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Digital and Data Communication Networks

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MCQs in Digital and Data 5.

In QAM, both phase and ________ of a carrier

frequency are varied.
Communication Networks
1. ASK, PSK, FSK, and QAM are examples of a. Amplitude
_________ encoding.
b. Frequency
a. Digital-to-digital
c. Bit rate
b. Digital-to-analog
d. Baud rate
c. Analog-to analog
6. Which of the following is most affected by
d. Analog-to-digital noise?

2. Unipolar, bipolar, and polar encoding are types a. PSK

of ___________ encoding.
b. ASK
a. Digital-to-digital
c. FSK
b. Digital-to-analog
d. QAM
c. Analog-to-analog
7. If the frequency spectrum of a signal has a
d. Analog-to-digital bandwidth of 500 Hz with the highest frequency at
600 Hz, what should be the sampling rate
3. PCM is an example of __________ encoding. according to the Nyquist theorem?

a. Digital-to-digital a. 200 samples/sec

b. Digital-to-analog b. 500 samples/sec

c. Analog-to analog c. 1000 samples/sec

d. Analog-to-digital d. 1200 samples/sec

4. AM and FM are examples of ________ 8. If the baud rate is 400 for a 4-PSK, the bit rate
encoding. is ______ bps.

a. Digital-to-digital a. 100

b. Digital-to-analog b. 400

c. Analog-to analog c. 800

d. Analog-to-digital d. 1600
9. Determine the channel capacity of a 4 kHz a. AMI
channel with S/N = 10 dB.
b. B8ZS
a. 8.02 kbps
c. RZ
b. 4.17 kbps
d. Manchester
c. 13.74 kbps
14. RZ encoding involves _______ levels of
d. 26.58 kbps signal amplitude.

10. If the bit rate for an ASK signal is 1200 bps, a. 1

the baud rate is
b. 3
a. 300
c. 4
b. 400
d. 5
c. 600
15. If the transmission rate of a digital
d. 1200 communication system of 10 Mbps modulation
scheme used in 16-QAM, determined the
11. Which encoding method uses alternating bandwidth efficiency.
positive and negative values for 1s?
a. 16 bits/cycle
a. NRZ-I
b. 4 bits/cycle
b. RZ
c. 8 bits/cycle
c. Manchester
d. 2 bits/cycle
d. AMI
16. In _________ transmission, bits are
12. If the maximum value of a PCM signal is 31 transmitted simultaneously, each across its own
and the minimum value is -31, how many bits channel .
were used for coding?
a. Asynchronous serial
a. 4
b. Synchronous serial
b. 5
c. Parallel
c. 6
d. A and B
d. 7
17. Data are sent over pin ________ of the EIA-
13. Deliberate violations of alternate mark RS-232 interface.
inversion are used in which type of digital-to-
digital encoding? a. 2
b. 3 d. A transceiver

c. 4 22. What is the object of trellis coding??

d. All of the above a. To narrow bandwidth

18. In the EIA-RS-232 standard what does -12V b. To simplify encoding

on a data pin represent?
c. To increase data rate
a. 1
d. To reduce the error rate
b. 0
23. In trellis coding. The number of the data bits is
c. Undefined _____ the number of transmitted bits.

d. Either 1 or 0 depending on the coding a. Equal to

b. Less than
19. The majority of the pins f the EIA-RS-232
interface are used for _____ purpose. c. More than

a. Control d. Double that of

b. Timing 24. Which ITU-T modem uses trellis coding?

c. Data a. V.33

d. Testing b. V.34

20. X-21 uses a _____ connector. c. V.39

a. DB-15 d. V.37

b. DB-25 25. The signal between two modems is always

c. DB37 a. Digital

d. DB-9 b. Analog

21. If you have two close, compatible DTEs that c. PSK

can communicate data that do not need to be
modulated. A good interface would be ________. d. QAM

a. A null modem 26. For digital communications, determine the

signal to noise ratio in dB which would be
b. An EIA-RS-232 modem required for an ideal channel with a bandwidth of
2500 Hz.
c. A DB-45 connector
a. 5 b. FSK

b. 9.54 dB c. 8-PSK

c. 4.77 dB d. All of the above

d. 3.4 31. A broadcast TV channel has a bandwidth of 6

MHz. Ignoring noise, calculate the maximum data
27. For a PCM system with a maximum decoded rate that could be carried in a TV channel using a
voltage at the receiver of 2.55 V and minimum 16-level code and determine the minimum
dynamic range of 46 dB, determine the maximum possible signal-to-noise ratio in dB for the
quantization error. calculated data rate.

a. 5.0 V a. 24 Mbps, 48 dB

b. 0.5 V b. 48 Mbps, 24 dB

c. 0.005 V c. 24 Mbps, 24 dB

d. 0.05 V d. 48 Mbps, 48 dB

28. Determine the bandwidth efficiency for QPSK 32. Which of the following modems uses FSK
modulation scheme at a transmission rate of 10 modulation?
a. Bell 103
a. 2 bits/cycle
b. Bell 201
b. 4 bits/cycle
c. Bell 212
c. 8 bits/cycle
d. All of the above
d. 16 bits/cycle
33. A maximum length of 50 feet is specified in
29. A modulator converts a (an) ______ signal to a standard __________.
(an) __________ signal.
a. EIA-RS-449
a. Digital, analog
b. EIA-RS-232
b. Analog, digital
c. EIA-RS-423
d. RS-422
34. A cable range of 40 to _____ feet is possible
30. Which of the following modulation techniques according to the EIA-RS-449 standard.
are used by modems?
a. 50
a. 16-QAM
b. 400 a. Data terminal equipment

c. 500 b. Data transmission equipment

d. 4000 c. Digital terminal encoder

35. What is the bandwidth required to transmit at a d. Data-circuit terminating equipment

rate of 10Mbits/sec in the presence of a 28 dB S/N
ratio? 39. An asynchronous communications system uses
ASCII at 9600 bps with eight bits, one start bit,
a. 107.5 kHz one stop bit and no parity bit. Express the data rate
in words per minute. (Assume a word has five
b. 3.57 MHz characters and one space).

c. 357.14 kHz a. 9600 wpm

d. 1.075 MHz b. 57600 wpm

36. The maximum data rate for RS-442 is c. 160 wpm

________ times that of the maximum RS-423 data
rate. d. 11520 wpm

a. 0.1 40. A telephone line has a bandwidth of 3.2 kHz

and a signal-to-noise ratio of 34 dB. A signal is
b. 10 transmitted down this line using a four-level code.
What is the maximum theoretical data rate ?
c. 100
a. 12.8 kbps
d. 500
b. 6.4 kbps
37. For an Ethernet bus that is 500 meters in
length using a cable with a velocity factor of 0.66, c. 36.144 kbps
and a communication rate of 10 Mb/s, calculate
the total number of bits that would be sent by each d. 18.072 kbps
station before it detects a collision, if both stations
begin to transmit at the same time. 41. For a binary phase shift keying (BPSK)
modulation with a carrier frequency of 80 MHz
a. 25 bits and an input bit rate of 10 Mbps. Determine the
minimum Nyquist bandwidth.
b. 30 bits
a. 40 MHz
c. 19 bits
b. 10 MHz
d. 41 bits
c. 20 MHz
38. A ______ is a device that is a source of or a
destination for binary digital data. d. 50 MHz
42. The EIA standard specified in the EIA-232 46. A binary digital signal is to be transmitted at
standard is ______ volts. 10 Kbits/s , what absolute minimum bandwidth is
required to pass the fastest information change
a. Greater than -15 undistorted?

