bit, but the
B) ideal, sampled, and flat-top bit values are determined at the
C) quantized, sampled, and ideal beginning of the bit. If the next bit is 0,
D) none of the above there is a transition; if the next bit is 1,
17. In _______encoding, we use three there is none.
levels: positive, zero, and negative. A) Manchester

MCQs in Digital Transmission
B) differential Manchester 27. In _________ transmission, we send
C) both (a) and (b) bits one after another without start or
D) neither (a) nor (b) stop bits or gaps. It is the responsibility of
23. In _______ encoding, the duration of the receiver to group the bits.
the bit is divided into two halves. The A) synchronous
voltage remains at one level during the B) asynchronous
first half and moves to the other level in C) isochronous
the second half. The transition at the D) none of the above
middle of the bit provides 28. ______ finds the value of the signal
synchronization. amplitude for each sample; ____ finds
A) Manchester the change from the previous sample.
B) differential Manchester A) DM; CM
C) both (a) and (b) B) DM; PCM
D) neither (a) nor (b) C) PCM; DM
24. The ________ mode provides D) none of the above
synchronization for the entire stream of 29. ______ substitutes four consecutive
bits must. In other words, it guarantees zeros with 000V or B00V.
that the data arrive at a fixed rate. A) HDB3
A) isochronous B) B4B8
B) synchronous C) B8ZSf
C) asynchronous D) none of the above
D) none of the above 30. The ______ scheme uses three
25. The idea of RZ and the idea of NRZ-I levels (+V, 0, and -V) and three transition
are combined into the ________ rules to move between the levels.
scheme. A) 4B5B
A) Manchester B) MLT-3
B) differential Manchester C) 2B1Q
C) both (a) and (b) D) none of the above
D) neither (a) nor (b) 31. While there is (are) only _____
26. In decoding a digital signal, the way(s) to send parallel data, there is (are)
receiver calculates a running average of _____ subclass(es) of serial
the received signal power, called the transmission.
_______. A) one; two
A) base B) one; three
B) line C) two; three
C) baseline D) none of the above
D) none of the above 32. Which quantization level results in a
more faithful reproduction of the signal?

MCQs in Digital Transmission
A) 2 38. In _______ transmission, bits are
B) 8 transmitted simultaneously, each across
C) 16 its own wire.
D) 32 A) Asynchronous serial
33. A _________ digital signal includes B) Synchronous serial
timing information in the data being C) Parallel
transmitted. D) (a) and (b)
A) self-synchronizing 39. Which encoding method uses
B) self-transmitted alternating positive and negative values
C) self-modulated for 1s?
D) none of the above A) AMI
34. In _______ transmission, bits are B) RZ
transmitted over a single wire, one at a C) NRZ-I
time. D) Manchester
A) asynchronous serial 40. The data rate is sometimes called the
B) synchronous serial ___ rate.
C) parallel A) bit
D) (a) and (b) B) baud
35. The first step in PCM is ________. C) signal
A) quantization D) none of the above
B) sampling 41. _______ provides redundancy to
C) modulation ensure synchronization and inherent
D) none of the above error detection.
36. _______ encoding has a transition at A) Line coding
the middle of each bit. B) Block coding
A) Manchester C) Scrambling
B) Differential Manchester D) None of the above
C) RZ 42. In _______ transmission, a start bit
D) All the above and a stop bit frame a character byte.
37. In ______ transmission, we send 1 A) synchronous serial
start bit (0) at the beginning and 1 or B) asynchronous serial
more stop bits (1s) at the end of each C) parallel
byte. D) (a) and (b)
A) synchronous 43. Two common scrambling techniques
B) asynchronous are ________.
C) isochronous A) B8ZS and HDB3
D) none of the above B) AMI and NRZ
C) NRZ and RZ

MCQs in Digital Transmission
D) Manchester and differential
44. ___________ conversion involves
three techniques: line coding, block
coding, and scrambling.
A) Analog-to-analog
B) Analog-to-digital
C) Digital-to-analog
D) Digital-to-digital
45. The _____ scheme uses data
patterns of size 2 and encodes the 2-bit
patterns as one signal element belonging
to a four-level signal.
A) MLT-3
B) 4B5B
C) 2B1Q
D) none of the above
46. In _____, the level of the voltage
determines the value of the bit.
C) both (a) and (b)
D) neither (a) nor (b)
47. ________ is the process of
converting digital data to a digital signal.
A) Line coding
B) Block coding
C) Scrambling
D) None of the above
48. In a _____ scheme, all the signal
levels are on one side of the time axis,
either above or below.
A) unipolar
B) polar
C) bipolar
D) all of the above

MCQs in Digital Transmission

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