b. Less than -15 a. 5 kHz

c. Between -3 and -15 b. 10 kHz

d. Between 3 and 15 c. 20 kHz

43. For a quaternary phase shift keying (QPSK) d. 2.5 kHz

modulation, data with a carrier frequency of 70
MHz, and input bit rate of 10 Mbps, determine the 497. A coherent binary phase shift keyed (BPSK)
minimum Nyquist bandwidth. transmitter operates at a bit rate of Mbps with a
carrier to noise ratio C/N of 8.8 dB. Find Eb/No.
a. 10 MHz
a. 8.8 dB
b. 5 MHz
b. 16.16 dB
c. 20 MHz
c. 21.81 dB
d. 40 MHz
d. 18.8 dB
44. 12 voice channels are sampled at 8000
sampling rate and encoded into 8-bit PCM word. 48. The EIA-RS-232 interface has _______ pins.
Determine the rate of the data stream.
a. 20
a. 768 kbps
b. 36
b. 12 kbps
c. 25
c. 12.8 kbps
d. 19
d. 46.08 kbps
49. The EIA-RS-232 standard defines _________
45. The encoding method specified in the EIA-232 characteristics of the DTE-DCE interface.
standard is _________.
a. Mechanical
a. NRZ-I
b. Electrical
b. NRZ-L
c. Function
c. Manchester
d. All of the above
d. Differential Manchester
50. For sample rate of 30 kHz in a PCM system,
determine the maximum analog input frequency .
a. 30 kHz a. Verified by the modem

b. 15 kHz b. Determined by the sender and receiver,

not by the communications system
c. 60 kHz
c. Ensured by use of digital techniques
d. 45 kHz.
d. None of the above
51. Two-state (binary) communications systems
are better because 55. Serial printers

a. They can interface directly with the a. Are used to transmit grain prices
analog telephone network
b. Are faster than CRT terminals, and offer
b. The components are simpler, less costly, more flexibility
and more reliable
c. Print one character at a time
c. People think better in binary
d. Usually use serial interfaces
d. Interstate calls are less costly
56. Ergonomics
52. Codes are always
a. Involves the interface between people
a. Eight bits per character and machines, such as terminals

b. Either seven or eight bits per character b. Is the application of ergo-economics to

c. Agreed upon in advance between sender
receiver c. Utilizes three-level ergo-coding for
transmission over certain channels
d. The same in all modern computers
d. All of the above
53. DCE and DTE
57. Serial and parallel transmission
a. Means digital communications
equipment and digital termination a. Differ in how many bits are transferred
equipment per character

b. Are connected by either two or four b. Are used in synchronous and

wires asynchronous systems, respectively

c. Refer to the modem and the computer or c. Both a and b

terminal, respectively
d. Differ in whether the bits are on
d. Any one of the above separate wires or on one

54. The correctness and the accuracy of the 58. Asynchronous transmission
transmitted message content is
a. Is less efficient than synchronous, but d. Cannot be compared with the
simpler transmission of analog signals

b. Is much faster than synchronous 63. RS-232, RS-449, RS-530, V.24, and X.21 are
transmission examples of

c. Is another name for isochronous a. Standard for various types of

transmission transmission channels

59. The amount of uncertainty in a system of b. Standard for interfaces between

symbols is also called terminal and modems

a. Bandwidth c. Standards for between modems and

transmission facilities
b. Loss
d. Standards for end-to-end performance
c. Entropy of data communications system

d. Quantum 64. What is one principal difference between

synchronous and asynchronous transmission?
60. Redundancy measures
a. The bandwidth required is different
a. Transmission rate of a system
b. The pulse heights are different
b. How likely symbols are to be repeated
c. The clocking is mixed with the data in
c. Time between failures asynchronous

d. System cost d. The clocking is derived from the data in

synchronous transmission
61. Loading refers to the addition of
65. Synchronous modems cost more than
asynchronous modems because
a. Resistors
a. They are larger
b. Capacitors
b. They must contain clock recovery
c. Bullets
d. Inductance c. The production volume is larger
62. Transmission of binary signals requires
d. They must operate on a larger
a. Less bandwidth than analog
66. The scrambler in a synchronous modem is in
b. More bandwidth than analog the

c. The same bandwidth as analog a. Control section

b. Receiver section d. An impairment equalizer

c. Transmitter section 71. Communications protocols always have a

d. Terminal section a. Set of symbols

67. Binary codes are sometimes transformed in b. Start of header

modems into
c. Special flag symbol
a. Hexadecimal
d. BCC
b. Huffman codes
72. The Baudot code uses how many bits per
c. Gray code symbol?

d. Complementary codes a. 9

68. The digital-to-analog converter in a b. 7

synchronous modem sends signals to the
c. 5
a. Modulator
d. 8
b. Transmission line
73. How many messages may be acknowledged
c. Terminal on a BiSync link?

d. Equalizer a. 1

69. The transmission signal coding method for T1 b. 2

carrier is called
c. 4
a. Binary
d. 8
b. NRZ
74. Which code set is used to BiSync when using
c. Bipolar VRC/LRC but not operating in transparency mode

d. Manchester a. EBCDIC

70. The receiver equalizer in a synchronous b. ASCII

modem is called
c. SBT
a. A compromise equalizer
d. Fieldata
b. A statistical equalizer
75. One primary difference between Digital Data
c. An adaptive equalizer Communications Message Protocol (DDCMP)
and Synchronous Data Link Control (SDLC) is
a. DDCMP does not have a transparent a. Radio
b. Optical fibers
b. SDLC does not use a CRC
c. Coaxial cable
c. DDCMP has a message header
d. Twisted pair
d. DDCMP does not require special
hardware to find the beginning of a 80. Which of the following functions is not
message provided as part of the basic Ethernet design?

76. Which of the following transmission systems a. Access control

provides the highest data rate to an individual
device? b. Addressing

a. Voiceband modem c. Automatic retransmission of a message

b. Local area network d. Multiple virtual networks

c. Computer bus 81. Which of the following is not a useful property

of a Manchester line code for an Ethernet?
d. Digital PBX
a. Continuous energy
77. Which of the following systems provides the
longest digital transmission distances? b. Continuous clock transmissions

a. Voiceband modem c. No dc component

b. Local area network d. No signal change at a 1 to 0 transition

c. Computer bus 82. Which of the following data communications

functions is generally provided for in a LAN?
d. Digital PBX
a. Data link control
78. Which of the following is a characteristic of a
LAN? b. Applications processing

a. Parallel transmission c. Flow control

b. Unlimited expansion d. Routing

c. Low cost access for low bandwidth 83. The purpose of a preamble in an Ethernet is
a. Clock synchronization
d. Application independent interfaces
b. Error checking
79. Which of the following transmission media is
not readily suitable to CSMA operation?
c. Collision avoidance 88. Which of the following cannot be provided in
a broadband LAN?
d. Broadcast
a. Frequency agile modems
84. Which of the following is possible in a token-
passing bus network? b. Closed-circuit TV

a. Unlimited number of stations c. Voice circuits

b. Unlimited distances d. Fiber optics transmission

c. Multiple time division channels 89. Which of the following is not possible in a
digital PBX using twisted pair transmission?
d. In-service expansion
a. Computer port concentration
85. Which of the following is not possible in a
token-passing loop network? b. 64-kbps data circuits

a. Unlimited number of stations c. High-speed file transfers

b. Unlimited distances d. Transmission up to several thousand

c. Multiple time division channels
90. Which of the following is not a motivation in
d. In-service expansion digitizing a voice signal in the telephones of a
digital PBX?
86. Which of the following LAN architectures can
be expanded to the greatest total system a. Simplified control signalling
b. Lower cost telephones
a. Digital PBX
c. Fewer wire pairs
b. CSMA/CD baseband system
d. Multiplexed voice and data channels
c. Token-passing network
91. The electrical state of the control leads in a
d. Broadband cable system serial interface is a concern of

87. Which of the following systems is the most a. The physical layer protocol
capable of servicing a wide range of applications?
b. The data link-layer protocol
a. Digital PBX
c. The network-layer protocol
b. CSMA/CD baseband system
d. None of the above
c. Token-passing network
92. The X.25 standard specifies a
d. Broadband cable system
a. Technique for dial access a. Including the user and communications
b. Technique for start-stop data
b. Not including the user or
c. Data bit rate communications medium

d. DTE/DCE interface c. Including the communications medium

but not the user
93. The X.25 standard is
d. Including the user but not the
a. Required for all packet switching communications medium
97. The X.25 standard covers how many OSI
b. A recommendation of the CCITT layers?

c. A complete description of a public data a. Three

b. Four
d. Used by all packet terminals
c. Seven
94. A protocol is a set of rules governing a time
sequence of events that must take place d. None

a. Between peers 98. A data packet is a packet header together with

b. Between nonpeers a. A network layer

c. Across an interface b. An administrative layer

d. None of the above c. User data

95. The X.25 standard for packet networks is d. A packet switch

analogous to
99. The X.25 standard specifies how many
a. PBX standards for a telephone network separate protocol layers at the serial interface
b. Handset standards for a telephone
a. 8
c. Local loop standards for a telephone
network b. 2

d. Switching standards for a telephone c. 4

d. 3
96. The OSI reference model defines the functions
for seven layers of protocols 100. In X.25 network layer protocol, the data
packets normally contain
a. One octet of header plus data c. A carriers

b. Two octets of header plus data d. T carriers

c. Three octets of header plus data 105. Which of the following is not a typical FDM
d. Four octets of header plus data
a. Telemetry
101. It is defined as knowledge or intelligence that
is communicated between two or more points. b. Stereo broadcasting

a. Carrier c. Telephone

b. Sideband d. Secure communications

c. Information 106. A LAN device that is used to interconnect

two networks that use different protocols and
d. Broadband formats.

102. What is the category of data transmission if a. Gateways

the binary pulse is maintained for the entire bit
time? b. Routers

a. Return to zero c. Bridges

b. Bipolar d. Hubs

c. Unipolar 107. A pulse modulation technique as the width of

a constant amplitude pulse is varied proportional
d. Non return to zero to the amplitude of the analog signal at the time
the signal is sampled.
103. Which medium is the most widely used in
LANs? a. Pulse Width Modulation

a. Twin Lead b. Pulse Length Modulation

b. Fiber optic cable c. Pulse Duration Modulation

c. Twisted Pair d. All of these

d. Coax 108. The FDM telephone systems accommodate

many channels by
104. These are used for transmission of PCM
encoded time division multiplexed digital signal. a. Increasing the multiplexer size

a. I carriers b. Using many final carriers

b. E carriers c. Narrowing the bandwidth of each

d. Using multiple levels of multiplexing d. Cyclic redundancy check

109. It is the transmittal of digitally modulated 113. Which of the following is not a benefit of
analog signals (carrier) between two or more spread spectrum?
points in a communications system.
a. Jam proof
a. Digital modulation
b. Security
b. Digital transmission
c. Immunity of fading
c. Data communications
d. Noise proof
d. Pulse modulation
114. Converting analog signals to digital is done
110. Indicate which of the following systems is by sampling and ___________.
a. Quantizing
a. Pulse-position modulation
b. Companding
b. Pulse-code modulation
c. Pre emphasis
c. Pulsewidth modulation
d. Mixing
d. Pulse-frequency modulation
115. It is a process of converting an infinite
111. Classification of protocol that interprets a number of possibilities to a finite number of
frame of data as a group of successive bit conditions.
combined into predetermined pattern of fixed
length, usually 8 bits each. a. Sampling

a. Character-oriented protocols b. Coding

b. Byte-oriented protocols c. Quantization

c. Bit-oriented protocols d. Aliasing

d. Character and Byte-oriented protocols 116. In T1, it is equal to the reciprocal of the
sample rate
112. Dividing the data block by a constant
produces a remainder that is used for error a. Slot Time
detection. It is called the
b. Transmission time
a. Vertical redundancy check
c. Frame time
b. Horizontal redundancy check
d. Bit rate
c. Block check character
117. What is the final output of a multiplexer?
a. Baseband b. Space, mark

b. Composite baseband c. Space, space

c. Information d. Mark, mark

d. Composite carrier 122. It is the processing of analog signals using

digital methods and includes band limiting and
118. The baud rate signals with filters, amplitude equalization, and
phase shifting
a. is always equal to the bit transfer rate
a. Digital communications
b. is equal to twice the bandwidth of an
ideal channel b. Digital Signal Processing

c. is not equal to the signaling rate c. Data communications

d. is equal to one half the bandwidth of d. Carrier recovery method

an ideal channel
123. It is a network access method used primarily
119. Bit errors in data transmission are usually with LANs configured in a ring topology using
caused by either baseband or broadband transmission
a. equipment failures
a. Ethernet
b. typing mistakes
b. Token passing
c. noise
c. Token ring
d. poor S/N ratio at receiver
d. Token bus
120. A digital modulation technique which is a
form of constant amplitude angle modulation 124. A small telephone switching system that can
similar to standard frequency modulation except be used as a LAN is called
the modulating signal is binary signal that varies
between two discreet voltage levels. a. Ring

a. QAM b. WAN

b. ASK c. UART

c. PSK d. PBX

d. FSK 125. The most common method used for sampling

voice signals in PCM systems
121. Start and stop bits, respectively, are
a. unnatural sampling
a. Mark, space
b. flat top sampling d. Data transmission

c. natural sampling 130. Time division multiplex

d. free sampling a. can be used with PCM only

126. In PCM, it converts the PAM sampled to b. combines five groups into supergroup
parallel PCM codes
c. stacks 24 channels in adjacent
a. Analog-to-Digital converter frequency slots

b. Digital-to-analog converter d. interleaves pulses belonging to different

c. Pre-emphasis circuit
131. It is a numerical indication of how efficiently
d. Compander a PCM code is utilized

127. The OSI layer that provides the control a. Coding efficiency
functions necessary to establish, manage and
terminated the connections as required to satisfy b. Companding
the user request.
c. Pre-emphasis
a. Application layer
d. Dynamic Range
b. Network layer
132. Type of PCM which is designed to take
c. Session layer advantage of the sample-to-sample redundancies
in the typical speech waveform
d. Physical layer
a. Single bit PCM code
128. In PAM demultiplexing, the receiver clock is
derived from b. Pulse Code Modulation

a. standard radio station WWV c. Differential PCM

b. a highly accurate internal oscillator d. Delta modulation

c. the PAM signal itself 133. The Basic Rate Interface (BRI) of ISDN has
a total bit rate of _____.
d. the 60 Hertz power line
a. 192 kbps
129. It is also known as digital modulation
b. 148 kbps
a. Digital transmission
c. 64 kbps
b. Digital sampling
d. 1.544 Mbps
c. Digital radio
134. A form of angle modulated, constant a. ring
amplitude digital modulation similar to
conventional phase modulation except its input is b. bus
binary digital signal and there are limited numbers
of output phase possible.
c. star
a. ASK
d. square
b. PSK
139. It is a the symmetrical expectation of the bit
error rate in the system
c. FSK
a. probability of errors
d. QAM
b. error detection
135. The main circuit in a PSN generator is ____.
c. error control
a. XOR
d. bit error rate
b. Multiplexer
140. It is simply the data rate at which serial PCM
c. Shift register bits are clocked out of the PCM encoder onto the
transmission line.
d. Mixer
a. line speed
136. The circuit that performs demultiplexing in
an FDM system is _____. b. baud rate

a. Op - Amp c. output rate

b. Bandpass filter d. bit rate

c. Discriminator 141. A quantizing is _______.

d. Subcarrier oscillator a. Multiplexer

137. __________ defines how a user gets control b. Demultiplexer

of the channel so as to allow transmission.
c. A/D converter
a. channel access
d. D/A converter
b. collision detection
142. Refers to the rate of change of a signal on a
c. collision avoidance transmission medium after encoding and
modulation have occurred
d. carrier sense
a. baud rate
138. The fastest LAN topology is the
b. phase shift
c. bit rate c. PLM

d. frequency deviation d. PAM

143. The magnitude difference between adjacent 147. What is the bandwidth required to transmit at
steps in quantization is called __________. a rate of 10 Mbps in the presence of a 28-bd S/N
a. Quantum
a. 1.075 MHz
b. Step size
b. 10 MHz
c. Resolution
c. 5 MHz
d. Any of these
d. 10.5 MHz
144. It is a set of rules implementing and
governing an orderly exchange of data between 148. The slope of the analog signal is greater than
layers of two devices, such as line control units the delta modulator can maintain
and front end processors.
a. overload distortion
a. Data Link Protocol
b. granular noise
b. Network Protocol
c. slope overload
c. Point to Point Protocol
d. peak limiting
d. File Transfer Protocol
149. A scheme in which several channels are
145. A signaling system in which each letter of the interleaved and then transmitted together is known
alphabet is represented by a different symbol is as
not used because
a. Frequency division multiplex
a. it would be too difficult for an operator
to memorize b. Time division multiplex

b. it is redundant c. a group

c. noise would introduce too many errors d. a supergroup

d. too many pulses per letter are required 150. The best frequency demodulator is the

146. A modulation process that involves a. PLL discriminator

conversion of a waveform from analog to digital
form by means of coding. b. Pulse-averaging discriminator

a. PDM c. Foster-Seeley discriminator

b. PCM d. Radio detector

151. What property distinguishes digital radio d. maximum number of quantizing levels
systems from conventional analog in a channel of a given bandwidth
communications system?
155. The phase relationship between signaling
a. the type of carrier used in the elements for BPSK is the optimum signaling
transmission of data format and occurs only when two binary signal
levels are allowed and when one signal is the
b. the nature of the modulating signal exact negative of the other.

c. the type of modulation of data to be a. Antipodal signaling

b. Carrier recovery
d. the nature of the transmitter and
receiver to be used c. Squaring loop

152. The circuit switch is a _______ switch. d. Phase referencing

a. See through 156. Pulse amplitude modulation signals are

multiplexed by using
b. Transparent
a. Subcarrier
c. Vague
b. Bandpass filters
d. Opaque
c. A/D converters
153. A carrier recovery is needed with
d. FET switches
a. FSK
157. It is the ratio of the transmission bit rate to
b. BPSK the minimum bandwidth required for a particular
modulation scheme.
a. Bandwidth efficiency
d. QAM
b. Spectral efficiency
154. The Hartley Shannon theorem sets a limit
on the c. Information density

a. highest frequency that may be sent over d. All of these

a given channel
158. Ethernet is baseband transmission system
b. maximum capacity of a channel with a designed by _____.
given noise level
a. Thomas Murray and Robert Metcalfe
c. maximum number of coding levels in a
channel with a given noise level b. David Boggs and Thomas Murray

c. Thomas Murray and Emile Baudot

d. Robert Metcalfe and David Boggs 163. Transmitting the data signal directly over the
medium is referred to as
159. It is a system where the digital signals are
placed directly on the coaxial cable. a. baseband

a. Broadband b. broadband

b. Baseband c. ring

c. CSMA/CD d. bus

d. Token ring 164. The main reason that serial transmission is

preferred to parallel transmission is that?
160. A basic group B
a. serial is faster
a. Occupies the frequency range from 60
to 108 kHz b. serial requires only a single channel

b. Consists of erect channels only c. serial requires multiple channels

c. Is formed at the group translating d. parallel is too expensive

165. Which of the following is not a LAN?
d. Consists of 5 supergroups
a. PBX system
161. Which of the following is not primarily type
of data communications? b. Hospital system

a. a telephone c. Office building system

b. teletype d. Cable TV system

c. telegraph 166. A modulation technique where data rates in

excess of 56 kbps can be achieved over telephone
d. CW circuits

162. Packets which is self contained and travels a. ASK

through the network independent of other packets
of the same message by whatever means available. b. Trellis Code Modulation

a. Packet c. GSK

b. Frame d. Any of these

c. Datagram 167. It is how the primary designates the

secondary as the designation of recipient of data.
d. Data
a. Line turnaround
b. Selection d. ambient temperature noise

c. Line control 172. It is the procedure used to decide which

device has the permission to transmit at any given
d. Control Protocol time

168. It is the process of compressing and a. Flow control

expanding and is a means of improving the
dynamic range of communications system. b. Sequence control

a. Pre-emphasis c. Line control

b. Filtering d. Framing

c. De-emphasis 173. Any rounded off errors in the transmitted

signal are reproduced when the code is converted
d. Companding back to analog in the receiver.

169. The supergroup pilot is a. Aperture error

a. applied to each multiplexing bay b. Quantization error

b. used to regulate the gain of individual c. Aperture distortion

d. Slope overload
c. applied at each adjustable equalizer
174. The biggest disadvantage of PCM is
d. fed in at a GTE
a. its inability to handle analog signals
170. The time it takes to transmit one TDM frame
is called _________. b. the high error rate which is quantizing
noise introduces
a. Slot time
c. its incompatibility with TDM
b. Frame time
d. the large bandwidths that are required
c. Transmission time for it

d. Any of these 175. T1 stands for

171. It is the thermal noise power normalized to 1- a. Transmission one

Hz bandwidth
b. Telecommunication one
a. power density ratio
c. Telex one
b. thermal noise
d. Transmission line one
c. noise power density
176. Involves compression in the transmitter after a. Data
the input sample has been converted to a linear
PCM code and then expansion in the receiver b. Flow
prior to PCM coding.
c. Control
a. analog companding
d. Bearer
b. A law companding
181. A transmission of binary data which involves
c. Digital companding the transmission of two non zero voltage level

d. U law companding a. Unipolar

177. Mark and space refer respectively to b. Polar

a. dot and dash c. Bipolar

b. message and interval d. Non return to zero

c. binary 1 and binary 0 182. Switching systems

d. on and off a. improve the efficiency of data transfer

178. Variation of biphase that is used for encoding b. are not used in data systems
SMPTE time code data and for recording on video
c. require additional lines
a. Biphase - M
d. are limited to small data networks
b. B8Z
183. It involves converting standard logic levels to
a form more suitable to telephone transmission
c. Manchester lines

d. UPNRZ a. Transmission line encoding

179. Pulse width modulation may be generated b. Physical line encoding

a. by differentiating pulse position c. Digital line encoding

d. Multiplexing
b. with a monostable multivibrator
184. The primary advantage of digital
c. by integrating the signal transmission

d. with a free running multivibrator a. economical

180. The ISDN channel D designates _____ which b. reliability

contains control information.
c. noise immunity 189. An IC that contains A/D and D/A converters,
companders, and parallel-to-serial converters is
d. efficiency called a

185. Part of the PCM system that prevents aliasing a. Codec

or foldover distortion
b. Data converter
a. Bandpass filter
c. Multiplexer
b. Anti foldover distortion
d. Modem
c. Anti aliasing
190. Data communications refers to the
d. Any of these transmission of

186. It is defined as the process of transforming a. voice

messages or signals in accordance with a definite
set of rules. b. video

a. Quantizing c. computer data

b. Sampling d. all of the above

c. Coding 191. The number of amplitude, frequency, or

phase changes that take place per second is known
d. Decoding as the

187. The PCM code for each channel occupies a a. data rate in bits per second
fixed time slot called
b. frequency of operation
a. Frame time
c. speed limit
b. Baud
d. baud rate
c. Transmission time
192. The basic modulator and demodulator
d. Epoch circuits in PSK are

188. The building block of a parity or BCC a. PLLs

generator is _________.
b. Balanced modulators
a. Shift register
c. Shift registers
b. XOR
d. Linear summers
c. 2 to 4 level converter
193. What is the result if the input of ADC is
d. UART changing while performing conversion?
a. Aperture error c. Control

b. Overload distortion d. Flow

c. Aliasing 198. Data transmission of the character at a time

with start and stop bits is known as what type of
d. Aperture distortion transmission?

194. Information capacity is convenient to express a. asynchronous

b. serial
a. baud
c. synchronous
b. bits
d. parallel
c. dot length
199. Sampling technique that when the tops of the
d. bits per second or bps sample pulses retain their natural shape during the
sample interval
195. Which medium is the least susceptible to
noise? a. unnatural sampling

a. twin lead b. flat top sampling

b. fiber optic cable c. natural sampling

c. twisted pair d. free sampling

d. coax 200. A modem converts

196. The RS 232 interface a. Analog signals to digital

a. interconnects data sets and the b. Digital signals to analog

transmission circuits
c. Digital signals to analog and vice-versa
b. uses several different connectors
d. None of these
c. permits custom wiring of signal lines to
the connector pins as desired 201. It is a large scale integration chip designed
for use in telecommunication industry for private
d. all of the above branch exchanges, central office switches, digital
handsets and digital echo suppressors.
197. The ISDN channel B designates _________.
a. Vocoder
a. Bearer
b. Modem
b. Data
c. Codec
d. Muldem 206. An FDM hierarchy which is formed by
frequency division multiplexing 10 super groups
202. What is the type of mastergroup used for low together for a combined capacity of 600 voice
capacity microwave systems? band message channels

a. A600 a. Supergroup

b. U600 b. Group

c. L600 c. Mastergroup

d. L400 d. Jumbogroup

203. An FDM hierarchy which is formed by 207. It is the transmittal of digital signals between
frequency division multiplexing five groups to or more points in a communication system.
containing 12 channels each for a combined
bandwidth of 240 kHz. a. Digital transmittal

a. Supergroup b. Digital communications

b. Group c. Digital radio

c. Mastergroup d. Data communications

d. Jumbogroup 208. It is logically equivalent to making telephone

call through the DDD network except no direct
204. The result whenever the sampling rate is less end-to-end connection is made
than twice the highest audio frequency
a. Normal call
a. peak limiting
b. Completed call
b. overload distortion
c. Logical call
c. alias
d. Virtual call
d. quantizing noise
209. It is proposed network designed by major
205. The most critical and difficult part of telephone companies in conjunction with the ITU-
receiving a direct sequence spread spectrum T with the intent of providing worldwide
signal is telecommunications support for voice, data, video
and facsimile information within the same
a. Frequency synthesis network

b. Synchronism a. ISDN

c. PSN code generation b. Broadband communications

d. Carrier recovery c. ATM

d. Ethernet 214. A form of digital modulation similar to PSK
except the digital information is contained in both
210. Full duplex operation the amplitude and the phase of the transmitted
a. requires two pair of cables
a. ASK
b. can transfer data in both directions at
once b. FSK

c. requires modems at both ends of the c. QAM

d. PSK
d. all of these
215. For the 16-PSK and a transmission system
211. The most widely used data communications with a 10kHz bandwidth, determine the maximum
code is bit rate

a. Morse code a. 40,000 bps

b. ASCII b. 80,000 bps

c. Baudot c. 20,000 bps

d. EBCDIC d. 16,000 bps

212. Ten bit error occurs in two million 216. It is an empirical record of a systems actual
transmitted. The bit error rate is bit error performance.

a. 2 x 10^-5 a. probability of error

b. 5 x 10^-5 b. error detection

c. 5 x 10^-6 c. error control

d. 2 x 10^-6 d. bit error rate

213. It is a type of FSK where the mark and space 217. It is a function of the carrier-to-noise power
frequencies are synchronized with the input binary ratio and the number of possible encoding
rate conditions used

a. QFSK a. probability of error

b. GFSK b. error detection

c. CPFSK c. error control

d. GSK d. bit error rate

218. It is used to compare two or more digital a. the channel bandwidth may be increased
modulation systems that use different transmission
rates, modulation scheme or encoding techniques b. redundancy may be used

a. Energy per b it-to-noise power density c. the transmitted power may be increased
d. the signaling rate may be reduced
b. Noise power density
223. Which of the following is not commonly
c. Power density ratio used method of error detection?

d. Carrier-to-noise ratio a. Parity

219. Indicate which of the following is not a b. BCC

binary code
c. CRC
a. Morse
d. redundancy
b. Baudot
224. Quantizing noise occurs in
c. CCITT-2
a. time-division multiplex
d. ARQ
b. frequency-division multiplex
220. To permit the selection of 1 out of 16
equiprobable events, the number of bits required is
c. pulse-code modulation
a. 2
d. pulse-width modulation
b. log 16 base 10
225. In order to reduce quantizing noise, one must

c. 8 a. increase the number of standard

d. 4
b. send pulses whose sides are more nearly
221. The type of modulation most often used with vertical
direct-sequence spread spectrum is
c. use an RF amplifier at the receiver
a. QAM
d. increase the number of samples per
b. SSB second

c. FSK 226. Companding is used

d. PSK a. to overcome quantizing noise in PCM

222. Indicate the false statement. In order to b. in PCM transmitters, to allow amplitude
combat noise, limiting in the receiver
c. to protect small signals in PCM form c. time
quantizing distortion
d. personnel
d. in PCM receivers, to overcome impulse
noise 231. It consist essentially of sampling analog
information signals and then converting those
227. Transmitting data as serial binary word is samples into discreet pulses of transporting the
called _______. pulses from the source to destination over a
physical transmission medium
a. digital communications
a. Pulse modulation
b. quantizing
b. Amplitude modulation
c. PAM
c. Frequency modulation
d. PCM
d. Digital modulation
228. Emphasizing low-level signals and
compressing higher level signals is called 232. He is credited with inventing PCM in 1937

a. quantizing a. N. S. Kapany

b. companding b. A. H. Reeves

c. pre-emphasis c. E. H. Alpine

d. sampling d. A. C. S. Van Heel

229. Which circuit is most common to both 233. Data communications uses
frequency-hopping and direct-sequence spread
spectrum transmitters? a. Analog methods

a. correlator b. Digital methods

b. frequency synthesizer c. All of these

c. PSN code generator d. None of these

d. Sweep generator 234. An integrated circuit that performs the PCM

encoding and decoding functions
230. One of the most important aspect of any
communication system because it is costly and a. Codec
b. Modem
a. bandwidth
c. Muldem
b. equipments
d. Digital-to-analog converter
235. A synchronous transmission usually begins a. Parity
with which character?
b. Xmodem
a. SYN
c. CRC
b. STX
d. LRC
c. SOH
240. It is the ratio of the largest possible
d. ETB magnitude to the smallest possible magnitude that
can be decoded by the digital-to-analog converter
236. A theory that establishes the minimum in the receiver
sampling rate that can be used for a given PCM
systems a. Coding efficiency

a. Nyquist sampling theorem b. Companding

b. Nyquist minimum bandwidth c. Pre-emphasis

c. Nyquist minimum bandwidth d. Dynamic range

d. Any of these 241. Devices used for digitizing speech signals

237. Sixteen different levels (symbols) are used to
encode binary data. The channel bandwidth is 36 a. codec
MHz. The maximum channel capacity is
b. muldem
a. 18 Mbps
c. vocoders
b. 72 Mbps
d. modem
c. 288 Mbps
242. What is the minimum bandwidth required to
d. 2.176 Gbps transmit a 56 kbps binary signal with no noise?

238. Assigning PCM codes to absolute a. 14 kHz

b. 56 kHz
a. Coding
c. 28 kHz
b. Quantizing
d. 112 kHz
c. Sampling
243. Type of PCM that uses single-bit PCM code
d. Any of these to achieve digital transmission of analog signals

239. A popular PC protocol is a. Adaptive delta modulation

b. Pulse code modulation c. TDM frame

c. Differential modulation d. FDM time slot

d. Delta modulation 248. It is communications system that uses digital

pulse rather than analog signals to encode
244. It is a delta modulation system where the step information
size of the digital-to-analog converter is
automatically varied, depending on the analog a. Digital carrier system
input signal.
b. Digital baseband system
a. Adaptive Delta Modulation
c. Digital service system
b. PCM
d. Digital broadband system
c. Differential modulation
249. A special device that upgrades signals from
d. Delta modulation one level to a higher level of the hierarchy in
245. A QAM modulator does not use ____.
a. Muldem
b. Vocoder
b. Bit Splitter
c. Modem
c. Balanced modulator
d. Codec
d. 2-to-4 level converter
250. A transmission of binary data which involves
246. It is a form of phase-division multiplexing the transmission of only a single non-zero voltage
where two data channels modulate the same level.
carrier frequency that is shifted 90 degrees in
phase. a. Unipolar

a. PSK b. Bipolar

b. FSK c. Polar

c. QAM d. Non-return to zero

d. ASK
251. If the active time of the binary pulse is less
247. One eight-bit PCM code is called ______. than 100% of the bit time

a. FDM frame A. Non return to zero

b. TDM time slot B. Bipolar

C. Unipolar 256. It is the next higher level in the FDM
hierarchy above the basic message channel and
D. Return to zero consequently is the first multiplexing step for
combining message channels
252. It is a popular type of line encoding that
produces a strong timing component for clock A. Supergroup
recovery and does not cause wandering
B. Group
A. Digital biphase
C. Mastergroup
B. diphase
D. Jumbogroup
C. Manchester code
257. It is the modulating signal in a
D. Any of these communications system

253. Statistical TDMs are also called A. Broadband

A. Intelligent TDMs B. Baseband

B. Asynchronous TDM C. Carrier

C. Stat mux D. Any of these

D. Any of these 258. What type of mastergroup that can be further

multiplexed and used for higher-capacity
254. A chip that combines the codec and filter microwave radio systems?
functions in the same LSI chip
A. A600
A. Monolithic
B. U600
B. Combo chip
C. L600
C. Film IC
D. L400
D. Hybrid chip
259. It is essentially the same with FDM, where
255. It is the basic building block of FDM several signals are transmitted using different
hierarchy carriers, occupying non-overlapping bands of
frequency and wavelengths.
A. Character channel
A. Time division multiplexing
B. Broadband channel
B. Wave division multiplexing
C. Message channel
C. Space division multiplexing
D. Information capacity
D. Frequency division multiplexing
260. In order to separate channels in the TDM B. twisted pair
receiver, it is necessary to use
C. fiber-optic cable
A. AND gates
D. coax
B. bandpass filters
265. A mainframe computer connected to multiple
C. differentiation terminals and PCs usually uses which
D. integration
A. bus
261. To separate channels in an FDM receiver, it is
necessary to use B. ring

A. AND gates C. star

B. bandpass filters D. tree

C. differentiation 266. How many voice channels are there in

supermaster group?
D. integration
A. 300
262. In FDM, multiple signals
B. 900
A. transmit at different times
C. 3600
B. share a common bandwidth
D. 10800
C. use multiple channels
267. In a PAM/TDM system, keeping the
D. modulate one another multiplexer and DEMUX channels step with one
another is done by a
263. Frequency modulation in FDM usually
accomplished with a A. clock recovery circuit

A. reactance modulator B. sync pulse

B. varactor C. sampling

C. VCO D. sequencer

D. PLL 268. It is the process of volume compression

before transmission and expansion after detection.
264. Which of the following is not a common
LAN medium? A. pre-emphasis

A. twin lead B. de-emphasis

C. coding B. Gateways

D. companding C. Switches

269. Which of the following is correct? D. Routers

A. The bit rate may be greater than the 273. The magnitude of a quantum in quantization
baud rate of PCM codes.

B. The baud rate may be greater than the A. Maximum decodable voltage
bit rate
B. Dynamic range
C. The bit and baud rate are always the
same C. Resolution

D. The bit and baud rates are not related D. Coding level

270. Function of data link protocol that 274. It comprises of either a single L600
coordinates the rate at which data are transported mastergroup or up to three U600 mastergroups
over a link and generally provides an
acknowledgement mechanism that ensures that A. Message channel
data are received in the destination.
B. Radio channel
A. Flow control
C. Baseband channel
B. Line discipline
D. Wide channel
C. Polling
275. It is a multiplexing system similar to
D. Selection conventional time-division multiplexing except
that it was developed to be used with optical fibers
271. A classification of protocol, which is a
discipline for a serial-by-bit information transfer A. SONET
over data communications channel.
B. Frame relay
A. Message oriented
B. Bit-oriented protocol
D. X.25
C. Clock oriented protocol
276. Higher order TDM levels are obtained by
D. Asynchronous protocol
A. dividing pulse widths
272. A LAN device that interconnects two or more
device running identical internetwork protocols.
B. using the a-law
A. Bridges
C. using u-law
D. forming supermastergroups D. Recovered from the BPSK signal

277. Results when the sample exceeds the highest 281. Digital signals
quantization interval
A. do not provide a continuous set of
A. Overload distortion values

B. Quantization error B. represent values as discrete steps

C. Quantization noise C. can utilize decimal or binary systems

D. Granular noise D. all of these

278. The event which marked the start of the 282. Each signal in an FDM signal
modern computer age was
A. modulates the main carrier
A. design of the ENIAC computer
B. modulates the final carrier
B. development of Hollerith code
C. is mixed with all the others before
C. development of the transistor modulation

D. development of disk drives for data D. serves as a subcarrier

283. In digital modulation, if the information
279. A forward error correcting code corrects signal is digital and the amplitude of the carrier is
errors by varied proportional to the information signal.

A. requiring partial transmission of the A. Quaternary Shift Keying (QAM)

entire signal
B. Phase Shift Keying (PSK)
B. requiring retransmission of the entire
signal C. Frequency Shift Keying (FSK)

C. requiring no part of the signal to be D. Amplitude Shift Keying (ASK)

284. Slow speed modems
D. using parity to correct the errors in all
cases A. FSK

280. The carrier used with a BPSK demodulator is B. BPSK

A. Generated by an oscillator C. QPSK

B. The BPSK signal itself D. QAM

C. Twice the frequency of the transmitted 285. The data rate for IEEE 802.11b is _____.
A. 10 Mbps C. Transmitting multiple signals over
multiple channels
B. 1.544 Mbps
D. Sending multiple signals
C. 2.048 Mbps simultaneously over a single channel

D. 11 Mbps 290. What is the relationship of bit rate and baud

in QPSK and 8-PSK?
286. Type of analog companding used in the
United States and Japan A. bit rate is greater than baud

A. log-PCM companding B. bit rate is always less than the baud

B. A-law companding C. bit rate is never greater than the baud

C. u-law companding D. bit rate is slightly less than the baud

D. any of these 291. A common method of achieving carrier

recovery for BPSK
287. A rule of procedure that defines how data is
to be transmitted is called A. Trellis code

A. handshake B. Bandwidth efficiency

B. error-detection C. Squaring loop

C. data specifications D. Carrier recovery

D. protocol 292. What is the relationship of bit rate and baud

in FSK and PSK?
288. A longitudinal redundancy check produces
A. greater than
A. block check character
B. slightly greater than
B. parity bit
C. less than
D. equal
D. error correction
293. The modulation used in FDM telephone
289. Multiplexing is the process of system is

A. Several signal sources transmitting A. AM

simultaneously to a receiver on common
frequency B. FM

B. Sending the same signal over multiple C. SSB

channels to multiple destinations
D. PSK 298. It is highly theoretical study of efficient use
of bandwidth to propagate information through
294. In digital modulation, a diagram which is electronic communications system
similar to phasor diagram except that the entire
phasor is not drawn and only the peaks of the A. information capacity
phasor are shown
B. data communications
A. constellation diagram
C. information theory
B. Venn diagram
D. information technology
C. phasor diagram
299. Another name for parity is
D. schematic diagram
A. Vertical redundancy check
295. Digital signals may be transmitted over the
telephone network if B. Block check character

A. their speed is low enough C. Longitudinal redundancy check

B. they are converted to analog first D. Cyclic redundancy check

C. they are ac instead of dc 300. It is the process of gathering data on some

particular phenomenon without the presence of
D. they are digital only human monitors

296. Most FDM telemetry system use A. Telemetry

A. AM B. Telecommand

B. FM C. Telecommunications

C. SSB D. Remote control

D. PSK 301. A convenient technique for determining the

effects of the degradations introduced into the
297. In TDM, multiple signals pulses as they travel to the regenerator.

A. share a common bandwidth A. Standing wave ratio

B. modulate subcarriers B. Eye patterns

C. are sampled at high speeds C. Reflection coefficient

D. take turns transmitting D. Any of these

302. Spread spectrum stations sharing a band are

identified by and distinguished from one another
A. PSN code B. Spectral efficiency

B. Frequency of operation C. Information density

C. Clock rate D. All of these

D. Modulation type 307. It is the process of extracting a phase-

coherent reference carrier from a receiver signal
303. The ASCII code has
A. Phase referencing
A. 4 bits
B. Trellis code
B. 5 bits
C. Squaring loop
C. 7 bits
D. any of these
D. 8 bits
308. It is the measure of how much information
304. The first file transfer protocol designed to can be propagated through a communication
facilitate transferring data between two personal system and is a function of a bandwidth of the
computers over the public switched telephone transmission line
A. information theory
A. X modem protocol
B. information capacity
B. Y modem protocol
C. information technology
C. Z modem protocol
D. digital communications
309. In delta modulation, the modulator is
305. For a single-channel PCM system with a sometimes called _____.
sample rate of 6000 samples per second and a
seven-bit compressed PCM code, what is the line A. continuous ADC
B. tracking ADC
A. 21,000 bps
C. variable slope ADC
B. 42,000 bps
D. slope ADC
C. 14,000 bps
310. The code which provides for parity checks is
D. 12,000 bps
A. Baudot
306. It is often used to compare the performance
of one digital modulation technique to another B. ASCII

A. Bandwidth efficiency C. CCITT-2

D. EBCDIC 315. A form of switching which is hold and
311. Form of multiplexing that constitutes
propagating signals from different cables that sre A. Packet switching
contained within the same trench
B. Message switching
A. Wavelength division multiplexing
C. Circuit switching
B. Wave division multiplexing
D. Digital switching
C. Space division multiplexing
316. It can be used to categorize the type of
D. Frequency division multiplexing transmission

312. For an 8-PSK system, operating with an A. Duty cycle

information bit rate of 24 kbps, determine the
bandwidth efficiency B. Companding

A. 8 bits/cycle C. Coding efficiency

B. 2 bits/cycle D. Dynamic range

C. 3 bits/cycle 317. Type of multiplexing where multiple sources

that originally occupied the same frequency
D. 4 bits/cycle spectrum are each converted to a different
frequency band and transmitted simultaneously
313. Element of a PCM system that periodically over a single transmission medium.
samples the analog input signal and converts those
samples to a multilevel PAM signal A. FDM

A. Bandpass filter B. ATM

B. Sample-and-hold circuit C. TDM

C. Analog-to-digital converter D. Spread spectrum

D. Digital-to-analog converter 318. It is a solicitation sent from the primary to a

secondary to determine if the secondary has data
314. It is the ratio of the average carrier power to to transmit
the thermal noise power
A. Selection
A. Signal-to-noise ratio
B. Polling
B. Noise figure
C. Error control
C. Noise factor
D. Master control
D. Carrier-to-noise ratio
319. Function of data link control that specifies 323. The most basic digital symbol used to
the means of detecting and correcting transmission represent information
A. bit
A. Error control
B. baud
B. Selection
C. bits per second
C. Protocol
D. any of these
D. Synchronization
324. Function of data link protocol that
320. The Hartley law states that coordinates hop-to-hop data delivery where a hop
maybe a computer, a network controller or a
A. the maximum rate of information network-connecting device such as router.
transmission depends on the channel
bandwidth A. Flow control

B. the maximum rate of information B. Error control

depends on the depth of modulation
C. Line discipline
C. redundancy is essential
D. Selection
D. only binary codes may be used
325. Quadrature amplitude modulation is
321. It represents the number of independent
symbols that can be carried through a system in a A. Amplitude modulation only
given unit of time.
B. QPSK only
A. information theory
C. AM plus QPSK
B. information capacity
D. AM plus FSK
C. information technology
326. The most common modulation system used
D. digital communications for telegraphy is

322. The Shannon-Hartley law A. frequency-shift keying

A. refers to distortion B. two-tone modulation

B. defines the bandwidth C. pulse-code modulation

C. describes signaling rates D. single-tone modulation

D. refers to noise 327. It is used to encode the minimum amount of

speech information necessary to reproduce a
perceptible message with a fewer bits that those A. baseband
needed by a conventional encoder/decoder
B. broadband
A. codec
C. ring
B. muldem
D. bus
C. vocoders
332. Which of the following is not a benefit of
D. modem companding

328. It is the transmission of information in any A. minimizes noise

form from one source to one or more destination
B. minimizes number of bits
A. Modulation
C. minimizes quantizing error
B. Multiplexing
D. minimizes signal bandwidth
C. Encoding
333. Transmissions from multiple sources occur in
D. Decoding the same facility but not at the same time

329. A form of switching which is stored and A. Time Division Multiplexing

B. Frequency Division Multiplexing
A. Packet switching
C. Wave Division Multiplexing
B. Message switching
D. Space Division Multiplexing
C. Circuit switching
334. A 9600-baud rate signal can pass over the
D. Digital switching voice grade telephone line if which kind of
modulation is used?
330. In digital modulation, it is similar to standard
amplitude modulation except there is only two A. BPSK
amplitudes possible
A. frequency shift keying
B. quaternary amplitude modulation
C. amplitude shift keying
335. Indicate which of the following pulse
D. phase shift keying modulation systems is analog

331. The technique of using modulation and FDM A. PCM

to transmit multiple data channels of a common
medium is known as B. PWM
C. Differential PCM D. collection

D. Delta 340. A virtual circuit which is logically equivalent

to a two-point dedicated private-line circuit except
336. The modulation system inherently most slower
noise-resistant is
A. Switched Virtual Circuit
A. SSB, suppressed carrier
B. Permanent Virtual Circuit
B. frequency modulation
C. Switched Leased Circuit
C. pulse-position modulation
D. Permanent Leased Circuit
D. pulse-code modulation
341. To a conventional narrowband receiver, a
337. It is simply the number of bits transmitted spread spectrum signal appears to be like
during one second and expressed in bits per
second A. Noise

A. baud B. Fading

B. bits C. A jamming signal

C. bit rate D. An intermittent connection

D. pulse repetition rate 342. It is a low-quality video transmission for use

between non-dedicated subscribers
338. It is the most prevalent encoding technique
used for TDM signals A. Digital phone

A. PAM B. Picturephone

B. PLM C. Cameraphone

C. PPM D. Cellphone with camera

D. PCM 343. Pulse code modulation is preferred to PAM

because of its
339. The characters making up the message in a
synchronous transmission are collectively referred A. resistance to quantizing error
to as the data
B. simplicity
A. set
C. lower cost
B. sequence
D. superior noise immunity
C. block
344. A CRC generator uses which component?
A. balanced modulator C. PLM

B. shift register D. PPM

C. binary adder 349. The most common circuit used for

demodulating binary FSK signals
D. multiplexer
A. phase locked loop
345. A signaling element is sometimes called
B. Foster-Seeley discriminator
A. information
C. varactor
B. data
D. phase shift method
C. symbol
350. A digital modulation technique also known as
D. intelligence on-off keying

346. Which of the following words has the correct A. PSK

parity bit? Assume odd parity. The last bit is the
parity bit. B. FSK

A. 1111111 1 C. QUAM

B. 1100110 1 D. OOK

C. 0011010 1

D. 0000000 0

347. It is a digital interface that provides the

physical connection to the digital carrier network
1. Digital-to-analog
A. Modem
2. Digital-to-digital
B. Codec 3. Analog-to-digital

C. Muldem 4. Analog-to analog

5. Amplitude
6. ASK
348. It is the only digitally encoded modulation
technique that is commonly used for digital 7. 1200 samples/sec
8. 800
9. 13.74 kbps
10. 1200 38. Data terminal equipment

11. AMI 39. 9600 wpm

12. 6 40. 12.8 kbps

13. B8ZS 41. 10 MHz

14. 3 42. Between 3 and 15

15. 4 bits/cycle 43. 5 MHz

16. Parallel 44. 768 kbps

17. 2 45. NRZ-L

18. 1 46. 5 kHz

19. Control 47. 8.8 dB

20. DB-15 48. 25

21. A null modem 49. All of the above

22. To reduce the error rate 50. 15 kHz

23. Less than 51. The components are simpler, less costly,
and more reliable
24. V.33
52. Agreed upon in advance between sender
25. Analog
26. 4.77 dB
53. Refer to the modem and the computer or
27. 0.005 V terminal, respectively

28. 2 bits/cycle 54. Determined by the sender and receiver,

not by the communications system
29. Digital, analog
55. Print one character at a time
30. All of the above
56. Involves the interface between people and
31. 48 Mbps, 24 dB
machines, such as terminals
32. Bell 103
57. Differ in whether the bits are on separate
33. EIA-RS-232 wires or on one

34. 4000 58. Is less efficient than synchronous, but

35. 1.075 MHz
59. Entropy
36. 100
60. How likely symbols are to be repeated
37. 25 bits
61. Inductance 87. Digital PBX

62. More bandwidth than analog 88. Fiber optics transmission

63. Standard for interfaces between terminal 89. High-speed file transfers
and modems
90. Lower cost telephones
64. The clocking is derived from the data in
91. The physical layer protocol
synchronous transmission
92. DTE/DCE interface
65. They must contain clock recovery circuits
93. A recommendation of the CCITT
66. Transmitter section
94. Between peers
67. Gray code
95. Local loop standards for a telephone
68. Equalizer
69. Bipolar
96. Not including the user or communications
70. An adaptive equalizer medium

71. Set of symbols 97. Three

72. 5 98. User data

73. 1 99. 3

74. ASCII 100. Three octets of header plus data

75. DDCMP does not require special 101. Information

hardware to find the beginning of a message
102. Return to zero
76. Computer bus
103. Coax
77. Voiceband modem
104. T carriers
78. Application independent interfaces
105. Secure communications
79. Optical fibers
106. Gateways
80. Automatic retransmission of a message
107. All of these
81. No signal change at a 1 to 0 transition
108. Using multiple levels of multiplexing
82. Data link control
109. Digital modulation
83. Broadcast
110. Pulse-code modulation
84. In-service expansion
111. Character and Byte-oriented protocols
85. Unlimited number of stations
112. Cyclic redundancy check
86. Digital PBX
113. Noise proof
114. Quantizing 141. A/D converter

115. Quantization 142. baud rate

116. Frame time 143. Any of these

117. Composite baseband 144. Data Link Protocol

118. is equal to twice the bandwidth of an 145. noise would introduce too many errors
ideal channel
146. PCM
119. noise
147. 1.075 MHz
120. FSK
148. slope overload
121. Space, mark
149. Time division multiplex
122. Digital Signal Processing
150. PLL discriminator
123. Token passing
151. the nature of the modulating signal
124. PBX
152. Transparent
125. flat top sampling
153. DPSK
126. Analog-to-Digital converter
154. maximum capacity of a channel with a
127. Session layer given noise level

128. the PAM signal itself 155. Antipodal signaling

129. Digital radio 156. FET switches

130. interleaves pulses belonging to different 157. All of these

158. Robert Metcalfe and David Boggs
131. Coding efficiency
159. Baseband
132. Differential PCM
160. Occupies the frequency range from 60 to
133. 192 kbps 108 kHz

134. PSK 161. a telephone

135. Shift register 162. Datagram

136. Discriminator 163. baseband

137. channel access 164. parallel is too expensive

138. bus 165. Cable TV system

139. probability of errors 166. Trellis Code Modulation

140. line speed 167. Selection

168. Companding 195. fiber optic cable

169. fed in at a GTE 196. interconnects data sets and the

transmission circuits
170. Frame time
197. Bearer
171. noise power density
198. asynchronous
172. Line control
199. natural sampling
173. Quantization error
200. Digital signals to analog and vice-versa
174. the large bandwidths that are required
for it 201. Codec

175. Transmission one 202. L600

176. Digital companding 203. Supergroup

177. binary 1 and binary 0 204. alias

178. Biphase - M 205. Synchronism

179. with a monostable multivibrator 206. Mastergroup

180. Data 207. Digital transmittal

181. Bipolar 208. Virtual call

182. improve the efficiency of data transfer 209. ISDN

183. Digital line encoding 210. all of these

184. noise immunity 211. ASCII

185. Any of these 212. 5 x 10^-6

186. Coding 213. CPFSK

187. Epoch 214. QAM

188. XOR 215. 40,000 bps

189. Codec 216. bit error rate

190. computer data 217. probability of error

191. baud rate 218. Energy per bit-to-noise power density

192. Balanced modulators
219. Morse
193. Aperture distortion
220. 4
194. bits per second or bps
221. PSK
222. the channel bandwidth may be 248. Digital carrier system
249. Muldem
223. redundancy
250. Unipolar
224. pulse-code modulation
251. Return to zero
225. increase the number of standard
252. Any of these
253. Any of these
226. to protect small signals in PCM form
quantizing distortion 254. Combo chip

227. PCM 255. Message channel

228. companding 256. Group

229. PSN code generator 257. Baseband

230. bandwidth 258. U600

231. Pulse modulation 259. Wave division multiplexing

232. A. H. Reeves 260. AND gates

233. Digital methods 261. bandpass filters

234. Codec 262. share a common bandwidth

235. SYN 263. VCO

236. Nyquist sampling theorem 264. twin lead

237. 288 Mbps 265. star

238. Quantizing 266. 900

239. Xmodem 267. sync pulse

240. Dynamic range 268. companding

241. vocoders 269. The bit rate may be greater than the
baud rate
242. 28 kHz
270. Flow control
243. Delta modulation
271. Bit-oriented protocol
244. Adaptive Delta Modulation
272. Routers
245. XNOR
273. Resolution
246. QAM
274. Radio channel
247. TDM frame
275. SONET 302. PSN code

276. dividing pulse widths 303. 7 bits

277. Overload distortion 304. X modem protocol

278. development of the transistor 305. 42,000 bps

279. requiring no part of the signal to be 306. All of these

307. Phase referencing
280. The BPSK signal itself
308. information capacity
281. all of these
309. tracking ADC
282. modulates the main carrier
310. ASCII
283. Amplitude Shift Keying (ASK)
311. Space division multiplexing
284. FSK
312. 3 bits/cycle
285. 11 Mbps
313. Sample-and-hold circuit
286. u-law companding
314. Carrier-to-noise ratio
287. protocol
315. Packet switching
288. block check character
316. Duty cycle
289. Sending multiple signals simultaneously
317. FDM
over a single channel
318. Polling
290. bit rate is greater than baud
319. Error control
291. Squaring loop
320. the maximum rate of information
292. equal
transmission depends on the channel
293. SSB bandwidth

294. constellation diagram 321. information capacity

295. they are converted to analog first 322. refers to noise

296. FM 323. bit

297. take turns transmitting 324. Line discipline

298. information theory 325. AM plus QPSK

299. Vertical redundancy check 326. frequency-shift keying

300. Telemetry 327. vocoders

301. Eye patterns 328. Multiplexing

329. Message switching 343. superior noise immunity

330. amplitude shift keying 344. shift register

331. broadband 345. symbol

332. minimizes signal bandwidth 346. 1100110 1

333. Time Division Multiplexing 347. DSU/CSU

334. QAM 348. PCM

335. PWM 349. phase locked loop

336. pulse-code modulation 350. OOK

337. bit rate

338. PCM

339. block

340. Permanent Virtual Circuit

341. Noise

342. Picturephone

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